Nazi Menace Grows All Over U.S.

Nazi Menace Grows All Over U.S. Have $40,000,000 For National Drive By VICTOR RIESEL There is. no longer any doubt that the Nazi movement to "Aryanize" this country is a serious one that...

...Minnesota F-L Begins To Expel Communists Action Follows Years of Provocation Culminating in Primary Where C. P. Publicly Endorsed FannerLa bontes and One Communist...
...fjOTL TURMi AHBtL 4 B cannot have escaped the noting of the discerning that for several •weeks row the Japanese atrocity mill has ceased to grind...
...One of the expelled Communists, Steve Gadler, elected a delegate to the state con^ vention, was denied a seat in that body...
...Once he does this, the rest is simple...
...exterminate the Democratic, which "is completely dominated by international Jewry...
...With the entire Balkans ia ar uproar, the Rumanian cabinet it turmoil, the Nazis stirring up Bui garia, Jugoslavia in the Nazi-Fas cist camp, and Czechoslovakia practically dismembered, the French, now sole guardians in Europe aside from the Scandinavian coun tries, of democracy, are in a dan gerous position...
...Russia's "ljfeline" too is threatened...
...After serving one term ending in 1937, he was appointed By Hitler for a four-year period, which parallels the Goering Four-Year Plan, in which to accomplish the Bund's aims...
...Members of the Volksbund are used as circulation canvassers and to coerce their friends, if they have any, to read the Nazi newspapers1 and drop the "Jewish Press...
...The Farmer-Labor ; Party publicly repudiated this "support" to avoid even the suspicion that the party desired aid from this disruptive element...
...Paul Trades and Labor Assembly, and spokesman for the county organization of the F.L.P., also runs a conspicuous front-page editorial titled "Let There Be No Compromise," in which it states the policy that must guide the party if it expects to survive and win the confidence of the masses...
...the Order of T» the World Alliance Against Je*«* Aggressiveness, the Nations...
...I sire yoa three guesses why—if you need them...
...Garber formerly resided in Springfield, Mass., and is said to be known there as a Stalinist...
...On the other side, 'the progressive bloc and the New Deal Democrats are pursuing tactics which indicate that he is arranging a broad, affirmative program for Congress to act on next January—after the fall elections...
...They are in complete control of the area around Irun, si the western end of the Pyrenees and are making no attempt to con ceal their identity by wearing ci vilian clothes...
...Citizens Committee of fff and Use Citizens Protective Laajgg and the A.B.C., America's BSf Citizens...
...Shis m nice and an addition to the sum of human knowledge jeording »• eminent authority, are perfectly equipped to toad as to lory...
...The State Departasat has abandoned action and, da)p repeated demands in the l i nt press, has refused to publish formation on the ease which Ji agents have been gathering pr some months...
...Without stock dividends, indeed, I igebt of we could expect upon our fair land the divine mercy...
...Paul's policy, but for one reason or another they decided to postpone final action until the next state convention...
...So anxious is ft-a Nazi Agent Ik-A the Prime Minister for a rebel victory this month that he had a meeting called of the chairmen's sub-committee of the "non-intervention committee" to order the tightening up of the watch^on men and munitions entering Loyalist Spain over the land and sea frontiers from France...
...This moral support of Hitler and II Duce is a crushing blow to the Republican Spanish government since it puts French Premier Leon Blum on the spot and creates danger of AngloFrench rupture if the Socialist premier continues his under-cover aid to the Loyalists...
...Like airmost every figure in the case, Garber, as The New Leader indicated three weeks ago, is known to be a sympathizer of the Communist Party...
...Three weeks ago, in The Nar Leader, Herbert Solow disclosed that the parents of Mrs...
...The Downing Street diplomats are fn for a rude awakening, if they believe they can persuade Franco to rid Spain, should he win —and he hasn't yet—of the Nazis and Fascists...
...p any legislative assembly what could be nobler, what could be gAfer, what could be worthier of universal acclaim and respect than Ssv* the cry of distress and hasten to the rescue ? I ask you, For more than a year in our country, the members of our Better Element, persecuted by a deraogogic, by a tyrannical, by a Communist administration that everybody knows is under the direction of Moscow, have been deprived of their inherent right to cut melons and to grab off stock dividends...
