Non-Partisan League starts Work for National Labor Party in Fourteen States

Non-PartisanLeagueSta rts Work for Natlohtfl^Labor Party in Fourteen States Af.ct jL Union* Qx>&*&lag With the C.LO. Everywhere—Labor Movement Lacks to Unit* in fb38 .,*o ft** thar. the...

...Corporation magnates want to pile up undistributed profits because that gives them control of other .people's money...
...It has been a resident Labor school since 1931 ami the action is due to a eornbination of causes—chiefly inadequate financial support, absorption' of unions in organization campane* aid the depression...
...PARIS.—As thousands of Italian soldiers are rushed to replace the wounded and mutilated men returning from both the Spanish and Ethiopian fronts, II Duce's secret courts are working overtime...
...The few clinics I have seen in the state are clean and inviting and look more like attractive homes than anything else...
...Bom on the West Stat af Sew York City on Jane 22, UM, the son of poor Irish immigrants, h'u father a wheelwright by trait...
...Representatives of the A. F. of L. and C. f. O. union of Maryland Save completed plans for a state convention of the League... Resume Ok November 29 Hope* of Peace Continue as CLO...
...People's Front" propaganda literally floods the big cities and is said to be responsible for the I revival of anti-fascist activity in j all parts of Italy despite the heavr sentences which follow discovery...
...Although there is an iovanced national labor code, the state code ot vora Cruz is even more pro-1 gressive...
...The t rouble with that campaign for the repeal of the profits tax," said one Congressman, "is that everyone knew right where it was...
...Paid On Monday at noon the chase} was again overfilled with man sad women who had worked witk EjJ Cassidy for many years .m tjj»} Sj| cialist Party and of late m tig Social Democratic Federation «a| in the recent forma tier, ef the American Labor Party, as wall ft members oi many aniens...
...The Big Four Tobacco companies—the chief corporation* in Bailey's state—not only cut their forces savagely during the depression, but sliced down wages until the Women's Bureau of the Department of Labor found that women tobacco workers while employed fall time had to get relief...
...Vera Cruz Mexico's City of Poor People and Their Strong Unions ======= ly HERMAH KOBBf ¦ Special to The Leader...
...Be was * leader in the nismerahis "vacation movement" to sstaehsf tile 44-bour week in 1H8...
...Mussolini's secret police are on double shifts, raiding homes, schools, offices and arresting «hun'dreds of active and daring- antifascists who have been perfecting their underground organizations to a degree hitherto unknown by the Fascist government...
...For instance, hotels and restaurants here moat pay their employees the statutory minimum liviag wage regardless of tips...
...At the Cypress Hills Cemetery) where the body was laic to rait, Joseph D. Cannon said * few werds of last farewell and leader remembrance...
...Bveh in far-away Texas Labor Party activities came to the fore...
...Imprisonment sentences ut to ten years were passed on 17 oi the group While four have beer acquitted...
...Porters fat p Axed tariff of twentyeight cants for a hand bap...
...D. C. — The peace conference between the American Federation of Labor and the Committee for Industrial Organisation will convene here in another session . next Monday...
...a progressive figure Hi W%ahliiftluii...
...Harry Rogoff, managing editor of the Forward, Nathan Chanin, educational director of the Workmen's Circle, Abraham Cahan, editor of the Forward, Saul Riffcrn, national chairman, Sarah Limbaeh, N. E. C. member of the 3. D. F...
...A stirring call to action, was sounded by the League hi Maine, as it prepared to smash the G.O.P, control of the state...
...A. P. of L Cooperates With CI...
...recently the delegates representing Utah, Wyoming and Idaho,, and U» Utah representatives set up a state CiJO...
...Beth Labor factions are represented in the League...
...Spencer Miller Jr., head of the Workers-* Education Bureau, is tjnoted a* aAnftting that the split coririhuted to the action taken by Bay State Unions Of CIO Organize Industrie...
...Tlff Crops Covered The bill as laid before the Senate deal* with fiye crop*: wheat, corn, roottonjrto^accd and rice...
...They worked without pause until dawn, when tile ear* begdp to run again...
...and in rice, quotas are fixed eh* a basis of domestic consomption...
...Aigeme* Lee, August Claessens and Jafeoj Gerber paid heartfelt tribute |» the departed comrade, and message...
...WASHINGTON, D. C—One thing is certain on Capitol Hill in this city this week...
