Convention of Amalgamated Clothing Workers To Map Line for New Advance of Organization

Haskel, Hairy

Convention of Amalgamated Clothing Workers To Map Line for New Advance of Organization * ? ? * * * *. jf Union Completes 22 Years of Struggle and...

...into this picture came the N'ai teal Industrial Recovery Act, Writing into law minimum labor ¦saeards...
...rhe laboWprovisions of the code SP Bitterly opposed by the em-minority of non-union em-Fjk«s...
...The 44-hour ^jfc was an accomplished fact IraK ir...
...The range sf_ tBuoaization was gradually ex-tndjag itself over the greater ja*t ef the industry...
...The clothing industry was in the top 26% of the industries studied...
...This view also characterized other needle trade unions like the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, and the Hatters, Cap and Millinery Workers' International Union, which, likewise, made important gains under their respective codes because, being strong unions, they were able to obtain reasonably satisfactory codes and substantial enforcement...
...We may expect immediate attacks by setae employers upon minimum wage and 36-hour week provided ia the codes...
...Political Acttee m The Amalgamated Clothing Workers have always been in the forefront of those who have believed in independent labor political action...
...The threads of the brown network are particularly tight-spun in the United^States...
...Oust the Jew from political power, take over complete control of politics, economics and culture and institute a real American government and our life will be a joy forever...
...The reopening of present wage scales is foreshadowed by Potofsky in these words: "We shall also have to deal wW the wage problems for the organization as a whole...
...We demand legal warfare ^Saainst spreaders of political lies...
...For over twelve years "Der Sturmer" has carried on a heroic fight against the universal iniquity... motivated by one purpose only.: to further the organization of . Use unorganized workers in American industry...
...BP|» sne of the few codes that ¦wndec for labor representation Wj^eodejwtlwrity...
...The clothing workers meet in Cleveland at a time when organized labor m the United States faces the most crucial problems in its history...
...Meantime membership must be aroused as...
...The seasonality of our industries and the changes in the cost of living force upon u| a consideration of this issue...
...It does not hesitate to brand the President and his supportecs as Reds plotting to overthrow American ideals and institutions—which it is the duty of Haegeie's followers to "defend...
...The clothing plants in the South comprise lass than i7c of the industry...
...on the administration exceeds any-thing found in the most hide-bound I A New Policy After the "stupid and harmful" policies of the Nazis in the United States had been sharply criticized by the German Foreign Ministry, Rudolf Hess, Hitler's deputy, decided to have the American "Nazis exclude from their organizations all those who were not American citizens...
...I The road which the "infant" jeton elected to travel was a jsagh and stony one...
...The problem of extending the sway of the union will, of course, be the major task of the convention...
...The organization of labor is the task of organized laber...
...They doctored their books' ¦^eoaeeel code violations...
...The man who received this letter answered very gently that as yet anti-semitic papers could not be sold in front of Jewish stores in the United States...
...It was clear that henceforth the union had to rely upon its own resources exclusively for the protection of established labor standards...
...It is quite natural that on the issue of industrial unionism versus craft unionism we should take our stead with the industrial unionists^JSjP doing so, we entertain no prejudice or ill feeling against those in the labor movement who take the opposite view...
...wvertheless, by 1920, or six years pter the union was founded, the lading clothing centers were Kioniaed and working under col-Krre agreements...
...The "National American" is also violently anti-Roosevelt and " anti-New Deal...
...First, it removed from the mind of the organized union employers any ideas they may have harbored of using the existing confusion to force upon the union agreements discarding many of the gains it had made...
...tfcortly after the National In-¦strial Recovery Act was passed g Jane 16, 1983, the union em-IWad upon the policy of utilizing ¦¦eew set-up to the utmost for y benefit of the workers...
...gj* ru^e, the unions' field organ-PM«uished the "leads" which Rfed in hailing the offending 2*J*9rer before the code authority, P*F* the union's representatives g**'* thorough investigation and summary action...
...The Nazi units in California are on close terms with the Gestapo...
...Since the Nazis have established an office at 630 West Fourth St., Los Angeles, Southern California has become the chief center of anti -Semitic propaganda...
