European Labor Confers on War Threat in London

European Labor Confers on War Threat in London Delegates from 15 Countries Attend Conference of Socjajjgt FfflfTTiMiHrnMil Midi I.F.T.U. Called to Conaider the Sfiruation. Defense of Peace...

...Some day, soon, after she three weeks' respite is over, Hitler's hoffr^ynll s ^ r 3 ^ ^ I ^ r ^ h e ^ ^ t j^ o / q l c t a t o r a h i p ; ceflspse!*^No regime can maintain itself in t he modern world without liberty...
...Marie Erabat Sslas ii ith Karl Hans Sailer, y . a j y t t h d former editor of *e Albeiter-Zeirung...
...The workers went back to work after having fought a good and brave fight, with definite pros* pects of improvement of wage s a t working conditions...
...Catra bat determined defiance coupled with thunderous demands fot^the restoration of the liberties and democratic Bjsfcts of the people marked t he Statude of the accused on the dltrung d a y of the trial last lior...
...Yet we deny work to over 12,000,000, maintain nearly 5,000,090 of them in poverty at government expense and do nothing for t h e r e s t. "We have in America t h e g r e a t e s t producing mechanism in t h e world...
...Louis Waldman, New York State Chairman of t he Socialist Party...
...Today a standard of living at s least 6% above that of 1929 is possible...
...3a* 1fore a huge red flower on • A typical prisoner was Hans "soacber, "who said he gladly e*a*0*sed not only having c o n - SUpsd money to families of f^JteSoriehsrs but also having •%ed rally the broken party • » the Revolutionary Socialist ^Kamga Felleis, one of the y m g defendants, "admitted Ipservedly his participation Pphe Socialist underground iPtement, and said the sight j j j f ^ y s a who had been H p * . nnd tortured by the f?*6* bad beep responsible for •frasnliating himself with the S w s f e s n o k e for two hours RMusg tne brutality and stuBffy of t h e clerical-fascist or^ ^ g y f l S t l i a and demanding • • r e s t o r a t i o n of the people's J S * Pnso n e rs w a r n e d t h e govMpsesjt that only by the reotoHjfen of liberty could Austria g * n ^ s d from the Nazi ong l i n t - b e m g prepared against ^^3pflpjry s independence...
...B r i t i s h labor is not willing to be used a s a n instrument of Nasi militarism and aggression," Morrison declared...
...Meantime, the London Terras* building service s t r i k e r s , membsei of Local 32-B, h a v e / o r m e d a Wsy» and Means C o r r u p t e e to collet* financial aid...
...and James Oneal...
...This means t h a t families having an income of $1,500 in 1929 could have $1,740 today, ami incomes of 32,000 could be increased to $2,320...
...M i t t M i g h t a policy of isolsijss iHHagaotfi morally unjastzSaftk Sad practically impossible...
...Repeatedly, Merritt t h r ew t h e negotiations into a deadlock in t he hope of breaking down the resistance of the workers...
...92 per cent were in favor of an all-around reduction of armaments...
...Major Stump Demotes Two Police Officers For Anti-Labor Bias READING, Pa.—"For the good of the service" was t h e explanation of a police shakeup here by Mayor J . Heary Stump, in which two v e t e r a n ' lieutenants were reduced to patrolmen...
...Despite the display of force, the b a r r a g e of false propaganda u n l e a s h e d against t he union, and t h e t r i c k i n e s s and t r e a c h ery repeatedly displayed by Merr i t t and h i s clients in negotiations with the employees, the realty owners were finally compelled to...
...We wrote then that da b l o o d of our Austrian com- twos not shed in vain, that sacrifices would lead to a h of Socialism and freenot only in Austria but where where fascism has < efsated its heel upon the necks s i t a e -people...
...The g r e a t economic problem of our times is t o lift production to t h e highest point of which our in- ' dustries a r e capable * a n d t o put t h e unemployed to work creating wealth...
...faces the was* of the death penalty, •SJsiad first with jaunty step...
...It is also fixing responsibility where it belongs...
...This is the first time in the history of the American Socialist movement that a 1 president of the American Federation of Labor will appear at such a gathering...
...It was by n o means the first occasion that Schacht had threatened t o resign...
...The Goodyear plant* are surrounded day and night by 5,000 pickets who are determined not t o be dislodged from their positions...
...The agreement, which is for three years, provides for immediate a r b i t r a t i o n of wages, to be followed next year by another arbit r a t i o n of both wages and working conditions, this procedure is to be repeated in t h e subsequent year...
