THE SOCIALIST MOVEMENT AT HOME AND ABROAD NEWS FROM OTHER LANDS INTERNATIONAL Many Meetings in Vienna The Buiineas Committee of ths Socialists and Labor International will hold its next...

...28rd A. 1)., Branch 2 a t 219 Sackman street...
...The canvassers on membership being given the opportunity to report on their work snowed t h e feasibility of this work, several of those interviewed being .esent and promising all possible support to t h e organisation...
...Weekly letters were sent out to the citizens in the district...
...Kings, J a m e s Oneal, A. I . Shiplacoff, J . A. Whtiehorn, W. W. Passage, Joseph F. Viola...
...Thursday, New Haven...
...All members are requested to attend...
...The police inspector seated on the platform had to witness the rough usage of his fellow cops without v making a protest...
...She is spending a limited amount of ene r g y and time to bring old-time comfades back to life and activity, but the b e t t e r portion of her activity is devoted to interesting new and younger people...
...MASSACHUSETTS Hillquit at State 'Convention Morris Hillquit will address the convention of the New England District, of t h e Socialist P a r t y Saturday, May 10, a t 3 p. m. The convention is to be held at Paine Memorial Hall, 9 Appleton street...
...Up-State, Joseph Kooperman, Woodridge...
...When the conflict came to a vote, the administration was sustained, the opposition candidates for Party offices, headed by Aurel Stromfeld, once a General Staff officer of tha Bels Kun army, being defeated...
...The first will be held the first week in J u n e and will take the shape of a s t r s w b e r r y and c r e am featival...
...NATIONAL OFFICE To Acron Wo Mini "Com* Across" (/ One way the National Office knows the first of the month is a t hand i s t h e receipt—the unfailing receipt—of a letter from a comrade living in Chesterfield, Missouri...
...At the business meeting Paulitsch was chairman and Kanasy secretary...
...The fact that Jowett and Johrr Wheatley, another member of t h e Government, are members of t h e Executive of t he party...
...17th a n d 18th A. I)., 1336 Lincoln place...
...sketches in pantomin* which evoked much merriment...
...The meeting of the organisation and membership sub-committee under t he chairmanship of Comrade Paulitsch was scheduled to meet Wednesday, May 7, a t Local Headquarters...
...Delegates ta the State Convention S t a t e Secretary Herbert M. Merrill has announced the election of the following delegates to t h e National Convention of the Socialist Party to be held In Cleveland J u l y 6: Delegates a t large, Charles Solomon and May H a r r i s Mainland...
...THE SOCIALIST MOVEMENT AT HOME AND ABROAD NEWS FROM OTHER LANDS INTERNATIONAL Many Meetings in Vienna The Buiineas Committee of ths Socialists and Labor International will hold its next meeting in Vienna on June B. The Executive of the Socialist Young People's International will also hold a meeting in Vienna during the International Trade Union Congress there, and t he officers of t h e Socialist Educational International a r e planning t o d e likewise...
...1st, 3rd a nd 8th A. D., 122 P i e r r e p o n t street...
...Exeepttions mutt b» .made of count, tor exceptional cattt, but Th' New Leader cannot guarantee that any item, that come* utter than 'uetday will appear...
...We also wish to announce that the branch has moved from 73 S t . Mark'* place to 214 East Fifth street, annex to Beethoven Hall...
...since immemorial times it may be the g r e a t e s t year for the advancement of mankind since Pharaoh Tut...
...The main points of the program presented by Kmile Vandervelde and approved by the convention call for economy in army expenditures and reduction of tha service period to six months, defense of constitutional r i g h t s against incipient Fascismo' o r other aggressors, Increase in taxes on big incomes and reduction of t h e National debt through a capital levy bringing in at l e a s t 6,000,000,000 francs in t en years, the beginning of t h e Socialisation of t h e mines by S t a t e operation of those not yet turned over to private enterprise, revision of wsr loss compensation when the amount involved is more than 600,000 francs, maintenance of the eight-hour dey and protection of tenants...
...The circle is waging a membership drive In which i t hopes to get t h e old members of Circle Six to rejoin...
