Dutch Socialists Plan New Social Order "Ban Congress'' of the Prjnf*1 Labor Movement at a-eebt, Oct. 24-26, was on big Mfke Congress was held in TivoJi Hall with more Kg delegates. The...

...The increase in purchasing power resulting from the application of the ether measures in the Plan, and which will probably amount to 150 million, would create new marketing pos*ibilitis* for the textile industry in the country to the tune of 20 million...
...29 the unequal development of the machinery of production...
...Comrade W. v. d. Stuis gave the report on Agriculture...
...For the control of credit and the direction of the stream of capital, the plan envisages the soctaHsstioa of the bank of issue, in whose hands would he placed the supervision of the whole of private banking...
...The bujld_B?—as festively decorated both R|c and out...
...On the first day the EfgioB commissions met, each fj Saic h had to work on a sep^fc section of the resolution as phis • A draft of tbe resolution ¦fflssfi sent to the organizations Ejg* part some tune earlier, E| . request for amendments...
...And having produced Out plan, can we utmMse it successfully as (he development of a great mass movement of Socialism...
...The question of the distribution of goods is a more difficult one but here, too, the psychological obstacles are beginning to disappear, as the organizations of tbe middleclasses are already demanding measures for the restraint of the planless expansion of the machinery of distribution, which makes competition more severe...
...Hal its main lines...
...the renewal of the mechanical equipment of industry which is becoming dangerously out of fate...
...A Working Congress I a ire method of working was Lajapg...
...Whereas ftmpkym-enrt...
...Transport and Distribution The Plan deals in detail with Transport «nd with the Distribution #f Goods...
...The textile industry is capable of capturing a good part of tbe home market...
...A» far as transport ia eonosrnea, the psychological difrtenrties have already been overcome as even the Liberals are in favor of planning in this sphere...
...Effective demand must be increased by the mobilisation for productive purposes of capital that is lying unused...
...The Plan -has national limits but all the measures it contains have been so well weighed that they encourage Jibe international division of labor and the organization of economic life upon as...
...Waerden, unemployment is due to 1) defective adaptation as between the various branches of production...
...Upon the answer to those questions depends the future of our movement *n America...
...The program has become the instrument with which the Dutch workers will fight for power...
...international basis...
...From 45,000 to 66,000 houses are needed every pan...
...The credit system and the speculation in peoperty and land fwrther eontribute to disorganise budding...
...Be hegaa by emstesashtgthe fact that the pies, was net a> mere imitation of the Belgian Plan but was, nevertheless, the HftphMBInauMu...
...From the belfry echoed ^^pciafist songs of the dead Ei Drrk Troelstra...
...This applies for the intellectuals as a group also...
...The plan is a challenge to American Socialists...
...The second rapporteur, W. Drees, on Crisis Policy and Industrialization, explained thai a crisis uofli& pursued in accordance wKh our views could not as though by magic banish all the effects of the crisis...
...We appeal, too, to ether social classes, There are, in the life of s nation, momeats when the aifereness between the esasses recede into the background and aH forces are pressed into the service of a coalmen cause...
...a censcious jfal policy and jthis is only of society is given, in a large measure, the right of disposal where the means of production are caswexned.' The Flan endeavors to find an economic basis for the regulation of the mutual relationships of all groups, and strives for a just valuation of the services of all...
...The textile industry must be placed under central direction, and the Phut provides for the setting up of a council for the industry in which employers, trade unions aad authorities are to co-operate...
...Herein lies the urgent interest of agriculture in the patting into effect of the Plan...
...The policy of deflation claims to be a .crisis policy also, fts success, however, is negative, as it does not improve the position with regard to foreign trade and increasingly disorganises the heme market...
...Of the new houses •niddfi^dasT famttes shd too Hw for working-cuss families...
...Kupers also gave the report on the textile industry...
...Tbe unemployment in this industry, is the result of tho oxnnnation of purchasing power in the home market, the loss of large export markets and progressive rationalisation...
...We are i heirs of the jrreat (spiritual hefhl of the past, and we are roars] of the task of democratic Ssj ism, of the fostering aoil of sd| the Christian civilization of W ern Europe has also been a m The Han has been adopted...
...Kupers, the President of the Dutch Trade Union Centre, reported on "The Place Occupied by the Building Trade under the Plan...
...In addition to the transport administrative bodies and the transport board, the Plan provides for a distributive council for each branch of industry...
...A detailed program for that country was evolved at a recent "Plan Congress" in Utrecht...
...These figures are ¦listing proof that a decisive W*J* in the policy pursued is ¦*nmu...
...agriculture, too, the planning of production is necessary...
...The Merchant Marine Ip addition topubUe works mention mast be made of the renewal of th» raeechas* fieet at tbe more rapid rate of 100,000 tent' per annum, instead of 23,000 tons as during the past four Tears of the crisis...
...Both free trade and protectioavars rejected as systems and replaced by a planned exchange...
