...Needle Unions Move to End Factional Strife PENN...
...The action was taken on the ground that the majority of the local's executive board were members of the Trade Union Educational League, which has been declared to be a rival or dual organization dedicated to the "capture" of unions by "militant minorities...
...All Chicago fur workers turned out, to greet the convention ih front of the hot*!, a holiday having been declared for the Chicago trade...
...If any nation can be held more responsible wan others, Russia and France— and to a certain exten(, Great Britain—are to be regarded as far the guiltier...
...They did offer to combine with the Communists locally, where such action was feasible, but such offers were turned down...
...It is not known whether any resolutions calling upon the Amalgamated to send delegated to St...
...139 83 Socialistic Republicans .. 35 SI Left Democrats...
...It was the United States which had no good excuse for entering th*' war that really decided the war...
...Many barriers to reconciliation have fallen, thanks to the intelligent action of the French voters...
...It is a situation that should inspire American workers as well...
...The convention will be featured by action on the proposals of the General Executive Board for the active participation of the International Fur Workers' Union in the Conference for Progressive Political Action in the interest of the Labor party movement, the establishment of a cooperative factory in the fur dressing branch of the industry,, the exten»i9n of the union'a educational department, the amendment of the constitution so as to broaden the powers of the General Executive Board in dealing with internal disrupters, and a nation-wide .organization campaign for the pur-Pise of enforcing New York work and wage standards in the more backward cities...
...The convention indicated its temper on the opening day when Secretary of Labor Davis in a prepared address extolled the record of President Coolidge'on Labor issues and advocated registration of aliens and other reactionary measures...
...At Tuesday's sessions, Arthur E. Holder of the Cohference for Progressive Political Action, made a plea for political action by the workers...
...The delegates were informed that Davis was invited because of the high position he occupies in the Government rather than as a tribute to his views on Labor issues...
...If any is brought before the convention, it is the general belief that it will have short shrift...
...The delegates were given a chance tJ attend the sessions of the Federation...
...Under the revised electoral system, which is somewhat df an improvement over the system iwhich won for the Bloc National fit 1919, votes are cast for the individual candidatea on the district party lists, snd if a candidate gets moire than half of the total votes polled l> his district he is elected at once, while the other seats sre apportioned according to the average vote cast for the Party lists and tip standing of the candidates on these {lata...
...The situation in the New York market was considered at length and a number of resolutiona on the subject await consideration...
...and William H. Johnston, chairman of the Conference for Progressive Political Action., t < About 130 delegates represented locals from New York City...
...29 14 Radicals and Socialistic...
...The great audience rose to its feet, burst into wild cbedrs, and jpined in singing the workers' international hymn...
...1 beg to send hearty greeting* in behalf of my brother, as well as myself, to the delegates assembled in Convention at Philadelphia, and to express the hope that their deliberations may be harmonious throughout and tend In all essential regards to build up and strengthen and equip tha Amalgamated for tha still greater Work that awaits it and for the still greater triumphs it is to achieve, not for itself only, bat for the workers of America and all the world...
...There were alao many vacancies in the Chamber that was dissolved on April 13 due to deaths, resignations and election po the Senate...
...Delegation after delegation from the organised shops In and around New York marched to the stage with red banners presenting flowers, while bands played the International and the audience sang and cheered, until the vtage was hanked high with countless baskets and wreath* and the j lia!1 looked like a high school commencement—only vital and alive...
...Their claim* were referred to the Credentials Committee, apd by a vote of six to two, the seating of the regular delegation recommended...
...WORKERS HISS DAVIS . Federation Delegate* Alio Attend Labor Party > GatheringAllentown, Pennsylvania.—An enthusiastic endorsement of the movement for the .organisation oi an American Labor party out Of the convention pf the Conference for Progressive Political Action July 4, and of other progressive Labor policies is awaited from the convention of the Pennsylvania Federation of Labor, which opened hdfre Tuesday...
