JERSEY LABOR PARTY READY TO FIGHT HAGUE State Convention Of Trade Unions Organizes Party More Than 150,000 Working-men Are Represented at First Meeting—A.F. ofL and Cl.0. Group* Work...
...The wire to Senator Thomas read: "The American Labor Party urges the immediate confirmation of the appointment of Nathan Straus, Jr., to the post of chairman of the federal Housing Authority...
...Among the prominent world figures in the organisation are Lass Blum, Emil Vandervelde, Camille Chautemps, Manuel Azana, president of Spam, and President Roosevelt...
...It also explains why F.D.R...
...Belous, who ran •n the Fusion ticket in Queens although he is and was a member of the Labor Party, the successful A.L.P...
...PARIS.—The talk of organic union of the Socialist and Communist -parties in France, which has been going on for about eighteen months, has come to a sudden end—at least for the present...
...For nearly seven decades they have received subsidies in the form of high tariffs which have increased their incomes by many billions...
...An exception to the general Socialist attitude in the anti-fascist campaign was Leon Nicolle, leftwhig Socialist leader of Geneva, who sought revenge against leading Free.Masons, because they were partially responsible for the outlawing, in September 1937, of the Communist Party in the canton of Genera...
...Jean Zyromski was the only member voting against it...
...Special nation-wide referendum elections are held in the Swiss Republic whenever 60,000 eligible voters sign a petition requesting a vote on a particular measure...
...Other Resolutions Resolutions endorsing the wagehour frill...
...Any delay in confirming his appointment throws a cloud on the entire Federal Hous-jjss^pfjgraau For this reason we , aisiisjiy isnwinaond prompt and "MsWrltfe action on his appointl C—tllMM Organise j* the meantime the Labor Party's City Council delegation, miser the leadership of B. Charney fadetk, has been rapidly organizing its forces to he able to carry oat more effectively its municipal platform as it was outlined before From recent indications it appears the A.L.P...
...The other is to request continually that appropriations be held within budget limitations or that added taxes be provided by Congress, so that the President will be known as the economizer...
...Panic b On" In line with these tactics the President' talked peace with the utilities and is friendly with big business...
...As hundreds of thousands are being dropped from payrolls every month all over the nation, Congress is beginning to feel pressure And Roosevelt, contrary to nls past policy, will do nothing, but suggest a way oat...
...Of one thing political circles here are sure...
...The minority group withdrew its proposal when opposition speakers declared that the Hoffman-Hague machine would welcome hasty action, end they advocated building the party "in sure, steady steps ' to establish the future organization on a solid foundation.'' Resolution I edicts Overlord* A long resolution made a ssssan ing indictment of the industrial sad political overlords who role the state, the leading section declaring: ; "For the past 160 years the people of New Jersey hare been ruthlessly exploited by corrupt political machines financed by Tory interests sad * ' ind for their benefit...
...This trend will unite * strong group behind Mr...
...It will take Wece Friday afternoon, Dec 10th...
...No delegate objected to organization of the Labor Party, but a minority group urged tw&iAt setting up of the party with an executive committee of 21...
...PARIS.—It is learned from Russia that Maxim Litvinoff, who is almost the only Bolshevik of the old school still alive and at large, and who has for many years been the outstanding figure in Soviet Russia's international relations, is 1 now uncomfortably "on^ Jh* spot" i Litvinoff's crime is that he pro- ¦ tested vigorously to Stalin against the so-called purge of the Russian 1 diplomatic corps, assuring him that this would destroy the prestige of ¦ the Soviet government all over the ] world and make it impossible for ' any other government to feel any 1 confidence in Moscow's word...
...The immediate occasion for the breakdown was a violent attack on the Socialist International and Socialists in general written by Dmitrov, General Secretary of the Comintern, and printed and approved in the French organ of the Communist Party...
...The strategy explains his warning to Congress to hold the cost of any new farm program to a figure of $500,000,000 or else provide new taxes to cover the added cost...
...Documents seized by the Swiss police subsequently revealed that the move to ban the societies was of Nazi-German origin...
...Or it may simply mean that the panic is on, Roosevelt feels that he can't stop it, Is taking a conservative stand and is leaving to Congress the responsibility to pull the country out of the slump...
...From statements made 6y many ! delegates it is expected that the next convention, to be called to act on the executive committee's recommendations, will be held within three months...
...Roosevelt plans to state his objectives, with which he hopes to stem the depression, and let Congress take the responsibility for passing laws in the form necessary to achieve these objectives...
