Communists Hail 'Debate' as Big Step to United From Urn" ami gave them the erne Mg teJkteg point they waste*. His par tidpetion in the debate waa set a defease of the Socialist pasHisn. Wat aa...
...What is the central conclusion...
...Bat what doss that matter...
...bat let that pais.] . . . "We are . . . giad to note that Norman Thomas backed the United Front on specific issues in a speech . . . last Monday in Louisville...
...They dad not come there to be lonvtecel...
...Communist Internationa}, Dee...
...Not s ^l^swwpe^^^^* ^^^^^^^^^swP dsas exdoaee^eo* hse Seetsdhw, aaeitissiT Na person pSwsasalag s modicum of logic will hoHsvd that* Tea, the Seeisbs* Party sad its spokesmen sfceste net be afraid te meet all comers in debate, bat they mast he honest opponents, seeking light and trtrth and willing to give the opposition a fata chance...
...723, 752...
...That Mr...
...Does anybody want more doesmentary proof of the good fate of the Communists in pressing tm united front "struggle...
...On the day after the debate...
...Eugene Conolly and Mspti Glickstein lead the Knickerbtew Democratic Club in New YorkCB [the organization backed by te Farley in the interest of Jond V. McKee when he ran »¦ Mayor.—Ed...
...That is why Local New York disapproved of the debate...
...Be showed sternly the unbridgeable gab...
...the American Socialist Party, in...
...20, 1934...
...It was a profitable racket The Socialist Call and the "militants" amy feel gratified at their financial success, The Communists, too, got what they wanted...
...Following are a few recent citations from responsible and...
...This is what they say*in public: this is what they say in their drive among Socialists in their campaign to throw the Socialist ranks in confusion...
...To utilise to'the fnBest the new and brooder opportunities for united front srtuggles and, on the basis of these, to win the masses for the revolutionary out for a Soviet America...
...snd when whole strata of the Social Democratic workers will come over te us...
...But among themselves they let their back hair down and tell each other the truth...
...The "militants" point oat the National Executive Committee gave specific approval to the debate...
...Its position has been justified by the event...
...his sober moments, he knows that as opponents the Csmm waists are no mere fair aad honest than the fascists...
...It is absolutely necessary to convince each worker in the Socialist Psrty, Musteites, members of A. F. of L., through his own contacts, that the Communists are the only sincere, active aad emeiiat fights ri for unity hi the struggle for their own daily needs...
...Thsmas, wham tip flailaliste hare twice heasrii by naming him ss their St aad aid bearer, sad Mr...
...The Social Democratic and non-party workers can best be*led up to the struggle for soviet power in present conditions by drawing them into the struggle against fascism . . . Thstt is precisely tony the Comintern is today paying so...
...the a* jority of the people...
...Between the two there is am' anbridgeable gah...
...Our new united front tactics have to be coordinated with and subordinated to this...
...Communists Themselves Expose "United Front" ?urby P*ge PanpUac Cke* OfcckJ Cosurmms* EsiaWr Steawm* Purpoae of «Vru&» Appeal issubtraction <.>}.4&.%tiBktiitkVlttl9-:.-Tj^tM ©w».Wormf.^hjpe A* —.'^canmnaomnpefcn ^imTtftwd ' •.*¦¦"**"% •* »v ffkir VRifed ProitfY What* a ? lihWeidesaf.* vl ' "/ "Does it not gladden the heart of every worker, Socialist Communist, or whatever he be...
...752, 768...
...It and, aad hi doing sa violated its own decision...
...view of the dangerous international situation and the reaction at home, to move forward more quickly to formal realization of the United Front...
...Weald he debate with MesseBni...
...get s rake off...
...the united front is at the present thee (she maturing of the jwanM- nsmmatiisaiy - crista) the main road along which the mama will be prepared for the struges for Soviet Power under t-he Iess*i snap of the Communist Psrfy...
...AH that The Daily Worker pahttohed were only those sf Comrade Thomas' utterances which served the parpssts of two Bailed front...
...But wKaeee the meaner in which the Commands* press treated his defense of the Socialist position sad the eagerness it displsys in harping span the significance of the debate ss s "milestone" to the united front...
