Winnipeg Labor Elects Mayoralty Candidate
Winnipeg Labor Elects Mayoralty Candidate John Queen Wins With 10,000 Majority Over Tory Opponent — Contests in Other Areas. Special to The New Leader. WINNIPEG, Canada. — John Queen. ...
...What's Ahead of You...
...Reports of the editorial and business departments will be submitted, along with that of the Board of Director...
...The decision is an important victory for the organized workers and a far cry from the period when such picketing was penalized by the courts...
...Owner of "Liberal" N. Y. Post Fights Guild Battles Newspapermen's Union in Camden and Philadelphia—Refuses Job Security to Workers...
...F. of L. campaign with a series of front page editorials purporting to be a record of cases of vandalism, strong-arm methods and unlawful unions tactics...
...Please send in your pledge cards tb the National Office, 814 Albee ffidg., Washington, D. C, as soon as possible...
...If not, let ns live...
...Already encouraging responses fctve been received by the National Office towards the sustaining fund Mire instituted a week ago...
...If there are hoodlums, vandals and strong-arm artists in the American Federation of Labor unions of Minneapolis, I want to knew who they are and where they are operating...
...A awsting of the District of Co\umhia Branch of the S.D.F...
...At a mass meeting last week it denounced such tactics as a device which "constitutes a foul slander on the bona fide labor movement...
...In discussing the decision, William Karlin, attorney for the union, pointed out that Butchers' Union, Local 1.74, never participated in violent picketing or employed large groups to picket retailers...
...J. G. Lambert, who admits that he is a leader of the Quebec Fascist Party, startled Juge Enwright's court by clicking his heels and giving a Fascist salute...
...will be hem on Friday, December 17, fcOOP.M., at 814 Albee Building...
...But I, for one, am not going to take the word of the Daily News...
...for the raising of the sum at |30O.OO a month...
...William F. Wright, representative of the A. F. of L. in St...
...Such publications, including the New York "World-Telegram," are demoralizing...
...The planters pay $1.80 a day from wnrup to saodewo, aad frequently charge 30 cents a day up for...
...Thirty former Socialist leaders Were arrested in simultaneous raids on various homes early on the morning of Nov...
...Buck ran a close race with J. Douglas McNish but was defeated by a majority of 264 for McNish...
...that it is unnecessary to cover the same issue twice...
...Southern Planters Shanghai Negroes To Work in Fields N#w* ORLEANS—Two thousand Negroes were virtually shanghaied on Thanksgiving morning, When they were loaded into boxcars and trucks and shipped like so many cattle to the sugar-cane fields of southwestern •Louisiana from all sections of the state...
...Special to The New Leader j PHILADELPHIA...
...This week Dr...
...If you have not received cards, send for them...
...This success promises further advances by the Labor Party forces in future political struggles...
...Various foremen took workers aside and whispered: "Nigger, you had' better go if you want to held yonr job...
...The Philadelphia Stern and the New York Stern is the same man...
...Both schools are being conducted by the local Social Democratic Federation organizations...
...For the first time since the reorganization of the Local Berks County, Pa., a general membership meeting will be held on Sunday, December 12, at 1 -.30 P. M. On the agenda will be reports of the year's activities by the various constitutional committees, the election of officers and new committees and such plans for the future as the gathering may...
...Fights Pennsylvania Labor Sti»> insisted that the Camden papers were a separate corporation and that the issue was settled...
...The important section of the decision is contained in the following paragraph: "Where the manufacturer disposes of the product through retailers in unity of interest with it, unless the union may follow the product to the place where it is sold and peacefully ask the public to refrain from purchasing it, the union would be deprived of a fair and proper means of bringing its plea to the attention of the public," said the prevailing opinion...
...Nothing is said about "cause," or "gross neglect of duty," or "gross insubordination...
...There is no place in a legitimate labor organization for that type of citizenry which believes in the law of the club, the gun or mob action...
...Washington, D. C. ' —, Onlirs for the new leaflet continue to come in and from the responses a new edition will have to be printed in a short time...
...The meeting was called by the Montreal Trades and Labor Council...
...He was charged with inciting to riot...
...Paul Daily News has swung into the anti-A...
...Now that the Court of Appeals has held that secondary picketing is legal," said Karlin, "the main difficulties of the unions on this issue are at an end in this state...
...Editorial Staff, prominent lecturer on Italian Affairs, who will speak on the "Crisis in the Mediterannean — Italy, England, France," on Saturday, December 11th, at 2:30 p. m., at 7 Ea*t 15th St,, New York City Elias L. Tartak will preside...
...Over 150 officers of A. F. of L. unions met at Pioneer Hall at the call of the Minneapolis Board of Union Business Agents...
...Two women were among the prisoners, former City Councillor Anna Moik and former Parliamentary Deputy Flora Flossmann...
...The decision, said Karlin to a New Leader representative, "is the first time in New York that the Court of ApI peals has held that picketing is j legal...
