Militant Bolt Is Backed by Communists
"Militant" Bolt Is Backed by Communists ____._,_,_____ _..____________-*k— . , Daily Worker Becomes Virtual Official Organ: of Splitters BoltersMaking LittleHeadway Secessionist Group ...
...The 'Old Guard' would blackjack the workers into accepting the peculiar 'Old Guard' brand I of 'cadaver-Socialism.' I "The 'Old Guard' has committed 'many sins under tim name of Social-Democracy,' the Call finds...
...Approximately 45 branches, comprising the great majority of the |f*S^tess«k^shls..S^h^ii to the party... a group of irresponsible individuals in the Socialist Party, with the support and blessing of Norman Thomas, ha*, definitely The attempt, to...
...The stories graced by these headlines were based entirely Oh statements issued by the secessionists and printed in full in the Daily Worker...
...Them followed the...
...j We will add, however, one more J exhibit...
...In the interview in question Thomas graciously declared, however, that he "would not throw out those who feel that change can come- through pure parliamentarism—of which I myAs the reader will perceive, Thomas dees not believe in armed insurrection and...
...Will Make .No Headway—"InteUec' teak" of LJ-D...
...Party in Oregon Declines Bid to ReaffiHate DORTLAND, Oa^-6octa*g0r irteefing in 3 state convention here last Sunday in response » a revest-of the National Executive Connnittee that a corrventioo be called to consider reafBSaiion with the Socialist Party of the Unked States* declined to «efura to tl».«a*i«naLor«arBxa^ The Oregon oseanization wirhdnew from therpeety after the- adeoaott of the Detroit De<-laraeion off Principle...
...It was a diversion similar to that of the Babbitt who takes to golf to reduce his superfluous flesh...
...A few remain hat wherever they have had any influence upstate the membership hi* declined and workingmen and women have remained away from "Experienced members of the party upstate have come to the conclusion that Norman Thomas has made an alliance with armed insurrectionists because he knows that he has lost the confidence of a big majority of the members aad that he cannot get the New York State vote in support of his ambition^ again to he a candidate for "It is precisely in those few pi*.ess where the ,L...
...In Queens, too, the secessionists are meeting with It is also clear that approximately forty per cent of the membership fat the branches that will to join in the bolt...
...Oar organization is being ''00a^lKUa^ We are .awviatcfst a aid te victory...
...unanimously voted to remain- ViJ*r to the New York State Committee and Local Buffalo...
...Other actions of his in the National Executive Committee show that he is willing to have Communists in the Socialist Party as he counts on their support for his personal ambition as party boss...
...Graham w a s welcomed by t h e in*rabers and the- b e s t apirit prevailed...
...Backbone Of'Militants...
...Norman Thomas carry it into, effect...
...the more generous tfte space accorded them by the Daily Worker...
...On October 25, 1935, the Dairy Worker carried an editorial, "An Appeal to Socialists," one of many ¦aaajfro^^ **a*s*< oC^rihtant seMiasent^^ne* party and shewed that the majority of the N.E.C...
...Throws Tote to Left Wing" screamed another, on December 14...
...Four of the dissenters, inchadmg Rev...
...VYTly iwt...
...not control...
...was that the Detroit declaration jeopardized the legal standing of the party and its members under a drastic state anti-syndicalist act...
...A similar J story followed in the Daily Worker next day, based likewise upon a I statement from the secessionists...
...Socialists Back Left Wing...
...Graham admitted that this splendid, showing was not due to mere accident but has been the result of haul work ¦airmg the organized workers and-farmers...
...ia the Bronx" screamed the Daily Worker headline on December 13...
...In both statements, the secessionists, like the Daily Worker, I concealed the fact that Comrade Charles Solomon's appointment as a City Magistrate by the Mayor I was not requested by'the Socialist I Party...
...When t h e issue came before t he National Executive Committee, Normaa Thomas voted to condemn tim S t a t e Committee of N e w York f o r n e t d i r e c t i ng t h e reinstatement of these Buffalo Communists to membership...
...Where working class mftaehce is strong no...
...The Daily...
...G r a h am presented many a r g u m e n ts f o r rooffili*tinn*an<L e a c h w a a f u l ly discussed...
