Is There Liberty in Russia? A Question Stalin Failed to Answer

Abramowitsch, Raphael

Is There Liberty in Russia? A Question Stalin Failed to Answer By Raphael Abramowitsch Member Executive Bureau, Labor and Socialist International C H O R T L Y before Hitler's military...

...Hans Hedtoft-Hansen and C. Kluwer, for Denmark...
...Between 3,000,000 and 5,000,000 Russians died of hunger and epidemics in the period of 1930-1933...
...Those « * • believe otherwise must o • P • ** Stalin politically and help *btSP for all toilers in Russia s bM*l...
...These are the average earnings of a Russian employed in a factory, shop or office...
...For the German Social Democratic Party there was present Otto Wels...
...Intellectual life is...
...Walter Citrine, general secretary of the British Trades Union Congress, and by no means hostile to Soviet Russia, calculated on his recent visij^to Russia, that the standard of "living of the employed Soviet workers approximates that of the unemployed in Western Europe...
...We have no space Bjna to discuss the question in fctaiL Ws can say, however, that j «w Socialist and Labor parties fpjsa ssentieDed know their busi*** and are not cursed by the g p a j a g i c leadership which has Wstened itself upon the party in m United States...
...Of much greater interest, from the Socialist point of view, were Stalin's replies to two questions concerning the internal Russian situation put to him by the American journalist...
...A Notion of Slaves Soviet Russia is not a cosntry of free citizens but of intellects...
...Only such books may be read as are published by the state...
...The Labor and Socialist International was represented by Van Roosbroeck, the treasurer...* enslavement of the masse* sal absolute dominance of relets tb) proper methods for the sovsbsment of a new Socialist feneration...
...Iceland has a population of only 125,000...
...These are questions which 8am did not answer in bis interfhs with Roy Howard...
...Attending the conference as fraternal delegates were representatives of leading labor organizations, headed by Albert Forslund, president of the Swedish Trade Union Centre...
...In the light of these facts it is hardly necessary to speak of political liberty under the Commanist dictatorship...
...Conditions of Russian Workers When Stalin boasts now that he has created an order under which there is no economic insecurity, no unemployment, no fear of the loss of one's job, one's home and bread, we must remember that he aas achieved all this by subjecting :he Russian people, over a period if years, to cruel sufferings such i s no civilized capitalist country ever ventured to impose...
...Emphasizing this point, Stalin added...
...Guarantees must be found against the externa defense costs being met at the expense of the maintenance and de velopment of the internal defense...
...They are clear• t Socialist organizations, sound • Sehseiple and policy, maintaining • J t o level of Socialist culture « * • education, and led by men and who do not seek satisfacVfJr sefeeap personal embitiea or fc It that •all-inclusiveness" of *e have recently heard so J** and which signifies in pracj * » futile attempt to bring to• j m r under one roof an imposBP conglomeration of CommuW* of various shades, preachers, gWs-iateueetnsls w i t h overSyyfr**1 egos, confused pacifists, S*Je-«iaas liberals masquerading ' **** wingers, and anybody and JSSybedy who is willing to sing: 3**P*« is our leader, we shall 1 « moved...
...literature art, technology, mediabJS*W mathematics—everywhere, n «% domains, there is the strictest supervision...
...Why should Sweden, vtrth a population of about 6,500,000, have a party membership of 33&500 ? rxhe membership increase in the past four years alone was moire than the membership of the Socialist Party in the United • A * . Little Iceland, with a popuh** s sf } 25.000, has a saembersm »sf 1U20...
...Be that as it may, it is a fact that this entire question, both as regards Soviet Russia and other countries, is purely one of "diplomacy...
...I t does not exist in Soviet Russia at all...
...As we see it, these two points are of no particular interest...
...There are also in these fascist countries religious, technical and scientific organizations not entirely under control of the government and its spies...
...Although still a minority in the nation, the Swedish Social Democracy baa been at the helm of the government for four years, during which it has greatly enhanced its prestige...
...slaves, who have the privilege 4 being permitted to work and » live on the level of the unem ploys' in other countries, provided nw...
...Every thing is mass, ured by the yardstick of Marxism...
