Many States to Participate In Social Democratic Meet AtPittsburghNext Weekend

Many States to Participate In Social Democratic Meet AtPittsburghNext Weekend Grave Questions Await Actions by Union Officials Cincinnati Conference Called by Federation for Monday to Launch...

...within the C.I.O...
...Max Raskin of Milwaukee and Harry Miller of Kenosha, the two Wisconsin members of the N.E.C., urged approval of that body of a resolution offered by Local Milwaukee, the gist of which is a declaration that: "It is the duty of progressive forces in the Labor Movement—both in the CIO and A. F. of L.—to strive to preserve unity of labor in such a manner that it will be possible to organize the workers in mass production plants along industrial lines, while preventing wasteful and exhausting conflicts where craft unions are functioning successfully...
...Southern manufacturers have been paying small wages and working their help long hours for years.*' ¦reader Bill Also Planned In much-belated recognition of this fact, a number of northern textile manufacturers are said to he urging tbe United Textile Workers to push their plan to organise tbe southern industrial districts...
...It is rumored in well-informed ordes here that the warning was Are-ted at those locals which are «»trolled by extreme left-wingers...
...While Franco's General Mola, leading German and Italian troops, is making a bloody graveyard of Biscay by his smashing drive on Bilbao, Dr...
...ssnliuiisaoj Strikes Scored Trouble appeared on the horizon tor the young auto workers' union sad its leaders when Martin an-¦oraced that the union would not sspport say unauthorized strikes polled on the General Motors Corporation, with which the union has i contract...
...fy GEORGE L. knapp WASHINGTON, D. C — President Roosevelt, who often refers to himself as the "quarter-back" of the Federal government team, has called the signals for a slashing and sustained attack to put the New Deal over the goal line...
...In the mass production industries, the new techniques of production, the disappearance of special skills, the elimination of sharply drawn craft lines-all these demand that the workers in the mass production industries be organized on an industrial union basis...
...The companies consented to an election by secret ballot' to be conducted by the National Labor Relations Board for the purpose of determining the collective bargaining agency desired by the employees of J. J. Harrington & Co., New York Veal and Mutton, and United Dressed Beef, which are all subsidiaries of Swift & Co...
...It was the Chicago resolution which drove Henry Ohl, President of the Wisconsin Federation of Labor and for many years an active member of the Socialist Party, to resign from the party rather than stultify himself as a union man...
...Special to The New Leader DETROIT.—The big guns of the pnited Auto Workers and the vast (grpcrate organization of Henry fed were trained upon each other 0§ week as Homer Martin, presi-Jg of the Auto Workers, readied IS forces preparatory to the drive | organize the 150,000 workers in Oe Ford plants...
...And this, too, he said, would be done "with Presidential approval...
...The history of our union is a shining example of the wisdom and necessity for having one union in an industry so that there may be no conflicts of jurisdiction, no confusions of counsel and no dissipation of energies...
...Evidently, Mr... helping to initiate and in affiliating- our union with the C.LO...
...Will Unify All Annies New "Win-the-War" Cabinet Is Headed by Dr...
...Boston manufacturers," said Mr...
...Greetings were wired to James Oneal...
...Hopkins Plans to Drop Half Million From Relief Rolls President Stands Pat on . Demands for $1,500,000 Appropriation—Ten Billions Already Spent for Relief...
...Louis and Kansas City at the convention in Pittsburgh on May 29, 30 and 81...
...A special BSSttnf, was called to decide upon i coarse of strategy to offset the "Fordisms...
...He declared that he and his committee will report favorably a bill for maximum hours and minitrann wages in all industries, with abolition of child labor...
...This was the statement made here on Tuesday by David Dubinsky, president of the I.LXS.W.U., upon his return from the Atlantic City convention of his organization...
...They are opposed to Homer Martin *sd a stiff fight is expected by his *|*Pporters in the coming convention late in August... organizing the workers in the automobile and steel industries, the victorious organizations that have been built up ia so short a time in these industries because the workers were given the opportunity to organize into industrial unions, is the best proof that induct rial unions are most adaptable to the needs of the workers in the mass production industries...
...WASHINGTON, D. C. — Public relief still looms as a major unsolved puzzle in Congress...
...since its formation...
...Finns Will Be There FITCHBURG...
...Connery did not stop with the textile industry, however...
...The convention will be held over Decoration Day week-end — May 29, 30, and 31—enabling many visitors to participate in a history-making gathering that will give Alto Union Men Ready to Open Drive on Ford Biggest Job of Its Career Looms for U.A.W.A...
