I.L.G.W.U. Membership Breaks Record, Dubinsky Reports
I.L.G.W.U. Membership Breaks Record, Dubinsky Reports With 221,000 in Organization and $4,000,000 in the Treasury, Union Now Occupies Stamper Position Than Ever Before in Iu History—Striking...
...toward a campaign to organize the steel linmsUj...
...Henry Moskowitx, impartial chairman of the clothing industry...
...The extensive cultural and educational work carried on by the union was ' disclosed by figures showing that the educational department daring the past year has had 507 groups comprising' 15,000 workers...
...Waldman spoke of the need for a constitutional amendment to authorise Congress to enact labor and social legislation...
...Tex on Retail Sales The government has also acquired power to take such measures as it deems "necessary to establish Social Credit," without submitting them to the legislature for approval...
...This is one of the lessons, ha'said, of the crisis through which we have been passing...
...The general strike decided upon by the executive council of the woolen and worsted department after being recommended by .the international officers of the United Textile Workers of America, will be called earlier than had been expected, unless there is some unforeseen development...
...Some of the highlights in Du-ainsky's report were:" la New York, the dressmakers won a great victory when the threat of a general strike compelled five employer associations to sign collective agreements providing for limitation of contractors, the unit system and stabilization of the industry...
...There were 3S l delegates who nspmsaatid nearly 150,000 clothing wajhsra...
...It' waa beaded "March On — or March Out" and warned the militant left-wing forces in the CCF [ that they either had to conform to party decisions and, work for democratic Socialism or march out of the party...
...C. C. F. Expels United Front Participants Special to The New Leader...
...The hoard decided to contribute an additional $500 to the defense fend for Tom Mooney and will fjjjt the labor martyr at San ¦fiSpt over the Decoration Day week-end...
...05 ANGELES.—The Inter-national Ladies' Garment porkers' Union now has 221,-flGQ members and four million fjlffars in the treasury including cash, securities and real estate, according to a stirring eight-hour report made by Resident David Dubinsky to gat General Executive Board of the union now holding its ejaarterly meeting here...
...Another memorable moment at this historic gathering cask* when William Reiincheck, secretary-treasurer of the Journeyman Tailors Union, which two months ago became part of the Amalgamated, rose to speak...
...Problems arising from constitutional limitations, recent Judicial decisions affecting labor, the Roosevelt campaign, the movement for a Farmer-Labor Party, and continued unemployment will be carefully considered in the course of six sessions and a round table discussion...
...In his tetter to the unions Secretary Valente said: "The woolen and worsted manufacturers are again resorting to their well-known methods of chiseling on the workers...
...beautiful, landscaped grounds...
...The Social Credit government of Alberta is being described by some provincial papers as an out-and-out dictatorship...
...Cleveland registered a victory when the cloak, dress and embroidery industries were brought under renewed agreements...
...Premier Aberhart complains bitterly because Major Douglas, who "started this thing," refuses to disclose the secret of the fountain of purchasing power which the magic of Social Credit is supposed to set flowing...
...However, food, beverages, farm equipment, amusement tickets, railway fares, advertising matter newspapers stocks and bonds and many other articles are exempted...
...Spocimi to the Most Loader...
...The Post Office is scrutinizing He actions to see if Some postal regulations have been transgressed...
...The Social Credit script is to be tried on the unemployed who will begin by pajfftw fi tax of 2 per cent on their wagjs...
...Under this power it has imposed a tax of 2 per cent on retail sales of a list of goods in amounts of over 15 cents...
...Waldman Speaks President Hillman, who presided, presented Louis Waldman til the convention as a devoted friend of the union and its counsel...
...Washington observers offer odds that these four will Vote to, invalidate any "New Deal" proposal...
...Shirtmakers who recently became affiliated with the Amalgamated marched proudly into Cat hall to the accompaniment of music and the cheers of the audience...
...The sub-topics announced for this year's conference are: "Labor's Balance Sheet and the .New Deal," "Curbing the Supreme Court," "Vital Problems of Labor OrganizatioiT' and "Political Currents in 1»3...
...Hiflman declared himself in favor of a constitutional amendment limiting the powers of the courts and for legjelatton ejjfa lishing minimum hours and wages...