...Growth of Czech Social Democratic Movement A report on the Czechoslovakian Social Democratic Party, jus^ made public by the International News Service, shows that at the em of 193^ the party embraced 5,809 local branches as against 5,316 ir 1934...
...The Russian people have passed through a ,-eritable hell on their way to the 'heaven" which they are now supposed to have attained...
...According to Stalin there is no security of jobs, homes and bread for all in capitalist countries...
...All these are deprived of homes, their families are left to starve, and, in general, they are treated as criminals...
...On one occasion it may best be furthered in office...
...The conference declares that the Social Democratic Party if willing to collaborate with other democratic parties in order to secure the results of the recovery policy and to carry this policy further The immediate tasks for a democratic policy of recovery are a continuation of the general work of reform in social and other fields, tc improve the standards of laggard sections of the populations, to secure the necessary preparations to meet a new crisis and to achieve the necessary bases for a steady and good satisfaction of needs...
...It is also true, however, that undet present circumstances the Soviet Government finds it necessary to pursue a more "pacifist" policy with respect to world revolution...
...Tens of thousands were shot and more than 2,000,000 were sent to die in prisons and concentration camps...
...Stalin's statements contain a valid criticism of capitalist society, in which poverty and unemployment destroy a large measure of human liberty...
...The Communist Party has assumed the task of shaping the intellectual development of the people, in accordance with certain plans and directions, which must be obeyed, without deviation, by all citizens, students, professors, teachers, engineers, doctors, writers, e t c They) must think and write not as theirj minds and consciences dictate but...
...Liberty in Soviet Russia But we can easily understand why Stalin evaded the question...
...A Socialist P a r t y with a membership of 19,000 in a country with a population of nearly 130,000,000...
...Problem* discusseM by the conference included revision of the party"* program, in line with recent developments, and extension of the measures taken by the government to combat unemployment...
...Hansson expressed confidence that the general elections in t i e autumn would further strengthen the Social Democratic governlaenu At the same time, however, he warned against considering the holding of office as the only instrument for effective Socialist work...
...The number of engineers, high officials and Stakhanovites is relatively small in Soviet Russia, so that at least 90 per cent of Russian workers ] must live on an average wage of 36 roubles a week...
...The party membership is now approxi mately 170,000, exclusive of 30,000 who have pot been paying then dues regularly because of unemployment...
...August de Block, for the Belgian Labor Party...
...The total lumber of wage workers and employees in Soviet Russia is 25,750,000...
...There be% no private libraries in Russia, tab meant that the people were forbidden access to many of the ftasst works of literature and thongkt But this was several yean afs, the reader may say...
...RaOb today is a kind of semi-Soeialiia or semi-Communism...
...Of even more limited interest was Stalin's assertion with respect to world revolution, first, because it was not sincere, and, second, because it was not entirely true...
...Compare this with little Sweden...
...Of course, the government exercises absolute control over publication of political pamphlets, political meetings, lectures, etc...
...It simply dcei not e x i s t . Any expression of opinion on matters political mt quite in accord with the olfdpl view is punished as "counter-mo*, lution...
...The* great task remains the same," he said...
...Last year 546 new branches were formed and 53' dissolved, E net gvMi c- 493...
...There was also a notable gain in party income ir 1935.^ Contribution stamps paid for numbered 1,630,004 as agains* l,4Q5,o54, a gain of 224,430...
...He points out that the purchasing value of a rouble for a Russian worker is 3' pence, or about 7 cents in American money...
...the second had to do with the democratic reforms which Stalin plans to introduce in Russia...
...The* conference1 urged closer international cooperation for establishment of the 40-hour week in leading industrial countries and extension of social control of banking and finance...
...Is it not a fact that millions of Russian peasants and workers have no such security...
...And let us admit—for the sake of argument only—that this result would be justified by the sacrifices entailed...
...keep their months shut' The non-Socialist will shrug1 «h shoulders and say: "Well, all % simply shows that Socialism it < kind of penitentiary cr barracks and it is certainly fortanate that other countries continue to live under capitalism...
