GERMAN SOCIALIST POLL OVER SIX MILLION VOTES; LEAD ALL OTHER PARTIES Communists Make Heaviest Gains and Elect Sixty-Two to Socialists' 100 or More—Social Democracy Faced Its Greatest Crisis...

...While the Bronx delegates did not a t t e n d , t h e r e was a large representation from four counties, and considerable enthusiasm developed...
...Paul on May 80 (the date has been changed to June 17), the Federated party signing the call for the convention...
...This petition, signed by 160 members, does not bring the bill before the House, but makes it possible for the House to decide whether it cares to take the bill out of the Committee...
...The occasion was a debate under the direction of the Rand School, and it was gracefully presided over by Percy Stiekney Grant...
...Morris Hillquit and Bertrand Russell on Labor Party An audience that jammed Carnegie Hall from floor to roof gathered l a i t Monday night t o h e a r Morris Hillquit affirm t h a t the British Labor party ii revolutionary, while while Bertrand Russell denied Hillquit's thesis...
...Y"v ran in Sunday's election classified as t h e Socialist League, but •Pparently were ;i0t elected...
...If a majority of the members of the House decide to discharge the committee, it then takes its place on the calendar...
...A petition bearing the signatures of 154 Representatives petitioning for the consideration of the HowellrBarkley Bill was presented to t h e House...
...These victories will be hailed as a vindication of the insur?'"'mt movement to which they are supposed to give expression, et, it is in the completeness of the victory that the failure I f *h«.flght the Progressives made is most readily seen...
...Formerly Social Democrats 100 171 Nstionslists 06 67 Communists l?2 17 Centrists 62 68 People's party 44 66 Democrats 2tj/ 39 Popular Freedom p a r t y 32' 3 Bavarian Peo...
...Unquestionably, there a r e serious dangers involved in this policy...
...and farmers...
...SOCIALIST CITY CONVENTION ENDS IMPORTANT SESSIONS Plans for making the merger of the locals of New York City effective were adopted a t t h e adjourned session of the Socialist city convention last S a t u r d a y at the People's House...
...while the • political demands should be the election of t h e Federal judiciary, and their recall, and the r e sponsibility of Cabinet official* to C ngress...
...This sally brought down t h e house.1 Russell was critical of t h e Labor Ministry, and once Hillquit asked him to define his position toward i t "I think it is t h e beat Government and much better than t h e , Lloyd George Government F o r t h e s e chaps will tell you what they are u p to...
...The Amalgamated Clothing- Worke r s ' Union will hold its biennial convention in Philadelphia under the chairmanship of President Sidney Hillman, and the International Fur Workers' Union will meet in the Morrison Hotel, Chicago, with President, Morris Kaufman in the chair...
...This convention will probably be attended by d e l e g a t e s ' r e p resenting two or three million organized workers and farmers...
...Progressives to *'*ld ths balance of power, and ' h e y did, but without success—be• « > * that balance of oowtr could produce results only when attached to one of the old parties...
...Siegel, 32,623...
...This Is a strategy that the p a r t i e s of Europe and America are j u s t learning to apply...
...Bogua Tax Reform tn the Senate the victory of the Progressives ia not much more satisfactory...
...Among Jht new parties not represented in we old Reichstag are t h e German Social party, a violently reactionary »nd anti-Semitic group headed by t he notorious '"Club Kunze" which won "Mr scats, and the Rhineland Agrarian League, another reactionWM Jroup, which elected nine deputies...
...Clever Parliamentary may prevent consideration Or it may not be passed.«tie-1 adjournment the first week in And if the bill is considered, not a t all certain t h a t it will On the final vote the Demoo a t s may be found as solidly united with t h e Republican machine a s they always ware united in their determination t o prevent beneficial legisl a t i o n from passing the House...
...From noon unW J p H t n t the insurgents, aided by the Democrats, battled...
