LABOR IN SAFETY CAMPAIGN National Conference of Workers' Health Bureau Opens Today. A nation-wide drive for "safety in industry," for the purpose of combating "Industrial diseases snd poisons...
...Although the company has advertised for scabs in other cities, representing that there ia no labor trouble in Pullman, the newly organised union men have been able to stop them from coming in...
...If anything can assure the success of The New Leader it is the fact that its readers like the paper...
...As a result, 200 additional subscriptions have already arrived and, the Pittsburg comrades say, more are on their way...
...made the ^oriA look fooliih onm again...
...Restlessness among the workers has been increasing ever since the company hired an efficiency expert named Francis Gunn, who instituted the Taylor system of speeding up production...
...All kinds of rumors are afloat and all kinds of statements are being given out by the different syndicates to the effect that the or-ganizaUpn has in-dorsed^this, that, and the other candidates for the presidency," declare* Grand Chief Warren S. Stone, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers...
...Our readers whose subscript tlons are to expireihortly may save our office a good deal of work and expense if they will watch the address labfl on the wrapper of their paper for the date of the expiration of their subscriptions...
...but the obvious reply-was that it were futile to call an international conference at a time when it could not succeed...
...Angered at the treatment they had received, 1,500 men walked out April 14, and many more are joining their ranks daily...
...The call to the organizations of all countries interested in workers' education has been sent out by the International Federation of Trade Unions of Amsterdam...
...In spite of his recent parenthood...
...This was because the issue was largely one of free trade Versus protection, and they are committed to free trade...
...ers who would not otherwise learn of the strike action are being informed and are refusing to go into the shops...
...They also demand an agreement which will establish the 48-hour work week and give the union complete recognition and collective bargaining...
...Send us the names...
...MacDonald has a real hold on the country, the Judge declared, and the succesa of the Labor party means nothing less than the doom of the Liberal party...
...Some departments are still awaiting'announcement of their cuts...
...Our foreign policy,'" said the Premier, "Appeals particularly to the smaller nations of Europe...
...The Workmen are highly skilled...
...JOHN BALL ARRIVES Socialist* will be glad to hoar of the birth of John Ball, oldest son and heir of Charles J. Ball...
...ha* not only parried the n«w thnjjt mad* at it by the Toriet, bat, wftfc great credit to Itaelf...
...Arthur Henderson, secretary of the Labor party and Home Secretary in the government, declared later at the rally, the outcome of the French elections, an outcome that is a magnificent move forward, had been influenced in no small degree by the statesmanship of Ramsay MacDonald, the Socialist Generous praise of the Socialist Premier of Great Britain, the Right Hon...
...Comrade Ball married Gertrude Krants only eight years ago...
...They thought they had one in the shape of the Socialist Chancellor Snowden'* decision to lift the McKenna import duties on automobiles, foreign Alms, musical instruments, blocks and watches, etc., so former Tory Premier Baldwin introduced a motion declaring this decision to be inexpedient...
...The workers are organized in Locals 20, 66, and 270 of the International Union of Stationary Engineers and Firemen...
...The Pullman plant is said to be tied up and...
...Frederick L. Hoffman, former U. 3. Department of Labor expert...
...Inventive genius flourishes among our comrades and novel methods of boosting the sale of The New Leader are, therefore, almost as numerous as are the comrades...
...V Delegates to the conference haVe already been appointed by Labor unions in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, New York, Massachusetts and Connecticut...
...Judge Payne wMle in Europe presided at the annual meeting of the League of Red Cross Societies in Paris...
...Pittsburgh may be the "Smoky City" but its residents are showing a keen appetite for light ahd clarity...
...We also want to await the action of the conference for progressive political action, which meets In the B. of L. E. Auditorium on July 4." Comrades' Inventive Genius Boosts The New Leader The American Socialist Party ii determined to introduce Socialism in the United States by a process which involves winning over the minds of meny millions of apparently indifferent individuals...