...offices to begin a campaign of sabotage against the very measures that helped them...
...Lammot du Pont, a prince of the royal realm of E. I. du Pont De Nemours, delivered the "keynote" at the three-day "Congress of American Industry," where other princes of American dynasties assembled to take stock of their •wretched system...
...The growing Communist control of French trade unionism, following the uniting of the two federations, would also seem to have been an element in the decision,, which says: "Organic unity should not be the absorbing of one party by the other, but the fusion of two parties...
...Their regime has plunged us into an industrial and financial crista on an average of about once in every thirteen years since the first collapse in 1837...
...Swiss People Stop Nazi Drive on Civil Liberties Fascist Attempt to Outlaw Free Masons, Odd Fellows and Other Groups Overwhelmingly Defeated in National Referendum...
...York Housing Authority, aid has studied housing problems for years...
...The state convention was the outcome of long and bitter flf- ' of organized workers wftfc i the two capitalist parties, the Republican, led by Governor Hoffman, and the Democratic led by llsyofr Hague of Jersey City...
...A prince of the Royal House of Munitions now wants a "fair opportunity" for his class...
...We must take hold of this economic and political situation,** eaM Oliver, "and change the profit system into one of use and...
...French Socialists Stop Negotiations With Communists Dmitrov's Tirade Against Socialist Internationa) Brings Talk of Fusing Parties to Sudden End...
...By 1970, he believed, the Labor Party would be the leading party -of the nation...
...If Frank Hague succeeds against the C.I.O.," the speaker added, "he will knife the A J. of L. too...
...In the first place, they are not captains in the sense of the officer in command of a ship who knows how to steer clear of reefs and through a storm...
...Late this week Councilman James Clark Baldwin pledged his support to the Labor Party delegation...
...Amid the growing discontent among the membership of the American Labor Party, particularly in the ranks of the trade unions, over the appointments Mayor La Guardia has been making to important city posts, Alex Rose, State Executive Secretary of the A.L.P., appealed to Senator Albert Thomas of the Senate Committee on Labor for the prompt confirmation of the appointment of Nathan Straus, Jr., with whom the Mayor of New York City had threatened to become "damned rough...
...and A. F. of L. unions as influential A. F. of L. men had opposed the convention...
...In typical fascist style the National Front and the Union National waged an almost incredible campaign of villifica-tion against the Free Mssdhs, besides raising the issues of anti-semitism and "Communism...
...Only in one canton, dominated by the Catholics, did the referendum initiative receive a majority...
...protesting terrorism of the Hague administration-' in Jersey City...
...that is that Congress and not the President will hold the national spotlight in increasing measure in the turbulent special session and the period just after it at the turn of the year...
...These two party leaders have constituted a two-party machine serving the reactionary Interests of the state...
...The Social Democratic press was especially active in exposing the motives of the Fascist instigators of the referendum, and the close tie-up between the German Nazis and the National Front, here, which is practically the Swiss section of Hitler's party...
...of the six Councilmen-elect in t*is group offered voluntarily to contribute from his salary for the •spenses of the proposed bureau...
...wages and program so it would include 3,000,000 workers...
...opposing the proposed appointment of Hoffman as director of the State Unemployment, Compensation Commission upon his retirement as governor next month also were adopted...
...As many •partnwnts as possible will be T«ed by the delegation between •aw and January 1st...
...v His tactics, according to informed political circles here, will take two lines...
...The result will at any rate be a clearing of the air...
...The A.L.P...
...His 1 advice was very coldly received, '• and Yezhov, head of the G.P.U...
...We of New York know tike record of Nathan Straus in the field of public housing...
...They have in turn looted the railroads and other big businesses and often swindled small stockholders through financial and stock magic that would have puzzled the late Harry HoudinL In the past thirty years, especially in the South, their agents in public office have voted them immunity from taxation and assured them cheap and docile labor to exploit...
...By MYRON TRIPP Special to The New Leader ZURICH, Switzerland--Fascists in this country were overwhelmingly defeated by a vbte of 514 to 233,869 at a special referendum election Sunday, Nov...
...The breaking off of negotiations was decided on by the Permanent Administrative Council of the Socialist Party...
...Cheka May Strike At Litvinoff for Urging Purge's End Tells Stalin That Diplomatic ! Shake-Up Destroys Russian Prestige Abroad— Delbos' Trip Confirms His View...