...Council ¦ BOSTON — Several hundred delegate*, representing 125,000 members of C.I.O...
...Tai Sere to Fall Large Corporations Frustrated in Attempt to Stampede Special Session of Congress...
...He ?*» also a member of the jotot tesil union committee that directs* to* traction strike of 1916...
...funeral chapel at 43 West W& |t was crowded With priattjn KM other union men, inmadhse g delegation from the Central Trades and Labor Council, end 1ple*»Afc tk...
...Under the "unity" plan, only the candidate- getting the highest Vote at the primary lor each office will stay in the race as the- candidate of the coaiition against the Progressive choice in the finals...
...nominees in the past election...
...financed cam- j paign of Big Business in general to force the repeal of the undistributed profits tax before allowing any ot the President's program to be taken up has been smashed fiat...
...Very significant are the arrangement and appearance of the parks in this working-class city...
...There is noise, bustle, life, but I have not seen a strained or nervous face, nor heard a harsh or .domineering voice, nor seen drunkenness or rowdyism...
...Forty* five were tried during the past fivl days...
...The mehger Art for what was boomed as a "united front" of reactionaries against the ProgressiveSocial ist-Labar alliance in tb^s state offered little encouragement to the forces eager to overthrow Wisconsin's progressive administration and legislature...
...Special to The New Leader...
...The Eairway Brotherhoods, C. I. O. union and the A. f...
...Both were seato" after a 22-month fight...
...were read from toe New Tea County Committee ef the Americas Labor Party and from Norm as Thomas...
...ary foot of the groped bps been rest with pleasure...
...I MADISON, Wis.—Despite prolonged advance ballyhoo, the antiLaFoiiette "coalition" convention held here during the past week-end drew only 60 delegates and a scattering of curious observers...
...Anti-Labor Front Failure in Wisconsin Campaign Against LaFoiiette Fail* a* Conference Fizzles—Attempt Made to Rejuvenate "Unfao" Party of Father Coughlin...
...If only the workers can keep their political power, they can look forward to the future with confidence... a wonderful experience after Havana to see Vera Cruz...
...HoweveT, it is known that the dispute in Labor's ranks between the A. F. of L. and the CLO...
...The propaganda of the antifascists finds * fruitful field amonj the Italian people discontentec with the toll of life and limb ii Mussolini's Abyssinian and Spanish adventure aid of course wrtt the rise hi the cost of living created by the ton per cent capita levy, declared fey II Dace, in ordei to rathe wftr funds...
...Almost all cases now- have sc many defendants that they are spiit into various sections...
...Detroit saw action to form a Michigan unit of the League when some «f the more active unionists announced a conference to be held December 12...
...The shajS and touching burial service .of Be I.T.U...
...It appears that the recent loeaf political campaign is hack ot TSe'' unions affected by the expufaJen include the Teachers, the Metal Polishers,' Printing Pressmen, Millinery Workers, Cooks, Bifrftfai Drivers, Lithographers, Automobile Workers and . the Amalgamated Clothing Workers...
...It is true thai toe hotel was not especially clean and there Was a Heard under the wash, stand...
...quent eulogies pronoencai to Cassidy's devoted friend «t%^t^to and by Dr...
...anion local* from the Detroit and Wayne County Federation of Labor is predicted as a result of the expulsion of 14 delegate...
...It also,, in, the latter year, bad about 137,000 men On part time, usually two...
...During the trying past few year* the Verband has helped to build the S.D.F...
...The convention pledged support of Tom Mooney hod Warren K. BiUmgs and denounced the fascist nations and Japan's unwarranted attack on China...
...They're not going to gat very far With that game at any time, and they can't get any 'forrader' now *t aD...
...He charged that outsideiB wen trying to obtain control of the Federation's political policy...
...Victor A. Myers, the nominee of the C. I. O...
...The *'™ ~ ritnr m& m mutt ifj UlvVStMHfr of friends, old and young sake, party and union meetings oajy t short tiipr before and amis* "tkj same good old Sd, always sjetfvC help, ne>er leaking **C« himse-lf...
...Many energetic divisions of the League, the most active of which U to Coi-pus...
...t. In the meantime the CLO, has organized two state federations, «h in Utah and the other in Masjaaaiiiriw A three-state conferevm was heid in Salt Lake Cits...
...bat could not accept the Sebeaghs policies of the Socialist Veto...