...More significant even than this release of Europe from the nightmare of the French robber clique is the evidence that the working classes abroad are slowly rising to power...
...In discussing the Cleveland conference the "grand old man of Penn-sylvSnla" as Maurer Is usually referred to, appealed to the delegates to leave their pet hobbies outside and forget them for a while and all join together in building a real labor party...
...THROUGH SOCIALISM TO PEACE THE rise of the French Socialist Party to the position of the second party in France and the distinct shift to the Left which the election reveals is glorious news...
...Long live intarnational *olidarity...
...In the Department of the North, containing Lille, Roubaix and other big industrial towns, the Socialists ran their candidates on their own lists, and elected ten men, against ten for the Bloc National and three for the Communjsts...
...It met in a period of great unemployment, and the main task of the convention, as outlined Hillman, is to extend the Chicago plan for unemployment insurance to the entire industry...
...e in good faith...
...The tasks of the union, which will be taken up during the week's convention, will be: 1. To extend Labor banking and to go into the general field of cooperation...
...Feinberg has been identified for several years with the fight to rid his union of the Communist disrupters, and it was charged that a Communist clique had been planted to make it impossible for him to make his speech of comradeship...
...It was evident from th* very beginning th*t the treaty, having its oritin in a lie, obtained by deception, Made in violation of all the principles that were considered essential to the restoration of peace, political snd sconomic, in Europe, leaving even the sum that Germany was to pay indefinite, and in effect reducing 60,000,000 German men, women and children to a state of permanent serfdom would hot work—that while it continued to exist Europe wonld not be at peace...
...Amid general applause the convention ordered congratulatory messages sent to th^Britiah Labor Government, the French Socialist Party and the Danish Socialist Government...
...Ten years^-fcgo," he said, "we were faced by an almost hopeless situation...
...Amendment of the International constitution is proposed by the G. E. B. to meet special conditions...
...Now the French voters have pushed Poincare hyto oblivion...
...cialiat authoritiea say that there can be no collaboration in the Government unless very definite pledges of Labor reforaa are given hr the bowgeoli groups laaklaf V the reat,of the Left Bloc...
...The workers belong in politics...
...Unfortunately, the workers are divided politically, but there appears on the horizon the hope that before Jhe next presidential election Labor will unite in j ita own parly...
...Ignored by the ''grande presle" of Paris and by the foreign correspondents, the Socialiat Party has been winning victories in local elections for many months, so the outcome of the big flght, while more cheering than wss expected, was by no means a surprise to the readers of the Paris and provincial Socialist press...
...Deciding that Local 0 of New York had fallen into the hand* of enemies of the union who operate through the Trade Union Educational League, the convention decided by a vote of 214 to 43 to revoke the charter of the local and place the membership under the supervision of the General Executive Board for a period of one year...
...Another resolution adapoted places additional resources in the hands of the General Executive Roard for the organization Of poorly organized branches of tht industry...
...700,000 Workers Declare for Labor Party...
...BERGER URGES CONGRESS TO REVISE TREATY VERSAILLES PACT CALLED PEACE BARRIER Socialist Congressman Declares Settlement Based on Myth — Demands Investigation...
...The delegates were openly resentful of the Cabinet member's remarks and hissed loudly at several points in the speech...
...Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania and Poland were to serve aa imperialist police for the French banks... r: vfrom the D,i|y Worker to his argument «t this point the Contmunlst dele-wiesobjected to the quotation deny-* W»t the Worker .was their offltW Whtn H bec»m« evident ' tie majority of the convention J" » f»vor of the C. P.,P...
...Wednesday night, they were taken back again...
...of attack upon the entire Labor movement, a.nd won out, thus winning a victory for the eptire working class...
...As to the dissensions that have been systematically promoted by the Communists through their so-called Trade Union Educational League, both the report of the General Executive Board and the President in his address made it clear to the delegates that those who promote them are to be considered the bitterest enemies of the workers...
...All they had was idealism, a spirit of sacrifice...