...I t will seek t o formulate a policy in t h e present crisis designed to facilitate the maintenance and preservation of peace...
...a n d secretary-general of the British Trades Union Conpress...
...The sheriff who, despite a court injunction against mass picketing, has not dared to act to enforce it, sow has enrolled in a newly-formed "law and order league" which announces it will proceed t o reopen (he plants which have been shut tight for over a month...
...A.F.of L Survey Hits Anarchy of Profit System Profit Motive in Industry Assailed in Study Showing Road to Recovery Through Higher Wages— 1 3 % Increase Demanded...
...These a r e : die unskilled character of t h e work, wide diffusion of t h e workers over an enormous area, the difficulties in maintaining contact between t he workers, the large overturn of labor and t h e constant fear of loss of jobs hanging over t h e workers...
...While profits increased by leaps and bounds, "employment gains l a s t year were only half what they would have been if work hours h ad not been lengthened, and even these g a i n s were bought at the price of a n unbalance between production and workers' buying power "which denies to w o r k e r s t h e i r share in recovery, limits the m a r k e t for i n d u s t r y ' * product, a n d m u s t , if not corrected, cut down production and prepare t h e w a y f o r another depression,'' The survey, which is a mouthpiece of organized labor, demands t h a t wages be increased and t h e unemployed be reabsorbed into industry, contending t h a t purchasing power so stimulated will effectively lift production to its maximum capacity, thereby providing plenty and security for every one of our 12*,000,000 citizens...
...Douglas believes will tWpmVthe replacement • of a p i t H l % a ssoperstive order...
...Any air-holes it might make in the boiling kettle would only result in a concentration of steam around these air-holes and Mad to an immediate explosion, because of the tremendous accumulation of t h e steam...
...leaders of the movement...
...I Government conciliators, Assistant Secretary McGrady and Secretary Perkins have had their proposals rejected by the company...
...The Federation scored the continuance of ' unemployment and reduced living -standards while millions of workers a r e denied t he opportunity to ose e x i s t i ng indust r i a l equipment capable of producing a high standard of living f o r all...
...Which had kept the city tense for fifteen days...
...The 40,000 workers in thousands of buildings went back to t h e i r jobs a f t e r compelling the Realty Advisory Board, representing a powerful aggregation of r e a l t y owners and operators, to a g r e e to a r b i t r a tion of wages a n d a three-year prog r am of improvement of p a y schedules and working conditions...
...The union, however, countered with demands for restoration of all wage reductions since January 1, 1986, s t r a i g h t seniority rights, and withdrawal of all financial assistance by the company to the "dummy" General Assembly...
...They learned t h a t only by m a i n t a i n i n g their oa> ganizatdon and continuing to present a sohd front can they hops t o combat t h e greed of t h e city's r e a l t y interests...
...Added to all t h i s is t h e growing discontent within the Nazi Party itself . T h e extremists around Goebbels are demanding strong measures against the r i ch industrialists and financiers, who have been steadily growing richer, but who, as the most influential groups in t h e government are n a t u r a l l y ass e r t i n g their position with probable success...
...The masses of the people are sick of t h e s y s t em and y e a r n for t h e times of the free republic...
...ISfc'seel ef an international soifey for Csnsds was b r o u g h t to t h e fore by an incident related by 3. S. Woodswerth, C.CJP...
...Saturday, March 21, at 2:30 P. M., in the grand ballroom of the Hotel Delano, 108 West 43rd St...
...By John Powers *g*H...
...Powerful Opposition Added to these obstacles has been the b i t t e r opposition to the Building Service Employes' Union, the strike organisation, of the Realty Advisory Board, backed by the most powerful banking and financial interests of t h e city, who were determined to break the s t r i k e a t any cost, and stood stubbornly in t h e w a y of a settlement...
...t h e average ' r e a l ' wage of the employed worker was no higher in 1935 than in 1934, because a 5v s% rise in living costs h a s cancelled t h e 5 % % r i s e in wages...
...a t a conference in London t o i, iiinMir th> critical international sitantion a r i s i ng from the m i l i t a r y reoeeupotior, of the Rhineland bf Germany...
...Attending t h e conference for the German Socialists a r e Otto Wok and Rudolph Hilferding...
...While industry operated under t h e NBA, t h e balance between production and buying power was maintained, is the view held by t h e Federation...