...The state wiH he divided into crganrzation districts, each of wafta/Mft have a representative on.^e state executive committee...
...Withdrawal or severs...
...the* eve of a municipal poHtical contest, which win see the A. F. of L. backing Mayer Dore, fighting the e. f. for control of Seattle, E. L. Oliver, secretary of the League visited the West Coast City in an effort to get the Labor movement united behind a local Labor Party...
...The resolution was adopted' after John Brophy, natioas: director eif the C.I.O., made an effective speech -urging Labor to ^ulW its political strength to oak "for its local ordinances restricting the right of workers to strike and' picket, to carry signs and to distribute literature and a survey of these obstructions will be mace with the view of meeting them...
...The splendid quali, ties of endurance and courage of the Mexican workers seem to have escaped the notice of American businessmen and smart sociological writers, who almost always refer to the Mexicans as "lazy and shiftless...
...Hygienic conditions cannot, of course, be established overnight, but the federal government and the governments of the more progressive States, including Vera Cruz, are making heroic efforts, through free education and clinics, to improve the public health, and their efforts are bound to bear fruit...
...TVhen the special Fascist Tribunal for the Defense of the State which judges all political cases met in Boime this week, there were more accused than could stand in the iron barred prisoners' cage...
...Next year's poll is vitally important to Labor since many Congressmen's terms expire...
...The League forces are backing the Mayoralty candidacy of Lieutenant-Governor...
...Yes, but from a Labor ppint of view, op and coming...
...was also a factor in dosing the college...
...The carefully prepared and liberally...
...In Milwaukee fraternization betaasen toe two organizations has bam sesssrted in a local strike in wsaca me A. F- of L. is aiding CiLO, strikers in the plant of the Hairfeit Co...
...Frank X. Martel declared that the action was taken, to enforce eBscjpiin...
...We must remember that until very recently Mexico was a country of appalling illiteracy and poverty...
...Outside the windows of my hotel trolley can ran till about 1:00 a.m...
...Tkte j« the MbOr unionist's creed: "1 promts* to buy only from firms t*4W «srpky the union label, shop e*A"-and button...
...last week and the convention adopted a resolctlon favoring friendly aid to A F of L, anions and expressing hope for a united movement en a national scale...
...unions in Massachusetts, organized the Massachusetts Industrial Union Council at a tohvenfion here which closed last Sunday after adoption of a reso - lutifcai favortrrg a national convention to unite A. F. of L., C.I.O...
...the febor istoveraente of fourteen states, from Mah^toCalmJriiia, thisweek swung on the bandwagon of post-election Lahor gti^ity and organized, tmjger...
...Organise* State Cqsjajab and Dispute 155 in Detroit WASHINGTON...
...was read by Ch*-le» Q. Sutton, benefit clerk of Big Six...* aegis of the Non-Partisan Leasrae, local divisions in readiness for a National Labor Party setup . Welt important manifestation of Labor's ppllUcfl activity occurred in Decatur, Illinois, when some 160 delegates representing 45 affiliated and 30 anaffiliated organizations met in the second annual convention of the IHinqis Labor Party., j* wM interesting to note the I LP "s move in th* carettion of the tactics gradually being abandoned- ~>" the America.' Laber Party in New York State...* York Hospital, tc which H v.fef been taken in the hope of toecSt from an acute heart attack...
...An executive committee, to he hand-picked, will meet at Stevens Point, Wis., in three weeks, elect officers and establish a state-wide organization...
...iWr advocates look forward to the next session with the hope that during- the recess some headway has been made that will contribute to a reunion of the two organizatto&i...
...lit Massachusetts a State Council was organized by the CJ.O...
...Serve, 50 Year* During the fifty years Of Mf membership Cassidy served*** union in many capacities, SJ fS organiser of No...
...performed the- back-breaking task of carrying cobblestones in a wheelbarrow over tiie rough1 ground, while a second prepared the eartp, and a third hammered the stoafee Into place...
...Edward Francis Cassidy w*m to work at the age of fifteen and became a skilled hand composite...
...After "hymns of hate" were sounded by speechmakers against the Progressives, the convention closed its one-day session with the selection of a steering committee of four Republicans and four Democrats to guide the "coatition' along its rocky road...
...Men-.women and children come here for rest and play...
...cotton, control of acreage is voluntary, unless made mandatory by a twothirds voie of the growers, With tobacco, quotas are to fee established by payments .&r diverting land' to eon building crops, rather than to this most soil destructive one...