...Progress is reported from Montreal where the 40 hour week was gained...
...The New Commonwealth, organ of toe CCF, b> commenting on the expulsions, states mat not one ef these four branches sold a single subscription to the paper...
...Federal Deeailssesii and the Black Legion Michigan authorities want Washington to take a hand in the Black Legion investigation...
...Membership Breaks Record, Dubinsky Reports With 221,000 in Organization and $4,000,000 in the Treasury, Union Now Occupies Stamper Position Than Ever Before in Iu History—Striking Picture of Progress Presented by President Before General Executive Board...
...Jean Laing, who acted as officers of the United Front May Day conference...
...an auditorium seating more than a thousand guests every facility for conference activities as well _ as for recreation and relaxation is assured...
...A sparkling mile - and - a - hah* lake...
...varied athletic activities...
...The camp offers a special day rate for guests of the conference...
...In the meantime Congressmen Dicks be in and Kramer urged Congress to make a thorough investigation of all Anti-Semitic and ¦Anti-Religious activities in this country...
...A committee was appointed to deal with the problem, consisting of Vice-President Isa-oore Nagler...
...Camp Tamiment, home of tile Tamiment Economic and Social Institute, is an ideal setting for this annual conference...
...Toledo and St...
...Thus the government calculates mat every dollar of script issued will -yield it fl-04 in Canadian currency, less the cost of the stamps...
...Independent Political Action by Worsen VHal WfcjBjMJj^^ Demanded veiled in Membership Report—Many Dramatic Moments at Meeting...
...Good agreements were also won ia New York in the Corset and Brassiere, the Children's dress and the artificial flower industries...
...On the Pacific coast, Los An- . geles and San Francisco are well organized...
...The individuals ordered expelled are Ben H. Spence, James M. Connor had Mrs...
...The government has also announced that it will undertake a program of relief work, and pay wages in Social Credit money...
...Other interesting features of the report were: Strikes were waged since the last board meeting in- Boston, Philadelphia and Baltimore...
...This ia all happening despite the fact that the profits of the bosses are rapidly increasing day by day...
...The Federal government is anxious to do it, the only thing usreswij is to find a good legal reason...
...In announcing its purpose, the Institute stated It was "designed to furnish American Labor with a platform and all the conditions necessary for group thinking...
...The Communist industrial dress anion waa dissolved and the International union has the- complete field...
...It has invaded the time-honored authority of the'- elective local school boards...
...The Federation of Woolen and Worsted Workers of America has come to this conclusion: That if wo want to improve our conditions and raise our standards of living, the time has come when we must use oar economic strength instead of pleading with the bosses for a few crumbs of bread...
...They also visited the list Angeles Sanitorium and left t check of $13,500 in recognition of ita work in the held of workers' The Scalesinger-Sigraan library, •etaa&fhed by the International to esjamsmorate the memory of its taosrevious presidents, was seen ia<a«Bpleted form by some mem-htts of the board for the first The executive board decided to initiate a picketing campaign against chain concerns like the Penny Stores which market or have work made up in non-union The overlapping problem arising eat of the fact that work on ladies coats and* suits is being made up ia-dress shops and shops under the jurisdiction of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers has become scute, U was reported...
...The script must remain in circulation for 52 weeks before the government will redeem it...
...pORONTO, Canada...
...National and international problems will be dealt with from the point of view of labor's needs and aspirations " John T. Flynn, well-known economist, journalist and author, is chairman of the Sponsors' Committee and Louis Waldman, Socialist spokesman and labor attorney, will preside at toe sessions...
...This money will be in the form of script, to which the holder must every week affix a stamp equal to 2 per cent of the face value of the script Script to Be Tried aa Idle The stamps must be bought from the Social Credit government with Canadian money...
...Louis Levy and Joseph Breelau...
...It has ordered all retail merchants to join an association which is to be the instrument of government policy...
...He stressed the fact that the workers cannot remain indifferent to government and political action and that the government cannot remain indifferent to the needs of the workers...
...He urged the need for industrial organization of the mass preduc-tion industries as justifying^ the creation of the Committee far Industrial Organisation and pointed est that the AinelgsmeteeL la* prepared to contribute flOOjM af the $500,000 war cheat pledged by the CI.O...
