Flogging Trial Right Wingi Nearing Close Socialists Win After Six Weeks In Rhode Island

Flogging Trial Right Wingi Nearing Close Socialists Win After Six Weeks In Rhode Island 1>ARTjbw, Ifca. — As The New Leader (roes to press the trial of policemen for kidnapping and *ogging...

...8:30, Ladies' Neckwear Union, talk and music...
...JjHjS in profits of '.arge cor-have far exceeded gar...
...Junior Ha-tiassah, talk...
...8 p.m., "Undereur-lents of the News," Bryee Oliver...
...The first issue of "Consumers' Union Reports" tells what brands of tooth-brushes, silk stockings, toilet soaps and breakfast cereals are the best and cheapest...
...Although chiefly concerned with testing the value and quality of everything that the average family buys at retail— from soaps to breakfast foods— the Consumers* ~Unton also seeks"* information on labor conditions...
...Old age pensions have been atsmasd to many thousands...
...Whereupon he was stricken from the list of candidates...
...oil 11 per cent...
...They contracted united fronts with the Communist Party in many cities but do not want a Communist presidential ticket in the field...
...He declined to give any such undertaking...
...only count jj!™*** to provide work for 3M> even when h reaches J** The other 8.000,000 will jobless unless re-employ-¦** nakes far better progress ^Ukaas made to date...
...Reemployment Is Far Behind "Recovery" (Cmuaied from Page One) in A. F. of L. report goes on: "Baser NBA," the Federation ays, "reemployment kept pace *ita business recovery...
...Selected WEVD Features of the Week Stir day...
...Monday- 8:25 a.m., City Con-juinae.s' Guide...
...While the fcseist* do not hope to win any smst among the workers they do kek for gains at the expense of tin Catholics and Liberals, both of •ska parties are represented in tat government...
...justified the party's .ggtieB...
...cement, 18 per cent electric power, 11 per cent...
...A - declaration published by the party concerning the incident points out that the party did everything possible to avoid the expulsion...
...Consumers' Union Reports a List of Unfair...
...11 a.m., Forward Hour, music and sketches...
...Heavy Goods Gaining Fast "These figures show that th< laggard producer-goods industries (lumber, steel, cement) are gain ing rapidly and consumer good...
...There krtill s great deal of misery and mi to be coped with, for Belfast has suffered severely from At effects of the world economic jrisis...
...Midnight Jamboree...
...Unemploy-mat has been cut 40 per cent...
...Midnight Jamboree...
...6 p.m., "Jewish Events j of the Week," talk...
...About one thousand members attended...
...Very sincerely yours, (signed) Louis Waldman...
...As in the United States, the Belgian Labor Party has been troubled by the antics and sabotage within its own ranks of a small minority of "militants" or left wingers grouped around the magazine "Action Socialhrte Revorution-aire" under the leadership of Walter Dozj...
...Details for Flight attendance will be given at a future date...
...i Young America Speaks, news I sketches...
...Party Membership Crystallize Policy for National Convention GENERAL membership...
...10:15, "Songs of the Islands...
...j Sky High Ranchers, Hillbilly music, i Friday...
...Quite often, however, there is a close relation between working conditions and the quality of workmanship...
...shoes, 5 per cent...
...This is the second time that Rhode Island has balloted on delegates...
...esrtive Achievements nvreiepments of the past year fcf* full...
...Merger of Auto Unions Is Declared Certainty DETROIT.—A merger of the Automotive Industrial Workers Association, Independent Union, with the United Automobile Workers' Union, American Federation of Labor affiliate, is "now* a certainty," Richard Frankensteen, President of the independent group, declared here...
...port that I have d«Slt»j a n n ounced my Hfe.^Vf intention of I "stumping for ing human, I ^—-—• also admit with Geo...
...It lists the trade names of a dozen products on organized labor's unfair list...
...BROWDER URGES UNITED TICKET WITH MILITANTS CARL BROWDER, leader of the Communist Party, wants a joint presidential ticket with the Socialist Party,' and Norman Thomas answered that "The differences between our parties are too great and too important" and,that he is "opposed to a parliamentary united front with the Communists...
...despite the gain, however, producer-goods industries are still operating at only 11 per cent of the 1929 level while consumer-goods have reached 91 per cent...
