Over 3000 Negro Workers Cheer Message of Unionism ¦ Labor Committee Sponsors Epoch-Making feting; Communist Attempt to Disrupt Gathering feted; Solidarity of Black and White Workers Wjn of the...
...More than 3,000 Cto -werkers and several hunC wMU forkers filled the hall, ffrmigboat the meeting a spirit of Ej<tirrtjr «f all labor was maniMmud n> < degree seldom, if ever Wju% witnessed in Harlem...
...The meeting was sponsored jointly by the Harlem Labor Committee, the Building Service Employes Union, 32-B...
...While a special meeting was held in San Francisco, immediately following the 54th annual convention of the federation, is is the first regular meeting of the new council, which now contains eighteen members...
...Negro labor must develop its own leaders and stop waiting to be patronized...
...We must Iff** workers...
...Now we shall PJawlld, class conscious organirjJMof labor to advance our ecoBn interests...
...Thousands of women are included among ths strikers...
...If representatives of the automobile, steel, texlle and auomo* bile workers' unions meet In Washington before the executive council meeting, as suggested by Pranrla J. Gorman, United Textile Workers' vice-president, their recommendations will also come before the council...
...sources of the party and the YPSL mil be available to the striken...
...Hi I HP ti*e economic differences be I HP (he agricultural South and I Wk indu?trial North which caused JL'CWil War and resulted in the Keeipation of the Negro, "this ¦pgMtpatioii," the speaker said, P^HM freedom in form only wnile I«aejaUy the Negro became, as the MM** worker, a wage slave, a tenI.inja,i*>fW*r> or Jobless and homeIfefiaVsHMy programs have been I jjltmd towards solving the eco! M»l£**C social problems of the JiajeaUjfkiring the reconstruction (|t Jilpublican party shamefully jjHBP* Negro for corrupt poJit&M||Bfpo«es...
...War on Degradation ¦We trc here to declare war ¦pB the continued economic cxHnba and social degradation U Negro labor...
...Local I»75S5~of theX...
...We invite all wage earner*, regardleaa of the creed, color or nationality, to unite In the organised labor movement for the purpose of promoting and advancing their I (AeBMafiCBB PBBWf JarteWtt taf BjflssMef Negro and White Workers, Close Ranks, March Forward Resolution Adopted at Harlem Mass Meeting WHEREAS, It is becoming increasingly clear to all enlightened labor and to friends of the labor movement that unity in thought and action is essential to the promotion and protection of the economic interest of all workers be they Jews or Gentiles, Negro and white, and WHEREAS...
...The unions in the N.B.C...
...In Atlahta, Ga., almost 300 workers declared their solidarity with their Northern brothers and sisters by walking out in sympsthy...
...WITH its New York factory ™ completely shut down, the Philadelphia plant at a standstill, hundreds of workers out in Atlanta and Newark next on the list, the National Biscuit Co...
...The strike of garage mechanics called last Friday over wages and union recognition has already'had three casualties, as the forces of law and order ranged themselves alongside the vindictive employers and their scabs...
...On May 28, when the New York plant refused to recognize the locat unit, and William Drescher, superintendent and manager, denied that the union represented ths employees,, a strike was called in five minutes to settle the question...
...of L.) .and William A. Galvw, Its president, are leading the strike , here...
...A few msrrjftommunists surrounded by tMjMnies leaped from their seats rJ{i|Pg incoherently...
...tofetak op the meeting...
...Among matters awaiting consideration is selection of a city for the 55th annifal convention of the A.F...
...In Philadelphia, where the walkout originally started, over a thousand men and wornen struck in an attempt to equalize pay and prevent discrimination against union members...
...Today we will ftsdtdarc war upon those forces l«t hsvs too long conspired to *wp 'Cut -working Negro masses wnn|fiiaa^ˆnd impotent...
...Plant Tied Up in N. Y...
...Atlanta and Newark Factories Next to Be Closed Down...
...If we have jgWtt in erder to prevailt any *e|j^u-eeea to-, ategre labor, BBBJ^^^a^P^awRBr ^¦sssjssbf'^W ^B^B«/ B^^"*^ line in the defense of the right of Negroes to the same wage level as their white fellow workers...
...Mtariag the eloquent presentaL«f the purpose of the meeting ¦ Nosh 0. A. Walter, secretary of It Hsrlem Labor Committee, &jk R. Crosswaith, chairman of HjMmHtee and general organEr«t the ILGWU, was introduced ¦ duirman of the meeting...
...mVk great gathering of Negro mi white labor in Negro Harlem mbtf »»rk« the dawning of a new wis the life of Negro workers...
...Special officers," another name for thugs and gangsters hired by the bosses and usually deputized by the police, fired into a;' crowd of strikers and sympathizers demonstrating before the McDonald-Cilfillen Motor Co...
...Our Km ia hot concerned with the Sgfr of workers, as the Negro ¦titters of the International will t*Jl you...
...Joseph Balunis, secretary of the Inside Bakery Workers' usjm (Fedora...
