Housing Is Endangered By Political Shake-Up

Housing Is Endangered By Political Shake-Up \ M»yor* rWwmft* Upon Local and Federal Homing 1 Bodie. Caruae Grave Jffeagivinga Throughout the i Country, Tmjdnn Poat TeOl The Ne* Leader. The,...

...gave anti-union elements and...
...I hope you indorse the resolu-' tioh for a housing authority for no other reason than to find a plan which can be worked oat," Mayor Hoan told the committee 'Yon doa't have to be afraid, because the conhcil has to approve anything that is done...
...Tbf 'change will save seven million dollars a year for the consumer...
...The known total of business firms receiving spy services...
...It is believed that the resolution wiH be passed if it can once be got out of the hands of the committee, and there is going to be growing protest against dilatory tactics...
...WASHINGTON D C_^f ^ ports of the swiftly movtag dsaan opmenw over.- a «>ct front Men...
...Although t&e piafHST declaration of principles aad organizational setup are almost itjan...
...In producing for the market, the industrial kings do not estimate what can be used by human beings, but what can be sold...
...There were 250 labor organisations represented by 3*4 deiegefft...
...Our tremendous industrial equipment is so vast that it is dangerous to permit a tiny fraction of the population to own and control it...
...However, a detailed analysis reveals that the employer's profits advanced more than twice as fast a* Labor's wages...
...Must humanity forever accept this recurrent disease, or is there a way out ? Each ruling group throughout history has fallen heir to the past...
...Mayor Hqan said that the city has cooperated with the federal government in the past, and he warned that to tarn the resolution down would be tantamount to telling the government that Milwaukee did not caw to affiliate itself with the housing program...
...When markets are glutted and millions of workmen are jobless, no one contends that the surplus goods could not be used...
...Decreased sales are due to a deficit of purchasing power...
...Paul Daily News, the chance to create considerable sentiment in the Twin Cities against the Labor movement...
...These two...
...Almost restored to health by Federal legislation since early in 1933, it is afflicted with another sinking spell which makes all of us apprehensive...
...I think so...
...What he does, other owners do, and what they all do is to further curtail the purchasing power of society...
...Thus anarchy in distribution prevails...
...and organizations* of Working farmers, in cooperation with specialists in ijWrostriil tech-, aology,' engineers and' sagntist^, must cooperrafe in "seeking control of public powers with tiie view of reorganising...
...sW the highest ntinimnm wags wide* may be set shonkt- be rntoed...
...Pee*nr*citl slewed Wesutt cbnngen^1 the pre<* *"* "^JJ closing and...
...Paul Trades and Labor Assembly discovered that corporation executives throughout the country were watching the investigation here...
...They cannot be sold because millions cannot buy...
...Two classes confronted eajm other, owners and workers...
...The family had provided its own market...
...It must be democratized in owne'rship, control, and operation...
...Scores Forces Behind Defeat of Wages-Hour Bill WASHLNGTO-N, D. "t—Ta* S*cial Democratic Feoers.twr., besaec by National <^aini5a***per HcLevy, Mayor of Brlataatati Oofrw, through its National Csts*sirllw,ea Public Antairs ha*' i*stt*j...
...constantly into the headenaS...
...We could use what we cannot buy, bat we cannot buy what we could use...
...There was no hiring and firing, no wages and profits...
...the delegates from the MtitbJtional Ladies' Garment worsen Union...
...Dictatorship in any form is the enemy of that social freedom for which so many martyrs have given their lives...
...Even the best of mayors is...
...It followed the murder of Patrick J. Corcoran in Minneapolis, .continued internecine labor strife and nationally coincided with a tremendous new drive against labor by the National Association of Manufacturers...
...Paul employer groups to institute general lockouts in the event the unions here attempt to deal directly with any employer...
...Confirming this, a chart issued by the A. F. of L. in late November of this year shows labor's share -of the product dollar increasing about 10 points while profits took a jump of over 100 points" in the period of 1935 to 1937...