...the survey says S|gFt*<fl*arter production was 10 oer cent above 1935, the second quarter will probably be about 18 per cent higher, making production in the first half of 1936 about 14 per cent above 1935...
...Employers The first issue of "Consumers' Union Reports," the spokesman for a new national consumers' organization, Consumers' Union of the United States5, has just been issued...
...Evening Musicale...
...of 861,000,000 francs aw been wiped out...
...The discussion centered about these recommendation* and...
...In New York City it is known that the Trotskyists, in exchange for their admission to the l4lomas faction, will turn their printing equipment and the rest of their party apparatus over to the "militants:" This is not a united front...
...Lumber production in the first five months was 36 per cent above last year...
...University of the Air, "Taxes and Budgets...
...The next council will be announced...
...WfrB rerSewed vigor and spirit, the Fakon Guides came home from I a two-day encampment at Cold Springs...
...The school age limit has been raised from 14 to 16 •jars...
...The system ef unemployment insurance has been improved...
...j^Jflucrior,, and leading corpo-gft today report earnings .\c<e g.levels...
...The splitting activities of the "militant" — Trots kyist groups were denounced as treason against the party...
...It was also recommended that unless the New York delegation is seated the state organization shall proceed to organize a political party in the state based on social-democratic principles by selecting a name, preparing petitions and putting a full state ticket into the field...
...Pawtucket, entitled to only 16, sent 23 for their slate, and Woonsocket, entitled to 8, sent IS...
...To be sure, the government's task is by no means completed...
...It appears that Laidler, who signed his name as "State Chairman, Socialist Party," wrote a letter to Waldman demanding that the latter turn over to Frank N. Trager, Laidler'-s "agent," all "seals, list of enrolled voters in the State of New York, moneys, property, assets, records, documents, etc...
...Tt> avoid this it will be necessary for them to accept Browder's proposal for a joint ticket, but if the "militants" do this the Trotskyists they have admitted to the party in many states will oppose the proposal...
...Waldman sent him this terse re-ply: "This is to inform you that I do not have, nor have I ever had," any 'seals, list of enrolled voters in the State of New York, moneys, property, assets, records, documents, membership records, files, correspondence, and/or other material belonging to the State Office of the Socialist Party of New Yook State.' "I do have my self-respect and a decent reputation for honesty and integrity, and that I cannot turn over to your organization...
...12: midnight...
...re than 110,000 unemployed ane been put to work on various pgk projects, the 8-hour day has mm Introduced in a number of ijiustries where long hours had dinllri...
...We would like to thank those comrades who helped to make this ¦ affair possible...
...Providence Branch 2, Pawtucket and Woonsocket—sent in more ballots than they were entitled to on the basis of due stamps purchases...
...8 p.m...
...There is a considerable fascist movement, beaded by one aaned Dergel, and heavily financed fr«m Hitler Germany...
...DOSTON.—The Old Guard eandi-" dates—Isador Fine and Jacob Palov-trwere declared the delegates from Rhode Island to the national convention of the Socialist Party by the tellers' committee consisting of Leon Arkin, Albert Sprague Coolidge and Savele Syrjala, which was elected by the Massachusetts State Committee to tabulate the ballots...
...Building contracts awarded ir the first five months have beer more than double last year (value) and are now nearly one-hali normal in volume, compared with only one-quarter normal last year "Automobile companies are holding production close to peak level: for the year...
...8^30, James J. Bambrick, president ot the Building Service Employees' J International Union, talk...
...steel production up 2i per cent...
...cotton, textiles, shoes) are stil' rising somewhat...
...The Social-sss are appealing for the election at a.8ocialist majority, in order •j»t they may be in a position to i nasi uu smssea *reeeame confraami the country in a more - ^ ¦_____._ radical manner...
...The "militants" in these three branches exceeded their vote by 15, so that their candidates got but 34 votes while Fine and Palov received 49...
...only 46 par cent of the de-mntka unemployed had gone back ¦ eork Serious Re-employment Shortage "H re-employment had kept pace mk Business recovery, 8,1,20.000 «* die depression unemployed mud be back at work today...
...Providence Branch 2, which was entitled to only 10 votes, sent in 13 ballots for the "militant" slate of Joseph Coldwell and Roland Garreau...
...Dozj became the chieftain of the "militants...
...Others, however, are optimistic that justice will be done and the overwhelming evidence marshalled against the policemen will bring about convict ions which will serve as a warning that kidnappings and Hoggings that have disgraced this state be brought to an end...