...Speedy Action Within twenty-four hours after the Supreme Court's decision, the General Office of the union dispatched the following telegram to all of its locals and join boards: j "The Supreme Court has declared the National Industrial Recovery Act unconstitutional...
...The Amalgamated's policy was outlined in a ringing declaration, which said: "Our union will yield not an iota of the conditions and terms of work obtained in the last two years...
...Hess' instructions were published with special prominence in all the Nazi papers, as though they came from the President of the United States himself —that is, with as much deference and as many expressions of unconditional obedience...
...The courts were sabotaging' the Labor Relations Board...
...German-American societies are forced to help circulate this., literature...
...The clothing workers benefited by the intervention of the law in the field of industry...
...Most often antl-semitism and Red -baiting are identical: Jews are allCoramunists, and vice-versa...
...They also contained upward revisions in wage scales, either as direct increases in Bajtimqgjl or hx_way of lifting the pay of lower-paid crafts in New York...
...The union seized upon tht NBA as a weapon with which w bring the industrially irrespon-dsk minority of non-union em-skyers into line...
...The prompt action taken by the union had two important effects...
...Production in the dress shirt industry'hi S% of the total, and the single pants industry shows a larger percentage...
...With 75 to 80 ¦f eent of the clothing industry gtssiaed, and controlled by col-, "isaive agreements, it was easier If compel observance of "the code ftsa in industries which were •Wy or entirely unorganized...
...Out membership suffered considerably in the last few years, and now anal the industry is emerging frost the throes of depression the workers expect to benefit from the business revival in the form of increased wages...
...Oraomzinq the South The movements of plants to the South...
...No story about the Amalgamated would be complete without some mention of the generous, aid which it has given to other labor organizations and institutions...
...Here is what the General Executive Board has to say in its report...
...A balance of $4,000 which remained at the conclusion of the strike ia the hands of the Philadelphia Joint Beard was turned over to the widows and orphans of thirteen strikers who had been murdered by company thugs and gunmen...
...Hold membership meetings at once.—Sidney Hillman...
...The minimum wage provisions may be wiped off the statutes of the nation by the decree of the Supreme Court, but they will remain a living fact hi oar industry under the protecting banner of our onion...
...The following was sent by him to the president of a German-American club: DER STUERMER, Julius Streicher, Nuremberg, Pfannschmiedgasse 19...
...3 The proceedings of she convention win be followed V the entire fcdpgjgjWssnjt with interest and Nazi Conspiracy to Introduce Fascism in U. S. Exposed...
...i-fjt onion was born in 1914, esse* group split off from the &N Garment Workers of Amer-mrSi together wtth the Journey-^g,Tailors' Union organised what fey decided to call the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of Airier-iai...
...The merger ended a long-standing jurisdictional problem in a constructive way...
...The problem of maintaining wage and hour levels was one which called for decisive action...
...They Pj'Jted to the courts for injunc-*¦*• In short, they fought to res'* tke right to maintain sweat-5»P hours and wages...
...By Hairy Haskel sSTf*** delegates to the Amal-JEjaiated Clothing Workers' CtCnfi"" assemble at Cleve-B to formulate the policies grihe next two years, it is -Kresting to consider the gjkground...
...The paper, however, gave no details as to how the murders were to be carried out...
...The proclamation just mentioned appeared originally in a Nazi newspaper in Berlin...
...We must aot shirk that responsibility...
...The hour minimums were not low enough to absorb the unemployed millions...
...No industry lives in isolation sheltered from the effects of dislocation in other industries and the danger is clear and its logic most compelling: there must be union power in every industry, and there must be legislative protection of those labor standards u-hirh are the very foundation of the nation's healthy economic life...
...There are 177 local unions in 71 - cities, 21 states and 2 Canadian provinces...
...The fall power of "our organization will be marshalled against all sweatshoppers and chiselers, whether or not they haveHhe benefit of the Supreme Court's blessing...
...We will not abandon the 36-hour week...
...For instance, in the general strike in the textile industay in 1984 the union pledged itself to raise $50,000 and immediately forwarded $10,000 on account to the United Textile Workers...