...Never since MacDonald took over the Foreign Office have Socialists here blinded themselves to the fact that in Poincare the Labor government had a thorny ob-etacle to get past, and now that the Bloc National's majority has been wiped away and the Socialist Party has elected Sfer a .hundred members, and the Socialistic Radicals have become the strongest party, the resulting moderate policy of the French Parliament is sure to be a great help in the Labor government's historic attempt to salvage the wreck of Europe...
...In fact it has been broadcasted on several occasions that the B. of L. E. as an organization has endorsed Mr...
...Hundreds of odr readers told us that they like the paper during the past week by renewing their three-month*' subscrlptioris when they expired...
...Indeed, speaking at a great Labor women's rally in Albert Hall Tuesday night, MacDonald hinted that the government i* now only waiting for the favorable moment to issue the call for an international conference ori disarmament...
...By means of this system each operation ft timed by stop wstches and the price of pay for the whole is gauged on the speed of the fastest worker...
...The campaign will be started at the second national conference of the Bureau which will be held in New York City, May 17 and 18...
...When The New Leader arranged to take over the entire mailing list of the Buffalo Age, Thomas Flynn was retained as Subscription Agent for the Buffalo district...
...I could go so fsr however, as to say that we are preparing a Bill for the stocks...
...If every reader will take the trouble to recommend one prospective reader, ,an Introductory copy of the paper will be Immediately forwarded...
...On the comp*ny committee, however, there was no representation from the employes...
...Joseph Chamberlain of the Legislative Drafting Service of Columbia University and Dr...
...Locomotive Engineers Deny They Support McAdoo for President Cleveland.—The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineer*, in a statement issued from its offices here, declares that reports it has endorsed the candidacy of William Gibbs McAdoo for the Presidency are "absolutely untrue...
...LABOR GAINS ON BUDGET MacDonald Hint* Ha May Call Diaarmament Conference...
...The strike ties up nesrly all breweries, ice houses, slaughter plants, co4d storage, ice cream and candy manufactories arid food storage houses...
...The persistency which has b?en employed by the Finnish Socialists' in building up their splendid organizations and cooperatives now serves Se New Leader in it...
...Comrade Flynn ia extremely optimistic about the future...
...Mow many other cities will do this!^ Eloquent testimony to the value of The New Leader is offered by the Comrades of Buffalo...
...Crusaders for Socialism thus become crusaders for the growth of The New Leader Into a mighty weapon for social progress...
...Joseph Aub of Harvard University...
...It has been timed to take place during the three days preceding the opening of the British Labor Conference, to which will go dele-gatea from the Labor parties and trade union congresses of all the dominions, colonies and protectorates of the British Empire, and most of these delegates will participate ia the educatioa conference...
...A very effective and simple method, however, is urged by the Circulation Department...
...Gunn was finally fired because of the trouble he stirred up, but his efficiency innovations continued...
...STREET CAR MEN ADVANCE Memphis, Tenn.—An Arbitration board has raised street ear men's wages 3 cents an hour...
...Pensioners, many too old to do heavy work in the shops, have been forced back to work on the threat that their pensions will be forfeited...
...The Liberals, although every bit as hearty as the Tories in their detestation of the Labor government, had been placed by the latter in the position of being bound to vote against the Tories...
...Emery R. Hayhurst of Ohio State University...
...The Socislist Party, furthermore, feels confident that it will accomplish this colossal task because it has made steady progress and because similar aima have been accomplished in other countries in the face of similar obstacles...
...Meanwhile they were preparing the way—smoothing out the wrinkles As the Right Hon...
...It is now the banner district for New Leader circulation...
...Socialist branches are being offered a special bundl* rate for open-air meeting distribution of $8.00 per hundred, Preaent this matter at | the neat masting of your breath...
...Another method for boosting clr-Qulation that requires no additional effort is the use of the paper at open-air meetings...
