Sidelights By M.K. .. WW** -to rich* at th* start: Harry Thomas, taw hearing yOOtfc fret* Minnesota, waa really a« match Jot May SckpaW He *pd hobta baik ufinwy ptt halTirr...

...He made the following comment: "The progress which ia bring made ia workers' edacstlou among the anions affiliated with the Committee for Industrial Organization ia moat significant, and 1 think the future will undoubtedly amplify the present trend in this direction...
...An exhaWt of teaching material* pubHihed...
...It was only in the capflTjJj] off game* that the AnadaalS bey* were beaten for the chsstSgH ship- Next year we expect n| a diaVrant story.- f-^L» howhssf Going 5troag ^"-| Th* rest of the country annnalp b* taken ap with bewaa|SSggg| Wayne, Indiana, and JachasMal Mlmois, have in their short sz>«hMlJJJJJ h«nt up a friendly rivalry thai EJ proxintates the feed among llsiaml Prmossoe, and YaW...
...That akSnf, after all, i»-rt<Jf t new thin*—hj fact, if has gone* ttfl for quite a long time— ntade apparently no imp-re»*lew en tie* rhftuerndt of visitors Who* fait ami acted" aa if they had juet ««ctrrer*} the Sport"* pesribarties...
...The Joust women's team has net lost s ItSgggS* accordiitg to the last report -aa'lJJjt Cincinnati, champion* efgUt^Ey dustnal Valley Soft Ball I^^R-K) turned with equal en****aant l^Br bovrlaig...
...The Worker.' Education Project of WPA is now' in its fourth year, it ia carrying on I 15 weakly oaamaee with a weakly attendance of 2.400...
...To the extent that the members can have a goad time with the union, to that extent will their anion loyalty be strengthened...
...They need to leant to use their heads as walL Brains as weO as brawn should receive- attention...
...The Nazi organization* instructed their members to attend"the prise fight," aaya the Non-Sectarian AntiNazi League which conducted the boycott . . . Boycott pickets at the itntraeoae of Madiasa Sana re Gardes and tfa« Twentieth CanSery Spa it if... its own tnovier... paitiOwlar) we are eniiuSioring to run a balanced program of fun and new ideas...
...The defending -hsaTfiiiissj Lithuanian local, lost it* first S to the shipping-clerks, but thta I son is too young to tell whan mean...
...There are sign* that the leadership of the union* is accepting this point of view...
...eadtnral and recraatienai activity under trade anion aanaaeaa, we can act in full accordance with Leber** beat tradition of facing facts...
...It BtflBf to aerve 23,009 aSadent* ss OPagBtM 1937-30, ™ ACWA Teauno Report Pro By LAWRENCE LEW The educational i i i«lanan...
...they chose their parents in Ktrie Finland instead at the broad domains of the British Empire...
...The New York City hasafl league got away to aa ananas1 start...
...They must have made a number of women converts...
...This city, with CfeHftB is trying to convince the OBtaajfl the bowKng champion* hv« it 1 || Lmrndry Worhwv Ada ^Ky The Umted Laundry WoaaWdB^ New York, one of sat ¦**«• wJV1...
...Th* banqa*afh|H dance* gives efeft th* bowuBgp£H, take on the form of each otfSI ing outdo the ffidker 1* the txceU^K of entertainment...
...Ma* nana in corpore anno...
...he closely followed the grand old man from Norway, Ofe Hegge, whose time waa I -.49.3...
...And that goes for the live anion* ht the A.F...
...Not Content With Footwork The best safeguard of health ia a regular pay envelope and the beat guarantee of healthy and happy Ufa for ns ail U a vigorous wen-informed labor movement organised ht (ho industrial, political and cooperative field...
...or aa a grizzled sports veteran neat to your roving reporter audibly observed . "If theae girls can travel through the air on skis, our girla should certainty be able to ride along on the ground.** Equally praiseworthy performance* were presented by Tom Muratad and the "flying Norseman,'* Sverre Kdlterud, who captured the slalom event for the sixth time in nine races...
...The race is to the swift no matter if...
...ahoreaea, and •postk j^^S Other local unions are W R great saec*** with their W1 groups, choirs, and cleans* Jm ditioa td the work of eh* gene i al office of the AotsnM has instituted correepuiid«ooW e* to reach the great D**ttJJ members who cannot attend^ or who live in outlying dttstrifl towns, so thaf going to • fl meeting place would be V venient...