...There was no session on Tuesday...
...In every instance the excluded delegates pleaded that they hat resigned from the Trade Union Educational League before the convention, but other delegates insisted that those resignations were not mat...
...A message from Theodore Deb...
...Following a n opening address by Preaident Morris Kaufman, welcome speeches were delivered by Socialist Mayor of Milwau-k e e Daniel W. Hoan on behalf of the Socialist Party, and John Fitzpatrick on behalf of the Chicago Federation of Labor...
...The only message we can send to our European comrades is that oil grafters rule...
...on behalf of Eugene V. Debs was greeted with tumultuous cheering...
...Abraham Ca-han, editor of the Jewish^ily Forward...
...For the first time since the end of the war great mfefes in Europe can breathe more freely...
...For a Labor Party The Amalgamated is affiliated with the Conference for Progressive Political Action, and will naturally send delegates to the Cleveland conference July 4, Hillman told The New Leader...
...President Samuel Gomptrs of th# American Federation of Labor...
...The convention met to complete the flrst decade of the existence of the union that was born out of a general strike of the men's clothing workers, and a revolt against the old style A. F. of L. leadership...
...And' above and beyond Sll that, ths terms upon wbich the war was concluded sFs.certAi* to hasten whet msy provs to be en eve9 more destructive wsr than the one from which we are...
...Led by Jean Longuet, Leon Blum, Compere-MftTel and other old-timers, they got to work rebuilding the Party, with the magnificent results registered at th# polls last Sunday...
...It is failing in the minds of millions of human beings, workers and peasants and others...
...In a statement which he issued to tt* press in connection with his ^solution, Berger said: "The Treaty of Versailles is based upon a myth which has long since beert exploded, even by those who helped create it...
...The Left Bloc will take charge of the French Government on June 1 and it is expected to work hand in hand with Prime Minister MacDonald of Great Britain in putting the Dawes reparation plan into operation in a way calculated to be acceptable to all German parties, except the Communists and the extreme Nationalists...
...Morris Hillquit stirred the convention to repeated demonstrations of applause in a speech in which he urged the union to participate actively in the movement for an American Labor party...
...The increase scored by the Communist party, which won twenty-nine seats against fourteen in the old Chamber, was not as largenaa had been expected by pessimists in the Socialist ranks who feared the affects of the Communist campaign of mud-slinging...
...Joseph Schloss-berg was elected for the sixth successive time as general secretary-treasurer by almost a unanimous vote...
...If an agreement between nations was ever obtained by fraud and deception, the treaty of Versailles was...
...suits of the Versailles Treaty* .A general industrial crisis' whteh will (hit the United Btates hard-' sst is impending — as the next-possible result of the treaty...
...The Left Wing cooperating with the Trade Union Educational League, called a public mass meeting at Clinton Hall, at which a contesting delegation wae elected...
...The voluminous report of the General Executive Board as made public at the first session of the convention, is a record of achievements in the face of trying industrial conditions...
...French imperialism has been a monstrous thing hovering over Europe...
...Wednesday's sesison, was a continuous celebration...
...Jn his sddress, Weinberg -erfade a plea'for tolerance in the Labor movement...
...Fought das» perately by Premier PoincsrA's Blots National on the one hand and by tha Communist party on the other, the French Section of the Socialist and Labor International won at least 102 seats in the Chamber of Deputies ia last Sunday's election and is the second strongest party in the ImM Bloc, which ia pledged to reviae the fallen Premler'a domeatic and for* eign policies in a way calculated to make France, and the reat of Europe, safer for real democracy...
...Andr6 Marty, the ex-petty officer of the navy who served time in prison for having led a number of his comrades in a refusal to fire upon Odessa when French warships were off that port while the Bolsheviki were driving out the White forces, and Jacques Doriot, who was sent to jail last year for agitating among the French troops of occupation in the Ruhr...
