Editor Comments: About Discovering the Worker; ^Labor Press, Education H ja tfct Labmr Press; Elf f*a Worker* Kfn a while the public prints (capitalist press to you) bursts ^comment on a...

...Local union leaders, with the cooperation of the sheriff of Rossville, had been successful in keeping the troops out of Rossville during and after the general strike...
...Trade unions and sympathetic organisations are urged not to arrange competing dstes but to , i ii n I'lJlJEss^asifl Labor Backing Campaign For Socialist Mayoralty Candidates in Chicago CHICAGO—A drive to place a Socialist city ticket in the field in the coming mayoralty election was launched at a conference of over a hundred trade union, fraternal and labor political groups at the Workmen's Circle Lyceum Sunday, January 13...
...One thing is certain, that the use of armed force by the manufacturers in open alliance with the Georgia state government, is not going to turn back the tide of unionism...
...Once only ublicatione showed knowledge and spirit and technical :an name a score of labor papers which are live and nd in each issue stories of labor struggle, heroic and lly by worker-participants, stand out...
...Since these abuses arc, however, increasing daily, this conference voted to carry on active work until the necessary gaing were made...
...but that's Comrade Starr's spirit His*-- ---background of labor educational and cultural work and his keen sense of the overwhelming importance of such work bespeak new triumphs for an educational department which historically has blared the trail for workers' education...
...The municipal platform with some changes was also approved and adopted...
...11 HPHK Jewish Labor Committee, * in cooperation with the Labor Che»t to Combat Fascism, is planning a mass meeting for Cooper Union or another hall on Feb...
...Harry W.>W.r,.niethfr.,, ISCUIT STRIKERS HOLDING LINES FIRM "THE strike of the Inside Ba.1 kery Workers' Unipn, Federal Local No...
...and permanent and genuine—to speak on cultural nonp»fl»pics...
...Nobody wants to go back...
...What makes it all the more jwutaiypfhat these ladies and gentlemen have been alleged to be WrtJjRhe workingcla.-s: look at the big Union Square demonstratyhave been a part of, after a fashion...
...Bmh from labor organizations representing factory workers and from h o m e w o r kers themselves, there is a growing tide of opinion against the abuses of industrial homework...
...It pointed out, however, that this bill could only be a first step, a* the conference believed In the complete abolition of homework...
...We're out until they give in," one of the pickets declared...
...They have withdrawn their settlement offer, after the general manager signed it, and that shows that somteihng funny is going on inside the company...
...The Central Trades and Labor Council of New York endorsed the stand of this conference in its fight/against homework...
...And in recommending the reading of the series, I do so with full realization of the humor of a situation where "honest" building bosses, part of the supreme racketeering system of capitalism, unite to end the petty racketeering of "extortionists...
...Elf f*a Worker* Kfn a while the public prints (capitalist press to you) bursts ^comment on a dramatic- picket line of two rich men or 30 sky| tto* helping a Communist union get publicity...
...They ¦MMbe opportunity to appear before real union meetings—not so Hj^B and hurrah-ish as the "union" meetings they've been acHHPU) address, and sing, dance and act before, but ever so much h tip...
...The stockholders, who have drawn dividends out of the toil of these workers for many years, have gotten tired of "labor troubles" and have decided to quit "producing...
...They are becoming aware of the fact that their previpMfalg of "nearness to the worksrs" was a delusion...
...As a matter of fact, eight men working in the spinning department, not involved in this strike against a proposed wage-cut, walked out the day the "tin-hats" appeared...
...Wfcat Conquests— PAR be it from this column to * underestimate the vital importance to the labor and Socialist movement of the appointment of a comrade to a judgeship in the domestic relations court...
...The conference reports considerable progress on the campaign against homework...
...The result has often L^BlrtWe capable workers with the unions, though available and jfcTJ...
...I In addition to the representatives of the branches of the Socialist Party and Poale Zion, the i Workmen's Circle, the Workers Committee on Unemployment and youth organizations, delegates participated from locals of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers, the I.L.G.W.U., Upholsterers, Waiters Union, Cap Makers, International Association of Machinists, Pocketbook Makers, Neckwear Makers, Writers Union, Hebrew Singers and the Federation of Jewish Trade Unions...
...eee Unetnpleyed Answer Relief Bar sou QTATION WEVD (The Voice of ^ Debs) has granted to the Workers' Unemployed Union, voice of the organized jobless in New York City, the opportunity to answer the city's relief bureau, which has been making weekly broadcasts of gratification and vindication over the station...
...Fight On Home Work Widens OEPHKHENTATIVE8 of unions ** including in their ranks about 300,000 women workers in the Stste of New York, met In a second conference Monday afternoon at the offices of the New York Women's Trsde Union League, 247 Lexington Avenue...