...12 midnight...
...and Rutes...
...far ".ess is it creating yfethe 4,000,000 who have jfcaided to America's army of §jrseekers since 1929 (young Nprseekiug work for the first '"¦Jerfor the 1,900,444 who had •^JMDe More Jobs Needed ^nsk makes 5,900.000 more jobs jjjjjtk' addition to the 2.860,000 ^ above, or a total job short-g'd'amcn more than 8.000.000...
...Sunday's election is viewed with great interest throughout Europe because of the effect it is likely to have upon internal conditions -nr Belgium and the htemationaT political and economic situation...
...This, the platform points out, will become possible only when the Socialists have the support of a majority of the people...
...Gilbert and Sullivan operettas...
...Fine and Palov were declared elected, although all four candidates each received 49 votes, because the "militant" branches...
...As The New Leader (roes to press the trial of policemen for kidnapping and *ogging Bogene-Pouinot, Workers* , Alliance chairman, is being concluded...
...State Chairman Ix)uis Waldman presented the recommendations of the State and City Executive and the Coordinating Committees that the duly elected delegates make an effort to be seated at the convention and that the Interstate Conference be urged to lead the fight to obtain nullification by the convention of the National Executive ; Committee's decision in suspending ! and later revoking the New York State charter, and to cbtain the unconditional seating of the New York delegation...
...H. Goebel pieasure that, after 36 years of service in New Jersey, even the gentlemen of the "militant" opposition, in their double capacity of rival candidates and state committeemen, after throwing out enough votes to have themselves "elected," still admitted myself and our group as receiving some 47 % of the vote...
...It was pointed out that these activities were particularly reprehensible since the bourgeois parties are>split, while the Labor Party has an excellent chance to increase its sertngth and enhance its standing in the country...
...The Thomas "militant" faction face an unpleasant problem as a result of their policies...
...Louis Waldman, rtate chairman of the Socialist Party, answered Thomas by saying that "If the Communists are good enough to parade with, to sing with and to cheer with on May 1, they should bo- good enough in November, too...
...8:30, "Rainbow's End," sketch with Dolores Hanford...
...The New Leader program- talk...
...That is, when •Vlssestries are counted, we *n t re-employment shortage of &Tsj|-reemployment shortage is • _ exceeding...
...Roughing it together, the 1 Guides were, enabled to feel, as well as to see, the spirit of co- i operation and comradeship in practice...
...Much has been accom-j&ed toward ameliorating the 5ytt o? -nemployment through j ^Ogrsm of public works and afar social measures, although a Mejt deal still remains to be done, jg flw final analysis, however, the jgaemie situation in Belgium is ^jjjgtly bound with^ the interna-Ogtti situation...
...When' in the present campaign Dozj presented himself as a candidate for parliament, be was requested by the party organization to state whether he would support the party platform and abide by party discipline in parliament...
...meeting of _a 1 I Socialist Party members in New York jvas he'd in Beethoven Hall past Thursday to consider the situation within the party ami O formulate the policy of the organization in new of the national convention which will open in Cleveland on Saturday...
...The last congress of the party adopted a resolution warn-big this "militant" group to desist from its destructive activities, on pain of expulsion from the party...
...10 p.m., University of the Air Forum...
...belonging to the Socialist Party of New Vork State...
...Fiukt for Majority The electoral program of the Ssnsiisus points out that their prticipation in the government at been in the nature of an ex-pnrnent, the results of which are smartly encouraging...
...Hawaiian ! Music: 10:30...
...The period when any group could hope to split the Labor Party for its own factional purposes is over in Belgium and the party will not tolerate any splitting activities by elements honestly misled or permitting themselves to become the tools of the Communists or any of their splinter groups...
...fj» dencr...
...It is organic merger with "Bolshevik Leninism" despite the fact that no party convention ever approved such merger or even considered it...
...All Flights are urged to prepare exhibitions .for the Ulmer Park picnic...
...j** SMans that, ot the total yES*' who were unemployed 1936...
...When Spaak repudiated the group to join the Socialist ministers in the government...
...The verdict of the jury is : expected by the time this paper is in the bands of its readers...
...Distinctly Personal ¦y Geo...
...The directed verdict of acquittal of two of the defendants, one of them former Police Chief Titts-worth, ordered by Jndge Dewell earlier this week, is considered an ominous indication that a whitewash may result from the trial...