...The British w r i t e r H. G. Wells h a s described t h e world situation as a race between education /fcnd d i s a s t e r . The people of tire world may yet b e able to prevent world war induced by t h e r a p a c i t y of t h e i r r u l i n g classes...
...By George Field ORGANIZED labor in New York City will be represented by 500 delegates at a conference on Education and Labor Legislation...
...One, vowing that under no circumstances would the r e a l t y interests yield to the union's demands...
...It was to be a b a t t l e t o t h e finish, with Merritt, who has earned the t i t l e of Labor Enemy No...
...All reports from Germany confirst the same d ! « a ^ s ? i i s r ^ v e r is constantly rising...
...F r e d A. Silcox, assistant secret a r y of labor, i s t o serve as arbit r a t o r under the settlement agreement, which was reached throat* the mediation of a committee headed b y J u s t i c e Bisseil of t h e Mumeipal Court...
...74 per cent were in favor of m i l i t a r y sanctions...
...Hitler's late s t move, in violation of the Locarno treaty, must, therefore, be regarded as designed for home consumption rather than as a measure of foreign policy...
...The spirit which sjpimptrd them then they are again displaying this week as they face their fascist judges...
...They provided for t he rehiring of all s t r i k e r s without discrimination and meetings of the management and employees...
...This move, too, proved a dad...
...j Letters accompanying reservations indicate great interest in the speech of Wil- i Bam Green in which he will discuss the 1 problems facing AimWfjn labor...
...A Peace toilet Mr...
...jfSXE of the, most dramatic t i a t - V ' t l e * r e S eV York's fitbbr-history came to a conclusion this week with t h e settlement of the strike of elevator operators and other building service workers...
...The aims and activities of t h i s group which h a s wide rami ft c a t i o n s in all m i l i t a r y circles in Germany, a r e directed towards influencing the political leadership— t h a t is Hitler—and t r y i n g to force it t o t a k e immediate and decisive advantage of Germany's present leading place in Europe's rearmament...
...Other ; speeches will be delivered by Abraham i Cahan, B. Charney Vladeck...
...P r e p a r i n g Another Crisis' "Workers' experience in t h e last half of 1935 i l l u s t r a t e s well the operation of t h e profit motive in industry," the F e d e r a t i o n charged...
...Why have we failed to put i t to w o r k ? " . Organized labor is a s k i n g searchi n g questions these days...
...On March 3, according to reliable reports, Schacht had again submitted his resignation, which Hitler had again refused...
...Crisis in Reich Forced Hitler's Rhine Coup Growing Difficulties at Home Compel Dictator t o Seek Diversion—War or Revolution Looms as Certainty...
...Cable dispatches from London « quote Herbert Morrison a s saying on the eve of t h e confsrsass that '•British labor will be n o party to foreign policies directed against Russia, and a n y policy based upon t h e problematical promotion of peace in the West in order that war might be waged in Eastern Europe is bound to meet with our opposition.'* This statement was a slap at H i t l e r ' s brazen offer t o conclude a non-aggression t r e a t y with France in exchange for a free hand against Soviet Russia...
...Sparks breathed fire against "outside a g i t a t o r s " and announced that his vigilantes would protect any "loyal worker" who wanted to scab...
...One very hopeful, sign was t h e result of t h e Peace Ballot taken last year in Great Britain which reflected the opinions of thirteen million people...
...To lift production to t h e point 16% above 1929, which i s now possible, we must raise t h e a v e r a g e of wages 32% above 1920 or 1 3% higher than they a r e today, a t the present cost of living...
...The action of the Socialist Party in changing police hands was more t h a n merely playing partisan politics...
...New Leader Dinner on April 3rd Brings Rush for Reservations MEWS that President William Green of IN the A F. of L. will be the principal •pltjlwir at the 12th Anniversary Dinner of THE NEW LEADER on April 3rd has brought a big demand for reservations...
...serving as strikebreakers...
...J^MpkCoseir eighteen-month Stonssinary imprisonment, the Sjsos^ssaaont reported, the a o oasssl marched i n t o , t h e court • ffosdspshts...
...Sobefocjincj the Ac^ree meet Capping the contemptible conduct of t h e realty crowd and their highly-paid lawyer-strikebreaker was the refusal to take .hack many s t r i k e r s when peace becaaie effective Monday morning...
...To do t h i s , he requires n ew draconic taxation of t h e masses, from which even the most hardboiled Nazis now shrink...