...Boat ia gong to use his vacation ia finishing a book watch he has had on the stocks, he promised to steal Unto t« writ* a series of article* tor The New Loader on various aspects of the hnnwHig question...
...8) detecting theft...
...Large corporations rely on spies...
...The material included in the committee's report was taken during 58 days of hearings and the testimony filled nine volumes...
...Bronx ALP Members Endorse...
...Straus and the Federal Housing Administration even more than his treatment of the New York Authority...
...This ideal can omy he realized through Extensive an<f continuous education of all who, suffer...
...He seemed '" to resent the Mayor's outburst against Mr...
...But what can be sold is a matter of guesswork as the purchasing power is not known...
...The end is a "p a n i c." Each owner, tries to save himself from ruin...
...The democratic independence of home workers was succeeded by the dependence of the wage worker upon capitalistic overfordfc...
...The sob-committee has, however, been careful not to accept such testimony at face value, unless it could be verified from other sources...
...In the closing speech...
...Employers' 'Committee'' Frames Evidence of "Gangsterism" in Union*—Grand Jury Investigation Fails a* fcjjytjf Leaders FTposr industrial Relations Committee—Quiz Waa to Be Signal for Country-wide Assault Special to The New Leader...
...Paper values crumble everywhere and millions of human beings are impoverished, though the sum total of tangible propertytHs greater than ever...
...George Gjvan said: "The most expensive thing to the taxpayer in dollars and cents comes definitely from money spent on crime gnd health work in the slum areas...
...Each regime developed what it inherited and passed its increased productive forces on to its successor...
...The chief reasons advanced by employers and detective agency officials for the use of labor spies were: (1) protecting industry against radicalism and Communism...
...Paul Committee on Industrial Relations...
...The, public housing movement, not only in New Yar* but throughput the country, is being seriously damaged by the actions, flMayor LaGuanfia, according to Commissioner" Langdon \|f...
...Are we to be the heirs of these groups...
...Sol Rosenberg,'" Anthony P. Sugino...
...Matthew M. Levy, chairman ^ the" partyV Law Committee, who was appointed special deputy attorney to ktvestigate voting frauds, addressed the crowd...
...would become available if a local authority is set up, specifically provides for low-cost housing by stating that- the project should be available solely for families whose net income does not exceed five times the rental, including heating, electricity and other services...
...A local authority would be able to draft plans and come in with blueprints, and then the common council would have a chance to pass on the merits of the projects, the Mayor said...
...now ia view...
...Some Spies Union Officials The committee asserted that approximately one-third or 100 of the apies" assertedly employed by the Pinkerton Agency were officials of unions, and one was a vice-president of an international union...
...The "non-partisans" in the City Council control the buildings and grounds committee, to which the resolution for establishment of a local housing authority has been referred, and the committee is stalling...
...Each., iliness became more severe, and too system today bears the pallor of, death all over the world...
...The Black-Cor.rery Wages ane Hours Bfll is acaat^ in prinawU and its humane object of putfijj.* bottom to wages and a toa » hours should have tine support of all public-spirited and right-mmlsf people - declared the comraurtee "However- the stotemert go» on to say, iarg* gronpe ci worker* including those, m agricoitnrej,, who are denied protection, saomd be brought whhm its term...
...Bvery country rn the world ia working on the housing problem...
...Raskin Replies Max Raskin, president of the Bousing Council, rebutted Mr...
...of m own political cxaressjot...
...Home production was succeeded by privately owueaV nmchine plants...
...PHILADELPHIA/— Should no renewal of its contract with the city be signed by the first of the year, the United Ga* Improvement Co...
...Its heritage included control of the productive forces accumulated in previous eras...
...Only two persons appeared in opposition— Carl Taylor, representative of the associated build-pig and loan concerns, and a woman taxpayer professedly speaking only on her own behalf...
...Post showed no personal bitterness in speaking of Mayor LaGuardia, even stressing his good qualities and the fine work he has done on many lines...
