F. D. R. CRIPPLES NEW DEAL Farley Tactics Ban AnyNewThreatTo Business Profits W.P.A. Funds Lacking at the Administration Prepares to Lend Industrialists One Billion Dollars Special to The New...

...Nevertheless, the State Department has failed to snake public the results of extensive investigations it began when the Robinson-Rubens GPU case broke three months ago...
...The simple truth is that the program was arranged by a holdover appointee of the halcyon Jimmy Walker days long before Mr...
...The new British formula is amusingly interesting and complicated...
...Tha G-men refuse to commit themselves aa tats point, and tbe State Depart meat has now clamped down on in formation concerning this case also Net a few correspondents in this City Who believe that Germany may be involved, also think that the ease may hare a peculiar link with the Robinson-Rubens affair...
...Aglesworth made arranoetaent a have broadcast through the country the arguments bg private ownership of public utilities sought to keep ii> f*-^ And next I observe that in the organised assault upon TWj which the private utility companies hope to defeat public snd retain the supremacy bi profits, the Scripps-Howard ncv*f0...
...The press has assumed that the foreign power is Germany, because the arrested individuals bbve a German background...
...j fac't see what more the One Per Cent triumphant ¦sild do to us...
...job is a danger to the project, as he must promote the interest of the CP...
...above that of the project _"A» the CP...
...Radio - Newspapers, Newspapers, B*j§ PowerTnut...
...Such s link might explain why the G-men's prisoners used spy methods which •very successfully called attention to their existence...
...member, I must ask you not to divulge my name...
...Third, a free labor newspaper for the workers, edited by men of their own choosing, with the right to circulate it throughout Austria...
...Thomasite Group Denied Affiliation With Labor Party A.L.P...
...Placates the ''Interests'* Behind the switch in active policy la the realization of Mr...
...Meeds War Machines This war will be won by the Fascists only if, for the next year...
...It is definitely established that London's financial center plans to make heavy loans to Mussolini...
...This makes-It o^vtOus that no party member has the moral quali ficatlon for any...
...Congress will bt !>ermifted to "work out its own sal vation," as one of the men high 1* •jovei omental circles said this week Conferees Walks Softly Congress, faced with this new re ".ponsibility, will do nothing with il «ince almost anything proposed will meet with public- onslaughts by those Interests which will oppose the Congressmen who come up fm -e-election at the end of the year...
...That is to supply Franco with so much war-machine power, at a terrnic cost, that nothing in the hands of the Loyalists can stand up against it...
...F. G. Boerger of Miami, parents of the prisoner, who is held "on suspicion of espionage," have received « secret message begKing them to refrain from intervening on her behalf...
...controls the unions of the project workers, and ho non-Communists can be elected to any office, non-Communists are only second class members...
...workers, according to information which The N e w L e a d e r is prepared to verify beyond all p o s s i b i l i t y of doubt...
...It is reported the Thomas group will take s referendum to decide whether tc give up its identity here as man) of its members have already joined the A.L.P...
...It has not Mia expressed aa opinion about the totalitarian Interview tbe GPU staged In Butirky Prison...
...Advantage was taken of the Soviet-censored prison meeting of Miss Boer-gei and the American envoy in Moscow, to send the Boerger family a message which has effectively sealed their lips as far as public comment goes...
...Waldman -vsd' Louis Hen I iiri, Social Democrats, toted to.sip- { prove the a^llcation...
...Stalinists Aided ttobee* For example, a New York attorney whe has represented the interests ot the Rubens couple on several occasions appears to have been close to the CP...
...Mow nice...
...F. D. R. CRIPPLES NEW DEAL Farley Tactics Ban AnyNewThreatTo Business Profits W.P.A...
...Which is where Chamberlain and British money come in...
...Other Stalinist connections with the passport process were also established...
...The dictatorship feature having become in-Lm ssd widely denounced, they camouflaged this, which wss the U snpose, bv describing it as, "a bill to take the profits out of He decern*** of this trick is enough to take one's breath while iwqati the gloomiest foreboding...
...Novlck received his appoint mtnt...
