'Dixie to Broadway'

DRAMA The "Firebrand" A Superb Comedy by Benvemtto Cellini at the MoroMco Theatre. f lm doubl* difficulty iirorrtd In a* MrteMiel eonrady, that of writing a good sets s l y tad treating a...

...mm other players rest to their parts, and joined la treating eae of tbt best eomtdtes in Mi* history ef American drama...
...The* producer*, Schwab, JJnrlght, t ad Menas...
...Oat Is tempted to write without ceasing abott "The Firebrand...
...Th* author bee won tbt spirit ef Boccaccio...
...At a drama "Tb* Witt wad" i t daft, tara, and *ubtl*i this Ant play ha* tb* swift flow a praeMttd hand Impart...
...and X. 0. Xehiaton, e* th* Duke's cousin, wss a genuine Medic...
...bit decoration it equal te the stood called forth-^workthop, gsrdts, end balcony all wen adasiring g**p* from the spectators...
...Cellini the srtitt, the artist beyond all, boastful then ef b i t supremacy, yet to himself humble in his art, and them tint e r * and steadfast...
...Tbt east, with «te eatepttoa ef an evereeraett apprentie*, was as suave, assured, or precipitous t t the part demanded...
...He hat the lever, while embracing tb* dejtatss, borrow th* poetic line...
...there 1* t p i ty fain*** that roll* eat to the audienc* a* a tell ef wonted to a puppy-dog...
...Tb* Three Mutkoteers), were wise la stlmHng Woodman Thompson te treat* the settings and tb* eeetanttt...
...there i t sentiment eeRitd t t tbt breaking point, and— j o l t before ft buret, into sentimentality —aubbed t t the heart by a *udd*n troty...
...Sbapespenre himself borrowed his plots and byplay* no m o n completely then dad Mr...
...Mad th* lever who can be true to btauty tbeaga a deehsss call and bold relea** from hanging la her «abratt...
...there a n tetany aerie* e f interesting comment m Whieh to view its excellencies...
...then (as much a swaggsnr a* his character) breaks tb* quotation with her reply: "While the room has Ben*.'' Yet every bold seisur* i s by right of eminent domain...
...he htt taken Falstaff't tecoant of hi* etratt light bodily for Cellini, down to the ftet Mitt bis listener s aw tb* actual combat, end knew hew many bis "two doien opponents" n s l l y were...
...there It a turioai twitted beauty Halt moeki Itself- and yet retain* it* 4ifjnity end beauty...
...whatever may , be morel in conduct, in art it* success justifie* n measure, and "The Firebrand" succeed...
...Mtytri she AutoMegnphy is katt on* e f a desen sources, whieh are bsMly sad openly drawn neon...
...Cellini tb* boaster who eta range at U« H«e tad hit attitude...
...Into this golden trop of art te poured the win* of g titer end stimulating presentation...
...The Firebrand," for all i ts elaboration and sophisticated superficies, is a* beautifully ehsst* as ens ef its ben's Choicest shall...
...Th* night bas a thousand eyes," with double offset...
...J. T. JANET BEECHER ivtll return to Broadway in "A Steam BolUr," a new ptay by Laurens* Syr*, which op*n* Mon«tay ttioAt at (At Prince** Thtatr...
...Joseph aohHdkraut might have beta east la the atltbors mould...
...f lm doubl* difficulty iirorrtd In a* MrteMiel eonrady, that of writing a good sets s l y tad treating a tea* portrait, k t t m a l t e d in a double triumph for Edwin Juttue Majrtr, i s kit comedy of Btnvenute CeWni...
...there i t genuine beauty tad artl A* a portrait, the piece catches tbt man who semi ep tbt Renaissance: Cellini Mi* braggadocio, tb* rake who deliberately «tram** tbt swaggering pott, to win pn-««tic*Mt in a land of swaggerert...
...Nan* Bryant wat a wis* sad bewitching— when net an arrogant—ducheee...

Vol. 1 • November 1924 • No. 43

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