...The cooperation is, indeed, perfect...
...What the Daily Worker and the I secessionists likewise concealed was the fact that Solomon's appointment was no more political than was the appoinment of Jacob Pan ken to the bench...
...I. D. has any influence that a delegate will be seat to the secession conference called to meet in Utica this month, but they will be very few...
...Oregon Socialists osav t e n d e d that they war** t h e hag*, judges of t h e p a r t y ' s situation under t h e l aw a n d t h a t t h e wording of t h e Detroit declaration made it .perilous f o r t h em to roaffiliate w i t h the —+- 1 organization...
...Between the Communist press,' the Socialist: Call and the propaganda bureau of the secessionists there is s perfect united front...
...Ojng ¦oiaarwy te the-City Central tebwTi^ count is made: . The secessionists will carry with them, as the voting in the branches now indicates, not more than 3© branches at the very most...
...In ups t a t e New York a b i g majority of t h e members are opposed to t he putsch a n d w h a t few friends it h a s a r * l a r g e l y active persona connected w i t h the League for Industrial Democracy which has for years been the personal enterprlsce of Tim ass 11 Thomas...
...mayor simpson HfiABS anti-nazi council of mama Special to The Now Loader nPORONTO, Om) Tarns* IHgjr * son, Socialist mayor of...
...Concealed also was the fact that the appointment had the I strong backing Of a group of trade I unions, including the International I Ladies' Garment Workers' Union and the Millinery Workers' Union, representing together some 250,000 organized workers...
...Approximately an equal number did not attend the meeting...
...On December 16, the Daily I Worker, again on its front page, announced, "Socialists Assail Deal J With Fusion—View Appointment of Solomon by LaGuardia as Political Trade.'' I The story was based entirely on I another statement issued by the secessionists and occupied a column I and a half of space...
...By which Thomas meant that he and his small group have decided to read tim majority represented by ttte'TJia GfaaTd** dut of tike party because the majority decided to put a stop to the activities and the existence of the dual militant orgnnteetien...
...Militant" Bolt Is Backed by Communists ____._,_,_____ _..____________-*k— . , Daily Worker Becomes Virtual Official Organ: of Splitters BoltersMaking LittleHeadway Secessionist Group Weak Everywhere...
...As a result of the known stand of Local Buffalo's Executive Committee—f o r e s h a do win g- the party decision—fourteen new sa> plications for membership were accepted at the meeting...
...Several years age Thomas directed L. L D. members in various cities throughout the country to join the Socialist Party...
...New York and featured prominently on...
...They have also shewn their appreciation financially by afretmg that the Socialist Call a*dtfc* secessionist group keep aB^Vfirjete ceeds, amounting to tl*m*a(vJs' dollars, from the Thenrs*-Bt*w*jM share in the piwiieeds THUS DO THE COMMTJNICXS HELP THE SECESSIONISTS" HNANCE THE WAR ON THE SOCIALIST PARTY...
...the national organization, and, Samuel S. White, a party BVmwr in California, was present at t»ee convention...
...Eight in Harlem In Harlem there was a meeting oi a party branch attended by eight member...
...I. D. h a s a ny influence t h a t a delegate will be s e a t to the secession conference called to meet i n U t i c a this month, b u t they will b e v e r y few...
...In upstate New York a big majority of the members are opposed to the putsch and what few friends it has ar* largely active persona connected with the League for Industrial Democracy which has for years been the personal enterprlsce of Tim ass 11 Thomas...
...It is from an editorial in ] the Daily Worker of November 21, 1193b, The editorial is entitled ("Unity Is Best Weapon Against I Socialist Old Guard...
...was that the Detroit declaration jeopardized t h e l e g a l s t a n d i n g of the party and i t s members under a d r a s t i c s t a t e anti-syndicalist a c t . L a t e in November tim Oregon Supreme C o u r t affirmed t h e conviction of Dirk d* J e a g e of Portland on a charge of criminal syndicalism...
...Secessionist Group Weak Everywhere...
...Aside from the insurrectionist issue in tim party, the conflict has also become a class struggle between those who stand for a movement that ia primarily for working people and intellectual* who regarr workingmen and women as in capable of directing their own flunking and their own affairs...
