Is There Socialism in Russia?
Mayor Hoan Gave the Patriots A Constitution Day Proclamation MILWAUKEE.—Hearst-inspired red-baiters of ITI Milv,aukee called oft Mayor Daniel W. Hosn, Socialist, to issue a Constitution Day...
...Estelle Abramson for Alderman, 26th A.D., and Al Breslaw of the Dress Pressors' Union, for Alderman—27th A.D...
...He Is aha "fj_, , totxi <*e«l of aid to the street JaWs union...
...1. Kings...
...Today he devotes his talents to -Crawford exclusively...
...fen Kite stive Committee.—The Stale aenflTC Committee is expected to hold 3 11 Briar monthly meeting on Sunday, Srpt », at 10 «jn...
...Querns County Committee has printed stickers with the slogans "Abolish War —Vote Socialist" and "Abolish Poverty —Vote Socialist," with red lettering on while gummed paper...
...21—Mosholu Parkway and Jerome Ave..(Esther Friedman and Isidore Foist rin...
...and WHEREAS, such amendment would give renewed vitality and meaning to the Constitution as the expression of the collective will of the American people of today...
...How are the central offices to -exist awl to discharge theft functions if no financial support is given their activities'.' Let us arouse ourselves to the urgent need and make our donation as quickly as possible: MANHATTAN sth A.D.—Auto parade Friday eve, Sept...
...announced, there win be a the 7th Judicial District at ¦ssttasr, a vacancy having been reesSy ereated in that District...
...with about forty automobiles parrleipaUn...
...Upper at* A.D.—At a meeting of the campaign committee of all the branches of the district, Irving M. Knobloch was elected campaign manager...
...A basketball team is bring organized by our Council...
...l and t—Opening campaign affair, dance and entertainment Saturday, Sept...
...candidate for Mayor...
...John D. Stradley...
...Fall Crawford Clothes, $18.75, Finest Ever Every new season finds new improvements in Crawford Clothes, bat this time the extra refinements are more numerous than ever before...
...Lower (tk A.D.—Francis Hanson will speak Tuesday...
...KINGS 18th A.D...
...7 East 15th Street, New York City... 8:45 p.m...
...He •SfL HTrh activity everywhere, espefffg - foe Y.P.S.L...
...fARTY NOTES «m» Secretary William Manipin hu . IT «rarned to Sen Villoma after ad JEnTpell** ovrr '-"bar B"Jr...
...C. P. Spaeth, president or B ajaalga mated Latbor League, and irsr Hohison of the A. F. of L. gray speaker urged the need of unity kB* ranks of labor, and a relentless w span war and fa seism...
...New Falcon Call Issue Ready for Readers The Red Falcons of America, the children's section of the Socialist Party, is getting randy to publish the next issue of the Falcon Call, its official oagana...
...The New England Labor College, located in the Chelsea Labor Lyceum, is one of the tending schools of its kind in the country, with a high grade faculty devoting themselves to serious educational work among young workers...
...The first major sport activity will be devoted primarily to basketball, but other sports will receive attention...
...Dim- with us after the Town Hall meeting...
...After business meeting ' Dr...
...Slate sod City organization...
...Three large indoor meetings are being planned, with many outdoor meetings and considerable distribution of literature, as Well as distribution of The New Leader...
...California taa Franeisee__The Communists are njj again Victor Uirar...
...A New Labor Center In the Bronx The 6th A.D...
...BRONX Lower 8th A.D.—Regular branch meeting Tuesday, Sept...
...A certificate set If fwat the officers of the committee pat be Bled with both the Secretary gfta* »od County Election Board ^kia three days after this meeting...
...Franklin aad Bedford.—Opening meeting of the campaign Monday, Sept...
...Mayor Hoan Gave the Patriots A Constitution Day Proclamation MILWAUKEE.—Hearst-inspired red-baiters of ITI Milv,aukee called oft Mayor Daniel W. Hosn, Socialist, to issue a Constitution Day Proclamation...
...These fabrics include seores of hard worsteds offering extremely long wear as well as smartness...
...Those iutereste send names, addresses and age to A. Chapman, 408 Georgia Ave...
...Thursday, nan...
...Sept... rover the entire 8th Assembly District, promises to be of great dimension and impresslvrness...
...Nrr KochcU*.—Ruth Chapman made at excellent ran for Member of City Council in but Tuesday's primary, polling 365 votes against 280 received by Leonard Bright two years ago...