...These readers should forward a renewal of their subscriptions several weeks before their expiration In order to prevent a period of interruption in mailing the paper to them...
...LABOR IN SAFETY CAMPAIGN National Conference of Workers' Health Bureau Opens Today...
...Comrade Ball was strong enough to preside at a meeting of The Leader Publishing Associstion WW-nesday night...
...John first is* the light of the Bronx Wednesday morning...
...A picket line is maintained and, despite the fact that armed guards and plain clothes men hired by the Pullman Company are constantly on the fMtch, worker» to Revolt...
...A number of employers are re-pbrted to have applied for settlement The union charges that the employers have been making.huge profits...
...RESTORE OLD WAGE RATE Newark, N. J.—Garment Workera' Union No...
...despite efforts to import scabs, production is at a minimum...
...They have been receiving $8.00 per- day...
...278 has restored former wage ratea as the result of a strikfe...
...Bradley Kirschberg, Consulting Chemist of the Workers' Health Bureau...
...RAISE WAGES . - • • • • t. . .« \ ; f » Eugene, Ore —Newspaper printers have secured a three-year contract that calls for a wage increase of 26 cents a day for the first half of the period and an additional 26 cents the last half...
...Labor Cabinet to Propose Mine Nationalization London.—A bill to nationalise the profits of coal mine owners it being prepared by Emmanuel Shinwell, Minister of Mines in the Socialist cabinet Shinwell, one of ^s ablest Socialists in the eStfntry, will make the findings of the Sankey commiselon the basis of ^is bill...
...Fred Rauscher has been selected chairman of the General Strike Committee and is making the Brooklyn Labor Lyceum his headquarters...
...The New Leader certainly is far more effective for propaganda than any leaflet...
...Sine* its readers are experienced propagandists they will undoubtedly do their utmost to introduce the paper to their friends and prospective convert* to Socialism...
...So favorable is the impression male by The New Leader on its new Buffslo readers that Comrade Flynn has been able to forward 20 new subscriptions for his district, as well as renewals for every Buffalo Age subscription which expired during the week...
...Motion pictures showing the devastating effects of industrial diseases will be shown, and a program covering health negotiations with employers, securing compensation for occupational diseases, and financing cooperative trade union health departments will be worked out at the conference...
...Before the So-, cialist Party can accomplish its task, therefore, the Socialist press must reach millions of prospective converts...
...Means for reducing the number of lives "lost and injured each year as a result of industrial accident" will be formulated by scientific experts who will participate in the conference, according to the announcement...
...Speeding up systems, unfair representation through a boss-owned company union and a forty per cent cut in wages are issues which forced tte workers to take matters into tflteir own hands and refuse to work...
...I am bound to give a note of j warning, that It 1s extremely un-, likely that this Parliament will al-: low me to deal with such a mess- ' uk," he added...
...For that reason I am now examining the question of mining royalties, and am preparing a -Bill to deal with the nationalisation of mining royalties," said Shinwell, speaking to his constituents...
...A nation-wide drive for "safety in industry," for the purpose of combating "Industrial diseases snd poisons which kill off thousands of workers yearly" will be started Saturday, May 17, by representatives of over fifty Labor organizations throughout the United States, it was announced by the Workers' Heslth Bureau today...
...Some domestic critics, continued MacDonald, wanted to know why they did at once call this international conference...
...Then the company instituted what it termed the "Pullman Plan for Employe Representation...
...The arrangement is to continue for four weeks and, it is hoped, will bruig a new subscriber for every copjjof the paper thus distributed...
...James P. War-basse, President of the Cooperative League of America...
...I am fortified to some extent by the report of thej Sankey Commission, which was un-j animous on the question of mining royalties, but political exigencies msy intervene...
...London.—Score another (or the Labor government...
...Among the experts who will participate in the convention are Dr...