...gat ion seems confident that the con teased spies) did with criminal in tent sell seme Information to a for eign power...
...In the meantime furious attack-' 1 are being made upon fife American Labor Party Counciimen and A.L.P...
...Thus a basis would be laid on which Stalin's public and secret agents could build a drive here for immediate extreme action against everybody who opposes Stalin, no matter MffrfK This writer hss esUMlSbee t|S*/ on this side of the Atlanta, ftps' Boerger and her husband, Hnlasly had numerous Stalinist coasasfttiea...
...The only persons in the United States that are injured in any ""'w the surplus profits tax are those that get stock dividends, cut ^M sad fatten on other illegitimate spoils from' the stock exSse'j kitty...
...would it do to have a first-7"\ fcaa-sise, frank and searching investigation of our ^•lonal system—and its exponents, ^krhaps we could discover exactly why it happens that ?**er there is afoot some particularly rascally scheme, *wat to violate national faith and keep the Philippines *» w^**1 of **** sui?&r barons, there is always some ?*Jwt from the universities to bleu it and approve h?T [J* THE THRONE Jasju*"* °{ Robert P- ScriPPs> the last of the sons of the k«f ' °' the Sreat Scripps-Howard newspaper chain, reminds *ct that has hithero escaped notice...
...The entire Admin i-at ration tactics are based on tb« hopes that the depression has already reached bottom, but facts an (J figures prove that"!ae9pite the na tion's being far below the 1932-1SSS level, the country is beading for a new low...
...Among tSMMSa were the wife of Communist leader William Z. Fester's physician, and Still unnamed persons being shielded by Arthur Sharfin...
...So I joined...
...J. Edgar Hoover's dig nlty, one hopes that it turns out better than the Navy's recent rush-order mobilisation against the Ja froansr fishermen off the West Coast, which had . . . Southern Cali fornla filled with rumors of wai within 48 hours...
...Socialists and trade unionists who have maintained their organizations underground since then, met somewhere in Vienna, considered the steps Austrian Labor would take in the crisis, defied anyone to point out Communists in their ranks and named delegates to confer with Chancellor Schuschnigg and offer him Socialist and Labor assistance upon certain conditions...
...tax payers must bear...
...a member of tbe New York District Communist Party, Section XV, Unit 12...
...I wish I knew the master mind that devised this por-toteas swindle...
...Every week rein forcement- of Italian airmen ar rives, some by sea from Gibraltei lad others by air, travelling by the line which operates betweer...
...The staggering military appropriations for .our pro-British war with Japan are approved and sent whissing on their way...
...the Ship Owning Interests, surge ahead for Lj profits, f i Tike this putrid Sheppard-Hill measure as one example, fast ft is really designed to do is to set up a dictatorship in ^ici under the disguise of the exigencies of any war, big or or of any phantom war-scare...
...It must have cost the Italians and Nasis millions of dollars, not to mention the men and machine power, to retake Teruel, and both nations need heavy financing to continue the war in Spain...
...Socialists Pledge Aid To Fight On Nazis In Austria Trade Unionists and* Socialists Promise Schuschnigg Support If Granted Polrtical Equality, Social Legislation Special to The Nru: %eader PARIS.—dut of Sfl|rU8chnigg*s struggle to keep Hitler's bands off ( Austria and the resujbint^'widespread amnesty which juteeged ugL tnost If »00 Socialists wholiad h^en" imprisoned since the revolt in 1934, may come the resurgence of the Austrian Socialist Party...
...Later, after a four and a half hour conference between these delegations—consisting of one representative from each of Vienna's largest factories—and Schuschnigg...
...An act of impartiality to the detriment of...
...It seems indicated, how bier, that unless the Department begins to offer some clarification tc the American public, Mr...
...Party members must be first to be recommended for promotion and protected-against dismissal...
...Thompton'i book^nd tOM that in the radio butinett Mr...
...and Louis Weinstock...
...Alto, I turn to page 412 of Dr...
...For these reasons, the Labor Party calls for the 'wycott as the only effective method, short of war, to curb the ruthless aggressions of a nation dominated by militarists against the peace-loving Chinese people...