...llth A. D.—Buffet supper and game party Sunday, Sept...
...Brooklyn, District Organizer...
...There are many stories and articles written for workers' children by young workers...
...It stresses the importance of removing the Olympics from Nazi Germany...
...This is what they got:, WHEREAS, the American Constitution was ratified and became effective in 1787...
...The last day 1 Keday...
...Knickerbocker Branch.—Campaign dinner-dance at the Oriental Restaurant, 4 i'ell St., Chinatown...
...The faculty, in addition to notable trade unionists and Socialist teachers includes members of the Harvard faculty and of other great institutions...
...We cannot believe that Socialist members can remain Indifferent to the tremendous need for organization, education and propaganda...
...12, in the Sholem Aleishrm Auditorium, 34S1 Giles PI...
...speakers at the rally will include Otto Riegelman...
...St—-Mosholu Parkway and Jerome Ave...
...Topic: "Ethiopia and the League of Nations.** Women's Committee Street Meetings on the High Cost of Living Smt...
...ltta-Uth A. D...
...2»5 Gates Ave., bet...
...candidate for Alderman 10 Use 1st Ward, and Max Cohen, candidate for City Judge...
...starting from the Rand School, 7 I...
...Voaaarav—The opening rally of the 1" municipal campaign la fo be held this Satordaj evening at Larkin Plaza...
...United Socialist Drive We must again emphasiic the importance of this drive ana the urgency hsveaVeat in raising funds by branches throughout the City...
...Sunday, Sept...
...Virginia «t C. F. Spaeth avsak.—RewrotJons drnoanring IlitSgS,BtnedMB, denouncing the holdfl af the OrymBtc flames in «erlhr...
...James Oneal principal speaker...
...and WHEREAS, during the 148 years of its existence the Constitution has been amended directly no less than twenty-one times and amended indirectly on numerous occasions by court decisions and administrative notion, as the need for such amendments became evident...
...The meeting «I aMm in time to permit the mrmkss JS SCmd the Town Hall meeting Jf*ctSl District Conventions...
...William Bonn wiR speak on "Socialism in Germany...
...The contest opens with this announcement, and will continue until October 15...
...near Sedgewkk Are.' Watch the district...
...B. 17th St, care of American Not ia 1st Quarterly...
...Esther Friedman, Kate G-erber, Jane Small...
...As for style, D'Ambrosio has completely outdone himself...
...The Election Law ¦tics it mandatory for boards of electa aad tit...
...21, Burnslde Manor...
...and WHEREAS, the breakdown of the financial and industrial system has brought about a national emergency which calls for the enactment of a new Constitutional amendment, designated by its sponsors as the Workers* Rights Amendment, which would enable the Federal government to do what the Supreme Court has held it is powerless to do under the limitations of the Constitution as now interpreted, in securing to ail Of our people the right of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and in promoting the general welfare...
...and Walton Ave...
...Plampto -under the efficient hand of fjBJB ?4*:trtis tb'y *Tt «oinS *° be ***?2?-Comra<ir A. D. Head has r^SrbM an active rolr in the battle K,SregH hr the Oil lieW...
...Socialist Party in cooperation with a W. C. Branch have rented a Workmen's Circle and Socialist Center at 767 Allerton Ave., Bronx Borough...
...Sept... 8:90 p.m...
...One article of particular interest deals with the anti-Nazi Olympic Games, to be held at Cleveland in July of next year...
...The 1st Ward has been completely organized for the campaign wBk district and block captains, and prospects of Socialist success in the election are excellent...
...With a new spirit, and with a will to win, the Socialist Party Branch has net out on a course of building the Center into a real active Center of all labor activities in the district, and thereby build a more powerful cohesive branch... 1638 E. 172nd St...
...There is evidence of more hand tailoring where it counts...
...Maury Sraen.a..—Candidates are exacted to file their expense statements rtain 2» days after the primary on • before October 7th...
...New York Stale Cants- CaasasMt——The lime given anar iSaunUteJS elected at the priasrr'io nieet and organize is increased I # days "Iter the primary in the saaaM Ejection Law...
...This is the first of a series of four lectures by prominent sneakers...
...The address of the Falcon Call is 7 East 15th Street, New York City...
...secretary of Branch HI Wnrfci«t Orel...
...Chinese food, private dancing pavillion...
