Fearing Defeatin Primaries Militants Resort to Deceit

FearingDefeatinPrimaries mutants Resort to Deceit Dual Organ in New York Intensifies Mudsling Campaign-Says Issue Is Thomas' Leadership-Cloaks Communist Aims by Brazen Denials. ^ B C i A L...

...The Board did not decide to Sir objections t o t h e Court until ut noon on Wednesday of last week but t h e " m i l i t a n t " o r g a n t h at morning declared t h a t t h e Board had thrown o a t t h e Socialist Party objections...
...Chicago i s t h e answer...
...Two days a f t e r his a r r e s t h i s wife was officially notified t h a t h e h a d hanged himself...
...H e r e is t h e door...
...Nazi Terrorism Fails to Break Spirit ofRevott T H A T the Nazi terror against Social Democracy and Organized Labor has not been abated, ami a l s o that persecution has not broken the spirit of the German working people, is indicated by three recent happenings, reports of which have been received through reliable channels...
...At t h e same time in Milwaukee t he C. P . is making w a r a g a i n s t Mayor Hoan and t h e Milwaukee Socialists...
...E. J . Lever and J a m e s Rorty of t h e Cooperative Distributors addressed t h e organization...
...For some, t h e perpetrators could be sent to j a i l. Our Primary Petition...
...Meantime, Coolidge of t h e N a t i o n a l Executive Committee has made a motion that t h e Socialist I n t e r s t a t e Conference have tile right to reply to t h e a t t a c k made by Krueger, Allen and Krsycki in "Socialist Action...
...The Socialist candidates f o r delegates to t h e national convention from Illinois a r e A. J . Dubin, D. Gertler, M. Halushka, T. Passovoy, M. Seekind, J. Seigel, W. Waltmire and A. Yait...
...fta;imy t h a t Thomas is leading I mjsj of Communists who a r e gjtg #* capture the Socialist ^.ftoT...
...The fighting Old G u a r d defeated this...
...The history of h i s c a r e e r shows t h i s . Following h i s campaign for Mayor in 1929 h e wanted t h e p a r ty to give u p the name Socialist i s t h e hope t h a t h e would g e t more votes under another name...
...Members ' of the New HaVta Consumers League and Elsie Danenberg, editor of the Bridgeport Herald's Behind The Label page, a r e scheduled to speak a t meetings in t he near future...
...Peter Bernard, president of the Central Labor Union, became a member at a r e cent meeting...
...out y e n g o ," said t h e g i r l , " o r otherwise yon will go down t h e g a r b a g e c h u t e ." The " m i l i t a n t " beat a h a s t y r e t r e a t . Socialist voters a r e being thoroughly informed of t h e issues a nd what the Socialist Party candidates stand for a n d t h e y a r e also being told what the incongruous alliance stands for...
...No Principles Thomas turned against every man and woman who helped h im to national prominence...
...On Monday Limfcach wrote t h a t he had received no reply t o t h e challenge made t o H a r r y W. Leidler fe>t a representative committee to inspect tiie claims of membership m New York City made by the secession organization...
...An I n t e r s t a t e Conference will be held in Chicago Saturday, April 11, a t t h e Sherman Hotel, beginn i n g at 9:30 a. m. J. Henry Stump, Mayor of Reading, and J a s p e r McLevy, Mayor of Bridgeport, a r e on t h e l i s t of speakers...
...VTadeck N a l l s Thomas* Denial That Day Runs S c a b Advertisements • y I. C h e r itey ? la deck Bustness Manager of 'ike Jewish Daily Forward ' I see in t h e h u t issue of t he Socialist Call in t h e i t em pertaining to Thomas' contributions to The Day, t h e r e a r e t w o s t a t e ments which a r e o u t r i g h t false...
...The Krueger Senior-Thomaa-Allen faction in Chicago h a s formed a united f r o n t with t h e enemy of the M i l w a u k e e Socialists...
...indication being that it _H be a terrible c a l a m i t y if fc Lost Leader remained l o st statements contained hi t he ^fiMJ issue a r e shameful...
...Wherever possible, only union made goods will be purchased...
...They old muck, deny t h e i r t r e a c h. Wm eeoinf of Communists, deS f l f e we h a v e "faked sigmtysjaT...
...On October S his body was sent home in a sealed casket, which h a d to g o into t h e furnace unopened under police supervision, p i e details of his martyrdom have now a t length been ferreted out...
...He h a s no mind of his own...
...On t h e other hand t h e "milit a n t " petitions were, upon examination, found to be t h e work of a m a t e u r s ; many of t h em were not legally drawn, they were full of frauds on their face...
...It has no sense of honor or decency and by low cunning it hopes t h at t h e enrolled Socialist voters will approve them...