...inaifsd to convey the impressior that the left winters in New York have captured the city and "ex polled" the Old Guard...
...Will Make . N o Headway—"InteUec' teak" of LJ-D...
...delegate will be sent...
...The mem bersfaip are rolling up their sleeves aad working as never before Work is being deae all along the line...
...We had our experience with them a n d know only too well t h a t no goad can come out of a united front with- til***, who decry democracy and praise dict a t o r s h i p . A committee of t h e Communist P a r t y sent a request to appear before the convention to Urge a united front, b a t they were' not p e r m i t t e d t o e a t e r t h e halL At t h e close of t h e convention, George Buickexwood pointed out t h a t t h e Oregon Socialist organization is tim o n l y organized movement t h a t can place a Si-riajifrt ticket in t h e field, and if t h e N.E.C...
...This is the picture...
...Aside from t h e insurrectionist issue in tim p a r t y , t h e conflict has also become a class struggle between t h o s e who s t a n d for a movement t h a t ia p r i m a r i l y f o r working people and intellectual* who r e g a r r workingmen and women as in capable of d i r e c t i n g their own flunking and t h e i r own affairs...
...When Norman Thomas denier that Communism and armed insur i sarion are also issues in the party oa* wonders how he reconciles this statement with his record as a in mil at of tim National Executive Committee...
...They will continue, to be sure, their work ol destruction, but their efforts will b< in vain...
...The majority of this mighty army voted for the secessionists...
...I And, finally, concealed also by the Daily Worker aad the secessionists, was the fset that the only prominent lausahei of the Soetelist Party who has deserted the party land has taken a political job with I LaGuardia a* a member of his cabinet was Paul Blanshard, long la lieutenant of Norman Thomas I and hi* chief aide- in Milwaukee in the attempt to drive the late Morris Hillquit from the national chairmanship of the Socialist J Party...
...This was the claim of the secessionists in their releases to the press...
...t h e national organization, and, Samuel S. White, a p a r t y BVmwr i n California, was present a t t»ee convention...
...The Daily Worker pipes the tune and the "militants" under...
...In a s t a t e m e n t Oneal MEUMAJ*/3* •* T h e p u t s c h directed a g a i n s t t he Socialist P a r t y by Norman Thomas, aad his insurrectionist friends i s a comic o p e r a coup d'etat...
...This end not prevent Thomas later from charging that the "Old Guard" was ''bargaining" wjth LaGuardia...
...worikng class action in its figwt against the reactionary'OM C—at' "We feel confident that by boldly calling for the Secielfe**?oaBms> nist united front at tins time...
...A f ew remain hat wherever they have had any influence u p s t a t e the membership h i * declined a n d workingmen and women have remained away from "Experienced members of t h e p a r t y upstate have come to the conclusion t h a t Norman Thomas has made an alliance with armed insurrectionists because h e knows t h a t he has lost the confidence of a big m a j o r i t y of t h e members a ad t h a t he cannot g e t t h e N ew York S t a t e vote in s u p p o r t o f his ambition^ again t o h e a candidate for " I t is p r e c i s e ly in those few pi*.ess where the ,L...
...Herir* man and Mrs...
...quite unanimous that we are unalterably opposed to a united front with the Communists...
...They havs responded fully and with energy wortfty of a better cause...
...The point has now been reached when tin Daily Worker write* only * pox-tion of the slander against the jteeisJint Paitj aad ite teadarar in New York...
...Late in November tim Oregon Supreme Court affirmed the conviction of Dirk d* Jeage of Portland on a charge of criminal syndicalism...
...Heckman, resigned from the party...
...The "militants" have accepted this cooperation gladly and have been usmg the Corrrrrrunist press a*.their own...
...The Daily Worker gave their statement nearly a column of space...
...The local defeated an amendment hf Rev...
...We a r e a s snTiomi as ever to work for Socialism, the-hope of tile world To the Members of the Socialist Party TTHE aetcssionlat movement lad...
...Supports Bolters Pursuing ite propaganda in support of the secessionists and anxious to advance their cause, which, after all, is the cause of the Communists as well, the Daily Worker continued to report the alleged successes of- the secessionists...
...The maneuver against the Socialist Party in this state is intended to give the state to the insurrectionists -and thus largely make it also a private enterprise of Thomas...