...The Communist helrarchs, ¦¦failed to smash the unions, arc beginning to recognize them, Hp »» • preliminary exercise in a newer technic of smashing !sad the "revolutionary" literateurs are turning their usual inlomersaults...
...That week will mark the passage of a year since infamous Dollfusa coolly crushed in Mood the protest of Vienna's workers against the loss of their liberties...
...P*tk« Banner, though, couldn't resist the poem of birthday greetPHmnklin D. It's hard to recognize in the childish praises of HMfethe callous chief executive who didn't curb concentration pi* hammer mill operators into line...
...But somewhere in the rejoicing and celebration, it seenis to this column, there should be sounded the note of healthy regret that the triumphant jubilation can't be over a judgeship in a court that really matters to labor—where injunctions and labor legislation, for example, are dealt with—and a judgeship not bestowed as a gift by a mayor frantic to win labor and liberals to his fluctuating banners but fought for and won by the party with the aid of labor...
...tmaybe my dates are a little mixed...
...At the same time, as I had occasion to i these column* some months ago, every day of the year men and j^jfjl young people—real unionists and Socialists—strike and P; and die for union without ballyhoo or balderdash, and of reporters and photographers, ghts run through my head as 1 glance over the pages labor publications that come to my desk and follow me ouraging advance in the caliber of the labor magazines ng element in the education of the workers...
...Edmond Gottesman, of the | Men's Neckwear Makers' Union...
...But this time, when the hosiery union, nine-tenths of all the employees in the company's largest mill, struck against a proposed wage-cut wheij their pay was already 30% lower than the wages paid -by competing companies, the troops were sent in from distant parts of the state...
...The conference, headed by John Edgerton, President of the Tennessee Manufacturers' Association, issued a statement that because the companies had been losing money, the wage' minimum must be reduced to nine and six dollars...
...The Socialist Party and the Young Peoples' Socialist League are coperating...
...The women are cooking meals in a mess tent at the picket line, and the children enjoyed a Christmas party given them by the Teachers' Union of Chsttanooga...
...Morris Seskind for city treasurer, and Arthur McJDowell for city clerk...
...We're Tired of Them...
...Either the man or woman LrB» «n important educational post had to be a "melamed"—a CI With a name from a college with a name—or else the union ™JP» Other extreme and baldly refused to pick anybody who had MM tnm tne rank» oi the membership...
...no excuse except the organized strength of the workers who had learned the le.'son of the general strike...
...Abraham Miller, of the | New York Joint Board of the j Amalgamated Clothing Workers' Union...
...The only danger 4x that such a bill might be slipped through when everybody is looking somewhere else or is chasing some will o' the wisp, like a red scare...
...If the bosses think they can put across legislation of that kind, they've got another think coming...
...And congratulations to the union Hjpfad the necessity for thecreation of such a post and for the ffj> of such a man for the post...
...Listen in Wednesdays at 8:45 p. m. Next week, John Lovojoy Elliott, member of the mayor's relief committee who resigned,' will speak...
...the weekly of the [Hptia Hosiery Workers' Union (edited by Comrade David HH*no also edits the Philadelphia Labor Record), and the Silk Bp Workers' paper (edited by Comrade Wolff)— these set a high Btlm at...
...Some of them are mere boys, many of them in no way connected with the strike...
...An excellent staff of workers has been gathered to advance the educatiqaal, cultural and recreational frontiers of the union...
...We are in a stronger position than ever...
...Habeas Corpus Pleas Entered to Release Strikers in South I ( ly Zilla Hemes .|li|ONTEAGLE, Tenn...
...In the meantime, hearings on the cares of locked-out textile strikers in North Georgia are being conducted in Chattanooga, with the union as compainant making a laughing stock out of company witnesses by proving they are not telling the truth...
...have not been made use of in places for which they are Mark Starr, just named head of the I.L.G.W.U.'s national educational work, Is a "professor," all right, but a worker-professor...
...The answer to the Socialist conference call is significant of the fast changing attitude of the labor unions and their members toward independent labor political action, at least in self* defense...
...Then come Norman Thomas, Dr...
...Doesn't that show how we stand...
...Comrade Cohen fought for and directed educational work over a long and arduous period of years...
...This meeting was called by the executive committee of the Labor Conference which includes Fred Umhey, of the Intl...
...Magazines like Justice, organ of the I.L.G...
...She has won the respect and affection, not only of members of the International but of all who are interested in labor education, for her noteworthy activities both with her union and with Brookwood Labor College, of which she has been member of the executive board...
...In making reference to these articles, I do so with full knowledge of the fact thst in the final analysis every capitalist paper, no matter how "friendly" to labor in general, must of necessity knife labor in the hack...