...In four hours the strike wis over and tho union recognised, v m A. F. of L. Executive Council Meets Jan...
...HE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this gathering calls upon every section of the labor moveny^t to remove from their constitution, by-laws or rituals any and all references that reflect unfavorably upon any racial group and that tends to maintain an unwholesome division within the ranks of organized labor, and BE IT STILL FURTHER RESOLVED that this mas» meeting call upon labor everywhere to close ranks and effect that greatly to be desired solidarity of labor without which there ca* be no sslva* tfcm for either bla**(>r whit* labor...
...Led by Ben ,9* vis, former Atlanta lawyer, the Ivmmunlsts started a free-for-all •let were quickly dispersed, jjffthratore Nimfo, a vice-president '<< the ILGWU, spoke, representing flJiFrid Dubinsky, president of the ttflWU and vice-president of the AF.efL...
...I extend through you to those in attendance any peraonal felicitations and I express the hope that the cauae of organized labor will be greatly advanced as a result of your meeting...
...When you have to tighten your belt on an empty stomach, you will realize that there is but one way to obtain economic and social justice, and that is, by labor organization...
...The time P* sfrived when white labor must Mat that it cannot be saved or Pto secure even the existing Pj" hi wages and working conPmI Unless Negro labor is orthe past we have been conWS to build institutions and orPJaStions for fraternal, social HMV purposes...
...iHt^rSulifi Randolph, president of ||-fjie«plnf Car Porters union, I ¦fcbed*'the history of the Negro I jajk*j country from the time when I ittots were brought here and enI jKl by Southern planters...
...We must lift the wage atandard add conditions of employ men for all workers If we are to promote the interests of groupa of worker...
...Biscuit Strikers in Three Cities Back Phila...
...Another important matter will be the resolution passed by the San ¦ Vranchsco convention and spoaeered by President John k. Lewis of the United Mine Workers, authorizing the council to take charge of a campaign of organisation in the steel Industry...
...jjlowly but surely UHtro labor in the late twentieth kjptnry has come to realize that philosophy of Gorapers and ripe is the road to their salvation...
...Nobody is going to give the Negro anything...
...But .history P** conclusively that rights, P political or otherwise are Pjjven to any group too weak fcWsulso thole rights...
...plants were organized about seven months ago...
...ft was overwhelmingly xot, ed that tho strike here will om, tinue until a satisfactory *«ttlement is reached fin the other at...
...Much has been PMwnt the denial to us of those pt> »nd privileges, which other enjoy...
...Though practical worth of merit, it failed be¦jNMe it didn't make the Negro •ffcrstand that his economic inter4tt WA* bound up with all labor, fits industrialists used the unorjaJBted Negro worker to scab on Jnte workers, resulting in de[Wpaed wages, and working condiaos for all...
...I^&mmunista Attempt Riot following the opening of the ' setting there was witnessed .BJfoughout the afternoon a wellU|anjted attempt by Communist...
...Three Striken Shot By "Special Officers" MINNEAPOLIS, Minn...
...Only the ¦ SP^8* °t tne chairman kept the [ Kl and white unionists and Sodtftttt from ousting the disturbers JlpRhe hall...
...A big mass meeting of New York strikers was held Wednesday evening at Stuyvesant High School...
...A previous engagement which I cannot cancel prevent* me from being present...
...James Ford, Negro IHNnunist leader, opened himself KjPack when he stated "I object" 'wnt resolution against lynchijig...
...The A. F. of L. recently informed unions^ which discourage Negro membership that such practices must end or else drastic action would be taken...
...Socialist Party Offers Full Cooperation...
...The cookies and cakes snd biscuits in the ovens were left to burn...
...Jorman, leader of the general textile strike, wrote recently to the workers' officials In these four industries suggesting a discussion of preliminary arrangements for an alliance of unions in all these trades...
...regret it is impossible for me to attend the mass meeting...
...Organization among the automobile, lubber and oil workers will also be discussed...
...The Regional Labor Board is attempting to settle the dispute, but the union holds firmly to its position that the settlement must await action in Philadelphia...
...and lith and 11th Avcs., and hundreds of pickets are making sure that no attempt is made to introduce scabs...
...Two thousand workers immediately responded...
...As NeWfi •* working men and women, BSJ rests, in our own hands, fy fBtnre it to be less hard and p Wan our past has been, then Ej*** organize , to shape that And we must organize with ffj1'elements whose Interest is H*»l with our own...
...faces* a complete lie-up of all its plans in the East...
...To the eternal credit of our ¦*»¦" he Mid, "we defiantly opJP*i the proposition...
...regardless of any Cff* •* real difference culturally rj***i* lent Discrimination |K|5* Collins, New York rep%B$fr» of the A.F.ofL., urged •SjJT1* n»ht for themselves...
...I The New York local of the Socialist Party, acting throat A Augutt Claeueni, labor committee secretary, at once volunteered its service to tKe union...
...The American Federation of Labor ia interested in the economic and industrial welfare of working men and women regardlese of race, creed or color...