...The attitude of the delegates toward the movement for a Labor party is reflected in the participation by most of the active delegates in another convention in session here, of the Pennsylvania Farmer-Labor party...
...In a «tatement tfhich he made to the press, Berger called attention to tye fact that the return of the Socialist Party of France was a vindication of the position taken by the Socialists after the armistice when they demanded a settlement of the war on the basis of principles that Will insure a lasting peace...
...The task that our pioneers set for themselves waa to make of slaves citizens... has developed more civilized methods of industrial warfare...
...The Communists hissed Feinberg, who had been sent by the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, of Which he is a vile-president, to bring the greetings of the Boston convention of his union...
...HILLMAN IN PLEA FOR UNITY Convention Likely to Re-fuse to Attend June 17th Conference in St...
...The anger of the Communist fac-was aroused when William "««ch of the Mine Workers tried ^Prove that the St...
...Paris.—The Socialiat Party of France has come back...
...French militarism, unempjoy...
...ty-six Deputies classified as independent*, but under the new election law independent nomlnationa are not allowed...
...Tuesday's sessions were held in Philadelphia, but on Wednesday morning, the convention was taken on a special train to New York, where a session was held at Carnegie Hall...
...Permit u* to extend to you our tin-cere withes for ipttijr recovery *o that you might be ablo again to tako your place a* leader of the revolutionary Labor movement in America-" FUR UNION PLANS COOPERATIVE Executive Board Denounce* Communists for ObstructionChicago.—Th« Sixth convention of the International Fur Worker^ Union wait afffiid Monday i* the main hkll-of the Morrison Hotel...
...Secret documents that have been made public—and some that are known to •*ist but the terms of which are jjWl being kept secret—destroy w>»t myth completely...
...Injunction* Fail The report also announces that all attempts to dissolve the Amalgamated by bosses' injunctions have signally failed...
...Friendly receptions were also accorded James Oneal, who spoke to the convention as editor of the New Leader... ^•^treaatirer...
...He . - '"r"" iiiciiiBeives...
...Sidney Hilknan, president of the Amalgamate...
...Tlicy were beaten by a two to one vote...
...This • a demand made by the American Socialist Party in the last national Platform...
...Chicago has worked out its unemployment insurance plan that is to be adopted by the entire union...
...K \> ( The Communist elements "within the union are denounced in the report, which declares that the union has progressed "In spite of the obstruction of the dawdling Lefts, who put obstacles in the way of the union all the time...
...As to the St...
...French Socialist Party which, With tingle exception of the American party, ha* been hit Most by the war and the war pa-trioteer, ha* redeemed itself...
...4. To drive out all Internal dissensions...
...It was with considerable difficulty that the chairman procured the delegates' tolerance for the Davis speech...
...Organization drives have been carried on in New York, Springfield, Boston, Worcester, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Chicago, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Louisville, Los Angeles, San Francisco, St...
...The organization bore the brunt of this specie...
...Now they are occurring so rapidly in auccesaion that each ris« of the workers is accepted as a part of the daily news...
...The victory of the Left Bloc also strengthen...
...J.-One of the best-•ttended conventions in the history *[ the Brotherhood of Stationary 'Bremen, Engineers and Oilers warm-j *e«'ved the plea for an American «»or party by Marie B. MacDonald »he spoke here Wednesday, w Ubor party organizer stressed we urgBm.y for Labor party participation in the coming national elec-n "ml urged that the convention Rweirates to thvConference for th ^"Kive-Tollttual Action with Z . "f nH*i«tinK, i» thr torma-ol a National Labor party...
...The Pennsylvania Federation has been friendly to the Labor party move-ment fcince the election of Maurer in 19lS...
...The following were declared elected to the General Executive Board: August Bellanca, Hyman Blumberg, Sam Levin, Frank Rosenblum, S. Rissman, A. D. Marlmpietri, L. Mar-covitz, A. Miller, M. Santora, M. Weinstein, Peter Monat, S. Skala, and Leo Krtycki...
