Lecture Calendar
Lecture Calendar ( All lectures barin at 8:30 p. m. unless otherwise noted.) FRIDAY, JANUARY 17 Algernon Lee: "The Supreme Court and Social Legislation"; 2307 Broadway, Manhattan. Upper...
...But there are two hew courses now being held that are ' important to Socialist1...
...Maggin, or from branch representatives...
...Holmes, with prominent lecturers each week...
...22—The Revolutionary Sects...
...This will be on Wednesdays at 7. On Monday afternoons at 1:30 the women's group of the Socialist Party will bear a series of addresses on Labor, the Law and the Constitution being arranged by the Socialist Lawyers' Committee under the direction of its chairman, Benjamin Wyle...
...State Secretary Eric Ross, Stem pa oi Camden and Morris Rosencrariz of Essex were also named .............—» • ita......but did not get enough votes to get on the ballot...
...21, 1:30 p. m., at the Rand School, "Labor in American History...
...Albert Marks, financial secretary...
...A Strategy for American Democracy This course of lectures by John L. Childs, Professor of Philosophy in Teachers College, began Jan...
...Debs School of Sedai Science Opens Monday PHILADELPHIA., Pa.—TheTDebs * School of Social Science will start its mid-winter...
...and trade union members...
...All forums wil' be held in the Amalgamated Clothing Workers* Hall, 585 Main Ave...
...1085 South Broad St., Newark, N. J. ¦ 'William E. Bohn: "Socialism and "the American Labor Movement...
...219 Sacktnan St., Brooklyn, 23rd A.D...
...He was a member of the Independent Labor Party t?tttl its disaffiliation, a committeeman of the Oxford University Labor ' Club*" bad a member of the University Labor Federation...
...483 Main St Officers for the year will be elected...
...The fee for the series is one dollar, single admission 25 cents...
...James Oneal, editor of The New Leader and author of "Workers in American History," will give a series on "History of Labor in America and Trade Union Problems...
...25, m our clubhouse, 204 East Broad wav...
...Thursday evenings, beginning Jan...
...The Bensonhurst unit ' of the Women's Committee of the Socialist Party will install its aew officers Wednesday, Jan...
...5. Old Ag...
...BRONX Broanx County...
...Paul Simon of the Workmen's Circle Schools...
...In an entirely diff?rent field, G. August Gerber will give a course in the History of American Political Parties...
...22, at t_ pjn., at the home of Mrs...
...from Essex County: Smith, Jones, Green, Manhoff, Burnstein, Stokes of Morris, Fisher of Passaic, Thompson of Middlessex, Martin of Essex: The "first alternate is Dr...
...He will show slides of what has been done in Vienna, London and American cities...
...For dates, fees, etc., write August Claessens...
...Concert and Bail Saturday, March 21, in BnrnGide Manor, promises to be bigger and better than ever...
...will hold its Third Annual Dance Saturday evening, Jan...
...Brooklyn Heights Branch—Nine new me*?n?>ers were enrolled at the recent meeting of the branch...
...m., Public Speaking and Parliamentary Practice, Rebecca Jarvis...
...8. The following are still to be given : Jan...
...Waidman personally visited the field laboratory of this experiment some months ago and will give an inter pr?t?t ion of his findings for the first time at this lecture...
...Brooklyn Heights Branch...
...Executive Committee meets same place, 7 p. m., same evening...
...1113 Brighton Beach Ave., Brooklyn...
...Election of officers and report on the Party situation and the Eastern States Conference...
...Lena Morrow Lewis of San Francisco will lecture Sunday evening, Jan...
...Guest speaker, William M. Feigenbaum...
...20, at 8:80...
...The meetings in Williamsburg, East Bronx and on the East Side of Manhattan were also relatively good...
...Oneal will include the colonial working class, early organization of trade unions, insurrection in the American Labor and Socialist movement, and other topics against a background of economic, social and political history...
...22, for Gerhart Seger, former Socialist member of the German Reichstag...
...January 29...
...A course in the Russian language is now being given by Mr...
...Alexander Kahn: "The Situation ist the Soci ali si Parts...
...All organizations desiring Seger dates are urged to get in touch at once with August Claessens, Local New York City, Socialist Party, 7 East 15th St., for dates, topics, etc...
...Classes are held at the Labor Educational Centre...
...The recent Gerhart Seger meeting in Jersey City was so successful that arrangements are being made for a meeting with Tony Sender in March...
...Local New YorkOty, fi East 15th Street,'N...
