Armed Fascist Gang Faced With Congressional Action

Armed Fascist Gang Faced With Congressional Action N. Y. Congressman Seeks G-Men Probe Of U.S. Defenders White Gentile' Organization Headquarters in Florida; Recruiting Pro-Fascists and...

...The C. I. O. 1 now has 14 such Btate councils or- f ganized...
...Conversations between McLevy and representatives of Labor's Non-Partisan League have been held and it is believed that the Social Democrats will insist on maintaining their identity in the new party if it is formed...
...I *A whole day of the visit will be devoted to the review during which all elements of naval warj fare will be displayed to impress Hitler with the efficiency and ef1 fectiveness of Italian naval co| operation...
...The Communist hav» 15 representatives in the tssacil pho have promised to vote with itmSocial Democrats, who arc •fltin...
...This policy split the organization two years ago when the Bridgeport Social Democrats and others in the state raised the issue in a state convention and won...
...signed a statement deploring ^the conflict and pledging each other not to encroach on the other's status...
...Recruiting Pro-Fascists and Anti-Semites in AN U. S. Special to The New Leader WASHINGTON, D. C — One of the group of "patriotic" secret societies which mushroomed to this country shortly after Hitler seized power in Germany will find the Congressional spotlight on ii shortly...
...TN that letter to the party, Lenin, while paying his aforementioned compliments to Stalin, praised three men: Trotzky (with reservation), Piatakov and Bu kharin...
...Stalin does not forget...
...He accused Stalin of being disloyal Stalin retorts by "proving" that all of Lenin's trusted and beloved lieutenants are "self-confessed" spies, fascists, traitors and murderers...
...fcre ia Switzerland the Nazi owement has been upset by a ia Fuehrers...
...There is a strange innuendo and a strange crescendo about those charges...
...What would he say, witnessing the Babylonian orgies of Stalin's courts, in which Lenin's most trusted lieutenants and preferred disciples, Zinovlev, Kamenev, Pin takov, Rykov, Bukharfn on their way to face the executioner's bullet, groveling in the dirt before the very man whom Lenin came to distrust and dislike...
...A Labor victory in the West Ful-ham election will be taken as an indication of public resentment against the Government's stand on co-operation with the Fascist powers...
...If Stalin had the chance, what would he do to Lenin today...
...The Social Democrats, as in other sections of Switzerland, had to fight eealitions of the Nazis and other reactionary and conservative parties, which campaigned strenuously fjrtaanti-Socialist victory through Bule which is the only canton in Switurland completely controlled by the Socialists...
...The C. I. O. reports that the Pennsylvania Federation of Labor, headed by President John Phillips, through its executive council has voted to affiliate with the C. I. O. Having taken this action, the council issued a call for a state convention of the affiliated unions to meet on March 29...
...I Only one peace note is reported | this week...
...Since the 1 now have SI men in the ! sad and have pledged to them Rapport of several of the smaller sides, it is expected that they iffl pat their entire program into Skt in the city...
...And then there still remains Lenin's letter advising the party to devise measures for removing Stalin from his position, and appoint to this post another man, who would differ from Stalin in being "more patient, more polite" and (the unkindest cut of all) "more loval...
...What is Stalin hinting at...
...It is Lenin whom Stalin hates.1 It is Lenin whom Stalin Is exterminating and disgracing with a fury which may yet lead to Stalin's own destruction...
...Conn... do with the Thomas organization known as a rival "Socialist Party... keep it in he...
...A switch of 2,000 votes from the last election would bring Fulham into the Labor Party camp, and give impetus and added confidence to tbe Labor Party's present campaign to unseat the present conservative government...
...Lenin's body in the Kremlin mausoleum is almost as dangerous to Stalin today as was the living Lenin who...
...With headquarters in Atlanta, a corps of organizers are reporting numerous and surprising successes in a j variety of industries... is really^ because of Stalin's hatred of Lenin that these men are executed...