...The union must be in a position constitutionslly to protect its integrity against internal foes and disrupters...
...No opposition to the reelection of the administration appears to have developed...
...3. The Amalgamated is a pioneer in Labor banking...
...ment in Great Britain, the distress of our own agricultural pop-, ulation—these are soma of the immediate and now...
...But the old mililants of the Party were not downhearted...
...Hillman's address was a shout of triumph over the achievements of the Jfreat organization over which he presides...
...The convention also voted overwhelmingly against seatinp four alleged adherents of the Trade Union Educational from Local 5 of Chicago, four delegates from Local 1 of New York And one delegate from Local 25 of New Y>rk...
...Consequently, with Socialists, Socialistic Radicals and other members of the Left Bloc running on the same ticket in many: districts, figuring out the national Party vote takfcs some time...
...It met to record its approval of the work of its officers and to plan for more and greater work in the future...
...The discussion was quite inter-wing tnd almost every delegate PWWipated...
...Hillman turned the matter over to the convention Tu'eiday night, and after three hours of heated debate, in which the Lefts charged that the union's election had been dishonestly conducted, the committee's report was concurred in by 171 to 89 and the informally "elected" left delegates .sent home...
...wwrlea huntr was re-elected W . h.lrman, defeating Mr-^ZV...
...SWEEPING GAINS MADE BY PARTY One Hundred and Two Seats, Greatest Number Ever Held, Won in Sp«c» tacular Come-back...
...President James P. Maiyer was given a tremendous ovation as he ascended the platform in the Lyric Theatre to open the session...
...trying to emerge* " "The United States is largely responsible for the situation...
...INTERNATIONAL UNSEATSLEFTS Delegates Greet French and British Socialists on Election Triumph...
...The creation of unemployment funds in all centre* similar to that provided for in thai trade agreement recently negotiated in New York was rccommcnded...
...but now a nation of defenseless-and helpless people...
...Not only wag the treaty baaed upon a myth, but it wu obtained by fraud...
...He was unable to go on for the npjse that was made by the disturbers...
...They will yet fraternise here...
...The fight for the St...
...Boston.—Drastic disciplining of followers of thetfrade tjnjpn Educational League Jnr all«ired-disruptive jActics, definite commitment to the advocacy of the formation of a national Labor party at the Conference for Progressive Political Action, July 4, and aggressive organisation efforts in every branch of the ladies' garment the ladies' garment Industry were ordered by overwhelming vote of the convention of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union here...
...2. The Amalgamated has passed beyond the stage of being a union for strike purposes only...
...A. the JJ"»"jnlsts tried ln eyery w,y t0 » vote on the question by MW, .I01"1" of ord«rs- roll calls and Man t0 ,tar"P«de the conven>¦ "Pile of It ,|| the majority f? «'»d delegates to the C. L . " ,' 'onventlon was carried C I. .' 0f two one...
...Debs wrote, in part...
...By MARX LEWIS Wa*hinjjt»nr- - Last Monday of-fUial Washington aigoke from its IfMjJream of peace, during which it ^ptured itself holding permanent sway over the prostrate body of Jtyrope, to find that American diplomacy had again been dealt a etaggering blow...
...No oppoaition is anticipated to the re-election of Maurer as president or to the adoption of resolutions favorable to the Labor party movement and other progressive Labor policies...
...By WILLIAM M. FEIGENBAUM Philadelphia.—To the inspiring notes of th> International and tte Marseillaise sung by over three hundred delegates, the lixth bientiial con-vention of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America got under way at Wither-spoon Hall last Monday, w hen President S i d n ey Hillman—just reel e c t e d f or his sixth two-year term-by a referendum of the membership — address-id the men and women present, recounting the two years' work just completed and outlining the tasks of the convention and the union just ahead...
...Then came the split engineered by the Communists at the Congreaa of Tours in 1020, which cut the number of Socialist Deputies to fifty and re...
...117 162 Royalist Conservatives .. .20 46 In the old-Chamber there were for...
