Here and There "The ffur tmHimtributed semtoanUpmato-esnWeasrn»eeaato»mmi to the kwrtsnt meiaW Dtmhrrs to beeebelt^pletyers, 'or "ivory on the hoed/' toy {kfit the rfvenue act of iiftK...
...itoilM and the cfcrector...
...There ia very tkjB can add to the overwhelmtanM of praise skewered by tka safH the a ¦¦lis en the seeee...
...Here and There "The ffur tmHimtributed semtoanUpmato-esnWeasrn»eeaato»mmi to the kwrtsnt meiaW Dtmhrrs to beeebelt^pletyers, 'or "ivory on the hoed/' toy {kfit the rfvenue act of iiftK jii|vi»I{, 'i #*- f^fstiiv...
...That sort of thing it inimical to baeebalL If you make a lot of money you want to make more bf strengthening your dub...
...p^njnt mor» of ammunition a day, A torpedo no* will cost yos fli.500, or the price of, a home...
...People who need things have learned how to use the Rockdale method to supply their needs...
...But yot cannot do what you please...
...Twenty-eight poor weavers in Rochdale, England, had succeeded, after a year of effort, in saving a total sum of $140...
...Their yearly business of 30 billion dollars is carried on by people who are learning bow to serve themselves and thus to get better access to the things they need...
...War tke mm Mw^ tU (rM of ytliw J free ami isaBsJsWsfc pmW h» «J*l2iwlitfi*Ml (mm which scheduled to be held to Tokyo, Japan, to 1940...
...Every time am airplane drops a bomb ever Spain or Cknta it caste tka tmspnyers fVthVsr the price el cm auto, Britain's fins gem- re...
...On that shortest day of the year an event of far-reaching importance occurred...
...memo Slept piopiai" wM coat hot $7,606,000,000, watch .was just about what the spent,in four years of fighting during the World War, —World-Telegram, - 2^ggg| anti-fascist and lakes ——-^JS her Stage...
...ACWA ^ mmMfc> *W Vrimilira It toai^mm*k*mm!Z*mLi jstojmsiip werp tifillU to boycott the Olympic Gaame Imm*'amJankesaawie Mibtkd»c*akyJiftlickikMi|MM*«MUi...— of tkc tod tka* to* holding of tko intetMtoMl games to tou » at bmuh of stroa gtk—iag lk« Fmoc ud war-making regime of that country...
...It signalized a new era in business...
...Services, such as banking, insurance, housing, medical care and recreations, have been developed in the non-profit cooperative field to an extent that astonishes Student* of economics...
...Japan, at tka praaaat ttoie, U amgagad to an «insar|s,rsri, unofficial war, a slaughter of tka Cktoaai people, and it U one of tka three great fascist powers, wko have formed a new I osgss of Nations for tko ssnJavosnoat of toe people...
...Oh, What a World . . . . A Tartan story has just bee* banned to Brazil, thus diverting the spotlight which the Yugoslat authorities by a similar action had turned upon Mickey Mouse...
...H is witk heavy hearts and with deep sorrow that we are eons palled to ask the young mis and women wko are interested to sports to stay away from a country whose ralsrs are new acting like brigands, just as we naked them to 1936 to stay away far the same roaton from Csi many, where a great and enknred nstion is groaning under the keel of ruthless dictatorship...
...But we haven't as yet torn up our Constitution to order to make illegal the eating of a box of animal crackers.—New York Times...
...Tlmt»ws«r •I tke ijsspstoy ami |m4 toJNg the O—r |l Susie, he* bsgm* kslun1 for their iwrmm...
...Consumers are training themselves as they go, and quietly introducing the service motive in business in place of the profit motive...
...cooperative, societies with 150,000,000 members represent one-fourth of the families of the world...
...On that date, they opened their cooperative store...
...Ttot U nothing btrt «ood feeling for the lipiini p*epee, bwt Am U else tto) r— y...
...106 West 39th T| New York City...
...More than 200,000...
...It ia to be hoped that a errmsed world would not permit toe Cooperative Christmas By J. P. WARBASSE, President, Coopers tiro League of the U. S. A. A historic date was the 2 1 st of December, 1844...
...Without destroying the prevalent method of business, without cataclysm or chaos, cooperative business steadily grows and takes the place of profit business...
...A disturbed world may view with hope and satisfaction this stabilizing cooperative business in which invested capita] and the positions of employed workers are more secure than in profit business and in which mutual aid is the guiding principle...
...Eswry'wetmE terested in the cultural msJH tions of the ktber movemeaCl see it...
...Democracy has been decried by our Italian and German friends as being supine and unworkable...
...Great wholesales some of the largest in the world—have developed...
...Watch for further m«2| mental...
...Something to Think About...
...Cooperative stores have multiplied...
...A battleship that used to cost $30,000,000 now costs $60,000,000, or the price of an uptodate univerAgainst the Tokyo Olympics By JOSEPH SCHLOSSBERG, General Secrtwry TriaTir...
...A cooperative star shone in the economic firmament at that dark Christmas time...
...You'vi tgot to distribute a large part o; your profits to stockholders...
...Frail indeed it the social order that must "protect" its citizens from such "subversive" zoological attacks...
...Around tbat small star of Rochdale, and around the world, now is to be seen a galaxy of cooperatives...
...w« from assjfi presented every night and S»m| afternoons...
...It U ¦dtJdssg iliwt of a tragedy that international •porta, wkicfa originally had a* tkair eldest ve purpose the promotion of good will among tka pooploa of tko world, aro used sow by ragj—¦ of asWtotacship and fascism to tka hstaroots of raca-katrod and doili uction of knman rights...
...The customers became their own merchant...
...Nem ' York Herald-Tribune...
...Manufacturing in consumer-owned factories is producing the thing* cooperaters use...
...the pto&mg baetc- of earnings to the form of the purchase of better pfayere, tektth to aeseftaB migh t be defined ae capital asset*.' "The NaHon'e Business" quote* Horace, S tone ham, president of' the New York National League Club, a* sayings "If you wanted to spend your surplus on ball players the government would step maud stop you...
Vol. 20 • December 1937 • No. 72