...The Supreme ¦Court decision of May 8T, ItM" opened the door to the unrestricted exploitation by sweatshoppers and possibly a free-for-all competitive industrial war in which all labor standards would be knocked into a. cocked hat...
...The breach was fetled when the Amalgamated betas* affiliated with the A. F. of L. tsrte years ago which, in turn, fared the way for the reunion of p» Journeyman Tailors' Union with the Amalgamated last March...
...The partial stabilization of industry achieved by compelling non-union firms to observe at last minimum standards was threatened...
...Even in cases where the union could not get a foothold so far as organization was concerned, the minimum standards which had been set up under the NRA continued in effect...
...Irall, we hope that this prejudice against the Jews among Christians will soon mount to such heights that not a single one of the filthy tribe is left alive...
...But wherever labor was not as fortunate as we have been in accumulating great organized power, wages and hours were adversely affected by the voiding of the NIRA...
...There is a big }e*r ahead...
...The "Murder List" After antei-semitism...
...In every Amalgamated center large meetings and demonstrations were held and thousands of dollars were raised for the war chest...
...Many Germans and German-Americans in the United States live in as much dread of the powers of the Third Reich as though they were still in Germany...
...You are instructed to see that wages and hours under' which our members have been working since -y-_______ the code are maintained...
...Describing the first convention, which was held in that year a New York, Secretary Joseph &Bkwsserg says: *We were a small and lonely glftes, outlawed by the official iabor movement, and not taken aaiesilr by the employers...
...Simultaneously, the Nazi leaders announced that they were no longer Nazis, but good Americans...
...They succeeded in checking the destructive practices of free and unrestricted individualism in business...
...It was generally recognized that the men's clothing code was one of the best enforced in the country...
...The nullification of the National Industrial Recovery Act, under which the codes had been promulgated, at one stroke destroyed the industrial controls under which the men's clothing and allied industries had been operating...
...On this question, Jacob S. Potofsky, Assistant to the General President, has said: "While ia the clothing hsdus-" try there remain from IS to 26*f&" of the workers to be aitjatisa\ in the ether branches the degree of organization ranges from 36 to 75...
...Particularly in the unorganized mass production industries labor was not represented on the code authorities and had no voice either in formulating or enforcing the codes...
...Some of the leaflets it was printed on were inserted in'-the Los Angeles Times, and the Times was forced to publish an explanation, according to which it was completely ignorant of how the anti-eemitic leaflets had come between its pages...
...It turned its headquarters throughout the textile area into operating bases for the striking workers, and its organizers and members threw picket line* around the mills...
...In public they call themselves the "California Vigilantes.'' The following are excerpts from the mimeographed publication, American Bulletin (The White Man's Viewpoint), of December 3, 1936, No...
...The middleman system is a purely Jewish invention...
...The needle trades have been strongly affected by the depression...
...Whatever stand the union will take, it is believed that it will continue to support the movement for an independent labor party...
...aj "It should be clear to all concerned that the international unions comprising the C.I.O...
...Ingram Hughes, 430 West Fourth Street, Los Angeles...
...This year the fornea* tion of the Labor Non-Partisan League for the re-election of President Roosevelt, in which President Hillman has taken a leading part, will most likely bring the queAMem of s presidential indorsement'Before the convention...
...On the other hand, the picture would not be clear if we did not here record that labor generally was growing restive...
...Convention of Amalgamated Clothing Workers To Map Line for New Advance of Organization * ? ? * * * *. jf Union Completes 22 Years of Struggle and Achievement Thirty-six-HourJJeek, Ban on Child Labor, and Wage Standards Maintained by Organization Despite Liquidation of NRA—Drive Planned to Extend Unionization to Unorganized Portions of Industry—Industrial Unionism and Political Action on Agenda of Cleveland Meeting—Will Demand Legislation for f - Protection of Minimum Labor Standards...
...The labor movement should have room for differences of opinion...
...But its attitude was that they should be strengthened, not scrapped...
...Inasmuch as tin* hosiery, dress and textile unions have a vital interest in organizing the South, a coordinated drive by these organizations and the Amalgamated is being considered...
...But much of Mm was undone by the devastating isfBaet ef the depression...
...This took place in December, 1935...
