Hitting the High Spots
Lipschitz, Siegfried
Hitting the High Spots By Siegfried Lipschitz fffO those who always complain * about the monotony of life, your columnist a g a i n recommends close attention to the action and decisions of...
...the secret caucus held by the N.E.C...
...Party members have received pledge cards and have been asked to indicate what their contribution will be so that the youngstaia might be able to carry on...
...X about the hundreds and thousands of small publications JBSjsshssA...
...Organised labor speaking through Joseph R y a n , the President of the Central Trades and Labor Council, has rebuked the proposal in stinging terms...
...Queens comrades shews* attend that meeting and give moral support to our representative at the forum...
...An Executive O t i g a r dy Oneal then pointo out that" the machine members of the N.E.C...
...Least of all a judge approaching these fundamentally economic and social matters with a deep sense of social and humane justice, trying to solve each single problem with the highminded spirit of a Socialist in public office...
...against New York for more than a year, the readiness to lift the charter at Buffalo in March, 1936, which was only thwarted by threats of a referendum...
...First the Republican F i re Brigade is shown asleep during % collapse of 1929...
...He declares that every effort had been made "to induce the Old Guard to accept the principles and method of party democracy...
...Ia the present ins t a r e the N.E.C...
...Oneal in his comment reviews the conspiracy of the N.E.C...
...Saturday evening, March 21, is the date and Burnside Manor is the place...
...The Immediate Future Last Saturday afternoon at the Rand School Studio a group od the leading comradea of our party gathered to discuss the political situation and to plan constructive activity for the next few month...
...Reaffirms Raid On New York Socialists T H E motion made by James D. Graham of Montana in the National Executive Committee of the Socialist Party that the action suspending the state charter o f New Y o r k be rescinded w a s l o s t by a vote of 7 against, 2 for, and 2 not voting...
...at the forum conducted by the Jewish Community House, 7802 Bay Parkway, Brooklyn...
...Ail who attended piedgpd to devote one or more nights a week to lecture at party forums and meetings, and from now on there will be no difficulty in satis lying the requirements of oar party's educational department...
...Of this he exclaims: "What damnable hypocrisy...
...Then Uncle Sam, aided by the Supreme Court, rebuilds the house and the gentle housewife, Mrs, Liberty, cooks a dinner with pans full of common sense and economy...
...One should think that business has more important matters to attend to than to g o after the scalps af the trade unions...
...Klein of the Women's Conference Against the High Cost of Living are among the speakers scheduled for this meeting...
...an uneeasing parade of misery and suffering...
...A series of larger rallies are also in prospect, and branch officers w#U soon receive word from the City Office about oar definite program...
...Constitution are blowing the trumpets of liberty, the occasion was the late dictator's Huey Long tax law against the newspapers cf Louisiana, now eaclared unconstitutional: the a a a s B a s courts' unanim- I pas opinion was I ^ ^ K ^ ^ V i ^K terms d e to I ft|nv ^aajsav e v e r y liberty BKJJT^WSP* foring h u m a n ?*~*?rM being and w u • I"*-' ia pleasant con- H L S3 | K trast the X. JK^KSBfrM aad similar re- ^mS^^i-^mm ectjonary deci- ^ K ^ ^ ^ k f l j p ll L e t the Suareme Court speak for itself...
...working hours must be reduced...
...The most active members in Bronx County are now busily engaged in promoting their 23rd Annual Concert and Ball...
...With the help of clever talesmen the country is flooded ettk propaganda more scurrillous SBd insulting to intelligence and sesescy than any we have witnessed for a long time...
...It does...
...It means that business resents the wholesome influence of a powerful labor movement and that it wants to do away with the checks and counter checks 3'stablished by the trade unions in behalf Of their membership and the people in general...
...Yet it should not be forgotten that Ike tax law of the late and untenanted dictator of Louisiana concerned itself only with the large sad financially powerful newspapers in that state...
...The White House, the Capitol and the Supreme Court buildings are also shown to the accompaniment of -iiartial airs...
...The fact is that we hare had party democracy throughout the history of the party until these "academic leaders" brought into it the Lenin idea of an executive dictatorship...
...Krzycki, Hapgood and Daniel, voting against, hare nothing to say...