...Sweden.—What Is known as the Socialist Party, lei by ,Karl Kilbdm...
...State Secretar of the A.L.P...
...Get it...
...ppspcskablc Sheppard-Hill act, the moat devilish piece of I ^ attempted in oar time, is, with a significant majority, reported out of the Bone Military Affairs Committee at Washington and boosted for passage...
...Negotiations with the Chancellor ;i ge progressing rapidly, while So fialists are benefiting from a gov .'rnment decree which returns pen-plons to all who were dismissed »-ith/>ut them from political reasons after the revolt...
...The talk, a travelogue of Soviet Russia, Is what the council's reae tlonary block intends to make political capital...
...Miss Boerger,vor the OGPU jail-< ers who instruct her, apparently-feared that her recent repudiation of American government aid might be ignored if her parents insisted on defending- her actively...
...Formula Is Anti-Loyalist First, the Committee is to decide not on a percentage but on announced trat "Prologue to a number—say 20,000...
...BUCCANEERS | s D the manner of these things is as disquieting aa the matter— f* the manner, and the growing insolence with which the Power kg, hV National Manufacturers' Association, and those hardy ELcrs of the sea...
...In the periodical reduction of tbe staff the s u p e r v i s o r s must indicate, to the a d m i n i s t r a t i o n those whom they "can spar...
...and Mrs...
...The Post stated tha: Lhe application had been rejected The State Executive Committee a' Its meeting in the Hotel New Yorker Monday night...
...after the spectacular gyrations of the Nye Committee, Mihrng could be more popular than a plausible plan to jbofiss war profits...
...The other j five members voting w.t'.i them ere act known...
...Councilman Michael Quill, president of the Transport Worker...
...At one time the that' the Robinson-Rubens couplt '?*¦>' •Mtefilsjv THtnkyites working for, a fewer hostile to the ' vSUCsB States and Russia...
...has disintegrated and several of Its leaders and meW hers of Parliament have applied tor admission to f ao Social Democratic Party, fh* leading party of the THE NEWS REEL By CHARLES EDWARD RUSSELL Q^Lace 1* some of their recent exploits and see if they haven't [ Kirt reasons for chest-thumping...
...xferetary of District Council 9, ot, the Brotherhood of Faihte-.-s...
...rank-and-filer who did not understand Sir huabdhd...
...The cry for the quiz came from a Tammany man and was supported by all Tiger stooges and a . Fu-sionite...
...Labor Party as a group this weeV by a vote of ten against adraissior and seven in favor...
...are on the side of the Power Trust, instead of the side of t^Ffl where they stood in former years...
...If it is as low as 5,000, the percentage will be a comparatively small one...
...In a r e c e n t m e e t i n g of t h e party unit of the project of t h e C P . g a ve the Communist supervisors s t r i c t orders that under'"ho circumstances i r r e s p e c t i v e of a b i l i t y or accomplishments, may a party m e m b e r be dismissed...
...I felt that 1 had no i h a n c e of recommendation for promotion or protection against dismissal if he had to make a choice between me and a party member...
...ind fireside chats during Mm 'breathing spell...
...Those who hew s t r i c t l y to t h e " P a r t y " line and discipline, and contribute to the support of the D a i l y W o r k e r , are not recommended for dismissal no matter what their q u a l i f i c a t i o n s . T h i s is a story of S t a l i n i t e persecution, of reducing non-Communi s t s t o a p a r i a h c l a s s w i t h o u t r i g h t s in the election of officers, of the p r o m o t i o n or c o d d l i n g of Communist incompetents who are protected f r om d i s c h a r g e a n d t h e d i s c h a r g e of those not toeing the "party line," a c o m b i n a t i o n of d i c t a t o r s h i p , r a c k e t , e x p l o i t a t i o n and p a r a s i t i sm produced b y C o m m u n i s t mania for power...
...Adolph Rubens, in the face of her continued incarceration in Moscow's Butirkv Prison, where she has been since earlv ^©WHWic^^corae to aSl ;tawKHttPflB WmTfrMtA f rom Wu close to the Secretary of State that Mr...