...Every FridayL2d A. D., Branch 1, 420 Hinsdale street...
...A new garage workers' local haa been organised In Brooklyn, do* to the untiring effort* of Alexander Marka, organiser of the A. F. of L The new local will be chartered at a federel local of the A. F. of L...
...T h i s meeting was voted the bent t h a t Branch Four has held within the paat two years...
...mrotinn two weeks ago was a big success...
...Glenwood Springs, 21st...
...Brooklyn Business Meetings The following is the schedule of branch meetings: Every Monday: 22d A. D., Branches 2 and 3 a t 218 Van Sicklen avenue...
...Branch 7 dpring the past year h a i done remarkable work in the m a t t er of lectures and entertainments, and t h e members and sympathisers have shown their appreciation of t he work done, hut the Branch has y e t one more treat in store for its friends, Comrade Bertha H. Mailly has consented to speak at the Branch meeting to be held at i ts headquarters, 4215 T h i rd svenue, on Thursdsy, May 22, 1924...
...Denver, 13th and 14th...
...On May 9th she speaks a t Reynoldavllle, May 10th a t Punxsutawney, May 11th, Brockwayville, May' 12th, Brookvillt, May 18th, Oakland...
...One of the nominees on t h e administration list refused to accept office because he did not agree with the administration...
...The implication was t h a t the p a r t y had Initiated a move for another attempt to unite the Labor and Socialist, International and t h e Communist International, the l a t t e r with its expressed program of s p l i t t i ng the Socialist movement of the various countries still not disavowed...
...New Brit a i n ; Monday, Meridan...
...The election of a delegate to the National Convention to t a k e the place of Com...
...International Conference Resolution In the csbled r e p o r t ! of t h e Eester Conference of the Independent Labor party a t York, it waa stated t h a t the party had voted in favor of an International conference of all countries, "including Moscow...
...Defending the P a r t y administration, Deputy Propper declared that t h e opposition seemed to have forgotten the lessons of the ten years and aaid that, while steps had already been taken toward bringing the emigres back, there was a certain group among them that would not admit its past mistakes in ths Labor movement and was ready to repeat said mistakes if s chance presented itself...
...Speech by Comrade Bertha H. Mailly...
...This Center is owned by the Cap a n d Millinery W o r k e r s ' U n i o n . It is expected t h at scores of active trade union workers Will join our brsnch...
...As has been reported in The New Leader, t h e dues-paying membership of the Belgian Labor party Is a t i ts high water mark, with 632,307 on t h e l i s t s . The report of the P a r t y 's activities during 1023 filled a book of nearly 800 pages, which the delegates to t h i s thirty-fifth convention considered "Very interesting reading...
...Herbert M. Merrill, Schenectady...
...It i !• MONDAY BROOKLYN—St...
...Morgan, 4th...
...Wednesday, Springfield, Mass...
...Speaker: August Cistssens...
...It always contains a gift of five doll a r s , but now and then it contains more than that...
...Speaker: Morrit Stamen...
...I. Silverman, Jessie Wallace Hug nan and Hyman Waldman... t h e convention on J u l y 4th...
...Speaker: Jacob Axelrod...
...Greeley, 8 t h ; Cheyenne, 8th a n d 7th...
...The date will be announced in the next issue of The New Leader...
...We need some more active members to help us raise the necessary funds...
...Sj 8th A. D. Th* indoor activities of the 8th A. D. have ended with definite accomplished results...
...2nd and 4th Tuesday: 2nd A. D., Branch 2,1602 Avenue P. 2nd and 4 th F r i d a y : 9th and 16th A. D., 43rd street and 14th avenue...
...Warren Atkinson, Rochester...
...Next week ether breach** will he called ia...
...The local recently organized in Sunbury as a result of work in Northumberland County i s composed more than two-thirds of young men 'under 30 years of age...
...George Fields, t h e Educational Director of the circle, announces that the educat i o n a l meetings of the circle have proven successful...
...of Local New York The call for nomination of ten candidate...
...A*V dree*: Robert l.eemam, «01 Malm .treet...