...It will need more than an upright Socialist, an understanding judge and a lover of humanity to do away with a system whose swamps are fertile ground for these poisonous flowers...
...According to official sources the annual income of vice traffic in N e w York is estimated at 12 million dollars...
...Finally, a hose is turned on but it soaks the rich and douses labor...
...Party members throughout the country are organizing to eliminate Communist ideology and this idea of an executive oligarchy from the party and to bring back democracy and self-government to the members, and that fight will be won by the party members...
...Uncle Sam's sSase burns down due to the inability of the President to get his fire truck—equipped with four flat tires and an ineffective engine — started...
...Not voting, Hoan and Hoopes...
...Oneal declares that the struggle in the party is, therefore, "a class struggle between those who stand for a self-governing working class party and those who want the party, hi the words of Rosa Luxemburg, 'turned over, bound hand and foot, to a handful of academic leaders...
...We like the decision of the Supreme Court and we septand it...
...Bars is a short description of **• film...
...James Episcopal Church, Herbert Merrill, State Secretary of the Socialist Party, will hold forth on "Preparedness" in a symposium presenting the Socialist point of view, the views of the National Security League and the League of Nations...
...I f ever proof was needed that capitalism and its forms have become the scourge of mankind, here it is...
...the country that have, taKaat The financial strength nor He sefcik sacking- to fight for their luisanistlisml rights and for the presentation of what the court so spJendafly describes as a "free pros standing as one of the great interpreters between the government and the people...
...v-..i win-, ployment on the .vit of the b-ea only 4% higher...
...Krueger, the Chicago "professor," contents himself with saying that the Graham motion is out of order and then votes against it...
...The Bolsheviks, Oneal says, were at least consistent enough to embody this idea of executive dictatorship in their party constitution, but the N.E.C...
...Is that enough for you, dear reader?—Well, it isn't all...
...These papers, to be sure, did not fight Huey Long an the merits of liberty and democracy versus dictatorship and autocsjey % They were simply and solely oancerned with the preservation of tseir own sacred rights and of the aSlimill isl group, behind them...
...before making any commitments...
...Extraordinary conditions have been unearthed by Special Prosecutor Thomas E. Dewey and as a result of surprise raids about 100 men and women have been arrested...
...then another secret caucus by the machine with "militants" in Philadelphia in January, where the decision was made to suspend the charter, and the stupid admission by Coolidge there that action would be taken "FOB WHICH THERE IS NO W A R R A N T I N T H E CONSTITUTION...
...Then the house of Uncle Issa and his wife, Mrs...
...Those voting " n o " were K r z y c k i, A l l e n , Coolidge, Daniel, Hapgood, Krueger and Thomas...
...Ratty at Cooper Union for Child Labor Amendment l O C A L N E W Y O R K is on the march...
...Activities in Local New York Bronx County—Attention...
...M e r e a i c Politics The Anti-N'ew Deal and Antitfessevek propaganda of the Liberly Leaguers and their ilk is in Ml swing...
...Encouraged by the successful mass meeting held on February 3rd at Manhattan Opera House in anjpirt of a constitutional amendment to jsSJBnmt workers' rights, the New York Socialists have decided to hold a second public demonstration at Cooper Union, 8th Street and 4th Avenue, on Wednesday, February 26th, to demand the adoption of the Child Labor Amendment by the New York State Legislature during this session...
...1 is also known that only the rela:ively small difference of Ifc stands between present day business and so-called normality...
...On the side line esnsie the President — a growing H I ia short pants and bare legs— fad sands out cigars while the •nsto-trusters feed the j a c k a ss W T , NRA, A A A and other HphaLeticai remedies...
...It wants the right to exploit labor in any manner it sees fit...
...an ever swelling tide of tears, filth and exploitation with which nobody, not even the most efficient judicial and state machinery, could hope, to cope...
...This is excellent and as sharp (Condemnation of dictatorial pracipss and methods as we have ever Stsc...
...He became sanctimonious regarding Old Guard 'guarantees of democracy in the party, ignoring the secret conclave and his leadership of a dual organization within the party in New York...
...While millions of men and women are without employment, children of tender years who should be in school or at play are permitted to sacrifice their young lives, on the altar of profit...