...Social Credit km -MM snwSnW^heBMhsniiBvs^^ntBmsMnn juictatorsmp - • - Alberta Government's Ban on Social Services Arouses Criticism •— Plans to Pay "Social Dividends'' Still Mystery...
...He NSstftl a warm ovation...
...Others who will speak include Mrs...
...In his concluding words he declared that if there were in this country a political movement such as the powerful and influential British Labor Party, Sidney Hillman would be a fitting member of a labor cabinet...
...I OCCOTiU V^OuT'Ba'EnCsC Ov Economic and Social Institute...
...The organized labor movement will be well represented, for hi addition to President Green, the following labor leaders are scheduled to address the conference: John P. Frey, president of the Metal Trades Department, A. F. of L-, Charlton Ogburn, General Counsel of the A. F, of Lb, Harvey Fremming, president of the Gas and Oil Refinery Workers' Union, Abraham Miller, secretary-treasurer of the Joint Board, Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, Samuel Shore, manager of Local AS, Internationa...
...These words were cheered to the echo...
...President Hillman had showed to workers the wisdom ef interesting themselves, and taking an active part in the political life of the country...
...By George Field The exchange of views on "Labor and the Nation" by outstanding spokesman of labor, the government and the Socialist movement at the second annual labor conference called by the Tamiment Economic and Social Institute June 25 to 28, will be well timed, ia View Of the Presidential campaign and the groping for new political alignments...
...or shut up shop...
...This arbitrary power is vested in the hands of one cabinet minister...
...The Ontario Provincial Council of the Canadian Cooperative Commonwealth Federation (QCF) has unanimously voted to expel four*^foronto branches and three pfominent members of other branches for defying the party decision which forbade -participation in the Com-muefist»tJnited Front May Day demobstrations...
...During the past two years, not a single shop had been lost to the union and thousands of workers had been added to the membership rolls...
...Signing of contracts waa also reported from Baltimore, Minneapolis, Racine, Wisconsin...
...A strike at the Lymansville Manufacturing Co...
...Address In his "keynote" address, President Hillman said that the union was more powerful than at any other time m its history...
...Justice Roberta supported' two and opposed eight...
...Secretary-Treasurer Valente, in a letter to all of the 113 locals affiliated with the department, clearly indicated the situation had become serious...
...cosy, sturdy cabins...
...High wage and hoar conditions were maintained...
...These branches were expelled, Lakeview, Earlscourt, New Dawn OCYM and East New York...
...The situation has been aggravated by the fact that there has been very little track in cloak shops during - the past season...
...Later he presented to the convention an historic document which set forth the wage scales for clothing cottars worked out by the Journeyman Tailors Union in 1864...
...And it has taken legislative authority to fix both the maximum and minimum prices merchants may charge...
...V. By George O. Reddy OROVIOENCE, R. I.—The officers of the Woolen and Worsted Department of the United Textile Workers of America are digging in their heels, rolling up their sleeves and fashioning the finishing touches to a program that will call 111,000 operatives out of 400 plants to secure a 20 per cent increase in wages and a 35-hour work week...
...Brandeie voted for six and opposed four, and Stone made a similar score...
...The interest will be heightened by the participation of President William Green of the American Federation of Labor, Mayor Fiorello H. LaGuardia, United States Senator Rush Holt, Supreme Court Justice Ferdinand Pecora, John T. Flynn and Louis Waldman...
...He voted for seven "New Deal" laws, and against three...
...Some are doing so by increasing working hours, some by establishing the third shift in the productive department, and the others by reducing the wage* of their workers to the point where they almost compare with Chinese rations...
...Winnipeg is organised 100...
...tfalrfwan Urges UNrWfo At Amalgamated Convention Call...
...They presented 12 branches of a tree to the convention, each symbolizing a state which the shtrt-makers had organized...
...But it has not revealed the nature of the levy—which is not to be a tax —by which funds are*to bo raised to pay a social dividend of $25 a month, or more, to each, adult, with lesser dividents to children...
...Of late, Hughes and Roberts have swung against social and labor legislation...
...By Ms participation in the NTRA...