...It is a nation-wide problem, and a very big one: •fej Taa-Yaor Program With a shortoge two and a half million In the total number of dwelling units now in use, as a result of under-building through the last eight yean, with this shortage , growing at the rate of about 300,000 a year, and with over three million units in use which ought to be demolished because they are unfit for occupancy, he pointed out, even if public enterprise were to provide a million new houses yearly, it would take ten years to catch up with the people's needs...
...of Labor's Ne?r-Partisan LeHMT the trend toward...
...Paul felt this investigation came at an opportune time for them to strike an effective blow against organised labor in this vicinity...
...Trade unions, labor parties, cooperatives, labor educational societies...
...He declared that he already had concrete evidence that the news of what had happened in New York was causing, grave apprehension in public housing circles throughout the country...
...Steady Fatlew MmMewae* "If the effort to Bring decent : housing within UK reach of the m"^ be ^it...
...workers hard HIT by depression OOMETIMES a depression begins *^ within, the money economy or in gambling on the stock exchange, but it is soon communicated to the underlying system of production and distribution...
...The, workman sells bis Tabor power at a loss...
...Social Democrats have full confidence in democracy applied to industry and aJl other institution* of civilization...
...They could be used, but they cannot be sold...
...Had it proved successful, they were ready to spring a nationwide barrage against every strong central labor body...
...but these measures only make matters worse...
...5) improving relations between employers and workers or 'human engineering'" the report said...
...No Mart* to "Reasons" "These 'reasons' were of so little merit that after examination by the committee they were repudiated by the same officials who advanced them," the committee reported...
...our side, industrial society on a basis of democratic Socialism...
...Milwaukee Housing Plans Are Held Up By 'Nonpartisans' Mayor Hoan, Union Men, and Social Workers Plead in Vain for Prompt Action...
...M. Arthur Hammer, Arthur Samuel*, Samuel Klieger...
...investors aa profits and dividends, while wage workers, a new class born of the revolution, received wages...
...Where order and balance between production and consumption were typical of home production, failure and want now afflict us...
...to ta* present session, but the fact tin* more than half of these who vvtoi to kill ike mea*ur* was* >*** crats...
...Jack F. Friedrick, organizer for the Milwaukee Federated Trades Council, said that his, organization was interested in housing projects not only from the standpoint oi increased employment, but in the social aspects...
...Post, whom mt Mayor.'tatfB: arbitrarily displacedas member and chairman of the New York City Housing...
...At least the public has become housing-conscious...
...Ray Wentz, organizer of the St...
...Harry Schuster, Irving Gurfield...
...Post made this, ilatt nanf ia ; the course o? an interview- w»h a representative of The New Leader shortly before...
...shows how uncertaU a bei* the high purposes expc^iakdea eg* tsa Draocrstk New Bea* has aao see* those who were elected wifch-a mandate to enact a wage* and bear tow...
...a daily newspaper, the St...
...Full opportunity was given to each witness, without exception, to present bis case and to refute or rebut any damaging testimony or evidence,"ache committee said...
...Within this borne prodoc-* tion the Words "capital," "interest...
...system of production, privately owned and operated for the enrichment of the owners, which is hardly one hundred and fifty years old in this country...
...Refuse Collective Bargaining Witnesses representing i a b o r called before the grand jury are said to have laid before the jury evidence of united action on the part of Urge employers to defeat union labor...
...Paul Trades and Labor Assembly, questioned by the grand jury, is reported to have revealed a move on the part of St...
...From one to a dozen firms, moreover, will compete in the same market...
...wafia,* "Market," "supply," "demand," "profits," and "price" were unknown...
...Evidence" Supplied by CoauniHes Heard Virtually all the "evidence" of alleged gangsterism published in screaming headlines by the "News" and submitted to the grand jury was supplied to the newspaper by the head of the committee, 3— This information was uncovered by reporters for labor newspapers in Minnesota...
...Progressive Bps, tics in California ia a m-ddiei affair...
...Accordiag to Kayxr WiL&on, everybody necessary to run the plant can he provided by the union...