...Those who are ordinarily the administration'* spokesmen could not b« found to give the explanations Iff which this administration and the ' on* preceding it were able to expiate why the policies of the United State* have been and are suffering oae defeat after another...
...Victor L. Berger, Socialist member Pand a member of the nmittee of the Socialiet ternation»), with which Socialists are affiliated, an Longuet, leader of Socialist Party...
...The convention of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, meeting in Philadelphia and (for Wednesday's session) at Carnegie Hall, New York, took an emphatic stand against the elements identified with the so-called Left wing, both in excluding a contesting delegation from Local 2, and when President Hillman made an attack upon a bloc that tried to drown out an address by Israel Feinberg with hissing and booing...
...litical situation, and reiterate the previous declarations of the union for progressive policies in trsde matters...
...The Socialists had merely refuaed, at ttiel* Marseilles Congress, to accept the Communist proposal of • "Workers' and Peasants' Bloc" for the whole country, as the Socialists realised that, under the electoral system, such action would no doubt result in a sweeping victory for Poincari and his reactionaries...
...If that poaaiMlity be- 1 comes a reality, I hope the Amalgamated will place all iU forces at ita dltpoaal" (Cheen...
...Had these remarkable advance* by the working class been made before the war they would have startled the whole world...
...102 50 Communists...
...Paul Conference of June 17, which is ardently supported by Communist elements, Hillman said that it had- not met, it had done nothing and that the Amalgamated could naturally say nothing about its stand toward something not yet in existence...
...The vote on Local 2's delegates was considered a test of the strength of the vocal and agcre>.»ive Left, which has been working with the Communist Trade Union Educational League...
...Russia 'rejected in advance any moderating influence' and the French Government wa* 'firmly decided Upon war' since th* secret compact of 1892 when 'the start of Russian mobilization was the agreed-upon signsl for war.' And English ships were ready in the Baltic Sea, according to appointment, when the war broke out...
...Garment Workers Greets Eugene Debs Boston.-—The convention of Ik* International Ladies' Garment Worker*' Union ha* sent the following message to Eugene Victor Debt: "The Convention of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union assembled in Boston hat heard with tincoro grief from your brother, Theodora, of your illne*t, which make* it impottible for you to visit u* in Botton...
...That ttyth placed the war guilt exclu-•ively on Germany...
...Wednesday, when Feinberg was interrupted, Hillman grasped his gavel, looked straight at tha disturbers, and shouted, "I do not charge that these people came here just to hurt the Labor movement, but...
...A large proportion of the delegate* are women and girls...
...In 1019, while the popt* lar Socialist vote rose to about V 700,000, against 1,396,770 in 1914, 1,110,661 in 1010 and 877,099 in 1006, the outrageously unfair electoral system reduced the number of Socialist Deputies to sixty-eight...
...Wednesday's session was exclusively occupied with a discussion on the report of flits Resolutions Committee...
...Berg" H • a r I i eat congratulation...
...The prospect of French conscripts , running amuck in Europe will paas...
...Appreciation of the work of The New Leader was evidenced by (lie convention by the warm reception accorded ficorge Ross Kirkpalrlt'k who spoke for the publication and thej Socialist Party...
...Moreover, the Dawei report trie* to enslave the German people for fifty y«srs...
...Davis was given a formal vote of thanks after a number of delegates had openly voiced criticism of the Federation officers for having sent an invitation to the Labor secretary...
...There were two different resolutions before the House...
...The infamous peace of the victors will no doubt be modified...
...In the Ave years that have elapstd, the conclusions of the experts have been confirmed, while the French militarists, sided by the big American banksrs, have continued to do what French statesmen have all along declared It to be the purpose of the treaty to do—to continue in a modified form the war against Germany, —not the Germany of war days...
...On the day the newspapers were reporting the triumph of the Left elements in France, they contained also the report of the introduction by Berger <k a resolution calling upon the President of the United States to invite the representatives of nations which are signatories to the Treaty of Versailles to meet in Washington for the purpose of retiring the terms of the Treaty...
