FELIPE CARRILLO-NOV. 8, 1876-JAN. 2,1924

Haberman, Roberto

Felipe Carrillo-Nov. 8, 1876-Jan. 2,1924 By ROBERTO HABERMAN The de la Hflsrta rebellion reached its highest peak ef villany and bestiality on January 2d, JlttU. when it assassinated \in...

...II, (Jutnnir.ns, Box Boif.^ifls s t a t e secretary and he lias j ten counties lined up already f o r] campaign work...
...1 Cologne Socialists Start Movement for Reichstag Election Cologne.—Tho Socialist...
...Toll on, then, comrades, not with "•pairing heart and trembling j •Pint, but w k h strength and- eour- j J«e, nobly doing battle for right, and j W& fill your pwn l l / e with jf sails* | BP0 8 which.gold caii nvver .affordj •Or poverty destroy.—heir Hurdle...
...Their coinclier women were taken into households of t h e plantation owners t o ' g r a t i f y their lustl and t h a i of . t h e i r sons, when these' were a t home instead of living viout- j ously abroad...
...A. L. P. MEETS THURSDAY The General Council, of...
...The de Is l l u e r ta rebellion would destroy all that has been achieved...
...How We May Get It and How Soon...
...And this despicable movement has reached its highest point of brutality on January 2, 1924, when in the jail of Merida It shot down in cbld blood Felipe Carrillo, his three brothers and.all that political prisoners that were there...
...All i> peace...
...i»i*giinliiation,,'in oxistenco, all o t h e r organisations that thought the Socialists "too r a d i c a l" or not radical enough having disappeared...
...oiunist party affiliated to the inter-j national at Moscow...
...Most of these debts wire fictitious, passing from futher to son...
...To test out t h e s t r e n g t h and loyali ty of - t h e membership of the Leagues of Resistance, Cnrillo - pot at the disposal p / Uis opponents free' i special trains and gave litem all the money necessary for t h e i r campaign...
...Admission free...
...1 8 . - T h e first 1 call for motions foi t h e agenda of | t h e next National Convention wa* issued today by Otto lira l i v e l i er j National Secretary of, t h e Sorla'i.-t r«-'t...
...fhr d i s t i i r t office has a r r a n g e d a four for H a r r y M. McKee of Los Angeles, one of the piost popular of the Western p a r t y . s p e a k e r s . McKee will • on t lie road contimiotisly for two months...
...Before the middle of t h e last century ' t h e country has been wholky agrii cultural and self-sufficient, re'"'"* fruits,,sugar, cattle, c o r n and beans, land exporting but little of i t s pro-' ducts...
...The Indians, so t h a t they may not become aware of t h e i r legal rights, were not p e r m i t t e d to learn Spanish, and thus had no manner of learning about their rights under the Constitution nar to den] with t h e a u t h o r i t i e s . Felipe Carrillo believed that the Constitution was Inore...
...Force is the law of the j u n g l e .— Keir Hardic...
...i • » » Next to Socialirm...
...Use your freedom to become better and frt'*r„eltiiuns-—never basely to revenge yourself on some Individual who was himself a victim of tha bid wretched order'which is gone f o * . ever.*" Forgit the past, except as a lesson for your future guidance...
...The adoption of tho law giving extraordinary powers to t he national government ha« created n situation which will be hnrd l a t o l e r a t e foxj the Socialist part)' nnd will not be endured long," t h e resolution stater...
...when it assassinated \in Merida, Yucatan, Felipe Carrillo, who besides being Governor of the State of Yucatan was,President of ihe Socialist Party of the Southeast, ex-Treasurer of the Mexican Federation of iiftbor, and a member in good standing of Lodge 1567 of the International Association of Machinists, affiliated with* the A. F. o f L. - :. Felipe Carrillo, was born on November 8th, 187*5, in Motul, Yucatan, Mexico, of Maya IndiAn parents, one of a family of 12 children...
...Can* fc>V» 14 members...