...rS» da mental questions that djrf> Socialism from Communism, fl** who believe that Socialism ess b built on slavery, opprssssss • * intellectual serfdom, that *•* methods can lead to the devabS* ment of that higher type of bats*) beings necessary for the befllWi of Socialism, will support StSSS sad his theory that SoeUlsBJ* being built in Russia...
...The conference appeals to all members of the party to wori energetically for a new Social Democratic victory in the coming gen eral elections for the Lower House...
...Thag art...
...In financing the increased costs ways and means must be found to place a greater part to the debi of the higher incomes...
...b) I possible to build Socialism ts» oppression, hypocrisy, slsveryrVfc it possible to build s higher san* order upon such foundation...
...The Czech union of Socialist craftsmen has 53 loca' groups with 4,270 members...
...I have pointed out that in his interview with Roy Howard Stalin simply evaded this question...;tee of the Russian Communist Party issued instructions as to how scientists are to mterptet Russian history...
...Job Security in Russia But I do not wish to debate here with Stalm the question of the material condition of the Russian workers...
...Now a? always the Social Democratic Party takes its stand for securing socia' advantages equally for all who stand in need of them, irrespective oi what group or class they may belong to...
...Wre know they are very high...
...He spoke Dnly of material sacrifices, ignoring completely the intellectual xspects of personal liberty, which .have nothing to do with bread or shoes...
...Reports submitted to the conference showed the record membership of 338,500, an increase of 49,000 during the years of the party's government responsibility—338,600 in a population of 6,500,000...
...Even lectures on scientific and technical subjects may not take place except in accordance with rules preyscribed by the Communist Party...
...True liberty exists only where exploitation hat _>een abolished, where one human jeing does not oppress another, .vhere there is no unemployment, ao poverty, where a man neea aave no fear of losing his job, his aome, his bread...
...The population of Czechoslovakia is approximately 14,000,000...
...He dwelt with satisfaction on the advance shown by all the Scandinavian countries, "in which evolutionary Social Democracy has playe'd an important role," pointing out that "in Denmark, Sweden and Norway the Social Democratic parties are in office, in Iceland the Social Democratic Party is represented in the government, and in Finland the -government has not been able to refrain from taking into consideration the strong position of Social Democracy...
...A Question Stalin Failed to Answer By Raphael Abramowitsch Member Executive Bureau, Labor and Socialist International C H O R T L Y before Hitler's military reoccupation of the Rhineland, Stalin granted an interview to Roy Howard, an American journalist, which aptpeared in the Scripps-Howard chain of newspapers in the United States and also in the Moscow P r a v d a (March 5 ) . I n the excitement that followed upon the advance of German troops into the Rhineland, the significance of this interview was almost entirely lost...
...He is seised by the GPU and sent to rot and die in prison, Siberia or concentration camp...
...With una-bating interest the Swedish Social Democracy participates in the efforts for a satisfactory international 'system of law an< a general reduction of armaments...
...Bat i Serials is compelled to do some series thinking on this question...
...Such a condition would still be very far removed from "heaven," but it will represent a certain measure of success following upon the years of misery and starvation which Stalin's policy brought upon the Russian people...
...This means that the purchasing value of a Russian worker's earnings, at prices he is compelled to pay in Russia, offers a standard of living equal to that of a worker in the United States earning three to four dollars a week...
...From these earnings we must deduct taxes and "voluntary loans" to the government, which consume 15 per cent of the total...
...What could be possibly have said ? No country on earth has so little intellectual and political liberty— freedom of speech, press and assembly— as Soviet Russia... some extent, left outside the control of the state...
...The Austrian Social Democracy was represented by Julius Deutsch...
...The following declaration was approved by a substantial majority: "The conference notes with great satisfaction that the Social Democratic government which took office after the elections of 1932 has succeeded in creating a solid parliamentary basis for a vigorous democratic policy which has contributed powerfully to the rescue of the country from the crisis and to increased confidence in democracy...
...Both in Italy and Germany there are still privately controlled newspapers, p r i v a te publishing houses, printing shops, l i b r a r i e s , schools, universities, academies etc...
...Stalin spoke only of material liberty, of unemployment, of poverty...
...let us admit that in another 10 or 15 years (i...
