Berger Moves Repeal Of the Espionage Act Repeal of the Espionage Act, enacted shortly after the United States entered the European war, is provided in a bill introduced in the House of...

...At 8:30 p. m. Bertrand Russell will lecture on "How t o Secure World Peace" in t h e Debs Auditorium, 7 East 15th s t r e e t . All those desiring t o a t t e n d are urged t o sec u r e tickets in advance or else to a r r i v e early...
...It will increase efficiency...
...Unemployment will stop when the bosses will not be able t o find any one to work more than four hours s day... his Current Events lecture st the Rand School...
...George Rots was elected secretsry of the Woman's Committee...
...They will be fresh, keen and eager...
...To doubt that thtk was " a n idealistic w a r " meant t h a t the doubting Thomas was immediately arrested as a pro-German, or at least at a 'Socialist...
...The Conference was officially walcomed by tha Lord Mayor of York, who ia a member of the party...
...I am a sister of Mrs...
...Samuel Gomperi, preaident of the American Federation of Labor, tea* fit t o vary hit aomewhat platonie affection for t h * principle of international solidarity by a n a t t a c k on t h e Internationa^ Federation of Trade Union...
...With the four-hour day and new labor-saving machinery, t hs output will not be decreased...
...Gompers's eriU ieisme: Mr...
...P. Waterson, chairman of t h e local Labor party, i n making t h e announcement, said Mrs...
...Grady whose former address I have given and I have hope that the p a r t y on 54th s t r e e t is the same...
...It i s ridiculous...
...It was s crime, because the effect of conveyingsuck information, now conceded t o h a r e been t r e e ia every particular, would be, perhaps, to cause disloyalty, certainly a disaffection for the war...
...Therefore, t h e r e will be no one to take your job in case you quit or are fired, Ths four-hour day will make It easier f o r t h e worker to get a living wage, becauae the boss will not be able to get anyone to take your place, It will force the production of new machinery...
...C. Roden Buxton was chosen a s t r e a s u r e r , while in addition to Wheatley end Jowell, James Max ton, M. P . , and Richard C. Wallhead, M. P., were elected National members of t h s Executive, with the following Divisional members...
...r i m * to Write or Speak American cititens, however, many thousands of them, have been sentenced to various terms of imprisonment, some of them as long as 20 years in the penitentiary, for remarks made in private converaation about this war...
...I. L. P. Elects New Executive at York London.—J...
...Allen and Sedition Act There is this difference between the Espionage Act a nd t h e Alien and t h e Sedition acts, however, although otherwise it is a t r u e copy...
...Philip Snowden to contest t h e division ss Labor candidate a t the next general election...
...Sneaking a t a crowd ed meeting a t Falmouth Mr...
...The union miners bought the 40a c r e field on which the t e n t colony was located a n d e r e c t e d a handsome monument to commemorate the deaths of these union miners, their wives and babes...
...In t h e espionage act, so-called, not only was t h e t r u t h of a statement not admitted a s a defense but it actually made t h e crime worse...
...P. J. Dollan, Fred Tait, Ben Riley, Fred Longden, P. F . Pollard, E. E. Hunter, W. H. Ayles, M. P., Henry Davies and E. Sandham...
...Gompers's attack* received widespread publicity in the press...
...Oudegeest claims t h at democracy is the beginning and t h e end of t r a d e unionism...
...Under the four-hour day plan, twice as many workers will be needed as is needed under the eight-hour system...
...In t h e sedition act of the 18th century, t h e t r u t h of a s t a t e ment was admissible as a defense in the court...
...Ths democratic principle ia the essential condition and basla of all successful trade union work and conflict" This is how Gompers reviews this part' of Oudegeest's speech, which was published in the July-October, 1823 number of t h e I. F. T. U. journ a l : "He 'rejoices' s t the 'unity (with the socialists) which has been effected' and said that he did not know 'whether national and international Labor policy, parliamenta r y action and t h e proletarian educational work of social democracy is possible on any other basis.' He concluded t h a t 'no other bases and methods are suitable for ' t h e trade union movement and that if other methods are adopted, the t r a d e un1011 movement Mast inevitably •ari a * . '" Wa have taken tha liberty of underlining a few passages both in Oudegeest's speech end i n . Gompers' review, not t h a t it, or a n y comment, ia necessary...