...Nevertheless, as Chairman Zinoviev of the Moscow Executive remarked last winter in condemning the failure of UK- Saxon Communist chiefs to s t a r t an armed revolt last fall, German Communists a r e a p t to act like other P a r l i a m e n t a r i a n s when they are put to the test, so the Reichstag Communists may be counted upon to stand by the SocialDemocrats, Democrats and fractions of the C e n t r i s t s and People's party in support of the republic should the monarchist groups attempt anything like a reactionary "putsch...
...This is the best showing Labor has ever made in St...
...Communists Gain in Ruhr Referring to t i n big jump by the Communist party, which wilt have a t least sixty-two deputies against seventeen in t h e old Reichstag, Soc i a l i s t leaders point o u t t h a t the bigpest Communist gains were made in t h e occupied t e r r i t o r y a n d opine t h at French terrorism had much to do with driving g r e a t masses of the workers temporarily into the arms of Moscow... the Senate the Progressives defeated the Mellon tax rates on incomes and substituted tjje rates proposed by the Democrats...
...Both conventions will be reported in The New Leader...
...The mountain will have labored to bring forth a mouse...
...In Milwaukee he took p a r t in the wind-up of the victorious campaign to re-elect Mayor Dan Horan, speaking a t a number of big meetings, from which hundreds were turned away...
...Farmer-Laborites," said' Panken," "have set their hearts on drafting Senator J A . ^ o l l e t t e for President, but they"aire insistent t h a t it should' not bo m e r e l y a ' t h i r d ' candidacy, but r a t h e r the beginnings of a genuine and a permanent party...
...Above all, they must understand t h e policy and be able to carry i t ottt like Communists...
...Possibly the greatest advantage of the change, from...
...the workers, and especially the' f a r m e r s , ' m u s t see it in action...
...It is likely thut the Mffllber of deputies elected was about 470, against 459 in t h e Reichstag dissolved last March...
...The delegates to both conventions will hear addresses by leading* members of the Labor and Socialist movement, and will then tackle imp o r t a n t organization problems...
...In closing, Hillquit ssked Russell to convey the revolutionary greetings of the audience to their comrades in England, with good cheer and enthusiastic good wiahes J l RH continued success, and the assurance that n Labor party in the n e a t ftfturc will be America's response to the work of the British Labor movement...
...They are in open rebellion a g a i n s t the big t r u s t s and t r u s t to a good leader to conduct them out of t h e i r d e s e r t This leader is La Fol"The p e t t y bourgeois p a r t y will he formed With us or without us...
...In Los Angeles, Job Harriman came out of his r e t i r e m e n t [because of illness] to preside at Pan ken meeting...
...PAUL St...
...Senator Billiet is President of the powerful union of Economic Int e r e s t s of Prance and ia the head r a n t e r of t h e political activities of the big* banks, insurance companies and industrialists in general...
...I t ii • device of the ruling el a i l of the world to divert attention from the evils at home by concentrating the fax* of the people upon the wrongs of someone alia f a r enough away.—Keir H a r d i t. CONGRESS PIGEONHOLES LABOR'S RAILROAD BILL BV MARX LEWIS (WatKingtvii Corrttpondtnt of The New Leader) Progressives in both houses of Congress will probably list the present week as the one in which they achieved their greattit victories: in the House they succeeded in having the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce discharged from further consideration of the Howell Bark ley Bill desired by the Railroad Brotherhoods, which brings the bill out of the committee and places it on the calendar...
...t he smaller members of t h a Union of Economic Interests due t o t h e e x posures by Socialist deputies in t ha Chamber of t h e hug© g r a f t in w a r r e s t o r a t i o n work appropriated by a number of the big industrial concerns...
...Since the acceptance of the Dawes r e p a r a t i o n report by the majority parties of Germany and the victory of those p a r t i e s in last Sunday's Reichstag election, despite the gains of the German Nationalists and Communists, the prospects of the Left Bloc have improved rapidly, and while the opposition may not win seats enough to enable it to t a r n M. Poirtcare out, it ia sure to be powerful enough to put f h im on his good behavior...