...nrymajfrsl M&rk* Aet;ritW of jjjjg pendent Perra m CaZ foniia Voted Down...
...There was no reciprocal relation between production and consumption, hiring and firing became typical, and the values were deatributed to owners and...
...The Qjrichsot wax to lower Ameriean lake* standards ia to buy foreign and eniate MCehandise...
...PAUL.—The fight between the A. F. of L. and the C.I.O...
...state where there is indmsaBf 1 political action stands out'¦ane Following the successful ca**2j| , of the New York and Ke*t Jeanm i trade unions, progressive fofaej 3f Michigan fabor iti Detroit tnnW ' their political strength under the aegis of the league...
...dictatorship emm*** of progress TPHE issue Use not between dic* tatorship and dictatorship, between prison and prison, the axe and firing squad, bloody purge and bloody purge, bat between the philosophy of democracy and all dictatoahlns, whether black, brown, or red, whether Communist...
...A. P. 3B C.I.O...
...Leaders of the St...
...If this sort of thing is to become the rale, it will be increaaingly difficult to get men vi women who are net' themselves playing pontics tc take the moral responsibility for working out , projects which are likely to be torn up at any time," The housing question, Mr...
...Labor Factions Work Together on Political Front A.F.I.-C.I.O...
...however, were the ones to whom the nonpartisan committee listenedywith most favor, and the decision "was to lay the matter over "for further study...
...ufi: ttonsl Labor Party, 'free fntV-Mt psblican or Demoeratie fnmkp* in»ento" -*rr WAGES Labor's Share of Nationai Income Smaller Now Trran 90 Years Ago Wages, always a paramount factor in the workers' economic struggle, are once more being attacked as a cause of the existing business slump euphoniously labeled a "recession" yet labor today is receiving a smaller share of the production dollar than it did in 1349, almost a century ago...
...industrial revolution trans* formed the labor power of the wage worker info a commodity, bought in the market by the employer when he needs it...
...when there is no demand for it, society must provide for the wants of the tna.n fur...
...That is, he receives Jess value in wages than the vanes -lie produces, and these excess values gradually accumulate and overstock aba markets...
...If we are to have a new order of freedom from exploitation and insecurity . we must praettve freedom and learn the ways of democracy now...
...r-r-"it— ' \ Mr...
...employment became uncertain, and industrial crises became periodic...
...Observing that Taylor had left after making his contentions, Raskin expressed regret, but said he was scheduled to debate the building and loan official and would then "get a chance at him...
...Hkejy to be tempted, if he has the power, to effect a shake-up in the housing authority fit purposes that have nothing to do with the housing problem and its solution...
...The following were elected to serve on the Bronx American Labor Party New Leader Committee: John O'Brien, Alexander Copsteia, Mane B. M*cDonald, Dr...
...Referring to arguments that taxpayers would have to pay for services accorded housing projects, if they were tax free, Mrs...
...Mike LevenjfiUsiai Isidore Reiter, Harry "Kavnah, Sam naplaa...
...Paul Labor Balks Plans for Nat'l Attack i...
...whan industry ha* no...
...t ' There were many Communist delegates, and as an TTgelfllijI minority they fought against the proposal, submitted by L Ffcinberr of the LL.G.W.U.,"to crganWsf independent Labor Party, suck at was created in New York...
...Its members produced what they owned and owned what they produced...
...The Grand Jury investigation flopped when the labor investigators proved that the committee /was behind the so-called evidence...
...La Follette Finds 2,500 Firms Using Spying Agencies Senate Committee State* Lin* of User* Read* Like mm Book of A-neriaan WASHINGTON, D. C. — Labor spying is a "common, almost universal practice in Ameriean industry," the Senate Civil Liberties Committee declared in a report to Congress based on nearly sixty days of hearings...
...The democracy of household production preceded it...
...A start has been made," he declared...
...Capitalistic production gave the ownership of plants, tools, raw materials, and product to individuals and 'corporations...