...We will cite a few examples...
...Graham- was given a rising vote of thanks for the admirable way in which he approached the Oregon problem, and the delegates assured him that we would gladly rejoin if and whan we can do so without being embarrassed by the unhappy wording of the Detroit declaration...
...TO BACK LEFT WING, SAYS THOMAS," screamed the Communist headline...
...quite unanimous t h a t we a r e unalterably opposed t o a u n i t e d front with the Communists...
...a* did Clarence Senior, j national- secretary, Paul' Porter, national labor ^secretary, and a number of other left wingers...
...This was greeted with an outburst of joy and approval -by the Daily Worker...
...The exit of...
...A committee was appointed* te draw up a resolution on the locafi stand in the party controversy, consisting of Hoffman, James BaV tistoni, Charles H. Roth and CaneaS D. Baumann...
...Graham- w a s given a r i s i n g vote of thanks for the admirable way in which he approached the Oregon problem, a n d t h e delegates assured him t h a t we would gladly rejoin if and whan w e can do so without being embarrassed by the unhappy wording of t h e D e t r o i t declaration...
...We had our experience with them and know only too well that no goad can come out of a united front with- til***, who decry democracy and praise dictatorship...
...militants," carried oat with the j. On December 13, after an interview given to the capitalist and Communist press at his home in...
...The split i n New Y s r k waa also discussed and i t w a s general!*:, a g r e e d t h a t this wa* another reason w h y t h e time is n o t opportune f o r reaffiliation, and also, a bad time f o r revoking, c h a r t e r s. The sentiment was...
...Where working class mftaehce is strong no...
...What we say aba at the dispeei tion ef the respective forces hi New York City is true also u pstate* The Utica conference of the secessionists will be a flop...
...The fabled and widely heralded majority of the Socialist Old Guard -was seen disappearing into space yesterday- as the left wing forces of the party carried branch after branch," said the story...
...i Responding to this anneal and not permitting "minor obstacles" to standi in the way, the "militants" redoubled their destructive activities in Loca* New York after the meeting of the N.E.C., activities which finally led to their secession from the Central Committee...
...R E T U R N I N G from ar s n o r t tour gf several u p s t a t e cities a s a r e p r e s e n t a t i v e of t h e S t a t e Comm i t t e e of t h e Socialist P a r t y of New T o r * S t a t e , J a m e s Oneal dec l a r e d t h a t t h e secession "is a comic opera coup d ' e t a t " which h as Seen, in p a r t staged in support of Norman Thomas's personal ambition to be nominated again for President...
...For the latest happenings in the labor movement, including the dayto-day developments within their own party, we recommend the Daily Worker to all Socialist Party members...
...Two leaders, speaki n g for those five, openly declared t h a t they were Communists...
...The statement resembled in every way a typical Daily Werker editorial attacking the Socialist Party and the Old Guard...
...The cam^gTj»mas^Wder united front demonstration in Madison Square Garden and the secession of the...
...Socialists Map Fight on Old Guard" screamed the Daily Worker in a news story on the front page on December 10...
...COR many months the Cornmu- ] aiat swat led bv the- Daily Worker, official, organ of the Corronunist Pattjc, has cooperated closely and intensively with the secessionist lek wing headed by Norman Thomas m^armmg* the flames-of strife and- discord in j the Sqeiali*yParty...
...tried to form another organization t could not file a Socialist ticket...
...These members ranged all the way from pink liberals to parlor bolsheviks...
...In Ttttlfaln five members of the party were expelled because of their advocacy of armed insurrection...
...T a e y were l a r g e l y of t h e student and academic type who regard tpeuisolm II a s 'superior' to workiagmen a y wo men " I n quite a number of cities half • r more of these new r e c r u i t s left the p a r t y to t a k e u p 'careers' i a the b u s i n e s s and professional world...
...Garfinkel used to be a member of a Cpmnramntr oigamaation and- he bar never forgotten his old associations or tile lessons he learned from the Communists in the- art of smashing the Socialist Party...
...The Socialist Party of New York goes on...
...Old Guard Leaves S.P...
...And it lists some of the recent ones which offend the nostrils tim most...
