Oneal, Janet

LENIN AND RUSSIA A Review by Janet Oneal THE MAN LENIN By Isaac Don U f i M . New York: Thoaaaa SettMr. $150. THE FIRST TIME IN HISTORY. Two Y e a n of Russia's New Life. By Anna Louise...

...r a t i o n , Mean had found hia pUe...
...is here told simply snd honestly...
...This is unfortunate for him...
...When the secrejL^bf longevity is discovered, or...
...I n Conrad the passion for adv e n t u r e and t h e passion for humani t y and human psychology are almost in equipoise...
...Carl Avery Werner gives a dull a r t i c l e on ' T h e American Cigar...
...At the end of the book t h e r e is a touch of pathos—the'cry of "the man who having served others all of his life—hss nothing at the finish but old age and poverty...
...I believe in them, Their adventure will come t o an end only with the advent u r e of the earth, and, when the e a r t h is dead, it will perhaps continue elsewhere...
...He never ' ' r o s e ' ' in t h e world...
...his f a t h e r was clerk in a colliery, " s o i t w s s counted a s fitt i n g t h a t I should make a s t a r t as a boy on t h e colliery f a r m . A year a s a n o r d i n a r y kiddie doing odd jobs in t h e fields—bird scaring, leading the horse at the plough, stonepicking, h a r v e s t i n g , a n d so on, s n d I wss r e s d y t o tackle a j o b down the mine...
...AMONG THE MAGAZINES THE FORUM The New York Call, established a s a Socialist Party paper, existed for over 15 years in spit* of unbelievable difficulties...
...She refers to the creative forces in Russia as "Common Consciousness in action," but does s o t lest ns know j u s t how much non-Communist yet revolutionary organizations of workers are included in thia phrase...
...G. Hartley U r a t t a n in his "Lowell," tells how Whittier, the poet, burned Walt Whitman's "Leaves of Grass" in t h s jAreplace because it was a vile book...
...He wa* a t all «f it* hif demonstrations, and h* bat...
...These two books, however, a r e worth while...
...There are other excellent articles on l i t e r a t u r e , politics and a r t. THE AMERICAN MERCURY The May number of The American Mercury does not measure up to the preceding...
...Tom Mann was one of the pioneers of t h e Labor movement, a nd it is i n t e r e s t i n g t h a t one who was in at the very b i r t h of tha present phase of t h e movement should still be active a n d hale and h e a r t y today...
...She even goes on to mention the "rotten inefficiency of the heating system in winter" and the "crudities of every kind," t h a t "profiteers* and gambling dens and bootleg whiskey and every r o t t e n thing there ia anywhere in the world" may be found in Russia...
...The a u t h o r ' s wide study of original sources ha* brought to light much important information, which baa bean incorporated In thia volume...
...The romantic, t h e adventurous, and the psychological...
...The book is valuable in showing the gradual change t h a t is t a k i n g place now in Social England...
...Beaks' of raven and kite, r -~ Mouths of wolf and of hound...
...Communists remain in power ready to socialize each industry as i t becomes ripe for socialization...
...It is a delightful human story...
...Lenin was r i g h t in pointing out that t h e r e was little difference between t h e German and British-FrenchI t a l i an ruling classes...
...n How did this great movement come about, this movement t h a t is in many ways, t h e moat significant in t h e world...
...So we a r e told in the blurb, and a f t e r reading the story we find the brief summing-up of S t u a r t Phelps' c h a r a c t e r to be correct...
...but when Henry M. Hyndman and hia tnenes founded th* Social Democratic Fad...
...The fourth and final volume of this t r e a t history not only of art but of the development of man has just been issued by t h e publishers...
...Adventure is t h e very substance of his novels, yet in a l l of them physical stress h s s its full equivalent of psychological stress...
...Europe—the inaane nightmare of Europe—seems - impossible to endure...
...It is the time ahead of a man t h a t controls him, not...
...John Owens writes ot "Watson of Indiana...
...a a. Space prevents our saying all we should like t o s s y about Mrs...
...New York: Seltaer...
...In concluding the author sums u p as follows: " ' hsvs finished the History of Art, which is t h e history of man: I have listened w i t h gratitude to all t h e voiees which for ton thousand years, man h a s used in order to apeak to me...
...a l i i * what should hav* been th* attitude . . . toward industrial organ, isation...
