New York Ministers Renounce War

Carlos, Don

New York Ministers Renounce War by Don Carlos A GREAT meeting, and one that may become historic, was held in the Riverside Baptist Church, presided over by Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick aad...

...John P. Frey will explain the political experience of the A. F. of L. Mr...
...The battle is partly over...
...Another ally in this struggle are the Retail Tailors and Cleaners of Greater New York...
...The Bensonhurst comrades, who maintain attractive headquarters at 6618 Bay Parkway and who regularly poll one of the Irgest Socialist votes, in New York City, are confident that the ball will attract a large attendance of merrymakers, who will with their presence not only add substantially to the branch funds for propaganda work during the forthcoming year but will also recruite many followers for th party...
...The results, after the pregaaeary warming-up process, were nam than happy...
...CLEANERS' AND DYERS' STRIKE GAINING The strike of the drivers and inside workers of the cleaning and dyeing industry, conducted by Local 185, Cleaning and Dye House Drivers' Union, is concluding its third week...
...They outstripped anything we have seen in New York City for many years and no one, observing the parade could have failed to be impressed and deeply moved by the spectacle...
...Now that the Mayor has JSjsjettrsted what can be done to map into line even the big utilities surely by threatening to go into competition with them—as witness the Consolidated Gas Company's afar to reduce the city's gas and dull'* rates by 25%—we should teassst emphatic in our insistence that the city carry into actual operSUSa its threats, not only in regard te light, but also telephone, milk sad other necessities...
...One heard such' phrases as "there is no way to reconcile faith in Christ with any-' thing that has to do with war,"— "war constitutes blasphemy against oar jfcighest ideals,"—"I denounce war as a crime against man and sin against God,"—"my generation will act believe that the church is honest until the church has declared herself to be unalterably through with war... the question to be treated at a special conference run by the Educational Department of the I.L.G.W.U., at 8 West 16th Street, New York City...
...The May Day performance, its magnitude, its color, the enthusiasm which marked the response of teas of thousands, could not have been achieved without heroic efforts of scores of responsible persons...
...W. G. Ernst, prominent member of the Conservative Party, now in control of the government, predicts that Conservatives and Liberals will undoubtedly be forced to unite against "the common menace of Socialism...
...Bensonhurst Socialists' BaU Saturday Night The Bensonhurst Socialists, one of the largest and liveliest branches of the party in New York, will hold their annual ball Saturday night i Mr-> 11th) at the Jewish Community Center, Kings Highway and Bay Parkway, Brooklyn...
...Rallies for the Labor League candidates,' of which the Socialist Party in Passaic is a part, will be held in the Workmen's Circle, 50 Howe Avenue, Thursday and Friday nights, at 8:30 P. M. Business meeting of Branch 1 will take place Friday, May 17th, at 8:30...
...I'm not...
...On Sunday afternoon 2,000 otf these Retail Tailors and Cleaners crowded Webster Hall to capacity...
...Reservations through the Claessens Dinner Committee, Joseph Beckerman sec'y, 95 Avenue B. Rockland County Celebrates The fourth anniversary of the installation of Rockland County Local will be observed at a dinner in the Hob Nob, Nyack Turnpike, Nanuet, Friday, May 10, at 8 p.m...
...They took up a generous collection for the strike fund of the Cleaners and Dyers and voted for a parade to City Hall and mass picketing against the chain stores...
...He is now president of the Metal Trades Department of the American Federation of Labor...
...RISE OF SOCIALISM IN CANADA VISIONED The rise of Socialism in Canada to a point that will cause a realignment of existing parties is visioned by Canadian political leaders...
...fa the spirit of tree patriotism aad with deep personal conviction, I therefere iiaaaa^war aad never will These words rang with high devotion and sincerity particularly after the earnest "confessions" by three clergymen and one rabbi who' had seen active service in the last' war and told the story of their change of heart...
...His subject is, "The Crisis in the Labor' Movement...
...who could have watched them with out a deep-rooted conviction that these youngsters will in the future bear high the torch of fraternity and justice to which the Workmen's Circle has long ago dedicated itself...
...the Wosjsb'i Committee in conjunction ftttf'lae Socialist Teachers will hold a conference in Butler, N. J. I am getting, a word in about this a little early because I am anxious that as many as people keep this date open for the conference...
...the Youth organizations With its hundreds of youngsters—these, too, lent color and credit...
