Arnold, H.
W.S. C. Manhattan Displays Social Talent By H. ARNOLD Club activities in the city during;, the torrid summer months were practically "zero." Everybody was out in camp. But now, with Fail and...
...Everybody msg attend...
...Although esrlier plans for sa elaborate sports festival bad «t W . abandoned (due to our iaahiutX-1* | get a larger hall for the .....1 imWJ date), the evening turned out to MM i a complete success...
...Neither has the social side of our club life been neglected...
...of the Woodlawa-Jerome Ave...
...Everybody was JMsst oaf showing the progress made daj...
...W.A.C.Queens Scar Smashing Success By a StaB Reporter .. ' '?'*»^V- November, hssxxisrg and hamming with furnish e*tis4*y ja tW.Ksshr ere Athletic Club of Queens, WSLA...
...local, prefer...
...The Labor Temple' furnished the beer (for hard cash, or what did you think...
...Chicago has so many players ¦ in the field that a number of leagues had to be formed to accommodate them...
...Labor •verywhere is i iiiioassdhliiisV its positions aawl gaiaiag maw stronghold...
...A splendid feat that will gladden every sportsman's heart...
...Nothina had been J# undone to five everybpir • .sasd time...
...We have had a stormy discussion at our last meeting which will no doubt be continued...
...of our well known and equally well Uked entertainment evenings at the New York Labor Temple, 84th St...
...He exercised in a similar way aboard the tender which took him into Cherbourg and pranced tirelessly up and down the platform while customs officials examined the baggage...
...ACWA Laqncbes AmhiHtms r Sports Program By LAWRENCE LEVIN The various locals and Joint Boards of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America have embarked on their moat ambitious sports program in years...
...Egg Harbor won the championship of the first half of the season, and the Amalgamated team won the second half...
...all other parties, later new Oslo City eaancil wiH be ceaapoeed of 45 -fives, 2 liberals, asuf 2 front the -veMgious people's party...
...Saturday, Nov...
...Our home Mm 1 ent did exceptionally well...
...the Joint Board its own, and so forth...
...Classes are now being organized in more than twenty Wisconsin cities to meet an expected enrollment of 2,000...
...Regular business will be promptly, dispensed with, so that wa can give our undivided attention to the lecture, of our WSLA President, Comrade Lipschitx, on "The Past, Present and the Future of the WSLA...
...We meet at 9 a. m. downstairs on Mosholu Parkway, Sta...
...British labor's great victory is mainly due to the able stewardship and efficient adaaspinti stion of Herbert Morrison, whose recent visits to the United ftates have made him wdl-known «a$ liked on this side of the Atlantic...
...i,„ -i'-, Trainiag exercises will ha hall s] the Queens County Labor Lyesaa, Forest and Putnam Aveanes, g« Daceiaker 12, 9 a. m. sharp...
...All sports groups whs ssjg at one o'clock...
...New (Women) V 10...
...IT, hike to the TibbeUs Brook Park...
...It took five games for the Hammonton men to convince .Egg Harbor that the championship belonged to the Amalgamated, but they did it...
...Everybody in London and Claris acclaimed his run from Bournemouth to the Paris Exposition, done for the purpose "of promoting the cause of international friendship and world amity...
...Reporters, sow|ii and the public teak School for Air Workers To meet the demand for skilled craftsmen in the air-craft industry, a training school for air-craft workers has been established at Los Angeles, Cal., by the AeroIndustrial Technical Institute...
...Italy, and Austria...
...Whatever the materials at hand, whoever the opponent may be, sport and fan are the stakes, and everyone gets them...
...After running to Southampton, Baily boarded the "Queen Mary" and ran around the liner's deck while crossing the channd...
...As usual, the sports events mm followed by dancing and iss'lij making which lasted well into as) morning hours...
...a good time was had by ALL and the next .occasion will be better yet...
...Up in Fall River, Mass., Local 177 ; has formed a soccer team which was : entered ia the city league and is showing championship form...
...His recital of .telling Hitler jokes evoked many a hearty laugh, a» did the Other eoually interesting and well presented numbers...
...ing the last season...
...At the end of the season, play-offs are held for the championship...
...New York City hopes to have a basketball season even more successful than the baseball season...
...No effort had been spared...