...Associated with Ben Tillett, Bob Smilli*, George N. Barnes, Will Thome, Pet* Curran, J o h n Burns, a n d others, h* occupied a conspicuous position ia t h e public mind...
...net impression left with the reader is that here is one of the most extraordinary men in all history...
...His whole life has been proletarian...
...In fact, a few issues without their editorial, l i t e r a ry *and theatre comments would be welcomed...
...Her c h a r a c t e r i s e of t o day a n d tomorrow and expound a philosophy as broad as life and as deep as e t e r n i t y for it is a philosophy o f mens' and womens' souls s s well as of t h e i r bodies...
...Within recent years we have had Hyndman's two volumes of autobiography, completed by hia wife's story of his last years...
...Tom wss a I- , r e a d y t h i r t y - t h r e e ) , did n o t "*mash" t h e unions...
...These gallant' men (no longer boys...
...By whom war* they led...
...Mourners, what of the night...
...America aeems cheerful and inconsequent i a l after it...
...T h e theory appears t o be to l e t capitalist forces t a k e theW&urs* in developing the technique M-V BociaNat society while the...
...His mother h s d died when he w a s t wo s n d a half...
...Tom Manu is a worklngman...
...s a i d : 'Apres moi, I* deluge...
...Miss Strong Writes little of tile dictatorship...
...She attended some election meetings but does not give us any intieiate information of how t h e votes m» cast or counted for Soviet officials...
...It is about the best balanced account of revolutionary Russia since the appearance of Professor Ross's volume...
...Lenin's flying in the face of all of Marx's warnings strengthens Marxism rather than renders it "bankr u p t . " Levine's last chapter is founded upon a fundamental inversion of logic snd it is the most unsatisfactory one in the book...
...of factionalism was too weak to kill t h a Leader in open battle...
...What he t h i n k s of t h s " G e n t r y " while not in t h e least complimentary makes good reading...
...How often must I repeat tha't such a discovery as the secret of longevity would change tho character and conduct of the man who discovered it to such an extent that he would be in effect a different .man...
...N*w York: Herper ft Bro...
...B. Movrat, will be published ahortly by Longmans, Green A Company...
...The South Takes the oMnaivV' is by Gerald W. J o h n s o n . Mencken and Nathan are deadly dull...
...Give us them back whom the guns Shot 4or you dead on the ground...
...Belford Bax's autobiography...
...He criticised m* »evere)y for my championship of t h * t r a d e union...
...Mann r e f e r s t o t h e m a t t e r "because at this e a r l y »tage I felt the tactics war* not of t h a b e e t Now, some thirty, •even year* l a t e r , I am still of th* opinion t h a t Hyndman failed to re...
...There a r e histories t h ai will tell u s ; for example,Max Beer's reliable " H i s t o r y of British Socialism" and the Webbs' monumental work go into the origins of the movement t h a t h a s become t h e Labor p a r t y . But t h e s e a r e only t h e scaffolding...
...The article concludes with a description of what a Labor daily is likely to be—when the time comes for the establishment of one...
...Capable of tremendous sacrifices and enormous work in behalf of his ideas of proletarian emancipation, the real Lenin bears no r e lation to .the monstrous imp 'conjured by allied press and propaganda for years...
...By the most stodgybrained, dull-witted and slow going time-servers in t h e country...
...Those interested in the literature regarding...
...The Commun i s t s hsve not realised their ideal of a Socialist society but conditions have improved for t h e masses...
...L i t t l e b y l i t t l e , Mann' s influenes a s a sincere and e a r n e s t worker ia the Labor movement grew...
...Who cy.fr participate* with confidence in the adventure of men h a t hi* portion of immortality...
...Why did Lenin, with all his knowledge of t he writings of Marx, attempt a complete social revolution in ..Russia...
...Ha joined th* A. S. g (Amalgamated Society of Engj...
...Translated from the French by . Walter Pach...
...It rains outside, overhead, Always a rain that is red, And our faces are soiled with the rain...
...I t is simply Russia, a nation of millions struggling out of famine, war, disease, economic prostration and disillusionment* with the Bolsheviks retaining their dictatorship and determined to hold their exclusive power...
...Miss Strong presents neither "an angel-blessed or a goblin damned...
...But he marries ah irresistible woman, a lovely [one, and an ideal wife—for some other man...
...Captives, what of the night...
...Norman Thomas played hi* part in the brief t r a g i comedy sincerely and honestly, s n d forces beyond his control killed t h a p a p e r / There are many} who believe that there is snothei side to t h e story, but Thomas' story...