...Didn't The Socialist Call make SS.ate...
...Out" in original.—Ed.] The Communist, July, 1925, p. 603...
...The Daily Worker premised to sebHah "a complete account" of the debate on Saturday, November M. We are still wsittng far that sceosmt...
...Coourade Thnsssi «Bd Consrsde K^wychi...
...Only our common enemies benefit from his slow and piecemeal procedure...
...We make it easier for the Social Democratic masses to come over to Communism by showing in the practical work of a united front that we alone carry on a consistent struggle against fascism, the capitalist offensive and the war danger...
...much attsittion to the qwstioH of the United Front...
...Caatsf^aehete^'fes- ik... raaatntlon Local New Bark UH^Iii^ii^lmml til...
...We call upon...
...kaew wail ¦» Maw ym&, wbm&o...
...issaea, as soiridal from a teethe' pstedjsmT oTamam Jtey 'aast here* tedmtenteraMp aad the sweprisdlS St ervU dghte...
...1985, "to know that the time has come when official re preventatives of the Labor and Socialist (Second) International in the persons of Louis de Brouckere and Friedrich Adier sit on the same platform, sd in the same presiding committee with the official representatives of the Communist International, Harry Pollitt and Maurice Thorez...
...20, 1934...
...the united front is at the present time (the maturing of the world revolutionary crisis) the main road along which the masses will be prepared for the struggle for soviet power under the leadership of the Communist Party . . . the advance of the united front opens up before the Communists new and wider opportunities for spreading among the masses the slogan of Soviet Power, the slogan of Soviet America...
...Wat aa eacanragcsscat to the Commenist united front prsnsgands As we said hut week, Comrade Thomas wss devastating in his criticism of the doctrines and methods of Communism, hot what goad did it do...
...We have s tendency to neglect or slur over differences in principle between the Communists and the social fascist leaders...
...With' sach mdd the OssaaMBsist objective...
...Did he expect to convince the Communists of thy caarectesss of Has Socialist p... the only candidate hi Mayor representing...
...The Communist, AprU 1933, p. S31...
...He has played s big* apart in In inidjlliiiii lln United Front tor the liberation of the heroic Negro worker...
...What dees it matter that toe Communists are celebrating a victory far the united front...
...Vito Marcantortio aa elected to the United States Cm gress on the Republican tiekdyet he endorses Antonio Lomtete...
...Net a Peace Pact "The- United Front is not a peace pact with the reformists...
...official Communist sources, publications designed not for general public circulation but for use among the Communist officials and insiders...
...Didn't he taB the Commaaists hi Madmen Seaare Garden, "You cannot change swer sight...
...That was part sf the stage setting...
...The Communist International {Communist house organ), Dee...
...The Second Congress of the Communist International in 1920 demanded that the Communists in all countries should . . . 'enter the trade unions in order to make them into conscious organs of struggle for the overthrow of capitalism snd for Communism.'" Communist International, AprU 20, 1926...
...Thomas' work for the freedom of Angelo Herndon is well known...
...Have Yoa Forgotten...
...He pointed oat that the debate was in violation not only of the rules of Local New York against participation in any debates, fraternisations or united actions with the Communists, bat also in violation of the National Executive Committee's decision leaving it to the respective states and locals to decani whether".they wished to participate tp sach actions...
...CLASS COLLABORATION WHILE on the subject of etet *¦ the Communists call dam em laborstion—one of the faimm points upon which they have a the past levded their savage a> tacks upon the Socialist Party—4 is interesting te read an elects* circular of the Communist Parh in the recent campaign in Nm Rochelle, N. Y., which is in om possession...
...Didn't the national office, controlled by the Left Wteg...
...Ami Comrade Thomas Can Comrade Tnemas pstat to • steal* ward printed by The Daily Worker of what he said with regard te Socialist fundamentals ? Be cannot...
...This -was and still remains our chief objective in the new tactics of the united front...
...The taeties of the united front further and expedite this process...
...Weald Comrade Thomas debate with Hitler...
...Of course, it is understood that in the Communist lingo "social fascist" snd "reformist" means Socialist...
...Comrade Thomas told his audience that by their psmaee and methods the Communists were helping fascism and reaction, sad, as...
