PARTY NOTES Texas ogg Antonio.—The Socialist state snv«ntion will be held in gtco Sunday, March 15. The comL« are busy preparing for the ?S «**k will be held in Red gall, 112 Soleded St....
...Friday, March 6 Herman Kobbe: "Housing...
...16th A. D. Branch...
...April 8, Dora Maxwell, Credit Union National Association, on "Financial DemocracyThrough Credit Unions...
...Come Monday night and see if you can take part...
...Build the Socialist Party and get rabs for The New Leader to help beild it...
...City Cpuicil, A. R. Klein, g 0 Fohrberg, Helen Fay Gar-a,B: School Board...
...Sutialisui by their method of teaching elementary economics...
...204 East Broadway, Manhattan...
...Public Speaking and Parliamentary Practice Monday...
...6618 Bay Parkway, Brooklyn...
...Jewish Branch 6—Meets Thursday, March 5, at headquarters, 1765 Davidson Ave...
...Friday, February 28 Alexander Kahn: "Labor in Palestine...
...on Tuesday, March 3, at 8:30 p. m. 23rd A.D.—M e c ts Wednesday, March 4, at 219 Sackman St...
...Othe»: lectures in the scries are as follows: March 8, "Primary Groups and Environments...
...Instructor: Esther Friedman...
...There is still room for additional recruits and all party members who "sing a little" are urged to join...
...7th AJ>.—Esther Friedman, guest speaker at'the meeting Tuesday.^March 3, at headquarters, 791 Elsmere Place...
...Subject, "The Purpose and Structure of the Constitution...
...Monday evening, March 16, two large rallies in the Bronx, at Burnside Manor and Hollywood Gardens...
...All invited...
...Helen and Tillman "jxvmx longtime members of the sigjtv have been challenged as to ¦^.ir legibility on the ground that •jey sB not taxpayers as a result ? **rich we have received hunef inches of free advertising x the press...
...April 15, John A. Jessup, director of publicity and education, on "What Are Consumer Cooperatives...
...Tbe Local together writh the Workmen's Circle Branch conducts t raecesaful forum every Sunday...
...The following meetings have been arranged thus far: Sunday, March 15, Rally in the 4th A.D., Manhattan, 204 E. Broadway...
...6th A.I).—On Safcurdav evening, March 14, at 95 Avenue B, a Reunion and Dinner Party will be held...
...An enjoyable evening of con-, viviality and dancing until dawn are promised...
...Subject, "The Purpose and Structure of the Constitution...
...Speakers, Gerhardt Seger and Aug...
...First of a series of five lectures on "Social Attitudes...
...train and get off at Mt...
...10 p. m.: Opera...
...Last year the cooperatives did a million dollars worth of business a day in the United States...
...This fills the &kft eanspletely for the first time s 20 years...
...Chelsea ranch...
...Bela Low: "Socialism and Democracy...
...Solomon then directed attention to the fact that .the attorney for the store had been appearing as counsel for police officer complainants and warned the police officers present they would probably have a difficult time explaining to the Commissioner of Police and the Mayor the relationship between public servants and the attorney for an employer in an industrial dispute...
...Interested persons are asked to secure complete bulletins...
...Workers' Health and Silicosis...
...4th A. D. Branch...
...Tuesday—8 p. in.: "Undercurrents of the News"—Bryce Oliver...
...Abraham Miller:i"1936—A Crucial Year for Labot" 2307 Broadway, near 84th St., Manhattan...
...Social Attitudes in Race Prejudices" and March 29, "Social Attitudes Toward War and Peace...
...7. p. m. 80 Van Cortland Park South, Bronx...
...8 p. m.: Theatre Union—play...
...Washington gesttle.—Local King County re-.fu Tfflman K. Garrison, secrejjy, » entering the following So—>iu as candidates in the Spring ^ctioas: For Mayor, - Tillman K. garrison...
...Delegations are expected from Minneapolis, St...
...Thursday—8 p. m.: "Undercurrents of the News"—Bryce Oliver...
...August Claessens guest speaker...
...William Karlin: "Pages From American Socialist History...
...Subject, The Supreme Court till the Death of Marshall...
