Recreation Going Lati ' Slogan oi Auto World - TV* tJtutod Auto Worker, of Asssariesj is leering i S*gf jjjjji rtk axsrirsag effort to arrosaote wholesoane recreation sad ~j*E| mombera-. Jilts...

...Soocer Refs Refuse Kicking Around SYRACUSE, N. Y—At the last meeting of the United States Soccer Referees" Association, the" football arbitrators dealt with the question of -collective bargaining...
...Hochester, N. Y. WORKERS' GYMNASTIC AND SPORT ASSOCIATION of HadMB Csanty, Ior» Vnlon City...
...21 F. 17th St., N. Y. C. Oryssaic Cfcaasaiaa: Rassia...
...t:t 1 Kassis-PTsaee...
...Labor Plays SoftBall World Series Labor's National Soft-Ball tournament, held in Cleveland this season, took the greater part of the Ohio Valley by storm...
...Leo "lass^a...
...We** rightly point* out how proper recreation and saasJaMM bonds of friendship between members, aad between---nl jc**j union...
...taad*' T**J...
...I niun City...
...8» Paul St...
...Keeping in step with the sport trends of time are the union men and women of Juneau, Alaska...
...ri.l..a"» N.V««^ Fl.faaa...
...The amps feel that the kicking around should confine itself to the ball alone...
...IWatklaa: 1. Ullsuaa, Hwttitrl.aa...
...141 J. ¦ IsllSga.r...
...Sacsad Plata: Nerway...
...To qualify for our jobs, it is necessary to pass a special examination...
...Louis Cassi Bahama...
...The big tad* jerseyed mnacle-'mcn crushed the) Colgate Red Raiders aader'a tswCh* down jamboree...
...N. V. ¦ -"TPP* EASTERN DISTRICT IS1MII LEAGUE—Manager X WssaaiSl 386 Mornings!rir \Tt,CInug«ll;' Secretary...
...tyBB| Ij Place, UJilraita, Bj...
...Comprehensive reports were given by officer, ef the League, and the actions and decisions taken by the N.E.C...
...The youth of otrr unioa," he states, "ibould he ej£ recreational activities under union leadership and rlii st lies...
...on Saturdays...
...A. is BOW ba the hands of practically all soccer players and fans, and asks them not to participate or watch a game unless the referee wear* the big round badge of the union...
...i ni..ri City...
...ward each other, SSdJIglJ^* also the beginning sBf <>SanHS shake-up of the entrre^qtlvsat...
...h tarway...
...J. Arm—, rhmtaad...
...Football Big Wigs Bite the Dust I Tjmt .awfal at ¦¦wtkg...
...Cornell, tong forgotten since the hey-day of Gil Dobie and his juggernauts, is some more feptbafi to be watched this year...
...624 Uvtn»st.»n Avenue, Rlizabrth, N. J. Gj-m for mrn and women...
...SchaU, S21 Ea*t 157th SI, .New York City...
...Those who are being run in to break our organization couldn't pass the test in a million years...
...and tfttxnolia Ave...
...Ps.: f. Hook, WilB1 Ave...
...8—all Olrssaie Kstay: 1. Praac...
...Gym hours...
...ilym and swimming Friday evgs...
...u>1 I...
...Going ahead - like an arctio blixxard is the ba tiding of the new Juneau Athletic Club...
...J. Brudno...
...Kerfa, Ital.aJ.H.M...
...tit w aW¥ New York...
...For a starter, the club will go in for boxing, wrestling, skiing and ice-skating...
...KtU, fh»y«, IIM...
...What kind of sports ideas are brewing ia your part of the hinterland..., Thursdays 8-10...
...MARKERS I.IMSUIK MU W. 2.',ih v...
...8:* Saaia-Bstciasa...
...Adopts Extensive Sports Program Oa October 9, the National Executive Committee of the Workers' Sports League and the officers of the Metropolitan District aad its affiliated dabs held a most successful meeting at 3 West 16th St., in New York City...
...Tuesday 5-7..., Friday R-lv...
...Guest delegates and observer, fapm trade union* and fraternal organizations Were also present...
