Powers, John
SPAIN! By John Powers MfjE election in Spain last Sunday, resulting in a sweeping vic-i * t o r y for the left hloc, of which the Socialists are the keystone,' it a rrngr.ty blow at t h e forces...
...8. No employer may hire a worker from a private employment agency...
...In the appropriaV -"s for the coming fiscal year, Mayor Jasper McLevy has asked that $10,000 be set aside as a fund earmarked for the purpose of beginning <» rate fight against the local utilities...
...This new agreement brings to our industry a new f o rm of indusfrial democracy...
...Eight of t he eleven wore members of t h e city . peliee department i j Pressure of public opinion has largely been responsible for these arrests...
...B E A D I N G , Pa.—Amid scenes of enthusiasm and confident predictions of success in the coming elections...
...One of the tasks of the new Civil Service Commission will be to eventually reorganize the entire salary scheme, so that employes working in the various municipal departments and doing the same type of work will have a uniform salary schedule instead of the one the Socialist administration inherited from its predecessors in office...
...Their fight is not y e t won...
...No ether ;*nendments should be supported st this time...
...If we nuke ae better progress than mis, in p a t t i n g the unemployed «• work, industry will have to esehle i t s 1929 volume of production and service before there W&1 be jobs for a l t T i e failure of private ineurtry to p a t t h e unemployed to necessary for an American living standard is now bringing the nation into serious danger...
...Such an •nendment should be opposed...
...The same survey disclosed also that 1934, the first full year of Socialist administration, saw the cost for education increase over that for 1933...
...Fronts Higher "In general, profits in the first quarter will be considerably above last year...
...Straight .opposition to this law, charging that is is unconstitutional, t h a t I t is too heavy a burden upon iiraustry, that it will increase instead of decrease unemployment and that the collection of contributions from employers, to be paid t h i s year, be postponed until 1937, a n d also that the present New York law be amended so that, if the Federal Social Security Act is later declared unconstitutional, the New York Act dies automatically...
...Of outstanding importance among the provisions of the new agreements are those definitely establishing limitation of contractors ind jobber responsibility for wage vnd work standards...
...Not only is the tax rate to be reduced 1.8 mills, from 31.8 to 30 mills, but the voluntary waivers of 20r<- of their salaries which city employes have signed for a number of years because of the depression entailing increased welfare expenditures and the tremendous municipal debt piled up by the old parties over a period of 20 years, will be reduced to 17<~J-, resulting in an increase in the employes' pay envelopes...
...Other changes made relate to defining casual employments and the collection of employer contributions to the State Unemployment Insurance Fund...
...When the ballots are counted la the spring, the enemies of freedom will discover that the French | j h ^ m i 0 u is not dead, that it lives in the people of France, in the Peril -and minds of her workers, in the seals of her youth, and iMHiie future belongs not...
...Minimum basic salaries will also be established as part of the program...
...We ail rejoice I in your union's efforts to ruins labor standards in the dross industry...
...lumber production is 42% above last year and cement 35% higher (first two months...
...The jobb e r s will no longer b e a b l e t o boat down wages by playing one cont r a c t o r against another...
...I f-rom 24 •branches of the Sociaiisl | Party in the city and county oi 1 Reading...
...In the past, t h e jobber h a s hired and fired contractors a t his personal whim, forcing, on the average, one out of every t h r e e contractors out of business each year...
...The agreements ratified are with he Affiliated, National and I n t e r - tate Dress Manufacturers' Asssv •iations, and the Popular Priced Oress Manufacturer?' Group, e nv iloying together approximately ?0,000 workers...
...State and City Offices—Socialists to Launch Energetic Campaign Immediately...
...The United Association of Contractors has not dona so...
...Again we will find t h a t 'sternal vigilance is the price of liberty.' "Now more than ever, we must stand guard over what we have won...
...there will be enough time SP* 1 0 consider what action to ***• For the present, we must * * » d ar.d support both the State the Federal Law...
...Importance ef Victory The importance of the victory won by the union was emphasized by Hochrnan, when he said: "The Dressmakers' Union has made great progress in the past two and a half years—progress that sets an example for the entire organized labor movement...
...Last year's expsrieaee feas shown that they sanest Meant on business reesasry hi give t h em Jobs, for r e - sssaieyBMat is by no means keeping pace with business gains...
