THE RACE BETWEEN LABOR AND BARBARISM An Appeal by the International Federation of Trade Unions to the 19,000,000 Organized Workers of the World to Celebrate International No-More-War Day,...

...London—The Trades Union Congress GSneral Council, Fred...
...He was particularly impressed by the suffering of the workers...
...H* laid before th* Court: "I am a member of the Commune and in th* hand* of it* conqueror...
...and Democrats, at he •aya, "contend with one another in vi effort to win and keep public ttnfldence...
...General Federation of Salaried Employee, S. Aufhauser...
...Hi* economic plan was accepted uncritically by the workers...
...for four long years civilisation was forgotten and its most elementary" lessons were thrown to the winds...
...On the third Sunday in September of this year, th* International Federation of Trade Union* i* organising an Anti-War Day in all the attli-ated countries...
...Make it* wall* of MARBLE Or df common CLAY, It* GLEAM will LIGHT Th* BLACKEST allay And chang* the GLOOMIEST night To BRIGHTEST day— Bec*u*« IT IS Th* House of Debs The House of Debs ' I* not a MONUMENT...
...W* have now the crux of the frobltm...
...I will not *av* my life by cowardice...
...Th* next w»r will be the Anal triumph of barbarism...
...Belgrade — Glavni Radnicki Saves, Yugoslawje, Lujia Pa vice vie...
...Fears of a Labor Party Bonator Pepper's greet objection ia that th* Democrats broke the "tacit truce...
...the people that pay In taxes that which the Tress-Department returns to the in Ux refunds—that It is «»second division that is suggest-"highly dangerous" third who vote tho JRepublicans y oomocraU in and out of power, "J*»t by the recent grabs or any 2JJ trabi that were madeT Nanot...
...Daugherty . . . seems . . , to have been a grave error in Judgment...
...New Leader Forum THE HARVARD "SAGE" Editor of Th* N*w Leader...
...The following description by Edward L. Doyle of what occurred can never be forgotten: } —yl-rTHIS it not a labor War...
...During these four terrible years, thousands of young men went forth to battle in the confident hope that they were fighting to end war, and to make the world safe for democracy...
...The second ¦Mtlon must th*r*fore consist of *•• that are not included In the w* division, and whose interetU g* tffected...
...Readere are invited to offer selections for consideration...
...At th* age of twenty-flve he began to be active in the revolutionary movement a* an orator...
...Articles B *s4>, to the elfibt that on meeting Englishmen the natives should, in a hateful spirit, turn their faces and should "cast off" a* worse than an Englishman Indian "renegades," I* a* fantastic a* it i* untrue...
...Ten Siberian year* have worked 12,000 miner* to a pitch where they prefer the death of free men in the open to terf-dom underground...
...To the Workers of the World: We are drawing nwt the tenth anniversary of the day which »aw the outbreak of the World War-that fatal Auguat day which let loose Armageddon upon the world, and opened the way to a slaughter and havoc which ha* been unexampled in the annals of the world...
...Thit •FJt group ia tub-divided into th* ¦•publican and Democratic partle*, "contended with one another" *ffort to receive the moat can be gotten...
...Party regularity will be th* whip uted...
...Luxemburg — Gewerk-schaftskommlssion Luxemburgs, P. Krier...
...He soon married a "pretty and silly Engliah girl," With whom H» went to Amcrica...
...Brussels—Commission Syndicate de Belgique, Corn...
...Thus vanished Pujol, the "win* lover and woman-lov...
...These factories should be controlled by the Stat* for a period of one year and then handed over to the workers...
...In the Assembly he wss defiant...
...If they so desire—then the onward mai^ch of the great peace army will put an end for ever to the evil deeds of those who, with incredible coldbloodedness, are now calmly recommencing the ominous activities which, unchecked, will plunge the world into tha unimagined horror* of the next war...
