A. F. of L. Council Speeds Plans to Organize Auto And Steel Industries ...... ...______ 0 Rebuffed Twice by Roosevelt, Labor Assails Wolman Board's Plant Elections; Cigarette Magnate and Code...

...It is composed of representatives of major unemployed groups in 20 states...
...Must Unite Groups Today no such organization exists...
...Assured that wage scales and working conditions will not be wiped out, the "rank and file" committee that tfed up traffic in the one-day strike recently is expected to murk time pending the appeal...
...18, 8 p.m...
...20, 8 p.m...
...M, 8 p.m...
...The Central Labor Union of Lancaster County also assailed the miscarriage of justice in the case not only of Stein and those arrested with him but also of Patrick J. Quinlan, veteran organizer framed up and convicted after the textile strike...
...In December, when the board chose plants in which to hold, elections, it chose "not the plants | where they knew the A.F.ofL...
...To win our fight we must have a powerful, nation-wide organization, militant in program nnd nonpartisan in character and leadership...
...I Heading midwest from the council meeting to build up the United Automobile Workers, Frances J. Dillon, general organizer, declared | in a speech in Atlanta, (Ja., that the A.F.ofL...
...Member;: of the American Fedjrntion «f-Labor . EwctHlve,, Coun)il ilkefe*: WJUiarn A}t«tt>#*<* lent: Fraik Morrison...
...unions in the automohile industry...
...legislative program was thoroughly considered, a 1936 convention city selected and other business attended to...
...DETROIT.—Organizer Frances J. Dillon has announced the Itinerary of • proposed spaaking tour •y William Green irtileb will laat eight days and take him IntoWht different automobile manufacturing centers...
...Meanwhile the shipping interests are stopped from instituting abuses in the way of wage cuts and discharges such as followed Judge Humphrey's original order January 2, according to Edward J. Maguire, union attorney...
...This wording indicates a purpose to discount the membership of the A.F.ofL...
...Sharecroppers Fight | Must Be Supported...
...William Walsh, Kavanaugh, R. B. lastern representative Retail Clerks Inter'rotective Union, with i association is affiliSamuell Null, counsel frocery clerks, reoreunion in negotiations loyers...
...Credential flowing in daily to the office of the National Committee, 20 West jlevard, Chicago, 111...
...The learned judge's remarks will be one reason why a higher court will reverse the verdict, it is expected...
...Williams had been declared unfit for his position because of his anti-labor, chiseling and anticode attitude...
...Kussel Wood, president of the union, was chairman of the conference...
...It was further asked that "no more trials of textile workers or striker* or labor officials be held in the cminTO DECIDE FEE...
...automobile unions, refusing to disband Wolman's Automobile Labor Hoard, Ogburn called the plant elections held by the board illegal...
...Michigan State Legislature, Lansing, Mich...
...At no time was evidence offered to prove that Stein wus directly or indirectly responsible for the gathering nor the subsequent disorder...
...ny refuses to accede •nand of the Grocery ires Executives and Association, A.F.ofL., nition, 10 to 20 per ! increases, readjustvork hours and other bership meeting will nday afternoon at the Hotel when a strike ely...
...In August, 1934, a group of strikers peacefully picketing the Muriettu Mills In Columbia, Pa., wus attacked by the fheriff and nis thug deputies...
...Green to Tour Auto Centers '.WASHINGTON.—The Executive Council of the American Federation of Labpr in session here at national headquarters, lias been paying special attention to the automobile and steel industries...
...isser, of the Workers I Union, is chairman of .1 committee and Paul of the Illinois Workers secretary, of Delegations : to the plans, each memployed group is eni delegates to the con¦al groups are entitled tree delegates, with the one state not exceeding red groups wishing to ihould send immediately ials to the office of the :o West Jackson Boule«all reads as follows: HLOrnciAL Call...
...Just as an intensive campaign is in the offing, fierce civil war has fceen developing within the union...
...So far as I here is nothing to do a s trike," Null said National Unemployed onvention in Capital Is Set for March 2, 3, 4 Ifor the National UnemConvention of unemke place in Washington 1 has been issued and it to hundreds of unemips throughout the nairst response was from nt Southern Tenant lion, which.promised to delegation, e a letter from the Nalomic Welfare Federatgon, stating, "We are id will be in Washingen 2." Kentucky came Ohio, Illinois, Missouri n quick succession to lir support...
...Labor here believes Judge Atlee held off so long because he 1 felt that the workers would be less 'inclined to strike in protest when [facing the rigors of winter...
...yet the industry is objecting to a cbde which would provide minimum wages of 3S and 40 cents an hour and a maximum 86-hour week...
...The first two days of the executive council session were taken up largely by a conference with other labor representatives appearing before the National Industrial Recovery Board, at the hearing on labor provisions of NRA codes, and personal appearance of members [if the council at this hearing...