...it is relaWtf twice as great as m Belgium jHfcnr times as great as in ¦pssark and Sweden, with 400,000 ft«i>k>yed to a population of y> million...
...Thus unemployment avast he r—hatted by mronn of planning, control of expaawitin and rataoaaJiaatien, and a correct commercial policy, in order to prevent, or at least to drgunish, the elects of crisis, it is essential that one should he able to aonirol the expansion of the machinery of production and distribution...
...The reduction of woriong hours to 40 per week, with the maintenance of wages at their present level, would provide work for 87,000 people...
...In the street ?*j!jLr from the station to the f^-jr in which .the Congress E| bdd a propaganda tower Covered with bunting was ¦Leted...
...Erf iisenesion on the first day Est six "Plan Committees...
...The expansion of the transport system can be controlled by a system of concessions...
...But a purposeful crisis policy is capable of reversing the present direction of economic life and successfully combating unemployment...
...But we appeal to the workers outside ear movement, for whose benefit also the Plan has been called into being...
...In Rotterdam the number of houses built increased from 822 during 1917 to 7,102 during 1927, and then fell to 1,367 during 1932...
...The Kgsttoo as a whole, as amended i these discussions, was submitBi^s the Congress and comEail *n by six rapporteurs...
...The well prepared propaganda of the Party and of the trade anion movement will make sure of this, "We offer our plan to a free people...
...Such s cause is the Plan...
...In addition, the whale Question of rents is to be made subject to the supervision of special bedSes...
...Its operation would relieve the budget to the extant of 44 million per annum so that the sum necessary for three j ears is thus reduced to 470 million...
...This change in policy K+*ty consist is...
...Can we, in this country, mobilise the intellectual, scientific and labor froeee to produce a shuMar plan corresponding to the realities and needs of the United States...
...In this connection a special place is to be conceded to the cooperative societies...
...Among the latest recruits in the movement for economic planning is the labor and Socialist movement of the Netherlands...
...V^fys Ceng res » aroased the I_nstf* interest antoag "she lalPt- the etty eoanefl nf «tlenet welcomed the Congress IShak fart in it...
...Expenditure upon the public works of the local authorities has decreased from a yearly average of #50 million guilders to from 11 to 14 rniHion...
...The task of the transport board which is to be set up, however, is, for the time being, that of restoring the transport system to sensible proportions and adapting it to actual needs...
...The Labor Bgbeialiat International was ftSaf**'** by Van Boosbroeck, ¦ftj§graetional Federation of ¦hit Unions by Comrade Stolx, Eibtant Secretary...
...The plan is in no way a risky extravagance...
...It will set the mines of til political parties moving...
...An Engineer Reports Iftsnede H, Vbs, engineer and ¦Ma of the Research Bureau ftftV worked oat the Plan, do...
...an*} tttfe Stobs en behalf of the* RJX, and of the trade union Hahon* from Belgium, SwitzerBjrM Swsden...
...Another engineer, Dr...
...These plans are capturing the minis and imaginations of growing millions...
...v. o. Waorden, gave a lecture on the Control of the Trade Cycle and Rationalization...
...Ilgere these vital decisions EiiilltraHT arrived at...
...But the lack of system, too, is horrifying...
...This represents about half the sum raked during the war vears for mobilisation purposes...
...Unemployment must be coinbatted by, the provision of work but also by an increase in the general consuming power...
...Socialists and the Trade union* save been applying themselves diligently to the task of evolving practical plans for immediate social and economic reeonistruction as against the former method of relying upon general slogans ami programs...
...Vsa Brambseck gave the report on this santinn...
...We need scarcely appeal to ens own movement to fight for the Phut...
...Nor are the 499,000 agricultural workers now in had ease forgotten...
...Bat ha...
...in order to carry on building at this rate the control of building by tins local authorities, either singly or in groups, is essential...
...The same picture is to be found in every part of the country...
...In tome places it will cause splits, in sthers ft will bring about a rapprochement...
...A Board of Research A board far research into economic cycles and an economic council are envisaged for the exercise of planning powers in the remaining economic sphere...
...The gain in material welfare, at which the Plan aims, must not be bought at the cost of a loss of spiritual and, political freedom, which is the greatest heritage of the 31 people.'* Following tnm the Coagmam ried uriarrrmoufrr a long a| tion m the form of a Mtem addressed to the people of Sroi • On the second day of tht-n gres* Coen van der Lends a survey of the propaganda carried on in the immediate'h The Chairman of the Party, Vorrink, dedicated two*"Pbia ners," that of the Party Ex* and that of the Executive t National Trade Union Cent* his speech h* made a re**fj avowal of his faith in demet "Democracy is no long means to an end...
...We give below an account of the proceedings at tho Utrecht congress and the details of the plan of action adopted...
...In the political straggle the Plan will be one of oar chief weapons...