...Just leave it to this august fribunal to drag sleek rabbits otu of the sleeves o f their black robes and dangle them before the eyes pt 120 million astonished Americans . . . t far the time being the nine angeis of the...
...When the Bine Eagle, symbol of the NRA, folded its wings at the command of the Supreme Court, the Codes prohibiting the employment of children in many industries were voided...
...Alien, who sat in the secret caucus with "militants" at the New York and Philadelphia meetings of the N.E.C., is also pious...
...It means that the lessons of 1933 are forgotten and that the spectre of , , ' •• . unemployed is eonveni'/ . . aside for profit's sake • "According to a v , • • > -, President William C...
...Machine Views Coolidge, author of the infamous idea of acting "without constitutional warrant," declares that he "sympathises keenly" with Graham's sentiments, but he can see nothing bat "confusion" if the raid en New York were called off, and that "it takes two to make a split...
...Their average weekly income is estimated at $150 to $300, most of which is turned over to their exploiters, crooked lawyers and other vice profiteers...
...had brought into the party the Lenin idea of an executive oligarchy over party members which he formulated in 1902...
...Every member of the Socialist Party in Bronx County should mark off the following two dates on their calendars: Monday evening, March 16, and Saturday evening, March 21...
...7 and sign on the dotted line their approval of the actions of the N.E.C...
...machine "defies party constitutions and party members...
...Last year the socalled "militants" controlled the county organization and there was no Bronx County ball...
...Community Forums In Elmhurst, on Thursdayevening, February 20, at the St...
...Here was human inferno...
...sanctions, yet they are anti-pacifists in the party and strone for sanctions against a group of New York Socialists with whom they cannot agree...
...Those voting " y e s " w e r e Graham and Oneal...
...Red Falcons The youngest section of the Socialist movement, the Bed Falcons, is conducting a drive for funds...
...Suddenly strange architectural growths appear on ;hese buildings reminiscent of popular conceptions of Communist Moscow, Nazi Berlin and Fascist Rome...
...It is in the best traditions *f democratic America and may go a long way to appease public opinion in uproar against earlier perm SlSlli as of the Supreme Court...
...machine members (with the "militants?Hn New York City last July and a secret pledge to revoke the charter, which was temporarily defeated by the peace pact...
...It was an encouraging meeting and action rather than words was the keynote...
...machine and the New York "militant"-Commu»Ut alliance made the split Thomas, in his usual Jesuit role, says the N.E.C, machine made its decision "after careful discussion...
...This moronic piece is preceded by pictures of historical events in America and close-ups of Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln...
...This is the problem, the only real problem that the American people are facing today and which business wants to solve through the destruction of trade unionism...
...Solomon Maggin, treasurer of tie Falcons, urges all party members to be on guard against the secession group and to insist upon a credential from the organisation at 7 East 15th St...
...In the sessile West an organization known St Ilia Sentinels of the Republic it saddling a film, "The Amateur the Brigade" which, to say the Its it, is the legitimate child of a •wren brain...
...It is for the trade union and Socialist movement to take pp this important fight with renewed rigor and to force -pueUe attention on the backwardness: of the Empire State in withholding its legislative approval of this proposed amendment to the Constitution...
...Professional talent, a tuneful orchestra, and tickets nominally priced are features of this event...
...Labor's power and influence must be strengthened...
...Along comes the Supreme Court, an elderly gentleman j f great dignity, and knocks it over...
...And so it goes round and around . . . . . A Reactionary Proposal Legislation drastically restricting trade union activities is demanded by the Board of Trade of New York...
...Among the speakers will be B. Charney Vladeck, Judge Charles Solomon...
...This is false...
...The campaign for the ratification of the Child Labor Amendment, more essential now than ever before, has been allowed to lag...
...The brain trusters, depicted as little boys, are set to work rebuilding the house with alphobetical blocks...
...In recent years the Governor of New York State and a number of members of the Legislature hare given lip sen-ice to this progressive measure...
...He quotes Rosa Luxemburg's criticism of Lenin's view, she protesting against any working class movement being "turned over, bound hand and foot, to a handful of academic leaders...