...South Bend, Ind., 'Wednesday, Feb...
...The convention will take place in Washington, D. C, March 2-3-4, and out of it will come the national union of the unemployed and a program to win for ourselves the promised American standard of living...
...There are, however, hundreds of strong city, county and state groups which must be united into a single fighting union...
...In view of the A.F.ofL.'s fight on Wolman, Richberg and President Roosevelt, the battle to organize industrial unions in these basic trades has received new impetus, In response to a letter from Roosevelt to Charlton Ogburn, the counsel for the A.F.ofL...
...17, 2 p.m...
...At the same time big business is openly demanding that relief appropriations be cut, that wages be lowered...
...The A.F.ofL...
...Organizers Framed, Pennsylvania Labor Raps Legal Outrages "yORK, Pa.—Another instance of vicious frameup to be added to the rapidly growing list occured in Lancaster recently when Herman Stein of Philadelphia, member of the Upholsterers' Union Local 25 and organizer for the United Textile Workers, was sentenced to six months in jail, a $500 fine and costs after as raw an exhibition of judicial prejudice us has been seen in American labor disputes...
...The itinerary follows: Green's Itinerary Cleveland, Oh., Sunday, Feb...
...would advise the auto workers if a strike seemed necessary...
...The York Federation of Trades Unions passed a resolution attacking the sentence, and pledging every effort to obtain the release of Stein, who is lauded for his splendid service to labor and whose arrest is seen us an invasion of the rights of labor to organize...
...Problem In Steal Another important problem facing the executive council has been the situation in the steel industry...
...The A.F.ofL...
...But members and the officials of the union are getting ready for action in the event of defeat in the higher court or further chiseling by transportation bosses...
...unions against the payrolls supplied by the companies, he stated, and that this method of determining who really represented the workers showed to the board that the American Federation of Labor unions represented large majorities of the workers in the automobile plants...
...Your organization is invited to participate in this convention...
...However, funds must still be raised to appeal the conviction of 24-year-old ftodgers on the anarchy charge and to carry on the work of organizing the sharecroppers, Koch and Bob Read, a student at the college, part of a delegation , helping Comrade H. L. Mitchell or- J ganize sharecroppers, were kidnapped by » mob of planters, dep- j uties and other thugs and severely i beaten...
...Many silk bosses were forcing wage cuts or piling on machine loads in continuation of the stretch-out...
...A S the fight broadens to save ^ Ward H. Rodger*, Socialist I organizer for the Southern Tenant Farmers' Union, convicted of crim-1 inal anarchy in Arkansas, a late flash from Lepanko, Ark...
...Milwaukee, Wis., Tuesday, Feb...
...Through unity let us win emancipation from hunger, destitution and pauperism...
...Although the jury's verdict was rendered lust October, sentencing | wus delayed for three and a half months...
...1 ! i Criticiies Ballotinq Ogburn, answering Roosevelt's sharp refusal of the A.F.ofL.'s request, charged that election ballots did not contain a place where employes might vote for an organization as their choice of a collective bargaining agency...
...Warrants charging Stein and other unionists with* illegal assembly were' issued, but peculiarly enough Stein was not arrested until three weeks after, although he was at all times accessible to officials charged with he execution of the decree...
...Join with us to help forge our national organization...
...sturetar?} the treasurer (position now temporarily vacant because of the death of Martin F. Ryan), and the following 15 vi --presidents: Frank Duffy, T. A. Uickert, Matthew Woll, John Coefield, Arthur 0. Wharton, Joseph N. Weber, 0. N. Bugniazet, George M, Harrison, Daniel J, T6bin, William L. Hutcheson, George L. Berry, John L. Lewis, David Dubinsky, Harry C. Bates and Edward J. Gainor...
...The unions have agreed to hold off interference with freight on the docks while the case is carried to the Court of Appeals...
...Delegates, who came from as far us Rhode Island und Connecticut, reported that many manufacturers were operating their mills in direct violation of the principle on which the general textile strike was settled...
...i • ' :i...
...in 1933 the workers got less than $14,000,000...
...Louis, Mo., Monday,'Feb...
...They even propose to rob the unemployed of the right to vote...
...Six others arrested in the same case were merely fined $25 by Judge Atlee, who called names, attacked foreigners and union agitators, waved the American flag and saved the constitution, made the eagle "cream and lectured on the sanctity of the sheriff of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania...
...Win the American standard of living...
...The Automobile Labor Board, after its appointment on March 2<>, 1M4, began checking lists of the members of the A.F.ofL...
...The council may consider formation of federal unions,- directly under the Federation, eventually to be combined into one big union to consolidate with or replace the Amalgamated, President Green" Is reported to have said...