...Labor Educators to ,, Meet at Oxford The increasingly vital subject of workers' education is to receive exhaustive consideration at the hands of delegates from all parts of the world in the second international conference at Ruskin College, Oxford, England, opening August IS and lasting until the 17th...
...The 8, of L E. has consistently refused to indorse anyone, and our reply has been to all such inquiries that we would await the action of the two party conventions and see whom they nominate and what platforms they adopt, before even indicating any preference...
...To add to the general hardship endured by these wage slaves of the Pullman Company, Florence Pullman, daughter of the l»te George M. Pullman and wife of ex-Governor Lowden, raised the rents on her hundreds of company houses, May 1. Employes charge that ex-cess rents and low wages are the methods by which Florence Pullman Lowden finances her husband's political ventures...
...campaign to ain a huge national circulation...
...McAdoo, the Democratic candidate fgr the presidency...
...This statement is Absolutely untrue...
...Thousands of prospective readers can be reached in this manner...
...J. Ramsay MacDonald, was accorded by Judge John Barton Payne, Chairman of the American Red Croat, upon his recent return from England...
...To further tie the hands of their workers, the company planned its wage cut propres-sively, so that no two departments were hit at the ssme time...
...The Fitchburg comrades pay for 10 copies of The New Leader which are distributed among its newa stands...
...Solid satisfaction is felt throughout Britain in general and the Labor movement in particular over the oirtcome of the French elections, and observers regard the defeat of Raymond Poincari as a sort- of vote of confidence in Prime Minister MacDortald's policies in European affairs...
...Socialism, both here and abroad, owes a great part of its progress to the Socialist, press...
...11Engineers Strike In Refrigerating Plants Is Called A strike of 2,500 stationery engineers and other workers empjoyed in refrigerating plants began Wednesday night and threatens to tie up completely the food supply for New York snd Brooklyn...
...But, following a d»bate in whieh Snowden made the Tories squirm under a shower of sarcasm, the House squashed the motion by a vote of 317 to 252, the Tories looking more than usually sheepish as they trooped out into the lobby to vote...
...Although the Pullman workers had no union when they walked out, they are fast becoming members of the Brotherhood of Railway Carmen of America, through the organizing efforts of John O. Holmgren, general vice-president...
...Comrade Hill-quit addressed a meeting there on April 27...
...The Toriea, a* they and the Liberal* have not ceated to do ever *ince the Labor party took office, (canned the field anxiouily for a possible handle with which to swing the club onto the government's head...
...Mass meetings are to be held daily at' the Brooklyn Labor Lyceum...
...Jr., and Gertrude Krantr Ball...
...Special attentiort will be paid to poisoning by lead, bpnsol a"hd mercury, and to silicosis, described in the announcement as "a dangerous lung disease affecting thousands of workers in many trades...
...Numerous attempts were made by the employes to securing a hearing, but without success...
...The new rate is 45 cents an hour for first-jrear men, 50 cent* far the second year, and 55 centa tfiftrehfter...
...And the Labor government'* itock ha* correiponding-ly riaen throughout the nation...
...The Finnish Socialist organization of Fitchburg, Massachusetts, not only bought and distributed 250 copies of the May Day edition, but decided to carry out a very effective method of introducing The New Leader to the newspaper reading public of their city...
...Ignoring this much flaunted medium of democracy, however, the company proceeded to cut the wages of its employes from ten to forty per cent without so much as a day's notice...
...PULLMAN LABOR STRIKE STRONG Betrayal of Company Union Stira Unorganized WorkPullman, Illinois.—An unorganized strike involving 1,500 car-builders in the Pullman shops, Pullman, 111., has entered upon its fifth week...
...If there is coal in the land and nation wanted coal no person) onght to be allowed to stand in the way...
...The strikers are demanding an increase of f 1.00 per day...
...Employe committees were formed, on each of which sat officials of the company...
Vol. 1 • May 1924 • No. 18