Nat'l Labor Party Activity Spreads to the West Coast
Nat'l Labor Party Activity Spreads to the West Coast Realignment of Political Forces Indicated by Call for Labor -and Progressive Conference in California — Other Northwestern States Clearing for...
...Politically and economically Rumania has the same j story attached to it as that of : Poland...
...The conferences have'sMmM issue;- which .split...
...That J side can be dealt wfth by simply stating that as we know of the ! 'tlntouchaMes" of India, so must we now bow our heads in shame I to think that We hare "Untouchables" in Europe...
...Green mad*-ska statement after co> ferenomafU days in which he and Gebftv M. Harrison met with JWm L. SpBh and Philip Murray of the Wli...
...Nat'l Labor Party Activity Spreads to the West Coast Realignment of Political Forces Indicated by Call for Labor -and Progressive Conference in California — Other Northwestern States Clearing for Political Action in 1988...
...Upon completion of this theatrical performance, Japan can be expected to proceed to abolish the last special rights, concessions and extraterritoriality of Western Powers jn China...
...labor organisations...
...In California, a state-wide convention has been called for January 29 and 36 to unite progressive forces of that state...
...Only in : Czechoslovakia can an amelioration , of the conditions of the Jew in i Eastern Europe be found, and , even in that country the position : is ¦gradually becoming precarious > owing to the large German popula- ' tion, and the propaganda pumped < into them over the border by Hit- i ler's "hate expert...
...that no further* tfetftmenditfOns ft* pese^Mfi be made by the A. F of L. when tie joint conference reconvenes «i December 21 to ' hear reports ot •.he faee-to-fac* "nfareneftf of Labor...
...the Japs was seen in the former's orders which closed five Chinese newspapers and the Chinese official news agency Edgir SnOw, special correspondent of the British Labor Party's London bafty Herafcf, t epulis that Japan hopes as soon as possible to convert her invasion of China into the appearance of a Chinese civil war, on the model of Spam, with he"r*elf plajrihg the Italo-German role of foreign friend...
...Labor mts two factions, Green addej^jfajpid, - wever...
...wfth the Japanese Will .be impossible, and foreign trade from Western Europe aid America has little hope of recovering froth thd b!bw...
...5. Political and military alliance • with Japan a la Manehukuo...
...Sy these developments, Japan hopes to spift China tip into two camps, and optimistically envisage' section...
...News" in support of its policy and organization campaign while John L. Liewis addressed a special message to all C.I.O...
...Besides pledging support of the Wages and Hours bill, large-scale housing, more relief funds and amendment of Federal social security legislation so that benefits may be extended to groups not now included, the C.I.O...
...In South Dakota, a Progressive Federation of social-minded groups has been set up to work towards establishment of a third party in that state...
...In New Jersey the A. F. dt L a|,so renewed its state-wide organization fight while the C.I.O...
...Nor most the intelligent Jew forget that for the ultimate solution of his problem he must look back upon his history and his tra-, ditions, and align himself with true democracy before it is too krte...
...Groups helping to launch' the new alignment we're the Farmers' Union, Farm Holiday Association, South Dakota State Federation of Labor, the Railroad Brotherhoods, several Democratic State Committee members and a number of Progressive Republicans...
...urges unions to form unemployment committees to register the jobless, keep account of those laid off, demand that in re-hiring the laid off shall have preference, represent the unemployed before public agencies, advise and assist jobless members to obtain benefits under unemployment compensation laws that become effective January 1, and tp study relief methods in every local community...
...has also begun publication of "The C.I.O...
...Ha Italy, where previously the position Of the Jew had been, at least outwardly, comfortable, Mussolini, drawn more and more toward Hitter by virtue of his actions ra Abyssinia and Spain, has In turn pandered to German opinion and aheesd an increasing number of anti-Semitic articles to appear in his press...
...the logic Of the device can be extended agghWt Western Powers ftS well...
...An alliance with the Epic Democrats, led by Upton Sinclair, is to be sought...
...It takes the responsibility of presenting their case to the nation...
...l^EARLY as bad is the position * of Rumanian Jews, who number 900,000...
...Japanese Plan to Start A Civil war in China Rout of British and American Investors in Shanghai Area Creates International Tension in Yangtse Valley...
...Plans to effect this immediately all of Nanking is taken have been Worked out, SnoW learned this Week from a high Japanese government official...