...4. It haa aided Russia with practical idealism...
...Paris.—Party executives have issued a call for a special natioa-al cnnventlon of the Socialiat Par* ty to meet June 1 to act on the question of Party participation ill the prospective Cabinet and Government of the Left Bloc...
...Nearly half a million workers, it is declared, are represented...
...So-cialiam i* marching again...
...Judge-Jacob Pan ken...
...In the report of the Executive, the findings of a special committee last September, denouncing outside bodies for interfering with the work of the Amalgamated, are reprinted...
...The D*w«» report will be no exception...
...There will be a change...
...convention was led by Fred "jttilck organizer of the Workers' of the Pittsburgh District The «J*««nd conference was upheld by Brophy, and James Mack, presi-Wt and vice-president respectively ™ District Two, United Mine "orkers...
...Every attempt to enforce the treaty, no matter how .fSlentiW the attempt may be, must prove futile...
...The decline of the franc was about to pull Poincare down with i( when the House of Morgan came to the rescue...
...With ten seats in the colonies still to be heard from, one seat in doubt and reballoting necessary in foyr cases, the make-up of the new Chamber of Deputies of' 584 members, compared to the old one, with 629, is as follows: New Chamber Old Socialists...
...11 • Local 2t composed of some 6,000 workers, had elected a delegation of nine to the convention...
...One message congratulated the Socialist* of France on their victory...
...In Germany the monarchist groups will no longer be able to p6int to Poincare and hi* strangling policy and urge a hopeiaM revolt in favor of a monarchist and Junker restoration...
...Here the wbrking-class hesitates to rise to its opportunity...
...During the campaign the Socialist nominees, even where they were running on the same list with bourgeois candidates, laid stress upon their Party's 100 per cent Socialist program, as well as upon their immediate demands for reconciliation with Germany, a capital levy, enforcement of the eight-hour day, etc...
...In Great Britain, Denmark, Auatria, Germany and now France we have the unmistakeable signs of a dying social order...
...Here are the achievements of the union, as enumerated by Hitlman in his presidential address: 1. The industry has been organized and will remain organized...
...On the other hand, the British Labor Government will now have an opportunity to confer with a French Government more reasonable to the restoration of a sick Germany...
...Paul will be introduced...
...A frequently repeated Commnnist charge was to the effect that the Socialists had refuaed to cooperate with the Communista in making nominations and, furthermore, that tho Socialist Party was not carrying on an anti-capitalist caat|-paign...
...No peace was possible so long as the Poincare clique remained in power...
...Decision was made to pursue tha fight of the striking dressmakers in Chicago to a victorious conclusion...
...52 54 National Bloc Republicans and Democrats...
...There is talk In politick circles of I^eon Blum, one of the best qualified leadera of the Socialiat Party, accepting the poat of Minister of Justice in the new Government', which ia expected to be headed by Edouard Herriot, the Socialistic Radical chief, but So...
...The facts were otherwise...
...The Communists elected, among others, Marcel Cachin, their Parliamentary leader...
...The French election will have a good effect in Germany and Europe in general...
...Maurer has been president of the Pennsylvania Federation since 1912 and is nationally prominent as a Socialist, having served in the Pennsylvania Legislature as a Socialist from 1910 to 1924...
...the position of MacDonald in his Hi pport of a powerful, all-embracing League of Nations that will reduce the possibility of wars between nations to the minimum...
...Strenuous labors and sacred duties will'devolve upon the union and ita elected officers in the near future...
...Will Support Labor Party Speaking of the political situation, Hillman said, "The Amalgamated never believed that the duty of workers ended in the union...
...ThSBoeiallkt Portr triumah MHM all the greater when it is realized that the highest number of seats it ever held before in the Chamber was 101, won in the elections of 1914, just before the World War began, when the Socialists were united under the inspiring leadership of Jew Jaures...
