Garment Workers Grapple With Problem of Jobbers
Garment Workers Grapple With Problem of Jobbers Jaoibers of Uw International [•jpi' (jarnient Workeri' Union in B city ore faced with presaing Sanitation and trade problem* JSjJ, „re at...
...bill No...
...691, based upon the recommendation* of President CoolidgO in hi* message to Congrats which provide* for the registering, photographing and finger-printing of the foreignbom worker*, like criminal*, and Wherea...
...J. Effrat, Business Manager...
...Without such a guarantee there is [Bl assurance that a jobber might not engage in the beginning of t h e seatea store contractors than what he actually require* and make them all ro hah* idle so s* to keep up the same old competition between shop sad shop...
...March 29, at the 7 lit Regi- at Armory, 34th street and Park iue...
...Thi* recommendation i* amuting to those who recall that not a single organization affiliated with the national industrial conference board has dealings with the trade union in that industry...
...CAN'T-STRIKE" LAW WOULD BE REVIVED The nation's large employing interest* have not abandoned effort* to handcuff labor to its work...
...The tint point," lays President fjgmsn, "involves thi* very question ft leaking the jobber responsible for g p | condition* to the workers and tbtir organisation...
...Elaborate arrangement* have been made for a splendid program which will include a flying post...
...Be it prevented from giving them up in the midst of the season and tngkging other contractors to do or complete his work...
...Tke officials of the union, including H. I..' Hammer, Chairman...
...Minneapolis Labor Protests Registration Minneapolis.—Vigorous opposition to proposed national legislation requiring the registration and fingerprinting of foreign-born worker*, wss voiced by the Minneapolis Trades and Labor assembly in a recent resolution...
...Garment Workers Grapple With Problem of Jobbers Jaoibers of Uw International [•jpi' (jarnient Workeri' Union in B city ore faced with presaing Sanitation and trade problem* JSjJ, „re at present engrossing the • E t o n of the grester part of the ?%esident Morris Sigman has parted a discussion ha the organiC concerning the causes and posfjUa effect* of a program drawn join* General Executive Board to Jptt th* titnation which, it appears, {rapidly approaching a statu* aMeh will demand well-defined and isjtsd action on t h e part of t h e gjsrnbers of t h e union... report for 1923 issued by the Center Indicates the Urge scale on which the institution is carrying on its work...
...What does thi* point demand ? *lt tpeake of limiting the number ' af tub-manufacturer* and contracttrs that a jobber may employ...
...2900 likewise pending before Congret* provides tor th* scrutiny by government potenti*I lauiUtrrasU ia their own countries before allowing them to enter this country, and Where**, thia legislation weald violate our American tradition el freedom of asylum to political refugee*, and Whereas, since the foreign-born workers now in this country ware invited to come to this land and make their homes here under American conditions of equality and justice, it would be an unpardonable betrayal of trust to now create legislation that would make them a aubject claaa, snd Where*i, thi* Initiation would create a subject class differing but little from chattel sJsvery...
...The Health Center has a welltWppod building at 181 East •**enteenth street, where expert i**dical advise and treatment Is «n to the worker* at unusually leo»U...
...a subjection, which, in the Civil war, thousand* of men laid down their live* to abolish one* and for all, and Whereas, by means of thi* legislation, the employer* hope to cow into pubraissiou by the threat of deportation and separation from their families, the...
...Union Health Center Will Hold Dance the Union Health Center, the valuable medical and dental clinic •••ducted for the workers, in the **m»n'* garment Industry, will hold *» entertainment and ball on Satur...
...Those desiring to enroll so that they may be able to take part In Meeting can do so under the following terms: Initiation fee,' for new members,' including first months dues, 92.60...
...1, I. J. W. U., 6s Tuesday, March 18, 1924, at 8 •put,, in Beethoven Hall, No...
...Th* Dental Department income for 1923 wss $59,117.63 and the expenae* $54,661.00...
...program, prMident Sigman point* out, is to jSst upon th* jobber*, "in whose fiji 1)** the wealth of the in dsrtry,'' their proper responsibility „ tb* industry and to t h e members if the union...
...Jewelry Workers to Discuss Demands A mats meeting of all Platinum and Gold Jewelers in this city will beheld, by Local No...
...It is to cover thit deficit, largely, that th* affair i* being held...
...Julius G. Cohen, President...
...Many of these employers are maintaining hand-picked company "unions" in their establishments, and it is presumed that this i* the sort of an "effective and representative" organization these employers will' favor in conjunction with a law to prohibit workers from quitting their employment...
...Prominent speakers are to adVest thit meeting...
...Without such a guarantee there can Sever bo control itiNndustey, even Wthe jobber it prevented from em•eying more than a Certain given Bumber of contractors each season...
