Labor Wins Four Cases In U. S. Supreme Court

Labor Wins Four Cases In U. S. Supreme Court Upholds Labor Board Rulings Against Company Unions and Reverses Anti-Labor Judge WASHINGTON. D. C.—Important victories were won by organized workers...

...Also, Wohlforth told the senators, the hooks of Industrial detective agencies showed that the employers in control of...
...In no single lnsUS*] have clubs divided or split because of activities ef M Democrats...
...HPHERE is a duty, not only upon the British friends of peace, but upon the friends of peace in all countries, including the United States, to think out the issues and to work for the right policy of action...
...the "Consumers Digest" for February he ccmes o* ¦ the program of Big Business, including incoiporatJW trade "Peal of the Wagner Act, outlawingjjgjj etc Like some others of his clique...
...Beal is now in prison in North C.irelina, facing a twenty yeat sentence on trumped up charges arising .put of his activities in a Castonra textile mill strike in 192'J...
...Beal is rendered S pardon by the Governor of North Carolina...
...sari '¦ ¦ *"- :'-'.*&e;-'fetw Lessons in Stalin's New Tragi-Comedy By JAMES ONEAL HPHE bloody assises in Moscow fans struck a crushing blow *j ¦¦-Fosters...
...It was also disclosed that, since the passage «jf the Wagner-Con-nery Labor Relations Act, in 1936, the N.A.M...
...The old wheeze about capitalism | providing work for millions is a tragic joke in the face ot these grave economic conditions, and yet big shots in the capitalist world are still complaining...
...Such contributions should l>e made payable to the Non-Partisan Committee for the Defense or Fred E. Beal, Room 610, 19 West 4 4 th Street, New York, N. Y. With the A.F...
...j One who reads thgse volumes, and the writings of othtnm same period who accepted Kautsky as a Marxian scholar, nSjl ample forecasts of what has happened and is happening in M nam...
...We*l concede that the grotesque cariaturc of '.'Socialism" in Kussh responds with the views and aims of Marx, one of the |jl thinkers of all time...
...They are carrying the sins of gamblers of a previous generation while their present managers lack that foresight in preparing for the future which experience in transportation the past two decades should have taught them...
...and a founding fathegfB "Revolutionary Policy Committee in that organization which for "armed insurrection" to establish a "distatorship of 4H letariat...
...we are working hard to replace the so-called "National" Government by a Labor Government after the next General Election...
...thedisturbance ing all it can to cause the British Government to play its part in the positive organization of peace...
...I We assert that Stalin's agents are swining their way to M and influence in unions and in A.L.P...
...Incidentally, the Pennsylvania ilreyhound case was the first rteard by the NLRB after it be- j 5an functioning in the fall of ] 1935...
...There are two dangers...
...The editorial is a challenge to us aSiM the A.L.P...
...The accused are-el with treacherous deeds committed over a twenty year period, it it that not until the end of two decades did the Soviet polio cover these "fascist dogs" although thousands of others htw imprisoned, exiled or shot in this period ? It is true that Yagoda, head of the dreaded secret pea* years who sent thousands to their death, is now in the dock ski a "confession" of guilt...
...i A. F. of L Promises Support In Behalf Of Beal Defense Green Letter Expresses "Personal and Official Interest" —S.D.F...
...Labor Wins Four Cases In U. S. Supreme Court Upholds Labor Board Rulings Against Company Unions and Reverses Anti-Labor Judge WASHINGTON...
...Gov't Supplants Business I As industry sinks into a new de-j pression and employs less workers, j thegovernment takes op new work 'obligations, so that today it is esti-i mated that through government i employment, relief, and pensions I more than half of the total population of the nation now looks to government rather than private | business to meet their problems...
...The Daily Worker" declares: "The sincere devetsSl the part of the Communists to the fight for democracy does BStB to be repeated here...
...In addition to their heavy purchases of tear - gas and labor spy service, the directors and officerf of the 207 firms were financial an gels for such vigilante agencies a.-the so-called Johnstown Citizens' Committee...
...Butler and MoISeynolds Dissent Justices Butler and McReynoldt dissented in the Milwaukee injunction case decision...
...continuation of the easy money t> p 1 i c y of the Federal Reserve Board...
...But action it must be...
...his "Terrorism and Communism" (191°)>|l his "Bolshevism at A Deadlock" (1981), Kautsky successi«S^H jected the Russian tragi-comedy to a critical examination...