...Have yon hegotten that precisely the reasaj why we have made the united freu with, them is because we ham 4j take their follower* away from them...
...Bat the battle against Communism and Communis* disruptionism in the seats1 goes oat WB ABB QONI' BaBIM THAT IN THIS HSTTLB TUB PINAL VICTORY WILL DhaVONG TO SOCIALISM...
...If he did, he was naive...
...Would he de> bate with Goebbek...
...The Coinumuist {house organ of the Communist Party, Ma*, 1933, p. 436...
...We do not regard the united front as a maneuver...
...rwasrs awtey with the Comers...
...No one who knows the Commaaists (and Comrade Thamss knows them—we will net deny that) could have expected the Commaaists to behave otherwise...
...This chief aim of the united front is to make it easier for the Social Democratic masset to come over to the side of Cornmunis-m for the conquest of soviet power...
...Earl Browder, in the Comas* nist, August, 1933, pp...
...But we do not conceal the chief aim of the united front...
...po^pone"** celahrartag the beginnings Of a united front, can hare bat saw affect, aad the effect which the Com mandate intend that It shiali have —the destruction of the Socialist Party hi this nation," Wahtasan said hi a statement te the press in sa effort to counteract the tan pros siaa crested by the debate aad save the HaHaHst Party from emharrinm int...
...S £Tae united front is not a pas pact with the reformists...
...the party's national ihalrmaa, ahiaH take part in this conspiracy in dear tefiaau of die inkdina of too national exeeattve committee, of whteh bath of them are members, reveals the attar tech of responsibility which character!*** the present leadership of the Socialist Party aatteaaBy...
...The time will come when the entire snd now still powerful Social Democratic parties will collapse, or if they persist in their treachery, will burst like soap bubbles...
...Xh* Cswenaaafce, Jan...
...The Communist candidate (a Mayor was one Antonio Luiulswh Under the caption...
...Comrade W aid man was right...
...Elect a Late Mayor," the Communist Party s> dared: "Rank snd file Democrats ad Republicans, as well as local sf ganizations of both parties, ss looking for progressive policies fight for...
...The united front is a method of struggle against the reformists, against the social fascists, for the possession of the masses...
...They came there to tare the "debate** into a united front sVmsaatratias and ahoy dU it...
...We can never win the workers to s united front struggle, which means winning them away tm the social fascist influence, unless we meet squarely and explain oharply the basic differences between us end them...
...The Communist, Jan, 1985, pp...
...He gars the Communist press an opportunity to make united front pi spa reads sack as it never had •efore...
...1 Karl Browder te the Communist, August, 1933, pp...
...writes the Daily Worker, Oct...
...yoa, they behaved daring the debate...
...between Socialism and Communism and then proceeded to bridge it to the delight of the Communists...
...WeJL they didn't Comrade Thamss wan light aa that peteC Oh...
...Indicated to any simple-minded Socialist who takes Communist profession* of good faith seriously, 8>e following quotations are herewith presented r T "} *The Communist Jnterriaiionei openly announces to the mil lions of workers of the whole world that there cannot be grnufhe tcot-kinf class unity nritkout a struggle for the violent overthrow of die whole existing capitalist order, for the establishment of proletarian dictatorship...
...20, 1934, p. 861...
...The quotations were gathered by Kirby Page and are used by him in s recent pamphlet, "Capitalism and Its Rivals...
...yet they iuJj|g|jW tenia tinmhardo...
...Tat united front is a method of strugdt against the reformists, againstV* social fascists, for the possasaH of the masses...
...The Daily Worker misrepresents the facts, as usual...
...H s>, there are many more document* with similar proof of good fate readily available...
...Aim of United Proert v ^Tha tactic* pf the united fww4 Mpjre only put into operation by Lenin in, order to make it easier for tbs .millions of workers infected by the prejudices'of Social Democratic conciliation te come otter to the side of Communism," Stalin, quoted in the Communist International Dec...
...1, a dub whteh ft] trois the Democratic ticket iaffJ territory...
...An armed uprising and the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat in the form of Soviets is the only way to Socialism, and . . . there is no other way to victory, irrespective of the peculiarities existing in one or another country...
Vol. 18 • December 1935 • No. 79