...although not as acuta as In other industries, is nevertheless becoming a problem...
...Gulden has long denied this connection, but an article signed by him appeared in the "Deut-scher Weckruf" of Chicago, which contained the following sentence: Jews a "Filthy Tribe" Copies of the anti-semi tic proclamation can be ordered from Mr...
...In a recent report made to President Roosevelt, showing a disregard of code standards in over one-third of the establishments in thirty-odd industries out of a total of forty-four surveyed, the 'following appeared regarding the clothing industry: Less than 3.5% of the workers received less than the code minimum pay...
...He could not have answered more outspokenly, because he bad relatives in Germany and' feared that any tact...
...The wage minimums were extremely low...
...The principle ef eeMetive bargaining was beaming firmly rooted...
...Declaring that the American Communists had drawn up lists of names of thousands of people all over the country who were to be murdered at the first favorable opportunity, the "National/ American" blazed the following headlines across its first page: If you want to know whether you are on the Red murder-list, telephone either the California Vigilantes or the Intelligence Service of the American National Labor Party and inquire...
...The ranks of the Amalgamated were " thus swelled by the addition of about 7,000 highly skilled custom tailors and bushelman tailors in retail stores...
...It was an tsbJli journey and" every inch of the way had to be fought for...
...Although there is a law prohibiting the sending of pornography through the mails, thousands of copies of the "Sturmer" and similar papers go through the post offices every week...
...Our industry was restored to measurably effective functioning because of brakes imposed by the law on cut-i throat competitive practices...
...The minimum wage provisions of the code checked "the sinking of wage levels...
...Mr.German Clubhouse, — Washington Street, (Name of City), U.S.A...
...The iPsaeed character of the code for OS men'a clothing industry was pgte the energetic participation Pgjk* union's officials in its formu-IPkft...
...As the result of Hess' move, the Friends of New Germany and the American National Labor Party apparently have lost a large part of their membership, but it ia safe to say that these will soon reappear in camouflaged "non-political" organizations...
...A program for a nation-wide organization drive will be outlined by the General Executive Board in the near future...
...They made it dMscuit for the employer who «a in tamed union conditions to compete with them and thus were i constant threat to the health of the industry...
...Figures That Count The Amalgamated is today at the zenith of its p^Stfer...
...35 (It is affiliated with Haegeie's group,): We demand that all secret societies, associations, etc., of any kind whatsoever must be made unlawful and rigidly suppressed...
...As profiteer and archembezzler, the Jew plans to win to himself by his swindles supreme power over the economic affairs of the world...
...The court did not convince the clothing workers of the social virtues of individual anarchy in business and industry...
...On March 15th of this year, the Journeyman Tailors' Union, one of the oldest labor organizations in the country, affiliated with the Amalgamated and became a special department...
...It will do so again, should the occasion require...
...In April, 1935, three thousand neckwear workers organized in a federal local of the A. F. of L. affiliated with the Amalgamated...
...The Amalgamated is one of the eight international unions teat have sponsored the Committee for Industrial Organization headed by John L. Lewis...
...This proclamation was an attack on the Jews...
...The reduction of^working hours resulted in appreciable spreading of employment...
...You are hereby authorised to call strikes, if necessary, against any employer who attempts violation •f labor provisions...
...never before...
...We do not expect statutory .provisions to be a substitute for the living surveillance that effective union organization and action alone can bring to bear upon industry...
...1921 the Amalgamated WJI1' 'he victor from a general Itflam struggle lasting six months tsi awing the New York, Balti-awt-esc Boston centers, it had tsBf established itself as a per-aasak factor in the industry...
...The establishment of the codes of fair competition under the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 was greatly helpful in meeting what amounted to nothing less than a national calamity...
...They hampered investi-B*^ -y denying access to their P**ds...
...More-tssr, titers existed a small mi-SKity of anti-union bitter-enders •moag the employers who consti-tataa a danger to the workers' tag* standards...
...When the threats of the American Nazis cannot effect this, Streicher himself takes a hand, politely at first and then more menacingly...
...Make known that the power of our organisation will protect our members' rights...