...The home of Wilbrod Couturier, organiser of the local Butchers' Union, was raided for Communist literature, and the small library Of Georges Boulanger was seised for the same purpose...
...If you Sate not ordered yet, do so at once...
...The former has tuberculosis and is confined to her bed in her cell...
...Five hundred were sent from this city alone...
...The LLP...
...His subject is ."The Child Before the Court...
...Next week The New Leader will run an article by Karlin on , this important case...
...Raoul Trepanier, Trades and Labor Council president, said: "If we are about to die, let it ^happen soon...
...Declaring that Fascism and* Nazism are as dangerous as Communism, David Wolfe, executive member of the Council, called on Premier Duplessis to "cheek the spread of these doctrines which menace Quebec more than Communism does...
...While he convinced this court of his view, Karlin declares that some Appellate Division judges have disapproved secondary picketing...
...The sweeping victory of John Queen is important for this western industrial city which has been the scene of many desperate Labor struggles in the past twenty years...
...The program of the Canadian Commonwealth Federation, the Labor Party of Canada, municipalization of milk and coal, a city housing program, reduction of taxes, more satisfactory relief for the unemployed and provision for civic fire insurance...
...Karl Maise, another former Socialist Deputy, also was arrested...
...Aside from the certain election of Ralph C Day as Mayor over William D. Bobbins, the incumbent, and the defeat of Tim Buck, Communist, for a place on the Board of Control, in the election on Monday, final results 'are not known at the present writing...
...affiliates are outlaw organizations, and President Ballantye of the local News Writers' Guild, fired by the Montreal "Gazette" for union activity, has been refused permission to sue the paper under the Workmen's Wages Act...
...Reports Wide Activity, Meltzer Tour Successful Branches Springing Up in Many States as National Office Poshes Reorganization Work...
...Special to The New Lemier MONTREAL, Canada.—The police of the near-Fascist government of Quebec Province have begun raiding the homes of workers...
...Three hundred people by pledging the sum of $ 1.00 a month can stake this possible in a short time...
...Queen defeated, the reactionary Tory Mayor Warriner who was fighting for another term...
...MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.—Organibed Labor in this state is ap in drms against attempts to attribute the murder of Corcoran to forces inside the labor movement...
...If there are labor racketeers in the legitimate labor movement in Minnesota, I want to know who they are...
...broke its contract with the C.C.F...
...The Debs School of Social Science in Philadelphia started its lecture season with Ehas L. Tartak with .a fine turnout, and the same is true of the Newark, M. School of Social Science...
...In vain the union pointed out that a formula was being worked out in the "Record" negotiations...
...2.50 for 500, Ffye Dollars a thousand...
...Hoi yoke, Mass., reports that they are now ready to form a local...
...Court of Appeals Backs Secondary Union Picketing Handing down a decision this week involving an injunction against picketing by the Butchers' Union, Local 174, the New York Court of Appeals materially modified an order of the Appellate Division to permit peaceful picketing of a retailer selling products of a manufacturer against whom a union has a grievance...
...Premier Duplessis has also announced that all C.I.O...
...An interesting by-election struggle for Parliament is under way in Victoria, B. C, J. King Gordon carrying the banner of the C.C.F...
...Some bright mind in Baton Rouge suggested he release workers with the promise to reinstate them on W.P.A...
...Paul, in the face of the daily challenge of the News, Jna.s demanded immediate investigation of the charges which it is making...
...rolls when cane-cutting was over... timely and interestingly written as only the combination of Comrades Algernon Lee and August Claessens eii make it...
...A pubile meeting will be held in Indianapolis on December 10, and a public meeting tn Cleveland on December 14...
...In the other half of the Twin Cities, the St...
...Stern balks at providing job security for his workers and twice he fought Guild committees negotiating for the "Record" advertising and allied departments and the editorial department of the "Courier-Post...
...This brings an end to a reactionary anti-labor administration of the city... 8:S© p. m. All members are urged to be present...
...NEW LEADER PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION TO MEET The important annual meeting of The New Leader Publishing Association is scheduled for January 7, 1938...
...The severance pay clause is unqualified...
...Pay Starvation Wooes A call for "volunteers" went oat...
...The news leaked out this week...
...The severance clause reads: "When an employe is discharged after six months' service, he shall receive in cash a dismissal indemnity... an affiliate Of the Canadian Commonwealth Federation...
...The Negroes are crowded together in insanitary banks which breed disease...
...Victoria is a traditionally Conservative seat, but the contest has a-ssumed nationa.1 importance and the Mackenzie King government has sent two cabinet ministers to campaign for its candidate...
...A major success was achieved last week when John Queen, a prominent western member of the C.CJP"., was elected Mayor of Winnipeg, polling a majority of 10,000 votes over his opponent, Warriner, the Tory Mayor, who was seeking re-election...
...TORONTO, Canada...