...The beautiful example of docility and obedience thus exhibited kt$ more than one heartening significance...
...Blum hesitated only at sending planes to aid the Loyalists since they could be easily identified and still further endanger the month old Popular Front cabinet...
...New Evidence of CP.-Rubens Tieup In Garber Arrest New York Police Prisoner Was Key Photographer in Passport Ring of GPU Agents in United States, By WALTER HAMKRS An important "break" in the three-months-old Robinson-Rubeni GPU mystery became imminent Monday night when the New York police arrested Ossip Garber, a Fifth Avenue photographer...
...Rubens, whose adventures in Kav sia and other activities denua strate a GPU tie-up, is probtbff also in prison, despite runwi printed in the New York tabloids that he has been shot...
...She has rejected a propsssl of the U. S. Embassy to'belp be...
...Tail time Roosevelt hopes to have s solid New Deal majority 1—<** all this, the R.F.C...
...hv past years...
...Pressure Curtailed This doesn't mean that F.D.R...
...DutKgan has not revealed anj hypotheses as to where the danger of such adevelopment comes from But it is not insignificant that recently Carlo Tresca, Italian-American anti-fascist leader, charged that the disappearance of Juliet Stuart Poyntz, well-known Communist Party official, was due tc the C.P.'s fear that she might givs damaging evidence of the connections of the American Stalinists with the Robinson-Rtibens-GPU affair...
...fhu confirms French fears tftjit Ttfjiz army technicians are organizing .and administering rebel airdromes and radio, road* $?d rail cethmuni cations, ready at anjf moment t< drive into France...
...ftei a^efxpr tit) most part dressed rn the officia uniform of the Reichswehr...
...Special to The New Leader...
...However, organized workers should not be tricked by this dishonest maneuver, the "Advocate" adds...
...All those coming up for re-election have put June 1st down as the deadline so tint they can scamper home to set themselves right with the voters...
...Newspapers then suggested that he bad been connected with the making of photographs for Rubens...
...The editorial ends with this f i n al warning: "To eom.prom.ite with Communists for political expediency would be suicidal, and no self-respecting politician will ask Labor to make ntch a sacHfiee...
...least that's the heps ef the progressives, left-wing -New Dealers, sad the Farmer-Labor Woe...
...The Central Committee also approved a resolution calling upon the state convention to provide a more definite bar to membership in the party by Communists by amending the state constitution...
...and do away with the Communist Party since "it is based on the theories of the Jews, Karl Marx and Lenin, completely dominated by international Jewry...
...and Mrs Donald L. Robinson, on which the Rubenses entered Suusia last November...
...Fritz Kuhn, besides being American Fuehrer, is head of the publishing company...
...European Democracy Now Rests on France British Tory Government Speeds Efforts to Insure Fascist Victory—Blum Goes Slowly to Preserve Cabinet...
...Palestine could accommodate the entire five million...
...The unemployed can wait, said this committee...
...It does mean that little White House pressure will be applied this session to reach these objectives...
...But no later...
...The A. V. Publishing Company now has newspapers in New York City, Philadelphia, Chicago, and Los Angeles, with new papers coming up in Boston, Salt Lake City, Minneapolis, Seattle, and Milwaukee...
...By EDWARD LORING WASHINGTON, D. C—As Con* gross races through its most intensive legislative activity of the session, two views prevail here of the President's plans for lifting the country out of its depression—this time even more severe than the "bottom-scraping" one of March, 1933...
...With.harmony bttween the Supreme Court and tho Administration assured throat* the appoinmerrt of Hugo L. Blea and Stanley Bead, a V*0 9m majority will be the signal fors renewed drive for social leghuatiss even more advanced than that proposed by FjS>.U...
...Knowing that' the British government, unlike the French, is anxious to see a Franco victory, the Italian-N'azi high command is doing nothing to spoil the Tories' plans...
...He is about 45...
