Comnmmsts Mail the Thomas-Browder Debate as a Victory for the United Front Stalinist Press Regards Madison Square Garden Affair as Big Step Toward Achievement of Communist Objective—Other...

...Browder sees it, Mr...
...wBb* do not cite those utters ores flGta official organ of the Com¦hnust Party because we agree HMt that the united front is ¦MnsQy coming...
...There are twenty-six publications on the Hst...
...And if yea refuse, we are justified in accusing yea ef laek of sincerity, sines yea approve ef the united front in principle and are willing to conclude it en specific issues as a preliminary...
...But lot us be fair to the Communists...
...It is not a matter of gead faith...
...As reported in the press, Jsduding The New Leader, more Ha twenty thousand Communists B§> comprised fully eighty per WM of the audience) left wingers H*»mp followers," turned the Kls late a united front demonzjmtiea...
...Thimsi h> optimistic indeed if he can discern such a tread, even uhroaga the new Paloma telescope...
...In the Wy Cimmiiaiot Government on the face ef the glebe, the dictatorship is quite as irresistible as it is in the several fascist govern stoats...
...By his admission of the "sincerity" of the Communist united front proposal, the Communist "past" ceased to play a role in the minds of the unm a "past," when as a matter of fact there is no "past"—there is just one, uninterrupted, mot to - i iipllssnmn"goal iintraiilim Comrade Thomas knows that tins, too, is brae...
...To be fair to him, we are prepared to believe that he made this statement at one of those moments,, so frequent in Ms life, when he says one thing and means the opposite...
...Until Caw maoism actonaW practices aa much tolerance aa Mr...
...The So¦Waf Call got all the proceeds and the Coram wrists got the opportunity to turn tiie meeting into s united front demonstration...
...Twenty-five of these are Communist...
...Whether the two can ever find a common meeting place, he said, depends upon the "good faith" of Communism...
...The fact that The Bhdahet Call, organ of the dual wing organization in New Hp> sponsored the "debate" as ¦SSmeey-making proposition and Willing to barter the proceeds wt f5,000 in exchange for supplylag the Communists with an op¦nrtauity to celebrate a "milestone ¦•the road to the united front," Vn proof that the members of ¦jut Socialist Party will acquiesce BjNte deal, even though it did ¦am the imprimatur and blessing ¦t the national chairman of the Hpafer the arrangements for the ¦whete," as announced...
...Thomas new speaks for the majority in the national Socialist organisation, which is in favor of trying out a united front with the Communists...
...gave the Co unm mi eta another point of-support...
...The New Leader has obtained a copy of the list of publications distributed by this agency...
...Though a hater of dictatorship and a courageous exponent of democracy, Mr...
...There is little difference between this alleged Socialist organ and Communist journals...
...A party that is destroyed by s debate in which its representative defends its position is a party that hasn't much vitality anyhow," The Daily Worker quoted Comrade Thomas as saying to its representative, under the heading "Old Guard Is Rebuked by Thomas...
...Mussolini got himself in power by ptoytog on Che nation's dread of Cliainiiiaiiaii, and his example is being imitated by all the would-be Napoleons-in their as* sorted...
...armada for Coransawisr* We repeat: fer the Communists it who a good bargain...
...And, in fact, the Communist press has ignored completely his attack on Communism as such and the Cemmunist "past...
...It is reosgartton ef s fundamental fact^that Oamsssaama is the absolute negation of dimes racy...
...The members of waeiamrt Party hare not yet H* their say...
...The Socialist Call, organ of the iual "militant" organization in New York City, is the only paper calling itself Socialist distributed by the Communists...
...The New York Times, f or example, while doubting the belief in Communist sincerity, took the position tint "a Communist promise to behave (as demanded by Comrade Thomas) may good for a considerable time to come...
...That is why the recent Comintern congress at Moscow decreed Communist cooperation with democracy, and why a Communist promise to behave may really be good for a considerable time to come...
...Use TW Dkdributkm Machinery to Help CircaUte DaaJ Orcjan Aaaailias Socialist OU Guard and International Social Democracy...
...It is toe much to aspect aad we can't believe that NSimon Thomas is ee waive aa to expect H. "Yet his words, tinged with friendliness toward Communism, are alarming to kis righteatng colleagues...
...But for the Communists it was just as well that Comrade Thomas did have the last word, for it has enabled them ever since to emphasize the significance of the united front demonstration and to support themselves upon Comrade Thomas' testimony as to their "sincerity...
...The so-called Socialist Old Guard is convinced that there is no relying on Communist promises and that at the first opportunity the stiletto will be brought into play again...