...It was only Lenin's death that saved Stalin from being expelled from the eminence reached by this not-100-loyal disciple...
...Beholding the satanic series of witch-Sabbaths called the Moscow Trials, one begins to yearn, if not for a God, then at least for immortality, and that immortality for one man only: Lenin...
...Organizes Councils in Ohio and Pennsylvania as A. F. of L Wages Extensive Organization Campaign in South Special to The New Leader WASHINGTON, D. C—With the Committee for Industrial Organization setting up state organizations in Ohio and Pennsylvania last week, the American Federation of Laoor carrying an extensive and effective organization campaign throughout the South, and strife brought into the Upholsterers Union, an industrial organization, of the A. F. of L., by establishment of a rival by the C. I. O., the prospects for establishing peace between the two organizations are less promising...
...Prom inent on its application blank ar> queries concerning the applicant's race, and the lineage of his father, mother and grandparents, which indicate the "Aryanization" of the organization...
...same type which bombard Spanish Loyalist cities daily, make sham attacks on the battleships, one of which will carry' Hitlei and Mussolini...
...The coarse of the Allen Then...
...All incumbent members of the Executive Council of the Canton— four Social Democrats, one Radical Democrat and two liberals were reelected...
...Having established themselves as a dual or ganization in the old Socialist Party in a number of states before the split, it appears that the Allen-rtes will now try to establish a political party dual to the proposed Labor Party in this state...
...Ellas J*^ Prominent lecturer and cri-m Preside at the discussion...
...Stalin is fighting a ghastly duel with Lenin's ghost...
...And what are the more heinous charges, the crimes to which Lenin's prime ministers (Kamenev and Rykov), Lenin's chairmen of the Communist International (Zinoviev and Bukharin) "confess" and abjectly plead guilty...
...No, Stalin does not forget...
...Where are...
...Definite trends toward organizing a Labor Party in Connecticut have developed In whhch Mcyor McLevy and the local organization of Social Democrats will be important factors...
...Mussolini plans a vast display of naval and military strength for the German party...
...a an editorial writer jj* Forward and an expert on J""*11 «nd foreign affairs...
...and who are sworn to work for the "Defenders" of anti-Semitism, anti-isms, and to make the country safe for "White American Gen tfleo... group In Connecticut is certain to further isolate them from the organised workers and they cannot hope to make any headway by fighting the organized working A. F. OF L UNION STEPS INTO FIELD OF SWING Unionised club ehorus girls and men will swing it henceforth under 'he baton of the American Federation of Actors, affiliate of the A. P. of I* By a decision of the A. t. A. this week, supervision over 'herus members of vaudeville thea-res or nightclubs, will be taken out >f the hands of the Chorus ty Association...
...No, Stalin.doesn't forget...
...But did not Lenin, too...
...Because oi *• insistence of his prospective fa fcr-is-law Rolf Henne, who In * turns* from the Communist fcrty to lead the Fascist National subsidized by Nazism, re-***d hsft faith in Hitler and re-¦toed from the "fuehrer-ship...
...What is Stalin hinting at...
...Bat Lenin did not "plan...
...Thomas Group Isolated It is known that Labor's Nonpartisan League will have nothing Stalin Puts Lenin on Trial By E. L. TARTAK JT was Voltaire—of all people—Who felt so keenly the presence of a "plan" and a "planner" in this mad universe of ours, that he exclaimed: "If there were no God, He would have to be invented...
...Country Is in Danger "If the electorate," Morrison said, "Is muddied as well as the Government and if it is worried about the international situation, it may Wall pursue its old-time habits and fall back on the dear old Tory Party When the country is in danger...
...The spectre of Lenin seems to have been summoned before Stalin's Military Tribunal...
...He ¦¦tteedad by Robert Tobler, lone ""•al Front member of Parlia-**¦ *ao is expected to intensify * drive against the Jews in ^rlanl ^ Khinoy to Speak At Hand School Forum Jj*^ Khtawy' win speak at a ™**ium on the present Russian J* Saturday, March 12, at 2: SO the Band School Building, '** « street J*« lymposium will be held un-,J** «upices of the Rand "School An admission fee of aTe «ta will be charged...