...First credit is due, of course, to the Socialist Rand School...
...The strikers are picketing also hundreds of groceries where N.B.C...
...The most recent attack was on the Elevator Operators Union, immediately after It had won a surprise victory of a 10 per cent wage increase from the hardboiled employers' association...
...A huge picket line of earnest unionists daily surrounds the big plant of the company in New York, where over 3,000 workers are out...
...The publicity carried on by this conference has resulted in a larger number of visits from home workers, who have related their experiences of earning from 5-15 cents an hour under codes which presumably set a rate of at least 30 cents per hour...
...That's why it behooves labor to be on the watch against all kinds of innocuous looking proposals, even when they are put forward by alleged friends of labor...
...They give facts and figures and offer a labor and Hfcbackground to the class struggle...
...There had been no violence...
...he said, (I really mean "innocently...
...They're reading books P MJMhand books by union builders, not union breakers...
...We're not going to work at the point of a gun," they told their boss...
...In Philadelphia, the 1,100 mensbers of the Cookie, Cracker and -Biscuit Workers' Union, who started the ctrike wave, are fighting hard...
...An editor of the New Masse* triumphantly a comment in a recent issue in which an A. F. of L. union >ned without the quaintly derogatory epithets that used to :h mention...
...The conference went on record in favor of the current bill regulating industrial homework (Benate and Assembly Introductory No...
...They have found out that the battle is just begun...
...I must confess that one of the reasons I approve so heartily of Comrade Starr's appointment must be that we see eye to eye on so many things...
...President Roosevelt may...
...and still secretary of the department...
...the following week Mary Fox...
...ThV fiOO hosiery workers at Soddy, Tenn., have been out for over two months and the mill is cloyed down tight...
...In spite *** of the presence in Rossville, Ga., of 850 state troopers, including one company specially trained in strike-breakin;;, the workers of the Richmond Hosiery Company, on strike since Christmas, are holding their ranks 100% solid...
...W.A.'s sister union is so successfully functioning...
...A few mills have moved out their machinery and are starting up elsewhere, but the unions are prepared to follow them...
...Estranged lis* from organized labor, they'd like to approach—and they feel Hpt awkward about it...
...Louis Schsffer continues as supervisor-of recreational activities of the I.L.G.W.U., in which post he has made notable advances along a far-flung line...
...P papers stand high...
...Attempts by bosses' gangsters to intimidate picketers are not meeting with much success...
...This week the mill at Daisy, employing 400, is also closed down, "The company thinks they will Mire the upper hand thu» week," ican Federation of Hosiery Workers, "but they are wrong...
...Police activities recently became a major girevance through the irresponsible and illegal action of the Democratic State's Attorney, who has inaugurated a campaign of raiding union offices, seising union books and arresting members of trade unions in large numbers under a smoke screen of attacking "racketeering...
...19685, of the A. F. of L., against the National Biscuit Co., is proceding in four cities with unabated vigor...
...The secretary was to urge individual unions to send their own representatives...
...Strangely enough, these raids on "racketeering" have always taken the form of attacks on unions striking or threatening to strike for wage increases...
...Even assuming the untenable for a moment—that workers, trying to win a chance at a decent living for themselves and their families, are "unreasonable" in their demands, whatever that means—imagine the ethical values and the economic validity of a system that permits coupon clippers to decide that 1,100 workers and their families shall be sentenced to starvation because the dividendgrabbers are tired of their unreasonableness...
...to liquidate...
...Ladies' Garment Workers' i Union...
...Headline™ in the Chicago municipal program are a large city housing program, immediate public ownership of traction, gas and electric utilities and halting of police attacks on the city's trade unions...
...Three organizers and two International representatives are in charge of the strikes...
...The dual role of Major Hochfelder as representative both of the "Homeworkers' Protective League" and of employers in the embroidery industry has been given wide publicity...
...And it beats all how ¦HWt of my friends in that cultural camp are to learn someF^iiiUinions and the workers...
...The Amalgamated, long a progressive and militant anion, should not be backward •to tkto vlUli«k* wert...
...The conference plans a campaign for interstate legist lative pacts establishing Ufrffo |M standards in neighboring stf...
...A newcomer in the HRfe Textile Labor Banner, a fighting weekly organ of the U. LKjfhnost completely free from the ludicrou* sentimental and HKMP*triotic" banality that marked older textile union journals...
...Not one striker has taken advantage of "the right to work" which the troops are there to enforce...
...We made one mistake, Labor should have put up its own candidate and defeated Governor Talmadge...
...II to commemorate the heroic battle of the Austrian Socialist workers against Fascist domination...
...Suffice it to say that it presents the case of the jobless and those on relief adequately and graphically, and that it fully answers the apologium of the city administration...
