PEACE VIEWS COMPEL LABOR CHIEFS TO TALK Green, Lewis Meet For the First Time In Peace Parley Deadlock in Joint Conference Broken Tuesday by Agreement on Procedure and Selection of...
...That is, November added 400,000 workers to the jobless army, a total of a half-million in two months...
...Vladeck minority leader...
...8, or Thursday, Dec 9 (tentative...
...Ill tar supporters of P.R...
...Slight gains are shown only in electric power, automobiles and in* tb>g, cotton series...
...This means increasing debts for cities, counties and states^h^ch^ad ^nearly four years ago shiftrj^ LJOW long can the Federal authority bear the "new strain without breaking...
...Negrin Set to Oust Communists from Gov't Positions Special to The New Leader VALENCIA...
...Special to The Nev> Leader ST/LOUIS, Mo.—The Midwest Regional Convention of the Amer-ika-Deutscher Volksbund, Hitlerite group led by Fritz Kuhn, appears to have given up the ghost, thanks to the activities of the anti-Nazi organisations in this city...
...Be than ever before and with a B*fkhte demonstration of its abil-|jV to exercise discipline and ob-BjT* its contractual obligations...
...Special to the Sew Leader WASHINGTON, D. C —While the labor peace discussion* opened here on Monday in at atmosphere of cheerfulness and talk of "progress," the situation when the tret session closed was not so optimistic...
...For the present, this ends the Nazi noise in St...
...It is estimated that the number of workers laid off in October was 100.000 and in November this increased four fold...
...banquet in Chicago...
...As the political and not the military situation becomes more threatening to the Spanish Republic reports from authentic sources in this city reveal that Premier Juan Negrin will shortly declare war on the Communists in an effort to loosen their influence in the government bureaus which the Russians assumed in exchange for guns, planes and munitions...
...He will be in Kalamazoo, Mich., on December 3, and then swing around the circle in Indiana on the evening of December 3 and on December 4, by rapidly visiting Gary, Whiting, and Hammond...
...he has insured the ftBkettr of tlic election, sad a**** to PA ti» Atanding which sail salefaarft it from the attacks af «* saemsa...
...the tentative understandtngs already reached with rtspset to particular merging* of unions and marking out fields of industrial organization...
...Driven out Of a suburb and unable to get a hall in this city with its large German population, the Nazis have suffered a severe defeat...
...fie* was first thought to be the p*Huu»ing of the end of the union, * least by those who wished it ill, turned out to be a source of F strength...
...and whose president is secretary of the C.I.O., distributing cards among leaders of both organizations with an inscription reading: "Get together er get oat...
...After mock discussion on Tuesday the conference made little hand-way, and it was decided to adjourn to Thursday and that President Green of the A. F. of L. and John L. Lewis of the CJ.O...
...York Times business index for last week shows a steady decline of aasfppi from the peak reached last August from about 110 to 88.9 last week...
...Leo Meitzer, National Secretary of the Federation, is touring the East...
...Louis and the possibility of enjoying a glorification of dictatorship and concentration camps...
...The end of this exciting episode is a great victory for democracy, and much credit is doe to the many thousands of German citizens who joined with ether democratic elements in defeating the Hitler stooges...
...contemns, with assertions that the A. F. of L. really had no power to act* A.F.L...
...According to forecasts by government economists, the number of recruits in...
...While the S.DJ...
...Only a combination of cir-feunstances, including the brilliant Hhstef a yoong lawyer, frustrated K> tarns ...of doahle-dealing with JP_ of its consequences for the pkhBa of the uniea...
...isciphne Is Syreacj^hened B#*t of salutary iir.raeekte effects of the adamant stand w the onion *on unauthorized Hgkat has been the silence of the ppresponsible elements and absence further demonstrations...
...est these chosen By cutossts on tat jsMptsMj staff...
...What is left goes to the merchants, whose increasing prices for food and other vital necessities are virtually a monopoly here...
...F. of L.-C...
...So obvious has nee who cover labor matters have discerned their responsibility and save given publicity to their reprehensible conduct...
...Vladeck was elected to the now eliminated Board of Alderman in 1917 on a Socialist Party ticket...