...Few of the old party nominees succeeded in reaching this total, revealing that only their superior district organization gave the Tammany ward-heelers a majority in the Council...
...Much interest centered on the number of delegates representing CIO...
...passage of legislation to curb the powers of New Jersey Chancery Courts in i issuing injunctions > in labor disputes...
...Councilmen-elect of the American Labor Party mat this week at the Hotel Brevoorf and decided to organise a research bureau of their •en, the better to perform their functions as members of the lower *°uge of the ^fer's legislature...
...There has for some time been a growing conviction here that the friendship of Russia might prove a broken reed at the critical moment While the French government is certainly not wishing to break with Moscow, it is depending more and more on cultivating mutual confidence among the democratic nations of the Continent, winning Poland over to the democratic bloc, and inducing Great Britain to take a bolder stand against Fascist aggression...
...FOLLOWING the Civil War the big ewseTs %? capital have been nursed at a government bottle by grants of vast acres of territory,, «J mineral, coal, oil and ore deposits and even grants of funds by the Federal and State governments, the city and county governments, for the building of their railroad empire...
...block of six in the...
...They really should be happy that an aroused nation has not demanded that they vacate their seats of power and turn their industries over to the people to be operated for the welfare of the millions who are victims of their gross incompetency...
...The resolution calls attention to the danger of practices such as "enticing away members of Socialist organizations and systematic attacks against Socialist militants in violation of the stipulations of the agreement...
...Secured High Votes I It is significant that with the exception of Mr...
...Oliver declared that organization of a labor party is not a job tins can be quickly set up...
...Council will have the support of many of the other anti-Tamnany candidates...
...After seating the delegates it was disclosed that 34 represented A. F. of L. unions and 110 represented GiO...
...The first "«t on the schedule is to the DeJgtoent of Markets...
...The original call for a conference to start the movement to force the election and to drive the Masons from Switzerland was issued from the offices of the Weltdienst—World Service — a Nazi news agency at . Erfurt...
...Speakers Urge Organisation Carl Holderman of the C.I.O...
...Hogue A Ho eked Carney attacked Mayor Hague, saying that the Jersey City dictator's "vicious attacks on organized labor and his blanket invitation to sweatshops to come ' fee Jersey City" marked the kind of politician he is...
...Nicolle advised Geneva Socialists not to participate in the election, which almost enabled the Fascists to carry the Canton...
...Despite the generous treatment they have received, their system plunged to the lowest depth in 1933, and many...
...The munitions prince declared that his fellow princes would have to invest 25 billion dollars in new industrial ventures, but "industry* must be given the "fair opportunity to work that it seeks" and the "labor situation must, be stabilised...
...The people of New Jersey have been fleeced of their civil liberties and constitutional rights by Mayor Hague, Governor Hoffman and their ?all-paid hirelings end reactionary alBes...
...Letters found by the police reveal that the German Nazis t sent sums of money to the'trea surer of the National Front, who was their agent in Switzerland, Social Democrats Active All democratic party leaders fought the fascist attempt to curtail civil liberties and the elimination of the organizations which had consistently fought for democracy...
...took his retinue fishing off the Florida coast during the height of controversy in the special session...
...They do not know the economic laws of their own industrial system, and when they drift into a depression they talk in a vacuum...
...Is he turning his back on old policies and old personalities who have seen his New Deal through so far, and is he searching for peace with big business...
...Antonini also cautioned the delegates against too much haste ia building the Labor Party, while Senator Lundeen declared: "We're going to have action now" in organizing on a national scale, and urged the delegates to include farmers and war veterans in the' new party...
...service to society...
...The committee will call another convention within six months to act upon its report...
...By EDWARD LORING Special to the Norn Leader NEWARK, N. J. — Meeting in the Labor Lyceum hers last Sunda*-, delegates from 144 organise lions, moat of them trade unions, representing about 160,000 wage workers, decided to organize the Labor Party of New Jersey and elected a committee of 42 to draw up a constitution and formulate policies...
...In no other country in the world havi owning corporate dynasties ever had such a "fair opportunity" as in this country, and in no other country have they made such miserable failure of their opportunity...
...M. Minkoff, Assemblymanget from the 5th A J)., Bronx, has ¦sen named leader, and Benjamin 2*»ner, elected from the 2nd A.D., y,°klyn, secretary of the Amer2" Uhor Party's delegation to • *• New Yprk State Assembly...
...Hague could wear Hoffman's label and Hoffman wear Hague's with the knowledge that both wore the collar of the same interests...