...4th A.D.—Meets Monday, March 2, at 1581 Washington Ave...
...On Friday, March 6, Abraham Miller, secretary-treasurer of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers' Union, will speak on "1936—A Crucial Year for Labor...
...Kahn, who' returned from a trip to Palestine several months ago, will lecture on "Palestine and the Labor Movement" at the West Side Forum on Friday, February 28, at 8:80 p. m., at 2307 Broadway, near 84th St., New York City...
...Wednesday evening, March 25, BrownsviHe Labor Lyceum, 213 Sackman Street...
...August Claessens: "The Fundamentals of Socialism...
...17-18-20th A.D.—Meets Tuesday, March 3, at Ddd Fellows Temple, 105 East 106th St., at 8:30 p. m. , BRONX Bronx County A general membership meeting of Party members will be held Friday, Feb...
...Friday—8 p. m.: "Undercurrents of the News"—Bryce Oliver...
...Final Plans for Dutch Supper and Card Party to be held Saturday, March 7, at 8 p. m„ at '6618 Bay Parkway...
...Everybody welcome...
...Bmrhamton.—Local Broome Co...
...March 2, 3 p. m.—Instructor, Rebecca Jarvis...
...Upper 6th A.D.—Meets Tuesday, March* 3, at 767 Allerton Ave...
...The addresses will be given at 8:30 Wednesday evenings, and there will be time for questions and discussion...
...j>eleS( and visitors are invited" to J^Ttk* state office at 1032 South ilJSK St...
...Building Service Employees' International Union—talk...
...Shier is the director of the Ort and the Executive Secretary of the District Committee of the Workmen's Circle...
...Eden and Jerome Aves...
...To reach Paradise Manor take the Jerome Ave...
...Selected WEVD Features of the Week Sunday—11 a. m.: Forward Hour —music and sketches...
...Patronize the Rand Book Store...
...A New Socialist The Socialist Party branch of the Amalgamated Houses in the Bronx, extends hearty congratulations to Comrades Abraham and Esther Dobin on the birth of their daughter...
...Her subject is timely, informative and vitally important...
...Join Socialist Chorus The new Rand Playhouse chorus which is being organized and directed by Ada Riikin will meet for the first time in the Rand School studio Saturday, Feb...
...QUEENS Sunyside—Meets Friday, March 6, at the home of Mark Khinoy, 3S56 47th St., Long Island City...
...Instructor: Esther Friedman...
...Thursday evening, March 26, Boro Park Labor Lyceum, 14th Avenue and 42nd St., Brooklyn...
...Subject, "The Forces of the Left Are on the March Again...
...and Broadway, Manhattan...
...2307 Broadway, near 84th St...
...Amalgamated Cooperative Branch —Special meeting Monday, March 2, at 80 Van Cortlandt Park South, in the Assembly Hall...
...Speakers, Judge Oharles Solomon, Nathan Chanin, August Claessens...
...March 15, "Social Attitudes in Sex Differences...
...Wednesday, March 4, 3 p. m.— Home of Mrs, Pollokoff...
...Midwood—James Oneal lectures at headquarters, Kings way Mansion, 1602 Avenue P, Monday, March 2. Admission free... the Rand School...
...8:45 p. m.: Louis Waldman, State chairman, Socialist Party, on: "Labor and the Constitution...
...7th A. D. Branch...
...Beethoven Hall, 210 Esm 5th St., Manhattan...
...Cooper will be the chief speaker it the annual dinner and dance of joe... the Assemblv Hall, 80 Van Cortlandt Park South...
...Wednesday, March 4, 1 p. m.— 254 E. 94th St., Brownsville Unit...
...of New York City will address ¦j* forum at the Wood ridge High School on Sunday, March 1, on Ifce End of Capitalism...
...April 1, Robert Miller, Columbia University Law School, on "Government Guardian or Consumer Control...
...Sttllhran County.—William Kar¦s...
...corner Jerome Ave., Bronx...
...CHICAGO.—A testimonial dinner in honor of D. Shier, wellknown Chicago Socialist, on the occasion of his fiftieth birthday, will take place on Sunday, March 1, at 6 P. M., at the Workmen's Circle Lyceum, 3200 Ogden Ave...