...The status of those unions which are affiliated with the Committee for Industrial Organization and have been suspended on that account, as well as measures to be taken, if any, for settlement of the controversy and restoration of these unions to full membership in the A. F. of L. will be one of Prieto Plans Wide Offensive...
...Education and Hygiene — Jesus Hernandez, Communist...
...Dubinsky was anxious to have his union's position clearly understood...
...He is strongly supported by the most powerful labor group in Spain, the Socialist, U.G.T...
...PROVIDENCE.—The democratic Socialists of Rhode Island will be represented at Pittsburgh by M. Rothenberg of this city...
...The Massachusetts branches of the Finnish Socialist Federation will have at least one delegate at the Pittsburgh convention...
...Nearly 40 such walk-»»U have occurred since the agree-nent that ended the six-weeks' CJt strike earlier in the year was ngoed...
...Foreign Affairs—Jose Giral Pe-reira, Left Republican...
...Dubinsky pointed out that the I.L.G.W.U...
...Interior — Julian Zugazagoita, Socialist...
...President Green's reply to statements made by John L. Lewis at Atlantic City...
...realizing tkat the very life of any labor or-Haixation depends upon how well that organization keeps its agreements...
...It is expected ttst a strong left-wing bloc will ¦fht Martin for the presidency of the union, despite Lewis' endorse-nmt of Martin and his policies...
...Connery made his statement in his home district in Massachusetts, and declared: "Every manufacturer in New England as well as every employee should be for the minimum wage and maximum hour bill for tbe textile industry, because it will take care of unfair southern competition...
...A subcommittee of the Labor Committee is considering a change to a 40-honr week and a $15 minimum wage...
...The inspiring success of the C.I.O...
...and the settlement of the first really threatening conflict with the C.I.O...
...the decision of the G.E.B...
...The Wisconsin members came and saw, but they did not conquer...
...Objective Is AFL-CtO...
...He •tressed the importance of every aombar of the U.A.W.A...
...Your committee wishes to submit to this convention for its approval and adoption the following statement concerning this subject: "1...
...The whole program — labor, farmers, courts — is involved...
...A dramatic incident on the last day of the Ladies' Garment Workers' convention in Atlantic City was the reading of the following telegram from William Green, President of the American Federation of Labor: "I was amazed when I read the report of the address delivered by President Lewis of the United Mine Workers of America at the convention of the International' Ladies' Garment Workers' Union yesterday, which quoted him as saying that I had demanded that Governor Murphy of Michigan 'not permit Dubinsky Asserts ILGWU...
...In other words, these manufacturers have learned that fair play pays everybody but tbe chisellers, and that unions are needed to insure fair play...
...Our union has always stood for industrial unionism...
...and the Committee for Industrial Organization, but added tost the union was fully prepared to wage a long and expensive battle against the Ford company...
...Before July 1, it was discovered, the government will have paid out ten billion dollars to provide doles and jobs since the depression began...
...At the conference at which this action was taken, which was presided over by Samuel Levenberg, it was dicided also to hold a state convention in Boston, at which tbe delegate to the National Convention will report and a permanent state organization will be formed...
...More than twice the amount would have been needed to cover adequately all of the jobless...
...Jennie Dornblum, H. Levinson, and Sonica Teitelman were chosen as delegates to the national convention at Pittsburgh...
...Will Wipe Out Dissension Negrin has vowed to smash all attempts of Anarchists and disguised Fascists to create dissension and hurt the campaign of, the Loyalist armies...
...The first objective of the union's Irive against Ford will be the figantic Rouge River plant on the outskirts of Detroit, which employs jver 90,000 men...
...Public Works and Communications—Bernardo Giner de los Rios, Republican Union...
...or General Union of Labor... bring about a united labor movement...
...In this connection be expressed satisfaction at the fact that the I.L.G.W.U...
...Agriculture — Vincente Uribe, Communist...
...WASHINGTON, D. C—By direction of the executive council of the American Federation of Labor, President Green and Secretary Morrison have called a meeting of representatives of affiliated national and international unions, together with members of the executive council, to be held in Cincinnati on Monday, May 24...
...The Armour concern is known as the New York Butchers...
...gave logical expression to the past history and the present life of our union...
...PHILADELPHIA.—At a meet-ing of Local Philadelphia, held at the Labor Educational Center on May 18, Henry Berger, David Braginsky, Mrs... Ford Battles for Control of 150,000 Workers...
...lO workers in this city will be ffljsged in a campaign to bring into the union their relatives and Mends who may be working in the bra plants...
...Largo Caballero's Cabinet...
...It is felt that the outstanding figure of the day is Mr...
...Ford on Offensive Ford tried to beat the union in getting propaganda before his men through the now famous card lists, ¦ series of "Fordisms," in an attempt to get in the first blow...