...War against War... Uniunilor Muncitoresti din Rumania, Gesa Hoffer...
...Senator Pepper fears that "in discrediting both the grpat parties »n irresponsible and highly danger-Mi third party is actually suggesting Itself...
...Rather let Syud Hoaaaln's characterisation of it b* accepted a* a truer expression, i. *., "the ffloit determined resisUnee that the British Government haa met is it* 160 y*ar» in India...
...The Irtt division consists of those that »»rk in th* "int*re*U of th* peo-jH«" by relieving tha people of the •II dome," "fight pictures," "money w v*t*rant" and many other tuch wlnp that burden the people...
...After a futile revolution of the workers he fled to England, but returned to France twenty years later after the fall of Napoleon IIL He was no more activ* In th* radical movement...
...Then, who are the ones that would benefit, if as Pepper fears, a "highly dangerous" third party is formed...
...Henceforth, he will be killed by a system of mass destruction, which will work as unerringly as the machinery which he now uses for mass production...
...Eliot retired from the presidency of Harvard Univeraity, and accepted a pension of **veral thou *and dollar* from the Carnegi* fund...
...Let thi* day be the first day of the mobilisation of the International Peace Armyl Let thi* great demonstration, in which you will be shoulder shoulder with your comrades of other lands, be your challenge to''the powers that make for war...
...he displayed the courage which only martyr* possess...
...And now the countries of the world are again making ready for fresh war...
...Science is busy seeking new and ever more terrible method* «f dealing death anif destruction We all know that the next war will bring with it wholessle slaughter to a degree undreamed of before...
...and to proMet against th* nrttleadlng word, ueed by Mr...
...In that the possibility of eaty money Wl continue, and the danger of a third party "may be eliminated...
...Your editorial reference to Cbarle* W. Eliot'* critlclam of th* Wkar*' extravagance remind* ma of tha time *om* twenty year* ago, whan Dr...
...They arretted them in great batchet rind held them without charge and without 0«il for" weekt and montht, denying the right to tee counsel, friend* or family...
...Riga— Latvljas Arodbiedribu Centralbirojs, E. Morics...
...Shortly after his Imprisonment he was freed, but had to flea to Spain where he took part in the abortive Spanish Revolution...
...Day after day, night after night, these uniformed bums danced with their harlot* in our (treats, fired through our houses and tents, intuited our wive* and daughter*, prodded ut with their bayonet* and beat u* with their pistol*, pillaged our hornet and ttole our taring!, drove through our funeral procettiont and hounded the undertaken that had the courage to bury our dead...
...Madrid—Union General de Trabajadores, Francisco L. Cabal-lero...
...Mother" Jone*, eighty-two year* old, wa* held incommunicado from January to April because she would not agree to leave the State, and the writ of habeas corpus, for which our fathers died, was laughed out of court...
...The very air will be laden with death and will bring pestilence and destruction to countless multitudes far remote from the actual centres of war...
...By studying economic statistics he saw the conflict between the worker and capitalists...
...Pujol fought bravely in the rank and file...
...Article 1 in Mr...
...Because a crowd laughed when an officer fell from hit hone, he kicked little Sarah Slater in the breast and had kit mounted men ride down and saber women and childran...
...He wa* on* of th* lait man who fought with th* Communard*, defying th* Ver-saillese who invaded Paris...
...It was the internationally organized working-class which first raised the cry, "Down with War...
...however, too much to lay that thi* graat man "laid the foundation of (Indian) nationalism...*-•ivity" a* exprtsslve of the Oand-hi id.a...
...THE WHIP CRACKS Pressure of th* administration will be brought to bear to put tha Mellon tax plan through without amendment...
...tried to extort confession* by keeping men awake night after night with bayonets or cold water...
...He advocated a democratic and republican Government which should organise production by setting up and subsidising social factories that would gradually displace small competitors...
...Copenhagen—Do Samvirk-ende Fagforbund 1 Denmark, c. Madsen...