...TKf p e r Cent were i n favor of prohibiting t h e p r i v a t e manuf a c t u r e arid sale of a r m s ; 94 p e r cent were in favor of economic sanctions...
...Notwithstanding the fact that " r e a l " wages remained in 1935 t h e same a s 1934, t h e slight increase in the percentage of those reemployed resulted in a t% increase in buying power...
...This includes it prohibition of d i r e c t or indirect sports to an aggressor nation— 'j*V, in -.his instance—of r a w ma•Wl and manufactured articles sssjsry tor war...
...Bolstering its assertion that profits have increased while employment and buying power have lagged f a r behind, the survey says: "The National City Bank record for "895 industrial corporations shows that their profits increased 47% from 1934 to 1935 and that while they were, in 1934, e a r n i ng 4.4% on their net worth, in 1935 they earned 6.6...
...Canadian Labor BacksSanctions In Parliament Representatives of C C F. Fight for Policy of Collaboration with L e a g ue A g a i n s t A g g r e a a o r s— Italian Consul Eanpoaed...
...And the fuse is g e t t i n g pretty short The workers have public ly refraining from any acts of violence...
...But it w a s recalled that the police officials, in former years, "displayed considerable personal enthusiasm for the task of hurling tear gas a t s t r i k e r s daring labor troubles," these tactics and those who perpetrate t h ^ ^ b a i ^ . s t r o r j g j y oaA statement issued by t h e So- " cialist P a r t y , which regained power in t h i s city last November, elaborates upon t h e s e activities as follows: " I t was t h a t demonstration of force which convinced thousands of workers that it was necessary for t h em t o p l a c e t h e police powers of t h e c i ty in t h e hands of their own representatives...
...The I n s t i t u t e will eschew d ap and take tile scientific roast workers' education, according1...
...A novel feature of this conference will, be a general d i s c u s s i o n in which twenty Is bur Modern will participate...
...E lino re M. Herrick, regional director of the National Labor Relations Board...
...we find 16,500,000 persons, including the unemployed and t h e i r families, still dependent on relief or emergency wOrk...
...T H E profif>jg|otive came in for A m e r i c a n F e d e r a t i o n of L a b o r in I t s rrwaflily purvey of business j u s t issued...
...In January, 1936, only 1,024,000 more men and women were a t work than in January, 1935, a n d 12,626,000 were still unemployed...
...If t h i s i s t h e ease, i t is difficult to see how Canada can r e m a i n on t h e sidelines in world affairs...
...He w a n t s to consolidate t he tremendous pile of debt accumulated by expenditures for rearmament...
...He •jad the doubts and fears *of Sllg people and t h e i r desire to a*r where their government gaps, not only with reference to Ijttnd m t h e event of a n a c t u al streak of w a r b u t especially r e - ipgng steps to be taken t o p r e . «tt cr a- least postpone t h a t outCuseion Responsibilities fsK should Canada do...
...I t will work, no doubt, f o r three weeks, until after the d a t e of t h e "election" set b y Hitler for a p proval of his action...
...Coabj Canada remain neutral in ihe matter af applying sanctions...
...Picket lines are being strengthened and the entire strike organization pepped up...
...Socialists Defy Fascist Court In Vienna Trial Group Accused of High Treason for Underground Revolution^ ary A ctivity Demdnd Restoration of Liberty and Challenge fascist Government...
...At the headquarters of the Goodyear recruiting staffs at a downtown hotel there was great activity in organising a "law and order league," led by ex-Mayor C. Nelson Sparks, one of Akron's original Borah boosters...
...And t h en will come t h e necessity of e v e r heir and more violent foreign political adventures, made imperative by the ever rising inner pressure, until finally t h e feverish pressure at home will find expression in a t r e mendous explosion—War or Revolution...
...Philip Kaps, * * Ashbes, laesph Tuvim, 8sae> Perlmutter, Morris Feinstone A» Rose and M u r r a y Wemstsb...
...Ey^yflB trial progresses exHJjjp'.-'il- mounting in the S z * * class suburbs," wired *Pwf&Voitespondent...
...f v s p a p e r s like the WeltH P admi: the two main priaK M 8 * overcrowded with *po~ m offenders...
...An additional sign of the steadily increasing tension within Nazi Germany is t h e a r r e s t of more than 2,000 Socialists, Trade Unionists, Bible Students and o t h e r opponents of the Nazi Regime during the last 48 hours...