...Phelps' wife...
...He does Aght to be himself, fights with all the weapons nature endowed him w i t h ; but his struggle not t o be tamed is of little avail when his a n t a g o n i s t (whose weapon is love) s t a n d s before him...
...These memoirs srs s genuine contribution to the liters* t u r e of t h e B r i t i s h Labor movement Reading the book, one begins to u n d e r s t a n d how t h a t movement has come to h e t h e power t h a t it hi in t h e country and i n t h e heart* snd minds of t h e people of G r e a t Britain...
...Socialism cannot be immediately victorious in it, but t he peassnt character of the country, given the enormous reserves of the land resources of the nobility, . . can give a gigantic impetus t o a bourgeois democratic revolution in Russia snd make of i t a prologue, a step upward, a universal Socialist revolution...
...Only twelve pages are devoted to Lenin's childhood and youth and the rest of the book deals with t h e activities of ttas exile and revolutionary...
...A man of fertile brain, keen and caustic in controversy, persistent in his aims and never discouraged by reverses, a weakness for fondling cats and a lover of children, the master of t he Kremlin emerges from this book as a unique humsn being...
...The book is a contribution from Downstairs...
...There is no self glorification, but only his simple story, simply told...
...agandieU and took p a r t ia every on* of it* activities...
...and your man just turned forty, a n d convince him t h a t he has another century or two to live...
...Nevertheless, Miss Strong has written a book t h a t is essential to every men snd woman who would understand the Russia of today and i t is heart :ly commended to our readers...
...TOM MANN-STURDY PIONEER A Review by William M. Feirgenbaum TOM MANN'S MEMOIRS...
...A WATCH IN THE NIGHT By ALGERNON CHARLES SWINBURNE Watchman, what of the night...
...They tolerate Elinor's fiance, and attempt* to make him feel that he may become one of them: he despises them and wishes only to be spared their boresome society...
...He waa o n e of i t* meet tireless prop...
...Indianapolii: The Bobbe-Merrill Co...
...Today, when the British Labor movement is in c h a r g e of t h e Government of t h e n a t i o n , when tha eyes of the whole world a r e on t h e Labor p a r t y and i t s founders and leaders, it ia refreshing to read this frank snd wholesome book by t h s t wholesome snd delightful person, Tom Mann...
...Comrade Norman Thomas, who was •Altf t o r of The Leader, gives his impress sions of "Labor and the Preas" in th* May' Forum, and he finds that i t was becauee of the terrific fight waged between t h e Communist* a nd the Socialists snd trade unions t h at t h e paper failed...
...Always an individual and not a tame cat, he makes 4 fight to be himself...
...Day-time and night-time are one Till the curse of the kings and the chain Break, and their toils be undone...
...We can pot, however, expect an acrobat to always do triple somersaults...
...Then came t h e fight for the eighthour day a n d t h e ever historic deck s t r i k e of London, o u t of which the "new unionism" grew...
...Conrad combines, in t h e form of fine literature, the a d v e n t u r e dear to boyhood' and healthy manhood with the psychological problem which the mature and active mind demands, And he does more...
...It I knew I should not be what I am...
...The Communists had to execute a " s t r a t e g i c r e t r e a t " and the "new economic policy" was the result...
...Then came th* I. L. P., Keir Hardie'* c r e a t i o n , snd he served as its secretaryTfor two y e a r s . He contested Coins) Valley, th* constituency now represented by P h i l i p Snowden, h i 1896, and got th* l a r g e s t v o t e ever polled up to that time (outside of South-West Ham) b y ' a Socialist, namely, 1,200 votes, Then cam* h i a removal Aa «**>-' t r a l i a , w h e r e h e c a r r i e d on f o r ove « a decade a s a Socialist agitator...
...p > . . T . LeoaW P n c , id t h e VmitU Sutaa, f 1.00...
...Of the new economic policy she writes: " I n all the details of life, Russia has made a great stride towards capitalism...
...New York: Boni and Liveright...
...A high school boy knows that if Russia had developed the high industrial technique of the United States and t h e n had her revolution t h e Allies would not even have tried to overt h r ow a Socialist Russia...
...F i r s t a t r a d e unionist, then a n active member of the movement for tbe "New Unionism," then a Socialist propagandist a n d organization worker, Mann lost all f a i t h in t h e efficacy of political action more than a' decade ago...
...Few of us realize that what she writes of Russia is what could have been written of the American colonies t i t e r the revolution...