...Tie Social Democratic victory in toe City of Basle and the reten of control of B^sle, Canton is rat more remarkable than it ap-Wrs frssz a cursory glance since it has a .heavy German population if contiguous to the Nazis Get-¦Bborist, The Social Democratic admin is-3Uion at Basle, since assuming ** in'Jfcyi*B, has extended stia...
...Facing this rebuff, the' Allen group recently met in Hartford and decided to change their name to the "Labor Party...
...II Duces plans include a review of more than 200 warships vast military demonstrations and sham warfare on .and and sea which will take, at least 12,000.-000 out of the bankrupt Italian treasury...
...Labor Peace Hope Fades As Two More States Split C.I.O...
...So then, in Lenin's own estimation, Stalin was not loyal...
...The cities' IX iwjUmen are chosen by pro-tsrosMf representation...
...However, the results W the Basle city owcil elections more than made 19 tor the lack of Socialist gains Ja,t>rcanton poll...
...Hundreds of j new unions are reported, including j organizations of citrus workers, ! bakers, hod carriers and laborers, j public employes, meat cutters, clerks, textile workers, bus drivers, and many others...
...Lenin did that for political purposes, for the sake of his revolution...
...This week, acting on information and charges brought to him by an assistant district attorney, Con-gressman Koch of Brooklyn asked the Federal Department of Justice to send its G-Men on > the trail of an organisation, the "American Defenders," which is recruiting an armed force throughout the country...
...Chagrin would mildly de scribe the reaction to the announcement of Lord Perth and others of the British clique since they had half expected that Hitler would cancel his trip because of the rumored Italian backing of the Austrian chancellor Schusch-nigg...
...And what is Russia, what is the whole world to think of Lenin who surrounded himself with those men, trained them, and raised them to the highest positions In the proletarian State...
...Duce Outmaneuvers Britain In Race for Hitler Friendship Gigantic Plans for Fuehrer"* Entertainment Prepared by Mussolini in Move for German Cooperation — British Are Startled Special to The Neic Leader LONDON.—Whf|e Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain credits both Hitler and Mussolini with no international political sense at all and is trying to play one off against another, II Duce is outmaneu-vering the British and is prepared to swallow the Austrian situation and turn his back on the Brenner pass if he gets^what he wants from Hitler...
...The Brooklyn assistant district ittorney placed sufficient evidence in the hands of Congressman Keogh (the documents are now i:i the hands of the Federal Bureau of investigation), to convince the luthorities that the "Defenders" ia a national organization with hrad quarters in Coral Gables, Florida, and a large membership anions con servatives and anti-New Dealers everywhere...
...A. F. of L. Southern Campaign The A. F. of L has evidently carried its challenge to the C. I. O. in an extensive organization campaign that takes in practically every southern state...
...shortly before his death, planned Stalin's removal from ffre office of general secretary of in* party, and eten Stalin's expulsion from the party...
...This, however, hasn't been substantiated...
...Hence, Lenin's men must be destroyed (for they re member...
...It is likely that the decision will be challenged by delegates of unions not in accord with the action taken and the vote on this issue is certain to insure two i rival organizations...
...rpHERE Is one thing Lenin certainly would recognize: That while Stalin's Implacable vindictiveness is bent on destroying all Lenin's great men...
...Lenin cannot be destroyed, but his memory must be disgraced through the "confessions" of those very disciples whom Lenin extolled while alive, and— tbove all—In his testament...
...The entire demonstra tion is without precedent and the , Italian official communique calls attention to this fact, which fur| ther Irritates the British and affects their chances of being able to keep Mussolini in line until friendly relations are established with Hitler...
...the amount of ammunition be owns: and whether he can muster up a car if necessary for quick mobilization...