...You may obtain copies of the law by writing to the Division of Unemployment Insurance, State Department of Labor, either at theBroadway Arcade Building, Albany, N. Y., or 342 Madison Ave., New York City, for booklets containing the law and questions and answers concerning it...
...Only a short while ago, during the municipal campaign preceding the enthusiastic reelection of the Socialist regime, the old party candidates were making dire predictions that the reelection of the Socialists would mean a record high tax rate for the city for the next fiscal year...
...A. Menendez...
...By Abraham Knepler Special to The New Leader BRIDGEPORT.—A partial restoration to municipal employes of salary cuts imposed by a previous Democratic administration, plus a reduction in the t a x rate that will ease the t ax burden of the city's numerous small home owners, is to be effected by Bridgeport's Socialist administration for the coming fiscal year...
...We have in America the strange paradox of an economic system equipped to produce a comfort living standard for all but unable to function...
...450 delegate...
...Strike Averted Union Gains Vital Demands For Stabilization of Wage | And Work Standards in i Agreements with the j Employers...
...He is a candymaker by trade...
...police dept...
...The Citizen's Committee on Unemployment, composed of forty sivic leaders, will be asked by the roint Relief Committee, in charge >t last Saturday's demonstration at Madison Square Garden, to conduct an impartial, independent investigation of the events that led to a clash between the marchers and the police...
...Mrs... the darkness and the madness of MPT and Mussolini but to the ideals and ideas "of the Labor and M b f i s ; International, of the organized working class oMhe world fKEmg for democracy and Socialism... in the h i s t o r y of the needle trades was r e c o r d e d this week with the- ratification by dress workers of r.ew agreements which a r e t o covern their industry for t h e next two years...
...Moreover, the 20 % reduction has been entirely eliminated for those whose salaries are $1200 or less, so that their salaries will be completely restored to their pre-depression level...
...This saves the worker from paying fees to private agencies, many of which are nothing less than rackets...
...McLevy Raises Wages and Cuts Taxes on Homes Socialist Administration in Bridgeport Returns Part Of Salary Reductions to City Employes and Helps Small Owners...
...Schoener, who will be the legislative candidate in the fourth district, has been active in the party for a long time...
...The victory of the left bloc in France in the jponons to be held some' time this spring is regarded as a foregone conclusion...
...jg This is t h e truth emphasized so dramatically this week by the «ctary of the democratic and Socialist parties in Spain...
...Ko one under IB .ears of age is to be permitted to work in t h e industry...
...but is one o f a series o f political victories in the past year marking a^ dramatic advance of the forces of pn^cracy and labor after t h e tragic events in Germany in 1933' |gd in Austria and Spain in 1934...
...If, at some time in the 2*me...
...stenographer, was indicted by the g r a n d jury as accessory to the murder of Joseph Shoemaker...
...We "Jeould not lend ourselves to any JJht of whispering campaign •rainst -.he Federal Social SecurAct...
...This applies also to pinkers, who must be union members...
...We have reason to hope, however, that the P|*0ns of the recent past, both in Spain and elsewhere, will not fcjperniiued to pass unheeded, and that the great victory of last Sp|iay will mark the beginning of a new chapter in the history PMne Spanish Republic, which now holds so important a place on (wtoolitical battle front of Europe...
...It will take some time before a l l t h e I machinery necessary to enforce t he new agreement is introduced...
...All jobbers must confine t h e i r produc tion to the number of contractors aeteaUy designated,by them, and t h e . contractors are to work only for such manufacturers and jobbars t h a t are designated...
...The New York Unemployment Insurance Law w a s passed because organized labor in the State insisted on it...
...Witt the new rights which we havo won, there will be new responsibilities...
...Once its constitutionality has been established and the haul and machinery for collecting smtributions and paying benefits We in working order, we can talk iShsnt making it a better law...
...Write today to Governor ShoHz, at Tallahasee, to Mayor Chancey at Tampa, and to County Solicit o r Hardee...
...3. Minimum wage scale for cleaners is raised $1 from $15 to $16...
...That opportunity may not be far removed...
...On upward trend of wages which tsgar...