...V Whst vhc Administration strategy now boils down to is sitting out the depression for the next nu* months while the government boreaus rush aid to any section ot the nation, or people, which saves dangerous wrokanss There win bt early distribution of fends dut w farmers, a step-up ia relief payments and increased •pending si armament which are expected a> lift the depression sufficiently » carry the country through to next January when the fireworks _wM begin again ia Congress...
...There are 65 Hitlerite central —•headquarters in this country, 17 of which are in the metropolitan New York area, spreading this propaganda among a wider group of "Gentile Americans" every week...
...Garber is held in default of $5,000 bail ai a material witness to the conspiracy which aided in obtaining for Adolph Arnold Rubens, GPTJ agent, the false American passports in the names of Mr...
...Special to The New Leader ST...
...At least our partnership with the Fsscxs: gangsters in Spain did not extend to the supplying of bombs ***revrtfA to tear civilians to bits—at Barcelona...
...Labor," it continues, "is well aware of the fact that the somraon weapon of reaction is to attempt to discredit the Labor Movement with unfounded charges that it is communistic, that it is financed from Moscow, that it is in-American and anti-social...
...Great Britain, we learn, is negotiating an arrangement with Japan whereby British trade and the British investments in Ckiaa will be fully safeguarded and Britain will help Japan establish » dominated state in the conquered Chinese territory...
...Everything . depends upon ta« support the President gets in *f next Congress...
...In the meantime, St...
...The Bukharin-Rykov trial reesd indicated four abortive Amsfiei references which may be natal to the Kremlin p o l i c y teUBs the Robinson-Rubenses...
...but it . fJB make aw difference to the anaemics whose quavering cry rises «*er upon the circumambient...
...Closely associated with, « ** dominated by, the Bund are American Nationalist Party *Sf Russian Nationalist Party, a <** ist organization...
...The State Department assures us with ¦action that in the massacre at Barcelona not a single American bomb tot used...
...How the Department learned this precious fact is not disclosed, atrdly from identification of the fragments, one may surmise, because being muted up with the limbs and torsos of women and children, •add be identified only with the greatest difficulty... ready » "help" business with a toae sf $1,500,000,000...
...Rubes received from their daughter I secret message through the Stat Department in which the daurbttr asked them not to interfere in be affairs...
...It is reported that even military posts on the railways leading int< France are forbidden to Spaniards including Franco's officers...
...State Uses would be eliminated, elections would be transformed under the blueprint of an "Aryan America," the press would be purged of "subversive elements," schools would be rid of the "feminine influence," all strikes would be prohibited, and compulsory military training would be imposed on all citizens...
...n/ - Critical English visitors have long been accustomed to point out, mway our many short-comings, that we have here no well-trained jjroaf class...
...The communists are howling here, in France and in the United States, according to reports received by "this writer, against the withholding of official aid to the Loyalists by the Blum government...
...The Wage and Hour legislation won't pass, it appears...
...tion to Garber, Helen RtrflBj, Marshall Shaw, Arthur Sharfa and several persons who liveia an East 17th Street address Ifta utilized by Robinson-Rubena»j...
...bens' former attorney, as The KM Leader has pointed out before, lb* has had Stalinist connections, although it is not known that af.Hl anything to do with Rubens' seen activities...
...The editorial declares: "There will be thunderous charges of 'redbaiting.' There will be the usual pleas for tolerance, unity and harmony within the progressive movement...
...With the fate of his cabinet, upon which depends French democracy., in the hands of reactionary financial interests in the Senate, with France encircled and her communications with her North African colonies in danger of being cut ''off, with Chamberlain doing everything in the power of the British torres to smash the People's Front, and with the Communists ready to sabotage the cabinet, is it any wonder that Blum hesitates to accept the threat of war June to the world this week by Goebbels and Mussolini...
...May we not begin to hope that with such inspiring ttampies we may redeem ourselves from this reproach...
...Where's Russian Help...
...Paul's action will have its effect in other cities and communities where the local party organizations have been disturbed and harassed by the same element...
...THE NEWS REEL By CHARLES EDWARD RUSSELL •eWERE are those, I know, that have spoken harshly, unkindly, even i^OTtemptuously of the Senate of the United States, and it is thereMS5S|M prkteful joy that I note how grandly that body is about to HEgeJnwlf and overwhelm its detractors...