...State Executive Committee Votes Ten to Seven Against Accepting Offer Of Socialist Party The New York Qity local of the Socialist Party, identified with the leadership of Norman Thomas, war denied admission to the Americar...
...H. M. Aylesworth was a tsjJJ tTrector for the National Electric Light Associa-atjjjj*^6 <rf his speeches to his fellows he urged the, swjT*1 fxpenditure of money for publicity, purposes, ejJj^U he sagely remarked, "The public pays the I Id* that Mr...
...This campaign, says the resolution, has endangered the efforts of genera-lions to bring about a more humane r.nd enlightened relationship in in ternational affairs...
...Goainiittees of Congress have investigated many evil or 7*tag manifestations...
...The surplus profits tax is skillfully hamstrung...
...secret work, he was an OGPU agent...
...T h o s e who d o not contribute to the Communist Party and to the C o m m u n i s t organ, t h e Daily Worker, are the ones who are recomm e n d e d for d i s m i s s a l by t h e supervisors...
...Further governmental experiments are out, and more and more attention will be paid to the defense of the New Deal measures now in operation, as the November elections rumble nearer...
...C o m m u n i s t Party members work themselves up to jobs in the W.P_A...
...the pro portion will be a very big one— maybe even 100 per cent...
...We are told that at this session of Congress no legislation will be allowed to increase any taxation not borne by those best able to bear it...
...appointees ly Tamany's last ditch .ighters who, with an eye tc future i elections, are beginning their carr palgn to besmirch the Laboritesl The newest drive Is directed against Morris No vie k, former director ot WEVD and secretary of the New York County local American La bor Party whO\, was recently appointed director of the municipal radio station WNYC...
...Rubens Begs Parents In U. S. To Keep Silent American Report of Interview in Soviet Prison Indicates That Prisoner's Plea for >on-Inter...
...It was worked out by a diplomatic genius who wanted to avoid fixing the percentage of volunteers "on both sides" before Britain grants belligerent rights to Franco...
...1 have a family to support from my meagre salary and my SU bervisor is a CP...
...By HERBERT SOLOW )VASHIN"GTON, March 8.—Speculation here es to reasons lot the silence of the family of Ruth Marie Buerger of New York, also known as Mrs...
...II it is as high as 20,000...
...This attack came in the form ot a resolution demanding an investigation of the station to discover the source of alleged "Communist propaganda" delivered over the station last month...
...amid the staccato cheering for "Freihett" thejnen and women at the meeting representing hundreds of thousands of democratic Socialists throughout Austria, promised the whole working class' support to Schuschnigg if they received four concessions...
...Moreover, a Fifth Avenue photographer linked to the making of passport photos for Rubens, is a Stalinist sympathiser...
...Consider it for a moment...
...The moment Franco begins to depend upon bis half-hearted Fascist-Moorish infantry he is licked...
...For recognition to operate 20,000 men must be withdrawn from the side having the fewer volunteers—and from the other sidt the same proportion...
...So there is still plenty of room Cor argument whether it shall b« I 5 or 10 or 15, or 20.000 or what...
...We may as well give up the belief that after all the * Cent is composed of mutts...
...So the clever Big Boys behind thjs iam .-neasure saw their chance and pnlled their shp WK)L BY THE BIG BOYS IWEJR bill doesn't take the profits out of war, nor hamper * ajfrotit-monger...
...Franco can do what be did at Teruel—pound the Loyalist lines with the heavy German artillery twenty-four-hour-a-day barrages day after day and hack up the twenty-four-hour-a-day barrages by bombing the trenches from huge masses of Italian aircraft...
...A resolute, bi-partisan froot is rflsclstd ready to prevent at this session say effort to regulate wages sad hoars...
...Realizing this, some of the Govern -neat's best economists have told he President that the buslness-n* ,-pired hands off policy of the AA ministration will not bring r» "eovery...
...un I turn to page 317 of Carl D. Thompson's mon-5* mvaluaWe book, ''Confessions of the Power jg^M^ learn there that Mr...
...In the face of complete defeat of the progressive program which FDR...