...Every Tuesday: 4th and 14th A. I)., 319 Grand s t r e e t ; 6 t h A. D., 167 Tompkins avenue...
...Canon City, 19th...
...Grand Junction, 22nd...
...A little later two more spies were discovered and speedily kicked out...
...The committee ha* issued the following statement to the branches and the membership: "Comrades, we shsll do our best to serve you until the affairs of (he local can again be put on the ordinary basis and a regular executive officer employed...
...J . Kline who resigned...
...The yearly circulation of t h e P a r t y 's seven dally papers was 72,000,000 In 1928 and that of the weeklies 18,000,000...
...Hillquit's Pittsburg Meeting Morris Hillquit's Pittsburg...
...The altern a t e s are Alexander Kahn, 8. P. Kramer, Morris Novlk, Wilho Hedman...
...Mark's and Saratoga avenue...
...Sallda, 20th...
...The affair wound up by a l l present r i s i ng and singing the " I n t e r n a t i o n a l " and t h e "Marseillaise" under the leadership of Comrade Mrs...
...Several of the lady members presented the Committee with homemade cakes...
...Garage Workers The Garage Worker*' Union, Local 17,347, ha* secured a 1 trier headquarter* to accommodate it* Increasing membership, at 240 East 46th street, New York, according t« George W. Card, secretary of the union...
...The eld standby, Comrade Claessens, spoke on the meaning of tha International Labor Day to t h e working class t he world over...
...H. Henry'* Detet ia Colorado William H. Henry began work under the direction of the National Office on April 29, when he held a very successful meeting et Dlvernon, Illinois...
...N. J. HOBOKEN — Washington a n d Third streets...
...M. Feigenbeum, his subject being: "Oil and I t s Implications...
...Loveland, 9th...
...Comrade Joseph Denenberg gave a Russian dance and was loudly applauded...
...The Bronx, Joseph Karlin, J a c o b Bernstein and P a t r i c k J . Murphy...
...J Coming Events The membership, and our sympat h i z e r s are urged to hold the following dates open: May 22, 8:80 p. m., a t 4215 Third avenue...
...NEW JERSEY The regular monthly meeting of the Stale Committee, will be held on Sunday afternoon, May i l l , at 3 o'clock, at the S t a t e Headquarters, 256 Central avenue, J e r s e y < 'it,y, N. J , A special order of business X i l l be the resolution that was passed by the S t a t e Committee to elect a committee of one or more to route speakers throughout the State...
...Tuesday, Snd A. I)., Branch t Speaker: W. M. Feigenbaum, "Th« British Labor Party...
...New York County The Central Committee will meet Tuesday, May 13, a t 8:30 p. m., a t t h e Labor Temple, 247 East 84th s t r e e t . Several matters of importance a r e to be considered including the report of the Managing Committee, elected a t the last meeting of t h e Central Committee, to manage and supervise the affairs of the office of Local New Yoik...
...Speak, er: August Claessens...
...Immediately after the election of Deputy Karl Payer as chairman He announced that there were police spies in the hall...
...Upon motion of .Fred W. ,Iowett, who is a member orvthe Government, it was voted that the p a r t y favors the calling of a conference of all n a t i o n s - including Russia—as ths first step toward a program of disarmament on the part of all countries...
...WEST NEW YORK-B«r«»nliaa avenue and Fourteenth street...
...Hut we cannot do much unless you help...
...The open air educational activities for summer will begin with ti scries of four lectures on Seventh- street corner Second avenue...
...Some raeatawr of the ceaafeaittee will he •reseat free* six to eight each day"Wj elaa t* hoi Id a p a carp* of etreet sp*s**r» aa feat ae aoaaiaie, and ta proaioU other activity...
...THURSDAY BROOKLYN—Sumner avenue and Floyd street...
...JULIUS GERBER, For the Management Committe...
...Following the reading of the r e ports of the Executive Committee and the P a r l i a m e n t a r y group, presented by Stephen Farkas and J o - hann Vancxak, respectively, a hot debate broke loose over the recent activities of the twenty-four Socialist deputies, especially in connection with their dropping their opposition to the League of /Nations rehabilitation plan merely because Premier Bethlen had made a few vague promises implying that the notorious internment camps would be gradually abolished and soms of the political refugees allowed to r e t u r n home...