...representative of the Transatlantic News Service...
...Women's Conference Against the High Cost of Living—will hold its March meeting Saturday, March 7, at 1:30 p. m...
...8:30 p. m.: James J. Bambrick, Pres...
...Send in any merchandise which is saleable...
...Saturday—6 p. m.: "Jewish Events of the Week"—talk...
...Finn, who has appeared at Camp Tamiment...
...8:15 p. m.: Prof...
...Max Winkler, City College—talk...
...Eden and Jerome Aves., Friday, February 28, at 8:80 p. m. This is a call to all Bronx County members for a meeting of special importance...
...F Monoiy, Mere* 2, 1:30 p. m. — Rand School...
...West Side Forum Alexander...
...Claessens Course at Amalgamated Branch A series of five Sunday evening lectures by August Claessens on "Social Attitudes" is announced by the Forum of the Socialist Party branch of the Amalgamated Houses in the Bronx...
...Speakers, B. C. Vladeck...
...August Claessens: "The Individual and Society...
...The "Chant$of the Litany 1 will be rehearsed Monday at 3 p. m. Tbe Pageant will be rehearsed Monday night at 8:30 at the Party office and here there is room for every member who can bring a costume of some nation...
...There is a part for every woman member of the party...
...Chelsea Branch Holds New Leader Dance on March 7 A special feature of the Card Party and Dance, arranged for the benefit of The New Leader by the Chelsea Branch, will be a program of entertainment on which will appear the well-known psalmist, Mrs...
...A more or less jsorgaaked "labor" ticket is in it 5eki, including communists, at-wing democrats, liberal-prol^tssrfes, etc Connecticut »V-erbury.—Lena Morrow Lewis i CsMbrnia will deliver a public jetara en "Chemistry-'—and Its ?j*e< tad Part in Social Progress" a Friday, Feb...
...It took die depression to ' teach spendthrift Americans the advantage that lies in buying together...
...Guest speaker: I. Nussbaum...
...W o m e n's International Day— March 15, at 2:30 p. m. Plans for the pageant and entertainment are [ well under way...
...Monday, March 2 August Claessens: "The Problem of Unemployment...
...Instructor, William Duffy...
...Registration has already begun...
...Rand School Course On Cooperatives Wednesday Eifgs The rise of consumer co-operatives during the depression has been more spectacular than that of the Townsend movement...
...Upper West Side—Branch meets Monday, March 2. at 2307 Broadway (near 84th St...
...Organizer Sarah Votovick assures us that,the youngster is a ^prospective rorrufr for the Red Falcons...
...The speakers will be Joseph Shaplen of "the Xew York Time., and co-author of a book entitled, "Socialism, Communism, Fascism," and Siegfried Lipschitz...
...Jewish Branch 1—Meets Thursday, March 5, at headquarters, 1581 Washington Ave...
...For the remaining eight lectures on the Supreme Court by members of tbe Socialist Larwyers' Association at the Rand School Mondays, at 1:30 p. m., the fee is $1.00...
...Bensonhurst Jewish — Meets at 7017 20th Ave., Monday, March 2. Coney Island — Meets Tuesday, March 3. at 2202 Mermaid Ave...
...and 14th Ave...
...8th A.D.—Branch meeting Tues•fey, 'March' 9, art "hewlquartere, "T&T Second Ave...
...West Side Socialist Forum...
...The first lecture on "The Individual and Society" will be held Sunday...
...The history and principles of the cooperative movement will be thoroughly explained...
...Lecture Calendar (AH lectvre* begin at 8:30 p. m. ¦unless otherwise noted...
...The lawyer for the employers stepped forward in one of the eases and stated he was appearing for the arresting officer whose name appeared as the complainant...
...Among the organizations that are participating are the* Workmen's Circle, the Ort and other Chicago organizations...
...Every member should avail herself of this unusual course of lectures...
...The course fee for the seven lectures is two dollars...
...We are fortunate to have as guest speaker Pauline Neuman of the Union Health Center...
...March 22...
...W. C. BranflTCo73...
...Lower 6th AJ>.—Meets Tuesday, March 3, at headquarters, 1310 Strafford Ave...
...Midwood Branch...