...Federal statistics as the result uf a census bureau survey have disclosed that Bridgeport is the only city in the state which had a higher per capita cost for education in 1934 than in the peak "prosperity" year of 1926...
...V \ ' F of the most striking victo...
...At the present moment, four associations have ratified the agreement...
...Eleven Indicted In Tampa Murder TAMPA, Fla.—M...
...9. Provision is made for control of new machinery, so that workers will not suffer undue hardships...
...He has spon sored a large volume of...
...Darlington Hoopef and Miles Williams as candidates | for the two city seats in the lower i house of the legislature, and Cleve | Long, West Lawn...
...He was endorsed for assemblyman by a unanimou: vdee of the council recently, but because his nomination for state senator yesterday preceded ballot ing on the legislative nominees, hi...
...We must see t h a t t h e new agreement is enforced one hundred per cent...
...The building industry is a r e covery leader this spring, with a j $205,000,000 total of contracts in January, compared to $100,000,000 last year...
...Many competent to jtidge fito'e he will not escape the noose he has drawn about his neck I T Ethiopia...
...Luigi Antonini, vioe>resident of the International and eader of Local 89, largest dress ocal, with a membership of 40,100, presided...
...must be made by union workers...
...1 Limitation of contractors...
...It was knowledge plus the might a nd power of 105,000 loyal, devoted dressmakers...
...An Adminf i s t r a t i v e Board will be created to work out rules, regulations, procedure for limitation...
...Victory Scored By Dressmakers...
...This offenifve is bound to gather momentuik until it sweeps fascism and Mgrjon from the positions in whidvthey have entrenched them• There i» the danger, of course, that in their desperation the Jssrist rulers may try t o bring down the entire structure of Europe 2pi<: their heads by plunging the world into another w a r . Should 6g- come to pass, -we may be sure t h a t the free peoples, backed % the international Socialist and labor movement, will meet the t ^ i i g u d prgve themselves superior to the enemy, as they have ahead... July, 1933, was checked la June, 1935, with the ending of MBA, the responsibility for advase* rests with t h e workers them•orms through their collective b a r - "whus hulustry pursues its griesii eaerte of recovery, 11,4SMSf sassiplojed stand waiting far a chance to put idle abate sea machinery to work sai pteeaee the goods to give than a garnet living...
...was 2 1% above December, 1934...
...The boom ends when orders-drop off and depression follows...
...The amendments to the law approved by the State Federation of Labor, as introduced in the Legislature early this month, are designed to promote efficient administration of the law...
...Speakers at the ratification -neeting in the Garden included David Dubinsky, president of the '.L.G.W.U...
...The contemptible little fascism of Austria, deprived of the support of kalian bayonets, is awaiting disposition of us fate by the Western powers and the Little Entente, with the Austrian workers biding their opportunity to deal it a final death Now...
...of weeks, let it be known that s ix did not desire renomination...
...Business is expected to hold a level about 10<yr above last year," says the survey...
...His most spectacular legislative achievement occurred during the 1933 session when he led i suceessful series of swift parlia mentary tactics which forcet through ratification of the frdera child labor amendment...
...Now they will e t t l e with the jobbers...
...The list is, indeed, S^jmprsesive~one : England, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Holland, wjpuni, Switzerland...
...ChUd Labor Is Ended ! More than 105,000 Toilers I Affected by Settlement Marking New Era for Industry— Great Ratificat i o n Meeting Held...
...and member of the ex-cutive council of the A. F . of L...
...Through a thorough knowledge of the i n dustry, a thorough knowledge of all its problems, we have gained our objective...
...It has lost a great Wde Other battles are ahead, but the tide is turned...
...This fact places on workers the obligation to demand higher wages if the balance between producing and consuming jSwer i s ever t o be restored...
...The historic meeting was a joyful and colorful celebration of a -ictory won without a strike, which -tire u n n n -was re*dy to waaje ifcot -vhieh it was glad to avert If its lemands could be won peacefully...
...Profit System Condemned by J L F . o f L Survey H E workers of the nation...
...Hoopes, who is an attorney, if now, with Mrs...
...They provide .principally for including within its benefits non-manual employes receiving wages or salaries of $2,600 a year instead of the present limit of $2,500 a year...