...In his "Dictatorship of tssl letariat" (1918...
...opened public hearings the first week in March in its inv»itigatton gtj...
...But another contlusjon««ai drawn from the ghastly proceedings...
...War in China, War in Spain, threats of wars and International dislocation almost everywhere...
...District Judge Ferdinand A. Geiger...
...Federal support for certain classes of private loans...
...One, the Irresponsibility and the warlike mentality of the Governments of Fascist States...
...The average big shot in the capitalist world today is just as puzzled over the causes of economic decay as any child of the age of 14...
...I We meet that challenge...
...Wohlforth's evidence revealed...
...We shall try to turn to it later but it is our opinion 4| stead of Communism representing the views of Mars, the sal Bolsheviks, from the beginning of their counter -revolution SM the working masses, have made a burlesque of a great thinkern| and ideals...
...3.900 Papers Furnished "News" „ Walter B. Weisenburger, executive vice-president of the NAM, admitted that 5,900 newspapers are using "news" and other "features" furnished by it...
...Bought .Most of Tear Gas Sixty par cent Of the tear gas purchased by all industrial firms in the United States for labor warfare between 1933 and October, 1937, was boufht by these 207 companies, Wohlforth said a check-up of gas manufacturers' records disclosed...
...In a letter to the Non- Partisan* Committee now at work to free the labor organizer, William Green, president of the American Federation of Labor, this week f-.pressed his "personal and "Official interest" in the struggle, foi Beat's freedom...
...The concentration of wealth was ! also made obvious, together with j the marked class divisions in this country, by the report that 61 Income taxpayers in 1936 paid more 'into the Federal Treasury than 1 2,237,737 other income taxpayers did...
...For in these days communications are so rapid, economic interests are so international, repercussions are so far-reaching, that it Is impossible for any nation reasonably to be unconcerned about what is happening elsewhere in the world...
...will not tolerate a c«*i gion that will wreck it in the end...
...Yagoda, recalls the monstrous Fm Tinville who, in the closing period of the French terror, Mat sands to the guillotine only to have his own head fall under tkt What is the implication of Yagoda's "confessed" gift...
...j Citing these facts, the "Timely Topics" author reaches tstl lowing conclusion: "We are compelled to say that in order tarn the success of a Planned Society all we need do is to put the k the hands of traitors, -wreckers and murderers...
...This damning evidence was in troduced shortly after the committee, headed by Senator Robert M. LaFoliette...
...Le Fosters, Browders and Lamonts answer...
...Millions of people who hate awkward issues, want to dodge them...
...Tho National Executive Committee oi the Social Democratic Federation.'' Meltzer's letter stated,, "endorses the efforts of the Nonpartisan Committee for the liberation of Fred E. Beal, who Is now serving a long sentence in North Carolina as an outcome ot disturbances which occurred in the Gastonia textile strike oi 1929, and calls upon Its adherents to cooperate In the...
...Grinko, Rykoff, and several «tj already executed or disappeared, were high in the adraiaatsj apparatus of the Five Year Plan...
...Democrats in the American Labor Party for their rtnam warning against infiltration of Republicans, Democrats SiMH munists...
...Hendrik Willem Van Loon, John Dos Passos, John Haynes Holmes, and Sidney Howard...
...flies, disclosed that, although the organisation is composed of 4.000 employers, with . approximately 4,000,000 workers, it is under the dictatorship of 207 industrialists, such as the duPonts, Chrysler, Weir, Rand, Sloan, and the heads of other large corporations...
...No nation—however distant it may be from the centers of actual or potential disturbance—can consider itself free from danger or embarrassment...
...The greatest living exponent of his i&ijH Kantsky, from the very inception of the Bolshevik counter-l»»H has evaluated it in all its phases...
...J. B. has now found his proper place in society...
...means that a "fascist dog" sentenced thousands to death vk headed the GPU...
...In practically every instance this has occoM because of actions of Stalin's agents and fheir stooges II are confident that trade unionists and other decent m civilised members of the A.L.P...
...Lack of space prevents consideration of the Eastmsa M here... the Sanato Civil Liberties Committee an" lit pjoj^nitatJon' run by a group of employers who maintain private arsenals for use igainst workers,' spend millions of dollars for labor spies, and arc heavy contributors to vigilante and other subversive movements...
...administration in New York They have brought terror into it and even jobs are dependesjm the servility displayed by non-Communists to these agents...
