British Laborite Leaders in Spain Pledge Vital Aid
British Laborite Leaders in Spain Pledge Vital Aid Franco's Attack Smashed in Northern Aragon as Loyalist Aerial Bombardments increase. Special to The New Leader. VALENCIA.—Frenzied...
...German oai Italian democracies lost by default American democracy wfll he* by default likewise if we follow the Jesuitical counsel of pret* agents for reaction to disarm society and leave it a prey to defeat-dog competitive forces...
...The do-nothing hands-off democracy that Jets nature take its court* must yield to an active, robust vigilant democracy that reeognisa society's responsibilities to its citizens, and can discredit dictatorship in that respect Our new democracy mnst be courageoos and resilient, not bound in formalities...
...All the spokesmen of special privilege have is recent years developed a passionate partiality for, simon-pure Joffersonien daass racy...
...What arouses my curiosity is ( the statement that Labor gained j 58 seats, bringing a total of 778 j seats in the London County Coun- ] cil...
...Tom Psjajfe...
...VALENCIA.—Frenzied military activity all over the southern Spanish province of Andalusia indicates that the long awaited "final push" of insurgent General Franco will come in that section in the form of a drive on Almeria...
...Fascist Germany and Italy snarl while tin press in England...
...The appointment of this banker and former cloak manufacturer to a very important financial office in the new administration is not reassuring...
...Note.—The New Leader may not have made it quite clear that the figures given referred to the : councils of the 28 boroughs, which i are subdivisions of London, which have in all 1,377 members...
...It seems to me that the simon-pure democrats are unequal to the realities of the present-day world...
...American Ambassador to Germany, whose disgust with Nazism has induced him to resign his post...
...They value their right to vote even when they don't take the trouble to txerciss fc> —which is not as illogical as it sounds...
...JThe new slogans of the dictatorship of the proletariat are "My country, right or left" and "I regret that I have but oat life to liquidate for my country...
...W. will withhold both if req u«.t*d...
...It is a tragi-comedy that only ruthless despots would dare to impose upon a helpless and defenseless population...
...AMERICAN RESPONSIBILITY FOR PEACE AN editorial by the conservative New York Times nearly two weeks ago on "America's Aloofness" has had interesting repercussions in Europe...
...The development of a market for the products of the power machine through an enlargement of the public services of national, state, and local governments may be noted as a second trend, but one that has been continuing and progressive for a century...
...Attlee told Beeuhtas leaders tbatons party^woaki^*toi Aid being given the LspsJ^J^I now in Barcelona, by ths sato* mous CataJomian regime dsMw spikes rumor* that there isAitfl* between Catalonia and ths stst» Republican Spain...
...What present American policy means is that the rest of the world shall assume the responsibility of preventing a catastrophe which we hate as well as all other democratic peoples do...
...It will, no doubt In the history of human society the only elections to be compared with this one have been held in Hitler's Germany...
...It is known that he objected to having his charge d'affaires attend the Nazi party congress at Nuremberg last summer and during the campaign last year he warned against a fascist dictatorship in this country that might be financed by some millionaire...
...Otherwise lot Oopnfaof the masses and the panic fears of the middle dtam WttTeaUpult them into the hairy paws of some know-no^K^ iMJPwBisa movement _ Democracy used to be judged negatively—by the tsdafi Jf, djjkft do...
...Hereafter it will be judged positively—by the things it dott do to relieve suffering, to eliminate injustice, to restrain aOjMteSS, and to provide a minimum of security to all people...
...AS for the new city treasurer, what the great mass of working men and women of New York know about Mr...
...and the star spangled banner waves at the- masthead of the Ddfiy Worker...
...The anti-fascist powers of Europe want our cooperation to preserve peace and 1 thwart fascism, but we retreat and leave the rest of the world to its fate because we want to keep out of war, This forces the anti-fascist powers to retreat before the fascist and profascist powers and invites the very war and destruction of democracy all over the world which American sentimental pacifism and isolationism desire to avoid...
