Milk Drivers Press Fight On Borden Company Union
Milk Drivers Press Fight On Borden Company Union §J|ILK drivers in the metroP*politan New York area are tigging a determined battle against the powerful Borden 3ilk Company, which seeks...
...Hours of work are being increased and the 10 and 12hour day is again coming back to curse the industry...
...It has proved the worth of our International...
...Employers Lower Standard "The textile manufacturers as a group admit the absolute necessity for the maintenance of maximlm hours and minimum wage scales in their industry...
...Evidence presented to Congress ehowsr that the textile and hosiery industries of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania are losing ground rapidly due to the migration of plants from this section to the South or to other low-wage areas...
...Samples of this Lyric of low-wage propaganda have fteea filed with the congressional :ommittee now preparing its report on the National Textile Bill...
...Despite many obstacles, the co- j operative has succeeded in attach- ? ing to itself a large number of j loyal friends and patronizers and c is well on the way toward be- ^ coming a vital part of the rapidly ^ growing cooperative movement in this country...
...Hundreds of pay envelopes were filed with the congressional committee proving that full-time wages of from cents per week to seven and eight dollars per week are again fairly common in the textile industry...
...Farmer-Labor Candidate far Mayor Loads la Primary ST...
...Last month was exactly one year since 300 women in the cotton garment industry of Decatur, Illinois, went on strike in order to obtain union recognition...
...His speech and the report given by Manager Leitman : were heartily applauded...
...The law would be administered by a National Textile Commission...
...1 lax tastier, secretary, and Neal c QHDaaasS, Sice-president...
...i Injunction Defied < Unless the company comes to arms, the strike of milk drivers lay involve about 12,000 workers, Idares J. D. Goldman, a spokes- ' fan for the union...
...Together with my wife and seven children 1 adopt the Jewish faith and attach myself to the oppressed Jews, despite my Aryan blood...
...It has created jjFeompany union and has resorted a intimidation to compel employees to join it...
...Meanwhile, the products of the (orden Company have been placed to the unfair list by the State federation of Labor, the Central frades and Labor Council, the Tinted Hebrew Trades and indi¦idual labor' organizations...
...It has taught us that our city - officials are better at passing the ( buck and favoring the bosses than anVthing else...
...In a brief address attending the > installation of officers, Murray ! Weinstein called upon the memheas , to be active and loyal membett df I the union not merely to insure the . gains already made, but to make i possible even greater victories in , the future...
...The Grand View Dairy Company 1 if 670 Metropolitan Ave, Brooklyn, 1 las likewise refused to renew its ' igreement with Local 584 and pre- 1 Ms to deal with a "dummy" union...
...A report of the year's activities was given by Max Leitman, manager of Local 158...
...There are some 200,000 persons n Pennsylvania engaged in various .ypes of textile manufacture...
...In November, 1933, when the present local Was chartered by the amalgamated Clothing Workers, the men were earning $7 and $8 for a 65- and Ttthour work-week...
...Evidence produced hy the representatives of the United Textile Workers showed the exact opposite_____ Textile workers showed that at least 50 per cent of the manufacturers have increased hours and cut wages since the NRA was nullified...
...The case is being appealed to the Appellate Division by the union and its outcome will be of vital importance to the whole labor movement...
...During the past two years, the union has made great strides in improving the working conditions .of the shipping clerks in this branch of the men's clothing industry...
...Lew Wages in South "Textile manufacturers in the NTorth today are being deluged with invitations from Southern Chambers of Commerce urging them to locate in towns where the top wage scale for skilled male employes is ibou: $7 a week and where women in J girls will earn wages of from $3 to 0-> a week...
...Tea local has a basketball team, a 4rs> ; matic club and public speaking i classes...
...It has shown us they could stand 1 a little of our backbone...
...The textile workers of America, numbering nearly a million and a half, will be condemned to the most brutal sort of wage slavery and industrial peonage by the ruthless working of our competitive system if the National Textile Bill is not enacted into law st the present session of Congress," Ellenbogen said...