...Tho Social-1 Democrats walked out "and formed I their own parti'.' At the Storthing thfl Communists i have been represented by twenty-j nine representatives, the Socialists bj 8. Thjs year one of the- coin i oim.ist representatives left 'tho I party, thus leaving twenty-right., who are now equally divided into two roups...
...Carrillo Was raptured in company with three of his brothers', one of whom Benjamin, was t he Secretary of the Socialist Party of Yucatan, and also a group of followers...
...The present counter revolution i was begun by de la lluerta against the government of General Alvarp Obregon, probably the nearest to a workers' government in the history uX...
...Local Nsw York...
...The working program of the Polish Socialists demands political snd Industrial democracy, doformo of eonstltutlpnnl majority' rule, prurtical application o f the laws regulating the index figures of the cost of living, social insurance, abolition of •lUMfWlgymcnt, enre of the present, unemployed, and a better system uf education...
...The most notable achievement, of CnrrtfluV activities was the dlstrl* button-of lands to all the Indians, which made them'free not*, only .In name but, in fact...
...He used lo say thnt that Is Where he belonged because it was t h e workers thnt elected him Governor, and while in this place h e used to refuse to receive anyone who did not, c a r ry 'sonic, sort of a union card...
...are to be Inflicted upon its violators, and no contract or tease i ; legal unless accompanied by a certified copy from the assessor's office declaring the asjsessed valuation of the property In question...
...Streets and highways are being built...
...J a n u a r y •Id, I'riibt ree...
...Since 1918 t h e Norwogian Labor i 'arty has come into much closer eon,tact with the Russian revolutionaries than . the Socialists in miy other I country...
...Carrillo used to shy...
...East Side Forum Sunday Morning• Charles Solomon and Lottie WaM, man will launch a lecture foruro in the 8th A. D. tomorrow (Sunday) morning, with a discussion on "Issues of the Day...
...Tho Socialist i are i\apf h a r d " a t work r e - "hiilMlng their own p a r t y , and it is ; expee't-d will Kin ui< importurtl place in who S t a l e ' s political life, j PARTY REVIVAL IN NORTHWEST S e a t t l e , Wash., Jan, l ft.--Taking adytmtngt...
...Will Durant will lectare next |Friday- nleht at 167 Tompkins AveI nut, Brooklyn, on "The Kpts of tM \mmflj I This will b« Ons o f the series under the direction of the NeighborI hood Open forum, recently launched...
...Any person under the uge of AO who, having, any knowledge of the existing social order, Is not a (evolutionist is ait inferior.—Bernard Shaw...
...j , The vai'iuusJpcnlsi b r a n c h ' s and State i , ,;ani/.:;i ions have tin ii/ht to make muttons to place upon the i/'.-r...
...A cooperative store and bank took care of all necessities and of the earnings of the prisoners, and they all had to attend school and were given the opportunity of ' learning a trade, Yucatan has pn>ed - t h e experimental stage and has become the i most significant social laboratory on the American continent...
...ttastroy the worn-out forms, expose the falacy of ancient doctrines which have been used to enslave men, and a better day will dawn for a l l ," Felipe Carrillo was made a prisoner during the counter-revolution S t i l t ed by Mexico's greatest traitor, Adolfo de la l l u e r ta backed by Mexico's blackest reaction, on December 24tli...
...The slaves were lashed with impunity, often to death...
...Other lectures will 1m itelK-erod-a*follows) February it, " What riooialIsm In...
...Atfc}-, oping their lecture work, and new members for the party are being, won rcgularjy...
...eminent issues decrees which "injure .the masses, the Reichstag must by called together and t h e repeal Vif t he noxious decrees must be demanded "We demand that the Socialist { l'arty, In view of its general respon sibility for t h e conditions of t h e n a tion, make use of its liberty to a c t as the opposition parly...
...After1 nine, years* of railroading lie went to work for himself as a carter, hauling machinery, bales of sisai hemp, and other goods from the railroads to distant plantations...
...of Cologne have s t a r t e d a niovum'riit...
...No c o u n t r y in [ t he world is a s well organized as Yucatan, 94 per cent of t h e mule | population carrying cards in thejr I local Leagues of...