...Lena Morrow Lewis on Democracy in Bridgeport Lecture BRIDGEPORT, Conn...
...17-18-20 A.a—The reorgan nation of the branch has been affected and the Spirit of the membership is excellent Officers are Sophie Segaloff, organizer...
...During the past two weeks he...
...He is an intelligent, convincing and inter* esthig speaker and a master of.the topics he speaks up?nY' He is a young English economist...
...BROOKLYN Midwood Branch...
...Secretary, Mrs...
...Tuesday, Jan...
...Oxford Diploma in Economics and Politicai Science...
...A. Preaser...
...The committee will take up the Tampa flogging case, finances, membership and other matters which will be brought before it NEW JERSEY The following comrades have been nominated to stand as candidates' for election as -delegates to the Cleveland...
...3, and the Bulletin describing the new courses offered will be in the hands of students before this issue reaches its readers...
...204 East Broadway, Manhattan...
...The Need for' Health Insurance...
...Abraham Lefkowitz, representative of Labor in legislative assemblies...
...Get tickets for sak from Dr...
...there will be the "Current Events Around the Samovar" under the direction oi Dr...
...It was decided to change the name from the Downtown to the Brooklyn Heights branch...
...August Claessens : "Social Forces and Social Progr?s s...
...23, at the Penguin (Sub Rooms, 101 Henry St, opposite the Hotel St George...
...In 1932...
...Treasurer, Robert Leemans...
...Upper W?st Side Branch...
...Monday, Jan...
...B*woMynri6th A.D...
...Semester Monday, Jan...
...20, in the Assembly Room...
...Robert A. Hoffman, executive secretary, and Ernest D. Baumann, organiser...
...1:30 p. m., Amalgamated Houses, "Labor in Politics," Esther Friedman...
...Following is the li?t of lectures: ' January 22...
...18, 1 p. m. — Wo- men's Committee Meeting...
...Local Buffalo, in coope-ation with Workmen's Circle branches, will hold a meeting in party headquarters Wednesday evening, Jan...
...The branch will meet first and third Tuesday in Odd Fellows' Temple, 106 East 106th Street All old and new members are urged to attend the next meeting on January 21...
...Hudson County.—The following have been named candida' ?b for delegate to the National convention, listed in order of votes cast in the local: Milo C. Jones, Michael Rappapbrt, H. S- Bernstein, Geo...
...6618 Bay Parlrway...
...he represented the British Trades Union Congress at the International Trades Union Week held at Brussels...
...Dicta*^ torships, Communist and Fascist" Note* Briosi 'J?gT' Available ft...
...New Rami School Courses THE second semester of the Rand School will open Feb...
...On Saturday afternoons, at 3:30 p. m...
...The series of worker*' forums, sponsored by Branch 1 in coopera tion with the local trade unions will continue bi-weekly, commencing with' Feb...
...Friday, Jan...
...Eleanor Le ven son: "Labor in Palestine...
...Waidman Will Open Heights Lecture Series The first of a series of lectures arranged by the Brooklyn Heights Branch of the Socialist Party in connection with its reorganisation drive will be given by Louis Waidman Thursday evening...
...Meetings in Dover and Jersey City, N. J., were remarkably successful...
...Abraham Epstein, Secretary' American Association for~3ocial Security:—Feb...
...Thursday, Jan...
...S p. m...
...ing Sunday Afternoon BUFFALO.— August Claessens will be the speaker at a general membership meeting of Local Buffalo Sunday, Jan...
...Financial Secretary anc Treasurer, A. H. Langer Executive Committee, Charles W. Noonan Hawley B. Van Vechten, A. H Lange, James Fclan and DeLacj Pake...
...14, at 8:30 p. m. Refreshments served...
...NEW YORK STATE SCHENECTADY.—Local Schenectady has been reorganized byloyal members and has elected the following officers and executive committee: Organizer, Charles W Noonan...
...Persons interested are urged to communicate with the Executive Secretary of the Debs School, Miss Sonia Teitetman, 415 S. 19th St Phone Kingsland 9373...
...MANHATTAN 4th A.D., Manhattan...
...3 ;p...
...In March he will speak at a number of Forums in Florida, and he will be back in New York City on March 28...
...23, at 66 Washington St, PATERSON...
...recording secretary...
...Epstein.— March 4. The Limite of Labor Legislation...
...The lecture will be on the subject, "Social Democracy vs...
...791 Elsemere Place, Bronx...
...Mastoff, 174 Ave...