...s^sf., t^xrteSft: «stmKF^s:' Sr"^,h__"*fcAri.1- «- Franee* *, S.ltaerleaa...
...X Diarada...
...t— Meter.: LMacest...
...Fimlaaa': 1- Jesav »M Motors i 1. Borwstfc, BeJJana...
...Ucae7£j|iB hi.irrs...
...Let's Tell the World...
...and-building its strong orM"'"»»BSM3fl Melvia West, recseational director for the union, is asfj|§ more time and finances will he allotted him by the new earns ta help build an extensive program...
...After two long days of hardfought baseball, the title and cup finally went to the husky young steel workers of the Columbus Lodge team at Cleveland's Otis olant This labor sports tournament -has won recognition for the splendid turnout and sportsmanlike ball played by all the teams entered...
...17 IVm MsW1 TOl'TH SPOITINC ue mftatCLt'B—F...
...8. C hi 8^it,rtrt»aii*Ji...
...T:l Casca.-BaUaaa...
...Scare: Kassts-Narwsy, J :t...
...editor: A. L. DsSTB | Metropofifaa District BRRGEN COCNTT SOCCER CUB— Meeting* at 207 Anderson Ave, Fairvlcw, N. J. Mail address: T. Weisenstein, 386 Morningslde Ave, rjitTsidc, N. J. WORKERS* ATHLETIC CM7B OF QUEENS—Queens County Labor Lyceum", cor...
...1. «--»T«-fr TtirTln 1- Ksrfa.Pr.laa...
...lMi V Pwnrowr ». Klrskeis, Kaaaia...
...jfiS hitherto been solely extended to them by enemy —f^niialsssaTfT The whole purpose ef West's program is to fpr* *v«a?SH_M' member of the U.A.W...
...Dlseas: 1. U*t*kais_ Kaaaia...
...Hengstler, 624 Uvingstori Street, Bi-atark...
...The bruising com-husker* of Nebraska, under the tutelage of Major Lawrence (Biff) Jones, fresh from Oklahoma U-, plowed under the great Minnesota team like so much spinach...
...ftStraaaaa, 8witaorlaa4...
...11*1 j 1 TaatasaU.ifc.aa, a--*!,, 1. BeskoTS... opportunity to engage in hi* hssgS and recreational pastime under helpful and fncanfiy sjaasaaaa^at...
...r nraaa...
...SaaTrraac5rto,i^ *^l*Jt*- lOartlJ, J. Sartoaa...
...A score of local men, leaders in their respective fields of sport, have been laboring like beavers in getting the town all bet up about workers' sportivities... tbe whole of New "YtlaT^ai Stripp was hitting s dsB^sasMfc» Bucher batted .251, SS>4"tt*S| clouted in the respectable jHS Ourocher wa...
...E., SV BaJ ¦« eoo St...
...If past performances indicate the trend, the lucky bruisers now listed in the win columns won't be there long...
...T.)—c a Labor T<-mnie, N.Y.C..., MAs...
...C KHntier...
...Brad Holland, Cornell's great Negro athlete, had pVnty to do with the dismantling of Andy Kerr's Raiders...
...Just X. Kara...
...The refs say the United States Football Ase'n, ruling body of soccer, is adopting the vicious Rand Mohawk Valley Plan and issued orders for teams to lock out the union snort...
...Baseta, UMlit
...Bii III i J. OaaKaa, LitaaasriaMatfcleei 1. Urijaka...
...Jim Savage, a professional boxer and former sparring mate of Jack Dempsey for two slugging years, will become tutor to those young ones who like the idea of dishing out fistsfull of leather...
...chk AGO, BWXT ot, :ui2 <:r>>tai M^JgaauK WORKERS' SPORT CsHszK • CHICAGO...
...realize, the neeaeeity st'.«S| its young and ft* ohisr msmhers under proper union jgpjg method of coasohdatias...
...S. Mia, Plalana...
...Kassis, 1.SS: 1. QJarstad...
...Crym hours tor ' women': Tuesday* 8-l...
...K Re* leaesr, Preae...
...AO the news you have tucked away about your union, workers sports or fraternal organizations should be told to the rest of the young and old males and females climbing onto the labor (port* bandwagon...
...Tuesdwy 8-10...