...Dubinsky declared that peace terms should be iiiignlsstsil as rapidly as possible for the good of the whole movement Whether there is any stgaafjiMiBh in the announcement by President Green that the Executive OaBjaeS will also meet on Friday, taa^prjr following his meeting with Lewis, is not known...
...There was also similar suspicion toward the A. F. of L. conferees by the CJ.O...
...J"HE tremendous increase in the number of the idle in the month just closed, compared with October, is startling...
...Moreover, the prospects for the coming months are not bright...
...B. Charney Vladeck, prominent member of the Social Democratic Federation and manager of the Jewish Daily Forward, was.chosen leader of the Labor Party group in the council, at a caucus of the successful candidates...
...There is little doubt that Tammany is dead and may even lose its councilmen-at the next election...
...Some ef those accused sf telkR tampering were arretted...
...did not proas its demand for a signed statement specifying the tentative understandings that had been reached... of the S.D.F...
...The "benevolent Tammany Warriors" are bitter in defeat and finished the Labor Party's job of" wrecking their machine in the city's poorer sections by breaking its fifty-year tradition of distributing food and fuel baskets in the...
...pomtment ef MatMtfftfcsV "The investigation he cenoaetac sparred the Bronx District Attar-nef s offtee into i U^llsW JHlsa...
...Louis, Mo., Dec 7 or 8. . Indianapolis, Ind., and vicinity, Friday, Dot, 10, and Saturday, Dec 11...
...conferees have full powers to negotiate a settlement, and if the >*nt conference works out a solution, there is little doubt that Ixatj an, ganiaatioaa will ratify it...
...Alex Rose, Executive Secretary of tiie A.L.P., credited Matthew M.' Levy...
...THERE is reason for believing that the reversal is doe in part to sabotage by the ruling class of industrial kings and bankers, but it would be a mistake to ascribe the descent to this cause alone...
...of the capital, admitted recently that "without the assistance of private i charity, workingmep...
...That these wens 'r&uds in...
...Pledaei Asked Comrades and friends are asked to make pledges of $1 a month or more, payable monthly or in lump sum...
...However, the causes lie much deeper in our system of production of goods for the enrichment of the masters of production, distribution and exchange...
...the most important problem of all...
...Incidentally, they set a precedent for the rest of the country...
...Seldom in the city's history has I there been such an outpouring of I sentiment against an organization," the editorial continued...
...All those in the low-income and no-income groups are subject to the high cost of living caused by the huge rents paid 'ft«Jo«Rouf the city by official and other visitors...
...does have funds for its immediate needs, it is of the utmost importance that this healthy financial condition continue so as to permit of the carrying on of educational propaganda into greater fields...
...We are in fo- a long fight," he toTd international reporters of his first press reception since the Government moved from here to Barcelona...
...PEACE VIEWS COMPEL LABOR CHIEFS TO TALK Green, Lewis Meet For the First Time In Peace Parley Deadlock in Joint Conference Broken Tuesday by Agreement on Procedure and Selection of Sub-Committee...
...the jobless army may increase by next February from an estimated 6,082,000 in September to 9,000,000...
...within the union have been BMed in an unenviable and weak-Set position, while the construc¦^alements have gained new *»fa**th and new promise...
...With them will be George M. Harrison of the A. F. of L. and Philip Murray of the C.I.O...
...Louis, Postpone Yearly Convention American Bund Finds Little Sympathy in Big German Community—A...
...Some* S tooy^ | rfrw'w rL^arimT^" Special to The Now Leader...
...The Nazis have postponed their convention indefinitely...
...The CXO...
...All branches and locals are requested to aid in the raising of this sum by seeing to it that the pledge cards are filled out and returned to the National Office, 814 Albee Building, Washington, D. C. Get a friend to make a pledge...
...Driven from St...
...Can it hope, to even hold its own in a period of acute unemployment hysteria and suffering...
...I. O. Joined in Fight on Fascists...
...According to reports received nere irom Menaaye on tne rrencn i*f&k maa supposed to lHHr*^e» idvfiw* fcy neutral g«fv e*aucsats to Wl Ae Communists iic^^r^^^mtei^^B^ .categorically denied ramors of peace negotiations with the fas"All talk of an armistic from our side is nonsnese... Fight for Wide City Reforms...
...Cabinet leaders have been furious at the free hand the Communists have taken in Loyalist Spain...