...The noble blood of Felipe Carrillo Is a testimony of the apostacy of de la Huerta, and from now on neither h e . n o r hts adherents will attempt to fslsify the facts in denying the object of their movement...
...an absolute monopoly which starting with the government, extended through every phase of human «c* tivlty, . . . The revolution came...
...February IT, "Industrial Democracy": March 2, "Socialism and Religion.'' Vladeck's Sunday Lectures Big Success The lectures held every Sunday morning at t h e Aiualgiunfttfl4 Temple, Arion place, Brooklyn,, under the direction of t h e iTiil u clith aittt Nineteenth Assembly .lUtricls 'Local Kings County, arc continuing,' with even nioic success than'in previous years...
...The minority group has resolved to work for what they cull the "United front" by continuing their disruptive work in company with the Communist elements in other countries...
...i But Felipe diil not neglect the i f a r m e r s who produce the sisal fibre*, Yucatan's only wealth...
...To prevent;' any side-stepping, of this law severe punishment...
...Work, which no one larka p ad I which is well paid, has achieved the [ miracle within a stsble organization of satisfying the pesos of the peo1 pie...
...Each claims to be the legitimate successor of the Norwegian Labor] party, and accordingly to have controt of the i » r t y machinery through- ' out the eoiintry...
...Today there Is not n ' r i l l a ge or A plantation thut does not have u dav and night wheol, and bow 1 i ' • roads nrc b«iiit» 'built ovrr the | whole of the S t s t e. Carrillo is the a u t h o r of probably the mort advanced labor law in the world, among its many provisions being one-that in case of strikes non-union woritftrs" must not take, M$*alm nl uiliflft -JWkW| and tnsr wont may not be> resumed until the strike is settled...
...St the h e a d q u a r t e r s of the Socialist Piirty from seven, in tjj'e morning until eight-to tun a t night...
...I t reversed everything there« Tha most daring legislation reforms were put into effect...
...i based iip 111 tho material received at t h e e x p i r a t i o n of tho ullot• .id time tha committee shall send it to t h e Hiih-divisions of the p a r ty for amendment and revision, allowing o r e month for the same...
...That very same day, the Governor appointed by de la i Hucrta, General Ricardez Brocaa, | issued a decree In the "Official Daily," No...
...issued the following statement to the Mexican Nation: "The assassination of Felipe Carrillo brings grief to the homes of the proletariat and thousands of humble beings will shed tears of reproach for this crime...
...And a t this very moment- frw states and perhaps none in the republic bsve a , * < . . . . i i n . 11 that I t . a j t r * tadna and extremist W a Yucatan...
...It wil.Lbe published in the Fehruarjf issue at the Socialist World, and one month will bp allowed for amendment n-'d rei vision by t i e locals and brinlVes...
...They, exercised complete domination...
...the American Labor Party will hold, i ts regular meeting Thursday night at 231 Fast Mth si root...
...J a n u a r y 20, Fuyatlup, Wash...
...From that time until bis election as Governor of Yucatan in Februa r y , Jfiaa, Carrillo as President of the Socialist Party, was the real | ruler of Yucatan...
...Illinois, not later than F e b r u a r y 1st...
...Although j t bo Constitution of Mcxics pro; hibited slavery, these unfortUnato [ peons were held in t h o most ebum| innble and degrading serfdom undi r a law passed especially to def e a t t h e constitution, a law making l i t impossible for a worker to leave the employ of his m a s t e r while owing the muster money...
...requests are comjflff: in- for speakers...
...The Sociih.il Party is tlii' only radical politick...
...to their St...
...la lluerta will realize the magnitude of *thls...
...Ialandp Friday night, January 18...
...This meeting "demands of t h e ; Reichstag's Socialists that they keep a close watch over the iiHtip/ial government snd i t s use of t h e e x t r a n r - dinary po s-ers...
...The Socialists thus have 22, ti...
...saying that non-workers or those' nortmembers of labor unions could only see liitn where he was not t h e work•eM', Governor, but Oovcrhog of the State holding office in the uvgulur palace...