...Running on in the same vein, the Nazis then tell the people who come to listen that only Fuehrer Kahn can save America...
...It is believed that now that the revolt has begun against years of provocation it will spread throughout the state...
...crush the Socialists since their "party is based on the Socialist theories of the Jew, Karl Marx, pro-Jewish...
...Hot* America's Portia* Evidence of the ludicrous demand for a National Socialist America is the official GermanAmerican Bund attitude towards the country's political parties...
...The farmer can wait, relief can wait, the deficit can .wait, public improvements can Trip Hie we to 1ft the harden from the melon-less millionaire and mi aim that is without a stock dividend in the house, to look up and > So with a magnificent gesture of sympathy, the Committee voted t» repeal the Surplus Profits Tax and the Senate is to ratify the action...
...Union Organ Attacks The "Union Advocate," official organ of the St...
...What I want to know is: first, what was it this paragon was •jpected to do BTTA, since there is all this clamor in the ranks of ¦ghtr nnnasss>aaw that he is oat: And then I want to know how he ever got ia weertKg his big sabots on bis feet...
...Jaws Borred "Of course," Fritz Kuhn hastens to assure you, "only the White People of America can participate in the economic and social activities of America, and Jews aren't white people...
...Natajfc deprived of his guiding hand, ruin and desolation yawn before us...
...In science, in the arcana of government, a engineering, in patriotism, in exalted idealism, and yet in all practical wisdom, behold a man without a peer in human annals...
...The issue came up in the state sonvention in Duluth last week, but aside from expelling Gadler, it was decided to postpone final action on the proposal of the St...
...It is understood that sti result the family is at a loss bar to proceed...
...TJsarn from the prehensile pen of the blushful Dorothy that Dr...
...A plan to parade the Robins* Rubens couple in a demonstrstia "spy" trial, complete imk *W>3 fessions," was apparently tmdf way early this year but now sella to have been pushed off into at indifinite future...
...There will be frantic appeals for party loyalty and eloquent appeals to leave red-baiting to the Republicans, the reactionary, time-serving daily press and to the hirelings of big business...
...THf NATIONAL HERO pBOWNED with fresh laurels from the dewy Caves and amid deafenV jag laudations from Dorothy Thompson and every other loyal llailtrr of Mezozoic philosophy, Dr...
...Rubens, also, a Stalinist...
...Chamberlain hopes Franco will win by the end tft*this month and then send his Nazi and Italian armies back heme leaving Spain to the industrial imperialist interests of Great Britain...
...It is significant that, having done his job well in Austria, Franz von Pa pen, former chancellor of Germany, has heen dispatched to Turkey as ambassador, which indicates a revival of the pre-war policy of eastward expansion, and its concoinitant control of the strategic Dardanelles, Turkey and the Persian Gulf—and, of ccursa, the valuable o$ fields in surrounding-territory...
...The American Guards an* W American National Socialist Le*fc*ot which was formerly the Aajgrfc* National Labor Party, are |jf youth organizations of the Gerffl** American Bund, which is the holding corporation for Aff^K organizations tat America...
...Mrs... longer any doubt that the Nazi movement to "Aryanize" this country is a serious one that should be fought energetically as a nation-wide menace to civil and religious freedom...
...Observers in New York have also .pointed out that when several GPU agents, whose extradition from France was sought by the Swiss government in connection with the murder last year near Geneva of Ignace Ri Reiss, GPU agent who had become a Trotskyite, the men sought disappeared from France, forfeiting some 50,000 francs bail each...
...Instead rf daily recitals of the horrible savageries of the detestable Japanese, tee has been a manifest .soft pedal on all events in the Chinese area...
...If there are any sceptics about who feel that too much importance is being paid to another "not" movement, pay attention to this and remember that Hitler was once at the "beer hall putsch stage...
...Tactics Seen As Drive for New New Deal Congress Administration Pressure for Favored Bilk Curtailed Pending Congressional Elections in November...
...As Fuehrer he has the power to call a national convention at any time, appoint deputy national officers to reresent the Bund, adjust all grievances, interpret all laws, decide all -controversies, call local unit meetings ahd preside over fff meeting of any unit of the Baai • suspend or remove any distrid • officer or member...