...In an editorial entitled "United Frost," The Times said: "A frankly tentative trial marriage was celebrated tn Madison Bsmaxe Garden the other night between the Communist party and the Left Wing Socialists under the leadership of Norman Thomas...
...Thomas, it is a system Americans must abhor...
...Communist ideology has hitherto been so soalistic that any formal Communist pledge to itself would carry little weight...
...The membership knows better and we suspect that Comrade Thomas knows better, too...
...Thomas no longer opposes a sharp negative to tbo Communist "answer...
...On that day fig Cemmunist organ published s tapr photograph of the meeting E n front page showing part of I fa crowd and, above it, Thomas I asrSrowder shaking hands, with SaQprki looking on with smiling riawyTy^t^\^^«^whk easxien" The Daily Worker "and a gjnaeture Cemmunist nress 'hove I mpit :hammermg -home- the point Hagreat step forward has been fisna toward- the nidtsd front- We 'fUsjaot* a few of the expressions Jpfsmnronist joy, all from The Hfr~ Worker: HaT she proverbial man from ¦ko-aad dropped down into MadBigs Square Garden Wednesday B-H* he weald have had a devil P^oitim* ngarteg out whether it Kmwg . . .-Tee, that meeting in ¦ban Sesmct Garden wffl be ¦¦t jlaanaoniiiad ...The fact that [ggmtou was so Wttoriy opposed Kshe right whsg *OM Guard* Haws in cesrtroT oT the New York Md> apparatus at the Ssriaiist HRr shews how greatly they Hated its effect ha furthering the ¦feaf free* . . . 1 rejoice that pr tonight we will net have to Hpad as much energy in fighting Hal-other,' said Norman Thomas Hut the end of-Ms speech . . . H|l Wafteol fl Mil wfll CMC • ¦ « ^HHlpKirt "for imitixt front grown Mh> S. P. Old Guard resist...
...Twice the standard-bearer ef the Socialist Party in national elections, Mr...
...There is in New York City a Communist distributing organization called the Central Distribution Agency, with offices at 52 West 15th Street...
...It was the data Di "debate" in Madison Square Egisn between Norman Thomas B| Earl Browder, Communist jbsdrr...
...Xrjczi characterized the occasion K£i introductory rosmarks as a •gOfnincent aad marvsUous getK The Daily Worker declared today after the debate, the occada "marked an important step" Sara the united front and it good that it "will speed joint ae»• every field...
...Thomas' probably was thinking of just that when ho insisted that Communists most demonstrate their "good faith...
...And is there not perfect cope ration between The Socialist Call and the Communist press in the effort to drive the Old Guard from the Socialist Party to make possible \he Communist united front...
...Thomas has Softened down his "Never" on the...
...The 'Rod menace is often a edgy, yet the demonstration He codanhJto that Che world's answer in a choice between Communism aad fascism will be fascist aad not Communist...
...Into the discard has gone the former strategy underlying their venomous campaigns against Socialism and liberalism...
...Louie Waeautan of the Madison Square Garden debate and the parts he and Krzyeki played therein, Comrade Thomas gave an interview to The Daily Worker in which be lent additional encouragement to the Communist organ in its campaign against the Socialist Old Guard...
...Does not The Socialist Call echo faithfully the slander and character assassination heaped upon the Old Guard by the Communist press...
...Communist "Post" After this testimony everything Comrade Thomas said before in sharp criticism of Communist doc* trine and methods was considerably vitiated...
...But to the observer from toe outside it does seam that a Communist promise to behave democratically should mean mere than once upon a time...
...Loyal cooperation was promised by the Communist spokesman, who was happy to point out that Mr...
...Wo mast judge C I...
...As Mr...
...That is why the Communist distributing agency mentioned above distributes The Socialist Call...
...Commenting upon criticism by Comr...
...Had Browder been able to follow Comrade Thomas he could have said with perfect justification, "Well, Comrade Thomas, if yea b*neve in oar sincerity, why tarry...
...But if Counr.imuta aomouaUata their "good faith" in democracy, than they are no longer Communists...
...We are prepared to believe that he was kidding the Communists, just as the Communists were kidding.him, hat, nevertheless, we repeat again, they get the better port Of the As we said last week in our eeeoaat Of the "debate," in the final analysis Browder wsa his point It was fortunate for Comrade Thomas that he had the last word under the rules of the debate, when he expressed his belief in the "sincerity" of (he Communists...
...Commenting on The Times' editorial, the liberal Evening Post, never u n f r ie n d 1 y to Comrade Thomas, declared: "Some ef Norman Thomas' respectability rubbed off en the ¦hnalasra of Communism at the Madison Hems re Garden debate Wednesday evening...