...but « visiting Socialist has a great feeling of hope...
...Tie strike has been oa tor about three weeks...
...Traditioa of Dirt False Mexican dirt is also a favorite topic of travelers...
...Certainly, they do not in the least resemble the bleak and crowded ''dispensaries'' of New York, whose very appearance is sometimes enough to make a sick man, worse, J- Buiof^ha dwrdlater...
...and joined the International Typographical Union a* soon a* he wu qualified...
...Committees 1 ere set up for a vi go robs organizi ig drive at a rally hi Lewiston...
...Ton-notch leaders of the Republican and Democratic parties shunned the convention, which voted to limit work of the "coalition" movement to uniting support behind candidates for major state offices, from Governor down, at the 1938 fall elections...
...The convention will hear reports of Benjamin Gebiner, Executive Secretary, and I. LevineShatskes for the editorial board of Der Wecker... various cities and towns of the nation...
...Mosi of the men tried last week ar« peasants and are reported to have belonged to a strong underground movement with headquarters ir Brussels, Belgium...
...The town is almost one hundred per cent unionized...
...Wont Porroaaae Returned Though clothed in glorified language, the principal aims of tfee coalitionists, it was indicated, are to seek a return to the "plum tree of jobs" and to destroy progressive labor and farm legislation passed in the last session by the controlling majority of progressive ^legislators, including those who are members of the Farmer-Labor Progressive Federation end tfee Progressive-Socialist-Labor alliance...
...Drag fa Cofhiia Leaders of the fusion movement managed to secure nominal support also of the virtually extinct Union Party in Wisconsin (the CoughlinLemke remnant) and of a splinter Progressive group known as Progressives, Inc., made up of stalwarts who had been thrown eat of the Progressive Party in Milwaukee County...
...Even bootblacks and newsboys have their "sindicatos... acting as secretary of the League which will absorb the Labor Party setup which campaigned for the CJ.O...
...Vermont's labor-liberal forces ? •re strengthened considerably ?hen the Vermont State Federation of Labor voted tp act politically and affiliated with the League...
...Some of the city streets are rough, the sidewalks are unfinished, and the water is not safe to drink...
...r,— Closing a hetf-centv.-y of hawisj serv# to (fi*^ «r*$k3 to: the cause of human pnkrpsn Edward F. i assidj died «n tunr*: (lay nlkht of last week...
...BMRI WOvOIOpS In WOTTOIT On the other hand...
...and naturally tuberculosis, syphilis and epidemic diseases took a heavy toll...
...It is being pointed opt to Senator Bailey that the corporations were entirely "free to furnish jobs" during the Hoover administration...
...The convention reversed the previous isolationist policy of {be party and revised the constitution to permit endorsement of any candidate on any other party ticket...
...More trials are expected righl through to the end of the year for the Ovra—political police'—have ii recent Weeks been drawing uj plans for further raids and a complete roundup of "sjebversive elements' all over the country...
...0. The Indiana state organization of Labor's Non-Partisan League was expanded at a conference of 99 trade union leaders in Indianapolis...
...Tile League was placed on a permanent basis and lines were laid for a drive in tfce 1938 Congressional elections to eliminate antiiabor members"of Congress...
...Jewish Socialist Verband Meeting Opens inPittsb'h The thirteenth national convention of the Jewish Socialist Verband, an affiliate of the Social Democratic Federation, opened in Webster Hall Hotel, Pittsburgh, on Thursday and will be in session to November 28...
...Peoce Pervodes Earthquake and revolution have recently left their scars, but the poorest man in -the street peases with quiet dignity...
...Alan Strachan of the U.A.W.A...
...Of course, wages is Vara Cruz axe still very low, hot labor conditions have improved consistently since the revolution...
...As a sop to these organizations, and in an attempt to show a wider coalition, the convention also named a representative of the Union Parts/ and another of Progressives, Inc., to the steering committee...
...Christi, are reported...
...In New York State it is reported that Brookwood Labor College has closed its doors indefinitely...
...A good deal of amusement is expressed in some quarters en the Hill at the plea of Senator Bailey of North Carolina for the government to stop taxing corporations and leave them "free to furnish jobs...
...anq fifty-six cants fttr * trunk from ship to stotion, thus netting a EP°d deal mere than the red cap in New York...
...AfofL-C10, Peace Parle...