...95 Avenue B, Manhattan...
...George, on "An American Experiment in Economic Planning...
...Registrations should be made without delay...
...H. Hudson, financial 1 secretary-treasurer ; Miss P'ampir...
...Hyman Suchbinder, delegate to City Central Committee...
...Reports on the party crisis will be made by James Battistoni, state committee member...
...The lecture will deal with Waldman's actual observation of the experiment at work...
...Unemployment Insurance...
...29—Democracy in a ClassStructured Society...
...Penguin Club, 101 Henry St., Brooklyn...
...Getting Labor ' Laws Enforced...
...8th A.D...
...Recording and Corresponding Secretary, Hawley B. Var Vechten...
...4, will be given a series of six lectures on The Economics of Depression and Recovery by Otto Nathan, recently of Princeton University and one of the greatest authorities in this field...
...SYRACUSE.—Officers of the re organized Local Onondaga Count} are as follows: George Seibert, or ganizer...
...a general membership meeting of Local Passaic will take place to name delegates to the National convention...
...Speaker, Esther Friedman...
...WOMEN'S ACTIVITIES Saturday, Jan...
...has spoken for a' number of Party branches and other organizations .aqd the comments ' on his work hre enthusiastic...
...7th A.D...
...Frederick Sbulman: "The Road for Youth--Socialism or Communism...
...featuring Harold Pickles and his Cucumbers, radio artists, who will furnish "the* music and entertainment...
...2nd A.D...
...JANUARY 28 Louis Waidman: "An American Experiment in Economic Management...
...Charles Solomon, Joseph Schlossberg, Matthew M. Levy, Samuel Orr, Abram Hershkowitz, August Claessens: 'Campaign meeting...
...School House, Fairlawn, N. J. TUESDAY, JANUARY 21 Terence McCarthy: "Sanctions and the European Labor Movement...
...241 South Fourth Street, Brooklyn, 4th-14th A.D...
...Y.'CR*InstaOation Pwrt...
...Marx Lewis: "Industrial versus Craft Unionism...
...1113 Brighton Beach Ave., Brooklyn...
...The meetings .in the Amalgamated Houses, Bronx, Beosenhurst and Brighton Beach were attended by huge audiences, and Comrade Seger's brilliant analysis of the situation in Germany left a profound impression...
...Last meeting best attended in months, heard reports of Philadelphia N.E.C, sessions...
...19, at St George's Hall, on a topic that is exciting great interest in Socialist circles...
...The following officers were elected: Organizer, Michael Rappaport...
...American Labor History PHILADELPHIA.—James Oneal, editor of Th...
...Jo::-' Upper West Rede.—Branch meeting Monday, Jan...
...Upper West Side Branch...
...Wednesday, Jan...
...His subjects are: "Why-British Labor Support Sanctions,"' 'fAn English Impression of the NR?," "Will Britain Go Fascist?," "British Socialism and the Monarchy," "The United States oi' Europe—A Proposal," "Is a European War Imminent?," "Which Way Recovery — England's or America's...
...Durine 1933 ah*1934 h? visited this country to studs* the NRA, its economic effects and its political and Social significance, to enable British Labor correctly to evaluate the American experiment...
...Terence McCarthy: "Sanctions and the European Labor -Movement...
...Home of Mrs...
...Louis P. Goldberg: "L a wl e s s Judges...
...30, David H. H. Felix, Esq., will give a series on "Capitalism Today," with the following subjects: "Economics of Capitalism," "The Rivalries of Capitalism," "The Culture of Capitalism," "The Literature of Capitalism," etc...
...20, 8 p. m.—Lecture on "Fighting the High Cost of living' for the League of Mothers' Clubs at Russell Sage Foundation, 130 E. 22nd St...
...Getting Labor Laws Enacted...
...23, 2 p. m...
...Cooperative Branch.— Important branch meeting Monday, Jan...
...A puppet grqup with Miss Helen Fichandfer of Rebel Arts of New York, a film and photo league, dance group, art and poster class and choral group have also been organized...
...Lectares Terence McCarthy, a brilliant young British Socialist is now ia New York and vicinity and is available for speaking engagements...
...22, 2 p. m„ 1140 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, "Labor in Politics," Esther Friedman...
...August Claessens will arrange a number of meetings for Comrade Seger during April in New York City and vicinity for Socialist Party Branch Forums, mass meetings, trade union meetings and various civic forums...
...JANUARY 24 August Claessens: "Social Attitude Towards War and Peace...