...If t he so-called big Coalition Government, embracing the Socialists, Centrists, People's party men a n d Democrats, is formed it will have a working majority, as it must be remembered t h a t the...
...than » dent m the a r m o r of t h e RepubllC«a-Domoc«atlc coalition...
...This will help them to keep s t r a i g h t ." Hillquit drew loud applause when he said that if by "revolutionary" was meant violence and bloodshed, then not only tha B r i t i s h Labor parI.y but .Socialism throughout the world waa not revolutionary, since no normal person believed in inflicting suffering snd hardship on fellow men...
...He is a l s o survived by t w o daughters, Anna and Sarah...
...Cohen, Phila...
...Paul but he was in conference with the leaders of the Farmer-Labor party, meeting all sections of the movement in the Twin Cities...
...Antwerp .Dockers Get Wage Raise Since April 1, t h e Antwerp dockers have been getting one franc more per day, based on the rise in the cost of living...
...Out of a total vote of some 28,000,000, the Social Democrats polled about 6,500,000, a percentage of approximately twenty* three, against 5,616,164 in the elections of June 6, 1920, a percentage of 21.6...
...ELECTIONS FOR FRENCH-HOUSE SUNDAY, MAY 11 Socialists Hope For Big Gains to Fight Poincare's Reaction — Party ^Ptl>h).--r>»der»- of the Socialist P a r t y are confident t h a t their organisation...
...Our old friend Adolph Germer was there...
...Need of a. Labor Party The-situation would have been different had the Progressives, representing a third party, made a fight for a constructive and radical program...
...In the Minnesota party are a number of petty-bourgeois elements such as tradesmen, small country) bankers, lawyers, etc...
...I n t e r n a t i o n a l ' s Executive ifttee, seizing the party maand relegating Clara Zetkin, sailer and Thalheim'er into comstive obscurity, the Communist t i e s are committed to a policy of Parliamentary sabotage...
...In 1919 the Independent Social Democrats cast 2,817,200 votes, while in 1920 they got 4,896,096...
...LEAD ALL OTHER PARTIES Communists Make Heaviest Gains and Elect Sixty-Two to Socialists' 100 or More—Social Democracy Faced Its Greatest Crisis and Leaders Are Content With Results—Republic Is Deemed Safe...
...Comrade Cohen was a cigar maker and for t h i r t y years he w a s sctive in t h e progressive wing of t h e Cigar Makers' Union, and for over twenty y e a r s he w a s a n active worker in t h e Socialist P a r t y. He was known to all Philadelphia Comrades a s a di voted soul and a delightful gentleman...
...It's immediate effect, from the standpoint of practical accomplishments, would not perhaps be to secure really progressive legislation, although the fear that such a third p a r t y ' s growth would inspire in the h e a r t s of the reactionaries would probably compel more serioua consideration and more favorable action than any number of reforms in House rules...
...t h e point of view of the workers, is t h a t the company unions will be prevented from participating, but i t is t h i s provision t h a t may nullify s t h e law when the Supreme Court comes t o pass upon i t So t h a t the Progressives may have obtained a piece of legislation which, whatever its advantages over the legislation it ia to replace, can hardly be considered worthy of t h e heroic effort made to obtain it...
...The document is in the form of an article in the International Press Correspondence, the official sheet of the Communist International published in Vienna, and is by one Israel Am ter, "American" representative on the executive of the Moscow organization through whom instructions to the faithful in America are issued...
...This convention will be a sign of the revolt of the workers, farmers and some sections of the petty-bourgeoisie a g a i n s t the domination of t he capitalist political parties...
...Bat if all t h e obstacles are overs w h a t will have been won ? What It Provides .f By its provisions the bill sets up s number of boards t o deal w i t h disputes between the workers and the railroad owners, these boards to take the place of the Railroad Labor Board...