...Look *o IfAO Another change in the Constitution permits action within the old party primaries as irtH as accepting- affiliation of farm, fraternal and other groups except political parties...
...John L. Ewa^ iSo had been closely acquaints* jjgjk him for years in the direction si the School for Apprentices napxtained jointly bjr the un^en IS the master printers...
...The national headquarters of the League reports strenuous efforts in every state in the country to prepare a political organization which will be able to swing into action in the 1938 elections...
...As a lad of sixteen, Cassidy 0 "Jknmie *^\ggj"f work" in J&ff Henry George campaign ef ia«% and he was active to toe AAhr Poverty qpejaty Ud hp Fatjtoi Mp Glynn for the neat three years «/ became a convinced SooUlist...
...Provision is made for acreage control of all TBfcevWHh wheat,»corh efid...
...The administration farm hill has been reported by the Agricultural Committees of both Senate and House...
...constructive role in both bodies^e was organiser iexpsuti** •*** rotary, as we would new »*f'Jf Local Sew York from 1W uato 1911, and made a tear tional organieaaion to 191* a*# was honored with toe partye naUon for Mayor in 1909 and M* President of the Beard of Aidermen, with Morris Hiltojsit «<* Mayor, in 1917...
...5^ f On Sunday evening Typographical Union No...
...The A. R of L. union is a local of the Uphetetarsrs International...
...Three years later Cassidy •» candidate for Governor on M tickets of the SodaUst Party iff of the short-lived Farmar-L*|»l Party of that period Twiee m*to he was a Socialist standatd-***Jp —for Aldertnan in his district * 1927 and lor 0o*o«fb Preaideto » 1929...
...Cassidy heartily approsai tto decision ef the New T#rk Democratic Federaties .# fltfo» * its lot wish the American LAI Party that was founded in the W* rammer of last year, and 0...
...but the place was no dirtier than many a hotel in small American towns, and much cleaner than some...
...6 paid...
...A as a field worker throughout the East i* the long boycott which ejoae;h> thf Butterick firm to terms, a* ssjjsfji of the local executive for several terms, as delegate to the New task Centrsl Trade and Labor Conned and to national conventions ef ai* I.T.U., a* vice-president ef Bisfe in 1908 to 1910, and as forth...
...Edward F. (testy Is Laid to Rest In His 70th Ye* Union Brt*ne* and f^y CoBanam Mourn a Man Who Prom the Age of It Gave Unseffist &VeB& to the Cause...
...By ttCIMtO LLOYD Special to The Mm* Leader...
...days or less F~ ?eefc...
...The resohition also pledged supA F. of L. workers in any struggles in which they may engage ana nrvrtea tne same ?br<itheriy cooperation" of A. F. of L.- unions...
...of L. participated actively and pledged support...
...of Antifascists Continue as the Anger Against Mussolini Rises in Italy...
...Party, and along with n»an| tfm wprkingroen he found hij WW « activity in the Social ReJM*63» from 1893 to In iSWMjT came a member of the SenaSfl Party, and rendered :t i»Jw service until 198fi, when 1&W%M his lot as a matter of ceajfft to** the democratic Soeialists HkaH r«sd out of the party bf JgSg Thomas at the nations: sea**** in Cleveland...
...and hardly had the last ear been put to bed when a gang of workers arrived and proceeded to toe heavy work of paving the street...
...Big Business Drive To Kill Profits...
...Conventions are to a* held in the other two ****** Jafer...
...Vionpr-t» tsamemort of the man * nc had Mfcso much for It *nd wm as JMw and trusted by its rssasheta...
...It Duce's Secret Police Continue Terrorism Raid* and Beating...
...It will be instructed to weik out a coalition slate of candidates within 90 days prior to the fall primaries in 1938...
...The United States Steel Corporation furnished 284,000 men full time jobs in 1929, and less than 19,000 men foil time jobs in 1932...
...coming from...
...In 19X9 he was elected to J» Board of Aldermen from toe *** Harlem district, hot wa* cess** out, as was Algernon La* » tto eighth district...
...VERA CRUZ, Mexico.—f...
...sad %j*e railway unions of the nation hrKs one organized movement...
...Benjamin Gebiner and Julius Weisberg will address the convention...
...In a restricted space equal to one small city black, fa* instance, there is a fine central fountain surrounded with comfortable benches shaded §jr $t%* ornamental shrwbs...

Vol. 20 • November 1937 • No. 48

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