...The only way the landlord had to g e t higher rent* was to pay more taxes...
...H. C. Vladeck will apeak next . F r i day on "Problems of the American Labor .Movement," and tha two tol...
...Proof of the work of Felipe Carrillo may be found in many prases, but t h e brst is the tribute paid to him editorially by the "Universal," Mexico pity's leading newspaper, and of very conservative tendencies: "The, St a t e of Yucatan In the days of l'ortiriii Diaz was a great state for the exploitation of a smutl number of extrejuelv rich persons...
...The Boardwalk'Hotel is at West 22d street and t h e Boardwalk and admission will be free...
...CONEY ISLAND FORUM Charles Solomon, noted Soclalrsi lecturer, will be the initial lecturer•' at a new forum that will open at t h e Boardwalk Hotel, Coney...
...For t h i s he was imprisoned, a n d a f t e r being in j a i l for more than a year, he came o u t more de-j termined to work for the liberation of the peons...
...They are taught to revere not t h e great but the rich, and so deeply Ingrained does the habit become, in time it amounts to second nature.— Keir Hardle...
...having fourteen members...
...Immunity, on the sixth of • December of last year...
...By eliminating the American and native bankers, by nationalising the state railroads and by eliminating all ' middlemen by the creation of a ["luige cooperative marketing association, the plantation owners were able to keep on t h e cultivation and } exploitation of their plantations at nu'average profit much greater than jtlioy were receiving in the days of j slavery, Felipe Carrillo carried , his plans of social reform in every walk of life, he a l m o s t abolished jails, s nd the only one that was left became a place for t h e curing of anti-social humans nnd not a place of torture and punishment...
...The minority part)' hss taken the name Norges KomnfUnistiske Parti1 (the Communist Party of Norway) and has started its own newspaper...
...The lecture is the third in a series on " T h e Elemental of - .Social...
...Reichstag ' elections, preceded by n repeal of t he military rule and a restoration of t political party.' r i g h t s , are ncoes...
...Iu, the National Executive j Committee, acting as an agenda 'committee, having the final say us to the form in which they will ' a p p e a r before \Jhv delegates to the ' COIlVUlllilt...
...CALL FOR AGENDA PROPOSALS The a t t e n t i o n of the membership *s railed to t h e following prpvi-dnn of the National Constitution of pit1 Socialist Party: Agenda Committee...
...H u a t t l c - Kiitil IlcrniHii, district secretary, is a t p r e s e n t on an liglta...
...The discovery of t h o comi mcrciai possibilities of the heneiquon cactus, from which sisal hemp ! used in the m a n u f a c t u r i n g of bin' der-twino comes, changed things in ' a short period...
...The Fourteenth As^aTiWJf djjl* t r i c t is building up a Mture center at 310 Grand strict, .Brooklyn,, with lectures every Sunday, .a*, II a. m. , , Othe^, d i s t r i c t s in ev,ery psj^ Sit...
...ThU is the ftrst of a series to be conducted at the**/ quarters...
...All this happened, in what ail t he American labor exploiters both here and in foreign laada call the " t he good days when Mexico had a strong Government, when Porftro Diax was President...
...His social instinct was deep-seated even at that tlrfteand he got into trouble with the authorities for dividing up hiV profits with the men associated with him...
...Resistance., 0« election day Cavriilu-received nearj ly 70.(100 votes as a g a i n s t about-fl,I 000 for all of his o t h e r opponents...
...After no became Governor he was hardly ever ?een at the Governor's .Palace, but he could be found working...
...The Communist group in t h s Stor-1 thing . divided into two blocs, each...
...Docker Is associated with Margaret Sanger...
...Solon*** will apeak on Socialiam and t h e B o v cialist movement today...
...Tht elds are being tilled assiduously The railroads are A going concern...
...The motions will be suMrilftpd to t h e National Executive Committee in session February 9, at which time a preliminary agendo will he drafted...
...I t was while Felipe Carrillo was working as a carter ami -travelling about plantations t h a t he learned to hate the cruelty and injustice t h a t he e*w visited upon his fellow Indians...