...Howard asked whether it was not true chat both fascism and Bolshevism sacrificed the personal liberty and personal welfare of the individual to the interests of the state...
...But is there such security for all in the so-called Socialist, semi-Communist Soviet Union...
...This figure is shocking evidence of the condition to which the party has been reduced in the past two years of left wing administration under the leadership of Norman Thomas...
...But when we return to the question of liberty, even to the material liberty upon which Stalin harps and which he says is already assured in Russia, we find a very peculiar situation...
...In these spheres there is still a certain measure of liberty, much less, to be sure, than in democratic countries enjoying political freedom...
...With particular joy the conference notes the increased understanding between the farmers and workers which has-been secured through 8 policy of mutual consideration and is of lasting value...
...The second important quests* put to Stalin by the AmeriSBS journalist had ta> do with the S*W constitution now being p " * * 1* by Stalin for the Russian P*0"* nd the general elections ts IP held some time in the near f a b ** This question will be treats*** a second article...
...Bucharin, formerly the chief theoretician of the Communist Party and now editor of Izvestia, was compelled to repudiate publicly a statement he ventured to make recently concerninf Russian history, to declare that his theory was wrong, because it displeased Stalin... the dictatorship prescribes...
...The three largest halls in Reykjavik, the capital, were able to accommodate only half of the masses who clamored for admittance...
...There is more intellectual freedom in fascist countries than in the Soviet Union,'I kndj» Opmmunists do not like to be told this, but it is none the less a fact...
...But in the higher spheres of science and culture the fascist dictatorships have not yet penetrated...
...In the year 1936, the year of the highest Soviet attainments, the budget of the planned state economy calls for an expenditure in wages of d3-,400 million roubles...
...The official wage schedules, without overtime and bonuses show average earnings of 173 roubles a month...
...But still worse is the situation with regard to political, moral, intellectual liberty...
...Even in Germany and Italy it is possible to buy and read books not entirely in accord with official theory, books on philosophy, history, social problems, n a t i o n a l science, etc...
...There is, of course, a great difference between the Socialist objectives of Soviet Russia and the baibarist programs of Hitler or Mussolini...
...His calculation was based upon a study of wages and - prices...
...Millions L e f t to Starve We see, therefore, that just as in capitalist countries there are ^millions of human beings deprived of economic " l i b e r t y " so are there in so-called Socialist Russia millions of human beings stripped of elementary human "liberty," the liberty to exist, for no other reason than that they are politically "unreliable...
...mElter its left wing leadership, • r a c i a l i s t Party i f the tT5Iti3 has abandoned sound Sotmat principle, lost all conception constructive approach fas an F e a s i b l e chase for minority •tistorship and the phantom of •«4aehmivene8s.'' and by its poli* * « alienated itself from the labor hWiSaent - J*»«e the party abandons this • • a n d returns to the sound hisr * * 1 Positions of Social Democj S * * 1 0 0 w i n befta to make j S t before we can do this It P i , * T , «»eeassry to desn house s new party structure...
...a aingle private publishing house, not a single independent scientific organization, not a single private printing house, library or school, not a single privately published magazine, to say nothing of newspapers, not a single private university or educational institution —everything ia in the hands of the government, i. e. the Stalin dictatorship...
...Others were George Dallas, for the- British Labor Party...
...It considers as its natural task U prevent the inclusion of Sweden in the international arms race...
...K. Wiik, for Finland, and Oscar Torps, Norwegian minister of defense, and Magnus Nilssen, president of the Storting, for the Norwegian Labor Party...
...There are also 360 youtr organizations, with a total membership of 10,000, and 577 women's eornmittees...
...Whether it be in the field of philosophy or psychology, science or social problems, history...
...The conference fully approves of the government proposals fo a strengthening of national defense made in the present situation an with a view to make a solution possible in the defense problem whicl would meet with general approval...
...As one views the progress of the Socialist parties of tne three small countries mentioned in this column, to say nothing of such organizations as the British Labor Party and others, and compare^ it with the sad state of the Socialist Party in this country, one is competed to ask some pertinent questions...
...Only in such a society is true liberty, not liberty on paper, but personal liberty ana i l l other liberty possible...