...Hillquit, on t h e o t h e r hand, insisted t h a t a party based upon Socialism in its philosophy must of necessity be revolutionary regardless of the personnel of the Cabinet Russell said t h a t the Government was composed of men who were honest and decent, and Hillquit retorted t h a t in these days that was revolutionary...
...The leaden of the Minnesota movement are beginning to see the meaning of the Communist attempt to 'capture' their convention, and there is much sentiment a g a i n s t sitt i n g in a gathering with them...
...The division in the old p a r ty waa so even t h a t it waa possible for a fev...
...There is also the possibility of t he Nationalists offering to cooperate in forming an all-bourgeois Government, with the Socialists and Communists forming the opposition, possibly occasionally aided by* t h e extreme reactionary groups, of which the German Popular Freedom party ( t h e Hitler-Ludendorff group) is t he strongest...
...I told my audiences t h a t a Labor p a r t y should demand the nationalization of railroads and cost mines, and the national development of a system of super-power to be publicly owned...
...Paul municipal elections...
...Paul Convention of June 17 with delegates r e p r e s e n t i n g their small membership over and over again, a r e under instructions to go t h e r e not to cooperate in the organization of a Labor party, but to "unmask," to "expose" and • " p i t i l e s s l y , " "mercilessly" and "ruthlessly" to criticise, is made clear by the instructions t h a t have been issued to them by the Communist International...
...It will be the first call to action on a mass scale that the Communists have been able to Issue, for the Workers' party will he present at the convention, possibly by direct representation, or through the F e t V a t e d Farmer-Labor p a r t y of which it ia an i n t e g r a l p a r t . iatfV "The farmers of the Middle Went and large sections of the working class still believe t h a t they can secure help from some f o rm of a bourgeois party, not built up on class lines...
...With the official results of last Sunday's election not likely to be available before May 16, the latest figures give tha Social Democracy a minimum of 100 seats in the Reichstag, with the probability that the final "counting of the "surplus votes" from the local and combination election districts will add several to the number elected on the "national list...
...On* of the election placards put out by M. Billiet shows a wild-eyed working man, w i t h a knife betwosn h is teeth, apparently lusting for t hs blood of t h e bourgeoisie and personifying the little French business man's idea of Socialism or Communism...
...The main thing is to get to work, they said...
...That is the message that is brought home by Judge Panken, whqf,, returned last week from a coast-to-, coast tour of the country for the Jewish Socialist Verband...
...The rules, as reformed, provide that 150 members of the House may, by petition, bring- before the House the question whether the House shall discharge from further consideration of a bill a committee which fails to report the bill...
...The Communists, who were M l M t h e political map in 1619, polled 441,793 votes in 1920, so their of about 3,7(0,000 last Sunday indic a t e s t h a t they fell heirs t o the big majority of the supporters of the Independent Social Democracy, following the l e t t e r ' s fusion with the Social-Democratic p a r t y in September, 1922...
...Then again, the Nationalists will hardly dare block the enacting of the enabling legislation, as immediate dissolution of the new- Reichstag by President I would probably follow, with a fresh election campaign likely to r e sult in big gains for tho Republican groups...
...Bill Likely to Fail n, a t midnight, the b a t t l e was the victory won, the commit 1 discharged, the Progressives had jTell-Barkley Bill on the calbe considered two week* • r . it is not at all certain the rill be considered by the House no weeks...
...If the Nationalist Bloc of M. Poinc a r e is beaten it will not be for lack of campaign funds and clever propaganda, as Senator Billiet, manager of the Poincare machine, is said to have raised about 300,000,000 francs in, industrial circles for the purpose of putting the National Bloc over...
...The committee consists of Julius Gerber, William M. Feigenbaum and Herman Vofk...
...Clara Zetkin WBB elected on the Communist ticket and is expected to r e t u r n to Germany from Russia soon, protected by her Parliamentary immunity from the writ of a r r e s t for treason issued against hsr last winter by the Marx Government...