...The habit has even infected the labor relations of non-commercial, philanthropic organizations — witness the employment of the Railway Audit and Inspection Company by the directors of the Brooklyn Jewish Hospital in New York City...
...The market is a matter of chance...
...Drive Ago**st Labor Industrialists in St...
...Post said, is probably the most important and the most promising of all tbe lines of social action by city, state, and nation that are...
...No indictments resulted, and the campaign against the unions /collapsed...
...He added that the building of houses should not be the function of the federal government, as experience has shown that it has to contend with too much overhead...
...4) improving efficiency in methods and workers...
...Organize New Leader Drive /"\VER 250 prominent members of the American Labor Parly in Bronx County met this week in responaa to % call issued by Assembiyman-elec4Nathaniel M. Minkoff of the 5th A. D. and Councilman S*br*toxe Ninfe, county chairman of the party, to organize a concerted circulation drive for The New Leader...
...Society becomes a vast prison for the millions of Workers who are taunted by the superabundance of goods within their reach, goods which they helped to produce, but to which they are denied access because of our system of production for sale and profit...
...with the needy barred," was a smokescreen to becloud the issue...
...cooperation in aimeaj...
...They pointed out that the report is the first of a series on the committers work, which will include "industrial munitioning," "strikebreaking and coercion,'* and "HarUn <Sounty...
...now' the market was unknown...
...Taylor's argument that if the City Council set up an authority, the control would pass from Aldermen, and that the projects would be "another Parklawn...
...Family democracy was succeeded by corporate pa&maJtsm...
...This-drive is being followed up by demands on the various city councils throughout the Northwest and soon will reach the East for passage of ordinances design to cripple the effectiveness of labor strikes...
...The glut is the beginning of a depression...
...s^sjsjenaent excoriating orpdaenti of wage and hour legislation...
...Raskin pointed out that the federal act, under which government aid...
...He effects drastic economies, discharges workers he can dispense with, and cuts wages...
...That is, we face a basic conflict between satisfaction of human needs and producing commodities for the enrichmertt of owners and investors...
...must overcome this spying practice which faces the American workers or the spy and bis reports . . . will destroy every vestige of right which for 150 years we nave thought our Constitution guaranteed the average individual,'' the committee said...
...After tome discussion, the following resolution was enthusiastically adopted...
...Aaofter Probe Under Way The committee has under way a study of employer associations and vigilante groups and will hold hearings early in 1938...
...in large roeAsure independent of the city ajhwiflifg tration, Otherwise, as was said in a sta temen t issued a few days ago by the Ameriean Federation of time politics willdstan^ in way of quiek-timt housing...
...for a ; month's vacatior...
...abeto the misery standard- oi.4* cam* as hour and 'made uniform mtp^fjtt out the country...
...and why capitalistic production displaced this democrat, cequalitarian production cannot now be diaeaafejk In brief, power-driven machinery destroyed it...
...Councilman Nudfc pointed out that the drive for new ntgeeas ef> The New Leader was tie favor to any one, but was of utmost importance to "the A.LP He ale* stressed the need of adding thousands oi new subscribers to The New Lender's list since it was the only newspaper that could serve as ta* month piece of the Labor Party...
...Fascist, Clerical or any other kind...
...Chairman LaFollette and Senator Elbert D. Thomas, members of the committee, said the report on "industrial espionage'' represented approximately one-fourth of the committee's work to date...
...SpeeUd to Tkt Stv Lead...
...Our ancestors made meat of the things they needed witbin the democracy of the family circle...
...Labor Party, despite -.fat *r...
...These powers today are so gigantic that they cannot be controlled by the present ruling groups...
...The entire situation is of utmost Importance to the rest of the nation...
...The advocates of public housing will win, but there is vexatious delay, and every day's postponemeht means that much more hardship to ill-housed tenants and to' unemployed workers in the building, trades...
...The people are demanding action...
...At the hearing last week, representatives of the unions, the Milwaukee Housing Council, the Urban League, and the People's Betterment Home League, together with social workers and individual victims of inadequate housing, urged prompt and favorable action...