...Although sosnB are attempting those afl for the Irat tuna, their saobjjjj been aenmtionaL Teams cSaaa in sports havs proved to a$9 pions in their contests anaani aide teams, while Anil B Sal league game* have beaa pSajdfl theh igheat plane of skill aaduB manship...
...No Frontiers fa il* i Bhnjihig...
...U. began its work...
...T. Parran...
...There are no frontier* ia the realm of excellence in sport...
...Physical training and fitness are horrible mockery when workers are only made ready to become bloody cannon fodder on a Flanders Field or to writhe in desperate agoay choked by poison gas...
...The puttie*tie* *¦ phlet* and loaaon matermh U com nig htcreeahvgsy tasportsHR Department having sold and JH^Hk * uted over MS.tPO copies of Jjg^Bf literature in 19J4-J6...
...The Latin* had a phrase for it...
...Reoently a survey of the activity of C.I.O...
...If workers* education continues to expand en these lines, we shall have a labor movement that wiB ring it* own aongsr dramatize it* own struggles ha its own theatre...
...They ki Paget ham Hater's congratulation* and their own...
...Gerald Walker...
...pent annually would make it possible to treat every case of syphilis...
...and applied to concrete siraaTiiiiiis...
...There will Watjgggf,, aa in trad* uasra sObjeots, •ahfjl auhjecta...
...IwK has ao many bowler*, that :u wk ha* to be subdivided...
...and Ma N*W York ****** ha IPSO of da* ilaUlia...
...Human being-* after aH need circa MS aa well aa bread and if ia better tor circuses to carry a, ante* hnW then She ewaeaka era...
...Th* two Norwegian girlat EiW Culbren«W and Johanna Kolatndr deserved all the praise they got for their daring and gracefully executed art...
...maintain ha own newspapers: set up it* own gymnasiums and sports leagues of every satiety...
...Splendid also was the Austrian Kurt Thalhaemmer...
...Moreover, labor ought to encompass the srhble life of the workers, pve them an outlet for their love of sport and and drama instead of leering such dung* to .the bosses...
...Otto Furrer of Switzerland and Hans Haaser of Austria, famous winter sport* aces, showed their beat and were enthusiastically cheered...
...Labor onions and sport enthusiast* have science and common sense alike on their aide when, they insist that butter ia better for sustaining life than guns...
...beany thsshsn-ne «f the I.L.G.W.U.** 252,000 members wera «J through popular lectures, °*fl various sorts, musical and *dH programs...
...The union granted 18 scholarships at worker* summer schools and labor college* and held five labor institute* with 164 anion stedents fat the year ending with May...
...About half the cost of a battleship, according to Dr...
...Thi* is the record of the I.L.G.W.U...
...teae effaraM by"the'wPA.' Haas and sthedole* wfl aeon he eoan¦ Italians* to the varioan erpani•Vffoatt...
...Tbe league include* aH from other unions and IratangV arS ganizationa...
...Carman amckty-denoted him...
...So far, the VaafiJ] cl* League of the WsrVansB I seems to be the team to b**o3aJ Fall River, Massachusetts, Man a first-year soccer team thttfgajVi the experienced teams of th* Ssofl scare...
...Eren ao Thomaa vra* on fort at th* bitter end...
...the Carman AaVbaVsador, and the Cansisl CsaanI Pi Borcher* visited Vlrmelikg ha t»«a rfideeing tooqs...
...The hag Garden on Eighth Avenue had m a all i a way been converted into a IIIanaanoth arctic igloo: the
...AlJJJJJj Buffalo sent in * report *Mj(ggg^ teem* were tied for first placsMl El bowfing league...
...Mike Jacob* promoting oatfit, were a iamiKar sight for weeks '. . . 10.123 faithful besom* fane packed the Garden and $74,109.23 jingled fn Mike Jacob** coffer...
...WHY, ONLY $1M .PS* . . .? CHICAGO, Fn.--Laeal sports circle* chortle Over the % 100.009 inference policy taken out by the Chi:#go White Sox on their new hardMtrJng eutfieMar...
...Th* d^«hi|H is that tbe home tees* givss s MuuP for the visitors...
...Thus we shall have in the United States a colorful, progressive, active labor movement of which w* have dreamed so long...
...They certainly Can also claim their share in international sport and recreation which transcend* any chauvinistic patriotism-that patriotism which ao often mean* a senseless glorification 'of the accident of birthplace aad involves hatred and acorn of all other countries...
...What Girts . . . The peifuraainces Of the jumpers in double'and triple jump*,- taking off front the eighty-five foot tower", gave the sposlOOH* enough to pet OxcttedS...
...But sportsmen, too, should not be content with footwork...