...H. Goebel Not once in 36 years have I voted a capitalist party ticket, in part or in whole...
...lasted for over three hours...
...The platform lays stress upon the neeassity of put- j ting into effect the De Man plan...
...The six weeks' trial has been conducted in an atmosphere of prejudice injected by the defense to divert the jury's attention from facts which showed that the police of Tampa raided a meeting of "Modern Democrats," an organization of former Socialists, unionists and progressives, made several arrests and subsequently released three of their victims—Poulnot, Rogers and Shoemaker—to a gang, who kidnapped and flogged them...
...industries, as a whole in the five months, were up 28 per cent over 1935 and consumer goods 2 per cent...
...cotton goods, 7 pei cent...
...Midnight Jamboree...
...A lengthy and franV discussion took place at which the whole situation was carefully surveyed...
...tSy* ** not even providing •Hp work for those who had jm k% 1§29 and lost them in de-5**k«B...
...since NBA ism fallen far behind...
...8 p.m., "Undercurrents of the News," Bryce Oliver...
...Belgian Labor Faces Test in Sunday Vote (Csatiased from Page One) . aogftiw cooperation in the —rfc st leading the country out i its difficult economic situation, fjiiea, as elsewhere, was stimulating fascist sentiments and threat-tsed the existence of the democratic regime and of the labor esvcmeht...
...Upon his announcement that his group would present its own list of candidates, the entire group was expelled from the party...
...Explaining this unusual procedure, the magazine says: "With most products, of course, the consumer's life or health is not seriously affected by low pay and sweatshop conditions...
...It Is apparent that the "militants" of Rhode Island intend to contest Fine and Palov, but the fact that Albert Sprague Coolidge, as a member of the tellers' committee and a "militant," and Alfred Baker Lewis, state secretary of Massachusetts, also in good favor with the "militants," both joined in signing the statement declaring Fine and Palov elected, it seems that they have no case should they contest at Cleveland...
...Shoemaker later died a« the result of his injuries...
...we car...
...8:15 p.m., Neckwear: Makers' Union, talk...
...More recently they were Joined by a group of Trotskyists and ever since then they have been waging a campaign of sabotage and villification against the party in the best Leninist-Bolshevist manner...
...This gain in producer-goods is important, for unemployment is highest in these industries...
...The larger problem envisaged under the De Man Plan iuTl remains to be tackled...
...An interesting exchange of correspondence was revealed by Waldman when he made public a letter he received from Harry W. Laidler and his reply...
...Thomas thinks that the differences between the Communist Party and his faction are too great to permit a joint ticket, but he does not think that the differences between his faction and the Trotskyists are too great to admit them to his "inclusive party...
...12 midnight...
...10:31), Wash-j ington legislative series...
...A number of important jtaaMI i T< i have been put on a 40-Bttir basis...
...serious matter...
...By March, UM, business had traveled 72 per •at af the way back to normal* sr...
...They are the exponents of what they call "Bolshevik Leninism...
...Wssty only 5,270,000 have found S*» in industry...
...Bryce Oliver...
...Undercurrents of the News...
...The Guides' Council regular!y scheduled for this Saturday is called off due to the expected absence of members planning to attend the party convention...
...It shows how drivers of cars built in 1931 or earlier are being overcharged for gasoline that doesn't suit their engines, and it tells how much difference there is between Gra'de A and Grade B milk...
...Today the coun-jjy oeenpies a more sound position, fit banks have been brought un-ar state control...
...We are particu-1 larly grateful to Comrades Chanin...
...Bankruptcies mm been reduced by 30 per cent...
...When the vote was finally taken, the recommendations were approved by a practically unanimous vote...
...The man who gets fair pay for a 40-hour week can and does do better work than the underpaid and overworked employee...
...There is a mutual hatred between Trotskyists and Stalinites...
...The first election had to be declared void because irregularities were reported...
...I do NOT propose nor intend to vote a capitalist (or Communist) party ticket in whole or in part in 1936—for those i u; _- who know me m ; "| flcient a n s wer |^RgR9 ay p e r i n g Bri.. culating the re:?^^B...
...I which aims at a fundamental economic reorganization on Socialist, foundations...
...AH these reforms have served to enhance the popularity of the government...

Vol. 19 • May 1936 • No. 21

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