...But the possibility t h a t their sons may be drawn into t h e maelstrom of a world war has changed all that...
...Realty Board's Plot to Smash Union Beaten Building Service Workers Force Acceptance of Arbitration Agreement and Fight Treacherous Lockouts as Strike Ends...
...i - s t e of t h e principles' of inter•tkesl justice in solving racial | ad temtorial problems...
...Trade Union Institute, has arranged a symposium on Id|irsi Government for Friday MSMJ March 27, a t t h e R a n d Sebsst% speakers will b e Mayor J a s p e r» Levy of Bridgeport, Congrsime Thomas R. Amlie of Wiacemsssg Morris Feinstone...
...The system of oppression maintained by means of the Gestapo (Secret Polios) t he propaganda ministry, t h e network of spies and informers, courts martial and all s o r t s of curtailments of liberty, is proving unable to maintain itself and unendurable...
...They a r e said to belong t o a well organised group which aims a t t he domination of Nasi Germany by d i e army...
...After the "election," the results of which may safely be discounted beforehand, all t h e old d e s p e r a t e worries, difficulties and insoluble problems will assert themselves again, together with others t h a t will have a r i s e n in t h e meanwhile...
...Other speakers on the program include Mrs...
...For m o r e ' than a y e a r they had p r e p a r e d for the strike, and when the walkout came they threw into the field thousands of strikebreakers previously mobilized...
...Rand School's Labor Forum Opens Saturday Meany Heads List of Speakers at Trade Union Institute — 5 0 0 Delegates to Attend Workers Education Meeting...
...Law ef Dictatorship To escape all t h e s e differences and complications f o r a t least three weeks, and to t h e g r e a t astonishment of most of his ministers, Hitler decided upon violation of the Locarno T r e a t y . It was a desperate a t t e m p t to relieve the pressure a t home, for a time, a t least, by a popular move in t h e ^ " i f f r. of foreign policy...
...What the ultimate gains of the workers may be a s a r e s u l t of t h e agreement will depend, of course, upon their a b i l i t y to maintain and extend their -organization...
...That the spirit of Socialism sad liberty a r e alive in Austria today, challenging their enesyjes to b a t t l e , is again being demonstrated in Vienna this week in die trial of IT Social tots and two Communists fee high treason...
...shouted an sM^Maai j n the courtroom...
...Defense of Peace Aim Morrison Hits Hitler's Prop o s a l for Free Hand Against Soviet Russia— Pledgee British Labor's Support AgainstMilitarism A S we go to press, Socialist a nd * * and labor leaders from Mteen nations are assembling...
...m •~aal4r an aW a~ an ST ar a e t Led by W a l t e r Gordon fMerritt, counsel for t h e Realty Advisory Board and notorious enemy of l a bor, the realty i n t e r e s t s had s e t out to smash the union...
...H o w e v e r , if the subsidised and deputised strikebreakers and "law and order leaguers" attempt to use force, the worst might happen...
...lead to w a r ; t he •Bofeie sfftltsthm of sanctions *Msgmssmtee of peace...
...By Rudolph Katz J^ITLER'S latest move, military occupation of the Rhineland, is a good example of the grave perils to which every dictatorship in a modern country must lead, whether it wills or not...
...In addition to the delegates who will represent their organizations, the general public is invited...
...Night J*** night thousands of fervent I P M demands for t h e release * » * accused are f o u n d scat7 p » the streets a n d defiant g o * are ^painted on building g f c Masa arrests, provoked M ^ * . of demonstrations in ^ • r of m e prisoners, continue P* * n a n extent that govern...
...The soston d these problems will intlho the solution of economic problems eskh Mr...
...Secretary sf b United Hebrew Trades...
...Represented at the conference a r e the Labor and Socialist International, t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l Federation of Trade Unions sad the illegal Socialist parties and labor organisations from t h e dictatorial 'countries...
...Abraham Lefkowits, legislative representative of tfce Teachers' Guild, M. Carmod y of t h e N'RA Board and Algernon Lee...
...It is a thermometer by which we may guage the r i s i n g temperature of the desperately ill o r g a n i sm of t h e nation...
...who will preside...
...On t h e radio, Mr...
...GERMAN OFFICERS PLOT MILITARY DICTATORSHIP Cable information reaching t he Labor Chest reveals t h a t a number of German Reichswehr officers have been secretly arrested by o r ders of the Nazi Government...