...The money vats of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, closed by order of the President last October when it seemed that capitalism could get along without' government aid, will again be opened...
...Fifty-five of the N.A.M.'f high command alone paid $2,500,300 for stool pigeons in the years 1933 to 1987...
...Justice Cardozo, who is ill, and Justiei Reed, who was not on the Su preme Court bench when the NLRB cases were heard, did not participate in the "company union" decisions...
...swinging Into the battle, the North Carolina mill owners who are fighting to keep Beal jailed are faced with a broad front of vfcrkers and inteltec-tuals of varying political opinion...
...The other is the lack of policy, drive and coherence of so many Governments of the democratic and peaceful States...
...v TO STALIN'S AGENTS IN THIS COUNTRY f^ERTAIN other things must be said of Communism...
...The Daily Worker of March sjl Social...
...We are not much impressed by Eastman's article...
...revision of tax laws, especially the undistributed profits tax, to qti^t the bawling ef .JhsvJMi' Babbitts, and increased stfBPWaWS of the securities exchanges...
...Court of Appeal in the Third and Ninth circuit...
...Peace, if it is to be preserved, must be organized by the actions of governments and the policy of peace must be based on a combination of justice for all naiions who are willing to cooperate in the organization of peace, and making it plain to the aggressor that aggression will not be permitted to succeed or to pay...
...increasing expenditures for relief...
...The Railway Labor Act was drafted by the chief executives of the Standard Ufiions and Justice Stone's citation of that statute as sound legislation was an unusual tribute to the constructive leadership of those organizations...
...New Senate Quiz Exposes Anti-LaborIndustrialists Men in Control of "National Association of Manufacturers Have Power Over 6,000 Newspapers, Maintain Private Arsenek, Back Vigilantes, Spend Millions for "Publicity" t ~4W WASHINGTON, D;*-fe—The National >s*Or1»*t0n of Manufaetur era* was Osmutsked^these -past t*Js week...
...clubs and we add thstcfl contagion continues it means deadly feuds that will wreck oigaft tions infected by it...
...Peace is not merely something to pass pious resolutions about and hope for...
...JH But this is not all...
...j A BURLESQUE OF MARXIST IDEAS AND IDEALS j ^"*kNE reaction to the work of the terrorist of the Krem&yll we do not share, is the opinion expressed by Eugene MM week that " the first laboratory test of Marxism has been ssjl Russia and that we should recognize that the test has failed...
...By HERBERT MORRISON OTEADILY the world ' continues to go to the devfl...
...Above all...
...EXECUTIONER TO BE EXECUTED HPHAT conclusion is inevitable...
...I In tome cases non-Communists have withdrawn frw clubs and organized separate clubs...
...There is nothing (bprevent them from ab...
...the N.A.M have been generous users of labor spies...
...The mission of Socialists must _ be to-, prevent peoples am} governments from evad.*S(»ast(-«kasa '«s;;fti<le¦ up, to -their jrospon^bj&^ijes, ' Payrolls Decline, Jobless High As Depression Grows 2,800,000 Thrown Out ot Work Since October as Industrial Situation Attains Critical Stage Special to The Sew Leader WASHINGTON, D. C—With the the government takes on new work index showing only a slight check in the decline of Industry the past week and Secretary of .Labor Perkins reporting a decline In payrolls of 12.1 per cent in January, and with 800,000 more workers sentenced to idleness in the same month, making a total of-2,800,000 added to the army of jobless Since last October, keen observers here admit that the industrial depression is becominrg more and more critical...
...D. C.—Important victories were won by organized workers in four deensions .handed down last \vt ek by the United States Supreme Court...
...After the board made its decision, the Appellate Court at Philadelphia pigeonholed the case for a long time and then finally !mnded down an adverse ruling...
...notorious anti-labor jurist...
...The ends Ot simple justice...
...Nothing in the"record of the Inquisition matches this "tntM sheer brutality except that Soviet justice,'' like that of the tion, makes defense attorneys mere spectators unable to ^|eJ9 analvzc "evidence" for fear of being also exiled or shot...
...By a unanimous opinion, the court upheld the power of the National Labor Relations Board to compel an employer to abolish "company unions...
...has spent approximate iy SI,350,000 to get its propaganda through newspapers, radio stations, motion pictures and schools...
...members, unionists, and liberals 10 contribute to the defense fund...
