BUND DISSOLUTION ORDER CAMOUFLAGES NEW NAZI GROUPS Kuhn in Germany For Instructions From Adolf Hitler New Line Brings All Nazis Under Direct Berlin Control, Demands They Feign Allegiance to...
...It welcomes, therefore, the support of all the forces, no matter how disparate, which deeply and sincerely believe in this mission of American labor to fight, preserve and strengthen our democratic system of government, and rejbiees every time its allied forces gain prestige and strength...
...The two Congressmen withdrew as a result of Communist pressure, and falsehoods regarding Beal and the Defense Committee has written them a letter pointing out that they are the victims of Communist deceit...
...We have witnessed a great upsurge of liberalism in America...
...Hitler had intended either to abandon the German-American Bund or have his League for Germanism Abroad absorb it...
...Through fifteen years it has fought for Social Democracy which today has world significance because of its control of several nations and partial control of others...
...Socialism without liberty is a fraud...
...When The New Leader was launched, it was still the voice crying in a social wilderness...
...It is all that, and at the same time it neveV forgets that it is a Socialist newspaper...
...Learn From Europe America can draw a useful lesson from the unhappy European experiences, and this lesson points to the participation of labor in the preservation and strengthening of democracy as the safest bulwark against every form of dictatorship and reaction...
...The split in the ranks of Labor is another test of the sanity of The New Leader's policies...
...I cannot imagine anything more important to labor and to the progressive forces of this country at the present time than unity and peace in the labor movement...
...He scored the attempt to incorporate industrial conscription in a peace-time bill that is ostensibly to be used only in the event of an emergency...
...I am proud to take my stand with The New Leader and wish it many years of useful life and active leadership in the ranks of progressive thought and journalism...
...Today it is commonly recognized as a social necessity, and its achievement has received a noteworthy beginning in state and federal laws for the protection of the bargaining rights of labor and for the achievement of a measure of social security for the under-privileged...
...Party controversies, the A. F. of L.-C.l.O...
...For The New Leader has always kept to its course of levelheaded common-sense, and the road of common-sense is the most difficult to take...
...The fifteenth anniversary of The New Leader is an occasion in which organized labor should rejoice...
...FROM N. M. MINKOFF Leader of the La.bor Party Assembly Delegation The New Leader is the only English weekly newspaper devoted to the interests of the worker...
...loll* Branch Here Seen There are no branches of Bohle's organization functioning here now, hut according to information from usually authentic sources there will be a United States division set up as soon as Fritz Kuhn returns from Germany...
...Kuhn will be given specific orders to crash the bund because of the unfavorable publicity it has received and begin work quietly on the new American section of the League for Germanism Abroad...
...German citizens abroad are more rigidly controlled than non-citizens, since the cutting of visas, passports, or consular assistance can ruin commercial interests...
...The New Leader may be proud that it has always kept to that road with an intensity of conviction and clarity of purpose...
...The disappearance of the Bund means the strengthening of Hitler's control over the Nazis abroad since it win force them into the League which answers directly to Bohle in Berlin...
...Since the May bill, which has been favorably reported out by the House Military Committee, will come up before the big naval program is discussed, a bitter battle is expected on the floor of the House this week...
...Those American capitalists, financiers and business men who*, while proclaiming themselves democratic, are preventing democracy from fulfilling its promises to labor, are In deeds—if not in words • -—the deadliest enemy of our democratic form of...
...Events profoundly altering the basis of our lives have been taking place during these fifteen years, and the need for alert and intelligent interpretation and guidance has been more urgent than ever before...
...Repercussions resound through-4 out the country as the labor movement in every section swings into action to fight the bills...
...Two Leave Beal's Defense Under Communist Pressure Congressmen John T. Bernard of Minnesota and John M. Coffee of Washington have been induced to resign from the Non-Partisan Committee for the defense of Fred Beal now in prison in North Carolina for his activities in the Gastonia strike of 1929...
...Despite hardships which at times seemed insurmountable, The New Leader pursued its course with admirable steadfastness, never shifting positions to suit passing winds or bartering principles to gain a casual advantage...
...C.I.O., A. F. of L., industrial unionism, craft unionism — there are many shibboleths to distinguish our separate parts and to set one labor man against the other...
...New Leader Nailed By Labor Movement Fifteenth Anniversary Draws Kite* Greetings From Labor Leaders Prominent in Political and Industrial Fields — Vladeck, Waldman, Nftfter, Hollander...
...It can be emphatically asserted that the future of American democracy depends mainly on the ability of labor to counteract successfully the black forces of traditional reaction and those, not less dangerous, even if so far numerically weak, gettting their lead from the various totalitarian regimes of poor old Europe...