...Rodney Heckman fjrjjt jjgg January led a fight to re-irStata tiie Ave insurrectionists) "by' tjm same division, reading "and wSB abide by eventual decision of the National Executive Committee ia party controversy...
...Their short stay in the Socialist Party was a play-boy interhate in their lives to relieve then* djepression ennui...
...Overwhelming Majority...
...A committee of the Communist Party sent a request to appear before the convention to Urge a united front, bat they were' not permitted to eater the halL At the close of the convention, George Buickexwood pointed out that the Oregon Socialist organization is tim only organized movement that can place a Si-riajifrt ticket in the field, and if the N.E.C...
...RETURNING from ar snort tour gf several upstate cities as a representative of the State Committee of the Socialist Party of New Tor* State, James Oneal declared that the secession "is a comic opera coup d'etat" which has Seen, in part staged in support of Norman Thomas's personal ambition to be nominated again for President...
...In fact, the Dairy Worker has now become their organ...
...It was- because of- this that Graham waa anxious for the state to be represented in tim next national con...
...In tiesart of disaf mtlisthiA fabehoeds and atisleading iafmhialieu...
...he does not advocate it: oh, no—he merely nay* he doubts the efficacy of peaceful, political activity by the Socialist Party...
...We give you these figures he order that yen may not be misled by the **ten**»sojM> and false rlaisa* disssmiaafaV by the secessionists in the capitalist and Communist press with the object of feel that the°"raid engineered' by the secessionists upon the party, with the-support of the Communist BJtteaa* it tea fatter*, Altman aad Thomas find it necessary to give out interviews to the eepittaltme mnrl C n — a— ¦¦¦¦ i 1 I_____-11__:__ vpiBVK tasvoatnuni8t press alleging that the majority off New York ft MriiMi>_«am--wWr'^-j*W*r...
...the Old Guard, representing the overwhelming majority of the Socialist Party membership...
...m „ f tTQiiV WMrVf WDOrC" f IfOfffO* On December 12, the Daily Worker came through with another big page one story in support of the secessionists...
...De Jong* is a Communist and was uonteneed to seven years in prison for merely presiding at a Coram mist - as—ting- scad distributing Communist User* tore...
...It was a repetition of Thomas's own slanderous charge that the "Old Guard" was I engaged in secret "bargaining" I with Mayor LaGuardia...
...Concealed also wa* the fact that on the occasion of Pan ken's appointment, whose service on the bench has reflected great credit upon the Socialist Party, Thorn ¦¦ had sent a letter ef congratulation to Psnken...
...They were definitely repudiated ia two ef their on 28 branch**, In these branches fully forty per cent of the...
...In a statement Oneal euaj/3 * mm** ¦ The putsch directed against the Socialist Party by Norman Thomas, aad his insurrectionist friends is a comic opera coup d'etat...
...Theme* praises the Daily Worker...
...In the speech of acceptanceMayor Simpson said: "I *««*«jfia that it is a great honor to he okostod head of the Anti-Naxi Consumers' League of Canada... 'atest guarding the integrity and the very existence of the party: At tim state convention two years age I was affiliated with tile 'railitents;' Their disruptive, inane tactics hate since caused me to cast my fct with those desiring to preserve tesi build Socialism rather than duttaj it...
...Backbone Of'Militants...
...The 'Old Guard' is out to wreck not noly the Call but the Socialist Party as a whole...
...Oregon Socialists osav tended that they war** the hag*, judges of the party's situation under the law and that the wording of the Detroit declaration made it .perilous for them to roaffiliate with the —+----1 organization...
...In a story nearly two columns long, the Daily Worker gave a detailed report of the secessionist meeting in Irving Plaza, quoting the secessionist speakers in detail and citing- with satisfaction and approval the eall for a "state conference" issued by the secessionists with the object of extending the secession movement to other parts of the state...
...Who will deny that the Socialist Call and ite secessionist IjinHilii have failed to respond to the appeal of the Coamuaiaff Baft* Worker...