...K^'company distributes milk to 1 imr one thousand stores in New ' fork...
...The League, in the name of the Columbia students and alumni, who are members of the organization, called upon the university to reconsider its Action...
...The drivers are • members of ¦fjgnik Drivers, Chauffeurs and wjmri Union, Local 584, affiliPaf with the International TeamUnion of the American FedpjntioD of Labor...
...The action taken by Professor Grenauer is evidence of the spirit of resentment against Nazi brutality and barbarism which smolders in the breasts of righteous human beings in Germany...
...Murray Weinstein, manager of Clothing Cutters Local 4, installed the officers...
...After r task SBSSaw :ee before Supreme 6Bart aMpe Burt J. Humph...
...Deputy sheriffs were called in and tear gas was used to break up the picketing activities of the union against four cotton factories...
...It has shown us that the sam« force that keeps the 1 ministers purse also ties his mouth...
...It is admitted that American textile workers should be protected against low-cost products imported from Japan...
...HE vote taken by -Borden era¦pees in New Jersey, Westchester iad Long Island has resulted in an jverwhelming endorsement of a ¦uce...
...It has shown us that the fellow workers, ¦< who are our union, would help us ] to the limit in our fight for our j rights...
...Hits Columbia For Aiding Nazis Two...
...The organization threatened a boycott of the society's concerts unless Mr...
...Following a strong organization campaign and a number of strikes, the union has succeeded in winning a collective agreement with the employers which now provides for*, a 40-hour week and practically baa...
...protests against what it terms "moral assistance to the Nasi regime," were made to Columbia University and the Philharmonic Society of New York, by the Young Circle League, youth section of the Workmen's Circle...
...But is this actually so...
...f A report issued by the ofnoeas of" the union shows that of tas%ES$B members of the union 25% are now., receiving from $26 to $65 a week...
...A referendum in New York nil be completed this week and the fleers will be given full power to ill the strike...
...I feel that the sacrifices of the 1 past year have made us appreciate J the union...
...We 1 have seen the forces organize ' against us to beat us down and 1 keep us working under deplorable 'conditions...
...tripled the wages of the worWM...
...Furtwaengler renounced allegiance to the Nazis or the society renounced Mr...
...Cotton Garment Workers Strike For One Year By Helen A. Duncan DECATUR, Illinois...
...Reservations may be made by applying to Ruth Weisberg, 175 East Broadway, New York City...
...The measure prescribes minimum wages and maximum hours for unskilled labor...
...Pennsa lvaina traditionally has taken the J_ lead in fighting for higher tariffs to protect textile manufacturers...
...Letters from girls who are on strike published in the "Decatur News" show the amazing spirit of these girls...
...Clothing Clerks Record Gains at Installment About one thousand laiiwlwis of the Wholesale Clothing Clerks' Local 158 of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America assembled in the Debs Auditorium hi the People's House to attend the installation of the newly elected officers of the local...
...If permitted to stand, it will be an easy instrument with which open-shop employers can utilize injunction-minded judges to assess damages and fines against a aiiiea, thereby depleting its treasury and undermining its strength...
...Cooperative Laundry j To Hold Anniversary < Banquet and Dance J The independent Consumers' Cooperative L>6(!hffcj(, which operates the Cooperative TSaundry at 966 I Rutland Road, Brooklyn, will celebrate the completion of its first year of activity at a banquet and dance on Saturday evening, April 4th, at . Beethoven Hall, 210 East 5th St, New York City...
...lbbS Borden Company refused to jjjjatw its agreement signed a year jgo with the union...
...Former Mayor William Mahoney, Farmer-Laborite, polled 2,390 more votes than Mayor Mark Gehan...
...Pauper Wages In Textiles Hit By Ellenbogen PHILADELPHIA, Pa—Startling facts regarding the unbelievably low wages which thousands of textile workers are paid were revealed by Henry Ellenbogen, Representative in Congress from Pittsburgh, in an address before a mass meeting of textile industry employes at the Kensington Labor Lyceum here...