...A general strike committee of twenty-five will also be elected at thia meeting, A settlement committee will likewise be chosen...
...All workers in the trsde, who are *et at present enrolled as members, , r * urged to enroll before the 18th...
...Continuing, President Sigman MM: "But how can this be made certam— this limiting of the number of contractors to be engaged hy a jobber so that he might not purposely designate too many contributors tseh seasons in order to keep up the murderous competition and the playing up of the workers of one •hop against the workers of the ether T "To thi* we, reply with the second point on our program, the point which guarantee* t h e workers a detail* number of weeks of labor durlag the year...
...Enrollments can be "•de at the office, Room 71 :i, World •sliding, 63 Park Row, city...
...210 East Fifth s t r e e t , city...
...Reinstatement fee for old mem- St, including first months dues, 00...
...A splendid time is assured to all who a t tend...
...The Medical Department income for 1923 was $27,270.42...
...What particular evil in the industry doe* it than purport to sbolish ? In brief, |t mtan* that at the beginning of tseh season each jobber should fix tk* number of sub-manufacturers he Bttndt to employ during that seasja in accordance with t h e number at garments he intend* to market, nets tub-msnufacturers are to Sjek* up these garmenta for him...
...As an added attraction at the dance, Dorsha and her pupils will appear, the arrangentents committee has announced...* expense* $28,933.96, creating a deficit of $1,663.54...
...This is indicated in a statement issued by the national industrial conference board, which represents a score of anti-union organizations...
...a Surplus of $4,640.62 waa used for additional equipment...
...Bonnaz Embroiderers' Ball March 15th The annual ball of the Bonnaz Embroiderers' Union, Local 66, of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, will be held March 15 at the Park Palace, 110th street and 5th Avenue...
...js» crux of the union...
...Although history in the Middle Ages' records numberless attempts to aet wages and prices by law, and hold workers to their task, the board now says that the Kansas court "hat been a novel experiment, suggestive Ss a guide for future effort to meet a complex and difficult problem...
...The board recommends that the Kansas court "be based upon and built up of the machinery and processes of voluntary private collective bargaining, developed through effective and representative group organization...
...B* enrolling now they will svold t n» rush at the hall on the night •f tha meeting...
...This meetbig will take up for consideration snd a vote, the following questions: A demand upon the employers ia the trade of: twenty per cent ineresie in wages for all workers, no discharge, after four weeks, equal distribution of work, time and oneself for all overtime, abolition of piect work, elimination of boarders from shops, limitation of apprentice...
...The probability of such legislation being extended to cover native-born workers was also stressed...
...Of course, thi* guarantee mutt be arranged with a view to the condition* in industry, but it must be arranged, nevertheless...
...The ball is for the benefit of the sick fund...
...Discussion will se allowed from the floor before the *ote la taken on the demands...
...Cleaners and Dyers Will Draw Demands The Cleaners and Dyers .Union •/ill hold s general meeting Monday, March 17, in the Forward Hall, at which the committee which has worked out a program or improving the conditions of the workers in the industry will give its report The demands, as drawn by the committee, will be presented to the meeting and then to the employers in the industry...
...The rcsiilut.ilm followt: Wherets, there I* now pending In Congress, bill No...
...The board announces that after a year's study it has reached the conclusion that the Kansas industrial relations court has not received a clear test, either legally or practically...
...Only member* of the union will to allowed to vote at this meeting...
...The chief postmaster will be Nathan Riesel, secretary of the local and he will be assisted by Celia Silver, J. Jaffe, Sydney Chaitin, A. Pocholsky, Morris Fishman...
...foreign-bornworker* who are a aiajority in •uch basic industries, »iiph a* mining, textiles, leather, and meat packing and thu* prevent their being organized into union* *nd going out on 11 ike, and Whereas, thia legialation would enable the employer* to pit the foreign-born workers against th* organized native-born, and thu* lower the standard of living of all workers, therefore be it Resolved, that the Minneapolis Trade* and Labor assembly, do vigorously pretast against this propetod un-American tofringement upon tha right* of million* of our ovulation, who in their daily endeavors have become an inseparable part of our American life, and discrimination against whom will disastrously react upon the economic welfare of the common people a* a whole, and be it further Re*o)ved, that we call upon our governmental representatives and officials to use their influence to defeat this vicious legialation...
...Te thi* mu»t be added the sum of $5,339 48 spent for additional equipment, making a total deficit of $7,008.02...
...and D. Huffman, Secretary, have issued a statement urging a big attendance...
...The resolution points out the danger of such legislation, stating that anti-union employer* hope by mean* of the finger-printing and registration system to threaten foreign-born workers with deportation if they attempt to organize into labor unions...
...Friends of the Health Cen••r are giving freely of their efforts "Make the dance a great success...
Vol. 1 • March 1924 • No. 9