...10 4 There were two so-called independent deputies in the old Reichstag, Georg Ledebour and a comrade who refused to accept the decision of the Independent Social Democracy to merge with the parent organization •yd maintained their independence...
...There is much sentiment, also, for James H. Maurer far Vice-President on such' a party ticket, because Maurer represents t h e organized Labor point of view, a s well as the million Socialist votes of the country...
...Dawes Report Carries AJ all events, the putti.iR through • the legidlatioi, necessary to carry » « Dawes' reparation plan i n t o efPM seems assured, despite t h e p r o - election fulminations of t h e Nationa l i s t s and t h e Communists...
...With the Left 'Wing •f the Communist party in control since the recent "secret" national of •Communist , leaders suited in Ruth Fischer and slow, backed by t h e Com...
...Severing, Rudolf Hilferding, Rudolf Breitscheid, Friedrich stumpier and Herman Silberschmidt...
...But h e read t h e declaration of principles of t h e British party, and showed that it constituted a definition of Socialism, and was t h e re revolutionary...
...The P a r t i e s ' Strength The present strength of t h e various parties, compared with that in the old Reichstag, may be estimated as follows...
...v Among the Socialists elected to the new Reichstag a r e Tony Sender, the fiery former Independent Socialist whose good looks contribute to the effectiveness of h e r speeches...
...To the e x t e n t t h s t the failure of the Progressive*, will hasten that third party movement it will ba a victory and not a failure...
...1% support it might result in Ha victory...
...Both conventions will report progress in organization and conditions ?f the workers in their respective rades, and both will take a stand in fsvor of independent political action...
...Paul, Minn.—Mayor Arthur E. Nelson defeated George L. Slegel, Labor candidate in Tuesday's municipal election...
...To c a r r y it out successfully, the party members must observe strict discipline...
...two United States Senators to Washington, has called a convention to take place in St...
...Uf> to now they have believed t h a t the J u l y 4 conference was to be held solely to ratify the nomination of Mr...
...will make a good showing in the general elections to be held Sunday, May 11, and that it will occupy a strong position ia the Left Bloc which is expected t o win enough ground to stake Premier Poincare's job depend upon the exercise of much tact and a material modification of his fire-eating policy toward Germany...
...Consequently, Wc J5BL 111...
...Socialists everywhere will be grieved t o h e a r of t h e death of Comrade Joseph Cohen, veteran trade unionist and Socialist, who passed away last Friday a t t he age, of sixty-three...
...COMMUNISTS WANT LABOR PARTY ONLY TO SPLIT IT That the Communists, who i re busily engaged in creating fake organizations, t o flood the St...
...When I criticize thin Government, it is not t h a t I prefer the other ones to it, but t h at they'll get criticism anyway, and they might a s well have i t from the right side...
...Panken's tour was a complete success...
...It is a hard course, it will involve many blunders lettc...
...With only three precincts missing out of a total of 216 i n the city, the figures were: Nelson, 37,734...
...Of course the Independent Social Democracy which united with the old p a r t y was not the org a n i s a t i o n of 1920, as it had s p l i t a t the Halle convention I t refused to accept the famous "twenty-one points" of the Mwww p r o g r am and a l a r g e number of < g a t e s bolted...
...Thus the Progressives, despite their intentions to do well, their r c » d i n e s s t o desert p a r t y standards *hen they feel their duty demands », a n unable to make .more...
...In San Francisco we a r e equally strong...
...Under the German system of proportional representation, a deputy is supposed to be elected for every 60,000 voters, but th«rc are always many thousands of votes wasted upon little groups which can't pet 60,000 votes in an electoral district, and, consequently, arc not entitled to any deputies, even if their combined votes in the nation total 60,000...