...In this connection, it is worth1 recalling that the sub-committee of the House Appropriations Committee slashed the proposed relief appropriation half a billion dollars, and that the full committee put back the $500,000,000 thus cut out without delay and almost without debate...
...Illinois Delegates Named CHICAGO.—The English-speaking branch of the Social Dent...
...etwn, it will be granted the right to bargain collectively for all f^Ployeeg...
...This agreement stipulates that 3.000 workers will vote Friday, *»y 21, to determine whether the <nrion shall have sole collective -*rgaining right* in the Swift and Armour companies...
...The decision of the G.E3...
...One "Fordism" stated that "We Kit* sever had to bargain against obi nas and we don't expect to bcgkanr...
...The vote will start at *»'clock in the afternoon and con-e»de at 8:30...
...Peace Expresses Satisfaction That Convention Vested Executive Board With Full Power to Deal With the Situation...
...Joseph Belsky, international vice-gyrient of- the Amalgamated ¦** Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America, said that this was the first agreement ever reached with Swift and Armour companies...
...The new cabinet marks a radical departure, since it is the first cabinet since the revolt flared up nearly a year ago which does not contain Largo Caballero and Alvarez del Vayo...
...It would undoubtedly mean throwing this great reservoir of people on the Week's High Spots In Evolution of AFL.-CI0...
...Cohen has been selected to represent the Jewish Verband branches in St...
...The text of the statement, which was approved by a unanimous vote of the convention, is here printed in full for the first time: "In conjunction with the Guiltal Executive Board and the resolutions presented to this convention, your committee has also considered the elbqaenz adtkesses H&de...
...Many States to Participate In Social Democratic Meet AtPittsburghNext Weekend Grave Questions Await Actions by Union Officials Cincinnati Conference Called by Federation for Monday to Launch Organization Drive and Consider C.I.O...
...In thus Joining the C.I.O., the G.E.B...
...They also proposed to eliminate the provision for "Socialist Leagues" with the unions... assist morally and financially the campaign of organization among the textile workers under the direction of the Textile Workers' Organizing Committee—these are but two examples of our eagerness to give all the help within our power to the great movement for organizing the workers in the mass production industries...
...Our anion nevertheless has done all in its power at every stage in the history and development of the C.I.O...
...Wisconsin Socialists, who have thus far clung to the national party organization headedby Norman Thomas, made a valiant but futile effort at Philadelphia last week-end to get this national executive committee to reverse the action by which the party's- recent convention at Chicago committed it wifhout reservation to a party of splitting the Labor Movement and of forming "cells" on the Communist model within all local unions...
...Our union has contributed unstintingly and unsparingly of time and effort and money...
...National Defense — Indalecio Prieto, Socialist...
...Immediately after the subcommittee in the House cut off half a billion dollars from the relief appropriation the money was tacked right on by the full committee, leaving relief just where the President wanted it...
...In fact, they got no support from other members...
...Outstanding features of the week's news in connection with the conflict between the American Federation of Labor and the Committee for Industrial Organization are the failure of a Wisconsin attempt to get the (Thomasite) Socialist national executive to declare for peace in the Labor Movement...
...AS of toe 200,000 organised trade interna here have been--called upoB to aid in tbe show-down ttmggle with the only large manu-tetorer of cars not yet signed up no the automobile workers' union...
...Juan Negrin, Socialist...
...Your committee approves of all of the activities of President Dubinsky and the G.E.B...
...The Cabinet list follows: Premier and Minister of Economics—Dr...
...If the Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America, an •flUiste of the American Federa-°g Of Labor, wins the N.L.R.B...
...It was Prieto who built the air forces into the mighty weapon which turned back the ItalRepresentation of Whole East and Middle West Is Assured, With Some From South and Far West —More Expected...
...general executive board has been vested by the convention with full power to .act in this matter...
...Administration pressure and Relief Administrator Hopkins' firm insistence on the need of the larger amount were the compelling factors...
...The possibility of a meat strike in the packing center was averted 01 an agreement entered into be-tween the Amalgamated Meat Cotters and Butcher Workmen of North America and the Swift and Armour companies...
...Frank Passovoy and M. L. Polin, formerly of Baltimore, will represent the Illinois State organization...
...Justice—Manuel Irujo, Basque Nationalist...
...Prior to the Wagner Act, these slaughter houses had company unions which were recently disbanded...
...Threat to Labor A cut to one billion dollars would mean arbitrarily dropping 1,150,000 of those now living on government relief and who have no other means of securing a livelihood...
...Labor—Jaime Ayguade, Catalan Left Republican...