...Although abcat 80% of the workers are employed in contract shops, the jobbers are the ! real bosses of t h e industry...
...The forces ^Tdemocracy and labor in Spain have demonstrated that they live, ^)lt the defeat of October 1934 has not paralyzed their ability to • l i k e again...
...Lillith M. Wilson serving his third term in the lowei house at Harrisburg...
...But it was not knowledge alone that won u s these new rights...
...By John Powers MfjE election in Spain last Sunday, resulting in a sweeping vic-i * t o r y for the left hloc, of which the Socialists are the keystone,' it a rrngr.ty blow at t h e forces of reaction and fascism in Europe J Jt does not stand aione...
...The grand jury is considering further indictments...
...Child labor is abolished...
...The prison wajlraad gates will b e torn down—in Madrid, in Rome, in Berlin...
...7. Jobbers are to register all price ranges...
...This meant, of course, untold and unfair suffering for thousands of workers...
...Negotiations with his association ware awaited, with the possibility of strikes against hose of its members who refused o fall in line with the agreements -overing the other employer aasotiations...
...The minimums for other crafts set in the old agreement remain...
...P,jfh lili ii ig i Socialist leaders in the street—a thousand cowards M M one tribune of the people...
...The a r e distinctly on the defensive...
...I George M. Rhodes, president oi the Federated Trades Council, foi state senator...
...Penalty established for violation of this provision...
...The strike has been averted, but our troubles are not over...
...Next in line is France, where the eleHRH&l of reaction, smarting under their helplessness and inability to emulate Mussolini and Hitler, have been reduced, like gangsters...
...To study the means of making it function is one of Labor's foremost tasks today...
...proven themselves s u p e r i o r in the task of" social and ecol oo|»*,nW»struction and through faith in t h e i d e a l s and mstitu- ^jpWBfitegl i j n ITffn 'i "i - f i in Tlr " i irf" ii li Revocation' 5Ep|B!BpW$pSt in the modern Socialist and labor movement...
...6. No worker may be hired unless he has a wiSxking card (union card...
...No person under 18 may be employed...
...Raymond S. Hofses, editor of the Reading Labor Advocate, was nominated as the party's candidate foi t congressman from Berks County...
...The Candidates Hofses has twice been the party's candidate for congress...
...However, the union victory on the first two points mentioned above— especially making the jobber responsible for minimums and price settlement—will assure earrings provided in the agreemen-, and will mean steadier employment to the workers...
...Nothing would be P R tragic than civil war within the ranks of the demo racy and jMhe working class...
...m Vienna, everywhere where tyrants rule, seeking to maintain •tbamebrs by brute force but unable t o escape t h e irresistible and fceaorsbie driving power of the hosts of freedom...
...Declaring that the question that faces the people of America is whether "idle money, machines and men be used to produce goods and raise living standards" or whether "we drift into runaway inflation, ending in a worse collapse than ever," the survey concludes with these significant words: "As long as the profit motive, uncontrolled, dominates production, we must have business booms and depressions...
...Crushed to earth mily a little more than a year ago, they have come bacft mighty force*, hurling before them the reactionary elements...
...Much" will depend upon the capacity they show of Nwdiidating themskrves for the practical task of building a govPWnent and carrying out the program on which the election was Right: restoration of genuine republican ru'te, strengthening of P§" democratic constitution, radical social and economic reform, jfctiteation of this program is possible only through unity of all P&f" labor and progressive forces of the nation...
...Tulius Hochman, general manager f the Dressmakers' Union, and Vtayor LaGuardia, who contributed materially to t h e settlement by bis mediation...
...Telegrams of congratulation warn read at the Garden meeting from John L. Lewis, president of t he United Mine Workers...
...K^Bverywhere wheee the forces of political and social oppression and inteliectual medievalism have asserted themselves in recent years 4&ere are clear evidences of^oemoralization and impending collapse...
...When a jobber maintains a c u t t i n g department and sends out uncut goods, he mast give the name and address of t h e contractor to whom he sends goods...
...According to Ska Annalist index, a further advaaee of 25% would bring busietss to the 1929 peak, but emnhjauul must rise 28% to give eerk to all who want it...
...On Monday the defendants will appear in court to make their pleas...
...and also on Saturday, Sunday and holidays, if the committee desires to check for violations of hours...