...The Socialist Party sad it* Women's Committee, which took s leading part in relief work duri n g t h e strike, performed a tm job and won t h e w a rm gratitude of the union a n d s t r i k e r s. We extend to t h e workers oar congratulations on t h e i r splendid fight, confident t h a t the b a t t l e jest concluded has helped lay t h e foaad a tion for a b e t t e r future and s s t r o n g and permanent orgsmsstion of one of t h e most exploited groups in t h e city...
...The abrupt breaking off o f negotiations by the company has served to stiffen the collective backbone of the strikers...
...m A S y m p o s i um | The increased interest in station on t h e p a r t of t h e labor lament, h a s found expression a t development of edueatiosst iapsft ments within the trash sstoel This a c t i v i t y will now he' lamaM in t h e Rand School's Trade tint) I n s t i t u t e , where post-giassi courses will be offered t o wade who a t t e n d t h e i r own union clean, and a complete curriculum w i s prepared for t r a d e unionists efcjl own organizations have not mtm lished educational department...
...All attempts at conciliation lave fafled The company has abruptly i r o k e n off all negotiations with the Rubber Workers' Union...
...A Webster Hail, where the banquet will ^eVbeld, seats only 1,200 and the rapidity ^ntn which reservations are coming in indicates that we will soon have to refuse requests for places...
...Among t h e leaders a t t e n d i n g t h e conference a r e Leon Jouhaux, representing t h e Frenc h General Confederation of Labor...
...they7 a r e still e ft The committee appeals to t a i l unions and o t h e r labor organisations to aid t h em immediately S» t h a t they may continue t h e i r strfks t o victory...
...Until a f ew y e a r s ago people in Canada were not g r e a t l y exercised about foreign relations except in so f ar a a they centered about trade...
...That conviction h a d much t o d o w i t h t h e s h a rp rise of t h e Socialist vote...
...R e - fess, m$ We will a rm against yee ad Shatter how harshly we "•^ftjajean stop our mouths, bat yasrjS y V e r kreak t n e fsia ihsir Sherry...
...and average work hours were longer by 114 hours per week...
...In brazen violation of t h e settlement agreement and a c t i n g in respose to deliberate encouragement from Merritt and t h e Realty Advisory Board, owners declined to r e i n s t a t e men who, they said, were guilty of violence and sabotage...
...Schach't wants to s t em t h e e v e r growing avalanche of debts...
...He i s opposed t o a ny additional short-term d o m e s t i c loans...
...What Is Possible Despite t h e f a c t t h a t production has reached a level more t h a n half way back to 1929, t h e Federation pointed to the continuance of 16,500,000 persons on WPA and relief rolls...
...A Respectable Incendiary Meanwhile Wilmer Tate, Central Labor Union president, also took to .the radio where he delivered a stinging a t t a c k upon Sparks whom he dubbed "the little Mussolini of Akron...
...Plight of the Workers "On the other hand, i w i r e making small progress in putting t h e unemployed to work...
...Despite t h e h e a v y blow the work of t h e Anti-Nasi underground movement continues uninterrupted...
...Douglas, a man in his early trues, is t h e national chairman it Urge youth organization...
...They feel t h e y have h a d enough of t h e slavery and s t a r v a t i o n wages of Hitlerism, and t h e y a r e waiting for a n opportunity to cast off t he hateful yoke of t h e dictatorship...
...Yet, the dictatorship dare not soften the system, but must instead, in order to live, tighten it still more...
...Warning the "fire-eating" ex-Mayor against his incendiary utterances and his formation of a " v i g i l a n t e " group, Tate made it clear t h a t if bloodshed resulted in t h e strike which h i t h e r t o has been peaceful,1 the responsibility for the spilling of blood would rest upon tBe conscience of Sparks and his henchmen who a r e talking about " g a n g i n g u p " a n d lynching p a r t i t e , • Of the five-point proposal suggested by t h e company before negotiations were broken off, two had been accepted by t h e Rubber Workers' Union...
...They failed...
...It has emphatically rejected isolationism and neutrality...
...The s t r i k e was remarkably free of violence, except from the t h u g s and criminal...
...These interests had but one objective: to break the s t r i k e and drive the workers, defeated and disorganized, back to their jobs...
...This conclusion is butt r e s s e d in t h e survey by figures of the Brookings Institution and National Survey of Potential Product Capacity, showing: The p r e s e n t potential productive capacity of industry i s l f i% g r e a t ei t h a n i t was i n 1920...
