Debs, Eugene V.

GREETINGS TO THE NEW LEADER Long Life to the New Leader By EUGENE V. DEBS It is a privilege I appreciate to send-this word of greeting and good wishes to the initial Usu« of The...

...was so neeessary for our w rk and progress until we lost The Call...
...The English tongue is regarded a s the language of the practical and the cool-headed, while Socialism has been described as the ideal of dreamers and fanatics...
...i. present efforts justify...
...The cost of living is a t i t s old trick of climbing above the r e a c h e s of "the wellmeaning hut misguided jrokelt...
...A Long-Felt Want By Otto Brainsletter Natioaal Eaaeutiv* Secretary Soclallst Party Oreetings to The New Leader...
...Under Socialism, the avnnue* to > ult'ire and refinement, to the great t r e a s u r e s of art and lit . M M I u re, would be wide opun for all to travel' i a — I i f i r Ha|d»sW » J L — 4 TO THE NEW LEADER By JOSEPH D. CANNON Out liom the wreck and ruin of former effort* comes a voire of hope anew, From the sacrifice and loyalty of oar comrades of another g e h t r a t i i) came The Worker, from The...
...Long may it lei.d...
...Worker came The Call and from The CM1 came The Leader, and flow, Pheonix-like from the ashes of these comes The New Leader...
...What can be done to aolidlfy our forces...
...The organisers of The New Leader are well aware of the mistakes and weaknesses which led to the downfall of The Call, and they will be certain to convert that unfort u n a t e experience into >profll and advantage for the benefit of the new'publication...
...I am speaking of England because the psychology of Englishspeaking peoples is supposed to be something distinct...
...and if they will but remain united in spirit as they now are and adhere to the policy they have outlined, and carry it out with the vigor and enthusiasm which unanimity assures, the e is no reason why The New Leader should not grow ir to a daily Leader in time to serve the presidential camraign next year...
...Far b e t t e r than that, since the war there hat been new impetus to the sentiment within the ranks o f the trade unions to make the Socialist movement their own, to have effective organs of expression, to cope with urge problems in economic affairs fend to go in for labor politics...
...The rise of the progressive element to a place of balance of power shows the direction the wind is blowing...
...It is exceedingly inconvenient to find ones vigor waning when the spirit is so militant and eager to serve, but it is an experience that comes to Us all sooner or later, and the best we can do is to bear it patiently until the failing strength has been recovered and we are permitted to resume our former activities, without which * life would have but little meaning...
...the icy winds of criticism, if they blow, shall never lessen it* zeal for the ultimate goal, ,nqr Its determination to reach it...
...Let us show our loyalty t o , t he cause that has so worthily enlisted our efforts by giving enthusiastic backing and support to those on whose shoulders is placed the responsibility of building and guiding outg r e a t venture, The New Leader, to its immediate field, a medium of expression for t h e hopeful and aspiring workers, and to it* u l t i m a t e goal, the great metropolitan daily for La-1 bor and Socialism...
...Men of wmvictfon cfn bresttie again...
...The anslaufht upon our...
...They were mistaken...
...challenges the e>i«ting confuiuon and speaks in clarion tones for a hiicr social order...
...Jlllivtiiu •• l.-ijrr...
...If ever a Socialist paper was born at the right time and in the right place and' under right conditions it is The New Leader that now enters upon the stage of action in New York...
...It fills a long-felt want In t h e Eastern States, and should be uf invaluable service ..to the P a r t y in that section...
...W e 1 lot our paper wallow ir) dire s t r a i t s1 When our combined efforts would haver eaved it for t h e work ahead...
...We ho|ie I hut the forward looking elements and the labor unions will give the full support you deserve to your efforts in establishing a press dedicated to the i n t e r e s t s of tabor for a b e t t e r civilisation...
...The Conservative Party likewise hat been repudiated for its / a ) i s issue...
...TO THE NEW LEADER By A. PHILIP RANDOLPH Editor, The Messenger Permit me t o bid The New Leader onward, forward, upward...
...France end Belgium have beenj hitting t h e hag drum...
...More, because things in America Usually travel more rapidly than they do anywhere else...
...Dependent upon j Kngland for <wal, raw materials' and credit, the* Italian bandit, will, coo a s any dove when Britain waves the f e e d bag...
...Unemployment increases...
...That has wall-nigh happened...
...Present stagnation is due to specific conditions directly traceable to the war...