...They a r e willing t o u s e h im aa, window dressing for t h e i r .own purposes but i t i s c e r t a i n t h a t they wffl east him aside when t h e y can no longer use h i m Party in Oregon Declines Bid to ReaffiHate DORTLAND, Oa^-6octa*g0r irteefing in 3 state c o n v e n t i on here l a s t Sunday in response » a r e v e s t - o f the National Execut i v e Connnittee that a corrventioo be called to consider reafBSaiion w i t h the Socialist P a r t y of the Unked States* declined t o «efura to tl».«a*i«naLor«arBxa^ The Oregon oseanization wirhdnew from t h e r p e e t y a f t e r the- adeoaott of the Detroit De<-laraeion off P r i n c i p l e * . ^ * The- main reason f o r withdraw...
...The rest is supplied in The pages^rf 'ti^Daily^Worker are filled with these diatrihea as swgafcai r sjl nf the onward march of the united front and of the successful efforts of the Commtmwts to split the Socialist Party...
...On December 11, quite in line with the false and misleading press releases of the secessionist group, the- Daily Worker carried a front page story' headlined...
...we mav add, in thatsterlimj organ of truth and ewjatetetty recommended by Jt*r> man Thomas, the Daily Worker...
...We are as snTiomi as ever to work for Socialism, the-hope of tile world...
...F e w Socialists hi other s t a t es i n d e r s t a n d t h a t t h e Socialist P a r ty n this s t a t e , since the movement vas reorganized in 1928, now polls 1 l a r g e r percentage of the total ote c a s t than any o t h e r s t a t e orionization, excepting Wisconsin...
...As the loyal membership of the Socialist Party new knows, the secessionists hare failed to gate any adherents in branches which they, did...
...Manhattan, Kings aad the majority of the party membership their unswerving loyalty and devotion to the party...
...appeal for unity with the Communists in the fight on the "Old Guard," with the conclusion "shall we let minor obstacles stand in the way...
...Norman Thomas is the most p a t h e t i c figure t h a t h a s ever a p peared in t h e Social P a r t y . It ia n o secret t h a t even many of t he secessionists he leads do not t r u st him...
...When the issue came before the National Executive Committee, Normaa Thomas voted to condemn tim State Committee of New York for net directing the reinstatement of these Buffalo Communists to membership...
...The Buffalo Young Peoples Socialist League, meeting on Sunday...
...a. — —. fa...
...New York Socialism is an the march...
...Each speaker expressed regret t h a t Oregon found it necessary to withdraw- a n d hoped- t h a t conditions would change- t o permit their r e t u r n t o t h e n a t i o n a l movement...
...And in their desperation they are reasrtiag to the lowest Tammany methods to mislead and deceive the party membership, the public and the press They are finished...
...O t h e r Communists h a r e leeeived prison, sentonees i a recent years...
...Mutual Praise As we said, the united .front is perfect...
...was once mere taking up the mmmm ¦atjeet the reactionary p*ttsi**~ *fV-ta*' New York -Old Guard,' " said the Daily Worker...
...Graham was welcomed by the in*rabers and the- best apirit prevailed...
...De J o n g * i s a Communist a n d w a s uonteneed t o seven years i n prison for merely presiding at a Coram m i s t - as—ting- scad dist r i b u t i n g Communist User* tore...
...Party and Yipsels Growing Fast...
...They axe dew fisr...
...This was the interview given -by Th*a*s* which pleased so much the Daily Worker's weltet in the editorial quoted "Enthusiastic over the ppoepeets of immediate progress by the party in this city," said the Daily Worker, "Thomas declared that the Old Guard' read themselves oat of the party when they rook steps to 'reorganize' on the- lines of expelling all their opponents...
...Special to The Nam Loader BUFFALO.—The Socialist Party here, the largest upstate toeat, had the best attended membership meeting in many years, with only seven dissenting vote* passed, a motion made by Executive Secretary Robert A. Hoffman to the effect that "Local Buffalo is, and wiH continue to be, a local' o* Ut* Socialist Party of the State of New York as now constituted...
...Nctsi Uielcog, according to the Daily Worker- and the statements of...
...The secessionist group has shot ite bolt...
...The more vehement and the more slanderous the attacks made by- the secessionists on...
...The split in New Ysrk waa also discussed and it was general!*:, agreed that this wa* another reason why the time is not opportune for reaffiliation, and also, a bad time for revoking, charters...