...Streicher's Organ Circulated Julius Streicher's "Sturmer" is imported into the United States and can be bought with as little trouble as the New York Times...
...That the present leadership of the union will continue to work for legislative protection of labor standards is indicated in the following words: "We do not wish to nurture legislative illusions...
...Its basic one union for all workers in the men's clothing industry...
...In its report the General Executive Board reiterates its stand for industrial unionism in these words: • jr-v "The Amalgamated is an industrial union...
...The Gestapo is as ubiquitous as in France...
...Anti-Semitism and Red-Baiting Featured Virulent Propaganda of Nazi Agents-Smuggle Huge Quantities of Streicher's "Sturmer' Into the Country to Arouse Racial Hatred—New Policy Inaugurated Camouflaging Link to Hitler's Gestapo In the summer months of 1935 one could see a "proclamation" to "all good Americans" on the walls of bathhouses in Southern California...
...Market agreements in New York City, Baltimore and Philadelphia were, renewed and provided for the 36-hour week, a ban on the employment of minors undes sixteen and the elimination of housework...
...NRA Appraised Now that the unique experience through which the union passed under the NRA is over, an appraisal of its value and the lessons to be learned from it is possible...
...The outspoken goal of their propaganda w%s now to be not the creation of favorable opinion towards the Third Reich among Americans, but the conversion of the United States into a fascist state...
...The deliberations at the convention of the Amalgamated will no doubt contribute materially to thai crystallization of labor siitjlissig on these problems which is...
...Came rhe Depression Ae period down to 1930 was one ef constructive building...
...Any society that pretends to work for the welfare and enlightenment of the human race has no reason for secrecy... necessary...
...The figures regarding its growth and widening sphere of influence are impressive: The total membership is upwards of 140,000...
...The q u e a t i o*n of industrial unionism will undoubtedly rear its troublesome head at the convention...
...The General Executive Board not only approves the position ef your officers in these matters, but on two occasions has mads substantial financial contributions to the C.I.O...
...He cooperates with William Dudley Pelley, and both of these gentlemen are supported by Royal Scott Gulden...
...When it went into effect ¦* September 6, 1938, the code H*>atd for a maximum 36-hour P»k, minimum wages and pay-Sptts above the minimum to JPai and semi-skilled workers...
...Secondly, the mere announcement of the nation-wide organisation campaign, followed by the sending of scores of organizers into the field, compelled non-union employers to withdraw announcements of lower wages and longer hours...
...Unions Hailed NRA Notwithstanding the undoubted benefits which accrued to the union under the NRA, it was far from being satisfied either with the substance of the codes or with their administration...
...Most code authorities failed to enforce their codes...
...Faith was our only ^Shortly thereafter the Journey-san Tailors' Union retired from ae amalgamation, preferring to amain within the American Fed-geties of Labor...
...They intimidated their P»hers...
...Attempts by any employer anywhere to go back em the 36-hour week, the minimum wage, and the ether labor provisions which have become the law of the industry under the codes will be fought to the limits-Labor Standards' Interest When the* General Executive Board met on June 7 and 8, 1935, it decided to raise a National Emergency Defense Fund of one million dollars with which to carry out a nation-wide organization campaign...
...lessness on his part would be revenged on them...
...Its translator was Ingram Hughes, a lawyer...
...We cm barbed upon a voyage on on ffKSarted sea...
...Its success is largely due to that...
...By January 31, 1936, the fund had accumulated 3693,900.44...
...the present condi-of the organization and jfZg of the vital problems 'Iwniif i twenty-two years ago ^jaBt entirely as an immigrant Sf organization, the Amalga-?4 bas grown steadily until Ei }t is one of the outstanding gade anions in the country...
...Red-baiting is the most important feature of the propaganda and membership campaigns of the Nazis in the United States...
...Therefore, a "Sturmer" salesman must be in front of every Jewish store...
...But it was avaiL The resourceful leader-PP of the union, however, spurred ¦•code authority to utilise its P**"*nce machinery to the limit...
...The race desecrators, swindlers, criminals and grave-diggers of Aryan culture must be combatted ah strenuously as possible...
...The vkiousness of these attacks...

Vol. 19 • May 1936 • No. 21

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