...She is emphasising the importance of organization work and instructing the comrades everywhere the way to c a r r y on t h e work...
...Every Thursday: 13th a nd 19th A. D.i_Amalgamated Temple...
...Inspection revealed thirty men present withoot party cards and they were escorted to the door in no gentle manner...
...Circle Six Juniors and Circle Six Seniors are forming a baseball team for tha coming inter-circle tournaments...
...MAY 11 HudaoB County...
...Branches are requested to make t he nominations and send same to t he office of Local New York as soon as made...
...I hope that America will not be behind England, South and West Aust r a l i a and Denmark...
...His succeeding dates during the month of May a r e in Colorado and Wyoming, a s follows: Holyoke, 3rd...
...He was t h e Socialist P a r t y speaker at a general May Day celebration held, in Kansas City on May first...
...It is also quite pertinent to say that our new place is cozy and inviting...
...It was emphasised that something must be done to loosen the g r i p of t h e Clericsls upon the Belgian women...
...CONEY ISLAND I The Coney Island Branch is making progress in its drive to establish a club-house, where comrades of the city can come and enjoy themselves during t h e summer...
...Subject will be announced l a t e r . The Local festival scheduled for the first week in June, the exact date will be set by the Executive Committee at its session, Monday, May 12, 1924...
...Wett Hoboken, N. J. •a...
...A g r e a t shoot of indignation arose from the delegates, who declared they would not go on with their work until the detectives were removed...
...On Friday, May 9th, Circle Six will hold a joint Educational meeting with Circle' Six Juniors...
...Some of the critics were for parliamentary abstention and others demanded the passing of a resolution affirming the P a r t y ' s solidarity with both Hungarian revolutions, the Republican one of Count Karolyi and t h e Communist one of Bela Kun...
...When the convention opened in t h e old P a r liament building, t h e place was surrounded by a small army of police, as though the Horthy administration thought another revolution was likely to break unless the cops were on hand...
...Critics of the Parliamentary group and of the Executive Committee, led by Stephen Vagi, Secretary of the Building Workers, averred t h a t the r a n k and file of t he P a r t y had no chance t o control its policy, being always confronted with accomplished acts...
...YIPSELS Circle Six, Y. P . S. L. Comrade Nettie Zitrin, organizer of Circle Six, r e p o r t s t h a t t h e circle i s getting along nicely...
...Party uctivitie* are usually planted long enough in advanc* to make it possible 'J 1 a the note* f re n
...The first lect u r e will t a k e place this Friday, May 9, a t 8 p. m. A grand opening is plsnncd in the form of a banquet, e n t e r t a i n m e n t and dance to- t a ke place within a week or so...
...F t . Collins, 8th... act a i delegates to represent Local New York at an linoflicial S t a t e Convention by t h e Party, to be held in New York City a t the end of July, ,was sent to all branches of Local New York...
...and H. D. Wilcox, Elmira...
...Friday, Shelton...
...L Delegates t o t h e Natinnal Convention County, Morris Hillquit, Algernon Lee, August Claessens, Willism Karlin, Jacob Panken, Morris Bermsn, Joseph D. Cannon, Julius Gerber, Louis Waldman, Harriot Stanton Blatch, Joshua 'Lieberman, S. John Block and Simon Berlin...
...Last Wednesday: 22nd A. I)., Branch 1, 416 Ridgewood avenue...
...1 noticed in the paper thai you arc one of tee National delegate...
...The significant things about many of Mrs...
...Units of this Committee have already s t a r t e d a membership drive in the t e r r i t o r y of Branches 4 and 5 with good results...
...Coneys Island Branch, 3019 West 22d s t r e e t , Coney Island...
...Alt e r n a t e s at large, Marie L. Steele and William Nolan...
...N. B. Appel, Athletic Director, and Sylvia Berent, Social Director of the circle a r e arranging a fine program for the coming season...