...From the description I have had of It by its organizers and founders, I am convinced that It will be exactly the kind of a paper to fit the situation in New York and that it will make strong appeal for support from its very first issue and soon develop the influence and power of a militant Socialist publication now needed as never before In all the history of the Socialist movement...
...Good wishes...
...Let "Us forget our failures, live, the future instead of t h e past, and I above all, comrades, let us realise j t h a t we, and we means US, all of US, we must and we will make a success and a real torch-bearer of The New Leader...
...It is a temporary aberration...
...But with o u r Jauly "allied and associated" government* the change has se% in...
...will depend the preservation of tha culture of the world which ' is fit to preserve and the orttanir.atlon and direction of the social forces to the end of social Improvement, AID TO GERMAN SOCIALISTS AND UNIONS BY U.S...
...This country is an exception...
...There, art) many signs that this Is h a p p e n i ng The vm-nude majority of t h t reactionary Republican Party has been smashed, just as was that of t h e Wilson nomocracy before it...
...The culprits, cpfTwades, are most of the r e a d e r s p T / n e i e lines—Yes,' others made mistakes and blundered, h a t that does not excuse us...
...The American Federation of La, bor has formed a committee to raise funds for the German unions, and i tha Socialist party's committee will i cooperate fn every way with that > body...
...There is a s much room for Socialism in this country as there'is anywhere else, and more...
...The times a r e out of j o i n t andonly clear, fundamental thinking on economic, social and political/questions, affectinp America in particular and t h e world in general, enn set It a r i g h t. The task of trotting at t h e roota of the world's vexatious problems Is up to t h e socialist groups in a l l capitalist countries...
...Welcome to The New Leader...
...Wr have had a bitter, bitter lesson...
...Much needed aid, in the shape of financial contributions t o treasuries depleted by the fall of the mark, is being collected for the German Socialist movement by the American Socialists...
...Having entire confidence in the comrades who are launching The New Leader, I have no hesitancy in predicting for it a career of high usefulness, wholesome influence and commanding power in the service of the revolutionary movement, nor in recommending it to the workers of New York and the nation at large as an ably edited, fearless, cleaiwut, and uncompromising exponent - of Socialism and working-class emancipation, entitled to their united sympathy and their substantial support...
...It was those wiio "won" the war who lost democracy, "aa was to b e ] expected...
...A weekly can go along without t h e incessant, financial .struggle, atiil H U H center its efforts upon pmihtag tho Caiiaiv, rather than upon the struggle, for its existence...
...avoiding tin* Seylla of impractical and irrational emotional ex t rem U won the one hand and the C v r y W t o f timid, s t e r i l e , bankrupt reaction on the other...
...By ABRAHAM CAHAN The Socialist movement has been advancing with great strides in '. every civilized country in the world...
...TliOre are very , nice wishes, I j think., But a s the new paper is a! Socialist paper, we c an take nil that for grunted...
...J , : * f . r V * * . f Whoever ,pit>dUc*s anything b y t weary labor flqes not need's revelation from heaven tn teach him t h at he hat * right to tht thing produced...
...Cire u m s t a r i c t t , j u s t now, compel us to n u k e it a weekly, but careful and wise management that will develop and husband our resources will bring growth and prepare the field: for the daily that few of us realised...
...if practical, cool-headed England has seen fit to elect as the second largest party the party of Socialism, this practical country of ours is sure to follow a similar course sooner or later...
...Do not let u s r e p e a t the error...
...R R l the matr ter with the f|eh it'Vselessntsk.'-' G. Bernard SH|w...
...Near wars a r e In t h e offing.' Apd d e s p i te the world-wide economic ohans-, t h e ( workers' r a n k s a r e still riven by dissensions: weakened by wars of thel tacticians...
...This we can, mult and will achieve, for upon it...
...1 l e n t o the need for ' T h e New l - e a d e r . The 'period o f wild-eyed hair splitting is past...
...Ilk' message, ft the, com-1 rades of New Vork and surrounding territory is this: Face the future I with indomitallo courage and• ho...t ' The New L&der with all rouf I might...
...Wages are on t h e slump again...
...With 193 members of the Labor Party in Parliament, England does not look like a country unfitted for the growth of a Socialist movement...
...Let us resolve, every one of Us, all of us, individually and in concert, that We will support Tho New Leader, t h a t we will buy Tho New Leader, subscribe for The New Leader a n a ; push the t a l e of The New Leader...