...Send your news, criticisms and blurbs to the Sports Editor, c/o Sport Call, 3 West 16th St., New York City...
...ft, Holloa...
...a. Sot Ma Ptolaaa...
...Group As SwItsrrl.nd-FIalaaa...
...N. J.— lUir.aarnin llall, corner 1Mb St...
...Jilts fighting U-AW...
...MwKjar astlsai sport section or^riiiBBa SICK AND DEATH IIIWIIBJlgS Cleveland...
...hardly hdtiSgtfSX of hia own hat band, fsJrW%i lowest level of hi* rw^Wtf Uti with a sumptuous .267...
...Jim's weather eye is watering because of the lucrative doings of the 20th Century Club, and he isn't being very subtle in an attempt to emulate his competitor, Mike Jacobs...
...Young athletes representing such powerful unions as the United Auto Workers of Flint and Detroit, the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of Cleveland and Cincinnati, and the Electrical and Steel Workers from Milwaukee and Kent—came from all over the Ohio Valley to play a speedy- heads-up brand of ball...
...In almost every case these men are unqualified and cannot do the Job," says Sidney Webb, one of the four union refs in Schenectady...
...The Sport Call in its new form sad make-up will be further enlarged aad need as a central publicity organ for all labor groups...
...8. MaUter...
...However, the battisysigigajjj all five of these pUyenj^gSMJ couldn't buy a poorW ofTrAsji...
...fc««»t I- PakaroTS...
...fielder John Cooaey,- hwsfcnTsV 1 my Bucher and Jag JgBE.1 Pitcher Roy Hena*stu*^J^|p1 Rumor has it that ISaslgsfikaSl Frisch weren't any toe*ahss5^L...
...8 1ft Tuesdav and Friday...
...ACCIDENT INSUKAKCt'asnS , Treasurer...
...S» st...
...fSmSSR ! Fichtniau...
...Fl^s.tsnoa, Wnlaas...
...Many of the national dailies printed in Detroit, Cleveland and Cincinnati wrote banner stories about this eicious struggle for solt-ball supremacy put up by the competing unions...
...This does not complete the repertoire of the organization's activities, because from here it means to develop other and more diversified sports which will make it a genuine, cosmopolitan athletic club...
...With the season well on its way and the anion refs banned, the ruling moguls are making some efforts to ring in outsiders...
...An appeal from the U.S.S.R...
...J. IU.K...
...The game finally' ended 0 to 0. New York University** Violets beat a strong Carnegie Tech team, and then got their treeees all tangled up when North Carolina spanked them 19 to 6. Ohio State made Purdue look like a double-chocolate frappe, whipping them 13 to 0, and then lost a heart breaker to Southern California, 13 to 12...
...Cornell struck again by taking Princeton oyer the hurdle...
...and 50» Ave...
...Men and women from mine, rnifl, erne*, farm, conveyor belt and any other place where man toil* with brain and brawn, are getting together to plan and build for the future of American labor sport...
...txpgB Ilroodway...
...t : TBEASUREH—Waiter Schneider CHIEF 11 f.iiXICtaH-X^aL...
...Dane, tt PssST IMisadc Park... Brooklyn in trehaasjksZj...
...r.rj^T'(DTJT)"«¦»¦-- »j Vatassr...
...Alaskan Athletes See Sport light JUNEAU, ALASKA...
...Before the season had a chance to get act Wiiistosli the reams with power and prestige bit the proverbial dust like so many Indians shot at by William S. (TwoHi) Hart...
...Soon after belittling Beraie Bierman's Gophers, the Nebraska steam-roller stopped the Iowa State Cyclone as if they were a gentle breeze...
...anion to promote gaiety and sociability as a part of its strsggV^ tain the riehts of those who labor...
...Mi'itidgs first Tuesday ot nKMith...
...It's smart," sen KZ...
...MlXj t. Bollae...
...S3 Nsrway-Swtt.eHmad...
...20 to 7. The Irish of Notre Dame sloughed under Drake 20 to 0, and then spent a whole afternoon preventing Illinois from climbing over their backs...
...thing is going labor-why not recreation...