...New Depression Calls for Unity of All Labor...
...The vigeroes protest "me* V? the Later Party resulted ta thsa...
...Their Cheka has its own prisons and metes oat it own justice and is responsible for many outrages like the- kidnapping of Sax Rein, son of Rafael Abramowitch...
...It is also a month in which extra clerical forces are employed to handle the increased trade...
...Hal -ison, for the A. F. of L., had com >red with a request that the CJ.fc gree to abandon the CJ.O...
...The dissident ele-Hy...
...Ever since the news of the scheduled convention was printed, this newspaper has been flooded with letters excoriating members of the Volksbund for propagating the ideas of Hitler while living under the protection of the American flag and enjoying the blessings of a land of liberty...
...PrebUii fa Be Solved 1 One advantage is seen in bringing both Green and Lewie together in the Thursday nwetiag...
...Funds Country-Wide Activity Gets Under Way aa Meitzer Tours Indiana and Illinois—Big Stock of Literature on Hand for Distribution...
...ekaneats have sought to run to Bpef tjWpae of the predicament in dhieh they find themselves...
...H_ , r** ft appears that another economic storm is approaching...
...A large portion of thia ffs grabbed off by the city's rett estate interests, which exploit the 'town's congestion, created by the influx of thousands of people each year as the government expands...
...Control of the censorship office has fallen into the hands of the StsSinites and they have been harassing papers they dislike...
...Council Meets Friday However, there was a general acceptance of the sentiments expressed in the resolution of the executive board of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' union as expressed by President David Dubinsky and Dubinsky's personal desire to restore peace to the labor movement...
...been made to all those who are in agreement or in sympathy with the views and...
...Monday a Deadlock Monday's session proved to be a deadlock...
...The calm that now stretches from the mmny Andalusian steins through shell-torn Madrid to the hard, white Pfreueefe is omnious...
...Business Gets Its Shore The business interests of the District of Columbia are responsible for a considerable portion of the unemployed army and 'the miserably low wages paid in the shadow of the White House The business men of the capital, beneficiaries of the large expenditures of the Government, recently decided that $14.51 per week was enough remuneration for women working here...
...The St...
...How long it will take to get back to the record year of 1933 with its nearly 13,500,000 unemployed is a matter of conjecture, but our guess is that unless the trend is reversed we will match that record' before the end of 19 38..., who agreed to return, and in the resumed discussions the CJ.O...
...It is Bps the hope of the International Rtten to fix responsibility for the gpiijhml in Pontiac and possibly MafTont the management with the Need of having to discharge some H its own stool-pigeons...
...The drive is for the raising of a sustaining fund of $800 per month...
...i Playing m Dual Rote I Those who wanted the sit-down •trike to continue despite its illegality, played a double part during tla time the International Union H» meeting in Pontiac to consider St first hand that situation, by re-MMao...
...DETROIT, Mkh—Distracted and Moused to the dangers confronting *e United Automobile Workers' Dnion because of unauthorized sit-down strikes and the activities of Communists in encouraging separhas ordered a special inquiry into the araidsMaa shrike at Pontiac The inquiry began November SO and will continue until all the facts are . :Ihtisft saessjttBie, the corporation management has indicated that it sill disehjjEpip these ft believes are responsible for discharging about ewnths' layoff to about eleven, including the four whose cases are pending before the Labor Board l»dngeffec1t,Vlte8 own* ^e^Unar^ ^^^^^E^jttroet tie-up between Hfc:ar aSnT'of the persons who initiated the sit-down strike and ^ggk^^l^^dBinn 'tu/k claimed re?%ll>taoi$)itiM ktte^and spirit (V the agiaieii<iit The hearing should throw considerable light qpon this phase of the controversy...
...Cleveland, Oato, Tuesday, Dec [l*,/.., .....______________ J Congress Ignores Jobless in Capital, Nurses Industry Food and Rent Price* Exorbitant — Wage* Below $14—Work Week Goes to 80 and 90 Hours...
...and women and their children/ would starve this winter, so tfn/peakable is the poverty here...
...The time is ripe for Labor statesmanship of the highest order...
...Louis "Post Dispatch" commented on the' victory in an editorial entitled "How Hitlerism Stands in St...