...Adolph Held was elected permanent chairman a n d Mrs...
...It wss wiped out completely, and the Democratic p a r t y was born as a result of the opposition to those acts...
...The city was in gala array for t h e g a t h e r i n g of t h e Socialist clans...
...f Representatives of miners' locals throughout southern Colorado were present and recalled events of 10 y e a r s ago when they suspended vrfixW a g a i n s t the Colorado Fuel and Won Company, a Rockefeller subsidiary...
...Gompers, "have issued no more uncompromising declaration for world revolution than is here voiced by the moderate Oudegeest, of Amsterdam...
...millions of people will produce more t h a n one million men working .eight hours a day...
...There are two members of the Cabinet is the Executive however, John Wheatley, Minister of Health, and Fred W. Jowett (one of the founders of the I. L. P.) who is First Commissioner of Works...
...We know that t h e unemployment situation is t h e produet of our p r e s e n t system of society...
...Comrade MacDonald was in attendence and participated in the debates...
...Spokesmen of t h e Republican party in the United States Senate, however, now admit frankly t h a t it was a war for commercial supremacy between Great Britain and Germany, and a war for revenge en t h e part of Franca and nationalistic aggrandisement on t h e part of t h e Csar...
...Gompers should deliberately use Oudegeest's speech at the International Socialist Congress to support, such a n insinuation, that he should distort whst was one long o a t h of fidelity to democracy into a revolutionary threat, is worse than false...
...T h e s t r i k e caused such adverse comment on t h e comp a n y ' s union-smashing policy, i a nd t h e Rockefellers were subjected to such criticism?* t h a t the company claimed it would establish a " n e w" Labor policy...
...Ths following statement of the International Transport Worker* is em official reply to Mr...
...This Mrs...
...George Zorn, assistant stage mana g e r to Morris Gest a t the Century T h e a t r e . Mr...
...The December number of the " F e d e r a t i o n i t t " contain* an article of hi* which declare* that the breach between the A. F. L- and t h e I. F. T. U. "appear* to have frown wider instead of narrower...
...A special conference agreed to form an I. L. P . Guild of Youth, and a provisionsl committee of nine members, with Frank Rouse a s sac., retary, wss appointed...
...Clifford A lien w a s reelected Chairman by a heavy majority over E. Sandham...
...I t was a crime to say or to write t h a t the world war waa caused by commercial rivalry...
...The Espionage act waa a clumsy imitation of the Alien and Sedition acts passed at the end of the 18th century during the administration of Johp Adams by the Federalist party...
...Editor of The New Leader: Is t h e r e sny possible ehsnce of having you inquire of or find a Mri...
...Recently I advertised in t h e Adventure Magazine, April, 1928, and was Informed by a reader t h a t he knew of a party by this name that lived four doors from him and would be able to further enlighten me later a s he was to stop at this port in July...
...With higher wages for the short day t h a n he ever paid for the long day, t h e only way ha can save himself wi|l be to increase production...
...Anybody who heard or haa read Oudegeest's Hamburg speech will remember thst, fsr from being s plea for s world revolution, i t wss a n unceasing declaration of t h e a t tachment and unbreakable fidelity of the I. F. T. U. t o the democratic idea...
...The dictators of Moscow," aays Mr...
...Bailie Dollan, who presided, said the Guild would form a countera t t r a c t i o n t o militarist bodies for youths, and as f a r a s possible would be self-governing...
...I t was s t a t e d fourteen guilds had already been formed and others were contemplated...
...Nellie Grady who was l a s t reported to be living within six doors of 321 54th street, Brooklyn...
...I do not know whether national and international Labor policy, parliamentary action, and t he proletarian educational work of social democracy is possible on any other basis...
