Capital Hard At Work A terrible blight has struck ail o u r Beat Places. Newport is being dismantled ; there won't be aay doings there this summer. The big steamship companies a r e taking...

...Whst we a r e calling attention t o is the leniency shown Lacy, the Democrat, and the b r u t a l i t y shown the Socialists whtn they were in the S t a t e Assembly...
...She left Russia about two years ago a n d haa been acting a s the Vienna correspondent of t he Avanti, the Maximalist paper printed in Milan...
...The cash equalled more than 85 per cent of inventories...
...He has learned- a t the feet of our best economists t h a t (1) Thia is t h e best and most just industrial system t h a t the world has ever seen...
...Never before has such a condition existed...
...1 refer to the League of Women Voter*' conclave...
...Among the factors that kept Buffalo on the front pages of the big papers of the country were several nonpolitical and political conventions of aocietiee with nation-wide connections A visit to any of them would aall forth the cynic's remark on another occasion: "Just another convention...
...They were on s t r i k e but a few days when the cont r a c t o r s gave in...
...And they did not plead guilty to perjury...
...Why t h e other flags ware not exhibited the chafrii in failed to explain...
...The women's convention was, in a sense, the most commonplace and a t the same time the most remarkable gathering I have ever attended...
...Fair enough, isn't i t? Anaconda Copper made $22,412,863 in 1923...
...The big steamship companies a r e taking off their liners from the Mediterranean and Carribean cruises...
...Still the gathering had a significance all i t s own...
...War is not to be put down by prepa r a t i o n for war, nor by peace* societies, nor by treaties, but by the) nations of t h e e a r t h realizing- the one BSSS Of their i n t e r e e t s . - K s i r ilsrdie...
...needless t o say, t h e men a nd women who got that sum did the tough work in earning it...
...The r e ceptions, balls, dinners, dance* and entertainments a r e all off...
...On* found a sincere attempt to grapple with certain g r e a t industrial and social evils...
...At tb.e close of last year twentyone industrial corporations alone had inventories of $944,087,896, and combined cash and investment securities' of $809,066,293...
...W. U. MEETS IN BOSTON IN QUARTER CENTURY CONVENTION l e t t r r — The quarter century Jubilee convention of the Interna tpnal Ladies' Garment Workers' Union was called to order at Contention Hall on St...
...One of t h e most significant demons t r a t i o n s occurred during a mass meeting one evening...
...BUFFALO NOTES By PATRICK L. QUINLAN Ij,it weak and p a r t of this week have been as lively an any experienced in thia, the aecond city in the Empire State, since the g r e a t exposition twenty-three years ago...
...During that period t h e i ailroar1 managers cracked their throats in protest against what they termed "strangling of railroads by government" The same policy, is being used now by those who want taxes on Wealth r e duced...
...Bob was fined $500 and served one day (actually two hours in j a i l ) . There is no talk of expelling Bob from the Albany Legislature...
...Miss Flynn concluded her work in the Buffalo dist r i c t with a mass meeting for the Amalgamated Clothing Workers' Union on May fi...
...One could not fall to detect a note that sounded more like the vapid voice of t h e d i l e t t a n te r a t h e r than that of the h e a r t throbs of the woman of experience who suffered and endured tortures in the industrial and commercial hells of t h e country...
...Senator Jones of New Mexico has stated that the a c t u a r y of the t r e a s ury told him t h a t for t h e y e a r 1023 profits of corporations will probably amount to more t h a n $8,500,000,000, " i f not a s much a s $9,000,000,000...
...Capital Hard At Work A terrible blight has struck ail o u r Beat Places...
...An intelligent English woman police officer told of her experiences a t an officer...
...I t was- a well dressed and a highlyrepresented gathering of the women of the upper middle class...
...t h a t ' s logical, isn't i t? Well, here are some bits of information culled from a few daya' newspapers that show how hard stockholders, bondholders, mortgage holders, and other proletarians are working...
...The League of Nations, always a pet hobby of the League of Women Voters, was blessed once more...
...You see i t is a different matter when Socialists are up to walk the plank...
...The value of these inventories increased «133,000,000 over the previous year...
...Most of the men went back t o work on May 6. The Cleveland and New York wage scales are, even taking the present advance into account, higher, o o e Miss Elisabeth G. Flynn of New York has been here for several days addressing meetings under t h e auspices of the Civil' Liberties Union, the Anti-Fasclsti Alliance and other organisations...