...Democracy Depends On Labor's Political Success By LUIGI ANTONINI State Chairman, American Labor Party...
...The ideas and the program of The New Leader have penetrated more than ever the fabric of American life...
...Such a publication, doubtless, will emerge sooner or later...
...From labor leaders, in both the political and industrial field, came many messages congratulating The New Leader on its completion of fifteen years of constant fighting for the American labor movement...
...The New Leader has kept the faith for fifteen years and its service is more needed now than at any other time...
...He was appointed last year by Hitler...
...There Ms neither time nor energy to fight the real enemy when we are so busily engaged in fighting one another...
...Future of U.S...
...We who were with The New Leader in the difficult days of its youth, when the task of penetrating the ranks of indifference and hostility with the ideals of economic and social democracy seemed hopeless, know that the enemy is never as strong as he says, or progress as far off as it seems...
...FROM MORRIS C. FEINSTONE Secretary of the United Hebrew Trades The New Leader, celebrating its fifteenth anniversary, can look backward with satisfaction, and forward with great expectations...
...Bourbon reaction is gaining strength and finds diminishing resistance from a divided labor movement...
...Yet, practically everyone agrees that the labor movement, both its economic and political wings, needs such an organ of opinion and news...
...Beal is hounded by the Communist Party and the reactionary labor exploiters and their politicians in North Carolina, by the Stalinites because Beal no longer has any faith in the Communist paradise tempered by frequent blood purges...
...There is not a word in the bill that will in any manner interfere with profiteering by munition and other manufacturers...
...Their fight is our fight—for industrial democracy and political liberties: the safest road towards i a' better America for ail...
...The American Labor Party is clearly and definitely cdmmitted to the pursuance of a militant policy for the preservation of democracy, and considers it one of its missions to lead the forces of labor in the first-line trenches of this struggle...
...They apparently accepted the Communist Party falsehoods and thus became unwitting accomplices of the Communists in consummating the capitalist frame-up of Beal nearly ten years ago...
...The black forces of traditional reaction, while apparently in accord with the basic structure of America's social and political liberties, are in fact undermining these liberties with their stubborn and somewhat blind resistance to any progress of working classes...
...They are printed below: FROM ABRAHAM CAHAN Editor of The Jewish Daily Forward Warm greetings and hearty congratulations to The New Leader...
...Neither Bernard nor Coffee consulted with the Defense Committee before withdrawing from it...
...Deeply rooted divisions in our own ranks have played havoc with all of our institutions...
...The workers, being appreciativt of this fact, have rallied around The New Leader at all times whenever the very existence of tMl publication was threatened...
...Special to The New Leader...
...But the future belongs to them...
...Special to The New Leader...
...conflict, questions of American foreign policies in a time of incredible world stress—through all these you have kept your heads clear and dedicated your paper first to truth, and second to unhysterical education of the masses...
...For the years to come, no progressive can Wish himself any better than to find himself working side by side with The New Leader for the achievement of political and economic democracy at home and abroad...
...their unscrupulous fight against every measure of the New Deal tending to curtail their financial privileges and to help the government in providing work and cash relief for the millions of unfortunate fellowcitizens...
...FROM LOWS WALDMAN Prominent labor attorney and member of the N.E.C...
...Long life to The New Leader...
...The significance of American labor's growing participation in political action lies—aside from the added strength it derives for its legislative aims end industrial battles—in the fresh forces it brings forward in the defense of our democratic institutions...
...BUND DISSOLUTION ORDER CAMOUFLAGES NEW NAZI GROUPS Kuhn in Germany For Instructions From Adolf Hitler New Line Brings All Nazis Under Direct Berlin Control, Demands They Feign Allegiance to American Institutions...
...The New Leader is fifteen years old, and now, for the first time in its history, it may claim not only leadership, but a considerable following as well...
...HPjn wishes to The H New Leader I and its valiant fighters...
...Governor Benson's first step was a wire attacking the bill to Representative Andrew J. May, who introduced the bill into the house and who is chairman of the House military affairs committee...
...At the same time the ban on the "Prospective Citizen League," a Nazi innocent club, will prevent tile absorption of more German citizens by other nations, and keep them permanently dominated by the Nazis in Germany...
...of the S.D.F...
...New York City CouncUaua It is a deep pleasure to be able to greet The New Leader on its 15th anniversary...
...The program of Social Democracy was derided as visionary...
...Governor Benson of Minnesota threw himself into the battle* the block hurried passage of it under pressure of hysteria created by fascist activity in Europe and Asia...
...On all sides dictators bluster and shake their mailed fists...