...News of the action in Atlanta came to local headquarters at 245 West 14th Street in a telegram from C. H. Husley, president of the Cracker, Cookie and Cake Workers' Union, the local's State there...
...Negro ¦tor todty opens a campaign to ¦ft ourselves out of the marshes ¦ Industrial weakness on to the Mhtl ¦ united action tp promote Br own 'economic interest in par¦nlir by promoting the interest Bp .Harlem Labor Committee Hn...
...He told of the great ben•Jur which had come to the many %asandg of Negro workers who HhKtmbers of the ILGWU...
...The energies and influence ¦Pi committee will be utilized ¦ itmove every single obstacle Bw exists to keep Negro and PS*.workers divided...
...Our union ia organized npemete the economic interest of W workers in the garment indusft Bambrick Cheered ¦wA4W the audience had adopted BP resolutions against child labor lynching and for the 30-hour •¦head the solidarity of black and PHe workers, James Bambrick, BWjdent of the -Building Service »*»»l»yes Union, 32-B, received a Bjt ovation when he was ihtroHe told of the efforts of •PJa real estate operators to estabPa "differentials" in the wage "•We of Negro and white building Ml* employes...
...itself to the task of enBJSJfcg labor to the absolute Bjjjwf solidarity of all workRrefardless of race, creed ju: W...
...the Union Mechanics Association, the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters Union, and the International Ladies Garment Workers Union...
...No special announcement of business to be acted upon has been released thus far, but the council is expected to accomplish considerable work of a constructive nature...
...Then there was jthe " JWter T. Washington philosophy r*educatuig the Negro for iiidustWji- occupations...
...1 Work was at a standstill...
...The National Labor Committee of the party, through Murray Baron, local member, also moved into action, throwing the support of the party nationally behind the worken in the four cities and tn other places where the firm has plants...
...39 WASHINGTON.—The executive council of the American Federation^ Labor will hold its next meeting January 20 at the A.P.of L. headquarters here...
...Resolutions of sympathy and solidarity were adopted and sent to the other three cities, wih special emphasis on the fight in Pennsyl.vauia...
...The economic intereata of all workers are identical...
...Solidarity of Black and White Workers Wjn of the largest and most EjniSeant meetings,in the hisKt«f HiTlem was held Sunday in Ejfcnd Palace, in the heart of BJ Harlem...
...J* Mm ¦uniiinL" he MioV "it ¦Mk* ******* u*m "BljS—n in the past, and some still are, unfair to the Negro...
...All the r...
...Telegram From Green The following telegram from President William Green of the American Federation of Labor was read: WASHINGTON...
...In Philadelphia the strike is led by the Cracker, Cookie and Biscuit Workers' Union, ..whose president, Charles Stever, Is scheduled to confer with strike leaders here on joint action...
...They received gunshot wounds in the legs, jaws and face...
...The banking and industrial groups dominating the steel snd automobile industries are the same, Gorman pointed out, and, together with textile and cigarette employers, they are firm In support of company unionism...
...He then praised the program of the the organization of Negro labor in Bjj^lneed from Page 1-L) jftgm Labor Committee to aid in frBNadi unions and pledged the I Qi^itarted support of the A.F...
...H%ai futile stroke after the .time of the meeting wa* made to Mrjfee speakers and train the use ¦jftll platform to exhibit a ScottsBJnvTbey* mother...
...Workers National Biscuit Co...
...Bakers, machinists, buxeri spreaders, engineroom employees and other operators are isjeiatti, and drivers also voted to strike is cooperation...
...It is a fact that in far too many instances the Negro worker has been the victim of racial discrimination in some units of the organized labor movement resulting in a moi'c or less general hostile altituda_of the Negro toward organized labor, and WHEREAS, The prOalence of race prejudice and discriminatory practices in any section of the labor movement plays into the hands of labor's enemies and weakens labor in its light for economic and social justice, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this mass meeting of Negro and white labor assembled in Rockland Palace, New York City, January 0, therewith declare itself in unyielding .opposition to all forms of racial prejudice and discriminatory practices in any part of the organized labor, and pledges itself to combat this evil through the civilized methods of education, organization and fraternization...
...Nimfo, in spite of lajkling from the Communists, conceded his speech amid great apijaie...
...this year and the dispute among the building trades unions...
...The automobile code expiree February and the question of renewal will not be discussed for units have been holding mass, several weeks, Detroit A. J., o/ L. units have been holding mash meetings to spur organisation U»„ preparation for * possible call in February...
...KwT i» this city," Comrade Bimiithj declared...
...Thirty-one hundred employees are on strike in the huge New York plant, which occupies the area bounded by 14th and 16th >Sts...
...Please be aaaured of my deep interest in the, meeting and in its success...
...Three men were wounded: Claire Hogan, Burns Powers and Everett Lindfors...
...Newark workers, also bound by the cooperative agreement between the unions in the four cities, arc due to* go out any minuto...
...I JBp Ait Important work...
Vol. 18 • January 1935 • No. 62