...There was no agreement as yet vith the United Dress Manufacurers' Association, contrcators, in whose shops some 26.000 worker* ire employed...
...Work is to be divided equally between inside shop and all contract shops who work 'exclusively for the jobber...
...He lives in Laureldale, where he is chief of police...
...Previous agreements set minimmn wages for workers, and on each new style they settled prices wfth their contractors...
...2* Charges Sabotage *The proposal to amend the mate law to make it contingent •Jen the Federal Social Security pel b an attempt to cast doubt •n»n the Federal Act and to sabotsge the whole movement for untjBployment insurance...
...Home building is 67% shove last year...
...They jGe been much deflated in the past year...
...Child laber in the industry is abolished...
...Unions Fight Attack on Job insurance Law State Labor Federation Calls On Workers to Rally Against Efforts of Employers to Wreck Statute ''If f)l"il|Tlt["Ti"il' S t a t e - F e t f * r# tion of Labor Has issued an appeal t o t h e 1,000,000 organized .workers afrthis slate calling upon them to rally for t h e defense of the state'* Unemployment insurance l a w . The appeal calls attention to t he attacks now being leveled against the law b y organized employers with t h e purpose of hamstringing its operation and killing it altogether, if possible...
...The A g r e e m e nt FollowUrf are the most important gains won by the workers: 1. Workers settle with the jobber iirectly...
...The State Federation warns against any amendments to t he law at t h e present time, except those approved by organized labor...
...This is the emphatically worded advice to labor contained in the monthly survey of business issued by the American Federation of Labor...
...MUrywhere where freedom and democracy have been maintained jftere is hope, economic revival and determination to go forward, ptntocracy, Socialism'and labor are on the offensive...
...All accessories, such as belts, buttons, neckwear, artificial flowers, embroidery, tucking, etc...
...The preliminary budget for the Board of Education for the year 1936-37 shows that the allowance for educational purposes will .be even greater, in spite of the lower tax rate...
...g 30,000 of the country's fighters for liberty are ma mkjnttrl reminder of the truth of which we speak...
...Where a jobber maintains a cutting department and cuts all his work for his inside shop and contracting shops, he m a y not giva n p t h e c u t t i ng department without t h e consent of the union or t he i m p a r t i a l chairman, a n d may not send out n a y w o r k t o be a r t unless his c u t t e r s a r e f u l l y supplied with work...
...This will maintain the status quo and stop shops from moving from one area to another...
...Accordingly, Williams was nominatec" for her post...
...This a r r e s t brings to eleven those indicted for participating in this b r u t a l murder...
...the reaction is not finally subdued...
...Rvery working man and woman " w e State should be informed •"jnrding the provisions of the law... shall be held that that y Is unconstitutional in certain J*Pects...
...The appeal of the State Federation, addressed "to all labor organizations of New York State," follows: "The alert and active support of every labor organization and every member thereof in this state is necessary to defend the N ew York State Unemployment Insurance Act against attaeks which are being made and may be made in the near future...
...In Spain, as •Nsrhere...
...Other interests who, claiming to be 'friends of genuine unemployment insurance or compensation,' are assisting the enemies of any such compensation by spreading the argument that, because the present law does not cover all of the wage earners in the State but only somewhat more than three million of them and limits benefits to a maximum of sixteen weeks in any year, it is a useless law...
...5. 35-hour week maintained...
...But no rulings by the Supreme Court can s t o p t he Dressmakers' Union from regulating our industry and b e t t e r i n g t he conditions of our workers...
...Louis Waldman, state chairman of the Socialist Party, and Algernon Las, city chairman of the p a r t y. Louis Waldman'g telegram road: "Please convey to dressmakers assembled my personal and S o cialist Party greetings upon their splendid victory...
...Beginning .March 15, the jobber is made responsible f o r payment of guarant e e d minimums and must make good on any underpayment of settled prices...
...He was a member of the Reading I school board for one six-year term and has edited the Reading Labor ! Advocate for a number of years Rhodes has been president of the Federated Trades Council for eight years and recently was elected foi the ninth term...
...This IMkr we must concentrate our Ijsmngth on a defense of the, law Sf it stands...