...At tile very moment that the German Ambassador, Hans Dieckhoff, called on Hull, Fritz Kuhn, fuehrer of the Nazis in the United States, was Hearing Berlin to which he hid been summoned by Hitler...
...The New Leader has also fought for a united Labor Movement which is so much needed today...
...In the Senate, Gerald P. Nye is countering the Sheppard-May proposals with a bill which would really take some profits out of war and which doesn't attempt to tie up conscription with it...
...Democracy will survive here at one condition—that it provides our millions of workers with the means to save themselves economically...
...Tragically enough, this good-will and these benefits are now being dissipated...
...Above all else, it has served, and served well, the American Labor Party which is making such fine progress in our state...
...Beal was then a Communist and in his trial was defended by the Communist Party and its "innocents" stooge, the International Labor Defense...
...This is merely a camouflage, however, for the creation here of new German-American crabs, or leagues, which already function aa high pressure propaganda groups in every country in the world...
...It is with that in mind that I take this opportunity of extending my profound greeting to The New Leader and its readers, wishing them both the utmost success in all their future undertakings...
...The mask is entirely off the May ¦Nil...
...The fact that The New Leader has weathered some of the most acute controversies without capitulation to special interests, is a vindication of the principles of sound journalism and a truthful press...
...Fifteen years of The New Leader should serve as a sharp reminder to the labor movement of New York that it owes unvarnished gratitude to the group of active idealists who have valiantly and consistently stood all these years in back of this organ of constructive political democracy...
...WASHINGTON, D. C—What will probably be the center of the whole defense issue now stirring the country, are the Sheppard-May proposals, which would conscript labor for industrial as well as military purposes during wartime...
...And we hope the turn for the better in the political conditions of your country brings you further success and happiness...
...Action in this country merely is part of a renewed international propaganda drive which began •bout January 15, about the same time that plans' were being made for the drive on Austria...
...When practically every sheet in the country took sides and added to the public confusion and* the ignorance of self-styled "progressiveness," The New Leader strove throughout to maintain that impartiality which in the long run does more for Labor than all the one-sided propaganda in the world...
...Our workers will be reduced to the status of peons, while manufacturers will be free to profiteer to their heart's content," Maverick said...
...My heartiest congratulation upon its 16th Anniversary and my best wishes for its future progress...
...Its news and editorial columns are well balanced, informative and deliberate...
...Liberals Prepare Report - Congressmen Maverick and Kvale (Minnesota Farmer-Labo rite) who lead the opposition to the bill in the House told the press that they were preparing a report that would "blow off the roof...
...Lip-Service to Democracy At the same time the Nazis in this country have been ordered, as were the Communists several years ago, to change their line and pay lip service to democracy, freedom of the press, constitutional rights and generally to be good "citizens" ontfl Nasi propaganda takes hold...
...Aid Anfi-Democratic Forces Their antagonism and enmity to any suggestion tending to ease the economic plight of the laboring classes—especially of that very large portion of the working class totally or partially unemployed— their insistence in refusing to share with labor the stewardship of toe nation as if they were the depositories of, divine rights to be the exclusive ruling class...
...FROM KARL AND LOUISE KAUTSKY You know how highly my husband and I ap- ^ _ preciate your jOBBSBB i ndefatigable IMP^^'^^^g work and un- Hj § J flinching fight Wmj IWL^m for our cause, [1 J^^kfl in The 'New UjH ^^Mpw Leader, and ¦ how happy we BBL^tJ*^ feel to number ¦ . among your ¦Ljj contributors...
...FROM MAX ZAMTSKY President, United Hattere, Cap and Millinery Worker*' Int'l Union The anniversary^of The New Leader is a fitting occasion for all who are sincerely concerned with the labor movement to grant themselves a pause from their routine preoccupations and to think about the higher interests and aspirations of the movement...
...WASHINGTON, D. C—Startled by continued warfare on his pressure groups in America, Hitler had his ambassador here call on Secretary Cordell Hull and inform him that the Nazi government had ordered all its citizens living in this cetaftUy to abandon the GermanAmerica Bund...
...In looking back, it can see its career as one of extraordinary hardship in the face of controversial attack from political extremes, and courage equal to the hardships...
...Antonini and Danish Among Those Who Send Congratulatory Statements...
...The league is directed from Berlin by Ernst Wilhelm Bohle, foreign office chief of the Nazi foreign organization...
...The heritage, tradition and constructive, idealism of The New Leader will fit in splendidly within the equipment of such a great labor publication In the meantime, it is the duty of aj| j friends of genuine—not lip-serviee —democracy and of labor progress to stand by The New Leader and help it carry its message to aa ever-widening audience...
...Unlike most publications, the years of your life have not been harassed by problems arising out of a lack of funds only...