...Paying the sales tax j^.temUify you...
...has been added to the list 4 rceakers at a meeting of enrtSsi voters to be held on SunSay, Isrefi 1, at 2:30 p. m., at party Kwfcjarters, 483 Main St...
...fV» ewrvention will choose candisnd draft a platform...
...Organizer Merle A. Wilson recently filed a protest with 4e Superintendent of Schools •gainst the practice of certain teachers in the Junior High School ¦prejadicing their classes against...
...He has served three terms on the National Board of Directors of the Workmen's Circle as the representative from Minnesota...
...Contract blanks can be secured from the Party office...
...Tuesday, March 3, 1:30 p. m.— Subject, "The American Labor and Socialist Movement...
...Short business meeting and a forum hour...
...L. Waldman, Matthew M. Levy, Sam Orr and others...
...Solomon Charges Collusion Between Police and Employer The committee recently appointed by Mayor LaGuardia to investigate police activities in the several months old strike against the May Department Store on Fulton SL, Brooklyn, is delving into the field indicated by Judge Charles Solomon when, a few days ago, he discharged eight pickets arrested at the store, after trial...
...Buffalo on Friday, March 6, it I:ig Arthur's Restaurant, 199 Delaware Ave...
...The first issue of a monthly bulitta lias appeared which is edited 3v Joseph Peperone, assistant orl%~vX...
...East Side Socialist Forum...
...Htm YuttvCtt -~ fTMwn'a Activities .v:-Chases on the Supreme Coart mm Labor Legislation...
...West Side Socialist Forum...
...10:15 p. m.: "Education and New Social Ideals" —University of the Air...
...Boro Park — Meets Monday, March 2, at the Boro Park Labor Lyceum, 42nd St...
...Speakers, Joseph Shaplen of the New York Times and Siegfried Lipshitz, former American representative of the Social-Democratic press in Germany...
...Wednesday—8 p. m.: "Undercurrents of the News"—Bryce Oliver...
...1602 Avenue P, Brooklyn...
...When the judge asked the police officer if that was so...
...Studio WEVD, Hotel Claridge, 44th St...
...Amalgamated Cooperative Houses, Assembly Room, 80 Van Cortlandt Park South, Bronx...
...William Karlin...
...dealing with recente events in various countries-in Europe and Japan...
...The fee for the entire course is 50 cents, single admission 15 cents...
...Admission 50 cents...
...Joseph Shaplen and Siegfried Lipshitz will be the principal speakers...
...1581 WashingtorrAve., Bronx...
...Wednesday, March 4—Meeting of tbe Bensonhurst Unit...
...People's International Bazaar is well launched with ads coming in for the Bazaar Journal...
...1113 Brighton Beach Ave.i Brooklyn, Saturday evening, Feb...
...22nd A.D.—First meeting at new headquarters, 1045 Sutter Ave...
...28, for the Socialit ?irty...
...Admission free...
...James Oneal: "Democracy vs...
...August Claessens: "Can Wealth Be Distributed Equitably...
...Enrolled Voters' Meeting Branches must immediately arrange local rallies for the enrolled votere, in cooperation with other branches in their regions...
...The 1 awyer who was escorted out of court recency stated that a dictaphone had been installed in union headquarters from which it had been learned that the strikers were overjoyed to hear that Judge Solomon was to sit in the court where their cases were to come up for trial...
...The Rand School announces, also, that it has a number of new courses' opening during the week of March 16th...
...MANHATTAN Chelsea—Branch meeting Mon day, March 2, as-WEVD — Hotel Claridge, Broadway and 44th St., Manhattan...
...Do two things...
...The affair is scheduled for Friday evening, March 6, at the Debs Auditorium, 7 East 15th St., New York City...
...Fun for Young Folks We are all anxious to give tbe Young People's Socialist League a fresh start after their recent reorganisation...
...A big turnout is averted...
...Speakers, James Oneal, Louis Waldman...
...The Rand School of Social Science, 7 E. 15th St., announces the beginning of a course of lectures on "The Depression and the Cooperatives," arranged by Robert L. Smith, assistant secretary of the' Eastern States Cooperative League...