...No less Mpgfty-one women's organizataui have joined this concerted ahisad next Tuesday, May 14th, at soon they are descending on Jfajar LaGuardia with their . delUfa...
...Upper West Side Dinner B. Charney Vladeck will act as toastmaster at the May Solidarity Dinner under the auspices of the Upper West Side Branch, at Cecil Restaurant, 2512 Broadway, near 94th St., New York City, Saturday evening, May 11, at 7 o'clock...
...Besides cultural work, Friday evenings are devoted to labor organization...
...Sixty plants controlled by the Cleaners' and Dyers' Board of Trade have signed an agreement with the union for a 40-hour veek, a closed shop and other conditions...
...Bat the spirit of that May Day still lingers in the hearts of thousands hoping for a ,better world, a great classconsciousness among the toilers of life...
...It is planned to have similar meetings in all the larger cities of the land and to extend she organization of ministers against war to all parts of the world...
...These concerns are responsible for the worst conditions in the industry and a stubborn fight is on...
...Abraham Lefkowitz of the Teachers' Union will also contribute to the discussion...
...I think that the interest in foeialist womMg act i vities aaaU be considerably en' ^geed if more mt0 com- ades as a hand, igf conversely, j^Jould encourtgt women who g,K been too tiaid about the* asm abilitjj...
...Henry Pascal, Mrs...
...Among the faculty are Dr...
...Our own two women's committees did themselves proud in the way of hospitality and entertainment and I know it was enjoyed by our guests...
...Branches are actively engaged in a municipal campaign which closes May 14th...
...I, as always, carried on my own perpetual campaign for greater particiption by women in the affairs of their organizations...
...Frey has been editor ef the Molders' Journal since 1903 and was president of the Ohio Federation of Labor in 1924...
...In loyalty to my country I support its adoption of the Kellogg Briand Pact which renounces war...
...August Claessens, Chairman of the Socialist Party Labor Committee, was given a rising vote of appreciation following his address and his offer of cooperation in the great organization drive of the Retail Tailors' and Cleaners' Union Notable Solidarity Is Shown 4 By ftjfay Day Conference...
...Yipsels meet each Wednesday at 8 P. M. All meetings and lectures, unless otherwise specified, are held at the Passaic Labor Center, 201 Washington Place (in former post office building), rooms 112-114...
...As the secretary of the Labor May Day Conference, in daily touch with innumerable details...
...As for the Socialist Party, with : its various locals and- branches...
...This wen is a call for an im•jtsthre demonstration cn May 14...
...Visiting lecturers include Emil Schlesinger (Labor Under the Law), Elias Lieberman (Picketing and Injunctions), Julius Hochman (Strike and Negotiation Tactics), Isidore Nagler (The Crisis in Cloaks) and other prominent union members...
...they who waited in line, responded to the band of music, listened to the concert and speeches in Central Park...
...I dare not think in terms of mentioning names and organizations although the temptation is strong to single out the Joint Board of Dressmakers, Joint Board of Cloakmakers and the Amalgamated Clothing Workers, for the numerical strength, the efficiency and order, the color and effectiveness of their showing...
...Harry Emerson Fosdick aad btriH by the milliona of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., when,, in response to a call signed when, in response to a call signed Francis J. McConnell, Suffragan Bishop Charles K. Gilbert, Dr...
...I AM glad of an opportunity pub* licly to express my appreciation of the cooperation received in connection with our 1 recent magnificent May Day celebration...
...Women Socialists to Fight W Against High Cqst of Living I |y Gertrude Weil Kleia -«s | NOTICE that recently Com...
...There would then that'heed for me to write a womfgw column at all, which would be f~Ttaty for everybody, ether evening the Women's of the West Bronx threw a ij to which the women brought (|sjr protesting some non-Socialist fgfeands and in a few cases grownm leg...
...Harry Emerson Fosdick, Dr...
...A package party and entertainment will be given at the headquarters, 81-12 Rockaway Blvd., Hammels, Saturday evening, May 11th...
...Lefkowitz served as chairman of the State Platform Committee of the Farmer Labor Party in 1920...
...And the little children of the Young Circle League, with their flags and banners, their .songs and smiles...
...Great enthusiasm is displayed in the support of a local strike at the Winkler's Warehouses...
...Under the leadership of the A. F- of L. our members are picketing, distributing leaflets, and raising funds for the strike victims...