...A. Mollia, Paul Jani...
...may be taken oyer by Philadelphia and given to the present .employees of the company...
...a nee and some other iirginisieiiBi' delegates were seated, There wen observers from 60 other aejaipolitical groups...
...No firm is too small to employ them...
...Appropriate legislation is being prepared to remedy this evil and will be introduced at the regular session of Congress...
...The present investigation of the * Ramsey County Grand Jury, grow- | ing out of the campaign of the St...
...Control passed into their hands and the aim was no longer use, but profit...
...S. Abrsmowits, Al Ostrick, William LaGuardia...
...Our industries must eventually be socialized and the profit aim eliminated from their ownership and control...
...When men are suffering because they can't get work, when materials and funds are available, isn't it reasonable to take advantage of an opportunity to fill a great social need for housing...
...Sarr.ue: Bobrowskj", Isidore ^olsteto, and Alius** Souen...
...3) preventing sabotage (closely linked to the first...
...Friedrick asked...
...in Arizona...
...Other factors contribute to bringing industrial depressions, or make a depression worse once it has come...
...If action is wantonly delayed, they will be heard from.'' 1 Mr...
...Again and again the system has collapsed, and it is now passing through the greatest collapse in its history...
...Depressions-Capitalism's Inherent Evit By james Oneal DEPRESSIONS are identified with..the manufacturing and mi'tf...
...Though Mr...
...Testimony Verified "The' testimony of the witnesses varied considerably in reliability and credibility," the report continued...
...hasS just concluded its- flrat aMto ccr.vesf.or...
...A pemancnt unit, controlled by union leaderTol " both factions, has been formed te ~ continue the gains made in* tat recent city elections, When Ifjfe...
...Only an awakened ane nana* organised fanaec aad> later «•**• ment can xeactionaries by the cresuot...
...is approximately 2,500," the report said.* *fle list (of these firms) as a whole rands like a blue book of Ameriean industry...
...Senators LaFollette and Thomas then urged that the labor-spy system be outlawed before the entire business structure of the notion is undermined...
...With the rise of Una capitalistic form of production, industry became, convulsed- with depressions about once every thirteen years since 1837...
...We, the members and oflcers of the various branches of the American Labor Party, as-" sembled on December 30 in Paradise Manor, pledge oar Whokehosrttirl support to The New Leader and resolve to appoint a rank-and-file conustittea to develop a definite program to gam luends and support lor tea newspaper " After the meeting was opened by Marie MacDonald, former A.LP candidate for the Assembly fn the 1st A. 0., Nathaniel Minkoff, Assemblyman Mucctorosso and...
...Such education requires freedom of organization, assemblage, "discussion, the press and elections on a wide basis of popular suffrage...
...The report completes the inquiry into "industrial espionage...
...The movement for public housing enterprise here, though favored by the majority of the people, is being stubbornly opposed by certain elements, some of whom are perhaps actuated- only by a habitual out-of-date individualistic attitude, while others have material interests at stake...
...the >o«utg of reactionary Democrats with stand-pat Republicans, in voting to re-edmfle the bill, not only sounded the death knell for thu :«guw*tior...
...Kaon Urge* Actios Mayor Daniel W. Hoan spoke earnestly for the resolution...
...polled aft per cent "of\th^w||,7^P 1 An interesting Nation ***** in_ California, where the Leaja...
...The crisis accumulates, business failures rapidly increase, stocks tumble on the exchanges, and we reach the stage of "panic...
...Workmen's Circle, Workers' AJl...
...tical wffh that ofWTLfcrrll "New York, the ™veuuet wn«c . against forming aa ta&aseaser...
...Paul Daily News, allegedly conducted to "rid" the St Paul labor movement of "roughnecks and gangsterism," was principally engineered by the new anti-labor organization known as the St...
...PrJ^" 0,11 51 ~ with it mnstPbe...
...The chart is printed below...
...The taxpayer has everything to gain and nothing to lose in the creation of a housing authority...

Vol. 20 • December 1937 • No. 52

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