...The Senatorial "Teapot" and "Veteran's Bureau" committees btvt secured sufficient evidence that the appointments of the various men were not "mistakes" or an "orror in judgment" as Pepper would have us believe...
...That alone would Mtb« sufficient...
...Th* Indian word ahlmsa, which moans non-violence in thought, word, and deed, ahould be taken at th* tru* interpretation...
...There is one way of escape from this terrible fate, and only one...
...Jerusalem - Gen... will sweep from the face of th* earth the last trace...
...The name of the author and th* title of the book from which thi ssleetion is taken must accompany eafh contribution...
...Chaudery Lall Khan...
...L. New York City...
...the workers who are starved Into accepting lower wages and who are the recipients of injunctions and brutal outlawry by State police and secret service agents...
...When he wa* taken out to be executed, he refused to have hi* eye* bound...
...They did not know that they were merely the dupes of the lies and insinuations of small groups of capitalists, who were seeking to strengthen and extend their domination of the world...
...In the next war there will be no place for personal heroism...
...Th* turtax it where the pinCi comes The rich want tn enormoua cut in thptr own taxe*—and th*y want th* llttl* fellow* to have but a alight cut A good many eongre**-m*n would readily agree with tkia program, no doubt, if they did not know they would hear from the folks back home...
...Louis Pujol it described ai a typical Frenchman, one who knew nothing of social theory or of the class war or the proletariat...
...Verbond van Vakvereenigingen, R. Stenhuis...
...Because our matter* know that we will not turrender a* long a* life lattt, they have reaolved upon a campaign of extermination...
...For weekt before the ttrike they came pouring in from Wett Virginia and North Carolina, and a* if the eight machine gunt they brought were not enough, Felt* had the Rockefeller steel plant in Pueblo make him an armored automobile called the "death tpecial...
...What became of him there la not known...
...the consumers who are skinned and short { rationed by our American business men...
...Berlin— Allegmeiner Deutacher Gewerk-schaftsbund, Th...
...Gandhi 1* like tha mountain peak which could not roach to the heights without the lets high plateau* below it BLANCHE WATSON...
...Senator Pepper's Fears By Joseph Schwarts It «m not so long ago that George Wharton Pappsr was •elected to eompleta tha unexpired terip if « Senator from PennsylvdMj gj^OoTsrnor Sproal appointed lr...
...Long live Universal Peace...
...A* one of the leading Re-MkUeana in the country, Senator Ptpper fart a third ptrty...
...In 1839 he outlined in a book a system of cooperative workshops, supported by the State, which would finally bring about the Social Republic...
...I For four long year* th* world tuffored untold agonies, for four long year* th* poople* fought each other like wild baaat...
...Such action, h* declared, would pauperi** and degrad* th* working people, and th* very mention of it wa* an outrag* on the dignity of American Labor...
...A few months later Dr...
...for four long y*ar« the flower of the world'* youth was sacrificed on the battlefields...
...It is the workers, who, organized in their trade unions and in their political groups, will put an end to all war...
...Now, a* to th* miiiUttmtpU to which I refer... uu a term familiar to ua, though it i* not an *xact characterisation) a* a corrolary to th* po*itive idea that India shall make her own cloth and keep many milliona of dollars in the country, be*id*i creating, by ¦0 doing, a desire for national independence...
...New York City...
...Of all the surviving Communards that faced the Court, Ferre stood practically alon*, courageous and loyal to his principles...
...In the B*wtpapers, on that day, photo&IM were shown, of Vice-Presi-Atterbury, of the Pennsylvania Railroad and the foremost exponent of the open-shop, and Sena-ter Pepper shaking hands, while in the background, Governor Sproul w«s looking otw Events since that Mma indicate "at the photograph «u a tru* picture of th* reel bo»* and hi* ltgal representative...