...As a result <>, this the membership of the branch has increased considerably...
...227 East 84th s t r e e t . Business of importance to be transacted...
...Rand School, will speak a t a meeting of Socialist P a r t y members, sympathizers and New Leader subscribers a t 16 Essex s t r e e t , Friday night, May 9. PENNSYLVANIA Mrs...
...This is the latest message from him: "I can spare a little money this month, and I send you herewith $,'10.00—-$8.00 for office expenses and $25.00 on account of your traveling expenses to Cleveland...
...He Is receiving cooperation from the New England District of the Socialist P a r t y , 64 Pemberton square, Boaton, which is circularising all locals to a r r a n g e meetings for him...
...Alternates, Jacob Axelrad, B. J . Biley, Louis Weil, Morris Ant and Samuel H. Friedman...
...HUNGARY Lively Scenes at Convention There was plenty of excitement at the national convention of the Hungarian Social Democratic party, held in Budapest during the Easter holidays, judging from report's in the Vienna Arbeiter-Zeitung...
...Leonard C. Kaye will speak on "What can an American Labor P a r t y D o ? " Members of this branch a r e informed that during the summer, notices ,of meetings will not be Sent by man...
...2nd s n d 4th Sunday: 6th A. D., 14 Howard avenue...
...Theresa B. Wiley, Schenectady...
...Communicate with Wm...
...Saturday, Naugatuck...
...COLORADO Win...
...Speaker: Heat...
...Thirteen consecutive lectures ware conducted and each one proved to be highly successful...
...The Sub-Committee on Entertainment elected by t h e Local Executive Committee met Monday at local headquarters and arranged, several social affairs for the Local...
...Our regular Thursday night meetings have been very ins t r u c t i v e and interesting...
...Thia may be the moot memorable day la the history of the Uaited Statee lince the Declaration of Independence, or aa there hat been war between p a t r i c i a n ! and plebeian...
...rite Secretary t>f the j County Campaign Committee like to hear / r em Fart who have Saturday nigh tween new and Election Day...
...Branch 4 held a well-attended meeting on its regular meeting night at Local Headquarters, Tuesday 4 Msy «, the a t t r a c t i o n being a speech by Comrade Wm...
...Pueblo, 17th and 18th...
...The first part of his i t i n e r a r y is a s follows: Wednesday, May 7, Bridgeport...
...This w as due to the fact that we turned our business meetings into interesting discussions on economic, social ana philosophic questions...
...Oa Saturday, May U , at three o'clock, the ergajusere and financial aacretartee of the 1st snd 2nd A. D, the 3rd, 5th aad 10th, and the 4th are called to meet with the committee...
...The Bronx might be dead in the opinion of some wise men, but we e r e still a p r e t t y lively corpse...
...All delegates are requested to be present and be 6n hand on time...
...I r v i n g M. Weiss...
...TUESDAY BROOKLYN-*Xraham avemie and Varet atreet...
...The atmosphere is such t h a t it makes t h e place a real Labor Center...
...Consequently, nobody in the Socialist Party ought to identify himself with these persons, presumably hard-boiled Communists...
...Preparedness for possible general elections at any time before the scheduled time next year was t hs sfogan of the d e l e g a t e ! to t h e Easter convention of the Belgian Labor p a r t y held in Brussels...
...The convention sent telegrams of chser to the Socialist Partlee in Germany and France in which the hope Was expreaied that they would make a good ihowing in the elections of May 4 a n d 11...
...Harold Hasbrouck, Poughkeepsie...
...The hall was filled, and t he audience enjoyed a remarkable address...
...3rd, 5 th and 10th A . 0 . The 3rd, 6 th and 10th A. D. branch will meet Monday night a t 850 West 81st street...
...This meeting has been carefully arranged by t h e Executive Committees of both circles and have arranged a fine program...
...BELGIUM Prepared for Next Election...
...BAYONNE—Broadway and Twentythird atreet Speaker: Frederick Krafft...