...The Socialist Party then had t o t a k e t h e m a t t e r t o t h e Court...
...As for t h e p r i m a r y petitions, t he " m i l i t a n t s " filed objections to t he Socialist designations b u t t h e y h ad to drop them because they found t h a t their objections had no standing...
...two dan after hrs*?fty-tbird birthday, a n d When h e a n d h i s wife had just sent out invitations for a modest party to celebrate thejr silver wedding, Sachs was arrested, held in j a i l for a couple of days, and then sent to t h e concentration camp at Sachsenburg...
...He plotted to-remove t h em f r om t h e p a r t y a nd t u r n e d to immature persons to achieve his personal aims...
...Thomas has been a failure in everything he touched...
...An example of how dispicable they can be came to light this week...
...a - s never led a n y t h i n g ; fefgfnot even lead t h e militant"Communist alliance...
...Cooperative Launched In Bridgeport By Abraham Knepler Special to The Hew Leader B R I D G E P O R T . — A cooperative ! ?9 consumers o r g a n i z a t i o n h a s r e cently been formed hi Bridgeport, I w i t h t h e Socialists t a k i n g a leadi n g p a r t . Also represented a r e t he B r i d g e p o r t . Central Labor Union, ' American Newspaper Guild, Bridgeport Teachers Union, Bridgeport Teachers Association, Bridgeport Teachers Credit Union—also a cooperative organization —, Typographical Union, F a r m e r s , Clergy and Housewives...
...Other officers a r e : F r a n k McKee, president of t h e Bridgeport Teachers Union and vice-president of t h e Central Labor Union, s e c r e t a r y ; F r e d Roth, t r e a s u r e r of t h e Teachers Credit Union, t r e a s u r e r. Not only will the cooperative engage in t h e p u r c h a s e and distribution of goods, b u t i t will also c a r r y on a vigorous educational campaign on t h e v a l u e of cooperatives...
...the Communists also swiped his s t u d e n t league a nd now his measureless ambition for power has n e a r l y wrecked the Socialist P a r t y . Even tile "militant" leaders do not t r u s t him b u t they use him a s a s h i r t front...
...I n no manner concealing t h e difficulties he, with quick, s t i r r i n g sentences, showed t h e many forces, under various nanfes, converging toward a cert a i n goal, making a real labor p a r t y a c e r t a i n t y in t h e not distant future, urging Socialists to take their task seriously, and to realize t h a t success can come only by intense self-sacrificing work and by building up The New Leader and the labor press in general...
...Morris Billquit led this, fight a nd Thomas s t a r t e d a struggle t o r e move him...
...and universities had little difficulty deflating the L.I.D...
...This was t h e crime charged against him...
...The Socialist Party for self-protection filed objections to the fraudulent " m i l i t a n t " petitions a nd t h e Board of Elections, on t h e ground t h a t it did not have t he clerical force to examine t h e objections, referred the p a r t y to t he Supreme Court...
...A Finnish s e r v a n t girl a nd member of t h e Socialist Party was approached by a " m i l i t a n t " canvasser to obtain her s i g n a t u r e t o a petition...
...This week the Daily Worker c a r r i e s t h e news t h a t his faction in Chicago h a s formed a united front with t h e Communist Party, yet h e denies t h a t he f a v o r s it...
...The other statement is that "Thomas insisted t h a t he would submit no articles unless such advertising were rejected...
...The four perverts who were instructed by t h e commandant to commit this hideous crime have been identified and their names p r i n t e d in the Neuer Vorwarts, many thousand copies of which a re smuggled into Germany each week...
...He helped to wreck the daily New York Leader...
...Km All Tb Foe tion i s Chtcocjo Peres ttoiaoej Pront With Communist P a r ty The Daily Worker organ of t h e Communist P a r t y , sum saris t h a t the Socialist Party and t he Communist Party in Chicago have seat tat s "stirring call" for a united front May D a y celebration...
...He i s bethg pushed by this ahanee and he is anything a n d everything t o obtain personal power...
...Comment is unnecessary...
...he transformed t h e old Intercollegiate Socialist Society into t h e League for Industrial Democracy, gutted its Socialism and brought in liberals and p a r l o r Bolsheviks: Communist students in college...
...Daring similar punishment, t he employees in a certain metal works in central Germany a few weeks ago walked out in unanimous prot e s t against having to work side by side w i t h a man who, t h e y h ad found out,' w a s one of t h e Nazi gang t h a t murdered t h e b r a v e Socialist working-man Hamies Stelling l a s t summer...
...He held his audience intent t o t h e l a s t word...
...The s a m e issue carries several columns of abuse by th* Communist Party of Milwsukee, aimed at Mayor Hoan and the Socialist P a r t y of t h a t city...