...Among the prominent Socialists elected last Sunday are Jean Lon-guet, Leon Blum and Paul Renau-del...
...The little vassal states of an imperialist France, which had bees brought into a French alliance, will have to reconsider their prospective role as conscripts for the French usurers...
...In all the months that elapsed from the signing of the armistice to the signing of the treaty the Fourteen • Points were not considered for a single moment...
...Louis, Milwaukee, Buffalo, Rochester, Toronto, Montreal and many other cities...
...The German working class will acquire hope...
...There must be a change...
...2. To devise s system of gen-ersl unemployment insursnce...
...While Hillman was speaking, a delegation ' from the Philadelphia local of the Amalgamated entered the hall with banners, flowers and a band playing the International...
...Socialism and Labor fraternise and act together all over the world...
...But the organization emerged in-, Uct from all their shameful attacks...
...It propoaei to take away the German railroads, now in the hand* of the German Government, and turn them over to the French capitalists, and it also proposes a first mortgage an all the factories, mines, fields sntj forests of Germany...
...75 83 Left Republicans...
...There have -been no conspicuous strikes, but tlftre have been wage increases in many localities...
...The election* will take plare heroic the adjournment of tha convention this Saturday...
...The French working chat i* following the example aet by the proletariat of Groat Britain...
...Paul conven - was nothing more than an-camouflaged Communist at-""Pt to capture themselves...
...Now the clothing industry is organized and it will remain organized...
...Clothing Workers...
...Mere we are the last outpost of a sodden reaction...
...Allied experts pointed that out st the time the treaty was signed, but their advice and warnings were disregarded...
...The reference is to the Communist organisation, and is so understood by the members...
...suited in th« capture of most of the Party machinery, including l'Ha-manite, the Paris daily, by the Coi...
...Tremendous cheering...
...The report of the General Executive Board indicates that the Fur Workers' Union is 'increasing its strength and prestige throughout the country and that it is benefit--ting from improving trade conditions...
...The news that France was no longer to hold the sword over Europe and that the Socialists of France, the bitterest foe* of France's military — and by virtue thereof—of J. Pierpont Morgan's financial clique, had come to stay and to hasten the restoration of peace in Europe, caught the State Department unawares...
...One called for the endorsement of the Cleveland conference, one' endorsing the ot-Paul convention...
...Resolutions adopted by the convention coincide with the Socialiai Party position on the national po...
...The silence with which the news was greeted left no doubt of the impression it had made upon Secretary Hughes and his officialdom...
...3. To sid in the orgsnizstion of a Labor party...
...Woodrow Wilson Helped frafee and also signed the treaty^ 'Because of this responsibility, and also becsuse it slone of all th'e nstions possesses the necessary prestige and ability, the United States should take the Initiative in calling an international conference to frame terms of peace that will take into consideration the workings of economic lews, snd that will not attempt to do what the Verssilles Treaty vainly sttempts to do—keep 80,000,000 people In the hesrt of Europe, a people who heve given much to civilization snd who, if givsn a . chsnce, will give much more, lit a'' permanent state of seititatf,'fcfttt with it* population actually' Stsrv* ing or on the veige ot starvations Labor Party Urged By Marie MacDonld at Firemen's Session Newark, "N...
...It will be some time before the exact popular vote cast for the Socialist candidates is available, but that it was more than 2,000,040 seems sure...
...It was a long time before Hillman was able to quiet the noise, and then Feinberg was given an enthusiastic welcome by the delegates...
...By slander, intrigue, and 'frame-ups' they more than once attempted to drag the name of the union through the.mire...
...The credentials committee reported that the largest delegation in the history of the body was present...
...The German people laid down their arms upon the understanding that the treaty would be based upon the Fourteen Points proclaimed by President Wilson...
...If these labors are to be consummated with the enthusiasm and harmonious cooperation of the membership the laws of the constitution should help rather than cause delay...

Vol. 1 • May 1924 • No. 18

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