...An attractive souvenir book has been published in connection with the affair...
...Some 2,000 will continue the strike against the chain store companies and their plants...
...Representative Thomas R. Amiie, Farmer-Laborite frpm Wisconsin, will draw upon his experience in Congress, and Julius Hochman, Chairman of the Education Committee, I.L.G.W.U., will preside...
...The same is true of the Amalgamated, that organization which responds so readily to the call for cooperation, whether it is on the picket line, in strikes, or in general wor kof organization...
...Frances Pollack and Walter G. Hodge will lead the discussion in which the parents, of course, will take part...
...Such eminent educators as Albert Smalheiser, Mrs...
...i Westchester Workers Regain 10 Per Cent Wage Cut WHITE PLAINS, N. Y.—After two years of agitation by the Socialist Party in Westchester the County Board of Supervisors voted a 10 per cent restoration in pay cuts to county employees receiving i less than $3,000 a year...
...And the Workmen's Circle, with Joseph Baskin at the head...
...A hot blast by Leonard Bright, executive secretary of the West- j cheater Socialist local, against a] proposed ordinance banning picket-1 ing in New Roc belle brought a disclaimer from Mayor Paul M. Crandell...
...ONEAL IN PASSAIC ON FRIDAY, MAY 24th PASSAIC, N. J,—James Oneal will be guest speaker at the next public forum sponsored by Branch 1, Friday, May 24th, at 8:30...
...This will be an unusual opportunity for parents to thresh out from every angle the many perplexing problems they and their children face, in relation to each other, in relation to the school system and in relation to the teachers...
...The May Day of 1835 i* *m*m of the past now...
...H. Bernstein was chairmar of the meeting and several speakers representing the Retailers' and the Drivers' and Inside Workers' unions addressed the meeting...
...William Pierson Merrill of the Brick Presbyterian Church repeated in unison this "covenant of peace": . "In loyalty to God I believe that the way of true religion cannot be reconciled with the way of war...
...State Secretary Herbert M. Merrill, Oganizer T. W. Davis, Rev...
...The 50 students will be active trade unionists sent by their locals for these intensive courses...
...Whole families work shamefully long hours in these stores and their income is miserably low...
...OST sway, May 10th...
...Now we insist {pithe men bring their non-memH| wives with them on the next *t|* Aeti-H.C.L...
...The Women's Committee of the Rand School in . conjunction with the Socialist Women's Committee gave a reception to nearly 300 women who had come from all over the country to attend the convention...
...G.W.U., will start at Brookwood Labor College, Katonah, N. Y., May 13 and continue for five days...
...Interest in the ball extends far beyond the boundaries of the Bensonhurst branch, and comrades from every part of the city i are planning to attend...
...te assume % larger share mt the party work which is ususlly laff-tai the men...
...A larger institute for 100 students is planned for Unity House, May 24-28, inclusive...
...Only about 100 of them were delegates and out of the entire delegation which must have numbered a thousand men and womn, this is a small proportion, but when it is remembered that these are all busy housewives, most of them with small children, the percentage is not as small as it appears...
...Trade Union Service Training The first Training - for - TradeUnion-Service Institute, one of a series planned for the summer by the Educational Department, I.L...
...that our ranks are still united in our daily tasks of organisation and up-building...
...ft'is significant that these men plainly acted from personal conviction and not because they felt they were representing their constituents... for the Butchers, Furriers, Neckwear Makers, Barbers, Capmakers, and all the rest—who can have seen that tremendous turn-out without thrilling with warmth and hope...
...Oosstdcwn to City Hall if it means sans sacrifice...
...Joel Seidman (Labor Before and After the NRA), Dr.Lazare Teper (Economics of the Garment Industry), and Miss Rebecca Jarvis (Public Speaking and English...
...The meeting was attended by a .throng .who listened in breathless silence when more than two handled clergymen gathered about the altar and led by the Rev...
...the Central Park Mall has been cleared for other purposes...
...asTjjde Algernon Ix:e has taken to barging into what was formerly my exclusive territory...
...All lovers of peace, and that includes all Social-' ists, cannot but welcome this new spirit among the ministers of religion, and every Socialist will wish them well and hope that they may show similar wisdom and courage in identifying themselves with the Socialist world-movement, the most powerful instrument in the fight against war and fascism...
...If -^'{jlink I'm not complaining, «s**re right...