...and i t plans t o a p p r o p r i a te p a r t of i t s profits to t h e a s s i s t a n ce of organized labor in strikes...
...The f a c t s speak with a loud r e ar...
...Failing in that, he g o t t h r o u g h the N a tional Executive Committee a vague invitation to "unattached radicals" t o Join * t h e p a r t y . He and his faction later interpreted t h i s as a n invitation to splinter Communists t o join...
...Socialists Hear Solomon At Dinner in Pater son Socialist Magistrate Urges Greater Activity at Annual New Leader Banqdet — Stresses Need for Supporting Party Press, U O W to combine business with * * comradeship, song a n d j o y w a s shown in Peterson l a s t Saturday, night when some 75 P a s s a i c County Socialists and union friends sat dews t o d i n n e r , knowing t h a t every s e a t represented a new r e a d e r for The New Leader...
...The cooperative meets every second and f o u r t h Thursday evening a t t h e offices of t h e Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, 69 Cannon Street...
...On September St...
...Preparations were made by the Hitlerite "Labor F r o n t " officials to b r e a k the s t r i ke by force, but a t t h e l a s t moment t h e authorities gave way, appare n t l y because they could not afford t o have trouble in t h e metal ind u s t r y while feverishly engaged in p r e p a r a t i o n s for possible w a r . T h e s t r i k e r s of course know t h a t they a r e in danger of being individually victimized l a t e r on...
...he backed t h e Progressive Miners in Illinois and i t proved to be thoroughly reactionary...
...A r t h u r Schille of Dresden, formerly s e c r e t a r y of t h e Metal Worke r s 7 Union for all Saxony, w a s a r r e s t e d i n t h e middle of J a n u a r y. For two y e a n Schille had been blacklisted a n d w a s in dire poverty, but he w a s detected giving such aid as he could t o a comrade in yet worse need...
...Socialist Conference I n C h i c a g o , A p r i l 11 Due to the food in Pittsburgh, Emit Limfcach, secretary of the Socialist i n t e r s t a t e Conference, was Unable to send a promised s t o r y on t h e T r i - S t a t e Conference held in P i t t s b u r g h last week-end...
...After being beaten till he w a s helpless, h e was on three successive days stripped, put •under a' Shower, and h i s body scoured with heavy scrubbing brushes till every inch of t h e surface was torn and bleeding...
...She h a d signed a Socialist Party petition and, of course, refused to sign h i s . . "You b e t t e r sign t h i s , " said t he " m i l i t a n t , " "or I shall inform your employer tijatyo$a*e a Socialist and h e m a y not want a Socialist in h i s household...
...Irving Fischer presided with a brief, but effective t a l k and introduced the veteran Socialist and optimist, Geo...
...Jack C Bergen, Socialist r e p r e s e n t a t i v e a n d president of t h e Bridgeport Board of Education, h a s been elected chairman of t h e cooperative...
...To my knowledge, t h e only advertising which The Day eliminated, a r e t h o s e of May's Department store in Brooklyn — t h e s t o r e which Thomas picketed...
...The "militant"-Thomas-Communist coalition's ideology and methods a r e t h e s a m e a s t h e "left wing" ideology and methods in 1919...
...Similar was t h e case of Max Sachs, formerly editor of t h e Dresden Volkszeitung...
...The main speaker was Charles Solomon...
...I n Thomas' disMt letter has gone out stating u h a "leadership" is involved...
...He died under t h i s torture on t h e t h i rd day...
...One is to the effect t h a t t he FORWARD "accepts advertising indiscriminately" This, of course, i s not t r u e . Not a week passes during which t h e FORWARD does hot r e f u s e advertisi n g amounting to hundreds of dollars or thousands of dollars because t h e r e is some objection to it on t h e p a r t of organized labor...
...B C i A L edition of t he H ^ s l i t s n t " organ has been • jjhitrrf to voters in New The first page is with the Patron Saint T^fc faction...
...He wanted t h e s e Communists i n to hsia ieres t h e Old Guard out...
...to primary petitions, i t i r s s r r ' — a n n o u n c e t h a t they A take these alleged frauds H f t i worts, repeat t h e fatoefcjl tfcat w e intend t o rapport jtajrwfc for President, flfgsre right on one matter...
...It has been ascertained, however, t h a t he was beaten to death...
...H. Goebel, as toastmaster...
...I t w a s n o t a m a t t e r of principle with bias...
...This might anyhow be inf e r r e d from the fact t h a t no one was permitted to examine his body, which w a s cremated and t h e ashes disposed of b y t h e police...
...I n Connecticut, Devere Allen has sent out a s t a t e m e n t declaring t h a t the fighting Old Guard is more likely to make a united front with t h e C P . t h a n his f a c tion will...

Vol. 19 • March 1936 • No. 12

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