...Official surveys reveal that women, and men too, working outside the "white collar" field, receive much less...
...Franco has delayed Ml "final offensive" so many times that there is a possibility it may not come before winter sets in...
...Each of the two leaders wfD base exejg responsibility for its outcome, and with tiie growing pressure e&anBsa* ben of both federations a* Ik* * will like to be"pUced hi the posicart over...
...the second largest delegation in the body and makes Mr...
...Another factor which makes the November figures alarming is the fact that it has always been a month of business stimulation because of the holidays...
...What of the talk of balancing the budget of which there has been so much this year...
...headquarters chief, tdld reporters last week that he expects the war's heaviest offensive to break out at any moment...
...Justice Alfred Frankeefe]* in the Supreme Court when proved file decision of the dutfsi 3 the eanwass to eeeik the 4sK pered ballots to Michael J. QnSI and Saivatore Msais tlss^aedidssi of the American Labor Party " yij Mr...
...Many other evidences of hostility to Hitlerism were given, the culminating touch being s great mass meeting at the Armory last Sunday night, in which the speakers paid their respects te Fascism before an enthusiastic audience, in which elements rarely found on the same sfde of a public question joined...
...owe a dek grattteee to Mr...
...With all of the comrades helping, the fund should be raised in a short time...
...The new sinking spell is also bringing new financial obligations to the Federal, State and local governments...
...One misunderstanding appears to have been cleared up...
...If this rate of increase in the number of the jobless continues we will be facing another major depression by next Spring...
...unions and specifying that no one problem could h*_?nV tied until all problem* ire ssjHnB but on Monday the CJ.O...
...i -r #j 11 fla I, if ¦ 11rta • If WsptSJIgton- Congress ipproc rpualss mSflfcrns of dollars to defray she expenses of the Federal Government...
...There is less excuse for unspeakable poverty in Washington, D. C, than in any other city in the country...
...doubts of the honesty ef the eke-tje*w Indeed, he hffiaesi mors...
...Unless Congress, under whose jurisdiction the city falls, does something about the unemployed here, thousands will starve...
...AMERICAN industry continues its slow descent into a new depression, lines of the jobless at unemployment offices throughout die nation are lengthening, and the...
...Sweeping changes are due in the cabinet in the attempt to revert once more to a true democratic government...
...It calls attention to the fact that there was no "official suppression" by the public authorities and added that it was "tiie extreme unpopularity of Nazi doctrines, even among i persons of German blood, that | prompted three institutions to deny | the hospitality of their quarters to I the Volksbund...
...jwheiallv detanttf»j| fc...
...General Rojo, centra...
...All military fronts are quiet...
...We can't say where, but we are more than ready to meet it," declared the general confidently...
...Even as a united movement its problems will be tremendous and difficult...
...touts Mo., Wednesday, Dec 8. St...
...While disaster spreads like a sleeping sickness, the Labor Movement has not yet closed its divided ranks in preparation for this new calamity...
...On Sunday, December 5, he will address an S.D.F...
...It is a month of extra expenditures by millions of people and yet the number added to the jobless in this favorable month was 400,000...
...As the digging to oust Tammany henchmen from their hold on the many New York City bureaus goes deeper and deeper, the American Labor Party prepares Jo fight, through its councilmanic Jategation of six, for a clean governed city, low cost housing, shim clearance, modern schools, health center and full civil liberties...
...The pisrloos assawSh committees were to be aapstated to deal with the problems of the 32 CIO...
...What of balancing the family budgets of millions of families...
...Newbold Noyes,' associate editor of the Washington Evening Stir, a leader in the business work...
...Labor must gird lis loins for a struggle as it is certaia -that the masters of American industry will lake advantage of the distress to slash wages as they did for several years during the first depression...
...Labor Councilmen Choose Vladeck Leader Shake-up in City Bureaus Continues as La Guar die Administration Weeds Out Tammany Ward Heelers —A.L.P...
...s ---¦ ¦ 1 WASHINGTON, D. C —While Congressmen, from every part of the country worry over the amelioration of the "burden" of big business, the poverty-stricken workers of the nation's capitol—men and women who do the menial work to keep the legislators and lobbyists comfortable—are facing a tragic winter...
...This proposal left the A. F. of L conferees pessimistic about panes prospects and they suspected that Lewis was trying to break op the conference...