...The thousands of new members enrolled during the past year, and many of the older members, both need and would welcome activities of this kind, in which the A.C...
...It also suggested that the law should go into effect 80 days after psssage instead of on January 1, 1986...
...Wj* Mark Starr Ptfcorf for I.LW.G.U...
...Many Arrests Although the troopers have been arresting not only strikers who set their feet across the state line, but innocent people in no way involved, they can't do anything with the strikers who guther on the Tennessee side of the line, close to the plant, to razz both troopers and strikebreakers...
...The conference ratified the 16 candidates for city aldermen endorsed by the Socialist Party as t well as the city ticket of Roy Burt ^or mayor...
...A number of labor leaders are joining in the fight to clean up the industry, according to Edward Levlnson - and Ben Leider, authors of the articles...
...This is the opinion of the president of one of the local unions, and of great numbers of the rank and file...
...We still have that to do...
...The Lithographers' Journal Hpp Comrade Justus Ebert), is a good monthly magazine, necesNp* more dignified and conservative style...
...The Appellate Division has reversed the order of Justice Lauer instructing Commissioner Andrews to issue homework permits in violation of code regulations...
...The graphic transformed into an eye-witness account—often by a literary (pant aware of his great place in labor history and eager to capS. gets prominent display both in the ."left" cultural organs |lw capitalist papers...
...John M. Collins, veteran member of the Machinists j Union and the Socialist Party, presided over the gathering which set up a conference campaign committee, organized for the drive for over 60,000 signatures necessary rto get on the ballot and set Sunday, February 3, for another and larger conference of the labor groups in j Chicago interested in labor political action...
...Per Pibllcatloni HHQ the labor publications I've mentioned, the needle trades...
...The Georgia Federation of Labor is taking habeas corpus proceedings for the release of the forty-odd prisoners at Atlanta...
...I When will the Amalgamated Clothing Workers' Union re-establish Its educational department...
...i Louis Evangelists, of the Glove Workers' Uplon, and Elsie Cluck, secretary of the conference...
...lal unionists are moving heaven and earth to get back into ild company union fun de busses...
...y^fe-J 'Look Oof For l4»rf-Sfrffco ffffi.' fHE national manufacturers' as* sociation wants to outlaw general and sympathetic strikes, or any strikes which would coerce the government by inflicting hardship on "the community...
...Discrimination against union workers is increasing as the companies try to freeze out the union, but the workers are not going to be eased out without a fight...
...Advance, Hr organ of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers (edited by J. HHMmsn, assisted by Comrade Elden LeMarr...
...Although the company is pretending to operate with strikebreakers, inefficient workers to say the least, their hands arc tied because employees at the two other mills are also on strike...
...I don't know whether he coined the expression I heard him use first, at Brookwood: that the difference between a teacher in a labor college and in a "regular" college is that in the latter the instructor teaches and the pupils learn, and in former both teachers and pupils learn...
...Which brings me to the place where, I believe, due credit should be given to one of the great pioneers in workers' education: Fannla Cohen, long educational director of the I.L.G.W.U...
...products are sold...
...Wherefore Rejoice...
...No Goinq lock...
...have Hbtfrom our needle trades unions...
...PM** » semi-monthly (edited by Comrade Max Danish...
...A Political Mistake The Rossville strike is the answer to this statement...
...Revamp the lanluch up the style, and you have a masterpiece for the s. The only thing wrong with the stories from their is that these are workers, enrolled in a genuine union...
...In Atlanta about 600 men and women are on strike...
...The conference voted to send «wo delegate* to the hearing on this bill before the Joint Labor and Industries Committee of the Legislature in Albany last Thursday...
...in Newark, 400, and in York, Pa., the latest addition to the strikers ranks over 250...
...PLEVEN hundred textile work*¦* ers are adrift in New England jooking for jobs, following the decision of the stockholders of century-old Hamilton Woolen Co...
...Lot 'Em Starve...
...The august conference of southern industrialists, held in Chattanooga two weeks ago, only served to increase the determination of all workers, especially textile workers, in this region...
...prions, alas, for reasons I shall not give here, have all too Hps "professor" conscious...
...I'm sorry I haven't room to print the first of the Reries of talks, given by David Lasser last Wednesday...
...Or Papers "Friendly" To the Workers THHE Post, which has been fever* ishly seeking to establish itself as a paper friendly to labor since its change in ownership, is running Ml ijaMssMds^sMF1' aUssTxalOl muf Artsttlsam fit an alleged extortion ring in the building industry...
...HffATIONS to a labor educator, who has been our warm friend lHp since he started his good work .in this country, on his apfjBp* to one of the most important educational posts in the counM the point of view of labor...

Vol. 18 • January 1935 • No. 63

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