...has sought to act as peacemaker from the very beginning of tbe unfortunate conflict in the family of labor, and declared t%at it will continue to work in that direction...
...The total number living on government doles and projects is 2,255,000...
...Your committee approves most heartily the action of the G.E.B...
...The new cabinet has rejected the policies of the Anarcho-Syndicalists and is conducting an energetic cleanup campaign to unite all forces behind the "Win-the-War Cabinet" which was selected after the Communists had refused to support Largo Caballero and his demands to unite the war, air, and marine ministries and the premiership in one portfolio...
...Martin admitted that it was tar biggest task yet faced by the U.A.W.A...
...He deplored the fact that the resolution adopted by the convention on the CXO...
...William P. Connery of Massachusetts, chairman of the Labor Committee of the House, has given public notice that his committee will report for passage, "with Presidential approval," a bill to establish a minimum wage of $18 and a standard working time of 35 hours a week in the textile industry...
...Martin said the union mifot contend that Ford had violated the Wagner Act...
...Juan Negrin, the newly chosen premier, is moving rapidly with strong popular support to smash the sabotage of extremists which has handicapped the republican government...
...Arrangements have bean made for their personal comfort and for the efficient functioning of the convention, which is to unite the state organizations, local groups, and individuals who were forced out of the militant-controlled Socialist party, or who left H because of its espousal of direct-action policies, admission of Communists, sanctioning of united front activities...
...The Jewish Verband branch is sending Harry E. Cohen, Leon Hanock, and Benjamin Katz and the German branch will also have one or more delegates...
...S. Z. Lorber, end Pater Sissman as its delegate* to the national convention...
...The reference to the Sooth ex* plains itself, and that to Maine can be understood in tbe light of tbe shoe workers' strike...
...His offensive against the union drive «U countered by Martin's threat to accuse Ford of attempting to httbaidate his employees... tax our membership $1 for tbe steel organizing drive and the prompt and enthusiastic payment of that tax by our membership...
...Connery, "should be protected against unfair competition provided by manufacturers in Maine, tbe South, and Missouri...
...This is the largest Industrial unit in the world...
...The new Foreign Minister was Premier last August and early September and Minister without portfolio in Mr...
...Federation in this «tty ens chosen D. Gertler, Dr...
...BOSTON.—Leo Mel tier, secretary-treasurer of the provisional organisation of the Social Democrats of Massachusetts, has been elected to represent the State at the Pittsburgh Convention...
...Prieto, Spain's leading Social-Democrat, whose new post combines the former Ministries of War, Air and Marine...
...Contest Thomas Party Stands Pat for Schism—-Green Answers Lewis-—Knhgoods Jurisdiction Dispute Settled... this convention at Wednesday's session by Brother John, L. Lewis, chairman of the Committee for Industrial Organisation, and at the session of the convention of Wednesday of the first week by Brother Matthew Woll, vice-president of the American Federation of Labor, and the telegram of President William Green, received by President Dubinsky this morning (May 14...
...Connery is net "sold" oh this plan, and he is confident that the original figures wHl be restored...
...But hi speaking of Missouri, Connery was probably thinking of former Sen-antor James A. Reed of that state, whose present wife runs a garment manufactory which is reported to pay very low wages...
...These are the figures set down in the Ellenbogen bill as introduced early in the session...
...We knew and made abundantly clear to tbe labor moveStrike Averted in Meat Industry- 3,000 Will Vote Agreement With Swift and Armour Companies Calls for Decision on Sole Bargaining Rights for American Federation of Labor Union in New York City...
...IIow woefully inadequate even ,*nis figure is can be realized from results obtained in private investigations by several liberal and progressive senators of the entire unemployment situation...
...Negrin — Caballero and Del Vayo Out Special to The New Leader VALENCIA...
...Martin told the press that the ¦non would live up to its contracts isd maintain its reputation...
...President Starts Drive for Legislation On Hours, Wages and Child Labor Ban House Labor Committee Backs Laws for Improving Work Conditions— Drive On for Whole Deal Program...
...question was garbled in the newspapers, and expressed a desire that it be printed in extenso...
...He added: ."I am happy to say that both of these companies have cooperated fully with our organization and am confident that we will get an overwhelming majority of the vote...
...but at the present writing, labor seems to be carrying the ball...
...The International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union will seek to utilise every practical opportunity to help bring peace between the American Federation of Labor and the Committee for Industrial Organization...
...Convention Pleas PITTSBURGH.—With the con-vention of democratic Socialist*, to open here at Hotel Webster Ball, a week off, convention delegates and visitors are assured a hearty welcome...

Vol. 20 • May 1937 • No. 21

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