...After more, t h a n a decade and a half, a plaajj wa* evolved to finance the' paper by a number of Labor organizations and make it merely a Labor paper with no "factional" slant...
...WHAT SHAW THINKS OF LONGEVITY i n "A Dialogue <>n Things in Genersl" between George Bernard Shaw and Archibald Henderson which appears in Harper's Magazine fur May, Shaw replied to t he question, "What is Longevity...
...The book Is written with crystalclear s i n c e r i t y - j u s t like hi* life snd work...
...The preceding books covered Ancient Art, Medieval A r t and Renaissance Art while the last one t r e a t s of Modern Art...
...His education was picked up in the only way a worker can pick up an education—reading a t night, list e n i n g to l e c t u r e s , a n d thinking...
...Would Louis have let t h i n gs slide and provoked 1789...
...Indeed, Elinor Harrison, the p r e t t y school-teacher, who h a s no thought of falling in love and therefore faJJ* in above her hea<L he* a powerful personality behind her gentle charm, a frame-work of steel beneath her outward softness...
...Phelps' husband and Mr...
...It is only a moment of it t h a t I have recounted in thia book...
...Another Napoleon Book A new addition to the Napoleonana, "The Diplomacy of Napoleon," by It...
...I feel not the red rain fall, Hear not the tempest at all, Nor thunder in heaven any more...
...The chapter on Russian oil gives some idea of the destruct i on wrought by bandit and reactiona r y leaders as well as by the int r i g u e s of t h e c a p i t a l i s t powers...
...he presents all three elements with a very unusual actuality, an a c t u a l i t y which, springing as it does from both sharpness of visualization a n d intensity of feeling, can be derived only from actual experience, for as a m a t t e r of fact Conrad is in the f o r t u n a t e position—somewhst rare for s modern man of l e t t e r s before the outbreak of t h e war—of poseasing a mind richly stored with the memories of a r d u o u s living—s msss of msterial ready to hand for his Imagination to mould into artistic form...
...Moreover, Russia would have also had her Socialism, for she would have inherited t h e economic and technical struct u r e for Socialism from the old regime...
...He w a s born April 15, ISM, of a workingclass family...
...tied with th* police when marcher* in an unemployed demonstration, were dubbed- So also did Hyndman, William Morris, John Bur**, and Ramsay MacDonald...
...Griffin Barry writes of " T h e British Soviet," a story of the leaders of the Labor party at play last summer at the Countess of Warwick's country place...
...The result Wa* t h e New York Leader thai lasted just s i r week...
...When we t u r n to Miss Strong's book we have the latest report on Russia by a sympathetic observer who spent two years in t h a t count r y investigating its economic and political institutions, helping the sick and starving, and traveling in many parts of the country...
...The almost superhuman sacrifices made by the Russian workers to save Russ i a ' s rich oil deposits is pae of t he most pathetic stories ever recorded in any book...
...Hese was a Marxist" recognition of t h e limitations to a Socialist revolution in Russia...
...And the flash of the lamps now and then From a palace where spoilers sit, • Trampling the children of men...
...But e v e r y living moment contains th* whole of life...
...But his services to the movement have been so valuable, his p e r s o n a l i t y so clean, and t h e mutual respect and t r u s t so great, t h a t in t h e s e days, when bitterness between Communist and Socialist is g r e a t e r than between revolutionist and bourgeoisie, everyone loves Tom Msnn snd respects a n d honors him, no m a t t e r what his position...
...U kw P a b l l . h . B , Co...
...M wis s t r o n g enough to hold back t h ai support in circulation, in finance/ and in spirit, which might hav# made it live...
...Wages are paid fn money instead of rations, industry must support itself without drawing from'the Government funds, shops of private trade are open everywhere, newspapers are full of advertisements, sables and diamonds of 'speculators' appear in theatres and cafes, and t h e new-rich aecure apartments of several rooms, while ordinary folk crowd into small bare quar- ' tare...
...The opening article by Virgil Jordan, en* titled ' T h e Peace Myth," ia worthy of thoughtful reading not only by pacifists but also by w a r r i o r s . The w r i t e r says: "The c u r r e n t peace programs . . . . devote themselves I to c u t t i n g the Anger nails of Mars and teaching him m a n n e r s . " Frank H a r r i s has a Ane b i t of "Action" entitled, "John Ruskin...