...I The official rail to t h e local and I brunch rerrutarie* in* t he United |48tates reads...
...The committee shall issue a call for resolutions and suggestion...
...2,1924 By ROBERTO HABERMAN The de la Hflsrta rebellion reached its highest peak ef villany and bestiality on January 2d, JlttU...
...four months before the .convention, allowing one muiit'i for lllitig of same ,wllh committee...
...that "freedom to starve is' a spuriotti freedom Indeed...
...the city are, oaUblistjiifcr and...
...Louis convention neat month...
...The workers are never consulted about going to war, nnd for thai rcajon illr)ne .should refuse either t^' countenance or take part' In1 taw fighting,—Kelt- Hardie...
...Tho rent laws of Yucatan establishing as rental for any house for any purpose the flat rata of seven per cent of the assessed valuation of the property, is another monument to Carrillo's memory...
...February 1 0 , / T h e Distribution of Wealth...
...Dorothy Bockor on ''Birth Control and the Workers...
...j The last time the Socialist Party | : a p p e a r e d on t h e ballot here was i n 1 I U'l'd, when" over 1» p e r cent, of t h e I jtotjil v o t e ' w a s cast, for its candi-| Idnt.is, Since then, war t e r r o r n n d ' hysteria broke up t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n , 1 and the Socialist* co-operated with the Nori Tartiaafi Li-ague in building up tt,.' " P r o g r e s s i v e " party...
...AM 11-oi.pt r a t e . An indisputable gen I oral wtlibeing if noticeable...
...Jhe final s p e n d s will then of preI r.l'f d R>V1 |..ibl>hed p r i o r - t o the 1021 National Convention of the p a r t y —"— — • — F r a t e r n a l l y submitted, BERTHA HALE WHITS, , Assistant Executive Secretary...
...member of the Executive, wilt make a report, f o r that body covering t he year's work...
...Others to f o l l ow will be by Klizsbeth Gurley I'lyim on "The l i g h t for Free Speech/' and...
...j New men took the load* tho f a .! mous Moscow thesis appeared, and...
...It is declared that thin opposition *ill be carried jtttt until the present government is overthrown und u Inbor government installed...
...The hours of work were td be six a day, with double pay for overtime...
...After preparing n preliminary ...-.di...
...Agenda iM)jJojdtion»( _g* provided !iy the above arc (ion, arc now in order :uid should be mailed to t he Naiioflal Office of the Socialist P u n y , MS'i'i Washington Boulevard, Chicago...
...Upon receipt of revisions the committee shall prepare a final draft of the agenda, which shall-be vent to t i e party sub-divisions and lubmitled, to ihe convention...
...And this under a Socialist government...
...As soon as t h e gov...
...The masters took good care that the Indians came Into their debt and t h a t they, never got out of it...
...LECTURE FORUMS Di Durmnt to Lectors on Jew* Dr...
...Claessens' Lecture August Clawsens, "little giaht" of the Socialist platform, will lee'mo tomorrow {Sunday) night on "Lessons From the- World War," a t M l Fast 4th street, the headquarters of the Cth Assembly district...
...C, Vladcck, former Socialist Alderman, lectures every' Sunday morning at 11 to audience* tj^at number 1,000 iind more...
...SOCIALIST NEWS SOCIALISTS OF NORWAY NOW UNITED AGAIN Tb« Norwegian Labor Party, the only mass petty of the workers in any country that had affiliated to th* Communist International, has been badly split over tha question of dictation by the MOSCOW executive com mittee of the tactics and actions of the party, f „„ . • The inajofity jtl tha-party, which is one of the largest in t h e n m n i r j , has balked at the demands or (he committee presided over by Gregory Zinoviev, and has broken nway from 'Moscow...
...I All Work must be equally Iwnorablo wlikh is t h e freu expression of H man's lifer Its honorHblenoan is In no way affected by it...
...The meeting Thursday will take up an invitation recently received from t h e Conference for Progressive Political Action to send delegejts...