...on another perhaps even better in still considered a more free position...
...The Social Democratic teachers' organization embraces 56 local groups with 1,200 members, and the organization of working class tourists/ has 32 groups with 6,200 members...
...The newspapers noted only two points in the remarkable interview, points by no means essential from the Socialist point of view...
...He failed to say whether the Communist dictatorship has not suppressed completely all personal liberty in order to carry out its program...
...Of course, engineers, high officials, Stakhanovites earn much more...
...He admitted that this higher liberty was also his ideal, but he did not say to what extent, if any, it now existed in Russia, and how he thought it could be attained...
...These were Stalin's declarations that any attack on Mongolia, by Japan or Manchukuo would meet with military resistance from Soviet Russia, and that the Soviet Government had no intention of s p r e a d i n g revolution in other countries...
...They are sent into exile, driven to prisons and...
...The conference, which sat from April 2 to April 10r was attended by 350 delegates and distinguished representative*" of international Socialism...
...eae cardinal source—their Hit Socialist principle, construe* * approach to their tasks, and "Mwaee, first and foremost, upon •MStation with the organized ••er movement...
...t aaha^SfjkUmmm " W e have built our Soviet rerime not for the purpose of supressing personal liberty bat in order to make human personality truly free...
...The ;n«tructiom determined what historical theory shall be taught to the Rustics people...
...To be sure, these are important aspects of the problem, but we Socialists assail Stalin and his policy because his economic successes were paid for by the great masses* of the peotole withsupterrific sacrifices and sufferings, involving millions of lives, a price which no Socialist government ever could Or would consent to pay...
...Let us admit that in time it will improve...
...Even the works of Karl Marx, Ferdinand Lassalle and Lenin are to be found in libraries in I t a ly and Germany, and, in many cases, they may be purchased...
...This means that the overwhelming majority of the Russian population have a very low standard of living...
...foP* success of the Socialist and J**er parties abroad emanates Bj...
...There are no others...
...It is also the question that divides the Russian Socialists from the Bolsheviks and international Socialism from international Communism...
...A l l careful readers of Stalin's interview must have observed that he simply evaded the first of these two questions, and that the interviewer did not press it...
...These are the determ imag...
...Stalin Evades Questions What did Stalin say...
...And what about prices...
...True, very true...
...But he ignored one important detail: he failed to say whether there was any personal liberty in Soviet Russia...
...The history text boob of Professor Pokrovsky, one «f Lenin's "old guard" and iormerb Lunacharsky's associate in tb commissariat «f education, wen suppressed...
...e. 30 to 35 years after the revolution) the average Russian worker will attain a standard o f living approximating that of the average worker in Western Europe or the United States...
...Are such methods ttssb <• develop in the masses of taemmc* those conceptions ©I...
...What .kind of liberty, what i i nd of personal liberty can an unemployed person enjoy who goes about hungry and cannot find a j o b ? " said Stalin...
...a f ew weeks ago the Central Cam...
...Strife says, to use his own characterhv tion, that what we ha^e :r...
...Jon Baldvmsson, party leader, received warm- tributes for his contribution to the development of the party...
...We have built this order to make possible real personal liberty, not liberty resting on chicken feet...
...The ordinary worker r e c e i v e s much less than the average...
...Per Albin Hans son, Socialist prime minister, reviewed the policies and achievements of his government since September, 1932, emphasizing die progress made toward economic recovery during that period...
...All these are in the hands of the fascist dictatorship...
...The question Stalin failed to answer is the cardinal question of Soviet life...
...Other figures place the average at 197 roubles a month...
...Everybody knows that the Soviet Government and the Communist International did try on many occasions to spread revolution in other countries, and that they will do it again, if circumstances make it possible...
...under, inhnynaji conditions...
...Stalin's collectivization and industrialization cost millions upon millions of human lives...
...The conference was a genuine united front of Socialism and Labor...
...still 130,000 unemployed in Sweden, the bulk of them concentrated in a half dozen centres, including Stockholm...