...Others spent as long or longer time in pry before they were brought out to "confess.'' If irrffiisM imagine a Communist kept in solitary confinement a tit country, denied access to friends, relatives and legal am sel for eight months, the Browders and Fosters and the, penthouse dandies would bawl like Stuck pigs...
...Fundamentally, those are the issues to be settled...
...The Supreme Court's decision, reversing the Appellate Courts' rulings in the two "company union ' cases, was delivered by Justice Stone...
...Tho Defense Committee which is endorsed and supported by the civil Liberties Union and The New Leader, Includes such prominent Americans as James T.-Far-rell...
...He cited the exp^-ieuce of the I Standard Railroad Labor Organizations under the Railway Labor Act and the successful legal fight made by them against "company7 unions'' 'as a precedent for the Supreme Court...
...On the 7*"* page of this,issue js a story,.of the totalitarian^ sctivtt Stalin's agents in the W PA...
...BjkagJ declared: "For eight months I pondered in solitcry^] finement...
...j || Certain aspects of tho.'trial" stand out...
...Stalin has again and again bed of remarkable progress under the plan...
...More for Capitalism The program appears to be as follows: Additional Federal loans to sick industries...
...It was also shown that the N.AM, prepared instructions and distributed them to employers on how to establish and conduct "company unions...
...And it has met with a high degree of success...
...and other kept agents of Stalin in ts«A try...
...on are already sharply divided...
...Labor Part...
...To help the helpless "captains" tossed in a sea of adversity, the Administration is planning a number of nursing bottles for them...
...They also made heavy contributions to the American Liberty League, The Crusaders, Sentinels of America, National Econ omy League and, the no-called Farmers' Independence Council-all reactionary groups...
...Endorses Work 01 Non-Partisan Committee The defense of Fred E. BeaJ gained additional recruits this week wheto the American Federation of Labor and the Social Democratic Federation pledged their full, support in his behalf...
...The time to face the facts is now *Uf| blood*/ orgy in Moscow is running its course...
...In two of these rulings, the court followed a clear path hewn out by the Standard Railroad Labor Organizations...," At the same time the Federation urged all Socialists...
...Some A.L.P...
...A writer in the "Topics of the Times" in the New Yet* fa last Sunday also places the Moscow prosecution in the pillon recalls the fact that Rosengoltz...
...Was he right in the years before he wan in the present "blood purge" or is be now telling the truth...
...this notorious mti-labor association...
...A SOCIETY NOTE * |j /*\NE of the notable r-r-revolutionist* of Bolshevik sorfwW B- Matthews of the old S.P...
...In the two "company union' cases, the U.S...
...current opinion...
...Moreover, the 61 with million-dollar incomes increased 20 per ! cent as compared with the 41 listed in this class the year before...
...sorbing the unemplojjed, but they ascribe their inability to do so to government activity in the industrial field...
...They ignore the fact that the government has unwillingly moved in because capitalism has moved out...
...of L. and, the SDK...
...Participation by the Social Democratic Federation in tho campaign to free the prisoner-was announced in a letter by Leo Meltzer, national executive secretary, to Hugo Pollock, secretary of the defense committee...
...3, B. has ^"(B^sB holy grail which he had been seeking for years...
...This evidence, based mainly on records subpoenaed from N.AA1...
...Weisenburger and John C. Gall, the latter one of the N.A.M.'s bat-tery of high-powered lawyers, objected strenuously against Robert Wohlforth, secretary of the Senate '• committee, submitting evidence to show how the N.A.M...
...By refusing to consider n case attacking a closed shop agreement on the New York Rapid Transit Corporation, the cottrt upheld the validity of such contracts...
...Railroads Bear Sins of Past One of the sickest industries today, the railroads, are rapidly approaching collapse...
...And if this situation continues long enough we shall all be landed into the most disastrous war In history, a war that will bring untold suffering to humanity, and tat best or at worst, according to one's point of view) may bring^all...
...The justices also, in a 5-to-2 decision, killed a sweeping anti-picketing injunction issued against a Milwaukee union by U.S... impressed by an article by Max Eastman in the March nus*s| Harper's Magasine who comes to the same conclusion...
...World Order-Or Disaster...
...had held that the NLRB exceeded its authority in ordering the Pennsylvania Greyhound and tho Pacific Greyhound bus lines to discontinue fake "labor organi- | nations...
...Green declared, "in my opinion, will be folly served if Mr... dominated by the "hard-boiled" anti-union element among employers...

Vol. 21 • March 1938 • No. 11

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