...handling untold problems involving conflicting currents of opinion and desire, I look back upon the crowded pre-May Day weeks with a sense ,of inspiration and renewed hope for our future...
...He was elected again in 1920...
...Although nominally storekeepers, they are really working people and they are brutally exploited by the large cleaning connerns and victimized by the cutthroat competition of the chain store and the competition among themselves...
...This organization represents some 20,000 small business people engaged in this industry...
...Parkman B. Flanders, several times Socialist Mayor of this city, has just died here at 78...
...We know that this May Day demonstration was more than a mere parade or a mass meeting...
...Frank Cross waith and others will speak...
...The significance of this meeting and its' declarations lies not only in the fact that they came at a time when the world is again faced with the prospect <Sf a war more terrible in its consequences than the last, but rather that for the first time in the history of the church a large group of its recognized leaders dared publicly to declare itself against war...
...The party will now demand that] a second 10 per cent reduction be] restored to these 350 workers...
...Entertainment will be provided by WEVD artists...
...Joan Hsyne* Holmes, Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, Rabbi Sidney E. Goldstein and others, more than two hundred Protestant clergymen and rabbis met for a"' service of repentance and consecration...
...The dinner will be given by the 6th A. D. branch of the Socialist Party, of which Claessens is a member...
...He has been a vice-president of the American Federation of Teachers since 1919 ' and legislative representative of the Teachers' Union since WI7...
...that sooner or later these disciplined, these united workers, will usher in a new world of Socialism, a world of cooperation and equality, with the evils of capitalism and war forever driven from our midst...
...Parkman B. Flanders, Former Mayor of HaverhiH, Dies at 78 HAVERHILL, Mass...
...Socialism in Canada is expressed by the Cooperative Commonwealth Federation, a federation of> trade unions, fanners' organizations and Socialist parties, which limits its present program to nationalization of transportation, power and banking, but stands at the same time for the complete Socialist goal...
...Raphael Abramowitsch received a great ovation when he appeared last Saturday before a crowded audience at our headquarters and a large sum was collected for the Social Democratic exiles in Paris...
...He based his conviction on the belief that the future obviously wdS a struggle between capitalism and Socialism...
...On the whole the Workmen's Circle is in the forefront in stimulating activity among the women and the children and has, I think, more women participants than any other organization of a similar nature...
...Dancing follows...
...The trip will be a very inexpensive one, as the Comrades Chaiken donate their home and grounds for thh occasion and also supply refreshment...
...Abraham Presser will take reservations by telephone at TRafalgar 7-9890...
...The tens of thousands of workers who paraded, waving their flags and banners, singing their songs, marching step by step up the...
...Let the children take their lunch with them and bring the babies along if you can't Bad anyone with whom \< park them...
...CONFERENCE TO DISCUSS POLITICS "OHOULD the workers form a new political party, or should they concentrate on making their power felt inside the existing parties...
...Dinner to Honor Claessens On June 7th A dinner to celebrate the 50th birthday of August Claessens and the 25th anniversary of his entrance int oactive Socialist Party work will be held June 7th at Beethoven Hall, 210 East 5th St, New York City...
...I had the happy opportunity of saying a word of greeting on behalf of The New Leader to the women delegates and women guests of the Workmen's Circle Convention...
...Conference ojtaawhile there's that most important Conference against the §§jiCost of Living on which the H/asMu's Committee has been sorting vigorously and effectively these last few months...
...As for the Millinery Workers, the Painters, the Bakers...
...The printed program of the meeting carried the statement that the men who had called the meeting were "acting as individuals and not officially for their denominations and churches...
...Flanders was first elected in W03, following several terms by John C. Chase, first Socialist Mayor in the United States, and he served two terms...
...Rockaway Socialists Working for Labor Members of the Rockaway party branch and the Workmen's Circle' are buzzing with activity...
...Upon these terms voted upon by the membership about 5,000 workers will return to their jobs...
...I wonder bowmany of them fully realized the mountainous tasks confronting the leaders of their particular organization in their efforts to bring out the rank and file of labor...
...He telephoned Bright to this effect...
...The traffic of Eighth Avenue continues as usual...
...continually conferring with men and women of various local- and branches...
...These retailers also pledged themselves to carry,on an intensive organization campaign to strengthen their own union...
...A. Batten and David Roth will speak...
...In recent years his health had not been good and he had long been inactive...

Vol. 18 • May 1935 • No. 19

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