...Member* one I pay up t h e i r dues, and financial • <•( r c l a r i r s mU*l Ret huft.V collecting from those who i r e in a r r e a r s Every branch should M M at Waal a assail doaali** U> the local at thia Uae, to g e t tkiag* s t a r t e d • » •» "Th* ease* aa the aft* b a r of th* People's Hpaoe trill be open fro** ka*a till eight ia th* evening every weak 4*7 except Saturday, waea it will tie** at three...
...Alternates, Harold G. Anderson, ueens, Edwrrd II...
...MacDonald, oughkeepsie...
...Party Notes The Ntvi Leader, in requesting all Party official* to tend in th* ntw* jf their branch** tnd local*, again urges that all item* intended i or t in any issue b* in thi* offic* not later than Tuesday...
...Comrade Seidel was master of cere* monies and Comrade Sarah Volov k k had c h a r g e of t h e refreshments...
...Tha congress was attended by C. T. Cramp, representing t h e Socialist and Labor International, and representatives from the Socialist parties in several Central European countries...
...Comrade Claessens also gave severe...
...VALENTI IN NEW ENGLAND C i r a l a m o Valenti, national organiser of t h e Italian Soeialiat Federation, has s t a r t e d his intensive propaganda and organisation tour of the New England distriet...
...Comr a d e Sarah Volovick will nave charge and a r r a n g e this affair...
...lath-Kith Branch The regular meeting of th* 16th16th A. D. Branch will be held on Thursday, May 15, a t 8:80 p. m., a t the headquarters...
...Longmont, 11th and 12th...
...The result of the referendum and election of delegetes and members to the S t a t e Committee will be given...
...Already a considerable group have visited our branch and expressed their approval of the work that we a r e doing...
...William Hilsdorf, Jr., Rochester...
...Sunday, 2 p. m., H a r t f o r d ; 8 p. m...
...23d A. D., Branch 1, 1709 P i t k in avenueF i r s t Monday: 21st A. D., 480 E s s t 26th street...
...Friday, Worc e s t e r; Saturday, Winchendon, Mass...
...Valenti will speak in Boston and vicinity, Plymouth, Everett, Lawrence, Brockton, Mass., and from there go t o Vermont...
...In order to encourage propaganda work among women, the convention decided to allow them to organize political groups alongside the men's p a r t y organisations...
...Meetings a r e well attended...
...BRONX Branch 7 bald a l a m and well-attended May D a y celebration at its headquarters, 4215 Third avenue...
...NEW YORK Pending the selection of a permanent executive secretary, the affairs of Local New York have been p u t In charge of a committee of three, composed of Julius Gerber, Algernon Lee, and Herman \ <>lk...
...Colorado Springs, 15th and 16th...
...INDOORS Tuesday evening at 17th 18th A. D. BROOKLYN-1386 Lincoln place...
...Marks, 2862 West 29th street, Coney Island...
...Oneel and Bertha Mailly Speak for P a r ty J a m e s Oneal, editor of The New Leader, and Bertha H. Mailly, executive see r o t a r y of the...
...Lewis Continues Fin* Work Lena Morrow Lewis continues her good work in Pennsylvania, having held meetings during the past week at Sunbury, Northumberland, Williamsport, Hawk Run, Philipsburg, DuBois and Falls Creek...
...Nominstions close on May 24 and none will be accepted after t h a t date...
...Over 500 new subscribers to The New Leader were t h e result of the meeting...
...Branch officers muat make an e x t r a effort to get t h e members nut to branch .meetings...
...Copies of Socialist and Labor papers have arrived from England that ahow that there was no such resolution...
...Sunday, Leominster, Mass...
...Lewis' meetings are t h e number of young people in t h e audiences...
...Speaker: S. A. DeWitt Lecture, "Poetry of Rebellion...
...Tuesday, Stafford Springs, Conn...
...that Premier MacDonald and several other members of the Government were delegates to the conference, while 27 members of the Government sre members of the party, end 126 out of t h e 192 members of the Labor p a r t y a r e likewise members of t h e I . L. P., makes t he resolution s State paper of tremendous significance...
...Berth and, 10th...
...J U L I U S GERBER, Managing Committee...

Vol. 1 • May 1924 • No. 17

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