...Ten years ago occurred one of the moit brutal massacres of workers that hat occurred in all the annals of the class struggls...
...A* quickly at men and machine gun* could be massed, the 1,400 men, women and children in the Ludlow tent colony were surrounded and at a given word the slaughter commenced...
...It Is quite as much at variance with Gandhi'* whol* conception of non -cooperation and with his own words and actions, a* far at we ha^i-afly knowledge of them...
...FOR YOUR SCRAP BOOK Under tkie heading The New Leader will reprint excerpts from books...
...Ottawa— The Trades and Labor Congress of Canada, T. Moore...
...Governor Ammons ordered out the militia, and straightway the operator* trantferred their mine guard* and machine gun* to the tervice of the State...
...but Blanc's ideas did not receive the support ofthe Assembly...
...Nevertheless, Senator Popper would have us be-liava that the appointment* were mtitulak ~ "fn attempting to inflict injury nthulrely upon the Republican mtf," saya Pepper, "they (the Dsnocrats) have in fact succeeded il discrediting both the great par-tin...
...He was imprisoned In Toulon...
...You are the only ones that do benefit...
...Thi* thought is utterly at varianc* with Gandhi'* parting words when he w«nt to prlion: "Set the minds of Englishmen at eaae...
...We knew that it wat only a quettion of time till *uch a massacre would come...
...Were Waal No Labor Party Senator Pepper fears that it is fM second division—the people that wh«n politicians and oil In-Profit...
...It ia...
...Warsaw—Zwaitek Sto-wariysien Zawodowych w Poises, Z. Zulawski...
...They aft between the devil and tha deep blue »ea—MHwaalne Leader...
...The latter division JJwtt of the people who do not "«»nt by the grafts of the Repubs •"d Dtmocs...
...Eliot uttered a violent protest agalnat a proposed law giving imall pension* to aged wage-workers...
...Ho loft America In 1868 for Mexico...
...But thi* method waa (low, dangerous and expensive...
...Ftrra Charlea Thaophila Ferrt was an exceptionally daring character—a martyr to his principles...
...J!° the large campaign sub-"gj*" w the Democratic an# Re-g"" Parties, benefit by Govern-«onatlon«, such at oil, injunc-Oecnt service men at your disposal, etc...
...Ferre wa* sentenced to death...
...For proof of the latter statement M have the keynote speech by 8«n*tor Pepper at the Republican Cenv*ntlon of the State of Maine M April 8. There were speeches of a similar type by other members of Congre...
...Hit only qualifications for leadership were courage and the dramatic instinct of an orator...
...Let them tak* it...
...Pepper to 1U1 the vacancy...
...of civilisation...
...Budapest — Magyarorstagl Sxakszervexetl Tanacs, S. Jassai...
...If ANY ask: "WHERE IS THE HOUSE OF DEBSV Say, "IT STANDS RIGHT in th* MIDDLE Of thi* GREAT ROUND EARTH, And THERE it will REMAIN Tin but one Mountain stands And the LAST OCEAN FLOWS and EBBS— BECAUSE...
...Berne — Schweise-rischer Gewerkschaftsbund, Karl Durr...
...Gandhi, by the way, say* he dislikes th* term "passive resistance" beeauM it doe* not expr*** th* full beauty and purpoaefulneu of th* Idea...
...Let the forces of Life and Progress unite to do the will of Peace and Labor...
...Early French Socialists By WILLIAM BLOOM The Chief or Policc and the Parii Commync, Th...
...Cioth ha* been "boycott...
...The Stnttor would rather have the Republican...
...There is one power which can stand war, and only one...
...Come then, Comrades, in your thousands, to demonstrate on our International Anti-War Day...
...Any Republican who fade to fall in Ha* may beware of the lash...
...Secretaries: JAN OUDEGEEST...
...there is something •lse...
...Prague—Odborove Sdruseni Ceskoslovenske, R. Tayerle...