...In rejecting the straitjacket of the authoritarian state—red, brown, or black—we must not yield to the straitjacket of untrammeled industrial and economic forces, if democracy is to survive, in the face of the present challenge of dictatorships, H must face social problems and try to solve them...
...Should it come to this pass, should we still stand on this side of the Atlantic and let the rest of the world become a prison camp...
...Out of the thousands of candidates running for office, only a half-dozen have an opposition candidate, but all are for the big boss in Moscow...
...Our spies report that Ear...
...The way to avoid this is to assume our share of responsibility in preserving peace NOW...
...It is not by "getting damned rough" that a mayor of New York, any more than a mayor of Toonerville or Podunk, can help the people of his locality to lower rents and reduce unemployment That sort of thing just doesn't go in a selfrespecting democracy...
...The Fuhrer writes them that he is happy that the Congressmen ore 'thinking of me," assures them that "everything is under control," sends his "regards" to them and: "Good-bye and good luck...
...If there is any office in the city government the filling of which might reasonably be taken as an indication of the future policies of the administration, it is just that office of vice-mayor...
...keep up the good work...
...If so...
...Leave everything to me and don't worry...
...Portfolio is that when he was accumulating his millions in the cloak and suit industry his shop was strictly non-union, and that after he withdrew from active participation in the concern, leaving his brother at its head, the same anti-union policy prevailed until the National Industrial Recovery Act forced a change...
...THE FUEHRER OF JERSEY CITY *J*WENTY - SIX Congressmen write Mayor Hague of Jersey City inquiring about treatment of union organizers in that city...
...At a fetish, unrelated to the social problems of the day, it means nothing...
...Stalin and his agents prefer to insult the intelligence of normal human beings by staging an ."election" with prison or the firing squad facing any person, who openly opposes his iron rule...
...Even if Labor had a very large ] majority, these figures would mean j that there are well over 1,000 1 members of the Council, and that j seems like an enormous number for any legislative body...
...The whole capitalist world will be shaken by the results of our elections," declares an editorial in Isvestia...
...The MjQkt freedom which could be preached (though not practiced, even tsso) under more primitive conditions, is inadequate for our day and sg...
...In 1937 the Labor , Party polled 353,035;,the conservative groups, who fused against Labor under the name of Municipal "Reform" and Coalition, received 305,961...
...Prendsnt Co» panys has denea goi?Jj...
...Negotiations are under way for a marriage of conveniens* between the Daughters of the American Revolution -and the Sobs of the Russian Revolution...
...OUR horror of what dictatorships have done in Europe and Ams . must not be allowed to drive us to an abstract and unreal democracy that merely operates to give economic iiiuiissolrts of the elbow room they crave...
...It isn't pleasant to have to say these things, but it would be a betrayal not to say them...
...West Philadelphia, Pa...
...Largo Caballero has gone to Paris, but op to the present moment it couldnt be determined whether he left Spain on a government mission or on personal business for what remains of his support among the U.G.T...
...WORD TROUBLES READERS of Harper's Magazine will find much interest in Stuart Chase's articles on "Word Troubles" of economists, politicians, capitalists and statesmen who use language that confuses thought Another word, "recession," has recently dome into use...
...It is pleasing to note that the Declaration of Principles of the Social Democratic Federation Convention so clearly recognizes the importance of a system of social finance...
...Now send me a letter authorizing me to take three-month sub-cards for The New Leader...
...1776 has been found to rhyme with 1917...
...Thsy o«a;.j|fJ of high German srmy oflVers, SP German circles in Vienna cited over the affair, since taoSj| fled from Germany to escaps 9MM ing the Spanish Loyalists...
...The man who has been appointed is known as a conservative with reference to the great social problems now before the people...