...Europe's leaving the couch of troubled sleep cannot but help arouse the manses here out of the nightmare Which has been their slumber...
...May thev come in so fast that no i uneasiness about Saturday's payroll 1 will ever cramp your editorial style It I'm confident no one has sent I von a better wish t h a n that...
...Human progress under the Stars and Stripes proceeds more rapidly than it does' in old Europe...
...CORDIAL GREETINGS By JOHN M. WORK • ±i _ . . Assorlatt ICdltor...
...Lead1 in voicing our hopes, recounting our efforts and recording our gains to b e ! May its pages b*ci me t he inspiration that will brink f/t>m us r e doubled energy expended in fhe cause of Labor and Socialism, may ita columns become the repositories laden, wjok by wee'., and soon we h o p , day by day with chrjniclet of bigger and better achievement of a n d by ti.ose by whose toil is produced everything worth while...
...They are bound to change just as England's conditions of thirty i years ago have changed...
...America's conditions of today have not come to stay...
...Italy, to be sure, is »tiU on <to»se parade with a mock Man en- Horseback If .Vapoleon the Third •we* "J.oiils t he Little," then Mussolini ranks only with such baggage as the wasted rouble and ntartr...
...then, i h o i v wa:< a time when a similar situation existed in England and when the enemies of the jocialists in that country regarded that actuation as permanent...
...Things are bound to come our way in the very near future, and when they do our ranks will swell « i t h a truly American tempo...
...Let me t r y again...
...Sui d y h o n e will gainsay the fact t h a t in t r e greatoa' city in t h e world, a city with i, h a n d l e d thousand Socialist and labor p a r t y voters, there is both room and noed for a bona fide lam r and socialist jiape...
...The fall of the n a r k has wiped out tha treasuries of the unions and the Socialist party, and their work' so necessary far the rebuilding of the shattered structure of society, has been correspondingly hampered, The unions and Socialist Party work i n common and neither can be rebuilt without the other...
...The Labor Part...
...The golden moan in thought and action is now the cansummation devoutly U bit wished...
...Now we do know its need...
...Human nature cannot be expected to forget t h e splendid Call right away, but let's look's;, the blight side—for there is CyW...
...A committee has been organized by Morris Hlllquli, international secretary of the party, t o raise funds to send t o the labor and Socialist movement of that country, to aid in its rebuilding, and thus to aid in the rebuilding: of Europe...
...Wiirepe Is too near catastrophe <or 'the wreckers to hove a free hand, •>, • . England l M a r l M I o » W quickly from the war wants, f i o r d George, the little t in god o f the pirate crew, is now a t t h e rear of the parliamentary procession, oven if the Liberal Party found common ground f o r its two tactions before the trough of pationage...
...The daily Call should have lived alter its many years of brave, tempestuous, and often desperate struggle...
...Let us not mortgage t h e f u t u r e to g\ye us a g r e a t e r immediate spread th...
...I sincerely hope the comrades give it the support necessary to maintain it «.a a militant, aggressive organ, capable of utilising the opportunity for service that unquestionably lies before it...
...We mutt be scientifically cautious but not afraid or hesitant...
...etgmaive hut not impetuous...
...The Executive Committee of t he American Labor P a r t y at its meeting on Monday, December 17, at 2 J I- East I It h s t r e e t , resolved to send g r e e t i n g s and best wishes to The S o * Leader...
...Contributors are asked to designate what part of tha contribution i s to go for t h e trade unions and which for t h e party...
...i ho Labor Party takes the lead with its «• ham pious who were vilified and shunned during the war now its '-ecugnlred tpokesmen...
...I am still damning those responsible for that...
...political liberties it about over...
...But they are on the verge of industrial breakdown and will likely modify their noise very soon oi' run the risk of social convulsion...
...I close with hearty congratulations to The, New Leader and my warmest wishej* for a most prosperous and fruitful career...
...And they now know it but too well...
...Such is our proble <i...
...The Labor Party, swing* to the front, soon to sweep into power to stay for the building of the new civilization...
...of keen dls-, approval witti what la going on' in tlx...
...This question must be answered by every earnest socialist...
...How long will it be one...
...sf'i sj v'Hit...
...The character and ability of the comrades who are launching The New Leader insures the character and standing of the paper...
...Metaphysical disquisitions on what is/and what is not Marxian, are no longer in point, The Immediate challenge is thai, we bo severe realists...