...crime upon receiving'the angry protests of the proletariat throughout the world for the assassination of Felipe Carrillo...
...This means an early reunion of the Socialist forces in the old and powerful Social Democratic Party, which whs disrupted at t h s direct order of the notorious Zinoviev and his committee following the organisation of the Communist movement...
...West • t t i y t o n , Om.j February I, Silverhm...
...Section H. Article VIL—"The National Bxeeutive Committee shall formulate the agenda for t h e p a r ty Convention...
...Child end woman labor is almost prohibited...
...We have seen a great trade-union movement grow and establish itself, bringing more freedom t o the 'people, raising their standards of iifo nnd living and, best of all, giving them hope and inspiration...
...The action of the de la Huerta leaders in shooting trade-union presidents as their first act In practical-1 ly every city o f Importance in which j they have operated is an unlmpeach- ] able indication of the character and purpose of that despicable movement...
...The reforms that Were taking place in Yucatan were also being gradually put Into practice by President Obregon throughout the Republic of Mexico...
...in 1P21 came the.break: tho Norwegian Lubor Party became a com...
...Today the Indian is free because he has a choice of working "for himself of | fur the .mister, . . » At the.' time' of the downfall of JJis» there were hardly nrrsHWhools In Yucatan and no roads* of wnkind...
...sary," Polish Socialists Announce a More Intense Opposition Warsaw.-^-The .central executive of the Polish Socialist Party's representatives in Parliament hns adopted » resolution announcing n more Intense opposition to,,-" t h e present Polish government...
...lowing Fridays, t h e speakers will he Judge Jao.ob Panken, and William M. Feigenbaum...
...Kate corruption, hate vice, hate cruelty, imie the institutions that breed them, but not the individuals caught up in their meshes...
...The curse of the poor is servility...
...being «xpreftsed by medium of his huitcki or by mediuiiv of his b'mljti.—Keir Itordrti...
...for Reichstag elections to be field In t h e near future...
...acquired power and riches...
...IDAHO SOCIALISTS REORGANIZING (aiHiial in Tho ISVw I.>a<1ii1 Boise, Idaho, Jan...
...Today there is freedom...
...Marie B. MacDonald will preside...
...James OneeL...
...Aha ..*j<-t,, ing cause was the • »+i . >:i •:i'«»;u'i»: the Muscou 1 * 'hl i ' '"'^ ( , o w n prlnci-1 ~Vvt -»' ..;> sujted to Russian not -\or*eaian conditions, and de-: mand a blind obedience, which con-1 flirts with the independence and high ' educational standard of Norwegian...
...And the world is so much more, poorer for it has lost one of the most unique of tho kindest and greatest of men...
...than n document to be pored over or to b e t i n k e r e d with j —in lawyers' offices a n d in Supreme Courts by dusty and musty minded judges, and he begun going about' the plantation reading a t r a n s l a t i on of the Constitution iu t h e Maya language...
...m localities [where no local hasv iiyi'i been formed...
...I On January 6 President Alvaro | Obregon...
...Yucatan, cut off f r om the r e t t of , the JUp*blic of Mexico by the absence of roads and railways, de, vrloprd a system of political nnd I economic feudalicrn that made even the terrible slavery of the Congo | seem as lame by comparison...
...tioii tour, his d a t e s for llimpr.it woek helm...
...The forum is to lie conducted at Bennington Hall, 214 Fast Second street under t h e auspices of the Cth A. D.' of the Socialist party and the American Labor party...
...O r e . : F e b r u a r y W W * boro, On,.: February ;t, Portlundv and F e b r u a r y ! , MrMinnville, Ore...
...Throe months' indemnity is to be- paid any and all workers discharged .without causa or f o r lock-outs due to any other causes than acts of God...
...of t h e g r e a t e s t interest in Socialist work in irttvpy years, Ernll Herman, Northwem district secret a r y of Ihv party, lias been carrying on more intensive work than hat Set 11 the 'gaae-.-stnee the pre-war years, • Locals are being organised everywhere...