...Indeentallj¦, we Bear no more about the duty of "the two great demofatfc countries" to stand together against aggression in China...
...not even a mention will be made of the important bill for seven "little T.V.A.V which came in for so much publicity some months after the ravaging floods... LOOKS AWAY "pHERE are five million Jews in the world in acute distress and periL , . Secretory Hull appeals to twenty-nine nations, none of whom can • anything to help...
...For sheer nerve in their propaganda the Nazis here match their brethren at home and those who direct them from Berlin...
...Paul ind Minneapolis have been stronglolds of the party, each city having sleeted labor mayors at one time or another, and Communism has always been a factor playing into the hands of the enemies of the workers and farmers...
...The American Nazis in this country, organized in the AmerikaDeutscher Volksbund, have $40r 000,000 to spend for propaganda here and more where that money came from...
...For y e a r s reactionaries have :ried to destroy the Farmer-Labor movement in this state by tarring it with Communist pitch, and the Communists have been busy trying •jo capture the movement...
...they have been waiting nine years and have learned how do it with grace and dignity...
...This writer has seen an affidavit by an, acquaintance of Garber's testifying to the latter's long-time Stalinist convictions...
...If the revelations of Ameriag journalists, and the fear of Mm ions of a passport-fraud trial • America, do not cause the pena> lent shelving of the imprmnA >air of Stalinists, the RuossSf •nay yet take the stand in MosatS...
...A great part of this fund is scheduled for a chain of 11 pro-Nazi, anti-semitic newspapers well distributed throughout the nation...
...Froebest Heads West Kuhn has appointed Rudcll* Markmann leader of the E*rt*r« Division and George Froebes« Milwaukee, head of the MM*** section...
...So long as that pernicious tax remained, there (ouki be no melons* If there were no melons, there could be no stock Bikhnrin If there were no stock dividends, how could the One Per fjeat that now own Sixty Per Cent of the nation's wealth expect "next year to own Sixty-Five Per cent...
...Garber a Stalinist Ossip Garber's name entered the Robinson-Rubens-GPU picture early this year when he was brought before a Grand Jury on the passport fraud question...
...A big majority of the delegates to the state convention do not disagree with St...
...Hull »y» nothing about the Palestine that can...
...In no otba American organization has u* , leader as much power...
...This fall will see the greatest New Deal drive of the past six years...
...Some maneuvering is under way and importance is attached to the increased frequency with which Harry A. Wallace is visiting the White House...
...Seeks Successor Talking about elections focuses attention on the authentic rumors in high government circles here that President Roosevelt, in order to definitely squash talk of a "dictatorial third term," is looking around for a successor somewhere among . the eligible* from the Middle or Far West...
...Why did *t prosecutor overlook this oudia luestion...
...There is still joy ia the world...
...Morgan arises from the swift Ibex ont of TV A and finds himself a national hero throughout the Iffifth and breadth of Neanderthal...
...LONDON.—As the fate of both the French and British empires is being decided on the Catalonian plains between Lerida and Barcelona, it is clearly evident that the British Tory Government is doing everything possible to hasten a Fascist victory in Spain and wipe out every possible chance for a Loyalist come-back...
...One hypothesis ia flpS the Eastman and other Aiuei'Ml references were remnants eff Sfa* tion of the trial scenario Kremlin playwrights, "cut" Th* portion may have involved a» Robinson-Rubenses...
...ftabaas o Stalinist Mrs...
...Herman Schwinn rale* W West from Los Angeles...
...Since the President is anxious to bolster his support in Congress when it assembles, there won't be any issues pressed in either house which mieht create a fiirht which would delay adjournment...
...toward Trotskyism years ago fWU a "Mr...
...he centers his attention to*a the countries that can't...
...For more than a year the wail of anguish has gone up from these sufferers and at last the Finance Committee of the Senate has bent to them the ear of mercy...
...President Roosevelt's New Deal is part of an international Jewish conspiracy, the object of which is subjugation and control of Gentile America and seeks the establish-, ment of dictatorial government of, for, and by, the international Jews, thereby making a second Palestine out of Gentile America...