...On every hand t he captnins of the old rogime a r e c h a l lenged by I I s t a l e of chronic worldwide unxeUlcmrnt...
...Let us hold ourselves in readiness...
...Let u s hold the fort...
...The brutal and shameful persecution, the outrageous and infamous maltreatment, to which it was subjected by the malodorous Federal administration of Woodrow Wilson, which ruthlessly and lawlessly threw It out of the mails, held up its editions and subjected it to hundreds ni thousands of dollars of needless expense for the reaaon that it would not prostitute its principles and crawl, spaniel-like, at the feet of the brutal silk-hatted war lords who have since been revealed to the nation in all their monstrous greed and rapacity—it was this fierce and relentless ordeal which tested The Call's resources to the limit and so weakened it that it was unable to resist and overcome the internal dissension which arose as the result of disagreement as to the policy to be pursued when the war was over in dealing with the changed, chaotic and baffling situation...
...A WELCOME WISH By BERTHA HALE WHITE A , i n t i . n l Eaacuiite Secretary Socialist Party...
...1 have a very choice asstytmejit— that the long, long road, shall not daunt its courage nor betray it into by-paths thnt lend nowhere Thnt...
...I will not attempt to con- j ceil my views as to whim is to blame, I shall not t r y to hide t h e! culprits from the full glare of the I shame i hey should feel for their jjefclect in not giving adequate sup-, port to The Call when just a l i t t l e; more effort would have tided it over i t s difficulties and p u t i t on a self-1 supporting basis...
...Wtfat Is M M t b r with the poor Is poverty...
...On all sides, are the manifestation...
...It seems incomprehensible that a great industrial country like this should not have a respectable representation of the Socialist Party in Congress...
...GREETINGS TO THE NEW LEADER Long Life to the New Leader By EUGENE V. DEBS It is a privilege I appreciate to send-this word of greeting and good wishes to the initial Usu« of The New Leader, the new Socialist weakly which befins It* career with such enthusiasm of spirit and under suxslvJavorable conditions in New York, although I write from a sick room in which I am temporarily held prisoner until I can recover the physical strength necessary to take up my work again...
...Morris Berman is treasurer j o f tha Socialist committee, and conI tributloiia are to be sent t o him a t tk* building of lb* Jewish Daily Forward, 171 Xast Broadway, New York...
...May it be a Leafier indeed...
...There is no use wish» irig, for it <I• i-i1111••i every Socialist pqpor hus—courage, seal, determination...
...This tmi.-, let us build o,> a linnet foundation, build as rapidly as we can, but not so rapidly as to endanger the s t r u c t u r e itself...
...THE TIDE HAS TURNED By JOSEPH J. COHEN _ Never as tiow was t h e future *o ripe " ith promise for a paper which Hoartiert of b e n wishes to The Xew Leader...
...that wr will establish The NewJ Leader in the.Held of progress a nd success w h e n wc so much need it and where It so much deserves to be...
...What can be done to prep a r e the worker*' minds for a creative and constructive unity...
...Now then...
...It take* the H i d after defining Us stand clearly and uneompromit* iiigly in the resolution offered by Philip Snowjen to declare capitalism bankrupt and Socialism opportune...
...H '-v> p! * "I — - t - . - « - . . . . ; » . . ; r . Do not waste your t l * e on social questions...
...Our comrades in Europe are puzzled...
...The frenzied agencies of hectic chauvinism have either dissolved or •re"feeing ridiculed off the stage...
...It i s in thin time, with its voice never mora, •needed and with it* chances for a hearing never more certain, that ;Tbe,_ iQujr, Leader comes to brnig the message of democracy to ^humanity...
...To our opponents It is only too natural that It should be so...
...I'll wish for The New Leader t h e ; en* thii j» it cannot supply without assistance...
...Conditions alter cases...
...political, the industrial and Social worlds, {everywhere i s sensed the need of an organ which sounds I the -cntniieAts of the thronging multitude calling for t*aj,ge In our own country the black pall of reaction, rising like a cloud, of smoke from the mad i n . • of war, hung heavy to . l o ng that w t ' waKtd' almost with Despair for it to lift and the stM of sanity t o! break through...
...The old capitalist order is dying...
...take* the lead an the accepted station of the int e r n a t i o n a l labor movement, which alone offers a peaceful democratic and final settlement of the critical difficulties Which beset the old world and without which movement there can be only* more war and further devastation until society Itself is destroyed...

Vol. 1 • January 1924 • No. 1

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