...The sjavpaperi, magazines and other Jmrnals of the country, it is safe to say, have shed and continue to shad more light on the public and business affairs of the nation than say other instrument of publicity, and since informed public opinion is the most potent of all restraints upon misgovernment, the suppression o f abridgement of the publicity afforded by a free press cannot be regarded otherwise than with p a v e concern...
...A ll he is aware of is the deep feeling of shame and utter helplessness which he brought home after attending • several sessions in the Women's Court with Magistrate Charles Solomon on the bench...
...profits must be fed to the consumers in rhe form of lower pricesand higher wages...
...In support of his motion Graham quoted two of his comments on motions made in 1934, in which he warned Krueger, Thomas and hers that even in that year the i r ty was approaching a "serious tpture" and that "flirting with i sa Communists" should be aban/>ned as it was fraught with possibilities of a split," Graham I ontinued: | "Allen and Thomas are pacifists f nd denouncers of the Socialist ;. T -rement in Europe because the _o .T^sts across the ocean have Cave .to...
...Damnable Hypocrisy" Graham goes on to point out the hypocrisy involved in the selection of the "supervisory committee of three" to supervise New York State, the "non-factional" Allen...
...The Cooper Union rally on Wednesday evening, February' 26th, will mark the opening of a new drive for the Child Labor Amendment, and the members of the trade union and the Socialist movement are urged to come out in great numbers on this occasion...
...In other words, our economic and political system which has proven inadequate for the requirements or our times must be changed and replaced by a highly efficient co-operative non-capitalist system working solely for the benefit of the people...
...What does this attack of organized business really mean...
...From one to two thousand women are employed...
...For many years this annual affair was the high spot of the year in the Bronx, and what's more important, quite a sum of money was raised to carry on party activities...
...Elmore M. Her rick, director of the Regional Labor Board, Judge Jacob Panken, Rone Schneiderman, president of the Women's Trade Union Taagne, Jadge Charles Solomon, Abraham Miller of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America and Gertrude Wei...
...INactivity in Decern'f»"ev • < - , : . :r.< 21% above Decern'.'<••>;p...
...Louis Waldman, Matthew Levy and George Steinhardt...
...htn ,<y the S»r understood that ~ - I-estored to th<" lerci .1 192?T * « ^sapkpped i»-e?.-.5 : - * amount at least to i u.Luuu...
...For many years the Socialist Party stood alone in its support of an amendment to the Constitution which would prohibit this exploitation forever in America...
...Krzycki and Coolidge, and requiring "every one opposed to Norman Thomas shall register by Feb...
...Oneal adds that such an executive oligarchy produces a "servile party membership unfit for the task of building a Socialist movement," and that when the members face a big crisis "they will become an easy prey of adventurers and demagogs...
...Liberty, |k shown on fire...
...A week later, Thursday evening, February 27, Harry Haskel will discuss "Do Americans Want -So* cialism...
...Hitting the High Spots By Siegfried Lipschitz fffO those who always complain * about the monotony of life, your columnist a g a i n recommends close attention to the action and decisions of the Supreme Cou rt of the United States...
...Let it be understassV however, that the issue is SBSCh greater than a simple aftratstioa of constitutional rights for these who are, essentially in jssjssssssj as to the necessity of sphokling the present form of govenweat and society...
...Your columnist does not know if, and to, what extent, these official informations are correct...
...A Hunan Inferno Vice raids and investigations have again become the fashionable head line of N e w Y o r k newspapers...
...He concludes by saying that "between the two concepts of party organisation there can be and will be no compromise...
...It means that business wants lower wages and longer hours of work...
...The answer to unemployment and lack of purchasing power is precisely the opposite of what t'i3LNew York Board o f Trade proposes...
...Roosevelt, •sting a new-deal jackass, comes •Stag...
...More recently that lip service became, a whisper...
...They are ready to declare war to the knife, and the knife to the hilt into the hearts of their comrades...
...Two Socialist rallies for enrolled voters and the general public have been scheduled in the B r o n x - March 16, at Burnside Manor, Burnside and Harrison Aves., and Hollywood Gardens, Prospect A v e . near Westchester Ave...
...The decision was made ia the secret eaueaa with "militants" in Philadelphia and discussion in the open meeting was wasted...
Vol. 19 • February 1936 • No. 7