...SharftB baa been pointed Out by one Harry Zukerman of New York as the man who passed him the fraudulent Robinson passport applications with a request to gat them certified through his Tammany friend...
...F o l l o w i n g is a s t a t e m e n t by a W. P . A . w o r k e r s h o w i n g how the s y s t em works...
...Italy and Seville via Majorca...
...falif you will stop for a moment to contemplate the inevitable M'tpendous struggle that confronts the world, you will see of ut importance thai control would be—to the Big Boys...
...member on a responsible W.P.A...
...the engravers that prepare the certificates of phoney Yet with the assistance I have mentioned, the melon-^as are mining under what is left of the tax, the ending * »Mch weald not only augment their own greasy profits p*d t0 tae burden otto...
...Thus any CP...
...I wish to protest against the disparaging tone of your remarks concerning the union a c t i v i t i e s on the project, as 1 believe that the project was kept a l i v e and many d i s m i s s a l s prevented by t h e s e a c t i v i t i es "I cannot, however, deny that your a r t i c l e expressed tbe f e e l i n g s of many project workers, both Inside and outside of the C P . I am one of the many who had joined the Party as a Job insurance, under the impression' that it is the most energetic group in the union fighting for our jobs...
...The s t a t e m e n t is m a d e t o E u g e n e Lyons, New L e a d er c o l u m n i s t : T H E S T O R Y O F O N E V I C T IM "The February issue of tbe Red Pen, the organ of the Communis4 Party unit of the Federal Writers Project called my a t t e n t i o n to you> column in The New Leader of February r>, in which you attacked the Communist Party for its a c t i v i t i e s on the project...
...Only one set of candidates is nominated — of course by the Communists—-and the members can only vote yes or no for the proposed candidates just as in Hitler Germany...
...For instance, if 20,000 were the chosen number, and if the Commission found 25,000 volunteers on the Government side, 80 per cent of Franco's men wouli have to be withdrawn to "bal-j ance" the 20.000 from the Government...
...Thus the purpose of these unions is mainly to promote tlje interests of Communism and the Communists rather than those of the workers in general...
...vention Was Dictated by OGPU...
...Of course, the Yesaes always have it as..the non-Communists are not separately organized within the union...
...If 20,000 were the number and there proved to be 40,000 men on the Government side, then Franco must send away 50 per cent and so on...
...And still we think that the One Per Cent will «mI der any put of their privileges without a struggle...
...Obviously much depends on the choice of the original number...
...What it all adds up to is that the two million people now on relief may and themselves slowly being cut off while the 15.000,000 unenv nloyed face a-summer barren of any Federal aid, or business stimuhM as the stage is being set for eiee 'ions of 1949...
...M. H. Aylesworth subsequently became yS^jlfofluence in one of the two principal radio broad-^^fl^pss of America...
...No Boat-Rocking No new, large plan or direct or indirect, public spending will be approved by Mr...
...as supervisors...
...Funds Lacking at the Administration Prepares to Lend Industrialists One Billion Dollars Special to The New Leader WASHINGTON, D. C—Entering the sixth year of his New Deal administration President Roosevelt told the country that "the old Ship of State is still on the same course," but If there was any doubt laat week that the New Deal has bogged down, there is none now In the In* formed political circles In the e»-pitol...
...The pension re turn will *ring vital food, clothing and rem money to hundreds of V iennese tramwaymen, gasworkers and electrical workers who lost' their pension rights when they took » up arms because of their devotion j to democracy antf SocinlttttC1 '* Mrs...
...Drive G. P. U. Terror from W. P. A. Projects H e l p t h e Communist Party and support the Daily Worker or e l s e— T h i s is t h e unspoken, but n e v e r t h e l e s s iron-clad order received by N e w Y o r k C i t y W.P.A...
...The committee calls, attention to | Japan's defiance of every principle at international law in embarking upon a campaign of destruction against the people of China...
...It has been authoritatively reported that belligerent rights will be given to Franco within a month...
...This interpretation is now supported by facts newly unearthed by this writer...
...Letr" Socialist Party Collapses in Sweden 8TOCKHOLM...