...and it i* unjust to constructively patriotic men like Ram Mohum Roy, Tilak and Gokhale, to whoie teaching* and i»» fluence Gandhi ha* many time* given credit, publicly...
...It is your duty as citisen to getj in line and help hasten the forming I Of an AMERICAN LABOR PARTY, i Glengarry's Review Written for The.New 1,eider THE HOUSE OF DKB8 Th* House of Debt: BUILD it where you please, -THAT' CHERISHED SPOT Shell ALWAYS b« Th* MIDDLE Of the EARTH, The SUMMIT Of the GLOBE— Because THERE stands The House of Debs...
...Make yourselves one with those who, in this the first World Anti-War Day, are defying the powers of hate and greed and are teaching the new might of world brotherhood and solidarity...
...The ones that would benefit from a third party, AN AMERICAN LABOR PARTY, are the farmers who are robbed by the big trust...
...brought death to prisoner* by making them sleep on damp concrete...
...Vice President: LEON JOUHAUX...
...Planned Before Victory Among other things, Senator Pep Mr i«id thst the appointments of Forbes and Fall "have proved to be terrible mistakes, while the selection of Mr...
...In open defiance of law, the therifft of La* Animai and Huerfano appointed these non-retident deaperadoet aa deputies...
...Th*y may want my lif...
...Build it on a HILL Or dig it in a VALLEY...
...Th*** two long aeoepted, but qait* erroneous, conception* of the a* called "paaalv* resistance" must b* cast aaide at a time whan th* world I* waking up to tha construotivanass and afftctivenMs, and tha poaltiv* character, of such resistance...
...H* died with the *ame courage with which he had fought...
...Of the 1,716 to-called toldier* on dut:' in November we proved that more than half were gunmen, ex-convicU, and the refu*e of the city *lum*, and that their leader*, if necetsary, remained on the company payroll*, The civil Courts were open and unobstructed, yet Ckato, the vanity-mad doctor in command, created the Military District of Colorado, gathered a tribunal of corporation lawyers, real estate men and *habby nondescripts, and announced that he would arre*t, try and execute without regard to the civil authorities...
...Khan's table, "India must boycott anything and everything that bears the nam* of England," 1* not correct...
...The selections of the Cabinet officers were planned by the Republican "machine" before Harding was ever sleeted...
...When the Minister of Public Works remarked in the Assembly, after a speech by Pujol, that if the workers refuted to obey the Assembly they would be forced to do so, Pujol stirred up the people to such an extent that a battle with the Paris garrison resulted, which ended in a proletariat defeat...
...He lived an easy, comfortable life until his death at the age of nearly seventy...
...Baker, chairman of the Penn-wlvania State Republican Commit-tH, *tat*( that "the present campaign in Pennsylvania is the most lethargic in y*ars...
...The sole use of the mechanical perfection to which he will have attained will be to doom miHjons to horrible and inevitable defth...
...More enlightenment...
...That power is organized Labor...
...Shortly after John D. Rockefeller, Jr.'* testimony wa* given to the Congressional Committee at Washington, the force* of mine guard* and militia became more active...
...During the war of 1878, Ferre fought In the rank* of th* National Guard and helped to organ-is* the police service to luppra** plot* against th* Commun...
...Chaudery Lall Khan has given of him to the readers of The New Leader, although this writer has, in other inspects, well outlined the movement that Gandhi is leading...
...Milan—Confederation* General* del Lavoro, D'Araona...
...THE monument IMPERISHABLE IS just HIS NAME The WORLD-LOVED nameEugene Victor Debs...
...He was the first alert mfyid to perceive the meaning of the growing industrialism of France...
...The days when man could show prowess on the battle-field are for ever gone by...
...Then came the sham peace that shattered the illusion of so jnany and destroyed the dream that this was the war to end war...