...SMALL STATES ALSO MOVE TOWARD GHETTO Two and a half million Polish Jews live on the verge of starvation ; the others are being sqneeaed out of their professions and occupations, and unless the conscience of the world can be aroused to act, It is only a matter of time before 3,250,000 Jews will be relegated once again to the Ghetto, where they wiQ bo faced with no other alternative than that of an existence maintained Oh the lowest possible level...
...Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Austria...
...It can be seen that tn those countries of Eastern Europe most affected by the Treaty of Versailles, and which have also some form of Fascist regime in control, coupled ' with a proportionately high percentage of Jews in their population, the Jewish position is very bad...
...Representatives of the FarmerLabor Progressive Federation of Wisconsin and the Farmer-Labor Party of Minnesota attended, giving aid in the formation of the South Dakota organization, Mayor Daniel W. Hoan, Socialist mayor of Milwaukee, came for the Federation, and C. H. Halvorson, state treasurer of Minnesota, for the Minnesota Farmer-Labor Party...
...Any intelligent aeesrscv mast realize that dictatorships need a defenisTtn minority which they can use as a whipping-boy for their own political sins, and that economically intense nationalism, debasing the commercial life of a country toward false standards such as the need of armaments for aggression, can after no pace to the Jew...
...Thus Poland, with its 3,750,000 Jews, with the added complexities of a general population created out of the Treaty of Versailles and a strong Fascist-Army Dictatorship, finds the Jews being ousted gradually from the political and economic life of the country...
...would organise its ova centra...
...Nor will any honest student of politics pretend that it will be eased in the course of the next few years...
...After Nanking, Japan's cencjtfest ea» be pursued" behind the pnppet regimes...
...Both these countries were victors jn the Great War, and they still maintain a democratic form of government which has not fallen into disrepute...
...Everything tends to point toward increased bitterness and further humiliation...
...E. L. Oliver, of Labor's Non-Partisan League, also participated...
...labor body in that dty die set encourage those working lajM It is expected that rivalry batessu two central bodies in the tergtst city of the nation would tael|» increase friction and misusOfr standing...
...Witt Japan master of Ysngtsepoo, W ooSung and other Shanghai districts, the entire Tftngtse V*Sey Is being flooded With duty-free ¦Japanese goods, which will cut deeply into the British and Amer•iesm iiiTestois in the field...
...J At a conference held in August •tn Des Momes, Go vet nor LaFollette urged such a change, porn ring <to the success of the Mm name in( Wisconsin...
...of the Chinese poiitieia-and armies coming over,to her side... would then he possible to ¦¦.<velop It' common front of the Chinese p*ppets with Japan, Inly and Genaeny against "Bolshevism" —a term embracing all continuing leslstatka to Japan, whether on the Right or the Left...
...WASHINGTON, D. C.-^Vte» of the seven weeks of pease tiations between the A. P. sf L and the CLO.jnlajhjg--jjjaM^W these oarlev* Have c-r—triiwfteg *at ieast in a small way towarofieilitatrag agreement" berweeirthgtaa organizations...
...An indication that even the International Settlement police have been bought out by...
...i Important in this analysis is the feet that Nasi Germany is spend- ! ing millions of marks m propaganda throughout Europe, and : that tine outwardly favorable Commercial Barter Agreements which she is offering to the smaller states of Europe, enable her to encourage the txtixmt Nationalist factions of such eOatrt— to accelerate their anti-Semitic campaigns...
...In this group can be found approximately 8,000,000 Jews, which is about half the number of Jews in the world...
...Green Federation Chief Declares Issues Have Been Clari fied...
...organizations in which he declared: "It becomes the duty of American Labor to face with courage and realism the fact that America is threatened today with unemployment more bitter than ever before in our history...
...m the Des Moines conference took back to their organizations the proposal to revamp the party's name...
...It is ironic to think that Poland invited them in order to build up her economic machinery, and now, the Endeks, is carrying on a strong anti-Jewish boycott m order to eliminate them from her commerce...
...Big Four," Ureal Oroautialtia Mist / In the meantime, bom sipsska tions have renewed their ssssasive organization work white tb* announcement in New York teat the C.I.O...
...It must be borne in mind that, excepting for Palestine, the Jews in these countries constitute a greater percentage of the total population than anywhere else...
...4. Vigorous suppression of the Xuomintang (Chinese Nationalist Party) and the Communist s Parte...
...The English have nearly a billion dollars invested there...
...Lewis Silent, as Rivals Resume Organization Campaigns...
...2 Pan-Asiatic economic co-operation of these puppet States wfth Japan and opposition to Western , tmpertaris* throughout Asia...
...cause tlf new "crises...