...candidates all passed the 75,000 vote quota necessary to assure immediate election...
...Vladeck and may be powerful enough to frustrate the attempts at the slender Democratic majority St sabotage any program for a clean and progressive administraaf tiie city's departments...
...called the convention to order and after appointing a credential comafter appointing a credentials committee...
...Roosevelt's New Tactics Will Put Onus on Congress Capital Sees President Ready to Make Congress Responsible for New Depression If It Fights New Deal Special to The New Leader WASHINGTON, D. C|—A frequently asked question in the capital today concerns the future course of President Roosevelt...
...Will the appetite of these top hat rulers of industry and finance ever be satisfied...
...councilxner.-elect have adopted a tentative program and *111 concentrate en the problems arising out of too high cost of lrrmg in the city, housing, slum clearance and transit...
...To familiarize themselves with duties, the American Labor Pwty Councilmen-elect will malce .•survey of the departments in the «ew York City government, it was ¦Wounced by Mr...
...Straus Approved By A.L.P...
...It lOuiSse patient work and it must be ready for defeats while it slowly advances in influence and power...
...favoring an increase in W.P.A...
...Litvinoff's house was searched by the secret police, and when he complained to Stalin he got no redress...
...Speculation is rife as to how long it will be until he is de- i nounced as a hireling of Germany or of Japan...
...He knows that most of the legslators fear the 1988 elections and are pressed between the business men who financed.their campaigns and Labor's growing political militancy which will defeat in coming polls all enemies of social legislation...
...Goebbels, Hitler's propaganda minister, presided over this conference at Berne in September, at which sat handpicked "delegates" from the three Swiss Fascist groups—the National Front in German-speaking cantons, the Union Nationale in French sections a^I the Liga Nazionaie in the Italian quarters...
...As each A. F. of L. uftron was announced, there was « burst of applause...
...Finally, the resolution declares that until "the Communist International . changes its attitude, revises its opinions, and conceives of unity as something that all can accept, the Council would feel that it had been unfaithful to its mandate if it did not provisionally suspend the negotiations...
...E. A. Oliver of Labor's Non-Partisan League, Luigi Antonini, state chairman of the American Labor Party of New York, U. S. Senator Ernest Lundeen of Minnesota, and William J. Carney, state regional director of the C .1.0., delivered addresses...
...The economic aad political enslavement of the people of New stage with the advent to power of , Mayor Frank Baca* aad Governor Harold G. Hoffman...
...of these princes flew, to Washington and made frantic pleas for aid to save them from complete bankruptcy, Their wounds were dressed and they redfned to then...
...Roosevelt Has New' Plans White House strategy is simple...
...The Socialist Party refuses to surrender its independence to any gmeipmeiit" on—ninej, of course, i the government at Moscow...
...He has always been a highly competent and fair administrator...
...It explains his recommendation to Congress to make a $113,000,000 reduction in the highway funds appropriation, which is a severe blow at Federal and State relief...
...The delegates concluded their work in a spirit of optimism, confident that the Labor Party will make history in New Jersey...
...A significant feature of the election was the overwhelming rejection of the proposal in the Germanspeaking section of Switzerland...
...A special agent of Dr...
...Straus' appointment to the Federal Housing Authority was later confirmed...
...Fascists are active despite the ban which the Federal Council placed on all Nazi groups on February 18, 1936...
...One is to leave legislators "on their own* to offset charges of dictation...
...28, which decided against their proposals to outlaw the Free Masons, the Odd Fellows, the Union—a philanthropic fraternal brotherhood — and other similar "secret" societies...
...THE brass of some of our "captains of tfn* dustry" is amazing...
...1 (better known as Cheka), who is i in charge of this as well as other ' "mad dog campaigns," at once be- ' gan-reprisals...
...Having fought fascism everywhere, the Free Masons are now banned in Germany, Italy, Portugal, Hungary and Turkey...
...He sea served with distinction on the New...
...That Litvinoff was perfectly right i is indicated by Foreign Minister Delbos' series of visits to Poland, Rumania, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia...
...Despite Mayor's Criticism State Secretary Roae Wires Support of Housing Chief —Labor Party Councilmen Prepare to Push Municipal Platform...
...The workers of New Jersey have been denied by a reign of terror, a flood of sweeping Injunctions and the force of state troopers the right to organise and better their living end working standards...
...Group* Work Together...
Vol. 20 • December 1937 • No. 50