...Only recently the Secretary of t he Treasury stated that mora than $2,328,000,000 in stock dividends were issued in ly.'Ui This means t h a t increased values and profits in excess of normal, amounting to more than $2,328,000,000, was put back in the business and stock issued against i t Railroads are reporting record earnings last year...
...they're going to be a t work...
...Botolph street, Holiday morning by President Morri Sigman with over 200 delegates from every p a r t of t h e country in attendance The convention marks twonty-five fears of almost unbelievable progress fur the noodle workers, who in |he last decade of the nineteenth century were sweatshop slaves workAwg under conditions that a r e indescribable There had been some sporadic cloak makers' s t r i k e s , and s bit of organization of the most appressed of t h e needle workers... hard...
...He happened to mention the name of Senat o r La Follette as one who blazed the way for the investigators...
...During the present convention there will be discussions of many important organization problems, as well a s addresses by Morris Hillquit, Judge I'aiiken, Abraham «'aban, James Oneal, Bertha II...
...One exception inu»( l* made to thia generalization...
...The applause was most remarkable, as significant as i t was spontaneous...
...AND A FEW MORE Here are dome more ladies and gentlemen who did a lot of hard, hard work...
...Furthermore, he reads every day in the financial papers (published for Our Best People) that anyone who a t t e m p t s to disturb this excellent system is a Red and should be reported to William J. Bums...
...and (3) Those who have nut, a r e deprived of the good tilings of life because they have earned what they get—which is j u st about enough to live on, and put something to pay t h e doctor's bills when (hey g e t sick, and may he save enough to go to the movies occasionally...
...This profit is $4,000,000,000 more than in 1921, and is more than onethird the total amount of all Liberty bonds bought by the people...
...The great strikes of the waist and dress •takers in 1906, s n d of the cloakmakers in 1910, brought the s t r u g g le against the sweatshop into t h e public eye, and t h e result was a great spurt of organization in the needle trades...
...A New Republic editor wss talking about the press and Teapot Dome...
...We shall wait and see...
...Schlesinger led t h e union for sine years, r e t i r i n g last yenr, when Sigman was elected to his place...
...Our best people are hard at work, and play time ia over...
...Child labor and shorter houra for women in business and industry were handled ably by aome speakers...
...of tennis matches and gladsome dancing and whizzing automobiles, we will Uuvt scenes of toil...
...The previous wage Waa S8 a I day...
...2) That with justice reigning, those who have the good things of life deserve what they get, because they have earned it...
...We are not anxious to see the scalp of Bob Lacy...
...She reports that her meetings were well attended...
...The only flag of a League of Nations member exhibited was t h a t of the British Union Jack...
...Muilly, George E. Roewer, Jr., and many otner prominent figures in the Socialist and Labor movement...
...Courtesy to Mexico and to our s i . t e r nations of the Latin stripe called for some recognition, but t he women evidently did not consider their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, or the League of Nations...
...The discussions lacked force and brilliancy although there were several women of capacity on the list...
...Perhaps t he critics s r e r i g h t after all, t h e League of Nations is a British affair...
...This number of The New Leader takes the place of the Buffalo New Age...
...But until the Philadelphia convention of 1?99 there was no real union of the sukerB of women's clothing...'» very sad how h a r d the men and women who g e t these millions must work to produce all t h at copper and steel and tubing and wires and ever so many other things...
...He i s not a bad fellow when judged according to his l i g h t s . He has many excellent qualit i e s to commend him to the sversge man...
...It had Governor Pinchot of Pennsylvania, Ritchie of Maryland, and Senator Walsh of Montana...
...Palm Batch and California are deaerted, and Society Ladies will not be photographed in negligible bathing suits, walking on the saiids with elderly gentlemen much to the disgust of the editors of the rotogravures...
...And these things being so, it is plain that when people a r e well off, when they have much money, it is because they have been working oh...
...These predictions a r e made in all seriousness by one who has always taken his economics seriously...
...Because they made $17,410,773 last year, and how could they make that much money if they didn't do a lot of working in the mines high up in the Andes...