...The trade union movement cannot t h r i v e if it i s undsr t h e guardianship of a political party, nor if it i s handed over t o the dictatorship of individuals...
...The strikers msintsined a tent colony a t Ludlow on land controlled by them...
...Saowdea for Parliament Penryn and Falmouth Divisional Labor p a r t y has Invited Mrs...
...Gompers lead his faithful followers t o believe t h a t Oudegeest regarded unity with social democracy as a prior and essential condition for t h e existence, a c t i v i t y and development of the t r a d e union movement It is a great pity t h a t misrepresentations of this kind should be used to build an imaginary barrier between the European workers and t h e i r fellows in America...
...A. F e n n e r Brockway outlined a probable policy, a n d explained that the main motive was to encourage Socialist youth to combine for social and r e c r e a t i v e needs...
...With no unemployed the immense losses due t o strikes will no longer occur, Uninterrupted production will be possible, A. B. NATHANS...
...Comrade Berger issued the following statement regarding his bill...
...In p e r m i t t i n g this law to remain on the statute books, Congress, which made possible most of the frauds that were perpetrated during t h e war by enacting the law, shows an intention to follow the same procedure, t h a t of permitting the g r a f t e r s t o become enriched snd of imprisoning those who d a r e tell the t r u t h , in the event of another war...
...Of the many who w e r e convicted, and imprisoned during t h e l a s t w a r , ' the number who were even charged witJi actual espionage waa almost negligible...
...A f e a t u r e of t h e conference was the presentation of a gold medal and ?100 t o F r a n c i s Johnson Who recently retired as secretary after twenty y e a r s ' service...
...The insinuation that the leaders of the t r a d e union movement in Europe cherish ideaa of a world revolution ia a false one...
...It i s not my work to enquire into this, and to reach a decision on the subject I only know that no other bases and methods are ealtable for tha trade union movement and t h a t , if other methods are adopted, the t r a d e union movement must inevitably perish...
...He draw* thia diimal conclution a f t e r reading a tpeech by Oudeg e e t t , a* representative of t h e I. F . T. U., a t the International Socialist Congress a t Hamburg in May last...
...On Tuesday afternoon, May 6, t h e Woman's Committee of the Rand School held its third meeting in t h e studio s t 7 East l a t h street.' A business meeting precaded the serving of t e a a n d cake, a n d a n inf o r m a l * address concerning Max R e i n h a r d t ' s " M i r a c l e " given by Mr...
...Zorn will a l s o be Social Director at Camp Tamiment t h i s summer...
...His address was 321 64th s t r e e t , Brooklyn, N. Y., b u t t h e ship he was on failed to arrive...
...Not only does Gompers carefully hide this fact, but he actually taken words spoken by Oudegeest in praise of Democracy, and perverts them into an a t t a c k on I t He res o r t s to the most unbelievable sophistication...
...By way of proof he dishes up to his indulgent readers a hash of words picked here and t h e r e from Oudegeest's speech, and entirely divorced from their context or purpose...
...In t he sedition act of the 18th c e n t u r y the maximum penalty was t h r e e years Imprisonment, while under the espionage act it was 20 y e a r s in t h e ' penitentiary...
...The S t a t e waa so completely in t he g r a s p of this corporation that the S t a t e Legislature created a special judicial district t o t r y the s t r i k e r s. The newly-appointed judge was an a t t o r n e y for t h e Colorado Fuel and I r o n Company...
...It organised a comp a n y "union," which was t h e beginn i n g of similar organisations now maintained by corporations whose a t t i t u d e toward Labor has been simi l a r to t h a t of t h e C. F . a n d I. Rand School Notes On Saturday afternoon, May 10, a t 1:30, Scott Nearing will discuss " W h e r e ia Civilization Going...
...H* spoke there ae the representative sf ths International Federation of Trade Union...
...The four-hour work day will give everybody a job, because it will take twice as m a n y to do t h e work, if no one will work more t h a n four hours a day...
...As a matter of fact, however, it was used in t h s last war, and it will be used in the next war, not to punish espionage, but to punishjand to silence those who venture any criticism of those responsible for war...