...Subterfuge Charged "When the board announced that only 4 per cent of the workers had voted for the A.F.ofL...
...Frank Schweitzer, general secretary of the American Federation of Silk Workers, was chief speaker...
...Waiving a hearing, Stein was eventually tried mill found guilty by a complaisant jury...
...Average yearly profits of the companies •re about $100,000,000, it is revealed...
...He charged that the rules for election and the ballots were not in accord | with Section 7-A and were contrary to provisions of Joint Congressional Resolution 44...
...H l.-K t luu-« ji ujuiecled to j " be no gtneral strike action on the part of teamsters and longshoremen following Hupreme Court Justice Humphrey's granting of an injunction, the unions will not be idle in face of the threat implied in his order...
...Another session will be held in Providence, Pawtucket, R, I., February 17 to map final strike Kefis...
...it wilfully and purposely refused to make known that the representatives voted for are individuals, that the name 'American Federation of Labor Federal Labor-Union' is no,t on the ballot as an organization to be voted for...
...Martin C. Kyne, nt...
...had compiled statistics showing that profits of the Reynolds Arm, one of the "big four" with P. Lorrillard, American Tobacco and Liggett Myers, exceed the total pf wages paid to ail the workers in the industry...
...J MREEVES CHAIN mirLOYlS NAY STRIKE Iegctiations broken off ing a deadlock before nal Labor Board, a •ver 2,000 employes in Daniel Reeves, Inc., Dres in New York and >ns seems imminent...
...had j large majorities but plants where, either the federation had no unions' at all or had very small unions," j Ogburn charged...
...If possible, the Automobile Workers' male chorus, composed of members of Automobile Workers' Federal Labor Unions in Detroit will accompany President Green on his tour...
...Pauper Conditions But the works program now planned by the Washington authorities, while pretending to give jobs, will in reality give only another form of work relief under pauper conditions and at rtarvation wages...
...Toledo, Oh., Sunday, Feb, 17, 8 p.m...
...IThe aged veteran Michael F. Tighe, president of the Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers, has started expulsion proceedings against members who attended a "rump" convention recently...
...Film, Mich., Thursday...
...The organization railed upon the governor to "act at once to prevent such legal outrages, and . . . sweep the legal racketeers and political vermin from public life...
...v -WW S? faiWrjp...
...81, 8 p.m...
...wt-.-M Lansing, Mteh., Friday, Ft*, ftt, Detroit, Mktw SaUfrda^ Febjlt (Mm* Hot determined...
...This was well known to the board, he added...
...In 22 states jjgj^360,000 unemployed, re30-hour week...
...Atley Delaney, Socialist student member of the delegation, Ji pas shaking at a Cynsaza, Ark* < Meeting at the time...
...Hundreds of cigarette workers get lets than ten cents an hour and the average wage was $613 a year dn 1983 the Federation charges...
...Out of twelve plants where elections have been held only three had federal labor unions...
...A general *¦ strike in the silk industry unless the investigation ordered in the Winant report remedies existing evils was voted almost unanimously by 160 delegates here representing 60,000 organized silk workers in centers throughout the east...
...31, lp.m...
...announces that charges of "spreading false rumors and calumnies" against Rodgers and Lucien Koch,1 head of Commonwealth College, I had been dropped...
...The unemployed and relief workers of the nation are faced with a struggle on a national scale to win real jobs at union wages, the right to organize, and for unemployment and social insurance...
...Cigarette Magnate and Code Opponent Who Heads ftRA Defended by the President...
...Lansing, Mich., Thursday, Feb...
...Send delegates to Washington on March 2-3-4...
...To serve this -need ind to call a national convention of the unemployed, a national provisional committee has been elected...
...UNEMPLOYED AND PT-TIME WORKERS OF EL AMERICA IB Building or a Nation•PJji Nonpartisan Union ' iw!BER 24* N*ti0n'1 Unem" JP**»t Day, was an imporjl, workers...
...demand made at the San Francisco convention that S. Clay Williams, head of the Reynolds Tjobacco Co., be ousted as NRA chief...
...Provision was made only for voting for names of individuals as representatives for collective bargainang," he declared, charging that holding elections in automobile plants, "where the employes are subject to the scrutiny of the officials of the company was contrary to the customury method of holding government supervised elections...
...was, not the first in recent days, labor observers attending the sessions here noted, citing a letter just made public, which Roosevelt had sent Green late in December, At that time Roosevelt absolutely refused to consider the A.F.ofL...
...These demonstrations, carried on at the same hour, the same day, throughout the country, compelled the national administration to recognize the demand of the unemployed for a work program...
...I Orgsrized labor, however, ha* been rallying to Stein's aid...
...Previous Rebuff to A. F. of L. President Roosevelt's acid rebuff to the A.F.ofL...

Vol. 18 • February 1935 • No. 66

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