...The i It was the decision for the small&s^Jk>int committee, handed by Greem and Lewis, to meet on Thursday...
...hi the executive board that BMt*» wore hostile to the Inter-Ultional officers...'s poorer districts, and since they no longer have the District Attorney's office they can no longer "fix" things for their members...
...Opinion among staff officers is that the offensive may be around Madnd although Government bomr-en have recently been busy strafing rebel concentrations eh the Aragon front...
...whk* tat charges might here raised...
...They will have to provide for relief of the increasing millions who are outcasts of industry...
...Pressure for a peace settlement continued from unions and members, the Typographical tlnjan, which is sympathetic with tan C.I.O...
...It is true that since 1935 there has been a revolt of the magnates in the upper range of capitalism, and this revolt has acquired an increasing momentum in the past year...
...Last week all the Hall's men were shaken out of high posts in the New York City police force by Commissioner Valentine...
...There are hundreds of men and women, classified by the District of Columbia Works Progress Administration as "Employables," who are pounding the pavements looking for jobs and not finding there because of the long work week— fn some cases 80 and 90 hours— which absorbs few workers...
...has been doubtful-of the powers of the A. F. of L. committee, but it is now conceded that the A F.ofL...
...f .Dayton, Ohio, Sunday, Dec 12...
...Other dates follow: Kansas City, Mo., Wednesday, Dec...
...The appeal has...
...The increase in the number of the unemployed in the past two months is appalling...
...The CoaacaYwtO consider legislation pending laOan-gress, but it is almost certaia Chat the results of the Thursday conference between Green and Lewis will be reported by Green to the Council, and that body may make some statement regarding it-Deadlock Broke* The deadlock on Tuesday, fortunately, was broken after a caucus of the CJ.O...
...WASHINGTON, D. C.—The National Office of the Social Democratic Federation this week has instituted a drive for a sustaining fund, in accordance with the recent decision of the National Executive Committee...
...These two elements make the law-income groups dependent most of the year upon private charities...
...iteeet "These casMWWl *s» were seieetod by the vjscn...
...The Twilight of Tammoay Tammany's only claim to political existence is in its councilmanic delegates and the Bronx Borough presidency, which they won only after a notorious deal with the Republicans there...
...The business interests of Washington work their employees 12 and 14 hours a day to prevent the double shifts which are prevalent throughout the rest of the country...
...that if any offi-<srs visited the plant they would |p met with violence, and at the ¦tie time telling the strikers that H^thtB*aatfcnaI had deserted ¦an...
...This form of production* is sick in other nations as well as ours, and until it is reorganized in accord with the program of Social Democracy it will have its sinking and recovery spells, always keeping mankind in a state of anxiety and inflicting suffering on millions of workers and farmers...
...National Office Begins Drive for S.D.F...
...Tnis gives the A.L.P...
...Probe of Sitdown Strike at Pontiac Ordered by Union C^vtan°an...
...Credit also goes to both sections of the labor movement, the A. F. of L. and tiie C.I.O., whose organizations rendered fine service in a united movement against the proposed Nazi convention...
...Anti-Communist leaders such .as] Negrin and Prieto feel that the government has been strengthened sufficiently, by moving to B&rcelofiia, to declare its independence and run the risk of Soviet Russia cutting itself off as a source of munition*, food mad other materials necessary to wage the war against Franco, Italy and the Nazis...
...k any event, the International fff* come off handsomely in this Hr0** affair, with a greater pres...
...chairman of the Law Committee of tiie Bronx County Labor Party who was appointed Special Assistant Attorney General to investigatfthe*cSges^rf frmf * fiMSsncais the merits of P.R...
...Hav-ibt given open support to authori-JiHou of an unauthorized strike, lie executive coanauttee of the hitemational having refused to awettaa the strike, and with the aramatic fashion which the sit-down Strike ended, three trouble-makers fad thaWUlMM hi a most unenviable position... in eon-fereace...
...Levy, iy prompt aetton he has smselsi so...
...tat cttrnss ef A* PA Tsm 1Z Bronx wa...
...The new Council setup reveals that the Democrats, despite their city-wide defeat, were able to place 14 men, a majority of two...
Vol. 20 • December 1937 • No. 49