...Let's this time go home with • dear understanding ia mind as to each one's part and duty ia the movement and "Let's do it...
...Mo lass snsptifirsnt than this victory was the ajhjrrt shfaat of Norwegian Fascism, — ofTipriag of HstVarissa its renreosatstion of three in the aid council peas rnraglatoly wiped out...
...Workers' Olympiad at Antwerp, Belgium, ia which the WSLA participated, followed...
...The number of fascist councilman throughout jantway has bee* reduced from *8 w>«, a daneat which wuM be painfully afatt ia Germany, Italy, and wherever fascism holds sway...
...26, there is no gym 1 (Holiday...
...The girls of the Cincinnati, bowling teams are playing exceptionally fine games: averages of 168, [ 164, and 163 are reported...
...Fort Wayne, Indiana, has girls on its > regular league teams, there being * three men and two girls on each ^-fhe low...
...In •ur time of triumph we wish Jham trail" • ; e e ». |C H. Baily, an accountant from Bawnaemouth, England, was an international sports hero for 24 short hours...
...School for Labor .Leaders The School for Industrial Workers, said to be the first permanent state school in the United States to train labor leaders, has been inaugurated by the University of Wisconsin...
...A statement issued by the official press section of the Nazi Women's Organization explains that in spite of their "wonderful" achievements during the Berlin Olympic Games, women are "physically, mentally and spiritually much more tender" and inferior to men...
...Baily confessed that it was a_hoax and that he enjoyed very much to have been able |o fool the omnipotent press...
...Drill and boxing for women in Nazi Germany are henceforth strictly "verboten...
...The dancing and frolicking went on into the early morning hours, and had it not been for other organizations holding their affairs that same night, success would have even been greater...
...London, composed .of 328 boroughs, has beep ruled by labor since 1934...
...the Hart, Scharlaer and Marx League its own...
...The most pronounced victory was Wan in Oslo, Norway's beautiful capital, where the party polled 62.5 tw cent of the total vote, thus outstripping the combined vote of...
...Middle West that visit each other in j inter-city bowling meets...
...Olympiad Film One comrade told of his recent travel experiences in* Germany...
...30, we bad...
...A showing of the long awaited film of the Third...
...ffad of \Fascist tyranny in Spain, .Germany...
...Jj | WGSA Elisabeth, after this if ill again appeals to its members safj i friends to take an active part ia M j club events and the various adl Iclksses...
...In 186 municipalities the Norwegian Labor Party has a dear •sojority...
...The new school, according to a statement by the university board of regents, intends to give "unionists the training they can use' in the internal Hfe of their organizations and in collective bargaining...
...found its climax ia the ay|gE Fall Festival of November 20 at' the Queens County 'Labor Lycedsat^Sfestiva), a greatly cherished annual tradition, displayed the progr** *}1 the A. C. Queens during the past year and furnished convincing ptasf of the splendid work done by the officers and members of that eraajkaw tion...
...e Similar good news comes from the British capital where labor topped *tts> majority with an avajnnche of additional votes...
...Friday, Nov...
...It is still too early to tdl whether they ! cen take the measure of the more experienced teams, but whatever the . result, they are making an enviable ' record for a first-year team...
...Locals that have never attempted athletics before are entering teams in the league...
...Farther west the locals and Joint I Boards are concentrating on bowl1 ing...
...In the recent elections the nssmber of labor councilasen was increased by 88 to the im4prassive total figure of 778, a dear aspjprity over the combined strength •f -all other parties...
...ratification over die outcome of **W alsrtisei was fittingly aapraased <n an mmrnattoeal message bp Marejmaa, which reads: "ft wjll be first-class news throughout the world when it is jgnown that Labor is confirmed in sower in the government of die k capital city of the British ComI anon wealth of Nations...
...Basketball to the Fore The eastern teams are now concentrating on basketball...
...The Amalgamated Centre League has its own championship fight...
...The «f4| i pectations of the numerous gufJM i were more than fulfilled by the aspp-j 1 and tricks of the famous local nsjgflj cian, 8. Huber, A boxing bout ^ • humorous vain and the stuDsJjmg ! performances of a roller-skating Mfl rounded out a well-planned progrssjM Although the lack of gymnasticsssH apparatus exercises was genetasH 1 deplored-the hall not suitable tajl such exercises—this did not dstsgflB from the fun and enjoyment svSgJjH body had...