...When the present debt-interest system is displaced by a system of social finance, all purchasing power required by the people will come from a taxation and monetization of weath without an increase in public debt Social incomes should be increased to people in advanced years and the age requirement for -social incomes reduced to the age of 45...
...Clement Attlee, parliamentary leader of the party, and a large aelegstton from Londos arrived in Spain last week end proceeded to Barcelona after s visit to She lladjrid faofS^JlM fighting...
...The deep-grained popular distrust of toe mack government, essentially sound, may be misused to checkmate ths democratic processes by people who pretend, perhaps even believs, that they are staving off dictatorship...
...Communists and even tasJBPSSW recalcitrant AnarcJusts--i«iH**t*s government...
...Ambassador Dodd is known for his fundamental democratic views...
...Men now talk not of the "depression" but of the ' 'recession.** That sounds nicer and it tends to soothe us in the face of another impending calamity, although it batters Mbrai...
...The appointment looks very much like a notice that there may be a new deal in reverse in store for us in this city...
...This tendency of a public employment and social income system to displace the private wage system must continue if progress is to be general among all classes in the future...
...It is not Langdon Post, it is the people of this city, who will be injured by the Mayor's amazing conduct in this matter... Stalin's press hails the "democratic" election...
...r • • • /*\F all the big issues of the day, w' housing is perhaps the biggest All the power of the financiers and the landlords is arrayed against a policy which threatens their profits and their power because it proposes to set hundreds of thousands of laborers and mechanics at work to provide decent homes at moderate cost for millions of families.- To carry out this project requires the joint effort of the nation, the states, and the municipalities...
...Our Founding Fathers and Pilgrim Fathers and Gold Star Mothers are in the Stalin pantheon along with Father Divine...
...Just how many members constitute the London County Council, what is the distribution according to parties, and how are they elected...
...No narrow partisan interests, and no personal ambitions looking to 1940, ought to be permitted to interfere with harmonious co-operation...
...Many of us are beginning to realize that three thousand miles of water is no more a protective barrier for us than a watchman equipped with a pea-shooter is protection against gunmen who shoot up citizens in our streets...
...For the past two weeks the railway stations at Cadiz, Jerez and Seville have been closed to passenger traffic A succession of trains has been seen transporting war material almost without interval from Cadiz, where it is unloaded from the German and Italian freighters...
...Loyalist military chiefs have learned that Franco has withdrawn detachments of troops from unimportant sectors and is concentrating every available man in the neighborhood of Malaga...
...By utilizing the vast potential abundance of this age of the power machine to satisfy our needs as alone can consume so large a production of wealth, the realization of an equitable social economy will be brought very near...
...Edmund J. Phillips...
...It was...
...Curran as his right-hand man was enough of a shock...
...It is hard to keep cool and courteous in speaking of the Mayor's treatment of Langdon Post Commissioner- Post has been an outstanding example of what is far too rare—the sort of public servant-who really serves the public faithfully, intelligently, energetically, courageously, and without giving any thought to personal advantage...
...He is not thought to be the sort of man who is likely to act as a rubber stamp, carrying out policies which he does not approve...
...AaSfj the Nasi foreign1 office and tkaTsf 4MaWi...
...Hague wiping his shoes on the face of a prostrate organizer, I with a cell holding others portrayed., in the background, would make a vivid picture of the barony ruled by this insolent dictator across the Hudson...
...And in recent years there is clearly observable a tendency of private industry not to employ peapie from forty to fifty years of age, accompanied by an enlarging program of state and national governments to establish a social income system for people of advanced years...
...That will be my answer to the Communists and A.L.P...
...Browder has applied for s place on the presidium of the American Legion, sol that the New Masses may merge with the Army and Navy Journal A united front has already been achieved between July Fourth-sad November Seventh...
...opponents and my contribution to your stand for unity of the labor forces of the country...
...He has done splendid work in preparing the way for a great housing movement in this1 city and getting it over the line from discussion into action...