...ROMAULDI TO SPEAK AT HAND SCHOOL FORUM The Rand School Forum presents: Serafino Romauldi, of the I.L.G.W.U...
...One does not let his right hand know what his left hand does...
...They took the hint...
...The special meeting was endorsed by the Central Labor Union...
...that what was agreed to on the "Post" would be acceptable on the "Courier-Post...
...Later he agreed to have his attorney examine the clause being considered for the "Record," but not before he had spoken with vigor on the old theme of interference wit]/ the management, had re1 hearsed all the old arguments that have been repeatedly attacked in the editorial columns of the "Record" and his new York "Post," and not before he had presented his own variations on the familiar employer theme...
...Then came a freeze, with Warmer weather in prospect, and the fear spread that the sun would ferment the cane in the stalks...
...The police acted without search warrants, overthrowing the British law of inviolability of domicile except by legal process...
...Comrades Ditler in New Hampshire and Ida Crouch-Hazlett in Colorado are contacting in their respective states...
...I regard the decision as highly favorable to,organized Labor...
...No Communist literature was found in either home...
...Organized workers, through the Newspaper Guild, are receiving important lessons regarding the conduct of "liberal" dailies as a result of negotiations with J. David Stern, publisher of the "Record," Camden "Courier-Post" and the New York "Post...
...Stern is stern for Labor in New York and stern against Labor in Philadelphia...
...In a statement issued this week he said: "The American Federation of Labor is becoming resentful of the methods being used to discredit the legitimate labor movement...
...Deny Violent Picketing The decision, of course, excludes "disorderly eonduct, force, violence or intimidation by pickets," as the court later declared, but the "unity of interest" doctrine cited by the court is an advance in judi¦ .cial doctrine regarding picketing...
...decide upon...
...Homes of Workers Raided in Montreal By Fascist Police Illegal Actions of Premier Duplessi* Bring Protest Meeting of 4,000 Members of Trade Unions...
...Looking through his well-thumbed manual, the administrator decided that according to law his hands' were tied...
...of Chicago, at which'Comrade Meltzer was present...
...Snd its martyred officer, and I shields the real murderers and the dark forces behind them...
...Stern is almost sloppy in his affection for Labor in his New York paper and exhibits a flint face to Labor here...
...An typeal has been circulated among gyjapathizers and members of the gJ).F...
...Minnesota Labor Fights Attacks on A.F.of L. Unions Scores Communist Slander and Attempts to Involve Unions in the Murder of Corcoran...
...Independent Labor Party candidate for Mayor, was elected by a majority estimated at 10,000...
...After a one-day display of Gordon campaign signs on the front of Victoria street cars, the signs were removed when the Canadian Pacific Railway Advertising Co...
...Good reports of work going on or betng started in Massachusetts, New Jersey and Pennsylvania haye come into the office this past week...
...So the landlords yelled for help, i enlisted the aid of the state administration and put the screws on the federal W.P.A...
...The week of December 6 was devoted to organization weak in the State of Indiana...
...Oh W.PJL, they were earning $38.50 a month far a 30-hour week...
...It resents the policy of the press in distorting facts, printing half truths, insinuations and wild-cat rumors, all for the obvious purpose of bringing the American labor movement into bad repute...
...The meeting will be hi the Rand School, : East 15th St...
...JUDGE PANKSN TO SPEAK ON DELINQUENCY AT HAND SCHOOL Judge Jacob Panken of the Domestic Relations Court will address the next session of the series on "Juvenile Delinquency," Tuesday, December 14, 7 p. m., at the Rand School of Social Science, 7 East 15th St...
...I According to reports received ff*m the National Secretary, Leo Heltzer, now on tour, meetings held jg Buffalo, Detroit and surrounding BEja have been instrumental in reviving activities and enthusiasm, 0d the outlook in the central states i most encouraging...
...The issues in dispute are a severance pay clause and a clause barring dismissal except for cause...
...Gordon is better known as the Canadian author, "Ralph Connor," is a Rhodes Scholar of Oxford, and a democratic Socialist...
...The resolution embodying the decisions of the special meeting singled out for particular denunciation "the daily press controlled by the employers, and the Daily Worker published by the Communist Party" as having "joined in a campaign to smear and discredit the martyred Corcoran and the trade union .movement...
...In Alexandria, the police told Negroes to choose between catting cane and going on the chain gang...
...The arrests were attributed to Nazi influence and a desire to prevent any reconciliation between the Chancellor and the Socialists...
...They have also relished the split in the Labor Movement and have tried to widen it regardless of the consequences <to the working masses...
...These lawless raids by Premier Duplessis follow a mass meeting of 4,000 members of free trade unions in Montreal protesting against the Premier's actions...
...Officials Help The planters, most of whom refused to pay a living wage, had failed to engage sufficient help to harvest the crop...
...On December 5. a well attended banquet was held by the S.D.F...
...There is a "dismissal for cause" clause also...
Vol. 20 • December 1937 • No. 50