...The agreements lay the foundation for stabilization of wage and work standards ani of the industry itself through f a rreaching participation of i t s 106.000 workere in the determination and enforcement of the conditions of their employment...
...Ralph Bigony and Harry .Gross fMft lfeiuiiiete& ail state committeeI men and the* convention sent greet! ings to former Councilman James i H.Maurer and Assemblyman Lilith j M. Wilson, who have been ill for ! many months...
...Pa., concluded the partv's annual convention held ai !6dd Fellows' Hall, Eighth and Franklin Streets, after having | nominated candidates for national, state and city offices...
...Employers must admit a committee from the union before and after regular working hcurs...
...Socialist and:labor parties of Europe...
...While easiness activity in Deennher, 1SS5...
...Wilson, who was stacker seriously ill before the 1935 ses sion of the legislature ended and was not a t her desk for a numbe...
...And only the romanticists on the extreme left %fco hailed the victories of fascism as paving the road for the IriiBph of their own brand of dictatorship wflj refuse to pierceive H(|"«wuikind is pressing for the reconquest and stabilization of those Ifirs without which -civilization and progress are impossible...
...The task of reconstruction is still before ffcep, as it is before the peoples of other countries...
...After hearing t h e -eports embodying the provisions )i the agreements, the workers •oted unanimously to ratify them...
...UnI questioably there a r e some elements within the industry who wiB t ry to ruin the gains we have mads...
...T o the Socialist workers of Spain and its revolutionary democ••Cf we send our flaming greeting, confident that their great vic**T .will jnspire the lovers of freedom everywhere to new efforts P the struggle for the emancipation of all peoples and t he universal *rinmph of LIBERTY, EQUALITY, FRATERNITY...
...We.have Ho illusions...
...The organizations in the Joint Committee consist of the Workers' Alliance of Greater New York, City Projects Council, Unemployment Council of Greater New Tcrk, Federation of Architecs, Engineers, Chemists and Technicians, Project Workers' Union, and Association of Workers in Public Relief Agencies...
...The United States Supreme Court has ruled that Congress cannot legislate the number of hours a man is to work a n d t he minimum wages he is t o re*aire...
...If t h e jobber installs a cutt i n g department, he must take h is cutters from among his contractors...
...It has ruled that Congress cannot ban child labor...
...Mussolini in Italy is .fling the gravest crisis of his career...
...The Unemployment Insurance State Advisory Council, of which Presiohrt Meany is a member, has apyesved a bill containing all the •mediately necessary amendments **, details in the law...
...Mere than 22,000 workers filled the huge \uditorium and cheered the report* • { their leaden...
...Bfckmoring for a new Spain, a new world...
...An arbitrati o n board is set up to adjudicate lisputes...
...3te'40ltfXbk tyrants, big and little, who in recent years have i f—"lljrjMJfcii,, the vitality and validity of these ideals and institufjone, w«S disc ver that they are, indeed, immortal and uncon(••rllfc^rbe workers of Spain storming the walls and gates of p#^JMHjQkiir...
...Pointing out that buying power has been lagging far behind the production of American industries, the Federation issues a stern warning to the nation that unless j this unbalance is checked, it will not only retard the rate of reeovery, but, if uncorrected, will cause a serious crisis during 1937...
...There will be many new complications, and we must always keep before the employers oar slogans—The Union Our S t r e n g t h , the Strike Our Weapon...
...For, in a time of hi~h business activity when profits are plentiful, thousands of business firms invest in equipment, creating a boom, instead of spreading their orders evenly over a period of years...
...Inflation Danger The danger of inflation is a real one, the Federation declares, pointing out that in the past six years the national debt has almost doubled, rising from $16,700,000,000 in 1929 to $30,557,000,000 at the end of 1935 which exceeds by nearly $4,000,000,000 the war-time peak of $26,597,000,000 in 1919...
...Later the law eta be improved and strengthened, let now, when the reactionary memies of unemployment insurance are attacking in full force at aAeny and in the public press, is »t the time to open up the law • r extensive amendments...
...legislator and has been the leader of th Socialist-progressive bloc in the house...
...Paul Gassert ! Woraelsdorf, and Robert Schoener j Laureldale, as legislative candii dates in the second, third, and j fourth legislative districts, respeci tively...