...Then followed in detail an account of the secessionist claims of victory, based upon thin air but presented in the Daily Worker, as in the press releases- of the secessionists, in a manner designed to convey the imprrn-inn thnt the nrinnasianistii were sweeping everything before them...
...Both were ju1 dicial appointments, having nothing to do with politics...
...Their game is over...
...I t w a s a diversion similar t o t h a t of t h e Babbitt who takes to golf to reduce his superfluous flesh...
...The maneuver a g a i n s t the Socialist P a r t y in t h is s t a t e is intended t o give t h e s t a te t o t h e insurrectionists -and thus l a r g e l y make i t also a p r i v a t e ent e r p r i s e of Thomas...
...J a m * * D. G r a h am of Montana, % member of t h e N.E.C., representee...
...Jam** D. Graham of Montana, % member of the N.E.C., representee...
...the secessionists from the party has cleared the atmosphere...
...It ia no secret that even many of the secessionists he leads do not trust him...
...The Dally Worker quoted with satisfaction Thomas's statement that he believed in being as "friendly as possible" with the Communists...
...a laoor paper...
...Harlem S.P...
...On December 117, the Daily Worker did mention I that David Dubinsky, president of the I.L..G.W.U., and Max Zaritsky, I president of the millinery workers, attended the ceremony at City Hall I at which Solomon was sworn in...
...The editorial I carried the following subtitle: "Socialist Call Urged to Raise High the Banner of United Front as I Path to a Strong Unified Party and I Victory Over Reactionaries.'' We quote from the- editorial: [ "The appeal of the Socialist Call I to the members of tim Socialist j Party is an important document...
...Worker*' account of the* Thomas interview, to which it naturally gave very generous space, concluded, among other- things, with the information that "the leftward movement of the Socialist Party membership continued it* triumphant march...
...Taey have exposed themselves to all honest and loyal Socialists a* wreckers of the Socialist ! movement...
...And, as he - would undoubtedly claim, it would be misrepresenting him- if we were to say that by his statements he is encouraging advocates of armed insurrection aad helping the Communists destroy the SocieKet Party...
...Their short s t a y in t h e Socialist P a r t y w a s a play-boy interhate in their lives t o relieve then* djepression ennui...
...Two leaders, speaking for those five, openly declared that they were Communists...
...Nowadays the Daily Worker confines its editorials to encouragement of the seces[ sion ist left wing, while the attacks on the Old Guard, written by the secessionist propagandists in the [ form of statements to the • press, are printedajjpqtiie front page as "news...
...This great "success" was bailed by the secessionists as another triumph for the left wing...
...The 'Old Guard' is determined to throttle a.genuine Socialist program which would care for the immediate needs of the people...
...11 s lmproveu conaidersbly in recent months.' > "The Left Socialists unfortunately have no daily of their own—only the lively weekly Socialist Call...
...They are-disparate...
...What was concealed by the secessionists and their organ, the Daily Worker, waa the fact that the secessionist* were soundly beaten in tim Bronx, that they formed their own dual "County Committee" and then announced that the Old ' -----___—................._ --:-:-:-* Gu&t-d had left the party...
...Few Socialists hi other states inderstand that the Socialist Party n this state, since the movement vas reorganized in 1928, now polls 1 larger percentage of the total ote cast than any other state orionization, excepting Wisconsin...
...The Irving Plaza rally of the secessionists, representing a small ohterity- of the Socialist Party's membership, was described in the Daily Worker, in the words of a secessionist gpsahei1, as a "step toward building a revolutionary inSocteiism in our time...
...The bulk of these branches represent a steaPmsjqhir of the party mam - hfrrsjbip not exceeding 80S...
...The- main reason for withdraw...
...The CkoSSawMMo are showing their .ppreoiaiteey h* supplying the seeessioatete w» generous space and continued- encouragement in the columns of tar Communist press...
...Several y e a r s age Thomas directed L. L D. members in v a r i o us c i t i e s throughout t h e country to j o in the Socialist P a r t y . These members ranged all t h e way from pink liberals t o p a r l o r bolsheviks...
...thi* city, has been unanimously ejected head of the Anti-Nazi ConaaaMsa' League of Canada at a a^awfesa* all-Canadian mass confer ana* called by the anti-Nazi ilaiwail0 Toronto...