...Six Lectures by Oneal on...
...Headquarters 2307 Broadway, near 84th St...
...in Room 215, Hills boro Hotel, Tampa...
...Bauer, Edward C. Thompson, Bert Stok?s, Henry Green, Charles Manhoff and Edwin C. Smithouser...
...at the Penguin Chib Rooms, 101 Henry Street, opposite Hotel St...
...133 Second Ave., Manhattan...
...At these meetings August Claessens made the appeals for members and New Leader subs with excellent response, About $60 worth of books and pamphlets were sold...
...9, at 3 p. m...
...Thursday, Jan...
...Refreshments will be served...
...Ciaf—em at Buffalo Meet...
...Contract blanks can be obtained from Harry Kavesh, chairman, or Irving M. Knoblech...
...JANUARY 28 William M. Feigenbaum: "Insurrection and' the Labor- Movement...
...3. On Tuesdays, at 8:30, beginning Feb...
...20, 1:30 p. m., at the Rand School...
...Bridge Party, Friday, Feb...
...On Sunday afternoons, beginning Sunday, Feb...
...PASSAIC Friday evening, Jan...
...P. S. 20, Fox and 167th Sts., Bronx...
...Sugarmah, 1838 E. 15th SU Brooklyn, "Labor in Politics," Esther Friedman...
...Jesse H. Holmes will begin a series of lectures on "Social Ethics," including "Morals," "The Paasly," *T)iv"er«??* "Business It?rais," "Political Corruption/' "Flreedom of Speech, Press," etc...
...20, at 8 p. m., when Dr...
...On Thursdays, beginning Feb...
...Louis P. Goldberg, author "Lawless Judges...
...Charles B. Briscoli.' secrecy, -announced the first of a series of lectures with Louis Waidman on "An American Experiment in Economic Planning," Thursday ?ventas-, Jan...
...25, 1:30 p. m., Rand Scihool, Women's Conference Against the High Cost of Living," Louis Waidman, "Transit Unification...
...The Gov em ment and Labor " The first" is a symposium on "The Government and Labor" to be given' by two of the most brilliant' American7 experts on labor legislation, two men who have had wide experience m securing and enforcing labor legislation and our best known Socialist economist...
...New Leader, will deliver a course of six lectures on American trade union history, the history *ofj3ie* working class and Socialism at the Debs School, 415 South 19th St., beginning Sunday, Feb...
...I Socialist Party News...
...As a scholar of the Trades Oxford Congress he studied at Ruskin College, Oxford, graduating- with th...
...William E. Duffy...
...JANUARY 78 August Claessens: "Social Attitudes m Sex Traits and Inequality...
...PCDUADT U CITED'C ?s^ YORK MEETINGS yi'% » V; y : ~^ THE recent speaking tour of * Gerhart Seger in New York City and vicinity resulted in nine very successful meetings...
...19, at 10 a. m...
...There is also a course of six lectures on Money, Banking and the Common Welfare by Irving B. Altman, editor of The People's Money, starting on Feb...
...6, there will be a series of popular illustrated lectures on Housing as a Community Problem by Herman Kobbe, engineer, architect and social scientist...
...Bazaar Committee Meeting...
...The fees are low and registration is now going or...
...Fees are nominal and rthere are a number of scholarships available to members oi' Trade Unions, Socialist Party, Y.P.S.L., Workmen's Circle and Young Circle League...
...Labor in Politics...
...Admission 50 cents...
...William M. Feigenbaum: "The British Labor Movement...
...17, at 8:30, _ at the Workmen's Circle Building, 50 Howe Ave., Branch 1 will bold a discussion meeting on "Is the U. S. Constitution for the People, by the People and of the People...
...Kingsway Mansion, 1602 Avenue P, Brooklyn, Midwood Br...
...All candidates named by the various locals will be placed en a referendum ballet, the nine highest to be elected...
...9, at 3 p.m...
...Saturday, Jan...
...S. P. Branch...
...Brighton Branch...
...Soger is now on tour in New England...
...19, at 2:30, at headquarters...
...Persons interested in the courses are advised to secure a copy of the Bulletin at 7 East 15th St., Manhattan...
...Katherine Smithouser...
...He has given 22 open dates to Local New York City...
...P, Brooklyn...
...24, at 8 p. m., at the same address, the branch will sponsor a card party and social...
...FLORIDA A special meeting of the State Executive Committee has been called for Sunday, Jan...
Vol. 19 • January 1936 • No. 3