...la the municipal elections in faroff Norway the electorate rendered a sweeping verdict in favor of eontinuatioti of honest and efficient labor rale...
...the lest few weeks bad been asss^jg£ polish up gymnastics, add the final touches to calisthenics and give tanea to the numerous numbers of the program...
...Croup Exercises (Men) I I. Pyramids...
...lowing a abort maetiag of an gab...
...Local 4 made a remarkable record in beating the formidable Sing Sing team when Pitcher George Mlapiaa of the clothing workers pitched a no-hit, nci-jTin game...
...That is the key-note of Amalgamated sport...
...According to jncpsaafcota veRrns, 5720 labor council men will .take their seats in 747 municipal councili throughout the nation, an increase of 61S over the last dec-' tions...
...Important Meeting Our monthly meeting will be held on* Wednesday, November 24, in Room 6 of the New York Labor Tesopis...
...The Sing Sing team had previously not been shut out in years...
...Occupying four buildings on a fiveacre campus, the school is equipped to provide instruction and practice in aeroplane cqnstrnction, assembly, testing and maintenance...
...On October...
...What little there is of the Olympiad in these unfortunately too short reels makes one wish .for more, because it is real good...
...There is no doubt that the season will be ap exciting one...
...At this moment we remember pur friends who seek Uberty in...
...athletes "in training" were regaled with soft drinks...
...This last season has seen the great success of ; the baseball league of the New York Amalgamated Athletic League...
...Club President fu% Geyer delivered an inspiring shag address and pleaded for support d the workers sports movement!*, program consisted of: -SQ 1. Music March Militaire ¦*"¦* 2. Jumping (Boys) I * 3. Parallel Bars (Junior Chad I 4. Horizontal Bars (Men) * 5. Living Statues (Sportier) 6. Calisthenics (Senior CI***} 7. Wrestling (Wrestling CspM o. Parallel Bars (Men) 9. Old vs...
...Chicago, Milwaukee, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Jacksonville, and Fort Wayne are among the teams in the...
...There may have been- on earlier occasion* a greater variety of local talent and more gusto in individual comedian* tbie time we scored with good music, exceptionally good musicl Another good idea fo.r which we owe thanks tp our women -members was the preparation of tasty sandwiches for the many hungry mouths to be fed...
...After a brief sleep he continued his marathon to Paris where he was enthusiastically received...
...The Hammonton, N. J., team was too far away to play New York teams regularly, so it entered the Atlantic County Baseball League...
...The sports , program lisnhv brought to the followers of workun sports the usual talent from — tious youngsters and old exped, ' enced hands...
...But now, with Fail and Winter just around the corner, Usjn^g, gym and swimrnjng arc again in full swing...
...The Cutters' Local 4 won the championship of the league, but the other teams were providing stiff competition as the season wore on...
...The rivalry 1 is keen, but after the game there is a party for the visitors, and the losers promise to do better next time...
...Eath*uietti| ant" plause greeted the apparatus «. cises and the many other sjjg| I attractions...
...By doing so they win t their share in strengthening oraa»i«.tion •***«Nere I sports ta Elixabeth, N. JSid elights By M. K. gSUnS SCOred by 1 elections is New York SJid other cities have been re-echoed ftnpreso¦valy by similar progress of labor parties throughout the world...
...Verboten" BERLIN...
...b"^1ed\°t:y8rmnr7e.1.oV concluded a vcij , and had a lot of fun...
...Unfortunately, it is not true...
...Bizabetk WSLA Starts : tan By CHARLES rfLNGaTLEl "K The family everuna of Nyveabp 13 th, arranged by the fojEf Gymnastic and Sport* Ass«ciS of Elisabeth, N. X, WSLA, welcome addition tp the nujnher^ll social events given by.other a||tagl J the WSLA in the Bjetropojitaa^rss, The hall which yf% ctan-eVai rafters by eager members, jSt families and nests, was t*ewlf decorated...
...A great throng of bsmW enthusiasts filled the large ball to its utmost capacity and, neediest t, say, everybody's expectations ware fulfilled...
Vol. 20 • November 1937 • No. 68