...The book i s a historical document a s well a s a human document One cannot help but honor t h e man who w r i t e s i t He is now sixty-eight y e a r s old, s n d one is led to hop* t h a t he will live long and receive t h * respect and honors to which hs is entitled...
...the human story la the story 'of the men a n d women who geve their lives t o t h e movement...
...I said, in the appendix to 'Man and Superman': 'Every man' over forty is a scoundrel.' Take your Louis XV...
...Xi the same time Lenin has always pusiled the Socialists of all countries on one m a t t e r which Ltvine deals with inadequately...
...By Anna Louise Strong...
...Before leaving Switzerland for Russ i a Lenin wrote a letter to his Swiss comrades in which he rebuked the (jutrhkov - Miliukov - Kerensky Government for continuing the war on t h e grounds t h a t "the Germans must overthrow the Kaiser" and t h a t the war was in defense of the republic...
...JOSEPH CONRAD'S FAIRY TALES FOR GROWN-UPS In Joseph Conrad, one finds the three chief elements of the three fiction stages through which the fiction reader passes, t h e romantic, to which the young reader is introduced in the e n t r a n c i n g fairy realm of Andersen, Grimm, Perrault and Andrew Lang...
...Liberty, what of the night...
...But ha also had no illusions in 1917 about the possibility of Sociali sm in Russia...
...Recently, George Nicoll Barnes, who ' ' r a t t e d " — a s they< gay in England—during the war, told his story...
...Certainly there a re revolutionaries in Soviet Russia who Spent veans in c z a r t s t prisons and in exile whose creative contributions a r e suppressed and who a r e today immured in Soviet jails or vegetate in the icy wastes of the North...
...What were th*** precious unions...
...This bitternes...
...s. ,' There are perfectly divine hours d u r i n g their courtship, and after t h e y are married too, but running through ie a deep current of discontent, of secret struggle in t he h e a r t s and minds of both...
...Leon Trotsky writes an introduc- ei to the book and it is evident t the candor of Miss Strong is not objectionable to him...
...He p u t In t h r e e years of schooling, a n d waa considered ready to e a r n hia l i v i ng a t nine...
...Tom h » s changed h i s opinions, but h e h o n o r s his comrades, no nutt e r what position they hold now...
...the time behind him...
...Rusk> being very dead at t h e present moment, we cannot have his side of t h e story...
...What waa the reason for tha failure...
...Here is the season's despite...
...Adr i a n s Spadoni reveals a deep knowledge of the various social phases, s t r i k i n g a, s t r i c t ly modern not* in t h i s book...
...the biographies of Keir Hardie, J. Ramsay MacDonald and of M a r g a r e t Ethel MacDonald, and E d u a r d Bernstein's memoirs, have given us much valuable material...
...In this same letter t o the Swiss he wrote: "Russia is a country of peasants, one of the most backward in Europe...
...Critics have acclaimed t h i s history as one of the great works of modern times, creating as i t does t h e s t o ry of civilization from t h e beginning of history to t h e present...
...ne*rt) and took part ia an earl, a t i l k e . Be r e a d "Progre*»*nd Pov erty," a n d f o r a while waa an ardent disciple of H e n r y Geoge...
...But she also adds t h a t Russia " i a the only place in the world where I g e t a feeling of hope and a plan...
...For a time she absorbs Stuart, and he t h i n k s he desires it, only t o And out l a t e r t h a t he is in a domestic net from which ho cannot extricate himself...
...the Russia of revolution may be inclined to think that little t h a t is new or informing could be added to whst is already known...
...The beautiful printing and illust r a t i o n s serve a* a gorgeous frame for the word painting of a master a r t i s t in writing...
...And y e ^ t h e i r life) together is neither futile nor is it commonplace...
...I t is the work of a journalist, sketchy, yet of more than ordinary interest...
...George1 Wharton Pepper debates with Jackson H. Ralston in "Shall we Curb the Supreme C o u r t ? " Needless to say, Pepper would not disturb the Court at all...
...Economic desolation, chaotic relations between the states, widespread misery, y e t - , " a feeling of hope...
...I n this book you g e t t h e psychology of the flunkey—hia likes, his hates snd his sorrows...
...Would the man of forty bank on his being •over military age and hound on his "juniors to war...
...By Eric Home (Butler...
...Ha was a n a r d e n t temperance man, a nd he soon became a temperance preacher...
...The n ew economic polky Is intended to develop this' structure...