...plant in North Providence, R. I.r- changes of working conditions in New Jersey which prompted a local in Trenton to wire for strike sanction, the general unrest of workers'due to the indifference of the manufacturers to the rights of union workers since the Supreme Court ruling last week have forced Secretary-Treasurer Anthony Valente here to take "the bull by the horns'' and "clear the deck for action...
...Chief Justice Hughes voted for three "New Deal" laws and opposed seven...
...Joseph Schlossborg, secretary-treasurer of the ajasfln-mated...
...PLEVELAND—Ths coajta-* tion of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers, which up to now has been characterized by speechmakir.g and many dramatic moments, is' now" buck I i ng down to the job of reports, decisions, resolutions and the mapping oat of'sthe policies to be followed for the coming two years...
...He presented a vivid picture of the enormous strides made by the union, particularly the progress, made during the past five months since the last meeting of -the board in Cleveland...
...The Tamiment Economic and So-cialjjnatitnte at Camp Tamiment, Pennsyh/ania^ was founded last year and immediately attracted nation-wide attention...
...A strike of designers waa settled...
...The Guffey Coal Law ha* just been declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court...
...Of the Progressive minority, Justice Cardozo has the best record...
...Only Norris' Tennessee Valley project and the Gold Clause law survive...
...Ladies* Garment Workers' Union, and James J. Bambrick, president of the Building Service Employees' Union...
...They were known for their refusal to do any constructive party work...
...It has forbidden the municipalities to carry on their social services, as well as greatly curtailed or abandoned altogether the provincial social services...
...Rose Henderson, member of the School Beard, was reprimanded for having spoken at the forbidden meeting, and indications are that further breaches, of discipline wilL*e-sult in more drastic action...
...There are good cloak ' locals in Portland and Seattle...
...In Chicago, the second largest dress market, collective agreements were renewed...
...Special to The New Leader...
...The opening of the convention in the Public Auditorium was aa impressive demonstration of the power of the union...
...The New York office of Camp Tamiment is at 7 East 15th Street...
...In a recent issue, an editorial in this paper foreshadowed the decision of the Provincial Council...
...He denounced the Supreme Court and the Liberty League and while calling for the indorsement ef Roosevelt by the union, disclaimed any intention directly or indirectly of indorsing the Democratic Party...
...One of the justices, McReynolds, a Tennessee Democrat, voted against ail ten...
...The government has greatly increased the provincial taxes...
...Look at the Record of Supreme Court on New Deal Laws Up to date the Supreme Court has acted on ten "New Deal" measures, and has invalidated eight...
...Others who addressed the eon-vent ion were George I* Berry, leading figure in the Labor-Non-Partisan League, who spoke in behalf of the re-election of Roosevelt...
...Mayor Hoan of MDwaukee, and John Phillips, president of the Pennsylvania Federation of Labor...
...excellent cuisine...
...Elinore M. Herrick, director of the National Labor Relations Board, New York Region, Professor Morris R. Cohen of the College of the City of New York, Elmer F. Andrews, New York State Industrial Commission, and Algernon Lee, president of the Rand School of Social Science...
...Three of the justices — Van Devanter,' Sutherland and Butler — voted against nine...
...Outstanding in the many organization drives conducted by the union was the drive in the cotton garment and underwear industries which extended to every section of the country, Strike [fearing In Woolen Industry More Than 110,000 Workers Involved Demand 20 Per Cent Wage Increase and End of the Speed- U p System...
...The Department of Justice is looking high and wide for a violation of a Federal law by the Black Legion...
...Waldman declared that although he was aware that a number of unions had come out for the Nonpartisan Labor League, he was convinced that the logic of events would force them hi the dhsttion of a real independent labor party...
...To Cotraidet Forty-Hour Textile Week GENEVA—A 40-hour week in the textile industry will be considered at the 20th International Labor Conference here June 4, it was announced...
...Labor's Needs On Tamiment Forum list Vital Problems Confronting Workers to Be Discussed ^s dJ-------fc.Je - — feLi...
...More than 100,000 workers were involved...
...What do you suppose will happen to the Ellen -bo gen bill or any ether labor bill that is introduced to help the exploited workers in this industry...
...He reiterated the union's stand for an independent labor party...
...At least two government departments are sow studying the case...
...store than 3000 spectators jammed the hall...
Vol. 19 • May 1936 • No. 22