...Under his leadership it advanced from a modest beginning v i t h 6 branches and 800 members to the present organization embracing 83 branches and 12,320 members, combined with Social Democratic participation in the government "in the person of Haraldui Guclnrundsson, minister of finance...
...We must emphasize, however as a fact that there is more intellectual liberty in the fascist conntries than in Soviet Russia...
...Last month the party held a quadrennial conference in Stockholm...
...Chechoslovakia, with KJpsSJSlllSjii of approximately !t,#M,IOl, has a paid up membership »f 170,000 i^What is the matter with the HWt States...
...T h e W o r k e r s A b r o ad Swedish Socialists in Congress Report Nearly 50 MO New Members and Adopt Program—Iceland Labor Party Comes of Age — Czech Socialists Report MarkedProgress in All Party Work T3E Socialist Party of the United States is choosing delegates to its national convention in Cleveland on the basis of a dues-paying membership of approximately 19,000...
...Thus the average wage for the year will be 2,462 rouble or approximately 47 roubles a week, including overtime and bonuses...
...In Soviet Russia there is not...
...Premier Hansson was unanimously re-elected party president ant Gu?tav Moeller party secretary...
...See the books of the Tehernavins telling of their personal experiences...
...Is it not a fact there are no jobs in Soviet Russia for those who are not regarded as "kosher," not sufficiently proSoviet, who are considered to be "counter-revolutionists," whose social ideas are suspect, and who are, therefore, deprived of an opportunity to earn a living...
...The first of .these concerned personal liberty in Russia...
...Forslund was elected member of the executive', together with Ernst Wingforss, Rickard Sandler (foreign n&ihrter), Arthur Engberg (minister of education) and Z. Hoeglund...
...Any one who dares tt exercise any freedom of opinion it treated as a criminal...
...Wist becomes of the Socialist pried** that the emancipation of Ot workers mast be accomplished b the workers themselves...
...How is it possible to bone* socialism with human beings eat are forbidden to speak their • * » minds, who must conform ts us commands of a whip and was ** deprived of free access ts aBJ thought or ideas except these pitscribed by the dictatorship...
...It is a well established fact that Mongolia has long been, to all intents and purposes, a part of the U.S.S.R., and it is clear, therefore, that Soviet Russia could not permit aggression against its territory...
...Slavery of MM Mine} ?«i Several years ago the rovers, ment published a circular, signs) by Krupskaya (Lenin's widow} prescribing the kind of books libra, ries may keep on their shehte The list of forbidden books I*,' eluded works by Tolstoy, Be,, cartes, Plato, Kant, Dostoyetskf and dozens of other .-tellectBs) and spiritual giants...
...Icelandic Labor Party Marks Twentieth Anniversary The Icelandic Labor P a r t y has just celebrated its twentieth anniversary with great meetings all over Iceland...
...His statements reflect also the conception of liberty which would characterize a Socialist society...
...His implication is that he wants to achien complete Socialism or Ccramnntoia The Questions Ws Ask But the question* we ask ait: How is it possible to achieve t true Socialist order under e*e*tions depriving the people of ad intellectual and political Bbertf...
...In full confidence the conferenc leaves it to them to decide the party attitude in the various parlia mentary situations with due consideration for all factors of importanci for their attitude...
...But the Communist dictatorship embraces in larger measure control of the entire intellectual and cultural life j f the nation...
...Bat the beauties of their "heaven" are very much exaggerated...
...See Citrine's article in Labour, March, 1936...
...measure of political and i tual liberty...
...And who does *** toil in Russia today...
...But the conference desires U emphasize that the collaboration of the party in such a solution pre supposes noticeable concessions from other parties to the Socia Democratic Party...
...The party has full confidence in the government, the party leader ship and the parliamentary party...
...basaSB **m darity and free enthmiiism * human love and cooprratios «MP ont which a society of Ut*MF» Equality, Fraternity most se • empty dream...
...On the question of national defense the conference voted to continue the party's efforts for democratization of the defense forces and expressed confidence in the government's policy in this direction...
...Leninism, as interpreted t>y ts» Stalin dictatorship...
...C. Wandenberg, for the Dutch Social Democratic Party...
...Yes, but sab...

Vol. 19 • May 1936 • No. 20

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