...LUDLOW TENT COLONY BURNED 10 YEARS AGO Denver.—The anniversary of the Ludlow massacre on April 20, 1914, was observed by 5,000 miners on the spot where striking miners, women and childreh were shot and burned to death by coal company g u a r d s in the uniform of t h e S t a te militia...
...Thousands of people a r e unemployed in various trades...
...Oudegeest said, for example: "We rejoice a t t h e unity which has been effected on the basis of democracy...
...Berger Moves Repeal Of the Espionage Act Repeal of the Espionage Act, enacted shortly after the United States entered the European war, is provided in a bill introduced in the House of Representatives on May I by Representative Victor L. ! f * r Y s*et?u>t> °f WiscomHs* Th* notorious Espionage Act provide* that whoever, while the United States it at war, shall attempt u cause insubordination, disloyal y, mutiny, or refusal of duty in the military forces shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $10,000 or by imprisonment for not more than 20 years, or both...
...The object of the organisation is to promote the welfare of t h e school Teas will be held on t h e first snd t h i rd Monday of each month in the Rand School studio a n d some intere s t i n g speaker will be secured each time...
...Nellie Grady t h a t I wish' t o locate had lived in Roxbury, Massachusetts, and was last heard from there In t h e y e a r of 1912...
...Without warning t h e colony was fired upon , Those who were not killed by bull e t s perished in t h e flames when the t e n t s caught Are...
...That Mr...
...The alien and sedition acts cost the Federalist party its existence...
...I would suggest, a four-hour work day...
...The question before us now is to give every man a job...
...How can this he...
...She was at that time Miss Nellie McCarthy and had a sister, Julia, who was also in Roxbury...
...At t h e business misting Mrs...
...Under this so-called Espionage Act, according to t h e r e p o r t of t he Attorney General, not a single man or woman in t h e United States was ever convicted of being a German spy, that Is, of t r y i n g t o find out military secrets m having communication with the enemy...
...Because the four-hour day will leave t h e boss w i t h no profit a t all, unless hs introduces new labor-saving devices...
...Hominy MacDonald, for many y e a n member of the Executive of the Independent Labor party (corresponding t o t h e Socialist P a r t y of t h e United States) regretfully declined to stand for a re-election a t the E a s t e r conference t h a t was held st York, because of the press of official duties...
...Snowden would be t h e first woman t o contest a Cornwall division, and he felt sure the electors would c s r r y on t h e Cornish motto of "One s n d A l l ." A RIDICULOUS ACCUSATION Th* International Transport Worker* with headquarters at Ar.> iter dam tends out a Statement in answer to the erUioiem* made by Mr...
...By t h i s purpose, those who called a t t e n t i o n t o crime which Congressional committees have since proven to have been committed during the war, were imprisoned, while those who committed t h e crimes continued to rob a nd plunder undisturbed, with their critics in jail...
...On t h e face of it, Section 3 of t a il act would t e em to apply to those who engage in espionage during war...
...P. 0 . Box'822, Sao Pedro, Calif...
...This situstion prompts the spread of crime a n d t h e downfall of a great many people...
...Samuel Gompers «/ • speech by Oudegeett at ths International Soeialiet Congress in Hamburg last May...
...The address of Nellie a t this time was 8 Warren atreet, Roxbury, Massachusetts...
...The New Leader Forum THE FOUR-HOUR DAY Editor of The New Leader: The unemployment situation in t h i s count ry it g e t t i n g t o b e • serious proposition...
...In practically all cases, the crimes of those convicted consisted of telling in private conversations and in public speeches and a r ticles why t h e ruling i n t e r e s t s of this nation plunged the people into a war for the private gain of those i n t e r e s t s . Grafters Alone Fsvored I t wss a crime during t h e w a r to point out that grafters and profiteers were cleaning up huge fortunes while the tons of t h s P»Mg people w«r« M a c lad to slaughter...

Vol. 1 • May 1924 • No. 17

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