...MILWAUKEE.—STew advance* MftratS independent political action by liberal farm and labor forces have Occurred recently in the Midwest and f«t West, providing added groundwork for the developing national third pfcrty movement...
...Raymond L. Haight, who was the Progressive Party candidate for Governor of California in 1934, visited Governor Philip F. LaFollette of Wisconsin last week and invited him to address the California meeting...
...This includes the Ukraine, the Crimea, White Russia (roughly ¦peaking Western Russia), and Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Rumania...
...of the major countries can one find the Jew established in reasonable security —Great Britain and France...
...accepts the duty of representing the people who are out of work...
...New Alignment Seen The South Dakota meeting, at which a federation was established, had the sponsorship of the Conference for Progressive Legislation, an alliance of farm and labor organizations which worked for enactment of progressive law* at the last session of the South Dakota legislature...
...However, strong opposition to the revision still remains among those elements preferring a definite class content for...
...He added that the C.I.O...
...West Coast Becomes Active in Iowa, the base of the new Farmer-Labor Party is being broadened to take in all elements interested in a fundamental realignment of political forces... equallv aggressive in that state...
...This brings us to Germany, We all have a vivid picture of | the tragedy which has befallen the 500,000 Jews in Germany...
...The invasion of CMne will be turned into the "welcome intervention" Of Japan against the "Rolfs...
...MoreOver, the Jews are bunched in territory which, from a political point of view is more split up, and —almost equally important,—from an economic angle is more supericially poverty-stricken than any other part of Europe...
...Even more striking instances Of Germany's evil influence can be found in Danzig and Italy...
...Ip fh« forme* territory Hitler sympathisers picket Jewish shops, and hot merely stop cubtomers irowi entering, Due also ¦MsMftaSt Der StUrmer and other scurrilous anti-Semitic propaganda... The New Leader \ L^DOT.-^riniefy J&ffW^pb-tm&ak political and" e^noroic control of Shanghai isi-apitifiy doming to an end tfffl the JaT^ffeWfrlr-taWrlgr Nanking, former t*Mtr ttf Orfirese nationalism, in their stride, bitter international rivalries arise wrrfch rhay b4 tn...
...the party...
...Thus far, the FarmerLabor Party of lows has seen on the ballot twice, but without much political success...
...That the Jewish position is tragic, no one can deny...
...3. Adherence to the Anti-Comintern Pact (Germany-Italy-Japan...
...Very recently the anti- j Semitic agitation has been given a , fillip owing to the Rumanian Pa- j triarch's sympathy toward the , Cuzists...
...With Nanking captured, the Japanese will erect the facade of a hew Central Chinese Government, based On the following principles: 1. Recognition of an "independent'' Mongolia, an "autonomous" North China, and the Manehukuo Empire...
...The best available statistics show that the largest body of Jews, not merely in Europe, but in the world, is situated in Central and Eastern Europe...
...By RICHARD LLOYD Special to The New Leader...
...6 per cent, in fact, as against .7 of 1 per cent in Great Britain...
...Lewis declined to make aligfiss...
...JEWS IN EUROPE By DAN FRANKEL Labor Member British Parliament GO confusing Is general opinion concerning the number of Jews in Europe that it is as well to start a survey of their position from the numerical angle...
...of L. and the C.I.O...
...3 Hungary, Lithuania and other , smaller countries to a lesser ex- i tent are following the example of , their bigger neighbors...
...Some hard criticism made by A. F. of L. men in that state against the organization of a state labor party did not contribute to peaceful trends...
...At a recent convention in Fresno of the Progressive Commonwealth Federation, Haight was unanimously endorsed as candidate for Governor in the 1938 election...
...It is also important to note that in these countries the percentage of : Jews compared with the general 1 population'is extremely small...
...Little Hope Seen For Labor Peace, Says Pres...
...It is also reported that the Committee of a Million for Unity of the Labor Movement has spread to Montana, Arkansas and other states and that^nany thousands of signatures are being obtained to petitions to end the conflict between the A.F...
...Nome Is Changed In Iowa, the question of changing the name of the Farmer-Labor Party to that of Pregressrve Party in the hope that this wffl bring more followers, particularly among those opposed to class linos, is now being discussed among farm and...
...This week the C.I.O...
...Efforts are to be made, Haight said, to build a third party in California along the lines of the Progressive Party of Wisconsin...
...nit* statement...
...NAZf GERMANY LEADS WOULD HATE XJUNGARY add Austria are two **•examples...
Vol. 20 • December 1937 • No. 50