...Tuesday, March 3, i-:30 p. ra.— Amalgamated Houses...
...10 p. m.: University of the Air Forum: 10:30 p. m.: Gilbert and Sullivan Operettas...
...New York State Bsfalo.—John G. Cooper,, who „n 9|U ran a close second 'tis Soaist candidate for Mayor of Jot...
...Eden Ave...
...Monday—8:25 a. m.: City Consumers' Guide...
...Sunday, March 1 Isaiah Minkoff: "Smith, Roosevelt and Socialism...
...10:15 p. m.: University in Exile—talk...
...844 Utica Ave., Brooklyn... the Paradise Manor...
...24, at 8:30 p. m., in Paradise Manor...
...KINGS 18th A.D.—Meets Monday, March 2, at 844 Utica Ave...
...For the past seven years, Shier has been active in the Chicago Socialist movement, but for twenty years previously he was a leading spirit and a pioneer in the FarmerjJabor movement of Minneapolis...
...A symposium has been arranged on "The Forces of the Left Are sa the March Again...
...Paul and other midwestern cities...
...Terence McCarthy: "The British Labor Movement," 193 Bay Street, Tompkinsville, S. L, Branch...
...791 Elsmere Place, Bronx...
...Eden Ave...
...NewEra Club, 274 East Broadway, Manhattan...
...For ten years, Comrade Shier was the manager of the Jewish Daily Forward in Minneapolis...
...August Chessens: "The Situation in the Socialist Party...
...Friday evening, March 20, three meetings in Brooklyn, including Mkrwood, Coney Island and Brighton, Speakers, Judge Charles Solomon, Nathan Chanin and others...
...Socialist Party Branch...
...a building up a good literature department...
...March 18, Bertram Fowler, journalist and author, on "Economic Implications of Consumer Cooperatives...
...Important and every member is urged to attend...
...Subject, "The Supreme Court till the Death of Marshall...
...The Yipsels are particularly alive in Brighton Beach...
...18th A. D. Branch Tuesday, March 3 Esther Friedman: "The Economic Basis of the Constitution...
...Shaplen and Lipschitz to Speak at Symposium The recent victories of democracy and socialism in the Scandinavian countries, England, Spain, and the expected victory in France, will be the subject of a timely and interesting symposium entitled, "The Forces on the Left Are on the March Again," which will be held on Friday, February 28, at 8:30 P. M...
...April 22, Robert L. Smith, assistant secretary, Eastern States Cooperative League, on "Keys to Action in Cooperatives...
...Bela Low, guest speaker...
...They announce a Leap Year Dance at Brighton Social Hall, No...
...29, at 2:30 p. m. All who have heard the f chorus at Cooper Union during the Hillquit Memorial meeting and on i numerous other occasions know hovr fortunate we are to have Ada Eifkin in charge...
...10 p. m.: James Oneal, editor, New Leader,—talk...
...ACTIVITIES OF NEW YORK SOCIALISTS ¦y Georee Field Bronx Membership Meeting All out to Paradise Hanor, Mt...
...Instructor: Esther Friedman...
...Welcome to the "Buffalo Socialist Bulletin" which is bright, «3-«Bted and, judging by the irtt issue, has a promising future...
...the policeman declared he bad not authorized the lawyer to appear for him, Later, Judge Solomon, who had previously warned the lawyer to Stop wrangling, directed that he be removed from the court room, which was done...
...Brighton Beach—Meets Monday* March 2, at 1113 Brighton Beach Ave...
...March 1, at 8:30 p. m...
...10:15 p.' m.: WEVD University of the AirPsychoanalysis...
...Judge iiccc Parrken of New York City nil also address the meeting...
...guest speaker...
...March 25, Terrence McCarthy, British Laborite, on "Fighting Depressions on Three Fronts...
...Following is a list of speakers and topics: March 11, Wallace J. Campbell, assistant secretary, Cooperative League of America, on "America's Cooperatives in Time of Depression...
...Please communicate with me at the Local New York office as soon as possible...
...Send in your ads...
...Dora Klein, Pr J, H. Givens...
...Headline entertainment will be featured, also leap year games, refreshments, contests* prises, etc...
Vol. 19 • February 1936 • No. 9