...WANTS SOCIAL INCOME SYSTEM TO TERMINATE ECONOMIC CHAOS Editor of The New Leader: In the last one hundred years three major trends are noticeable in economic development as it affects the living conditions of the masses...
...We do not want war and will do everything possible short of yielding to the dictatorial bandits who rule a number of nations and who want to dictate to all others...
...But we are printing the total num- i ber of votes received by the various organizations...
...As the Nazis dislike Dodd and he detests them, he must feel like a slave in the Old South when he received his emancipation papers...
...By a surprise attack BrnV^Wl^ troops advanced nearly o ¦8'*' wards Toledo, bringing 9* *§M held city directly under tat* guns of ths* Loyalists* sad...
...The editorial declared that the failure of the Nine-Power Treaty Conference in Brussels was because "dictators have become convinced that for no cause short of actual invasion will the United States initiate or join in any effective movement to assure world peace...
...We are opposed to the war provocations of Hitler and Mussolini, but we will not do anything about it unless the two Dillingers directly attack us...
...He is now engaged in writing the history of the Old South in terms of struggles for democracy in that region from the period of early settlement to the Civil War...
...The British Labor Party is doing magnificent work supplying food, milk, and even little luxuries to both the civilian and military population...
...If we are to have a real and effective Labor Party, it must be made clear 'that no candidate, by being elected, becomes bigger than the party or can with impunity act as if he thought he owned it - -j—.....— WHERE THE NEWS ENDS By EUGENE LYONS IT is no longer fashionable to sneer at democracy or to bemnoa the democratic prejudices of the American masses...
...If Gilbert and Sullivan were alive they would perpetuate this election in a comic opera...
...Austrian official circles srsjal ing quiet about the identity otm deserters from the famous...
...France and Belgium generally approve...
...hof en squadron, crack aa* mm German air force...
...we will eventually have to fight alone against an all-fascist Europe linked op with Japanese despotism...
...Anyhow, that's what he is doing, and doing it with a ventreance The choice of Mr...
...Salt Lake City, Utah...
...This, was enlarged upon in two columns...
...Republican bankers vie with Democratic bankers in their horror of "dictatorial" and "regimenting" laws on hours of labor, wage minim uras, employment of children, and the like...
...William Plampin...
...the Communists polled all of 1,772 votes and were topped by the Fascists, who garnered 6,407 votes...
...Although this is not the reason assigned for his resignation, there is little doubt that he could no longer endure the stifling atmosphere of Hitler and his fellow megalomaniacs...
...Maybe I'm the only one who doesn't know, and maybe there are many others who are puzzled about the size of the London County Council, so an explanation in the Readers'-Column might be helpful...
...COMMUNISTS AND FASCISTS < WIPED OUT IN LONDON, ANALYSIS REVEALS j - < Editor of The New Leader: , In the Sport Section of last i week's New Leader is a comment < on labo* successes in various Euro- 3 pean elections, one of which is i London...
...V Letters to the Editor: PlwUO iaciado fmU lull sad aMnaa...
...It is suspected that the entire Communist list of candidates with Stalin at the head will be "triumphantly" elected by what the official stooges call "the greatest democracy in the world...
...Nothing to human history is static, not even the concept of a democratic society...
...Qsssan Washington and Abraham Lincoln have been accepted by the Cess* > munist Party...
...On the contrary, the dictatorial lands stand as a warning of the urgent need to make our OOaocracy effective in social terms, an instrument for curing SscJsl dtsMiiui rather than an apology for their spread...
...He has reason...
...But there are things still more unpleasant than those two appointments...
...Meantime three fascist powers, Germany, Italy, and Japan, cooperate with each other to make the whole world fascist/by intrigue, conspiracy, propaganda, and war...
...That is, do the 28 boroughs elect so many representatives, or are they elected at large or a combination...
...VNE may now attest, without the slightest danger of being out* la wed as a social fascist that Americans by and large hoar s healthy distaste for dictatorship in any guise...