...sai' be glad"*.- hZ thafhe 7s* doing I Germer went to work in the fields, became active in til* OH Workers' Union, and ia now candidate for International President " I n Lot Angeles, there wag « r e g i s t r a t i o n for voter* t o vote a t the next month'* primary, a n d over aix thousand went to the polls and enrolled themselves a* member* of the Socialist Party...
...m e aesnsji gauss ragi ^semai4isnsuau'aae*puiy i and feel that the desperate ons l s u f h t e from the Communists on one hand and t h e s z t r e m a Nationali s t s on the other have really tended t o quiet the dissension within the p a r t y 'N ranks and to unite the members in a Molid, campaign tried organization t h a t will now proceed to lay plana for i t s future activities on a Arm base...
...Recently organizations of r e t a i l e r s in different p a r t s of Prance t o t a l l i ng about 52,000 members declared a g a i n s t Billiet and h i s policies, averring that the Union of Economic I n t e r e s t s was being r u n entirely in the interests of t h e b i g c a p i t a l i s t s. The Socialists are closing their campaign with plenty of mass meetings a n d wholesale distributions of leaflets emphasizing t h e need of international reconciliation and t he necessity for a domestic policy favoring t h e i n t e r e s t s of the masses as against those of t h e bourgeoisie...
...The failure is all the more deplorable when i t is realised t h a t the conditions for Insurgont success were Particularly favorable in this Con«r*ss...
...the House the great reform in i rules accomplished at the outset the session was put to the test...
...p a r . . . 16 20 Hanoverians 5 2 Bavarian Agrar...
...Socialist, Is Dead Philadelphia...
...The committee, through Joshua Lieberman, late secretary of Local New York, presented a plan for a central office for the city, and a cent r a l committee was elected to draft the plans as a report of the convention to present t o the S t a t e Executive Committee for submission t o a referendum...
...Russell, who said that the U W Government n the boat t h a t -Bngland had had, and t h e ' moat advanced t h a t t h e people are1 prepared for, denied t h a t it is revolutionary, and he mentioned the fact that the members of the Government are largely right wing trade unionists, moderate Socialists and former Liberals...
...Philip Scheidemann, Artur Crispien, Adolf Braun, Dr...
...For the first time t h i s Increase appliea t o t h e men discharging ore...
...Machine Republicans staged a filibuster in order to prevent consideration of the nwtsore...
...They muat recognise t h a t it ia an unmasking policy and B mobilisation of the workers and farmera for action...
...They must understand that it ia a s t r a t e g y and not an end ia itoelf...
...More than sixteen roll calls were had...
...PANKEN FINDS WORKERS WANT LABOR PARTY Hold* Big Meeting on Coast-to-Coatt T o u r— Socialist Party in Good Shape...
...Barren Rules Reform I t was t h i s reform of the Progressives which received its first trial laat Monday...
...The i n t . i . . i s and workers of thf Northwest who have carried Minnesota twiee for Farmer-Labor p a r ty candidates for United States Sena-t tor are determined to go into thsf Presidentisl campaign of 1924 in art independent party of the workers...
...s It is pointed out, however, t h at Billiet and h i s crowd have lost considerable prestige lately among...
...Th* nation ia yours whan there is debt to psy, it i s yours wh*n there Is blood to sh»d: but if you attempt to rule it, you a r e told you are interfering with what dose not belong to you.—Keir Hardie,' LABOR POLLS BIG VOTE IN ST...
...Panken not only spoke in Minne apolis and St...
...I n every place, I emphasized the need of organizing a Labor party, and I everywhere stressed planks for a v e r y brief platform...
...The campaign will allow as fa enter the third party wherever opportunity prtsenti itself, to farm « left wing within it, and spiff it axvay from the third party fly ruthless, merciless criticitm of the third party, the Communists will unmask its character...
...OF A. MEET MONDAY Two important labor conventions will be called to order Monday, May 12, of particular interest to the radical section of the Labor movement...