...There are also a series of questions on the newcomers' mill tary experience, the arms he owns and how well he can use them...
...Stalin has to offer too many human sacrifices to appease Lenin's ghost.' On*' \ii»t\Mt*f~"+*ft+p*rt* frightened man among Lenin's "posterity"—and Lenin may yet have the last laugh In his mausoleum...
...Lenin's disciples are shot tor having "planned" things which Lenin had actually performed...
...Trade Unionists And SDF To Build Conn...
...The Brest-Lttovzk treaty handed the Ukraine over to the Germans, and only the ultimate victory of the Allies returned the Ukraine to Soviet Russia...
...The Brooklyn district attorney who first revealed the evidence of the anti-semitic, pro-fascist, orwtn-ization discovered it when he came across some of its literature...
...Piatakov and Radek "confess" that they "planned" to give the Ukraine to Germany...
...when most of the 150,000 in city of Basle voted last week jot only to retain Its Social Demo-triiic administration but increased tie number of Socialist members in the City Council from 46 to 61...
...Will Score Weak Policy What the Labor Party will stress in the Fulham campaign as well as the general election drive next Pall Will be the Weakness of Britain and the perilous state of peace, a condition brought on by the vacillating, hesitant stand of tbe present government...
...Further charges of tie district attorney Stale that the "Defenders" were planning a "pogrom" in Brooklyn, or at least to incite anti-Jewish feeling...
...Bat did not Lenin, in 1917, receive the permission of the German General Staff to cross Germany, on his wav to Russia, in a sealed train, and were net his faithful Zinovlevs and Radeks with him on that journey...
...The British delegation, waiting m Rome for the departure of Co: onel Beck of Poland, so that the decks should be cleared for the English-Italian conferences, was startle'l by the magnitude of the pla*- tor Hitler's entertainment wh-.i he visits the Italian fascists early in May...
...Armed Fascist Gang Faced With Congressional Action N. Y. Congressman Seeks G-Men Probe Of U.S...
...The "latter organization is thoroughly discredited in this state because of its cooperation with communist elements and eventually taking them into that party...
...At the same time, British Tories are speeding their efforts for re-approachment with Berlin and Rome, in the expectation that such agreements will satisfy the strong pacifist element in England...
...Split Is Widened The convention itself will be a test of strength between the two organizations in the strongest state of the Union...
...The Socialists would have captured one or more places In the Bite-wide poll if it hadn't been for the concerted attack upon them by it!', parties...
...Labor Party <* Labor's Non-Partisan League, Trade Unions and Social Democrats Confer — Tho-masites Are Isolated BRIDGEPORT...
...What is he hinting at...
...benefits for unemployed and introduced a constructive public wor'as program that provided 1* for 1600, placed the city fcinces on a sounder basis, and BwenteoJ wage reduction (since Wore 1JJ5 many private labor wtratu provided for wage cuts il ike cantonal administration slashed ^ pay of public employees...
...nevertheless, did not he make a first class job of actually sabotaging the armed defense of his country,—and that in the midst of a war with Germany...
...lU'QWr if Zinoviev and Radek (and so many others) "confess" to being German spies, well then ...» And let us remember, that the German army in those days was occupying many Russian provinces, and was threatening Petrograd aid Kft#t Lenin's disciples further "confess" to have "wracked" and sabotaged in order to omthiow Ststfafe-eoswrament, the armed defenses of the country...
...In 1917, preach to the Russian soldiers exhorting them to "stick their bayonets into the ground," to "fraternize" with the German soldiers...
...Ninetj submarines and a fleet of fast torpedo boats will be among the 3hips on display, while cloud after cloud of Fiat planes...
...Labor's fight for power has already resulted in an important victory at Ipswich, and will meet another test shortly in a by-election to be held at West Fulham, a London constituency, now controlled by the Conservatives...
...No, Staiin does not forget f EXIN advised the removal of Stalin...
...Lenin's right hand men are first accused of criminal relations with the general staffs of countries—It Is true—hostile to Russia, but not' yet at war with Russia...