...It Is not Bfi as est W of ahjnring the ¦s of delation bat of ao order¦ awaoatic life that Csat we ¦age from chaos, and second ¦ N are protected agaiast frafh Parade Van Roosbroeck spuka ¦Vpn behalf of the X.SJ...
...Subordinate to it the economic council would have, in addition to the hoard for research into economic cycles, sn audit department, ia order that it may direct the urge to expansion sad rationalization along proper paths...
...During 1925 8,402 houses were built...
...We desire to put the Plan into effect by democratic methods...
...In addition, the government must set up a selling organization to purchase guaranteed products for which possibilities of sale exist, at pmrihwhiits trices, sji ssu theta on to tite canspsM i. Third, the system of snhsidjat So agriculture must be Tsfhrmgd from top to bottom in order to prevent them from filling tint pockets of the pidSJcffsen as they ham dene in the past, ia addition, the flan makes nrpyisjoa for an Act relatAct relating mortgages which would block up assay sources ol distress...
...3) too rapid or too alow rationalisation, and 4) the hindering of International trade...
...K Cfcngreas held its first ¦Mary session on Saturday, OeEr fifith, under the chairmenMjt President Kupers of the ¦ha Trade Union Contra, who M opening speech enrphasises ¦fine supreme aim of the Plan paf&m consisted' in the pre— Haaf security of existence for ¦i bread masses of the Dutch Kaas security of existence for Kt who still have a means of Ethood and-a new existence for & 0)4*90 unemployed...
...The schoolleaving age must be raised for 30,0® young people...
...In England, Belgium, the Scandinavian votuUries, Switzerland and elsewhere...
...In a country in which, daring 1983, 100,000 brood sows were destroyed, in which, in 1934, 1,700 wagonroads of vegetables found their way to the rubbish heap, and in 1934-1935 over 159,000 cows were slaughtered while with calf, while thousands of families were in dire need, the first cry of the farmer who grasps the situation at aH is, "Increase purchasing power...
...These first measures would have to be followed by a second series: The expansion of industry to render imports unnecessary on the one hand, and to satisfy new needs on the other...
...flaf ft> JEeuSfedl WaaUCfc W anal becoming appartst in aH countries for concrete and constructive economic programs, fat every country it is being increasingly realized that the tremendous forces arenas* by capitalist methods of production mast be brought under the authority of society...
...It is the, of our blood and the mast asm confession of our faith hi dm tion, in the value of the persatfl of each one of us...
...He began ft awning attention to the exJt of unemployment...
...The extravagance exists today in that capital and -labor power are allowed to lie unused...
...The movement for economic planning along social and Socialist linos as the only practical means of coping with the problem* presented by capitalism and the depression is sweeping the advanced industrial countries whore Socialism and labor exercise a powerful and growing influence...
...1 mightiest propaganda that oar movement hss ever em taken begin*.'" Workers Are Making History in Great Campaign for Rebuilding Netherlands on Socialist Basis — Another Important Contribution to the Growing Movement of Combatting Capitalist Disorganization by Practical Socialist Action—A Challenge to American Socialists...
...Seventy men | Jiiwrf and public men^ and Ijtjud^nTitations to the Conp* Congress had been organtat iMBtiy by the Dutch Social ¦SulHtl' Party and the Dutch Onion Centre...
...Eg* amendments were the sab...
...Transport is to be regarded as a unity...
...The Political Phase Lastly, Comrade J. W. Albarda, Leader of the Social Democratic Party in -the Second Chamber, reported en the place occupied by the Elan in Jhe political life of Holland...
...According to Dr...
...Hay it accept and realize it in complete freedom...
...The Plan of A.tion envisages a Marketing Research Board to ascertain the needs of the home market and possibilities of marketing abroad and help agriculture consciously to regulate its production...
...In addition, s great deal of renovation needs to be done...
...During the years 1908, 1909 and 1920 less than 1,000 houses were built in Amsterdam per annum...
...is decreasing in ¦¦.countries it has increased by ftR or over 10%, in Holland Rf the past year...
...The Plant makes grerisien far the sotting up of suoicipal and regional sdsainiatratiua sadies for bnHdfthg and for a national adaugklautive body far this consisting of employers, trade unions and public authorities...
...For this an industrial hank is necessary and 600 million guilders are necessary for the putting into effect' of the plan...
...in 1933 the number was 2,610...
...aaMHeSaM B^aWjMn SAmmAmal Housing Reform Needed The building of houses must be brought into a certain harsseag with the building of factories, schools, hospitals, etc...
...new political groupings will arise about the Plan...
...The supporters of a more modest standard of living for the people overlook the fact that they are supporting thereby an increase in unemployment...
...the organized workers everywhere realize that mere "revolutionary" slogans and emotionalism are poor instruments for the building of a new social order...
...They, too, are to share in tits blessings of social legislation...
...Private initiative in the building trade means anarchy...
...As a reft tt the potting' into operation pi Plan 200,000 unemployed Behave work and subsistence Ml within three years...

Vol. 18 • December 1935 • No. 70

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