...The wealthy gentlemen will wield the hammer upon t h e a n v i l ; t h e society girls will sew clothing and bang on typew r i t e r s ; sweat will pour down the classic features of the leaders of thought and patriotism...
...Instead of the usual scenes of laughter and innocent gaiety...
...Pinchot talked about prohibition and said nothing new...
...The demand for a $9 wage for an eight-hour day had been met, they said...
...Later Sigman retired and Abraham I la i off took his place...
...CHILE COPPER v SHOWS BIG GAIN Here's where a lot of Guggenheima and ( l a r k s and other folks have quit their idleness on t h e park benches, and have shipped t o South America to' work in the copper mines...
...Readers are asked to co-opera t e with Comrade Thomas Flynn who is agent foi The New Leader and filling in the subscriptions of t h e New Age...
...Other masculine speakers added to the superficial residuum...
...In t h i s as at last year's convention there was deplorable lack of tact...
...The carpenters of Buffalo and vicinity struck work for one dollar a d a y more wages...
...An a r t i c l e w r i t t e n by her and printed F e b r u a r y 19, a t t a c k ing the disturbers in the party, is reported t o have furnished the pretext for her expulsion by Moscow...
...BUFFALO CARPENTERS WIN STRIKE Buffalo,—The May Day strike of 500 Buffalo carpenters waa declared' a t an end today by union officials...
...Younjjstown Steel and Tuba made $4,863,522 in the first quarter of 1924...
...We haven't seen pict u r e s of the men and women who got t h e twenty-two million actually doing the work, but no doubt we missed that issue . of the, rotog r a v u r e s . AND THERE'S A LOT MORE Yes...
...There was not one new idea evolved or discussed, no new policy was formulated or proposed...
...Communist party* of Russia it is stated t h a t Balabanova was expelled because of her r e t u r n to her old Menshevist attitude and because she "actively supported the counterrevolutionary Italian Social Democracy which carries on a malicious campaign against the Communist International and has expelled from i t s ranks thousands of I t a l i a n prol e t a r i a n s on acount of t h e i r sympathies for the Communist Intern a t i o n a l ." The "counter-revolutionary" organization referred to in the Moscow statement is t h e Maximalist Socialist P a r t y of I t a l y , which is counted as extremely " r e d " and which tried to cooperate with the Communist party of Italy, but found it impossible to work with the 100-per centers leading that body...
...No more sport motiei cars a r e to be made...
...The union was built up by t h e unremitting efforts of pioneer Socialists, who gave their time and energies to ths Labor moveumnt...
...A Democratic politician tinted with a Labor hue named Senator Robert Lacy of this city has pleaded guilty to perjury...
...Stripped of i t s financial lingo, this means that these twenty-one corp w a t i o n . had raw material and finished products valued at **44,087, 896, and for every dollar's worth of this material they had eighty-five cents in cash or its equivalent...
...This Is an annual sacramental affair...
...ALL RECORDS BROKEN Recent financial reports indicate the tremendous profits made by corporations that plead poverty in their campaign for t a x reductions...
...Angelica Balabanova, for many y e a n a prominent figure in the Italian and i n t e r n a t i o n a l Labor and Socialist movements, has been solemnly excommunicated by the popes of the Communist party of Russia and thrown out of its ranks, according t o a report found in the Moscow Pravda of April 8. In the explanation given b u t by t he Central Control Commission of the...
...There was not one solitary representative of the slums to be seen...
...At the Cleveland convention in 1914, the International was taken ever by its present leadership, Benjamin Schlesinger being elected president snd Morris Sigman secretarytreasurer...
...It has never lost a major strike, and its inII encc for the good of the workers is growing daily...
...Angelica Balabanova, after having worked in t h e Italian Socialist movement for many years, returned to Russia shortly after the first Russian revolution of 1917 a n d j o i n e d t h e Communists just before the Bolshevist revolution...
...The union .has grown to over 100,000, with locals from roast to coast, and with buildings, a g r e a t bank, nnd many other institutions...
...The Rocky Mountain solon talked innocently of a "world court'' to settle all international disputes and left the more dynamic Teapot Dome to brew for another day...
...i By the way, can you sea t he folks who get that $944,087,896 stripped to the waist and sweating in front of blast furnaces, or swinging a pick in a mine, or a lamp on a railroad track...

Vol. 1 • May 1924 • No. 17

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