...Nor will the membership ef the Socialist Party be impressed by Comrade Thomas' sudden discovery at the .Madison Square Garden "debate" that the Communists are -sincere" hi their »aow toe...
...Previously, he had declared that it was up to them to prove their sincerity...
...national chairman ot the Matfot Party, who presided...
...The membership of the party will waat to know, we are sure, by what moral right the "militants" and their official organ undertook to play into the hands of the Communist Psrty in exchange for coin...
...It was s costly rhetorical flight, for it...
...Caaimeating on the Thaws awwanhw oat sit aad the the Communist position, the Times says: *. .. it does soma that a Cemmunist promise to behave democratically should mean more than ease up an a time' and 'a Communist promise to behave may really be good for a considerable time to coast.' "The Post aees no mom reason to depend upon the "good farm" of Communism toward democratic institutions than to depend span the "good faith" of any euher form ef wndenseegatic dictatorship...
...To this we reply: The defease which Comrade Thomas msde to the debate of the Socialist position lost Ks value whoa ho admitted the sincerity at Communist Agency Kstiujuies "Socialist Call", list Shows Stalinist...
...Gone is the doctrine that Communism is the designated beneficiary of democratic breakdown...
...How mack faith one can place in Communist profiewioas of support ef demo fracy aad to the seaeerily ef the Cammaafclt exited front appeal may be gleams' fmea the resolution adapt is oa the ernestie* at the recent seventh ceagreos of the Comintern, appearing elsewhere in this issue...
...Why not conclude the united treat st once...
...But no mere alarming than The Now York Tfaaos, which must have ihoeked ite Union League subscribers, yesterday morning...
...In this the Times was more careful than Comrade Thomas, suggesting by rm ah cation that goad Communist behavior st this time is no guarantee for the future...
...From the point of view of the interests of the- Co nun wrist Party it was a good bargain...
...The service performed for the Communists by The Socialist Call is entirely in line with the requirements set forth in the Comintern's united front resolution...
...Hp the Communists, ss their Bfii avers, this will remain a Eparsble date...
...Events have brought a sober lesson for the Communist faithful...
...subject of insurrection and dictatorship to a "Hardly ever," and this makes an affiance- possible...
...The Communists know who their friends are...
...German Communists joyfully cooperated with Hitler to overthrow the Weimar Republic, but it wss Hitler who succeeded to the estate...
...Does not The Socialist Call attack international Social Democracy in the style of the Communists...
...They may be celebrating prematurely, as we firmly believe they are, bat She press to general reported the Madias* Square Oarden performance as a lead dameast ration for one mated freest...
...We understand perfectly why the Communist agency distributes The Socislist Call and why the Call gets Communist advertising...
...Thomas is willing to take a chance, though he warns the Communists thst proof of a real change of heart must be forthcoming...
...And when the membership of the Socialist Party speaks, as H is bound to speak now, the Communists will discover that the road to the united front cannot he paved with dollars, aad the "militants" will learn that the members ef the Socialist Party intend to preserve the integrity of the Socialist Party...
...Thomas believes the gulf between democracy and Communism is not as wide as ft once was...
...Bat the membership of the Socialist Party throughout the country will have a different view ef the matter than that of the "militants...
...Comnmmsts Mail the Thomas-Browder Debate as a Victory for the United Front Stalinist Press Regards Madison Square Garden Affair as Big Step Toward Achievement of Communist Objective—Other Papers See Advance in Same Direction—Comments on the Debate •^^9 **SoOal DeuTlOClBn^' Bps propogsndi of tbo Commu^feTmnty^ for the united front, ¦Ste* parties hi nil countries, HjCjeined much -momentum since JPhfir'rr November 37, 1935...
...Events have amply proved that Communists are not the predestined heirs of chaos...
...A Narssoa squelched just ss efosattvety as a Norman Thomas in Italy...
...To be sure, Judas sold Jesus for thirty pieces of silver, while The Socialist Call and its "militant" backers asked a somewhat higher price, bat look at the talent they supplied...
...It is hard to believe there can ever be anything in common between dfmsrrscy with its guarantees ef civil righto aad Cossmsnuam with its hard bailed dictatorships...
...In this he is opposed by the Socialist Party in this city and State...
...sgdOSj by Us deeds, aft by its prof— •tons...
...In this they were assistJfag Comrade Thomas and Loo fcrydti...
...The other is The Socislist Call...

Vol. 18 • December 1935 • No. 79

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