...Seven tilts I he went dowq until «b* WfNi ful referee put aa end & <We slaeghter...
...Achievement* It is now 20 years since the Educational Department of the I.L.G.W...
...The trouble with such a person is that he is closer to tbe history of the Roman Empire than he is to the mast of workers in these United States in 1937...
...Bread and Sports By MARK STARR, Educational Director, lalilneliiaa* Lad***' Garment Workers* Umon "Bread and dTtntmaa^ to ^^^j*^* members contested," bjuskelrnkH, ehtamm anH ptti^pewaw UWBUaaatCTrtg and swimming- as wefl as the trsoal atajj*- oUiseg at labor probiems and economics boing conducted by tbe edncatiofl defnjrrtmerrts of various unions...
...write Ha own novels...
...Th* immigrants who started trade union education in the United States reoognieed over 30 years age that they had a vital stake in the super-national fatherland af ideas and cnltare...
...Representative* of to labor organization* utflizhtg the services of the teacher* of the Project were present...
...WW** -to rich* at th* start: Harry Thomas, taw hearing yOOtfc fret* Minnesota, waa really a« match Jot May SckpaW He *pd hobta baik ufinwy ptt halTirr fcaUftaas t>^(t.e a.rHrrtinr Mtatfr...
...ate*, has prepared an axfinaaw fl^Bf gram of educational and reeratSjarHPtJ work to be carried en la bntasdm aad Manhattan... space gifes out.., WSLA Plans Call For WPA Serviced Aa inawtiag eoaferaaca en methane of promoting educational progaama in " labor organizations Waa held under the anapicea of the Workers' Educational Project of the WPA on Deceftber 4 it the heaji|ua i tat a of the Project, 305 •fjroadway...
...Th* WAL.A...
...Th* relatianUgggf between the tw* local* u eMgB highest sportsmanship and (raaasgV*) feeling...
...The >oliey covers Walker against every imaginable accident...
...It has more than 20,000 student* in 5S3 classes and groups this year...
...And* haatthy mind will build a sane arorUL That is why in our union program* (and the I.L.G.W.U...
...left the battle field wan • darkened Wt eye and 023,#00 to too good, ah eat the- same snosM ha is supposed ta owe Mfke Jacob* far past touches .. . a - * ¦• a Or...
...officially and otherwise , . . Nasi Germany boisterously cerebrated Sclaatefian'a victory as if -the Maine battle of unlucky memory abends) aV*9*9B WO a* » a a New York Takes To Winter Sports By the ROVING REPORTER Tl«r"T9"}7 Winter -Sports Shaw and Inter national Ski Meet at Madtson Samara Garden, New York City, waa unquestionably a sports event of the hrat magnitude, at warmed th* ceekiee of every true sports fan a heart and made mora than 9fJ,0#6 «t«*Cal»i« succumb to the rare of akfinaj nnd winter sports...
...A little bird teen me this ia mora than the Brown Bmbtr Look could do in 1956... the worker** education agencies of New York City had been arranged The conference Waa sufficiently keJptoJ for th* reproaeatative* td plan to held a second conference on January 22nd...
...of L also...
...The Nordic nonsense which naade Hitter absent himself from die Olympics when otherwise he would have had to recognize the auyetioiity of the dark-skinned Jeaae Owens has no place in our schemes...
...f jumping and down hiH . th a sang by nntatanding American and European esparto were aach aa to arouse genuine -enthusiasm lot everytBrfrg even remoter/ resembling winter aborts...
...Ulaea teams a^^C closely snatched as that, cooungfl i* exceptienafiy keSn, and ths^^^B} are all the mere ezciting...
...And there were ao many fttffers...
...Th* FUdH Joint Board boating Isagsi a Jfl up of one hundred and ehtty tflgggS* divided inta thirty-two tseaa, H^K^ ride* th* men'* league, fheat fj^Kt very fins women'* hWgue cesn^^C of twetve tea an...
...Theoretical ideas, valid enough in themaefres, moat be translated into everyday jangong...
...In addition to the national educational staff, there are educational directors in 25 local unions throughout th* United States...
...Walker waa "acquired" a few week* igo from Detroit over the vociferous rretest* of the Tiger adherents...
...not Lahi»ated aa a east of mental jiu-Jhaa..., front of the - fljjfl clothing Workers of- AaBjgfl rapidly snpsnsdesV M*s*Z*S ¦ local organizations are gjS new activities...
...union* In workers' education of this new kind was sent ta John 1— Lewis...

Vol. 20 • December 1937 • No. 72

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