...We t a k e the view t h a t respect for agreements on the pant of all countries is essential for good international relationships...
...It is reliably reported that BergosT strikebreakers are being imported into the city...
...It was a mandate from t he workers of Reading...
...When production outs t r i p s buying power, sooner or l a t e r the increase in production must stop for want of a market...
...As James J . Bambrick, strike leader, declared, this was merely a move to weed out t h e m o s t active members of t h e union...
...The conference will •peak for 36,000.000 organised workers...
...Following the conference, the...
...AStre to apply economic smssssbMM...
...The I t a l i a n Consul a t Montreal h a d made a public speech, condemning t h e League's decision t h at I t a l y is a n aggressor nation and expressing sorrow t h a t Canada, a member of t h e League, i s applying sanctions...
...F u r t h e r , Canal should p r e s s for t h e removal i tat causes of war t h r o u g h colkS$ p trass men t reduction, open ad collective diplomacy, t h e scrappar sf treaties not in harmony sb the Covenant, definite app...
...Within t h e government itself there are serious disagreements and conflicts...
...The conference is the beginning of a major drive by the organized labor movement to launch the new Trade Union Institute of the Rand School...
...its overthrow...
...They hurled their Mad, 'tit: t h e fsjfjmr into she o^a^'of^ w^^^r accusers and pro djjj^ajljiyijy... represents a definite step forward in the very difficult task of organizing an industry where t he obstacles to organization a r e particularly pronounced...
...Armed thugs, professional gangsters and criminals with known jail and police records filled the lobbies of apartment houses and office and loft buildings...
...The conduct of our comrades be/are the court reflects fully fle courage they showed when iev fought on the barricades mm in-efieir.apartment homes iter* than two y e a r s a g o against Piped forces many times their •ember and far superior to their, n weapons...
...organized weaker* of t he • world remember, as they al> ear/* will, the heroic battle fasarbt by the Austrian Sociali t , in February 1934 against §Sjeism...
...Although a t first glance this outcome may a p p e a r to be modest...
...Louis Waldman...
...The unbearable inner pressure inevitably compels every dictatorial government to embark upon a violent, adventurist foreign policy in order t o relieve pressure a t home and divert attention from the sufferings of the people despoiled of their rights and kept under t he weight of oppression...
...The workers have r e t u r n e d to t h e i r posts in disciplined formation...
...As a isptt of t h e League of Nations, S B . Douglas, h e r Government stotll assure sincere a n d complete Sfflaem, of all her obligations aarr the Covenant...
...ExjeV ment and r e s e a r c h will be S fosb mental p a r t of t h e program...
...Louis de Brouckere, president of the L.S.I., and Walter Citrine, president of th* I.F.T.U...
...The Commonwealth Federation of Canada has definitely commit-1 ted itself t o the policy of applying economic sanctions against an aggressor nation in fulfillment of Canada's obligations under the L e a g u e covenant...
...tb*>ir undying T3JHKd« r o o c r a c y and our sjekn|jp|srty.'' w a s what they tsiai^ftwernment, according s n H H i l t c h of the Times iiMSSJiuJi nt a t t h e trial...
...All contributions should be sent to John-Haas, c a r e of strfte headquarters, 20Y N i n t h A v e , M i York City...
...Jpj I n s t i t u t e sums up i t s apprassTi follows: "When the current um :*nds to modify our earner a> :epts, we m u s t n o t b e afraH s tb ruided by t h e s i g n s of oar ths Vow, more than ever before, * progressive forces must laiish in t h e field of workers' sdeaH so t h a t we m a y b e able to Mat gently s t e e r clear of rescues s* dictatorship from the right o r* left...
...In 1934, when t he NBA lifted wages- and shortened hours, increases in production and workers' buying power were equal, each amounting to 4 % . " But, adds t h e survey, t h e end of the NBA was followed by gains i n profits and losses t o workers...
...I t w a s t h e f i r s t general s t r i k e of t h e i r young organization, t h e i r baptism of fife...
...This was made clear in a debate held in Parliament on a resolution introduced by T. C. Douglas, C.C.F...
...The government did not commit itself to even a discussion of policy and indeed t h e House showed but little interest in the resolution...
...More t h a n 97 p e r cent were in f a v o r of Great B r i t a in r e m a i n i ng member of t h e League...