...Berlin—The Social-Democratic party of Germany, after having fought the most desperate electoral battle of its long career, has reaffirmed its position as the, strongest single party in tha republic and the...
...He was t he father of Joseph E. Cohen, one of the foremost of t h e Socialist writers iri the United States, and Philadelphia correspondent of The New Leader, and of George N. Cohen of New York, active in t h e Rand School...
...You must criticise a Government to keep it going...
...Some Socialists here would welcome such a combination, as they contend the party would make a better showing in the opposition than when laden with responsibility for a lot of anti-labor Governmental measures which it would be unable to p r e v e n t That t h e great majority of t h e persons who voted the Communist ticket Isst Sunday will e v e n t u a l l y land within the lines of t h e old Social Democracy is taken for granted by Socialist leaders...
...There were successful meetings in Milwaukee, Chicago, St...
...Algernon Lee presided over the convention and Joshua Lieberman was secretary...
...Louis, Denver, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, S t Paul, Detroit and Cleveland...
...Comrade Hillquit's opening dress a t t h e debate will be printed in full in next week's New Leader...
...All preaching and education has no affect...
...The Democratic tax rates «rc somewhat better t h a n those proposed by Secretary Mellon, but "either the Democratic proposal nor the Mellon proposal can affect more than a small p a r t of the American p e o p l e - t h a t p a r t which pays an income tax, and, as was shown by Representative Berger in the House When t h e House considered t h e tax hiU, o a t of about 23,000,000 families • the United States, the heads of only 4,000,000 earn enough to pay • a y t a x a t all...
...In the elections to the National Assembly in January, 1919, the Social Democrats cast 11,509,048 votes, or 37.9 per cent of the total...
...Several of the delegates declared that as the P a r t y ' s work "grows, funds to c a r r y It on will find themselves, and the lack of funds need not trouble the organization...
...They work in the open and you c an believe them...
...They a r e honest and decent people...
...These planks were everywhere cordially cheered, several ' c i t i e s they were made the subject of long editorials in local newspapers...
...Some of the more flagrant evils which flow from the present board will probably be eliminated, Witt j u s t a possibility that other evils will be brought into existence with these new boards...
...Though supporting the third party, they must be able t o criticise i t pitilessly...
...b u t that ia the path of lutlon...
...The first session of the convention, t h r e e weeks earlier, Sad voted in principle in favor of a merger add appointed a committee t o d r aw up definite plans t o c a r r y out t h e t e r ms of the motion...
...Then alone would the w o A a ip and farmers realize t h a t petty bourgeois reformism is fruitless...
...But it would, in any event, expose more thoroughly than has thus far been possible the rule of the few, and hastened the day when a political party of the farmers and workers would assume control...
...Among the free movie Alms distributed by M. Billiet t o such, movie houses s s will accept t h em is one called "The T h r e a t , " illustrating t h e "dange r of a capital levy," while another, called " l i n e ' s Busy," purports to show t h e inefficiency of the telephone service under Government ownership, Billiet s n d h i s f r i e n d s a r e n o t s a t isfied with having got control sf the S t a t e ' s "monopoly in matches a nd owning all sorts" of mines, oil r e fineries, etc., but t h e y p l s n t o g r sb the S t a t e tobacco monopoly and t h e telegraphs, telephones and Government owned railroads, if t h e National Bloc can be held together nexj Sunday...
...The Communists are denouncing both Socialists and followers of Poincare and decking t o draw inspiration from the g a i n s made by their bretheron on t h e o t h e r side of the Rhine...
...Bavarian People's party, a l though at present a t odds with the Centrists because of the letter's nomination of candidates in Bavaria, will doubtless cooperate with that party in case of need...
...The instructions read in part:, "The Minnesota Farmer-Labor party, which sent...
...Labor, however, captured one major city office and returned its two candidates to the City Council... without whose collaboration or benevolent toleration no functioning German Government is possible...

Vol. 1 • May 1924 • No. 17

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