...This man, Stalin, against who Lenin posthumously, from s new grave, warned the party in his now famous "testament-letter" to the Central Committee of the Party...
...How can Stalin forget...
...What indeed -would he say...
...In exterminating Lenin's heirs and dynasty...
...The congressman has documen-tary evidence that it has men on its local units who have had military training, who own small aim...
...Nazism tad its concomitant anti-semitism wfl-e crushing!}' defeated in the important canton of Basle and in its tipital...
...And how about-the Ukraine...
...British Chagrined The announcement of the schedule of "entertainment" for Hitler came shortly after the British diplomats had secured the con fexence appointment with Foreign Minister Ciano and Mussolini... make peace with the Bridgeport Social Democrats But the latter hate no desire to he tied to the discredit* d faction...
...It comes from Keno sha, Wiscinsin, where the Trades and Labor Council (A.F...
...Battle Continues All Over Nation C.I.O...
...The Thomas organization has 'been led by Devere Allen, a man close to Norman Thomas in this ruinous policy and a member of the National Executive Committee of the Thomas party...
...Stalin comes from Transcaucasia, whore age-old blood feuds are part and parcel of their existence—and of their destruction as well...
...This is the prime cause and motive of ail the purges...
...A week or two ago the New Haven daily "Register" carried a story declaring that Allen was willing...
...There is little doubt that this is the most success- | fud campaign of the A. F. of L. in Social Democrats Smash Nazi Drive In Switzerland QonfroJ Entire Canton and City of Bade as Latest Ejection Adds to Number Of Socialist Councilman ¦ Fascist Movement Shaken By MYRON TRIPP Special to the Sew Leader ZURICH...
...With the loading industrial city of the state controlled 100 per cent by the local Social Democratic Federation, no Labor Party can make headway without its cooperation...
...Were Lenin alive today, what would he do and what would he say, assuming, of course, that everything els« remains as it Is, I.e., Stalin is in power and the Moscow purges proceed merrily according to plan, with the de fend ants making their revolting "confessions" and dis playing their horrible self-revilements in routine order...
...Zurich and Sduilhausen also have Social Democratic city administrations, as I explained in my last dispatch...
...In Ohio It is claimed that a thou- j sand delegates attended the state' convention In Columbus at the call • of the C. I. O. and organized a State 1 Industrial Council...
...and A.F.L...
...which goes under the same ume...
...Herbert Morrison, leader of the London City Council and Labor Party Member of Parliament, pointed out last week that a policy of co-operation with Fascists may actually meet the approval of England's frightened and bewildered pacifists, and that it is essential for the Labor Party to point out its dangers to the cause of peace...
...But Mussolini isn't worried about raising the funds since he expects a huge loan from the London financiers shortly...
...the make of the rifles, revolvers or shotguns the proselyte possesses...
...British Laborites Gird For National Election Next Fall Morrison Leads New 'Party Drive for Peace and Plenty —Tory Gov't Attacked on Foreign Policy Special to The New Leader LONDON.—With a general election scheduled for next Autumn or Winter and a Parliamentary by-election to be held in the near future, the British Labor Party is driving with increased vigor against the "National" Government policy of conciliating the dictators...
...So, Stalin reminds the world of the old story...
...They favor some form of collective notion with the organized working class and a conference will soon be held with some big unions to consider the problem of cooperation between Social Democrats and the unions...
...Who will win...
...How can anybody forget...
...For Lenin's spectre Is haunting Stalin...
...of L) and the Nash Auto Workers local C.I.O... accept this additional erength but will not make a single aucessisja to.the CP...
...The bottom of the blank, which was printed by the Brooklyn Eagle last week, has sufficiently inciting material to warrant further Federal action not only against the "American Defenders" but against other similar organizations which have sprung up, on the style of the Black Legion, ever since the New Deal began to cope with the depression...

Vol. 21 • March 1938 • No. 11

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