...The r e a l t y men's t r i c k to eliraininate t h e most active union men by refusing to r e i n s t a t e them, a trick in which they a r e n o t likely t o be widely successful, served only to expose them still more to the contempt of t h e community, Coagr a talari oas Summarized, t h e s t r i k e ended la a defeat of the Realty Advisory Board's conspiracy to smash tat union...
...Woodsworth declared h e h ad seen a photostat copy of a n oath alleged t o have been administered b y t h e Consul to Canadian citizens of I t a l i a n origin which reads as follows: " I n t h e name of God and I t a ly I swear t o execute t h e o r d e r s of II Dace and t o s e r v e with all my s t r e n g t h and, if necessary, with my blood t h e cause of t h e fascist revolution...
...Of six speakers only two came from the old p a r t i e s . The House may not have evinced much interest in Canada' s international relations, but no question today is Of g r a v e r concern to t h e ordinary man a n d woman...
...member from Saskatchewan, which s t a t e d the position of Canada' s Socialist P a r t y on t h i s question and endeavored to get t h e government to define its foreign policies...
...George Meany, President of th* New York State Federation of Labor, will address the delegates...
...This 'unbalance" declares t h e survey, "lays t h e groundwork for the next depression...
...Our ideal must be hate's the democratic concept" , , | The following t r a d e unios b» ers a r e expected t o join hi a ret) "able discussion, immedSsteb t i l the principal addresses, St tSJ I* bor conference on Mares fl* Louis Hollander, Samuel See* Fred Umhey, Abraham Miller, * Henry Linville, Pauline Nssaa Leonard Kaye...
...That they were able to keep their strike going and to compel any agreement a t a l l in the face of t h e overwhelming difficulties with which they were confronted is a t r i b u te t o their steadfastness and loyalty' to the union...
...The Prime Minister agreed that the Consul's speech was highly improper and, i f made again, would not b e tolerated...
...Today, with the technical progr e s s made since 1929," says the survey, " w e could create a national s t a n d a r d ' of living a t least 6* above the highest ever reached (in 1929...
...When t h i s happens, men a r e mid off, profits decline and depression follows...
...By Grace Maclnnis Our Special Correspondent QTTAWA, CANADA...
...I t is expected that the -con fere nee -will condemn the action of the Hitler government l a violating the Locarno treaty and will take such action a s may be deemed best to strengthen the defenses of democracy in Surope...
...Akron is sitting on a powder keg...
...The crime of which they are accused is refusal to b ow to t he fascist rale a i d eagaging in underground revolutionary activity for...
...Backed by t h e sympathy of t h e labor movement and thousands of tenants, they held out and compelled the Realty Advisory Board to enter into a n agreement with their union...
...I n the last half of 1935 profits of 120 l a r g e corporations increased 141...
...Tease Feelisq With a resolution adopted by tile trade unions, empowering a committee of twenty-five to call a general strike in the event an attempt is made to use force, the issue appears to be coming to a bead...
...Fascist Debt Structure But it is not only t h e people, without r i g h t s and still powerless, who a r e in discontent and fermentation...
...Crisis Nearing I n A l f P A I a " Pst^a^wv Moves Collapse Workers onAlert as Officials P r ^ t o R . ^ . S ? o d " year Plant—5000 Pickets Guard Gates—City Tense | Special to f a s N** Um0r I • j k K R O N — A * The New Leader n cots to press, a situation rraugtit with die gravest consequences has developed in t he strike of 14,000 rubber workers gainst the Goodyear Tire and Ulbber Company...
...These a r r e s t s took place in Berlin, Mannheim, and Saxony...
...1 addition to classroom work, tats r t i t u t e will a r r a n g e conferenct at large public meetings hi super of Labor's legislative program, i r e s e a r c h department under at charge of a full time director, s f also serve t h e t r a d e unios m<m meat...
...But production in 1985 increased 14...
...Joseph Schlos&berg, General Secretary of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America...
...yield to the extent of recognizing1 the oaten as the collective bargaining agency for t h e workers, to a c cept arbitration, and to g r a n t the preferential shop...
...Every important trade union in New York City, ^ p r o m i n e n t Socialists and Labor men, will be present to make one of the moat representative labor audiences l in recent years...
...H i s final trick before the settlement w a s t o issue a n appeal to the workers, in advertisements in t h e newspapers, to desert their union and r e t u r n to work...
...As to the charge about outside "agitors," Tate declared, " t h e greatest of • a g i t a t o r s is injustice...

Vol. 19 • March 1936 • No. 12

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