...The Loyalist government is prepared to defend its life-line and will shortly put a navy into the waters off the eastern coast which will sweep clear of Fascist warships the area from Almeria to the French border un--Ma*, r¦ nnd Oermarrr' do at sea what they did at the Teruel Front...
...In the meantime no Italian^ are leaving Spain, and rebel lead, ers are authentically reporteci .laying that withdrawal is out ol the question...
...Whether public knowledge of the method Used by the GPU to impose on their prisoner's anxious parents a alienee as deep as that of the Daily Worker, will induce a new attitude in the State Department, cannot b* predicted...
...The State Executive Committee of the American Labor Party at tts meeting held in the Hotel New Yorker, called upon the American people to join the boycott of Japan ese manufactured products, it was announced by Alex Rose, State Executive Secretary of the...
...These facts supplement revelations, which included Creels that the false Robinson passports were obtained by the Rubenses through the collaboration of Stalinists and their sympathisers...
...rftftrcy6' and to many persons, the disheartening defection ^*7PP*>Howard newspapers from the liberal cause and their Reactionary Jungle, was co-incident with the entry li «SW"H°Ward directorate of Mr...
...ted 1 the fight against accepting the bid j of the New York SocieLst Party...
...And the ably designed assault upon the TV A, long ipfsjtatioft >s ^t loose upon the weakest salient...
...Alexander Rose...
...promised the nation in 19*6, he has called a truce, which he euphemistically refers to aa a "sew breathing spell...
...M. H. Aylesworth...
...Bspeattd demands by The New btftjsr and other newspapers that the American public be protected aaamet possible phony spy-yarns, have Mas recently supported by Common Sense, monthly magasine which reflects a section of Farmer-Labor opinion...
...Take note of the college progestational institutions and newspapers supposed to be ""»¦ aid independent that have been snuggled into endorsement of propaganda and you are likely to see the fine hand of any-^tetsmtt...
...issued a statemec on Thursday regarding this action He declared: The New York Post version o! the action of the State Executive Committee on the application foi affiliation of thp Socialist Party i; erroneous...
...These s u p e r v i s o r s are the persons who make t h e r e p o r t s on who shall and who shall not be discharged from the W.P.A...
...It was this knowledge—the fact that its chief sources of food and munitions may suddenly be cut off — 'that spurred the Defense Ministry to build the navy which proved its effectiveness this week by sinking the insurgent warship Balaeres...
...unless it were to pat the Capitol on skids ¦r proclaim the First American Fuehrer...
...former Congressman Vilo Marcantonio...
...the first labor mass meeting was held, .not under the Fatherland Front's stooge labor organization, but under the auspices of the free trade unions and the Socialist Party sent underground in 1934...
...A party member has no right to be impartial...
...The name "Sheppard-Hill" having heps notorious and hateful, they painted that out and called their lata .horse "The May Bill" to create the impression that it was usMmg new again...
...Second, the shifting of the leader ahlp of the Cleribal'Fascist Labor organization an4 the appointment of leaders chosen by the former illegal (Socialist) trade unions...
...ON THE SPOTLIGHT attack on the surplus profits tax was of the same order and S dewed a cunning in reactionary generalship much beyond pre-p« estimates...
...RooseveH "las njedged, through some of hit "loses t political associates, thai there will be no more "boat-rock-ng" statements in future message...
...Once again the R.F.C is fed while the W.P.A., and the millions ifc should support, starve...
...The official American report of the conditions of the interview, permitted by the OGPU only reluctantly and after many delays, satisfies most observers that the seal has been placed at the OGPU's dictation, rather than by the prisoner's free choice...
...And now he is a director of the in-, fluential Scripps-Howard newspapers, stretched across the oaa** in a chain, one end of which he holds...
...Charles A. Beard fler his stapeslUsu to tbe Big Navy bill, that he is an agent of tbe Mikado—is taken aa indicating consciousness mt complicity in the Robinson-Rubens-GPU affair...
...Td like to give him a little of the pub-2% he so richly deserves...
...office in which the administration could ' rely on his impartiality in reporting on the ability and qualification of bis subordinates...