...Despite a formidable crisis, which threatened 4° "Jin '*> cstan hat recently succeeded in raising the price of henequsn, its Srin'cipal source of wealth...
...8020, published at Meriila, the capital of Yucatan, abolishing "all labor unions, leagues, and ! any other associations of labor," , making it s crime to belong to any 1 of these—an attempted return once ! more to the old days of slavery...
...The lectures are t o be held in t h e big ball room of tho hotel...
...The prisoners had to work, but the rate of pay was that t h a t their respective unions got outside of the jail, t h e families of the pr'soners could visit them as often as they wished, and special rooms with the strictest privacy were constructed for those prisoners receiving visits from their women folks...
...J a n u a ry 31...
...The g r e a t Jungles were transformed into heneq-uen plantations and the Indisns en, slaved to work on them...
...16.—A S t a te j o r g a n i s a t i o n of t h e Socialist party inw' b e e r - f o r m e d hero, "and plans (ure being made for t h e 1UU4 cam-: ipaign...
...Lecture by Oneal JaniBS Ones), Editor of Tha No* Leader, will lecture tomorrow (Sunday) night at Workmen!* Circle Hall, 17th street and Tyler place West New York, N. J. pneal's subject will lie "How We Get Our | Ideas...
...The reasons for this step, staled i n n resolution adopted by a large majority of the Cologne Socialists, is- d i t a r u s t of t h e law e s tablishing extraordinary powers in the hands of t h e Dictator, The Cologne resolution is symptomatic of the Socialist s t a t e of mind throughout Germany...
...the greatest thing on earth is working for Socialism.— Ben Hanford...
...Samuel Gompers, President of the A. F . of L., in a manifesto calling on all American Labor to a id the Mexican Government and labor, Issued on the 21st of December, 1H23, said: . "Under Diaz there was slavery,* for the peonage system was nothing less...
...I irjU therefore surprise the asedeenf «fe ana conservatives that today I tha State of Yucatan U 0 n a o f ' t ha most prosperous...
...There exists n» small group that has...
...He began working.in childhood, obtaining bis first job at the age of fifteen on tjhe railroads of Yucatan as a breakman, from which he wa* ascended to conductor and later on to ?lation:ma«ter...
...Whatever maybe t h a - c o ly of the preach) administration the certainty exists that Yucatan is prospering, that Yucatan is growbig stronger every day, and that Its people are happy," On May first of last year, which is a state holiday m Yucatan, Cnr• rillo's ple^ to the people was...
...Carrillo spent a b o u t . s e v e n fyears i in the various jails of Yucatan for i his work of organising* its workers, 'ami With the* . o v e r t h r ow of . t he tyI rant Porfirib Diaz, the regime- of I slavery in Yucatan cume to a n end...
...Other lecturers will ba Solon l ie j Leon, "Trade Union Urn of Yesterday ." Ke.biuai y 1; Mar iu» ILn.ortK, on ^Workers' Bdue*tlf>»v , February s ; Joseph A. Whttehora on "Tbu Russian Revolution, February Iff, Jerome T. De Hunt on ''Lapoi'aNext Step," February it", and Nwijjjin Thomas February 29,'gll at (he afajk*' address, ' NEW BROOKLYN FORUM 1 A forum under the auspices of t he American Labor Party and Local Kings County, Socialist Party, Will open with lectures by Charles Solomon and Louis Waldman on "Issue* of the l)*y," tomorrow,' (January 20th) at H on p . M , a t 1 ;uit Pttkin aven ue, Brooklyn...
...His first week's uules will be exclusively in Orego'n, Tlmy w ill begin Jniiunry 2" nt tiraiit's, l ' l c 1 . 1 n l the folld'wlng (bites will lie tilled: Lurane, Newport, C i u b t i c c West Stay tun, Sllvvrton uml.'llilbfmro...
...I ml I S M , \ is picking up...
...When tired of these | women, the masters ordered some Other peon to marry them, often) some Chinese coolie who had to be imported to replenish the labor' supply, rapidly diminishing due to the suvngts of the s l a v e r y re$me...

Vol. 1 • January 1924 • No. 1

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