...its front page by the Daily Worker, the Communist organ declared in an editorial enAgree With Thomas...
...Norman Thomas is the most pathetic figure that has ever appeared in the Social Party...
...They took'is seventeen new members at aMr meeting...
...stampede the JrSttSTtSSw C^«afc7t...
...Other actions of h is i n t h e National Executive Committee show t h a t he i s willing to h a ve Communists in t h e Socialist P a r ty a s he counts on t h e i r support for his personal ambition as party boss...
...Graham presented many arguments for rooffili*tinn*an<L each waa fully discussed...
...No., paper gives so much the secessionist group, which now I calls itself the "official" Socialist Party in New York, as the Daily Worker...
...This means that out of a total in Local New York approximately 4509 wffl remain with the pasty...
...delegate will be sent...
...ami altar Qmaiiu With particular satisfaction the Daily Worker quoted- the utterance of Charles B. Garfinkel, chairman of the secessionist organization, in which he declared: "I extend my TMmmmvtTtjt Waal DISincrMNKl...
...the secessionists and the Daily Worker are running each other a dose nice...
...Graham admitted t h a t t h i s splendid, showing w a s n o t due t o mere accident but h a s been t h e r e s u l t of haul work •airmg t h e organized workers a n d - f a r m e r s . It was- because of- t h i s that Graham waa anxious f o r the s t a t e to be represented in tim n e x t national con...
...In Ttttlfaln five members of the p a r t y were expelled because of their advocacy of armed insurrection...
...Taey were largely of the student and academic type who regard tpeuisolm ii as 'superior' to workiagmen ay wo men "In quite a number of cities half •r more of these new recruits left the party to take up 'careers' ia the business and professional world...
...The latter w«* >•*member of the "militant" eaueas at the 1934 state convention -wh* now declares that "We realize-that the 'Old Guard* are new...
...They are willing to use him aa, window dressing for their .own purposes but it is certain that they wffl east him aside when they can no longer use him...
...membership has declined to fallow them, while the members ef some 48 branches, the most numerous in* the Socialist Party, ar* standing loyally behind the peaty aad haw rnwiemaH the joint effort of the Communists and secessionists to wreck the Socialist eat, tt ¦ aa/ ..a...
...I "As the organ of the Militant I group within the Socialist Party, {the Call explains the significance I Of the decision of the 'Old Guard' I in New York to 'reorganize' the [local...
...Each speaker expressed regret that Oregon found it necessary to withdraw- and hoped- that conditions would change- to permit their return to the national movement...
...An middle of a press eonre at his home the other afternoon, Norman Thomas sud! ;_^*ytife way, the Daily Worker Veertainly getting pretty good a* * 1.La...
...The Daily Worker praises Thomas and the Socialist CalL The Communist Distribution Agency in New York distributes the Socialist Call, and there is really no need for the secessionists to have a |^l^P«ger^*f^timir own, for as of the secessionists are pictured*™ manner, from the point of view of the seceoaionists...
...The truth about the Bronx was that the Old Guard retained control in the Bronx' County Committee by a vote of two to one, and the proportion of the membership vote hv the Bronx reflects fully the set-up in the County Committee...
...The sentiment was...
...the secessionists, we are to believe that the Old Guard left the Socialist Party in the Bronx...
...t r i ed t o form a n o t h e r organization t could not file a Socialist ticket...
...Other Communists hare leeeived prison, sentonees ia recent years...
...t*»„ ¦laitm* mm...
...We urge the Socialist Call to raise high the banner of united Buffalo Local Solid for Pant...
...When Norman Thomas denier t h a t Communism and armed insur i sarion a r e a l so issues i n the p a r ty oa* wonders how h e reconciles this s t a t e m e n t with his record as a in m i l at of tim N a t i o n a l Executive Committee...
...the Socialist Call will rally to i*s*tfnot only the membership of the party but would contrfbute toward the drawing together of the masses of non-party workers as w#JB...
...The pupose of the Lea#a* is to boycott Geaxan ,g*adW«wLpi disseminate publicity for the fw9pose of giving Canadians r*aL information concerning the nature of the Nazi government...
Vol. 18 • December 1935 • No. 51