...Senator Nye nasi succeeded in impress-Im ssai the public the boehy notion that wars are made by tat mnament makers and J. P. Morgan, and although tiaej|»bout ai sensible as to say that were are made by :bt «* rind, the country fell for the bonk and still pas-nsjsy behoves it...
...Communist Press Silent In addition to all these facts, observers here find significance in the long-continued silence of the Stalinist press in Moscow and New York on the subject of the Robinson-Rubins-GPU ease...
...in t h e periodical "purges...
...Roosevelt at any time before the elections...
...i iiw, o » iiuiui nuoBw mm* cates that, whim the wife Bit* hjr*a been a mere CP...
...Then the two Commissions go out and estimate the number of volunteers on each side...
...the most worthless party member would entail the supervisor's expulsion from the party, the breaking up of all his personal and social relations, and relentless persecu tion on the job...
...Ickes, will be confined to s White House recommendation tat Congressional Inquiry...
...Fourth, the granting of demands for social legislation and the right to deal with employers, as they did before February 1934...
...This means that France may be "forced to follow...
...March 7 has merely deterred action on the application...
...Last week, for the first time since Dolfuss turned guns on the Karl Marx Hof iust four years ago...
...First, the same freedom as the other political factions in Austria are enjoying...
...In -other words, it was decided that t b e C o m m a * 1st supervisors any other...
...But if they can fool enough people with that Kiftttrt talk they can get away with their real aim*, which again v ttictatur, universal military service and complete control of the nsslatvy...
...two months it baa been silent, and its failure to comment est revelations made in The New Leader and else-Srhtse beyond suggesting, as it has in the case of Dr...
...but also, 1 must admit, because my immediate superior was a member of the C P . and I had noticed how he treated his party comrades with much more consideratio n than me...
...Even the anti-monopoly moves, whicE cams into the limelight through Bob Jackson's speeches, backed Op by Mr...
...The Tribune suggests that th« published' story of this ring sounds more like Ed Wynn than like war, but the Federal Bureau--of Invest...
...C.l\ Connections Shown The establishment of this fact is one of several significant developments of the three weeRs which have elapsed since articles written by this writer laid bare the background of the Robinson-Rubins-OCPU caae.-AdBed information has come to light confirming revelations made in those articles, which showed the Robinson-Rubens-OGPU case as part of a conspiracy to use a Moscow "demonstration" trial with OGPU agents filling alf roles, to make the American people believe that all Stalin's opponents are theirs, too...
...Loyalists Ready To Combat Tory Aid To Fascists Republican Govermenf Prepares for sfbHve British Support to franco Arret New Anglo-Halian Accord Special to The Hew Leader BARCELONA—Now that there is 'a possibility of Mussolini accepting the latest British formula for breaking the deadlock in the Non-intervention Committee, for the sake of "amiable" Italian-British relations, the Spanish Republican Government expects the British Tory cabinet to aid actively, though covertly, the fascist forces under Franco...
...Power Trust...
...Farley that the rapidly growing depression will be capitalized by the conservative forces in the country and his strategy now is to placate the Industrialist interests figuring that the president's popular appeal will carry toe Democrats' congressional That's why no pressure will be put oa Congress by the administration to salvage the wages and hour* bill, the government reorganization proposal, and the regional planning proposition, and why it permitted the farm-aid bill to pass in Its emaciated form after it was too late to help much anyway/" That's why, when so much money is needed for public relief works, the administration is silent on the Vandenberf resolution which will make over a billion dollars available for industrial loans...
...fbea this fact was revealed at a previous session of Congress, bias* protest went up that the adroit reactionaries back of the P dropped it for a time...
...Hull may shortly hear some Congressional admonitions on the subject of spy .Nasi Spy-Scare In this connection it is interest lac to note the wide publicity given a recent announcement of the Fed aral Bureau of Investigation to the effect that G-men have turned up s serf-confessed spy ring in New York The nature of the expose is such that the New York Herald-Tribune remarked on March 1 that "for th« sake of Mr...

Vol. 21 • March 1938 • No. 11

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