...2:1 Wlaa.r: Bassia ™™c CI««Ji tsUGCK or'Sm Ip* — IreneraJ offices...
...They ordered the umps to disband and arbitrarily made a slew of other verboten edicts...
...N. J. T.P.S.I--Soccer Clab "VsarsareV— C. Saltrman...
...L Warway, 4X8, J-JTr-.c...
...Hefercs ChaisssalA...
...Literature which will give workers a better opportunity to understand the progressive labor sports movement will be printed and sent to all organizations...
...818 at the Heckscher Foujjch,tl.«n, 104th St...
...N. V. C. WORKERS' SPOBT CM'B OT PASSAIC—Neu bo fur's Hall...
...Wednesday s 8-lu...
...Hit petals...
...Praeoo, *. Rasters...
...Up North the nights sometimes last for six months, but that doesn't prevent the hard-working masses from seeing the light...
...The problem, of a thorough and complete labor sports program was discussed, aad the meeting decided upon building an athletic and educational plan which would cooperate more fully and answer the needs.of all labor groups...
...Thursdays 6 8; girl*, 10-12-A.M...
...The wailing and moaning will be heard louder and clearer as soon a* the football season catches up with itself...
...KM motors: J. Fraawa...
...VisH W.S.L.A...
...Ill Kaasls Basin...
...DETROIT—7M» MsrA '*•»DetroiC Mich...
...415—1Sth St...
...Pram*.»L»i fcBsrkers^r, MsBa... and *|*laa||»aha«Jjl the Gas House Gar^'SkC^7...
...ForeM and Putrism Am...
...eB.«k.u s. j.*s*1...
...S*» j MM-Wsfn PUW~ 1 Ck.lrm.n...
...N.J.—1227 Hudson Itonlevard...
...3. Ba lla.l had...
...emaastai from the tor, Snimi of this cam*, try's outstanding f.«Stmll coach** and their stalwarts...
...8. Case...
...i. IJak.r R.oois...
...Bl*-h Ja*B»> X. Karpowltaek...
...JjUgVT sS rj%Tr.i f ^IV*1Tr itlsffe^gerriss^^ ii*r...
...7-1(1 p.m...
...Ma.: j JUiHebUKm Morgtiilonil Ave., 6L laSikMtej Official Orsaa: 4^THE SPORT CALl:4 Sports .-.t.tor: AJiso UasfSa . Asst...
...Swltasctaaeil g. Sash*J" • ¦>'•»' LDnW.Ma, •T.T: t. Klrrta, PUlseS: #, Billln Tlalsna ?rT^„J"m»-1...
...Plans for the forthcoming year include the formation of a basketball leajrue, a national youth division, the service* of a field organiser, a staff of physical instructors and new facilities for training...
...The local athletes sire more than proficient in the latter two sports and are bound to develop the best that Alaska has _ to give...
...L EaesseasM...
...186 W'arrinHton Drive...
...t D.TJ...
...1st Maiaay-Csscfc^ 1:1 , Wlaa.r: N.rway Grass B: Praacr-Karlaad, 3r» Kassta-Daasaark...
...Jakob***, Kanray...
...Mail address: C. Ht-nitstler...
...draw the breath SsifMfe^Si^ Flatbush fan...
...M. Oliver...
...Labor unions and organization* are becoming more sport-conscious every day...
...SftB—1st St, Curlstadt, N.J...
...Jimmy Johnston's Promoting Eyes Water Jimmy Johnston, has-been match maker of spacious Madison Square Garden, is trying to climb back into big-time promoting...
...Brooklyn Ball Faint OverDoing Card Swap The officials of tgs^gltigaj Dodgers just »'MM»ajttf]<<?Sj with the St...
...Jsjusr •*!> si.r Srrtion, L Ziltna, iMfVa-' trrton An . (Jiti land.- OShr - :A A.B.c...
...Up-onitx, X West 16tb Street, New . SBCRBTARY-Chorle...
...were unanimously endorsed...
...i_ Mlariui »uswa...
...H. Sii-bJer, Secretary...
...The organization is still in its infancy, but its aims are plenty mature...
...PittslMH-sa, Pa...
...115 ITesid<-nt St...

Vol. 20 • October 1937 • No. 62

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