Bourgeoise Bedtime Stories
DRAM A Gallic Shylock 'U MarchandDe Venue," the Best Presentation of Shakespeare's Comedy, Gender, at At Jolson's Theatre, By far the beet presentation ef "The I Meeabaat of STaniee,"...
...they choose together, and are together foiled, in a icene that U for the first time truly dramatic...
...rather we li»t*n to a *hsrp I voiee that covers contempt and hatred, j nuking thfl character a smaller figure 1 than our English actresses do...
...person—somehow detaching the moments of extravagant burlesque from the picture of the man's real suffering...
...Moore, and Linda Cation Arnie...
...Yet the play remains the best presentation of "The Merchant of Venice," In what respects...**» are comparatively, rare oecaiionf when tho language lifts to continued and genuine beauty...
...Folichinelle," by Rachmaninoff, "Valse.Ecentrie," by Lieglign,, and a ballet with th* entire company...
...his call for' Jessica eohoe* from afar, and when h* rushes out in agony at the dUcovery of her flight, th* crowd comes on, surge* around him mockingly, and Anally rags him and bullies him »nd bustles him off...
...den, when the "Greenwich Village Follies" will move from th« ghubsr...
...Lionel Barryhiore in "Laugh, Clown, Laugh," will com* to the Bronx December 1. HOPE HAMPTON hi a new film, "The Price of o Party," mining to tk* Games, Hunduy... tha French version, Shylock, with a group of his Jewish brethren, is being taunted by two Christian* when Tubal comes in with the new* of Antonio'* disaster, and the Christian* supply a fact about tha daughter which the Jew balance* with * fact about the ships...
...Thentre, Mikhail Mordkin, the noted Russian dancer, supported by his own company, which numbers such classical dancers, as Mine...
...the figure of the black Moroccan grow* ferodlou* as never before...
...we can sympathii* with him and feel that he is a re...
...The new winter numbers of the "Greenwich Village Follies" includ* among the players, Moran and Mack, George Itascly, Dorothy Neville, Keen* Twins, Lutlmilla, Matie Clifton and Billie De Rex, Toto and Don Barclay Owen Davis' uLatybones," at Bronx Opera House Owen Davis' play, "Lasybone^," dlreet from its run at the Vanderbllt Theatre, comes Monday bight to the Bronx Opera House, for a week's engagement...
...we see their jealousy...
...In the general effect produced by consummate acting of every player,, by the most intelligent staging, and by a condensation of the, play that, instead of devitalizing it as do our own Beting versions, heightens and concentrate* its dramatic power...
...Thi* treatment ot th* Jew makes Shylock'* desire for vengeance more readily comprehensible...
...Lueien Nepoty, who hn* adapted the play in French, brings the two rivals on the stage together...
...Other player* in (he excellent cast are Elisabeth Patterson, Elsie Ri*er, Charles Cahlll Wilson, Jonu Adair, Willard Robertson, Jenn Mai-, Allen II...
...Setnyonova and M. Arshansky...
...Another improvement on the English acting version is in the scene where Tubal tell* Shylock first of l i s daughter'* extravagance, then of Antonio's losses, alternating his story so a* to shift the emotions of th* Jew...
...George Abbott and Martha-Bryan Allen have the chief roles...
...When Jessica elopes, instead of escaping into a lonely night, ther* i* a group of merrymaking Venetian* under her window celebrating her escape: when Shylock return*, they spy on him...
...Nor was Vi«ra Karttiky'* Portia, gracious...
...yet there hsve •he»n Shylock* as individually luesassfal— in that we yield to non...
...J; T. S Mordkin Joins Greenwich Village Follies at Winter Garden The winter opening o f the Greenwich Village Follies will take plae* on Monday night, at the Winter Gar...
...Mordkin has arranged a special program for the premier*, on Monday, which will include his Ittllan dance by Saint-gaens...
...DRAM A Gallic Shylock 'U MarchandDe Venue," the Best Presentation of Shakespeare's Comedy, Gender, at At Jolson's Theatre, By far the beet presentation ef "The I Meeabaat of STaniee," front e»«rj[ poiaiblt standpoint, that I have *vgi'*'s*«B, I i* that now f iven by (Jemier and the Otjeon Compfcny at the Al Jeijon The- i atr...
...Shake- i speare's poetry, naturally, it not nar- j rled over into the French...
...The play opens at Belmont, with Portia awaiting her suitors, Instead of having Aragon come in, select a casket, and depart, to be followed by the Prince of Morocco in the nine weak episodic fashion... th* court scene, too, Christian and Jewish spectators ere balanced against one an other, with addon value...
...This add* to th* dramatic effectiveness of th* presentation, The handling of th* groups is, Indeed, one of the ehitf sources of Increased pleasure... she wss in the love scenes, a* M I - ; jestic as Blight have been in th* court room...
...Gemier is moat subtly skillful in effecting this differentiation...
...It is not merely that Gamier i* an excellent Shylock, with faefal expression that in its nobility and #harm—through the grimacing—has »*]Joib teen makhed...
Vol. 1 • November 1924 • No. 45