...But none of the books of reminiscence has t h e delightful chsrm of the memoirs of Tom Msnn, largely because t h e r e is no man in t h a British Labor movement t h e t b a a Mann's virile charm...
...H* r e t u r n e d t o E n g l a n d , a n d mad* seve r a l t r i p s t o o u t l y i n g sections of t hs globe, including America, where he lectured on Syndicalism under I. W. Wj, auspices...
...The section devoted to The American Mercury Authors is quite readable...
...But he differed with Hyndman, ** everyone did i n time...
...He became a Syndicalist, and now he is a thoroughgoing Communist...
...With a backward form of production and backward intellectual conditions corresponding t o it, Lenin conceded t h s t t h e utmost t o be expected by Russia waa "a bourgeois democratic revolution...
...This is the summary of the essence of Joseph Conrad's genius as Martin Armstrong, the English poet, sees it in the London Bookman...
...If the echo of those voices Is sometimes hesrd in these pages, it is because I have loved him as he is and * lso as he desires to be...
...But in power he tried to push the revolution on to Socialist production and with what consequences we know...
...Out of this '"new unionism" h a v e come the m l Socislist movement and the Labor p a r t y . Tha S. D . F . , w i t h Its lect u r i n g down to t h e masses, plsyef i t s p a r t , but the real proletarlaa movement waa t o come after...
...Hiss Strong writes informative chapters on the organisation of industry snd its problems in Russia, on t h e power of money, the housing problem, the w a r on alcohol, the condition of the Jews, the church and education...
...Who shall give us our sons...
...The pict u r n s of the Harrison family, smug, well-to-do, conventional, a r e masterfully painted...
...they did not denounce leaders a s " f a k i r s . " They went oat and built u p t h e unions, and furnished t h e leadership...
...Men live...
...He includes also, by his pictures of s t r a n g e happenings among strange folk in beautiful and inaccessible lends, something of the romantic stuff of the f a i ry t a l e , and h e gives i t t o u s with a wealth of enchanting and vividly seen detail such aa t he devotee of the f a i r y tale always demands...
...He w a s i n t e r e s t e d in o r a tory for Its own s s k e s n d listened to all t h e g r e a t o r a t o r s of his d s y . Tom became an engineer (a machinist, we would call it in t h is c o u n t r y ) , s n d he knocked about the country working at one place and another...
...All the distance is white With the soundless feet of the sun: Night, with the woes that it wore, Night is over and done...
...Ind u s t r y is organised in three forms: cooperatives, p r i v a t e capitalism and S t a t e capitalism...
...Louis XV...
...Their perfectly proper world is vastly different from t he world which Stuart emerge* from when he comes into their sphere ' t h r o u g h sheer forces of circumstances...
...With hundreds of thousands of people living for t h a t plan and dying for It, a n d wasting themselves in inefficient work for it, and Anally bringing a little order out of chaos for it...
...It waa a serious disservice to t h e c a u s e ; t h i a policy antagonised t r a d * unionists without drawing over a n y considerable percentage to the Socialist position...
...the adventurous age ef Captain Marryat, Ballantyne, and Stevenson and Anally the severer realm of the psychological novelists in the remote interior of which Henry James performs his endless and exquisitely subtle dance with feet that scarcely touch the earth...
...as is more probable, when the ' t h i n g ocdurs without being, less a secret than It is a t present (I am Sixty-seven, but I can't tell you t he secret of being sixty-seven any more t h a n you can- tell me the secret of being forty-ux), the human race ,WiU become quite different to our p r e s e n t . s h o r t - l i v e d mob...
...By A d r i a n * Spadoni...
...Storm and thunder and rain, Lights that waver and wane, Leaving the watchfires unlit, " Only the 'balefires are bright...
...Levin* gives us a readabhjjSography of Lenin although in no sense a complete or final one...
...LENIN AND RUSSIA A Review by Janet Oneal THE MAN LENIN By Isaac Don U f i M . New York: Thoaaaa SettMr...
...I shall die...
...By Elie Faux...
...All night through without sleep We weep, and we weep, and we weep...
...Noting the failure to organize Socialism in Russia Levine concludes t h a t "Marxism is b a n k r u p t " The final chapter Is devoted to t h i s theme and it i s written as though the aut h o r had planned the biography in order to write this final chapter...
...Paul Tanaquil contributes a story...
...But it takes an a r t i s t to record experience: the most thrilling experiences in the world will not make a great writer...

Vol. 1 • May 1924 • No. 17

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