...A man who pr*dicatei hie Whole program on the idea of love to any and all men, who could write to an Indian here, "It (non-cooperation) it a new experiment and we shall hav* to be extremely patient if we would make headway," and/ who wrote, in another place/' Impatience i* alio a form of violence . . . . "— such a man could not rpossibly fit into the pictur* that Mr...
...C. MERTENS...
...He won't haw* enough Influence to stick in your eye when It come* to th* divition of tpoila in hia district...
...His education was that of a middle-class boy...
...L*t it not be forgotten that paclflo resistance 1* no mor* negative than It i* cowardly...
...Senator Borah, speaking at a mooting of the Calvary Baptist Church, tolls of "individuals having business, or expecting to have business with the Government, giving Urg* turns of money to the political party which is in control, or <i seeking control...
...Keen political ektervers testify thst the coming presidential campaign of the Repubf llcsn and Democratic parties will k* the biggest piece of humbuggery *v*r *ttf*d...
...These are the ones who will benefit by a third party...
...Firat, it wat the Baldwin-Felt* thugt that tried to juttify our utter dettruction by murder, intuit and ruffianitm...
...but Pepper'* speech was th* "keynote" rpeech...
...Louis Blanc and Louis Pujol J. Louis Blanc wai born in October, 1811...
...of Jewish Labor in Erex Israel, D. Ben-Gurion...
...It is supported by the Socialtat and Labor International, the International Cooperative Alliance, and the International of Socialist Youth...
...Paris—Confederation Generate du Travail, Leon Jeu-haux...
...GANDHI'S PROGRAM Editor of Th* N*w Leader: Will you give me space to oorreet several unfortunate misstatements in regard to Mahatma Gandht'a program of non-viol*nt non-cooperation aa *et forth in a recent laaue of Th* L*ad*r...
...THE LUDLOW MASSAGRE BY EDWARD L. DOYLE Quoted from Hunter's "Labor in Politic...
...Johannesburg—South African Industrial Federation, A. Crawford...
...He wa* arraigned before the Third Court-Martial...
...ancient or modern, that our readers thould be glad to keep for future reference...
...In February, 1848, when France was proclaimed a republic, Blanc was a member of the Provisional' Government...
...I have lived free and I will die free...
...tortured poor Colnar by making him think he wa* digging hi* own graVfe, and stood seventeen other* in front of loaded guns for an hour, then beat them because they would not beg...
...For the meaning of the above j 1 will again quote Senator Borah: "Th* danger arises not out of criticism and exposure, but out of tMit truce between the great par-tits that they will not criticise or txpoit the evil practice...
...When men stood aghast in the midst of the ruins wrought by the last war, it was the working-class which was the first to raise the flag of the International...
...NOR can it b« a SHMNE Where thoie would WORSHIP Who conceived th* VISION For which his soul TRAVAILED-Deep in each heart ENSHRINED ABIDES his golden MISSION— That justice SHOULD prevail, And THEY WILL GATHER From AFAR and NEAR To BUILD The House of Debs, The House of Deb* I* just a FOND EXPRESSION Of the LOVE A MILLION HEARTS Bear to HIS NAME BECAUSE Hi* LIFE-LONG taskHi* ALL-CONSUMING passionWas a STRUGGLE For THE FREEDOM Of the TOILING SLAVES,FOR THIS, With hearts AGLOW, We CONSECRATE The House of Debs...
...They chained the •ick to hospital bed...
...Later he escaped to London, where he earned a poor living by teaching...
...Pepper deltas that the Repubs and Democt Itop exposing eril practices and re-Wat th* "tacit truce...
...THE RACE BETWEEN LABOR AND BARBARISM An Appeal by the International Federation of Trade Unions to the 19,000,000 Organized Workers of the World to Celebrate International No-More-War Day, September 21st...
...If w» analyze correctly, the nation it divided into two groups...
...He went about workshops collecting facts...
...It it a tlave revolt...

Vol. 1 • May 1924 • No. 18

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