...The New Leader has contributed a great deal in clarifying the issues and problems confronting labor and has in that way rendered valuable service in the struggle for a better life...
...But the loudness of their threats is merely indicative of their sense of insecurity in face of the inevitability of the march of progress...
...Thanks to labor's loyalty, the New Leader has lived to celebrate its fifteentB anniversary...
...Both the government and public opinion have sided with labor against those who have always exploited it and profiteered at its expense...
...Who will invent the slogan or catchword that will unite rather than divide us...
...Blue Print for Fascism Decried as a blue print for fascism by liberal, labor and peace leaders, the bills create government machinery for a virtual dictatorship by a few prominent industrialists working in close harmony with big army and navy men...
...their refusal to concede the indisputable truth that the eventual economic recovery of America is closely bound to labor's increase of purchasing power...
...Because The New Leader has always maintained its allegiance to the civilized practice of democratic relationships, it has a great duty to perform, and may look forward to the future with honesty and pride...
...Established in February, fifteen years ago, The New Leader has devoted every edition since then to the struggle for industrial and [social democracy, civil liberties, a strong and united labor movement, labor's independent political action, and the provision of sufficient of the necessities and luxuries to enable American workers to maintain a standard of living they deserve...
...From its very inception The New Leader championed the cause of labor and gave it all necessary moral support in all its economic struggles and undertakings...
...FROM ISIDORE NAGLER General Manager of the Cloak mud Suit Joint Board of the-l.Lfi.WAJ...
...The occasions for departure have been many in recent years...
...Please remember us to all our old comrades in America...
...It is a very simple one: LET US HAVE PEACE...
...Labor Hits Bills for Wartime Conscription Sheppard and May Measure* Now Before Congress Provide for Dictatorial Control oF Labor During War...
...It is no longer being fought as a measure to curtail war profits but has the backing of the big industrialists since if it becomes law, whoever administers the act can determine when, where and for whom a man may work and what wages he shall receive...
...It is also an honor to the courage needed to maintain such a stand in the face of adverse criticism and abuse...
...If the May bill should be approved, which God forbid, it will be the end of labor unions and free labor...
...Officially it is the organ of the Social Democratic Federation, but is completely free from the sectarian narrowness and party prejudices to which organs of other parties have succumbed...
...in other words, their policy of opposition to everything labor stands for, is easing the way for the success of those elements who want to undermine the American people's faith in democracy and parliamentarian form of government...
...The times may seem difficult for those who continue to stand with The New Leader in their common faith in democracy...
...FROM B, CHARNEY VLADECK Leader of the Labor Delegation in the City Council By its long service to organized workers and democratic Socialist ideals, The New Leader is entitled to the hearty support of all who work for a world organized on a democratic basis...
...It is a privilege to send yea greeting^ on the occasion of the fifteenth anniversary of The New Leader...
...Its publication has covered a period momentous in the history of labor...
...However, his hand was forced by the attack upon the Bund's- meetings in Schenectady, Buffalo, Detroit, Reading, several New Jersey towns, and in many cities out West...
...For the first time in generations, labor has won its right to more than lipservice recognition...
...The present task of The New Leader will not be completed until full social justice is realized...
...The trade unions, let it be admitted, have not given The New Leader all the support that could convert it into a weapon of greater force and effectiveness among the working masses, despite the apparent fact that ideologically it has stood closer to the trade unions than any other publication we can think of...
...dictatorship and democracy cannot be reconciled and the struggle of humanity today is for a free democracy, an ideal for which The New Leader has fought without compromise...
...As an exponent of democratic Socialism The New Leader is indispensable...
...That you have come out of all this with colors flying is a tribute to the men and women who devote themselves without stint to the cause and to the ideals which underly that cause...
...The Civil Liberties Union, which aided Beal in his trial, refuses to be intimidated by the Communist' pressure and announces that it will stand by Beal...
...They are no longer "outstandish" or the property of a far-sighted few...
...One need not be in agreement with everything in The New Leader to appreciate its value within the array of forces which fight the battles of labor and democracy in our land...
...I think I have the slogan...
...Too often our Labor press, and especially our weeklies, have been neglected by those whom they most serve...
...It was the mistaken policy of their European brethren, bent on preserving at any cost their economic privileges and in regaining those which were lost in the social upheaval of the immediate postwar period, which gave impetus to the work of Fascism and Nazism and drove a large portion of the working class under the spell of pseudo-proletarian demagoguery, aiming, too, at the establishment of a dictatorship...
...FROM LOUIS HOLLANDER Councilman for City of S'ev York, Chairman King* County A.L.P...
...Fe- _ licitations to Karl K'ntaky you on your anniversary...
Vol. 21 • March 1938 • No. 10