...844 Vtica Ave...
...THEREFORE, as Mayer of Milwaukee, in proclaiming Tuesday, September 17, Constitution Day, X call upon our people to give heed in their observances to the vital necessity for adapting our Constitution to modern conditions and thereby to afford the millions of underprivileged citizens, as well as future generations, a practical demonstration that democratic institutions can be made to function successfully in promoting the public interest and general welfare through the peaceful and orderly processes of the law...
...THE NEW LEADER OFFERS SCH0LAROTP •yHE NEW LEADER is offering ! * a scholarship to the Mew England Labor College to a Massachusetts worker who secures the largest number of new subscribers to The New Leader with in the next few wt^eks...
...trimmings of greater smartness aad durability...
...It will be preceded by a tarrb Ugtil parade starting from McLean Ave...
...and town clerks to furnish •on to candidates for such statements...
...W. HO AN, Mayor...
...ere »W...
...and . WHEREAS, this vital document was purpDscly so drawn that it might be amended from time to time, to conform to changing political, economic and social conditions...
...Senior warned "American workers thai the passdanger of a fascist movement ia this country -—a danger against which workers everywhere most be continually on guard in this period of capitalism's decline...
...J ¦ royal wrtnot from a I* ^Vjd scare party membership...
...Thomas Louisiana Tour Called Off, But War on Fascism Goes On THE proposed Louisiana tour by * Norman i Teaman, "to combat the type of American fascism which Huey Long represented," has been called off, according to Clarence Senior, national executive secretary Of the Socialist Party...
...Original play by the Campaign Players...
...Large affair bring arranged for Saturday, Oct...
...its first Heail<|in*ta*m»*a in a number of years has launched a campaign to pile'tsp « big vote flux* the * local1 eatn^fianttea: *' Abe Hershkowitz, active member of the Amalgamated, for Assembly...
...The Swaps' Jlllli I conventions will be Mfapnidav and Saturday of next wet t» adJIUon to conventions prenwsrr...
...St, 8:30 p.m., 348 Third Ave., near 26th St...
...District CewacH No...
...Here is a man, a genius in the designing field, who formerly would not touch his hand to other than over $100 custom tailored clothes...
...William Upson, treasurer, and Samuel Bobrowsky...
...ras WeH fPsjrfierv Worker*' Lilian against ** .,|MT ¦ "yellow <log" union spon»3 C a bi« oil company...
...Soeialixt L. rUf enairnmi in San Francisco, that he has a letter sent out aFaftcsHeit t'nited I-ibor Campaign i-agattrr.' ia which reference Is made PjjpiSeTira of trade unionists and -Lasers of the Cotmpunist, Socialist _1 mmirritir parties for a "united amL' Comrade 1-ainar eniphatirjllv Snssf* the inipiicrtion thai the SoK! party woyJd cooperate either with jjDeatocrats or the Coanmuiists...
...fabrics you would never expect to find in clothes selling for only $18.75...
...Oct 7th...
...The Center will be used as headquarters for the Socialist Party in the district and will hold a Workmen's Circle school...
...It ia the only drive for funds which embraces the National...
...U e.tinghouse EwJWlin Vote for 36-Hour Week SPRINGFIELD, 1**86/— The union employees of the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company here rejected the proposed 40-hour week and voted overwr.clmingly in favbr of retaining -the present S6-hour week..'' The anian members believe that lengthening the work week to 44 hours would deprive a number of employees of their jobs...
...Street corner meetings being held Mondays at Burnslde and Walton Ares, and Thursdays at Fordham Rd...
...15th St., at 7:3o p.m...
...The-magazine will be ready next week...
...Available through Queens County Organizer Anna Bereow-ibJ...
...QUEENS Special meeting of Queens County Committee Friday, Sept 20, at 8:30 pan., headquarters Sunnyside Branch, 4757 43rd St...
...For details inquire -of The New Leader...
...At the same time...
...3 MmSt rpr organtrstion of a IE, party «efc enthusiastically adopt, Jn I great Labor Day mass meeting Tw speakr-s were John C Davis, J. s sin...
...The school opens for the year October 28...
...Among the cultural activities planned ia a series of five Sunday evening lectures Ivy August Claeesens—beginning November 3. The Socialist Party (6th AA) inspired by...
...There is a fine library and excellent facilities for all students...
Vol. 18 • September 1935 • No. 38