...SS haJHSBf a line of $250 on • he i alias, |a This decision, which places upon the union responsibility fee fines and damages, ja unprecedented in this state...
...I "If I was 100 per cent for the ] union before the strike I am 200 } per cent for it now...
...Here is what one of them says: "We have had a wonderful family of union girls and it has taught us many things...
...During the lifetime of the NRA this movement of industry was stopped, because the labor provisions in the codes equalized to a great extent the competitive situation between the North and the South...
...PAUL, Minn.—Unofficial returns show that the entire slate of seven candidates endorsed by the Farmer-Laborites was nominated in the non-partisan primary Tuesday...
...I regard it as my duty," he said, "to save the honor of the German people...
...with four other candidate* trailing far behind...
...Now, all those gains are completely wiped out...
...The inion calls upon all friends of labor n New York to refuse to deal with iny store that handles Borden iroduets...
...The South is today the Japan of the American textile industry...
...I believe the abuse of 1 the eity officials has only made us < stronger in our convictions...
...On the anniversary of the strike, the ranks of the workers remain intact and they are determined to stick it out to the bitter end...
...The League, through Y. Murray Goldman, Assistant National Director, also denounced the action of the Philharmonic Society of New York for engaging Wilhelm Furtwaengler, recently appointed head of the'Berlin State Opera and Philharmonic Orchestra, as guest conductor of the Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra...
...The only objection that the employers can offer against the National Textile Bill is that code standards are being voluntarily maintained, so that compulsion is not necessary...
...We'have seen the trash ( turned loose against us under the i excuse of keeping order, but in < reality to act as strikebreakers...
...The fact is, however, that the standards of Pennsylvania textiles are, at this moment, menaced more seriously—and immediately menaced—by the low-wage competition of certain Southern States than they are by Japanese competition...
...Milk Drivers Press Fight On Borden Company Union §J|ILK drivers in the metroP*politan New York area are tigging a determined battle against the powerful Borden 3ilk Company, which seeks to force a company union upon gjgsn...
...He made a convincing defense of his bill designed to rehabilitate and stabilize textile labor conditions, on which the Labor Committee of the House of Representatives in Washington recently held exhaustive, hearings...
...The protest to Columbia, addressed to Nicholas Murray Butler, deplored the action of the University authorities in deciding to send official representatives to Germany in celebration of the 550th Anniversary of the founding of Heidelberg University...
...Seeking to break the effecHh&BB of the union in picketing Hia selling its products, the • Company obtained an injunction i bem Supreme Court Mitchell May . forbidding such picketing on the 1 BjWund that it is a "secondary s "She union's defiance of the in- s jaaabos led to the citation for con- 3 Wgjjk of the union's officials— t damns Green, business agent...
...Although they have received the continuous support of the I.L.G.W.U., they have had to face every conceivable hardship...
...At the same time, milk drivers striking against the Grand View Dairy -Company of BrookBare carrying on in the face 3pa citation for contempt of court against union officials and ||nc imposed upon the union, ¦pact unprecedented in the hisBPof the labor movement in Br York...
...about 55% are geeting $25 and only 10% earn less than $25 The great majority of the members are young people who participate actively and enthusiastically in the varied athletic and educational activities of he union...
...Aryan Professor Adopts Jewish Faith in Germany Following the dismissal of the 78year-old Professor Sterenberg of the University of Heidelberg solely because he was a Jew, Professor Grenauer of the University of Hamburg could no longer remain silent regarding the oppression of the Jews and wrote s letter to the faculty declaring bis intention to adopt the Jewish faith for himself and his family...
...Professor Grenauer's heroic challenge to Hitlerism is s comforting reassurance that the Germany of Goethe, Heine, Marx, Mann and Einstein still lives...
Vol. 19 • March 1936 • No. 11