...Anything that breeds discord between them helps the money kings and the land sharks against the tenants and the building trades workmen...
...Perhaps he wishes to pay the debt of gratitude he owes it, and can think of no better way than to give it a valuable lesson in independence and self-reliance...
...A continuing displacement of workers by the machine may be noted as the first of these...
...himself has suddenly been recognized ss s brother in spirit by int«V lectuals of the extreme Right Belatedly the defenders of pi "I'SrtiL have fallen in love with the Bill of Rights...
...Democracy is important as a functioning reality...
...THE SOVIET UNION "ELECTIONS" Y^HILE the bloody purge of opponents continues in Russia, a national election will be held in the Soviet Union on Sunday...
...Syracuse, N. Y. (Ed...
...But it may be necessary to destroy the dictators in a war...
...yjo* tests of the Liberty League and the Manufacturers' Association The only danger in this democratic fixation—a reel sad growmr danger, I think—is that it may be exploited by ssrf NsMja onbss concerned only with their freedom to pile up profits without lags...
...Those who hold them want peace and democracy, but they will do nothing in the way of close cooperation with other peoples who also wont peace and democracy...
...As an American historian...
...Unpleasant Things That Must Be Said By ALGERNON LEE JMO doubt Mayor LaGuardia feels very grateful to the American Labor Party...
...It is a sign of their rohog<libertarian instincts that they become thoroughly alarmed when fie government ventures where it hod not ventured before, even wtoa it is a government democratically elected over the hysterias...
...You and your crew are doing a fine job... ths renovate^ Ahassr fwrtrsa The rebels abandoned vast of Italian and Nasi armaments s» they fled...
...J, **»t<^*&4Jm\\AN EMANCIPATED AMBASSADOR CONGRATULATIONS to Ambassador William E. Dodd...
...That i would be about twice as large as ] Parliament...
...HAS GOOD REPLY TO OPPONENTS OF THE ALP Editor of The New Leader: I am just a plain Jimmy Higgins, if you please...
...The worst democracy is better than* the best dictatorship,'* Gerhart Seger, a German refugee in our midst, has said, and ht't right For that very reason the principle of liberty must not he distorted in order to guarantee license to a minority...
...Today 17 billion dollars a year are distributed in public incomes to the people through the various public units of National, State, County, Municipal, and District Government This results in the consumption of a •material percentage of the national income in industrial and agricultural production...
...Used as a pious excuse for keeping little children in factorial or safeguarding steel industries against trade unionism, democracy is not only meaningless but pernicious...
...Strangely enough, all is quiet on the political front all over Republican Spain...
...Fortunately, the old futile isolation views are now cracking in the face of a civilization that is rocking on the edge of an abyss...
...They will defend frsedsa of the press even when it gives right of way to a Hearst tSfi i cussing columnists in the Daily Worker... effective criticism of American pacifist and isolationist views...
...g The Loyalist high command Mg decided to get in the first BWBM and is sending hug* fleets of bsof> ing pianos So Palm* on the WOP of MajorssM where heavy daaisji was caasaTto the K»nsn slrSffi and supply depots...
...Let no one, therefore, lament that the age of miracles is ajpnA Not while dialectics can turn wine into water, and raise the bvtfew and moke the seeing blind and the upright lame with one apj3 touch...
...Public industries should be established to employ the younger people and avoid disemployment after the age of 40...
...George C Christensen...
...but it is not too hmW~ to detect that they are merely trying to discount that Jong-neglicSqf bill for their own profit *f We must not permit our hatred for dictatorship to be turned against us...
...Mussolini does not even make the pretense of holding such an "election" and frankly declares that he treads over "the corpse of liberty...
...The Russian Minister to Greece flees to France as a refugee from the G.P.U., and Krivifzsky, long associated with the Red Army and recently head of the War Industries Institute in Moscow, also flees to France for protection against the dreaded G.P.U...
Vol. 20 • December 1937 • No. 50