...The pubhatjjfcl of articles in The New Leader,* New York Sun and other Aassnii papers, revealing the tie-up l» tweer...
...apparently still in prison in Moscow...
...And the Nazis are preparing to put the Italians out too, unless Mussolini is ready to give the lucrative spots in Spain to Hitler...
...The prsa cutor, for example, failed to Mk Christian Rakovsky, a defends* whether he meant Max Eastasi when he declared th|t "BrftiB agents" * learned of his lesnfa...
...Whereupon black become white, devils become angels, there is a* more seed of atrocities and trade promises to be booming...
...Robinson-Rubens, the GK, and American Stalinists, proaffe plaved a role in causing this aft ponement...
...Thus the first arrest in the United States supports the charges of various writers that the Robinson passport affair was a Stalinist s c*h erne...
...Inspired by Goebbels and Ernst Bohle, head of the Germans Living Abroad division of the German Government, Fritz Knfm, American ^uenrfcr, eed his first lieutenant, William Kunat, have been agitating for an outand-out dictatorship in this country...
...Minn.—Expulsion of four Communists from the Farmer-Labor Party of Ramsey County and determination to exclude others from th^ membership rolls marked a recent session of the Central Committee of 200 delegates after a ctormy session...
...will cease his reinteration of New Deal objectives, pointing to a more abundant economic set-up...
...House, leaders expect to wind up with ail work by May, while the Senate will probably keep going until the beginning of June...
...Not until Franco wins...
...He announces that in the next year the United **«s amid accommodate 24,000 of these five million...
...According to Assistant United States Attorney Lester Dunigan it is essential to hold Garber or bail as there is danger that he might otherwise be "persuaded' not to.appear to testify...
...My England, right or wrong IS CONSOLATION DEPARTMENT DUT let us not take of the situation a view pessimistic...
...Fascist Britain in the arms of Fascist Japan is not exactly a N«t«re to make the healthy American pulse leap with ecstacy...
...Soldiers of the German regular army have taken over strategic positions on the Franco-Spanish frontiers...
...An Aryan America, in which all non-Nordics would be suppressed, labor's rights wiped out, and the "Jewish New Deal" abolished, are the immediate dmands of Nazi units throughout the United States...
...h& If this has been a puzzle to any unsophisticated reader, it must be ekar enough now...
...The heroic resistance now thrown in the face of the combined mechanized Nazi-Italian-Rebel-Moorish army near Lerida and south of Teruel is possible only because French guns and technicians have been rushed to the"front...
...One political and Congressional clique here, encouraged by Frank Gannett and what's left of the old Liberty' League crowd, their lawyers and lobbies, are spreading the impression that Roosevelt is vacillating and undecided...
...His salary as Fuehrer is a secret not revealed even to his subordinates...
...Weald Remove Rootevert Say the Nazi leaders, "President Roosevelt must be removed and the office of the President should be removed from the field of polities...
...But any way, let, wnjoice and be glad—if we can...
...Paul delegation for one year...
...Then it will be the British who'll go —not the Fascists...
...V Who choee Uatfer TV A and why...
...The Secretary of Agriculture is now the most influential government official with the President...
...Morgan is probably the most wonderful man that ever lived and a pitch looloo of an executive...
...Once they get to power here, say the Nazis, they'll wipe out the Republican Party because it "is handicapped by Jewish influence...
...Future generations may find it difficult to believe this, but alas!, it is only too poignantly true...
...Former Ford Employee Kuhn, the national Fuehrer, was formerly a chemical engineer for the Ford Motor Company in Detroit...
...jgJPMPTfOM PIB this beneficence the Senate will have the approval of all the Bight Minded...
...The action followed years of provocation and intrigues within the party which culminated in the recent primary when the Commu-*' nists publicy announced their support of the Farmer-Labor candidates and at the same time urged support of a Communist candidate for the City Council...
...And why doesn't the Soviet government rush the men, planes and munitions it could well afford to spare instead of ordering its cohorts in other countries to rail against the French "failure...
...Among the Stalinists known to be involved are, in atf...

Vol. 21 • April 1938 • No. 14

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