...The attacks, which have already begun, take two forms: JTwo-Fold Attack "1...
...No member of the firm may do any work done by crafts v.ithin the union...
...It is a beginning...
...We have made the jobber directly responsible f or guaranteed minimums, without n ay ifs, ands, and buts...
...The firm is to pay a fine for violation of hours...
...It will be the day o f their burial...
...Let me sound this warning now...
...The charge* were identical with those filed by the s a m e grand jury against Chief-of-PoKce Tittsworth...
...Reading Party Names Ticket At Convention Candidates Nominated for National...
...employment was ealy 4% higher...
...Recovery here lifts the building materials industries...
...FjOafy fascists and reactionaries intoxicated with the political ^omantkiim inherent in their ideology and poisoned by hatred of fkerty and Socialism can persist in ignoring the fact that freedom thjp march...
...Let us hope that |p8pbttter experience of other countries, notably Germany, will pjrk1 them to the achievement of this unity...
...and establish that ninety days of employment within t^welve months before the date when unemployment insurance-benefit payments are to commence (January 1,1938) entitles an employe to the benefits...
...clear up the definition of domestic employes in private households by making such employment a separate employment...
...j f T f t e fisefsis'of Italy, of Germany, of Austria, of Spain are no, •tiger on the offensive...
...Speaking over the radio from Washington, President William "Ireen of the American Federation if Labor, congratulated the workers on their victory and pledged hem the unswerving support of the entire American labor movement... was not entered in the legis !»tive lists...
...pns week Spain takes the lead and strikes a blow for the jBWBcipatioa o f mankind...
...Ratification of agreements between the Dressmakers' Union, Sacked by the International Lactate' Garment Workers, took place a t s itirring mass moating in Madison Square Garden on Monday...
...The Citizens' Committee will be asked also to investigate the holding of eight leaders of the demonstration in "protective custody" by the police without charges being preferred against them...
...must use their collective bargaining agencies to demand higher wages in order to make their pur-1 chasing power keep pace with in- i creasing business activity both of which are expected to be considerably above the first quarter of last year...
...Williams was super intendent of the municipal streei cleaning department during the first Socialist administration, frorr 1928 to 1932...
...Hitler and his regime, still outwardly strong, are isemfronted with situations at home and abroad which spell inevitable destruction...
...Now ,the contractor is protected, and with him, the workers...
...In the meantime, it is urgent to b r i n g pressure to bear on the law-enforcement agencies in order to compel the State to make a vigorous prosecution, and bring all t h e f a c t s of this horrible crime to light...
...We are thrilled by and proud of the solidarity and streagSSt of your great organization...
...The union here warns the United to either agree to the union terms or face strike action in i ts member shops...
...A trial date will be set...
...No pressing machine may be introduced in a shop unless there are six hand-pressers who are fully supplied with work...
...continue the exemption of non-profit religious, charitable, scientific, literary and educational institutions but provide that they may voluntardy insure their employes under the law...
...Officials have indicated there "may be more arrests...
...Der Tag" is Mrairihg nigh, but it will not be "Der Tag" of which fascism and reaction <jrearaed...
...Mayor McLevy will attempt to get other communities served by the same utilities to join in the rate fight, contributing to the cost and fighting a united battle...
...It is labor's own law...
...To begin with, all contractors whose tames appear on the books as of January 1, 1936, a r e designated permanent contractors...
...It is significant," continues the survey, "that in the calendar year 1935 our debt increase of $2,000,000,000 could have been entirely avoided if the $2,500,000,000 paid to the unemployed in 1935 by the Federal Government for relief and emergency work had been paid t h em instead by i n d u s t r y f o r work on normal jobs producing goods...
...And now the Itection iii Spain, the latest of a string of victories by the demoiraftc...
...These booklets should be distributed where they will do the most good...
...R u n a w a y s S t e p p ed 4. No employer, whether manufacturer or contractor, may move his shop further than any distance requiring 5c fare...
...Cleve Long, who was nominated for the assembly in the ssconc 'egiSlative district, is a member of the Spring township school board Gassert, who is a comparative newcomer to county-wide politics is a knitter by trade but recently has been operating a restaurant in Womelsdorf...
Vol. 19 • February 1936 • No. 8